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Mar 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/3/00
Din RL, la rubrica Muzica:

>violonistul Gabriel Croitoru in compania pianistei
>Clementina Ristea a cucerit prin tehnica sa brianta dublata de >stiinta
frazarii si arcuirea generoasa din Introducere si Rondo Capriccioso de
Saint-Saens (multi dintre spectatori fiind convinsi ca sunetul splendid
este al viorii Stradivarius pe care a castigat-o prin concurs in urma cu
>un an si jumatate, dar pe care inca o mai asteapta fara prea mari
>sperante, pentru ca cei in drept ii ofera doar promisiuni...).

Domnule Orasel, scoate bre Davidoff-ul ala de la naftalina, ca s-asa, ce faci
matale cu el, scirta-scirta pe hirtie? Sau il tii pe post de


Mar 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/3/00
>Subject: Stradivarius
>From: (Aschiuta)

>Introducere si Rondo Capriccioso de
>Saint-Saens (multi dintre spectatori fiind convinsi ca sunetul splendid
>este al viorii Stradivarius pe care a castigat-o prin concurs in urma cu
>>un an si jumatate,

>Domnule Orasel, scoate bre Davidoff-ul ala de la naftalina, ca s-asa, ce faci

>matale cu el, scirta-scirta pe hirtie? Sau il tii pe post de

bai tzandura, davidoffu ie flautu fermecat al hoashtei80, cum 'cinta' cum apare
'baiatu' ... uita de tricodava, cacani, padurici, santuri, basini: "I looove
you mutti"!


PS: still CONte_nt? lol


Mar 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/3/00
>Date: 03/03/2000 3:03 AM Pacific Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

>bai tzandura, davidoffu ie flautu fermecat al hoashtei80, cum 'cinta' cum
>'baiatu' ... uita de tricodava, cacani, padurici, santuri, basini: "I looove
>you mutti"!

Nu serios Domnitzo draga ,prin tot ce scrii imi tot dai de inteles ca tu inca-l
mai iubesti...Uita-l fetitzo ca va fii in folosul tau, pana la urma


Mar 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/3/00

Archivist4 <> wrote:

> Nu serios Domnitzo draga ,prin tot ce scrii imi tot dai de
inteles ca tu inca-l
> mai iubesti...

Stiu si io, Mike, io n-as fi chiar asa de sigur. Nu vazusi ca i-a
dat rendez-vous lu singuraticu si nici macar nu l-a tratat de


Mar 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/3/00
>Subject: Re: Stradivarius
>From: (Archivist4)
>Date: 3/3/00 7:53 AM Eastern Standard Time

>Nu serios Domnitzo draga ,prin tot ce scrii imi tot dai de inteles


Nu serious Mike draga, prin tot ce scrii ... stii care-i 'cestiunea' cu tine?
tu intzelegi numai ceea ce vrei tu. foloasele, ponoasele, ce-a fost, ce este
si ce va fi ... adu-ti aminte ce-a zis obscur "cheia e la mine", lol!

un pahar de retzina in cinstea ta Mike!


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00

Ο "DOMNITZA" <> έγραψε στο μήνυμα

Uau! Mike! Ce o fi si apropou asta cu retsina a lui chicken Domnitza? Te
pomenesti ca ea crede ca .....


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
>Subject: Re: Stradivarius
>From: "gogu"
>Date: 3/3/00 6:47 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <89pivr$9bi$>


io's a_gno_stik, bre, te las pe tine sa crezi ce vrei tu, marele
pireu(mashedpotatoes) neam cu papandreu(lol), io ma carambalez in Ass_toria si
beau o retzina cu pretenasi!


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00

Ο "DOMNITZA" <> έγραψε στο μήνυμα

De unde bre chicken eu sa fiu neam cu Papandreu? Da, il cunosc (pe fiu, ca
tata e de mult sub pamint) si atita tot. Si ce-i cu Pireu asta? Ce treaba am
eu cu Pireu? Ai auzit vre-o data de Ekali?
Te cred ca te duci in Astoria si bei cu Grecii retsina, ca din cite aud nu
te prea tin banii pt ceva mai mult:-)) N-ai auzit sfatu cuiva
(Archivistului? poate ma insel totusi...) care ti-a zis mai de mult sa ai
grija cu afacerili la real estate...
Hai pa.

Ti-s-a revenit un pic, sau tot crezi ca sint Chivulescu sau Orasel sau
Jorj sau mai stiu eu cine? Nu de alta, dar cum ti-am zis mai de mult, la
inceput mi-ai fost simpatica...
A, si sa nu uit: salutarile mele iluminatului:-)


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
>Subject: Re: Stradivarius
>From: "gogu"
>Date: 3/3/00 7:37 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <89plsi$ams$>

da mai 'basinosule' stiu foarte bine cine esti!

am avut chef de gluma nu de cearta cu unul ca tine: SN#35/50 ... Li, baby, Li!


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
>Date: 03/03/2000 4:24 PM Pacific Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

>io's a_gno_stik, bre, te las pe tine sa crezi ce vrei tu, marele
>pireu(mashedpotatoes) neam cu papandreu(lol), io ma carambalez in Ass_toria
>beau o retzina cu pretenasi!

>io's a_gno_stik, bre, te las pe tine sa crezi ce vrei tu, marele
>pireu(mashedpotatoes) neam cu papandreu(lol), io ma carambalez in Ass_toria
>beau o retzina cu pretenasi!

Mai Domnitzo m-a incanta foarte mult faptul ca vei bea o retzina sin-n cinstea
mea. Daca stiam asta mai de mult iti trimiteam si tie un martzisor alaltaieri.
Fii atenta cum conduci spre casa dupa ce ai baut niste retzina cu pretenasii,
Hai noroc si la mai mare!


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
> >From: (Aschiuta)
> >Introducere si Rondo Capriccioso de
> >Saint-Saens (multi dintre spectatori fiind convinsi ca sunetul splendid
> >este al viorii Stradivarius pe care a castigat-o prin concurs in urma cu
> >>un an si jumatate,

cinei individu ala tradivariu ?


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00

comme Gigi Cale par exemple;
la téchique consiste à en penser (à ciupi) coardele(1)

(1)-dézolé mais je ne sé pas comment on dit "coardâ" en français


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00

Ο "DOMNITZA" <> έγραψε στο μήνυμα

Come again? Ce tot bilbii acolo bolnavo? Ce-i aia SN#35/50?... Zi-mi si mie
ca nu-nteleg... Mai ales, zi-mi si mie cine sint ca ultima data ziceai ca
sint Jorj-Horst-Kivulescu-Orasel si mai stiu eu cine... Hai ca ai haj cind
te infurii si debitezi prostii!... Sa-ti ei medicamentele si salutarile mele

Acum sincer sa fiu, am niste dubii daca tu esti Domnitza cea adevarata,
sau altcineva care scrie folosind SN-ul tau... Cum am mai zis, ea parea cit
de cit mai serioasa... In schimb tu ai un miros de ... "bashina" vorba ta:-)


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
>Subject: Re: Stradivarius
>From: "gogu"


cindva , nu demult, incercam sa vad numai calitatile tale dar acum imi
stirnesti mila.

aduna-te de pe drumuri si ai grija de tine ca-i pacat de mintea ta. e dureros
de observat ce detasare, apoape completa, exista la tine intre judecata si
emotie: scrii si te porti ca un robot, putinele emotii care le descri sint
legate numai de sex, obsesie dusa la absurd ... vezi statuia soldatului roman,
lectorul si prenadezu, zoofilie,etc.

inceteaza incercarile de ponegrire ca mie mi se filfiie de valorile tale
morale; atita murdarie verbala ai deversat pe scr ca ai desensibilizat si pe
cei "rai", aceia care prin rautate de fapt isi protejau micul bagaj de valori
cu care scapasera din mizga comunista.

am citeva paciente, care ca tine au bipolar dx, dar spre deosebire de tine
aceste persoane iau Li si sint 'functionale' in societatea asta mediocra: se
intretin singure, creaza valori, exista ... nu sint la cheremul unei hoashte,
pe viata!!!



Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
Bine mama! M-am convins ca esti bolnava mintal! Ti-am propus zeci diferite
moduri sa te convingi ca nu sint Oraselu tau. N-ai raspuns nici o data...
Asta poate sa insemne doua lucruri:
1) ori stii ca eu nu sint Orasel, dar pt un scop obscur de al tau iti
convine sa zici ca sint
2) ori chiar crezi ca sint Orasel, si atunci esti bolnava mintal.
Du-te neica si trateaza-te ca nu-i bine sa lasi asa ceva netratat... Poate
miine poimiine omori vre-un patient de al tau si atunci toti o sa zica:
"baaa, dar nu se vedea ca-i asa de nebuna...". Iaca ca se vede totusi...
Si ca sa nu ramii cu dubii, iaca io-ti propun sa zici tu ce vrei sa fac ca
sa te convingi ca nu sint Orasel sau Mishu sau altu. Daca nu propui ceva,
inseamna ca esti ultimul jeg de persoana, ca-ti place sa defaimezi un om si
cind ti-se spune sa dovedesti afirmatiile tale, tu nu faci nimic... Deci la
tine mingea, si sper sa-ti revii si sa propui ceva. Ca altfel esti o
calomniatoare si pe cuvint ma gindesc sa te dau la judecata:-) (Ines!

Ai grija cu afirmatiile de obsedat sexual s.a.m.d. Pe cuvint ca depasesti
limita... Nu mai am rabdare cu tine si daca nu incetezi, fii pregatita sa
raspunzi pt calomniile tale. Ti-am zis de o mie de ori: nu sint Oraselu
pulii masii!!!! De acum incolo, daca continui sa faci acest fel de afirmatii
raspunzind la un mesaj de al meu, aceste afirmatii nu se fac spre persoana
lui Orasel , dar in adresa mea. Deci tot ce spui, mi-i spui mie... Cu toate
consecintele... N-o sa mai poti spune ca tu credeai ca sint Orasel. Ai fost
avertizata. Parol. Punct.

Ο "DOMNITZA" <> έγραψε στο μήνυμα

Stephen Dancs

Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00

"gogu" ( writes:
> Bine mama! M-am convins ca esti bolnava mintal!
> Du-te neica si trateaza-te ca nu-i bine sa lasi asa ceva netratat... Poate
> miine poimiine omori vre-un patient de al tau si atunci toti o sa zica:
> "baaa, dar nu se vedea ca-i asa de nebuna...". Iaca ca se vede totusi...
> Ca altfel esti o calomniatoare si pe cuvint ma gindesc sa te dau la
> judecata:-) (Ines! Ajutor!).

Domnitza has so far at least 2 medical malpractice suits trailing her, and
I'm convinced that is just a matter of time till the "doc" will end up
killing someone under her "care". If you are as convinced as I am that the
woman is mentally derranged and represents a menace each time she
approaches a patient, make your views known to Mr. Tyrone F. Sergio of the
law offices of Bonina and Bonin (

16 Court Street, Suite 1800
Brooklyn, NY 11241
Phone: (718) 522-1786 / 1-888-MED-LAW1

a plaintiff's attorney. Her deposition is due by April 1, 2000, so if you
can, get in touch with Ty before that date. For a glossary of legal terms

PS: The "doc" also claims that she has finished among the top 5% the
Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Bucharest, yet, so far,
for the past month or so, I haven't received any confirmation (nor a
denial for that matter) of that fact to the emails I've sent them to
verify whether this is indeed so, so Domnitzo, you may want to give us
some help here and clarify exactly WHAT and WHEN did you finish at the
University of Bucharest? I'm more than eager to look into the matter in
more detail, so, "astept Bucurestiul" (I'm waiting for your

PPS: and tell me, did the people who hired you to the SMLI, at the time,
know about your history of medical malpractice suits, or will the news hit
them like a bomb? ;=)

PPPS: also watch out that if you have had anything to do with Dacia Lan's
potential witnesses' intimidation and uttering of assault threats against
my person, you can count on me to make criminal law go after your ass,
too. The man got only a short reprieve from me due to my recent bicycle
accident, but the matter isn't forgotten and will be pursued to the full
extent of the law. You two can bet with me on that.

(NOTE: Answers to this posting will be monitored mainly on the
"soc.culture.romanian" newsgroup.)

(Provincia.) ;-)
Stephen Dancs Voicemail: +1 (416) 760-5885 Fax: +1 (240) 250-1108 Toll-free: 1-888-700-YUGO x NICA

Stephen Dancs

Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
"gogu" ( writes:
> Bine mama! M-am convins ca esti bolnava mintal!
> Du-te neica si trateaza-te ca nu-i bine sa lasi asa ceva netratat... Poate
> miine poimiine omori vre-un patient de al tau si atunci toti o sa zica:
> "baaa, dar nu se vedea ca-i asa de nebuna...". Iaca ca se vede totusi...
> Ca altfel esti o calomniatoare si pe cuvint ma gindesc sa te dau la
> judecata:-) (Ines! Ajutor!).

Domnitza has so far at least 2 medical malpractice suits trailing her, and
I'm convinced that is just a matter of time till the "doc" will end up
killing someone under her "care". If you are as convinced as I am that the
woman is mentally derranged and represents a menace each time she
approaches a patient, make your views known to Mr. Tyrone F. Sergio of the

law offices of Bonina and Bonina (

Csaba Takacs

Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
Gogu hai sa te lamuresc Io.
Din spate daca vezi dai 35 de ani, daca veti din fata dai seama
ca are 50.:-))
Sau mai simplu : Din spate liceu, din fata muzeu.
In rest alles Clar?

gogu schrieb in Nachricht <89r29v$or8$>...
>Ï "DOMNITZA" <> Ýãñáøå óôï ìÞíõìá

>> >Subject: Re: Stradivarius
>> >From: "gogu"


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
>Subject: Re: Stradivarius
>From: "gogu"
>Date: 3/4/00 1:42 PM Eastern Standard Time


nu numai nu te lasi de murdarii dar umbli si dupa potentiale cistiguri
materiale? Acum o luna si ceva cind am vorbit cu tine la telefon(erai in
bucuresti) si cind ti-am spus ca daca nu te potolesti o sa ajung la dl. W.
mi-ai spus ca eu si prietenul tau din ridgewood iti sintem cei mai mari
dusmani. Acum iti mai spus o data ca sa-ti intre bine-n cap, daca ma mai
ameninti vreodata cu murdarii si minciuni atunci vom ajunge la W. si prin el
voi ajunge sa demasc toate adresele tale de pe net, pt ca aol si dejanews si
toate celelalte companii de net de unde iti postezi tu mesajele vor fi obligate
LEGAL sa dezvaluie identitatea individului. Fa ce crezi ca este mai bine dar te
asigur ca in niciun caz nu te voi lasa sa ma calomniezi!
Esti un mizerabil care incerci sa-ti bati joc de cine poti; chiar bolnav fiind
nu ai scuze pt astfel de comportamente.
Am o multime de hirtii si obiecte de la tine care au diferite semnaturi si
amprente ... da-i drumul, continua-ti jocul bolnav sa vedem unde se va ajunge.

Opreste-te de a-mi trimite emailuri de la adrese din franta: nu ma intereseaza
elucubratiile tale!!!!


your dirt below:

Message-id: <89rlu8$3d9$>

>Bine mama! M-am convins ca esti bolnava mintal! Ti-am propus zeci diferite
>moduri sa te convingi ca nu sint Oraselu tau. N-ai raspuns nici o data...
>Asta poate sa insemne doua lucruri:
>1) ori stii ca eu nu sint Orasel, dar pt un scop obscur de al tau iti
>convine sa zici ca sint
>2) ori chiar crezi ca sint Orasel, si atunci esti bolnava mintal.

