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Has NE1 seen this? Re: *** Hungarian Lobby Digest *** V1 #141

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Jun 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/4/96

I just stumbled upon this baby in soc.culture.magyar. When R we gonna C
a Romanian Lobby (or at least a corridor :^) )?

In article <4ot3g2$>,
Hungarian Lobby <> wrote:
>*** Hungarian Lobby Digest *** Sun, 2 Jun 1996 Vol 01 No 141
> Greetings from the Hungarian Lobby
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>In this issue:
> HL: Danube: J.P.Morgan
> HL: Romania's MFN
> HL: Response to Mrs. Mr. Becker about securitate
> [none]
> HL: Re: No Subject
>See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the Hungarian Lobby
>or Hungarian Lobby Digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues.
>Date: Sat, 1 Jun 1996 23:45:13 -0400
>Subject: HL: Danube: J.P.Morgan
>From: Mihály Tapolyai, MD June 1, 1996
>To: Sandy Warner, Chairperson
> J.P. Morgan & Co. Inc.
> 60 Wall Street
> New York, NY 10260-0060
> Fax: 212-648-5210
>Dear Chairman Warner,
>I would like to ask you not to sponsor or finance the rerouting of the Danube
>river and the completion of the dam near Gabcikovo that the Slovak Government
>asked you to finance!
>This is a project that is both immoral and illegal. It is immoral because it
>would be
>a major environmental disaster to destroy the fragile environment, called
>with its unique ecology and to replace this wetland with a cement trough.
>It is also an illegal project because it involves a major point of contention
>neighboring Hungary who will lose territory to Slovakia based on the
>Slovak decision to so proceed despite of Hungary's clear objections.
>however, seems unwilling to heed these objections. Hungary has agreed to a
>peaceful resolution of this project by Slovakia through the International
>Court of
>Justice, under the conditions, that the temporary diversion is not finalized
>in the
>meantime. ICJ has scheduled this lawsuit to start in February, 1997.
>I would like to ask you not to finance such an act of violence against the
>environment and Hungary!
>Yours sincerely,
> Mihály Tapolyai, MD
> (Mayo Clinic Jacksonville)
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>Date: Sat, 1 Jun 1996 23:45:24 -0400
>Subject: HL: Romania's MFN
>From: Mihály Tapolyai, MD June 1, 1996
> The Honorable Bill Archer, Chairman
> Committee on Ways and Means
> 1102 Longworth House Office Building
> Washington, DC 20515
> (Fax: 202-225-4381)
>Dear Mr. Chairman,
>I am a member of the Hungarian Lobby of the United States which has been
>formed to provide a
>voice for the 1.6 million Hungarian-American voters.
>I am writing in connection with the House bill, H.R. 3161, introduced by
>Congressman Phil Crane
>of Illinois and Congressman Tom Lantos of California. This bill would
>eliminate the yearly renewal of
>Romania's MFN status by making that status permanent and unconditional. I
>strongly object to
>this recommendation and strongly support Senator Dole's position, who said,
>that curbing
>press freedoms, condoning extremist nationalism, refusing to return church
>properties and denying
>cultural autonomy to the Hungarian national community is not the way to gain
>permanent MFN
>Respectfully yours,
> Mihály Tapolyai, MD
> (Mayo Clinic Jacksonville)
>cc: Congressman Philip M. Crane (Fax: 202-225-7830)
> Congressman Tom Lantos (Fax: 202-225-3127)
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>From: Sigismund Biro <>
>Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 02:32:14 -0600 (MDT)
>Subject: HL: Response to Mrs. Mr. Becker about securitate
>Dear Mrs. Mr. Becker !
>In your reply regarding the securitate officer's confession you wrote:
>" One report, especially if the source or its principal relay may be too
>easily considered biased, isn't enough. Does anyone know of any evidence,
>high-placed witnesses, etc. who either corroborate or refute this stuff
>as _present_ modus operandi? Not just opinions--evidence? "
>Unfortunately the "stuff" you mentioned are facts, not just
>opinions--evidence ! I do know for the American people occasionally is
>difficult to understand the happenings in Eastern Europe, but there is a
>good explanation for it: how often the TV or Radio talks about it ???
>Yes, I can supply you a dozen evidences which corroborate the
>informations provided by the retired securitate officer. For the present
>I'm providing you a new documentation which proves the existence and
>continuity of the Securitate.
>The so called telephone tapping scandal started on may 13, when a high
>ranking SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) officer, captain Constantin
>Bucur revealed what everybody knew, but nobody had proves.
>Please read the story summarized by Romanian newspapers.
>Respectfully, Zsigmond Biro
> " The scandal of phone tappings produced by captain Bucur is far from
> dying. Authorised sources from the Romanian Intelligence Service
> (SRI) said the institution did not authorise the tapping of phones
> indicated by the officer. Bucur says the opposite. The military
> prosecution began an investigation. The parliamentary commission on
> SRI activities has already begun investigations too. For the time
> being, until learning the results (if we ever learn them) we cannot
> pronounce on the guilts of some or the others of the people involve.
> Only Mr Iliescu can afford to defend Virgil Magureanu without
> waiting for the conclusions of the investigations. Perhaps that is
> how he understands the role of president as guarantor of the
> Constitution. But we are not interested in that now, but in a
> concrete information, the only of the kind appeared during the
> scandal, an information offered by senator Vasile Vacaru. He said
> that SRI obtained from the General Prosecution, according to the law,
> warrants for 830 phone tappings.
> We repeat: 830 phone tappings! According to the Constitution of
> Romania, article 28 , the secret of phone talks is inviolable. In its
> turn, the law on the organization and functioning of SRI leaves an
> open door to phone tappings by SRI workers, with warrant from the
> General Prosecution, when there are suspicions about a possible
> attempt to national security. We do not approach the possible
