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Cotton wool in the ears?

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Jun 24, 2002, 6:17:59 PM6/24/02
From: Craig (
Subject: Cotton wool in the ears?

Why do Romanians wear cotton wool in their ears?

this is indeed a question which puzzles me for over 10 years...
grateful if you could find the answer...

I have heard a rumour about a belief/superstition that any form of
draughtwill cause illness. It sounded like the name they had for it is
somethinglike 'Corent'.

correct spelling: curent (which also means electrical
current!)...think it is not a superstition...think that they are truly
that they get earache, headache, toothache if exposed to 'curent'
might be well possible that bad oral hygiene, disregard re: dental
treatment, etc may have contributed to the belief (perhaps correct!)
that they get ill if exposed to cold air...


Jun 24, 2002, 6:43:58 PM6/24/02
> (adrian)

>From: Craig (
>Subject: Cotton wool in the ears?
>Why do Romanians wear cotton wool in their ears?

>this is indeed a question which puzzles me for over 10 years...

well, whaddabout "groin"g up? What stopped you at 10? As of my recollection,
only old out_towners "> wear cotton wool in their ears" like everywhere else in
Europe old people do

still puzzled? oh, c'mon, that MUST be related to Dracula, not to mention that
all the beggers in our dear(est) Bucale >wear cotton wool in their ears as a
gang sign
I never stuffed my ears, nor did my parents, relatives or neighbors, so what
are you puzzled for over 10 years? Where are you from?


Jun 25, 2002, 4:11:11 PM6/25/02
>From: (Greencome)



Jun 26, 2002, 1:26:21 PM6/26/02
From: Greencome (
Subject: Re: Cotton wool in the ears?

> (adrian)

>From: Craig (
>Subject: Cotton wool in the ears?

>Why do Romanians wear cotton wool in their ears?
>this is indeed a question which puzzles me for over 10 years...

well, whaddabout "groin"g up? What stopped you at 10? As of my recollection,
only old out_towners "> wear cotton wool in their ears" like everywhere else in
Europe old people do

i don't see a single blooming english senior citizen wearing cotton
wool in his/her ears!...and generally, women here are proud of their hair
(as opposed to our romanian tzatze...

still puzzled? oh, c'mon, that MUST be related to Dracula,

thought they want to isolate themselves from the world...refusal to
accept advice, etc?...noi nu ne vindem intelepciunea (we don't sell
our wisdom)...

I never stuffed my ears, nor did my parents, relatives or neighbors, so what
are you puzzled for over 10 years?

that's why you didn't rot in the country of willows...

Where are you from?

Corentul dan Vale, raionu Maracine, jud Urlatzi...


Jun 26, 2002, 3:03:11 PM6/26/02
> (adrian)

>i don't see a single blooming english senior citizen wearing cotton
>wool in his/her ears!

that's precisely b/coz you live in London, but what about driving this coming
weekend to a farm at, let's say, 100 mi from big ben. And why on earth 2 romani
pe un forum romanesc vorbesc in engleza despre taranul ... roman?! Are we nuts,
or what?
Io plonjai in ciorba pen ca intrebarea:

>Why do Romanians wear cotton wool in their ears?

mi se pare stupida, sub nici o forma vata din urechi nu-i o caracteristica
romaneasca. Am calatorit prin lume si m-am dumirit ca omul de r^nd, fie el
englez, spaniol, australian, american sau cu ochii trasi spre spate, stie 4
dume mari si late despre Romanica: dracula/ilie nastase/nadia
comaneci/ceaucescu. Dar vata in urechi?, si d'aia s^ntem vinovati?! Precis e o
conspiratie jidaneasca, de data asta Fredy a depasit masura! O sa-mi scot vata
din urechi si o sa i-o bag in nas..