>Du-te neica si trateaza-te ca nu-i bine sa lasi asa ceva netratat... Poate
>miine poimiine omori vre-un patient de al tau si atunci toti o sa zica:
>"baaa, dar nu se vedea ca-i asa de nebuna...". Iaca ca se vede totusi...

>Si ca sa nu ramii cu dubii, iaca io-ti propun sa zici tu ce vrei sa fac ca
>sa te convingi ca nu sint Orasel sau Mishu sau altu. Daca nu propui ceva,
>inseamna ca esti ultimul jeg de persoana, ca-ti place sa defaimezi un om si
>cind ti-se spune sa dovedesti afirmatiile tale, tu nu faci nimic... Deci la

>tine mingea, si sper sa-ti revii si sa propui ceva. Ca altfel esti o

>calomniatoare si pe cuvint ma gindesc sa te dau la judecata:-) (Ines!


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
>Subject: Dr. Menace (Was: Stradivarius)
>From: bv...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Stephen Dancs)
>Date: 3/4/00 4:33 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <89rved$38m$>

you idiotic stalker, all you postings against me are sent by my attorney to the
Immigration offices in Canada and in New York!


>"gogu" ( writes:
>> Bine mama! M-am convins ca esti bolnava mintal!

>> Du-te neica si trateaza-te ca nu-i bine sa lasi asa ceva netratat... Poate
>> miine poimiine omori vre-un patient de al tau si atunci toti o sa zica:
>> "baaa, dar nu se vedea ca-i asa de nebuna...". Iaca ca se vede totusi...

>> Ca altfel esti o calomniatoare si pe cuvint ma gindesc sa te dau la
>> judecata:-) (Ines! Ajutor!).

>Domnitza has so far at least 2 medical malpractice suits trailing her, and
>I'm convinced that is just a matter of time till the "doc" will end up
>killing someone under her "care". If you are as convinced as I am that the
>woman is mentally derranged and represents a menace each time she
>approaches a patient, make your views known to Mr. Tyrone F. Sergio of the

>law offices of Bonina and Bonin (


Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
>Date: 3/3/00 7:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>
>>Subject: Stradivarius

>>From: (Aschiuta)
>>Introducere si Rondo Capriccioso de
>>Saint-Saens (multi dintre spectatori fiind convinsi ca sunetul splendid
>>este al viorii Stradivarius pe care a castigat-o prin concurs in urma cu
>>>un an si jumatate,
>>Domnule Orasel, scoate bre Davidoff-ul ala de la naftalina, ca s-asa, ce
>>matale cu el, scirta-scirta pe hirtie? Sau il tii pe post de
>bai tzandura, davidoffu ie flautu fermecat al hoashtei80, cum 'cinta' cum
>'baiatu' ... uita de tricodava, cacani, padurici, santuri, basini: "I looove
>you mutti"!

Aria geloziei pe coarde stradevari ?! LOL



Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
>Subject: Re: Stradivarius
>From: "gogu"
>Date: 3/4/00 1:42 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <89rlu8$3d9$>

>Bine mama!

>Ti-am zis de o mie de ori: nu sint Oraselu
>pulii masii!!!!

Tu nu esti Oraselu,tu esti Mr.O(zero).



Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
>Subject: Re: Stradivarius
>From: "bagamias"
>Date: 3/4/00 5:57 AM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

>cinei individu ala tradivariu ?

tradivariu=bagamias p***



Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
>From: (DACIA LAN)

>tradivariu=bagamias p***

"p***" inseamna pula?

Rusinosule! LOL LOL LOL


Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
bre, se zice: " la cur papusha, la chip matusha"

Csaba Takacs wrote in message <89s176$318$>...

Gogu hai sa te lamuresc Io.
Din spate daca vezi dai 35 de ani, daca veti din fata dai seama
ca are 50.:-))
Sau mai simplu : Din spate liceu, din fata muzeu.
In rest alles Clar?

gogu schrieb in Nachricht <89r29v$or8$>...

>Ο "DOMNITZA" <> έγραψε στο μήνυμα


>> >Subject: Re: Stradivarius
>> >From: "gogu"


Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00

? "Csaba Takacs" <> ?????? ??? ??????

>Gogu hai sa te lamuresc Io.
>Din spate daca vezi dai 35 de ani, daca veti din fata dai seama
>ca are 50.:-))
>Sau mai simplu : Din spate liceu, din fata muzeu.
>In rest alles Clar?

Yavol herr profesor! Nu stiam ce-i aia SN#....


Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00

Ο "DACIA LAN" <> έγραψε στο μήνυμα

> >Subject: Re: Stradivarius
> >From: "gogu"
> >Date: 3/4/00 1:42 PM Eastern Standard Time
> >Message-id: <89rlu8$3d9$>
> >
> >Bine mama!
> >Ti-am zis de o mie de ori: nu sint Oraselu
> >pulii masii!!!!
> Tu nu esti Oraselu,tu esti Mr.O(zero).

Si tu sugi cariciu la negri sculamentosi.
A propos: cind ma ameniti si pe mine cu moartea sau cu physical abuse, cum
ai facut cu Arhivistu? Abia astept...


Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
Vad ca nu te lasi si continui sa ma defaimezi. Ai fost avertizata si
continui sa zici ca sint Lucian Orasel. Mai-l scoti din sertar si pe Dacia
Lan cacat bleg ca sa ma ataci.
Draga Domnitza, de acum incolo ai sa raspunzi pt calomniile tale. Cel putin
in fata tribunalului o sa te convingi ca nu sint Orasel. Dar atunci va fi
foarte tirziu.

Ο "DOMNITZA" <> έγραψε στο μήνυμα

> >Subject: Re: Stradivarius
> >From: "gogu"
> >Date: 3/4/00 1:42 PM Eastern Standard Time

> >Du-te neica si trateaza-te ca nu-i bine sa lasi asa ceva netratat...
> >miine poimiine omori vre-un patient de al tau si atunci toti o sa zica:
> >"baaa, dar nu se vedea ca-i asa de nebuna...". Iaca ca se vede totusi...

> >Si ca sa nu ramii cu dubii, iaca io-ti propun sa zici tu ce vrei sa fac
> >sa te convingi ca nu sint Orasel sau Mishu sau altu. Daca nu propui ceva,
> >inseamna ca esti ultimul jeg de persoana, ca-ti place sa defaimezi un om
> >cind ti-se spune sa dovedesti afirmatiile tale, tu nu faci nimic... Deci

> >tine mingea, si sper sa-ti revii si sa propui ceva. Ca altfel esti o

> >calomniatoare si pe cuvint ma gindesc sa te dau la judecata:-) (Ines!
> >Ajutor!).
> >
> >


Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
to wrote:

>bai tzandura, davidoffu ie flautu fermecat al hoashtei80, cum 'cinta' cum
>'baiatu' ... uita de tricodava, cacani, padurici, santuri, basini: "I looove
>you mutti"!

Clar, stai bine la capitolul Stradivariusus!

>PS: still CONte_nt? lol

Ma stii altfel decit content?


Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
"" wrote:

>cinei individu ala tradivariu ?

Unu de pe Strada Alba (Var) care ti-o da sus: Stradivariusus

Csaba Takacs

Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
Las-o in plata domnului. Pe astia doi nul mai poti
pedepsi, sau judeca, aici pa pamint. Sint batuti de
cel de sus si sint fericiti pe de asupra.
Esti Lucian si eu sint Lucian si Orasel e Lucian in
rest toti sint Orasel. Daca iei alternativa ca pe toti
astia care sintem Oresel astazi, ne ar face Alexandru
Soare miine, asta m-ar deranja dar asa?:-)))))
Apropo te a facut cineva Alexandru Moise? :-)))))))
Orasel mi se pare ar fi la locul lui ce a ce nu pot
sustine despre astia doi.
Asea nu-ti strica sfirsitul de saptamina pe prosti.

