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Zwolan, Trela, narciasz perverts a security risk

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Sep 22, 2023, 3:00:09 PM9/22/23
The lack of emotional stability which is found in most sex perverts and
the weakness of their moral fiber, makes them susceptible to the
blandishments of the foreign espionage agent. It is the experience of
intelligence experts that perverts are vulnerable to interrogation by a
skilled questioner and they seldom refuse to talk about themselves.
Furthermore, most perverts tend to congregate at the same restaurants,
night clubs, and bars, which places can be identified with comparative
ease in any community, making it possible for a recruiting agent to
develop clandestine relationships which can be used for espionage



Sep 22, 2023, 3:56:25 PM9/22/23
Ciekawe ktory to DaLancia?

Basia (Ona/Jej)


Sep 22, 2023, 4:23:26 PM9/22/23
no prosze, zbok nauczyl siee wycinac tak jak Trela, kuzyni jak nic

a tu link:

Sep 22, 2023, 5:10:36 PM9/22/23
piątek, 22 września 2023 o 15:56:25 UTC-4 Basia napisał(a):
> Ciekawe ktory to DaLancia?
aktualny, przy swojm Pallazo:


Sep 22, 2023, 8:07:56 PM9/22/23
*folsdojcz-zboczeniec, wypierdalaj*

Sep 22, 2023, 10:07:28 PM9/22/23
przed kim zapyziały zgredzie?


Sep 23, 2023, 1:26:20 PM9/23/23
zanim ruszysz to naoliw bioderka

Russet Bulba

Sep 23, 2023, 1:50:18 PM9/23/23


Sep 23, 2023, 2:05:05 PM9/23/23
bimber go podlewa wiec zardzewial


Sep 23, 2023, 4:24:32 PM9/23/23
Na to Strak reaguje, ale nie mial problemu z: "Zwolan, Trela, narciasz perverts a security risk" i nie *folsdojcz-zboczeniec, wypierdalaj*"?

Pogratulowac znalezienia bratniej duszy. Andal - you complete me ?


Sep 23, 2023, 5:47:16 PM9/23/23
mial miec problem bo Trela tak chce?

Trela, obudz sie, czasy kiszczaka dawno minely

a a

Sep 23, 2023, 5:50:17 PM9/23/23
Niech on lepiej to przeczyta, zamiast filozofować



Sep 23, 2023, 9:55:08 PM9/23/23
I gdzies tutaj na powiekszonym zdjeciu:,Teatr_Wielki_-_Opera_Narodowa,336,48.html?f=837729-foto

1972 , Uroczystości ślubowania ORMO.
Skomentuj zdjęcie


Sep 23, 2023, 9:56:46 PM9/23/23
On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 6:55:08 PM UTC-7, Basia wrote:
> On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 1:23:26 PM UTC-7, andal wrote:
> > On Fri, 22 Sep 2023 12:56:24 -0700 (PDT), Basia wrote:
> >
> > > Ciekawe ktory to DaLancia?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Basia (Ona/Jej)
> >
> > no prosze, zbok nauczyl siee wycinac tak jak Trela, kuzyni jak nic
> >
> > a tu link:
> >
> >

I gdzies tutaj na powiekszonym zdjeciu:,Teatr_Wielki_-_Opera_Narodowa,336,48.html?f=837729-foto,foto.html?s=0.96&cx=773&cy=563


Sep 23, 2023, 10:00:26 PM9/23/23
On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 6:56:46 PM UTC-7, Basia wrote:
> On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 6:55:08 PM UTC-7, Basia wrote:
> > On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 1:23:26 PM UTC-7, andal wrote:
> > > On Fri, 22 Sep 2023 12:56:24 -0700 (PDT), Basia wrote:
> > >
> > > > Ciekawe ktory to DaLancia?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Basia (Ona/Jej)
> > >
> > > no prosze, zbok nauczyl siee wycinac tak jak Trela, kuzyni jak nic
> > >
> > > a tu link:
> > >
> > >
> I gdzies tutaj na powiekszonym zdjeciu:

Rozpoznales sie?
Mozesz zdjecie powiekszyc "scrolujac" rolka w myszce:

Russet Bulba

Sep 23, 2023, 10:04:09 PM9/23/23
Zazdrosny? A to czemu?