Jun 26, 2002, 5:10:22 PM6/26/02
>From: (adrian)

ba jupane, la voi in angliea unde-ai fost iedukat(hihihi!) si fumeili ie mandre
da paru pus pa moatze, spre deosebire da tzatze,si nu poarta vata dacat in
kissda, acolo nu v'anvatzat sa folositzi ghiulimelili ? ca nu disting prostiea
unuiea d'a altuiea.

da poa'ca nu inporta, ca suntetzi cam la fel...
urlatziu ie orashi iedukat baaaa! tzie tzi'e si rushine sa zici d'unde ieshti.
gaineatza shtim ca ie bukalez da maidan, da tu poa' dala caracal.

otto fon shlitz ready


Jun 27, 2002, 6:35:49 PM6/27/02
From: Gicabulla (

Subject: Re: Cotton wool in the ears?

>ba jupane, la voi in angliea unde-ai fost iedukat(hihihi!) si fumeili

ie mandre
da paru pus pa moatze, spre deosebire da tzatze,si nu poarta vata
dacat in
kissda, acolo nu v'anvatzat sa folositzi ghiulimelili ?

my writing is vapsit in bleu...breinu' matali works in a binary
fashion? 10010010001111..., etc
ca si gardul vapsit la olteni?

>ca nu disting prostiea
unuiea d'a altuiea. da poa'ca nu inporta, ca suntetzi cam la fel...

ho, ho, hooo...take it easy Don Gyka fon Mottonel...calm down
and climb down from the roof...switch to decaff and, eaaaaasy with the

>urlatziu ie orashi iedukat baaaa! tzie tzi'e si rushine sa zici
d'unde ieshti.
gaineatza shtim ca ie bukalez da maidan, da tu poa' dala caracal.

if i tell you, can you keep a secret, eeeeeeeeeeeh?

>otto fon shlitz ready

zip your fly sir, ca ti sa vedi podoaba cu amigdale pin'la bukale...

Sir Fritz Testosterone von Mai Urlatzi M^i


Jun 27, 2002, 6:36:14 PM6/27/02


Jun 27, 2002, 6:36:14 PM6/27/02
From: Gicabulla (
Subject: Re: Cotton wool in the ears?

>ba jupane, la voi in angliea unde-ai fost iedukat(hihihi!) si fumeili
ie mandre
da paru pus pa moatze, spre deosebire da tzatze,si nu poarta vata
dacat in
kissda, acolo nu v'anvatzat sa folositzi ghiulimelili ?

my writing is vapsit in bleu...breinu' matali works in a binary
fashion? 10010010001111..., etc
ca si gardul vapsit la olteni?

>ca nu disting prostiea
unuiea d'a altuiea. da poa'ca nu inporta, ca suntetzi cam la fel...

ho, ho, hooo...take it easy Don Gyka fon Mottonel-Cottonel...calm down


Jun 27, 2002, 11:04:19 PM6/27/02
to wrote:

Ai vazut don Gica ce patzesti daca te nervozezi? Hihihi


Jun 28, 2002, 9:36:44 AM6/28/02
>From: (Ashkiutza)
>Date: 6/27/02 8:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

nervos mai rait fuut! Io ieam scris odata si iel a dat-o'n balbaieala:0))

auzi ce'i aiea pa iei grijea, vata din urechi cand altzii ale plantatzii
intregi in nas si urechi.

poate ca bietzi romani s'a saturat s'auza prostiili tineretului, westernizat,
prin miljoacili da trasport in comun si daiea pune vata. sau s'a saturat da
minciunili guvernului. ie o mie da motive ca biet romanu sa'shi puie vata in
urechi. pa vremea da aor nu sa gasea vata nici pentru pus jos.

cin-cin !



Jun 29, 2002, 3:33:09 AM6/29/02
to (Gicabulla) wrote in message news:<>...

life is too short to argue, Don Gyka! Pax Magna across the pond, eeeeeeeeh?


Jun 29, 2002, 11:27:36 AM6/29/02
>Date: 6/29/02 12:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

mai bine mai tarziu dacat niciodata... aaa?!


Jun 29, 2002, 6:25:22 PM6/29/02
to (Gicabulla) wrote in message news:<>...

positive (cotton goes up, cotton goes down)

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