Stephen Dancs

Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
DOMNITZA ( writes:
> you idiotic stalker, all you postings against me are sent by my attorney
> to the Immigration offices in Canada and in New York!

As I told you earlier "doc", you and/or your attorney(s) can send whatever
you want wherever you want until the cows come home, I couldn't care less,
for I have done nothing wrong. You otoh, if it will be confirmed that you
had anything to do with Dacia Lan's uttering of physical assault threats
against my person and intimidation of potential witnesses to your medical
malpractice suit in order to defeat the means of justice, will face
criminal conspiratory, obstruction of justice and inciting to violence
charges. Take my word for that, "lady".

Not to mention the fact that if your University of Bucharest degree won't
be confirmed by the registrar's office and you gained admittance to
medical school based on claims to have absolved that university's Faculty
of Computer Science among the top 5%, or, you failed to metion your
medical malpractice suits to the SSLI hiring staff (if asked), you'll be
in big shit for fraud and deception, respectively, too.

PS: good to hear that you'll do things via an attorney, 'caz beware, any
falsehoods communicated to federal authorities are punishable under
_criminal_ law, so be very, very, careful in what you say 'caz the tables
may turn easily against you. ;-)

(NOTE: Answers to this posting will be monitored mainly on the
"soc.culture.romanian" newsgroup.)



Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00

you want to impart justice? who the heck you think you are, idiot?
only a sick, unemployed mind like yours will ever believe that a doctor will
hide any malpractice or other problems incured in his/her iob related past: you
idiot, I have the same malpractice insurance and I work for the same group now
as I had in 97, 98, so ... I do not need to declare or HIDE anything!

regarding my school in romania: like it or not, you LIAR( you posted on your
web page that you finished physics with MCL when in reality you got only 70), i
did finish cybernetics with 9,12 and 10 for the 'dipl. project', so i was in
the top 5% of the class ... you do not have to wait forever for the answer
from my school, you idiot stalker, there are two former profs of mine living
and working in manhattan: one at NYU and the other at Baruch ... go to hell and
ask them!!! you brought up this issue, again, I could not care less about it,
i am practicing medecine now!

regarding my connection with 'somebody' threatening your pitiful self, use
your lonely neuron and make some noise at the synapse: people come to USA for
freedom and for bettering their life; hear this, you stalker, HERE IS NOT
COMMUNISM, here everyone can do as he/she finds fit, as long as his action does
not impede the freedom/right of another person, anyone posts/writes whatever

is there a single person on scr with whom you did not have altercations or

go to hell maybe there you'll find the job of your desire: the "chief
informant, section misfits" !!!

What are you fighting for stalker? pull back and look at yourself and look at
others: get A LIFE and some human values!

what's 'the rage' about, after all?

"In some remote corner of the universe, poured out and glittering in
innumerable solar systems, there once was a star on which clever animals
invented knowledge. That was the haughtiest and most mendacious minute of
"world history" -- yet only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths the
star grew cold, and clever animals had to die." TSZ

Anti Legiune

Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
to scrie:

>he synapse: people come to USA for
>freedom and for bettering their life; hear this, you stalker, HERE IS NOT
>COMMUNISM, here everyone can do as he/she finds fit, as long as his action
>not impede the freedom/right of another person, anyone posts/writes whatever

In cazul asta sper ca nu va suparati daca imi dau si eu cu parerea: va-m vazut
la o adunare de Romani si nu pot sa cred ca ati facut chiar si un liceu. Lasand
la o parte faptul ca sinteti foarte nasoala, ca fiecare asa cum l-a lasat Cel
de Sus, dar aratati si chiar va comportati exact ca o tzoapa. Ar fii bine sa va
aranjati dantura fiindca scuipati cind vorbiti. Asta e pacat, fiindca nu cred
ca aveti mai mult de 55 de ani.


Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
Ma rahat cu ochi, ti-am zis sa vorbesti romaneste
ori sa dispari.
Daca careva se nimereste sa-l vada pe cacaciosul
de Dancs, scuipa-l pe chelie din partea mea.
Hai Sictir !


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00

Ο "DOMNITZA" <> έγραψε στο μήνυμα
> dancs,

> regarding my connection with 'somebody' threatening your pitiful self,
> your lonely neuron and make some noise at the synapse: people come to USA

> freedom and for bettering their life; hear this, you stalker, HERE IS NOT
> COMMUNISM, here everyone can do as he/she finds fit, as long as his action
> not impede the freedom/right of another person, anyone posts/writes
> pleases!

Si cind tu Domnitza continui sa ma calomniezi in public ca eu sint Orasel
sau Mishu sau Lorj, sau..., your action does not impede the freedom/right of
an other person, adica my rights? Vezi ca ie usor sa dai lectii lui Dancs,
dar tu uiti ca trebuie sa-ti urmaresti lectiile proprii... Sper Dumnezeu sa
te ilumineasca si sa te opresti sa ma calomniezi pina cind te dau in
judecata. Mai dureaza un pic cu formalitatile. Mai ai timp sa ceri scuze.


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
Ha, ha, ha, lasa ca vine Macuca, Mafuca si Anihilatoru!
Fac ei ordine aici.

Anti Legiune wrote in message <>...
> scrie:

>>he synapse: people come to USA for
>>freedom and for bettering their life; hear this, you stalker, HERE IS NOT
>>COMMUNISM, here everyone can do as he/she finds fit, as long as his action
>>not impede the freedom/right of another person, anyone posts/writes whatever


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
>Subject: re:to a stalker
>From: (Anti Legiune)
>Date: 3/5/00 6:49 PM Eastern Standard Time

"scumpule" cu gust rafinat in cacanestii din deal!

nu pot decit sa te felicit, ai o memorie superba si un simt artistic deosebit,
si in plus dovedesti ca esti un psiholog innascut.

Ma ierti ca nu te-am insotit pina la tren dar adevarul e ca mi-e era asa de
scirba cum iti floncaiai placa de sus pe cea de jos ca devenisem sisiita si te
scuipam fara sa vreau. pardon!
de asemenea nu-mi explic de ce ai mincat atita fasole inainte de-a veni la
biserica, ai imputit vreo zece metri in jurul matale, io tot cred ca ai facut-o
intradins sa-l intoxici pe viitorul 'presedinte'... saracul!
trebuie sa recunosc ca arat ca o tzoapa, mai tot timpul sint in jeans si
pullover, am parul taiat foarte scurt si culmea nu am nici unghiile lungi si
vopsite. promit ca data viitoare o sa-mi cumpar taiorul de rigoare -- verde de
padure -- sau si mai bine rochie de lame cu poseta ala codoi! lol



Ps: ce-mi place la matale? spui adevarul.


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
>Subject: Re: re:to a stalker
>From: "gogu"
>Date: 3/5/00 7:50 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <89uvel$glq$>

>Ο "DOMNITZA" <> έγραψε στο μήνυμα
>> dancs,
>> regarding my connection with 'somebody' threatening your pitiful self,
>> your lonely neuron and make some noise at the synapse: people come to USA

>> freedom and for bettering their life; hear this, you stalker, HERE IS NOT
>> COMMUNISM, here everyone can do as he/she finds fit, as long as his action
>> not impede the freedom/right of another person, anyone posts/writes
>> pleases!
>Si cind tu Domnitza continui sa ma calomniezi in public ca eu sint Orasel
>sau Mishu sau Lorj, sau..., your action does not impede the freedom/right of
>an other person, adica my rights? Vezi ca ie usor sa dai lectii lui Dancs,
>dar tu uiti ca trebuie sa-ti urmaresti lectiile proprii... Sper Dumnezeu sa
>te ilumineasca si sa te opresti sa ma calomniezi pina cind te dau in
>judecata. Mai dureaza un pic cu formalitatile. Mai ai timp sa ceri scuze.


ticaa-loshii LOL!!!


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00

? "DOMNITZA" <> ?????? ??? ??????