Sep 24, 2023, 12:02:57 AM9/24/23
nie przyjeli cie zboku?


Sep 24, 2023, 6:18:01 PM9/24/23
Rzeczywiscie - jakie tam u Pana zmiany w mozgu, panie Strak - czy ktos ze zmianami moglby wpasc na pomysl
ze ja jestem ... zadrosny wobec Panskiego zwiazku z Andalem?

- Tak tak Gerwazanku "[Indianie] nie wiedza jak byc ludzmi", a kobiety trans to maja "lagi do kolan"!
-Tak tak Protazenku. A wiesz Protazenku "Czym sie rozni maly zyd o duzego?- Wartoscia opalowa." ha, ha, ha, no nie?
A jak sie ten Zwolan bedzie ciebie czepiac, to walnij mu jak ja: "wypluj chuja z geby i zacznij myslec pedale"!

Russet Bulba

Sep 24, 2023, 6:43:48 PM9/24/23
Gaworzycie sobie, profesorze? Troche wczesnie ale intelekt tez moze sie wyczerpac przy naglych zmianach wyznawanych systemow wartosci. Plastycznosc mozgu ma tez swoje granice.


Sep 24, 2023, 8:49:17 PM9/24/23
ma Pan na mysli nagle zmiany wyznawanych systemow wartosci opisanych w watku Panskiego Mastera?

Thread: "Nasz p. Andrzej zanim przejrzal"?
Author: Bratolin

"A przeciez dzisiaj p. Andrzej juz tak nie napisze. To jest cudowne, CUDOWNE, znaczy to przejrzenie p. Andrzeja.
To jak Saul najsamprzod gromiacy chrzescijan, a - zaraz po przejrzeniu na drodze do Damaszku - juz jako
sw. Pawel WYTYCZAJACY zreby pozniejszego katolicyzmu!
Co u Pana bylo tym zaczynem, iskra, rzeklbym, p. Andrzeju?"

Tak wiec Panski Master Leszek widzi to odwrotnie niz Pan:
- NAJPIERW jakies spiecie w mozgu ( "iskra" u Pana, "olśniła go nagle światłość z nieba" u Szawla), a DOPIERO POTEM
calkowita zmiana pogladow i calkowite zaprzeczenie swoim poprzednio "wyznawanym systemom wartosci".

To ma biologicznie duzo wiecej sensu i Panski Master bardziej WIARYGODNY niz Pan - w koncu on to Profesor Botaniki i Medalista
Krola Szwecji za Dlugi Staz Pracy - a wiec zna sie na wegetacji, np na stare lata jako tzw. "warzywo".
A Pan co - profesonalnie zna sie na przerobie ... trupow ryb, ktore zmarly w wyniku uduszenia sie, albo mlotka w glowe,
a nie "naglych zmian wyznawanych systemow wartosci".

Russet Bulba

Sep 24, 2023, 9:24:41 PM9/24/23
Pan tak naprawde bez alkoholu i jakis grzybkow, panie Piotrze? Wczesnie pan zaczal.


Sep 24, 2023, 10:32:52 PM9/24/23
i to w Pana glowie, p. Strak - blyskotliwe uzasadania:

a) Panskie wpadanie sobie w slowo z czlowiekiem kotry wczesniej dowcipkowal: "Czym sie rozni maly zyd o duzego?- Wartoscia opalowa." i odpowiadal do oponenta "wypluj chuja z geby i zacznij myslec pedale"?

b) Panska obrone p. a) Panska sugestia ze ja Panu ... "zazdroszcze"... tego podobinestwa pogladow z czlowiekiem dowcipkujacym o Holokauscie i mowiacym "wypluj chuja z geby i zacznij myslec pedale"?

c) _Panskie_ pouczanie _mnie_ o "naglych zmianach wyznawanych systemow wartosci", po tym jak ja ... nie zmienilem swoich systemow wartosci. a Pan zmienil i to TAK, ze nawet Panski wlasny Mentor porownywal to do diametralnej przemiany
z Szawla w sw. Pawla na drodze do Damaszku?

