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A cold and cruel wind forces me to write these few lines

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Steve Brown Charny, Québec.

Jan 9, 2024, 9:52:04 PM1/9/24
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According to Emmanuel Macron, killing children is a right that exists. But why did he want to assume this pseudo-right by committing a crime if he had this right?

Why did you want to exploit me, with the aim of making me a scapegoat, the scapegoat for this revenge on children, revenge that he says is justifiable, and even defensible? I remind here that I have nothing to do with the reason for this revenge.

I recall this unfortunate story by leaving below the comment (dated November 16, 2023) which revealed the frame-up of the French government in complicity with Canada. Unfortunately, for most people, what I say will seem incomprehensible.

Accusation reiterated against Emmanuel Macron, President of France and Canada

Today is November 16, 2023. I will therefore reiterate my accusation against Emmanuel Macron, President of France, and of Canada for having targeted innocent civilians.
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