Bineee...... Ai fost avertizata de mai multe ori sa te opresti. N-ai
facut-o. N-o sa poti zice ca nu stiai, sau ca n-ai fost avertizata...


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
we will steal no vine before its time
it is time!

Stephen Dancs <bv...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote in article

> DOMNITZA ( writes:
> >
> > you idiotic stalker, all you postings against me are sent by my
> > to the Immigration offices in Canada and in New York!
> As I told you earlier "doc", you and/or your attorney(s) can send
> you want wherever you want until the cows come home, I couldn't care
> for I have done nothing wrong. You otoh, if it will be confirmed that you
> had anything to do with Dacia Lan's uttering of physical assault threats
> against my person and intimidation of potential witnesses to your medical
> malpractice suit in order to defeat the means of justice, will face
> criminal conspiratory, obstruction of justice and inciting to violence
> charges. Take my word for that, "lady".

why don't you take your belly aching to the gypsy list where i will give
you clowns my undivided attention and advise

don't any of you girls threaten my main-boy stevie -- he is a sweetie

> Not to mention the fact that if your University of Bucharest degree won't
> be confirmed by the registrar's office and you gained admittance to
> medical school based on claims to have absolved that university's Faculty
> of Computer Science among the top 5%, or, you failed to metion your
> medical malpractice suits to the SSLI hiring staff (if asked), you'll be
> in big shit for fraud and deception, respectively, too.

stevie my boy - why don't you and i steal some chickens and have a party

> PS: good to hear that you'll do things via an attorney, 'caz beware, any
> falsehoods communicated to federal authorities are punishable under
> _criminal_ law, so be very, very, careful in what you say 'caz the tables
> may turn easily against you. ;-)

see? - you all better shape up -- stevie is a tough customer


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
Bre, Gogule, te tachineaza! Chiar crezi ca e for real??! Astia toti sint
mishtocari. Mai putin ala care semneaza ca atare. Ala e serios.

gogu wrote in message <89v2ui$hnp$>...


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00

gogu <> wrote:

> Acum sincer sa fiu, am niste dubii daca tu esti Domnitza cea
> sau altcineva care scrie folosind SN-ul tau...

Corect, din cand in cand Dacia Lan foloseste pseudonimul ei.


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00


> am citeva paciente, care ca tine au bipolar dx, dar spre
deosebire de tine
> aceste persoane iau Li si sint 'functionale' in societatea asta
mediocra: se
> intretin singure, creaza valori, exista ... nu sint la
cheremul unei hoashte,
> pe viata!!!

Domnitzo, am uitat sa zic, mi s-a terminat reteta de litiu. mai
poti sa-mi faci una? C-acum s-a pus si hoashca pe litiu si
ne-ntelegem cum nu se poate mai bine amandoi. Suntem calmi.
Foarte calmi. Am impresia ca hoashca de fro trei zile nici nu mai
misca, atat de calma s-a facut.

Stephen Dancs

Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
DOMNITZA ( writes:
> you want to impart justice?

Nope, a judge will do that.

>who the heck you think you are, idiot?

The "idot" who'll do his best to convince the judge, and then the medical
society that you're a menace to any patient naive enough to trust his/her
life into your unskilled hands.

> only a sick, unemployed mind like yours will ever believe that a doctor will
> hide any malpractice or other problems incured in his/her iob related past:
> you idiot, I have the same malpractice insurance and I work for the same
> group now as I had in 97, 98, so ... I do not need to declare or HIDE
> anything!

The issue wasn't whether you had or not the same insurer but whether at
your last job interview, if asked, you admitted to the (at least) 2
malpractice suits you face(d) before you were hired.

> regarding my school in romania: like it or not, you LIAR( you posted on your
> web page that you finished physics with MCL when in reality you got only 70),

This just shows again the level of "intelligence" you possess: a Hon.B.Sc.
has nothing to do with MCL but in your irate mind, "lady". If you don't
know what a Hon.B.Sc. is, and are too stupid to find out, then all you
have to do is ask someone smarter than you. ;-)

> i did finish cybernetics with 9,12 and 10 for the 'dipl. project', so i
> was in the top 5% of the class ... you do not have to wait forever for
> the answer from my school, you idiot stalker, there are two former profs
> of mine living and working in manhattan: one at NYU and the other at
> Baruch ... go to hell and ask them!!!

Provide us with facts lady, just the facts m'am: who are the two
professors, when and what was your diplom project about, who was the
supervisor, etc. I'm waiting. ;-)

> you brought up this issue, again,
> I could not care less about it, i am practicing medecine now!

If you gained your right to admitance to medical school by claiming to
have finished Romanian university studies in the top 5% while this ain't
so, you will be find guilty of fraud. That's why you should care about it.
Same way you should care about the fact whether or not you have admitted
on your application for citizenship of being a Communist Party (or any
other organization affiliated with the Communist Party) member or not,
'caz if you were and you lied on your citizenship application about it,
you'll be in big trouble again, "lady".

As for you "practicing medicine", g'me a break "doc", all you're doing is
getting your sexual kicks you don't get from home in "alternative ways".

> regarding my connection with 'somebody' threatening your pitiful self, use
> your lonely neuron and make some noise at the synapse: people come to USA for
> freedom and for bettering their life; hear this, you stalker, HERE IS NOT
> COMMUNISM, here everyone can do as he/she finds fit, as long as his action
> does not impede the freedom/right of another person, anyone posts/writes
> whatever pleases!

Uttering of physical assault threats to intimidate and/or to defeat the
means of justice is not covered by freedom of speech, and if you'll be
found to have had anything to do with Dacia Lan's uttering of physical
assault threats against my person, you'll be prosecuted to the full extent
of the law. I'll make sure of that, believe me. Nor does my eagerness to
follow up on various claims you made left and right have anything to do
with "communism" or "stalking" but in your irate mind.

> is there a single person on scr with whom you did not have altercations or
> fights?
> go to hell maybe there you'll find the job of your desire: the "chief
> informant, section misfits" !!!
> What are you fighting for stalker? pull back and look at yourself and look
> at others: get A LIFE and some human values!
> what's 'the rage' about, after all?

I'd also like to advise you that I'm not stalking you, I fight my fights
like a soldier, with all the cards on the table, and if you'll keep
calling me a stalker, I'll initiate a slander and defamation suit too,
next time I'll be in NYC and sue you for your last bloody penny in the
bank _and_ your next 134 years of earned income. ;-)

> "In some remote corner of the universe, poured out and glittering in
> innumerable solar systems, there once was a star on which clever animals
> invented knowledge. That was the haughtiest and most mendacious minute of
> "world history" -- yet only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths
> the star grew cold, and clever animals had to die." TSZ

Mon bebe, you went through all those years of medical school to miss out
on what laughing gas is made of and make yourslef the laughing stock of
the SCR/SCM publikum in the process, so don't give us this shit about
"knowledge" and you having to die for you belong to the "clever animal"
group. You're as "knowledgeable" as a piece of wood. You even went through
the whole North American university system to have no clue of what
Hon.B.Sc. is all about! MCL, my ass! ;-)

PS: as I suggested you long time ago, go get yourself a real shrink and
get some psychiatric advice, 'caz you need it _badly_, "lady".


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00

>Subject: re: to a stalker
>From: bv...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Stephen Dancs)

ba danciule,

du-te ba si te culca ca esti zahait la neuron, ma amaritule!!!

