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Realitatea... laboratorul lui "Dumnezeu" ?

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Dec 10, 2004, 8:38:18 AM12/10/04
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa, kirilla ???????????

Is ours a virtual reality? British scientists think deep thoughts

LONDON (AFP) - Is it all just a dream? Speculation that reality is nothing
but an illusion, or simulation, or controlled environment, has been with us
for thousands of years, most recently doled out as pop culture brain candy
with the likes of the US film "The Matrix".

But now two respected British scientists, physicist Martin Rees and
mathematician John Barrow, are questioning whether all matter and mind we
know is not the creation of some mega-supercomputer somewhere.

"A few decades ago, computers were only able to simulate very simple
patterns. They can now create virtual worlds with a lot of detail," Rees
told AFP.

"In the future, we could imagine computers able to simulate worlds perhaps
even as complicated as the one we think we're living in."

Martin, an astronomer at the prestigious Cambridge University, dares a
thought that could have been deemed far-fetched among serious scientists
only a while back: "The question is : Could we be in such a simulation?"

In this case, the universe would not be all-encompassing but only part of an
ensemble Rees and Barrow call the "multiverse".

Barrow, who also teaches at Cambridge, described in an academic article that
it was long known that a civilization slightly more advanced than our own
could simulate "universes in which self-conscious entities can emerge and
communicate with one another".

In a much more computer-savvy society with vastly more advanced technology,
"instead of merely simulating their weather or the formation of galaxies,
like we do, they would be able to go further and watch the appearance of
stars and planetary systems," he added.

"Then, having coupled the rules of biochemistry into their astronomical
simulations, they would be able to watch the evolution of life and

With the same ease that we humans watch the "life cycle of fruit flies",
Barrow said, the machine masters of the universe could "watch the
civilizations grow and communicate with each other, argue about whether
there existed a Great Programmer in the Sky who could intervene at will in
defiance of the laws of Nature they habitually observed".

The theory of the Cambridge pair of scientists has not met with widespread
approval among peers, however. Seth Lloyd, professor of quantum mechanical
engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (news - web sites)
(MIT), pointed out such a simulation would require an "unimaginably large"

Lloyd, in comments published last week in The Sunday Times, gave a jab to
the duo, comparing them to a science fiction book with a cult following --
Douglas Adams' "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", which stars a
supercomputer named Deep Thought.

"The Hitchhiker's Guide is a great book but it remains fiction," Lloyd said.


Dec 10, 2004, 4:56:33 PM12/10/04

"Rino" <ri...@acoloundevantulrostogoleste.norii> wrote in message

> Aaaaaaaaaaaaa, kirilla ???????????
> Is ours a virtual reality? British scientists think deep thoughts

Pai daca e atotstiutor la ce ii mai trebuie laborator?

Dec 10, 2004, 11:56:30 PM12/10/04
Sf. Post al Nasterii Domnului!
Daca saracii nu pot suporta aceste 40 de zile si se dau de caesul
mortii, ce va fi cu ei in Iadul cel Vesnic, ca hulitori de Hristos?
Nebunia nebuniilor: " "Nebunul zice in inima lui: nu este Dumnezeu"
(Cartea Proverbelor lui Solomon).

Argon Red Head

Dec 11, 2004, 3:17:11 AM12/11/04
"Rino" <ri...@acoloundevantulrostogoleste.norii> wrote in message

Rino , isn't this a little out of your level of tought ?

> Aaaaaaaaaaaaa, kirilla ???????????

> Is ours a virtual reality? British scientists think deep thoughts

Did they get their hands on to much project money and they have no ideea
what to do with
it ?

What is this mumblejumble ?

> With the same ease that we humans watch the "life cycle of fruit flies",
> Barrow said, the machine masters of the universe could "watch the
> civilizations grow and communicate with each other, argue about whether
> there existed a Great Programmer in the Sky who could intervene at will in
> defiance of the laws of Nature they habitually observed".

> The theory of the Cambridge pair of scientists has not met with widespread
> approval among peers, however. Seth Lloyd, professor of quantum mechanical
> engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (news - web sites)
> (MIT), pointed out such a simulation would require an "unimaginably large"
> computer.

Cambridge has a long and well known history of sucefull teams of
scientists .

> Lloyd, in comments published last week in The Sunday Times, gave a jab to
> the duo, comparing them to a science fiction book with a cult following --
> Douglas Adams' "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", which stars a
> supercomputer named Deep Thought.

> "The Hitchhiker's Guide is a great book but it remains fiction," Lloyd said.

Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG


Dec 11, 2004, 3:29:48 AM12/11/04

<> wrote in message

Ba nu: nebunia nebuniilor este sa crezi in timpeniile din biblie si in
barbati barbosi si nevazuti din ceruri.

Plus ca postezi de la:


iar "kiril" de la:


Asa ca las-o balta. dobitocule cretinule.

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