Jesli skleroza to pomoge:
Strak: Gaworzycie sobie, profesorze? Troche wczesnie ale intelekt tez moze sie wyczerpac przy naglych zmianach
wyznawanych systemow wartosci.

ja: ma Pan na mysli nagle zmiany wyznawanych systemow wartosci opisanych w watku Panskiego Mastera?
Thread: "Nasz p. Andrzej zanim przejrzal"?
Author: Bratolin
"A przeciez dzisiaj p. Andrzej juz tak nie napisze. To jest cudowne, CUDOWNE, znaczy to przejrzenie p. Andrzeja.
To jak Saul najsamprzod gromiacy chrzescijan, a - zaraz po przejrzeniu na drodze do Damaszku - juz jako sw. Pawel
WYTYCZAJACY zreby pozniejszego katolicyzmu! Co u Pana bylo tym zaczynem, iskra, rzeklbym, p. Andrzeju?"

Tak wiec Panski Master Leszek widzi to odwrotnie niz Pan:
- NAJPIERW jakies spiecie w mozgu ( "iskra" u Pana, "olśniła go nagle światłość z nieba" u Szawla), a DOPIERO POTEM
calkowita zmiana pogladow i calkowite zaprzeczenie swoim poprzednio "wyznawanym systemom wartosci".

To ma biologicznie duzo wiecej sensu i Panski Master bardziej WIARYGODNY niz Pan - w koncu on to Profesor Botaniki i Medalista
Krola Szwecji za Dlugi Staz Pracy - a wiec zna sie na wegetacji, np na stare lata jako tzw. "warzywo"." A Pan co - profesonalnie zna sie na przerobie ... trupow ryb, ktore zmarly w wyniku uduszenia sie, albo mlotka w glowe, a nie "naglych zmian wyznawanych systemow wartosci".

Russet Bulba

Sep 24, 2023, 10:40:47 PM9/24/23
Masz pan material dla studentow, lektorze. Przedstaw i zareportuj ich reakcje. Moze zdarzysz zanim wezwa pogotowie.


Sep 25, 2023, 10:20:33 AM9/25/23
Nie jest Pan az tak ciekawym przypadkiem, jak sie Panu wydaje. Starszy czlowiek dostaje jakiejs urazu (udar?)
w wyniku czego diametralnie zmienia mu sie osobowosc, IQ, i "wyznawane systemow wartosci" i po tym stacza sie nizej
i nizej, nie bedac jednoczesnie w stanie ani dostrzec ani tym bardziej przyznac do tego upadku, bo przyznanie sie
zmiany pogladow oznaczaloby ze mylil sie - albo wczesnie albo teraz - a tego jego kruche ego, nie byloby w stanie wytrzymac.

Tak czeste, ze wrecz banalne - w takich przypadkach glowna roznica to KIEDY - czy jak Pan - w okolicach wieku emerytalnego,
czy jak pan Kleczkowski - z 15-20 lat wczesniej ^*.

Tak wiec Panski przypadek zbyt banalny aby go poruszac w klasie - jesli juz to moge Panskiego Mentora - bo tam nie tylko calkowita zmiana osobowosci, systemu wartosci i spadek IQ - ale takze "early onset" oraz przyklad NAUKOWCA skaldajacego swoja naukowa "integrity" na oltarzu nowoznalezionej ideologii.

^* Leszek A. Kleczkowski PRZED swoim przejrzeniem:

Jego watek: The Ten Greatest Poles of the XXth Century
1. Lech Walesa
5. Adam Michnik
6. Stanislaw Lem
7. Czeslaw Milosz

DZIS juz ich tam nie umieszcza.

Nie jest juz takim brown-noserem Walesy. Dzisiejszy pan Leszek juz tak nie napisze:

- "Wot i typowy antywalesista. Piana na oczach, amnezja historyczna, a i duze dlugopisy mu sie nie podobaja. Prosze wykupic zapas Prozacu, by byl pod reka"
Leszek Andrzej Kleczkowski

"Wlasnie zobaczylem, ze Lechu Walesa i Papiez sa w pierwszej dwudziestce tygodnika Time jako najwieksi liderzy XX wieku. [...] Trzymam kciuki za Lecha! Pewnym problemem oczywiscie jest fakt, ze Lechu dzialal w koncowce XX wieku, nastepny wiek przed nim, tak wiec ci co wybieraja moga skoncentrowac sie na jakichs mniejszych figurach [sic - PT] jak Churchill czy FDR...
Ten sam problem bedzie oczywiscie, gdy Czlowieka Tysiaclecia wybierac beda - Lechu siedzi okrakiem na dwoch milleniach!"
Leszek Andrzej Kleczkowski