>Provide us with facts lady, just the facts m'am:

si mai ce? LOLoloLOL


Stephen Dancs

Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
DOMNITZA ( writes:
>>Provide us with facts lady, just the facts m'am:
> si mai ce? LOLoloLOL

With me on the case, believe me, it's just a matter of time until the
truth about your so-called "top 5%" finish in comp sci studies at the
Univ. of Bucharest will come out. Your reluctance to state when, what and
under whose supervision you did what you did there, will just make me more
eager to get to the bottom of this matter. Of that, be 100% assured. ;-)

And once the Ticu Dumitrescu law will be fully implemented (fat chance in
today's Romania, but we, the "idiots", still keep hopin'), I'll make sure
that will find out about your other dealings, too -- if there were any. Of
this, you could be also 100% assured. And then everything will be double
checked against the statements you made on your US citizenship papers. ;=)


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
Stephen Dancs <bv...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote in article

> DOMNITZA ( writes:
> >
> >>Provide us with facts lady, just the facts m'am:
> >
> > si mai ce? LOLoloLOL
> With me on the case, believe me, it's just a matter of time until the
> truth about your so-called "top 5%" finish in comp sci studies at the
> Univ. of Bucharest will come out. Your reluctance to state when, what and
> under whose supervision you did what you did there, will just make me
> eager to get to the bottom of this matter. Of that, be 100% assured. ;-)

Sounds like the romanian secret police.

Why does this canadian-romanian care about anyone's US citizenship papers?

> And once the Ticu Dumitrescu law will be fully implemented (fat chance in
> today's Romania, but we, the "idiots", still keep hopin'), I'll make sure
> that will find out about your other dealings, too -- if there were any.
> this, you could be also 100% assured. And then everything will be double
> checked against the statements you made on your US citizenship papers.

Sounds like more romanian secret police.


Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
Da' stiu ca i-ai zis-o al naibii de bine!
Tinete tare Domnito!

* Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping. Smart is Beautiful


Mar 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/7/00

Ο "Dr.Horst" <> έγραψε στο μήνυμα

Coane! Tie ti-a placut dintotdeauna sa zici lucrurile mai pe fata:-) Nu
iesti diplomat ca altii:-)

Bula 00001

Mar 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/7/00
>From: "Dr.Horst"
>Date: 3/6/00 3:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>Message-id: <8a1543$8tr$>

Doftore incearca so gidili intre talpi.



Stephen Dancs

Mar 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/7/00
"TopHat" ( writes:
> Why does this canadian-romanian care about anyone's US citizenship papers?

Well, I know that after a few years of livin' in Dallas, Tx, most
immigrants' brains just simply fry to a G.W. Bush size, yet le'me explain
it to you (not really, mostly to those out there lookin' for trouble) how
things stand: if you try to, or screw with Stevie, he'll screw you twice
as hard back. A very simple and effective life philosophy I learned from
Irving Layton, a Romanian born Jewish-Canadian poet my good friend Wally
Keeler will be more than happy to introduce you to: boing! =>
boing-boing!, boing! => boing-boing!, boing! => boing-boing! Pretty
simple, isn't it? ;-)

Our "beloved" Domnitza, when she saw that some goons' physical assault
threats won't work to dissuade me from testifying (if asked) against her
in court and that she could wound up in serious legal trouble if found to
have had anything to do with it, in her irate mind, thaught that she can
pursue me via the immigration game, so now, Stevie will show her some
"immigration" card play of his own. You wanted immigration games "lady",
you got'em! ;-)

The game in her case is very simple: when one applies for US citizenship,
due to the well known and insane US commie paranoia, there's a "nice"
question asking one whether s/he has ever been member of any Communist
Party or any ohter association and/or organization associated with the
Communist Party. If she was a PCR/FDUS/UTC/etc. member and she answered
the question with "No", game's over (for her).

The doubling of the... "boing!" will come in when I'll have conclusive
proof that she also has "ciuciu" (no) "top 5%" university "finishes" at
the Univ. of Bucharest, too. ;=)

Hope to have cleared things up enough for ya. Now it's Wally's turn. And
keep that tophat on, or else the heatwave might shrink your brain size to
even sub-Texan levels... ;-)


Mar 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/8/00
>From: bv...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Stephen Dancs)
>Date: 03/07/2000 3:42 PM Pacific Standard Time
>Message-id: <8a445n$3gg$>

>keep that tophat on, or else the heatwave might shrink your brain size to
>even sub-Texan levels... ;-)

Multumita tie Fanica bacsi, mi-am dat seama de ce scumpetea mea poarta "the
tophat". Pana-n prezent tot credeam ca vrea sa-si ascunda chelia sau sa nu-i
sufle vantul peruca.


Mar 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/8/00
>From: (Archivist4)

>Multumita tie Fanica bacsi, mi-am dat seama de ce scumpetea mea poarta "the
>tophat". Pana-n prezent tot credeam ca vrea sa-si ascunda chelia sau sa nu-i
>sufle vantul peruca.

Cine-i scumpetea asta a ta mai craiule?

Creative Intelligence Agency

Mar 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/8/00
Stephen Dancs <bv...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote in message

| "TopHat" ( writes:
| > Why does this canadian-romanian care about anyone's US citizenship
| if you try to, or screw with Stevie, he'll screw you twice
| as hard back. A very simple and effective life philosophy I learned from
| Irving Layton, a Romanian born Jewish-Canadian poet my good friend Wally
| Keeler will be more than happy to introduce you to:

Poetry is Poetency!

Wally Keeler


Mar 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/8/00
>>Multumita tie Fanica bacsi, mi-am dat seama de ce scumpetea mea poarta "the
>>tophat". Pana-n prezent tot credeam ca vrea sa-si ascunda chelia sau sa nu-i
>>sufle vantul peruca.
>Cine-i scumpetea asta a ta mai craiule?

A666z2000, fostul A666z35 este un provocator de scandaluri pe SCR.

Mar 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/8/00
In article <>, (DOMNITZA) wrote:
> >Subject: re:to a stalker
Conita, te rog io frumos zi ca nu-i adevarat. Zi ca ai numa fo 27,
maaaaxim 29 de ani si ca esti buna, chiar daca n-ai unghii si par lung,
nu conteaza, ca il dezamagesti pe spatar si el ierea hotarit sa bata
chetrili pin la toronto sa-i dea in birnau lu danciu. Da?

> >Doamna!
> >In cazul asta sper ca nu va suparati daca imi dau si eu cu parerea:
> >vazut
> >la o adunare de Romani si nu pot sa cred ca ati facut chiar si un
> >Lasand
> >la o parte faptul ca sinteti foarte nasoala, ca fiecare asa cum l-a
lasat Cel
> >de Sus, dar aratati si chiar va comportati exact ca o tzoapa. Ar fii
bine sa
> >va
> >aranjati dantura fiindca scuipati cind vorbiti. Asta e pacat,
fiindca nu cred
> >ca aveti mai mult de 55 de ani.
> >
> >>

Sent via
Before you buy.

Mar 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/8/00
In article <8a445n$3gg$>,

bv...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Stephen Dancs) wrote:
> "TopHat" ( writes:
> >
> > Why does this canadian-romanian care about anyone's US citizenship
> Well, I know that after a few years of livin' in Dallas, Tx, most
> immigrants' brains just simply fry to a G.W. Bush size, yet le'me
> it to you (not really, mostly to those out there lookin' for trouble)
> things stand: if you try to, or screw with Stevie, he'll screw you

> as hard back. A very simple and effective life philosophy I learned
> Irving Layton, a Romanian born Jewish-Canadian poet my good friend
> Keeler will be more than happy to introduce you to: boing! =>
> boing-boing!, boing! => boing-boing!, boing! => boing-boing! Pretty
> simple, isn't it? ;-)
> Our "beloved" Domnitza, when she saw that some goons' physical assault
> threats won't work to dissuade me from testifying (if asked) against
> in court and that she could wound up in serious legal trouble if
found to

> have had anything to do with it, in her irate mind, thaught that she
> pursue me via the immigration game, so now, Stevie will show her some
> "immigration" card play of his own. You wanted immigration
games "lady",
> you got'em! ;-)
> The game in her case is very simple: when one applies for US
> due to the well known and insane US commie paranoia, there's a "nice"
> question asking one whether s/he has ever been member of any Communist
> Party or any ohter association and/or organization associated with the
> Communist Party. If she was a PCR/FDUS/UTC/etc. member and she
> the question with "No", game's over (for her).
> The doubling of the... "boing!" will come in when I'll have conclusive
> proof that she also has "ciuciu" (no) "top 5%" university "finishes"
> the Univ. of Bucharest, too. ;=)
> Hope to have cleared things up enough for ya. Now it's Wally's turn.
> keep that tophat on, or else the heatwave might shrink your brain
size to
> even sub-Texan levels... ;-)
> (NOTE: Answers to this posting will be monitored mainly on the
> "soc.culture.romanian" newsgroup.)
Mai monitorizeaz-o si pe ma-ta nu numa raspunsurile, cacaciosule.
> --

> Stephen Dancs Voicemail: +1 (416) 760-
> Fax: +1 (240) 250-
> Toll-free: 1-888-700-YUGO x
Baaaaa, danciule, sa nu uiti simbata la ora doua ai ora la spataru,
baaaaaaaaaa, trezeste-te, sa vii simbata la doua la ora de supt pula lu
spataru, baaaaa, mortaciune.