> unconstitionality of that law. National security is above any
> personal or group interests. A single thing intrigues us. SRI is a
> serious institution, so we cannot presume they requested warrants for
> phone tappings without serious suspicions. That is why we are curious
> to learn how many of the hundreds of people whose phones were tapped
> were prosecuted. As we remember, the cases for attempt to national
> security were only a few but they did not include accusations based
> on recordings of phone conversations, although such evidence is
> admitted in court.
> We do not expect 800 people to be prosecuted. Perhaps many of them
> were innocent and phone tapping contributed to clarify the situation
> and eliminate them from the circle of presumed guilty. But, we
> repeat, mandates for tappings could not be issued without pertinent
> reasons. So half, a quarter, a hundred of the people whose phones
> were tapped should have entitled the suspicions according to which
> the warrants were issued. Where are those 100 people? What did they
> do to attempt to national security?Why aren't those cases made known
> to the public opinion? SRI has not offered at least a concrete case,
> or a name by which it could prove that tappings were entitled. The
> 830 recordings remained surrounded by mystery. What is hiding behind
> this secret preserved so well at moments when SRI would be interested
> in proving good will in observing the laws of the country? When can
> we learn the list of the people whose phones were tapped to convince
> us that the action was legal? Here are a few questions urgently
> awaiting for answers.
> Top sources affirmed, as usual before the completion of
> investigations, that phones of political parties were not tapped.
> Should we believe them? We risk to prove too much credulity. In
> particular in such times when evidence comes out daily, proving that
> the policy of blackmail is fully functioning at a rate exceeding any
> imagination.
> Let us not forget the halucinating practices of the head of the
> control corps of the prime minister, against which no measure was
> taken according to laws in force. On files concerning huge frauds,
> Ion Honcescu, Head of the Premier's Control Corps, personally wrote
> that no action be taken and that they should be preserved to see for
> what they could be used. Obviously, in order to protect the clients
> of the Power on one hand, regardless of the size of prejudices
> brought by them to public wealth and in order to supply its leaders
> other instruments of blackmail on the other hand. In Honcescu's case
> it is only one of the many flagrant proofs of the blackmail policy
> practiced by people holding the power. In fact, the only policy they
> have tenaciously and consistently developed. For the time being, SRI
> says it did not authorise the tappings made by captain Bucur. The
> same as it said it had not authorised the tappings ordered by former
> SRI chief from Maramures. Nevertheless, phone conversations being are
> tapped with or without warrant. The latest reactions to captain
> Bucur's disclosures accredit the idea that in fact, the battle
> between PDSR and PUNR for Romtelecom was in fact the battle to take
> over the monopoly of phone tappings.
> Unfortunately, it seems that the 830 warrants issued according to the
> law are only meant to fool people, as against the sizes this practice
> has reached. "
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>Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 14:36:11, -0500
>Subject: [none]
>The Honorable Bill Archer, Chairman
>Committee on Ways and Means
>1102 Longworth House Office Building
>Washington, DC 20515
>(Fax: 202-225-4381)
>Dear Mr. Chairman,
>I am a member of the Hungarian Lobby of the United States which has
>been formed to provide a
>voice for the 1.58 million Hungarian-American voters.
>I am writing in connection with the House bill, H.R. 3161, introduced
>by Congressman Phil Crane of
>Illinois and Congressman Tom Lantos of California. This bill would
>eliminate the yearly renewal of
>Romania's MFN status by making that status permanent and
>unconditional. I strongly object to this
>recommendation and strongly support Senator Dole's position, who said,
> that curbing press freedoms,
>condoning extremist nationalism, refusing to return church
>properties and denying cultural autonomy to the Hungarian national
>community is not the way to gain
>permanent MFN status.
>I would like to note that the very purpose of the Trade Act of 1974
>(the Jackson-Vanik Ammendment,
>which established MFN) was: To assume the continued dedication of
>the United States to
>fundamental human rights.. It is that very purpose that would be
>compromised by the H.H. #3161
>bill, by terminating the most important vehicle the United States has
>for the defense of human rights.
>At a time when our European allies are setting up effective
>mechanisms to protect human rights, the
>United States, the leader of the free world, which originated the
>fight for human rights, should not
>give such a sad example of unprincipled retreat on this front.
>I would respectfully remind you Mr. Chairman, that while some states,
>such as China can afford to
>disregard the human rights concerns of the United States, Romania can
>not. I would also like to
>remind you that the beneficiary of the Crane-Lantos bill would not be
>the Romanian people, as they
>already enjoy the benefits of MFN. The only beneficiary would be Ion
>Iliescu who, being a former
>Communist, who is running against a reform movement in this fall's
>election, and would use the
>Crane-Lantos bill as an American endorsement of his presidency.
>Therefore I respectfully ask you to
>support Senator Dole's position and postpone the vote on Romanian MFN
>until after the elections in
>Respectfully yours,
>Attila Haverland,
>107 Cardinal Circle
>Hockessin, DE 19707
>cc: Congressman Philip M. Crane (Fax: 202-225-7830)
> Congressman Tom Lantos (Fax: 202-225-3127
>Attila Haverland
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>Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 16:09:07 -0400
>Subject: HL: Re: No Subject
>Kosz Attila! Bela
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>End of *** Hungarian Lobby Digest *** V1 #141
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