Mar 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/9/00
Still sounds like the romanian secret police.

Why does this canadian-romanian care about anyone's US citizenship papers?

Stephen Dancs <bv...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote in article

> "TopHat" ( writes:
> >
> > Why does this canadian-romanian care about anyone's US citizenship
> Well, I know that after a few years of livin' in Dallas, Tx, most
> immigrants' brains just simply fry to a G.W. Bush size, yet le'me explain
> it to you (not really, mostly to those out there lookin' for trouble) how
> things stand: if you try to, or screw with Stevie, he'll screw you twice
> as hard back. A very simple and effective life philosophy I learned from
> Irving Layton, a Romanian born Jewish-Canadian poet my good friend Wally
> Keeler will be more than happy to introduce you to: boing! =>
> boing-boing!, boing! => boing-boing!, boing! => boing-boing! Pretty
> simple, isn't it? ;-)
> Our "beloved" Domnitza, when she saw that some goons' physical assault
> threats won't work to dissuade me from testifying (if asked) against her

> in court and that she could wound up in serious legal trouble if found to

> have had anything to do with it, in her irate mind, thaught that she can
> pursue me via the immigration game, so now, Stevie will show her some
> "immigration" card play of his own. You wanted immigration games "lady",
> you got'em! ;-)

Who give a fuck?

> The game in her case is very simple: when one applies for US citizenship,
> due to the well known and insane US commie paranoia, there's a "nice"
> question asking one whether s/he has ever been member of any Communist
> Party or any ohter association and/or organization associated with the
> Communist Party. If she was a PCR/FDUS/UTC/etc. member and she answered
> the question with "No", game's over (for her).
> The doubling of the... "boing!" will come in when I'll have conclusive
> proof that she also has "ciuciu" (no) "top 5%" university "finishes" at
> the Univ. of Bucharest, too. ;=)
> Hope to have cleared things up enough for ya. Now it's Wally's turn. And
> keep that tophat on, or else the heatwave might shrink your brain size to
> even sub-Texan levels... ;-)

When Bush becomes president, you will have to kiss every Texan's ass for
this outrageous insult before we even look at your application to come
here. :-)


Mar 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/9/00
Baaaaa, danciule, sa nu uiti simbata la ora doua ai ora la spataru,
baaaaaaaaaa, trezeste-te, sa vii simbata la doua la ora de supt pula lu
spataru, baaaaa, mortaciune. wrote in article <8a4gdj$od5$>...

> In article <8a445n$3gg$>,
> bv...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Stephen Dancs) wrote:

> > "TopHat" ( writes:
> > >
> > > Why does this canadian-romanian care about anyone's US citizenship
> papers?
> >
> > Well, I know that after a few years of livin' in Dallas, Tx, most
> > immigrants' brains just simply fry to a G.W. Bush size, yet le'me
> explain
> > it to you (not really, mostly to those out there lookin' for trouble)
> how
> > things stand: if you try to, or screw with Stevie, he'll screw you
> twice
> > as hard back. A very simple and effective life philosophy I learned
> from
> > Irving Layton, a Romanian born Jewish-Canadian poet my good friend
> Wally
> > Keeler will be more than happy to introduce you to: boing! =>
> > boing-boing!, boing! => boing-boing!, boing! => boing-boing! Pretty
> > simple, isn't it? ;-)
> >
> > Our "beloved" Domnitza, when she saw that some goons' physical assault
> > threats won't work to dissuade me from testifying (if asked) against
> her
> > in court and that she could wound up in serious legal trouble if

> found to

> > have had anything to do with it, in her irate mind, thaught that she
> can
> > pursue me via the immigration game, so now, Stevie will show her some
> > "immigration" card play of his own. You wanted immigration
> games "lady",
> > you got'em! ;-)
> >

> > The game in her case is very simple: when one applies for US
> citizenship,
> > due to the well known and insane US commie paranoia, there's a "nice"
> > question asking one whether s/he has ever been member of any Communist
> > Party or any ohter association and/or organization associated with the
> > Communist Party. If she was a PCR/FDUS/UTC/etc. member and she
> answered
> > the question with "No", game's over (for her).
> >
> > The doubling of the... "boing!" will come in when I'll have conclusive
> > proof that she also has "ciuciu" (no) "top 5%" university "finishes"
> at
> > the Univ. of Bucharest, too. ;=)
> >
> > Hope to have cleared things up enough for ya. Now it's Wally's turn.
> And
> > keep that tophat on, or else the heatwave might shrink your brain
> size to
> > even sub-Texan levels... ;-)
> >

> > (NOTE: Answers to this posting will be monitored mainly on the
> > "soc.culture.romanian" newsgroup.)

> Mai monitorizeaz-o si pe ma-ta nu numa raspunsurile, cacaciosule.
> > --
> =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
> > Stephen Dancs Voicemail: +1 (416) 760-
> 5885
> > Fax: +1 (240) 250-
> 1108

> > Toll-free: 1-888-700-YUGO x

Creative Intelligence Agency

Mar 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/9/00
TopHat <> wrote in message

| Still sounds like the romanian secret police.
| Why does this canadian-romanian care about anyone's US citizenship papers?

And why not? It's a global village ya know.


Mar 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/9/00
Creative Intelligence Agency <> wrote in article
In that case, you too can kiss the ass of every Texan also. Get right
behind stevie-boy :-)
To show that you are a good democrat and a member of the global village you
can give them all a blow-job as well.
Make canada proud.


Mar 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/9/00
>Subject: Re: The Irving Layton "philosophy" (Was: to a stalker)
>From: "Creative Intelligence Agency"
>Date: 3/9/00 7:16 AM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <BCMx4.178378$>

>TopHat <> wrote in message
>| Still sounds like the romanian secret police.
>| Why does this canadian-romanian care about anyone's US citizenship papers?

>And why not? It's a global village ya know.

that's right, Wally, why not?!!!

... i never expected that an 'experienced fighter for "Global Causes"(??)'
like you could get trapped in the dirt stirred up by this CONnational of yours.
he's nothing but a foolish loser that posts his "suppositions" ... lets better
call them idiocies_of_a_one_cellular_brain.

my past? poor little nothing, dancs, you couldn't even dream of stepping in my
footsteps, as small as they are ... and why?
'cause your motto is "MUIETI' S POSMAGII???? "DA-I MAI DEPARTE!"

dig up, MON, hopefully IT will help you to learn something ... what means to be
a 'human' being !


Creative Intelligence Agency

Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00
TopHat <> wrote in message

|Creative Intelligence Agency <> wrote in article
|> TopHat <> wrote in message
|>| Still sounds like the romanian secret police.
|>| Why does this canadian-romanian care about anyone's US citizenship
|>| papers?
| >
| >And why not? It's a global village ya know.
| In that case, you too can kiss the ass of every Texan also. Get right
| behind stevie-boy :-)
| To show that you are a good democrat and a member of the global village
| can give them all a blow-job as well.
| Make canada proud.

There is nothing in the USA that could ever make Canada proud, except for
the fact that the USA is "down there" while Canada is "up here."


Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00
"Creative wrote:

>There is nothing in the USA that could ever make Canada proud, except for
>the fact that the USA is "down there" while Canada is "up here."

Are you kidding? How about that piece of shit called Geo Metro, eh?

Stephen Dancs

Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00
DOMNITZA ( writes:
> that's right, Wally, why not?!!!
> ... i never expected that an 'experienced fighter for "Global Causes"(??)'
> like you could get trapped in the dirt stirred up by this CONnational of
> yours. he's nothing but a foolish loser that posts his "suppositions" ...
> lets better call them idiocies_of_a_one_cellular_brain.
> my past? poor little nothing, dancs, you couldn't even dream of stepping in
> my footsteps, as small as they are ... and why?
> 'cause your motto is "MUIETI' S POSMAGII???? "DA-I MAI DEPARTE!"
> dig up, MON, hopefully IT will help you to learn something ... what means to
> be a 'human' being !

Ya, ya, when people will hear -- hopefully in a court of law -- what I'll
have to say about you, they'll find out what kind of "great" "human" being
you truly are, "lady". In the mean time, concentrate on the excerpts below
(and on a few others, but let's just keep it short, shall we?), Mrs.-US-

Part 7. Additional eligibility factors.
1. Are you now, or have ever been a member of, or in any way connected or
associated with the Communist Party, or ever knowingly aided or supported
the Communist Party directly, or indirectly through another organization,
group or person, or ever advocated, taught, beleived in, or knowingly
supported or furthered the interests of communism? |_| Yes |_| No
3. Have you at any time, anywhere, ever ordered, incited, assisted, or
otherwise participated in the persecution of any person because of race,
religion, national origin, or political opinion? |_| Yes |_| No
12. Have you ever:
b. advocated or practiced polygamy? |_| Yes |_| No
Part 11. Signature.
I certify or, if outside the United States, I swear or affirm, under
penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that
this application, and the evidence submitted with it, is all true and
correct. I authorize the release of any information from my records which
the Immigration and Naturalization Service needs to determine eligibility
for the benefit I am seeking.

And remember: the times when your big puppy eyes worked with Stevie are
long gone. You wanted immigration games "lady", you got'em! I'm more than
happy to oblige. ;-)

(*) I remember as a 5th grader back in Romania who still didn't know that
Sven Hassel was just another Danish crook who swindled the whole world --
and still does! ( -- with
his fictional stories he claimed to be based on his East- and South-Front
WWII experiences, savouring his "true" stories, especially one about the
war of the German and Russian snipers in which, a German one, puts the
crosshairs on a Russian rival's head that was climbing down a tree, yet in
a twisted show of sadism, doesn't pull the trigger until the Russian's
head is just about to disappear in his final jump to safety. The German
enjoyed especially this "game" of letting his victims unharmed till
microseconds before the moment they thought that they're "safe at last!"
arrived. Like that (fictional) meister Scharfschützer, let's hope that
I'll put a "bullet" (legally speaking, of course) through the "lady's"
head, just when she tought that as a US citizen, she's unfuckable. ;=)

(NOTE: Answers to this posting will be monitored mainly on the
"soc.culture.romanian" newsgroup.)

(Lunetistu' (+) Piuuuuf!.) ;-)

Stephen Dancs Voicemail: +1 (416) 760-5885 Fax: +1 (240) 250-1108


Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00

<> alludes to her Complete Monopoly over most "human" attributes:
| ...what means to be a 'human' being !

Madam, if you ever find out, please let us know... (With an exAmple). >:o[


-V- e.v.

Creative Intelligence Agency

Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
Aschiuta <> wrote in message

Give your infant a .45


Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
>From: bv...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Stephen Dancs)
>Date: 03/10/2000 1:04 PM Pacific Standard Time
>Message-id: <8abo0m$516$>

>Ya, ya, when people will hear -- hopefully in a court of law -- what I'll
>have to say about you, they'll find out what kind of "great" "human" being
>you truly are, "lady". In the mean time, concentrate on the excerpts below
>(and on a few others, but let's
>just keep it short, shall we?), Mrs.-US-

Bai Fanica bacsi de ce tot incerci sa pari al dracului fatza de Domnitza cand
tu esti o persoana, asa de brava?!!!!

Bula 00001

Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00

Arkivian ar trebui deklarat regili dala Humor :>Bai Fanica bacsi de ce tot

incerci sa pari al dracului fatza de Domnitza
>tu esti o persoana, asa de brava?!!!!

No shit ! :)))))

Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
In article <RPYx4.179359$>,

"Creative Intelligence Agency" <> wrote:

> There is nothing in the USA that could ever make Canada proud, except
for the fact that the USA is "down there" while Canada is "up here."

> Ever hear of the ass that was so conceited he considered himself Nar-
cissus ? One day he was looking 'down' into this here pond just to ad-
mire, yet again, his indescri-babe-ly handsome countenance when ,all of
a friggin' sudden, an abject frog jumped out from 'down under ' and
smashed the pond's mirror into zillions of smithereens.
Unfluster'd the ass said: " Gee, it looks like a million Narcissuses
'down there' ! " , whereupon the froggie what had a smatterin' of the
assinine lang, replied: " Wow, it looks like a stupid ass, 'up there' !"

Creative Intelligence Agency

Mar 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/15/00

<> wrote in message news:8aglhh$9kf$

But more importantly, it's what is dumped on you "down there."
Wash your face once in a while for kryst sake


Mar 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/15/00
"Creative wrote:

>But more importantly, it's what is dumped on you "down there."
>Wash your face once in a while for kryst sake

Give yourself a .44!

Creative Intelligence Agency

Mar 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/17/00
Aschiuta <> wrote

|"Creative Intelligence Agency" <> wrote:
|><> wrote...

|>|"Creative Intelligence Agency" <> wrote:
|>|>There is nothing in the USA that could ever make Canada
|>|>proud, except for the fact that the USA is "down there" while
|>|>Canada is "up here."
|>|Ever hear of the ass that was so conceited he considered himself Nar-
|>|cissus ? One day he was looking 'down' into this here pond just to ad-
|>|mire, yet again, his indescri-babe-ly handsome countenance when ,all of
|>|a friggin' sudden, an abject frog jumped out from 'down under ' and
|>|smashed the pond's mirror into zillions of smithereens.
|>|Unfluster'd the ass said: " Gee, it looks like a million Narcissuses
|>|'down there' ! " , whereupon the froggie what had a smatterin' of the
|>|assinine lang, replied: " Wow, it looks like a stupid ass, 'up there' !"
|>But more importantly, it's what is dumped on you "down there."
|>Wash your face once in a while for kryst sake
|Give yourself a .44!



Mar 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/17/00
"Creative wrote:

>Aschiuta <> wrote

>|Give yourself a .44!


Yonopot kivalnok!

Creative Intelligence Agency

Mar 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/17/00
Aschiuta <> wrote

You're welcome


Mar 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/17/00
"Creative wrote:

>Aschiuta <> wrote
>| >|Give yourself a .44!
>| >AK47
>| Yonopot kivalnok!
>You're welcome

What took you so long?

Creative Intelligence Agency

Mar 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/18/00
Aschiuta <> wrote

Someone had come to the door.


Mar 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/18/00
"Creative wrote:

>| "Creative wrote:
>| >Aschiuta <> wrote
>| >| >|Give yourself a .44!
>| >|
>| >| >AK47
>| >|
>| >| Yonopot kivalnok!
>| >
>| >You're welcome
>| What took you so long?
>Someone had come to the door.

Politzia sau mutzafirii?

Creative Intelligence Agency

Mar 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/18/00
Aschiuta <> wrote

No. This is Canada.


Mar 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/18/00
Then it must've been the garbage collectors. Did they take you?

Creative Intelligence Agency wrote in message ...

Creative Intelligence Agency

Mar 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/18/00
Carabel <> wrote

Nope. They found out that I did not have a Romanian return address

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