- "Lechu ambasador i dyplomata"
- "Lechu! (Re: Stulecie Nobla)"
- "Lechu dyplomata i maz stanu."
- "Lechu - Man of the Century?!"
- "Polak Tysiaclecia"
- "Lechu w Oslo (stulecie Nobla)"
- "George jak Lechu."
-" Lechu w Ameryce."
-" Lechu na Olimpiade!"
-" Lechu na Olimpiadzie."
-" Lechu fetowany na Zachodzie i Wschodzie."
- "Lechu do Georga W."
- "Lechu o tragedii w USA."
- "Lechu jest przeciwny."
- "Lechu na prezydenta of the US of Europe!"
Leszek Andrzej Kleczkowski

Russet Bulba

Sep 25, 2023, 10:34:33 AM9/25/23
I tak tam w tej klasie pana kompletnie nie rozumieja, panie lektorze. Mieliscie ‘bridge’ ten gap no i jak poszlo? Jak z sukcesem, to chyba warto sie tym pochwalic, no ale jak nie, to cisza, gdy nastepne fundusze poszly w bloto.


Sep 25, 2023, 2:07:41 PM9/25/23
No, but they are still heads and shoulders above your comprehension ability. But then again, who wouldn't.

> Mieliscie ‘bridge’ ten gap no i jak poszlo? Jak z sukcesem, to chyba warto sie tym pochwalic, no ale jak nie,
> to cisza, gdy nastepne fundusze poszly w bloto.

Since you, Mr. Andrew Strak, to defend your fragile ego, trying AGAIN to discredit my University, its instructors, and its students,
let's switch to English, just in case if you followed on your previous attempts to shut me up with veiled threats of denouncing
me to my university - so if needed, they could quickly ascertain the credibility and ethical integrity of that denouncer.

A. Strak: You were supposed to 'bridge' the gap and how did it go? If it's successful, it's probably worth bragging about,
but if not, there is silence, when another funds went down the drain.
[the translation tries to preserve the style of the Polish original]

P. Trela: In other words, Mr Strak insinuate that the project in question, Biology Tutorials, was an abject failure, and that
unable to face it - I try to cover u this failure and the wasting of ANOTHER funds down the drain. ("another" insinuating a pattern)
with silence.

Unfortunately, Mr. Strak's memory is not as good as it used to be - for he forgot that he has already made the same insinuation
at least TWICE before, and consequently - had his ass handed to him on the same occassions:

1. June 20, 2022, Andrew Strak, in his derision at the Biology Tutorials project aiming to help to level the playing field for those into biology students who don't have a strong biology background from high- school.:
- "Mr. Piotr, could you recall the outcome of your noble efforts? Any hope? :-))"
- I have answered giving him the title of the publication on the Tutorials that anybody can easily find in Google Scholar
(see attachment)

A few months passes, Mr. Strak forgot about his humiliation and self-satisfied ...opens a new thread

2. Oct. 18, 2022, Andrew Strak
New thread : Gdzie ten report, panie Piotrze i jakie rezultaty?
"Where is that report, Mr. Piotr, and what are the results?"
- to which I refer him to my answer in p.1

More months passes, Mr Strak forgot about his two humiliations.
In an unrelated discussion - he claimed that some people have physical changes in their brain as a result of "sudden change of their vlue system", while I responded that the opposite is much more biologically plausible - Mr. Strak introduced to the
discussion ... my students and then implied that they are ... to dense to understand what is being said to them in class:

3. Sept.25 , 2022 "And they don't understand you at all in the class, Mr. Lecturer. You were supposed to 'bridge' the gap and
how did it go? If it's successful, it's probably worth bragging about, but if not, there is silence, when another funds went
down the drain."

To all that I have already answered twice before so here is June 2022 answer:

- A. Strak, trying to get at me, by disparaging ... my University: "I guess [in Newfoundland] bars are better than universities."

- PT: How would you know, I mean, in your recent mental state*
*[ Andrew Strak, once an intelligent and articulate person, a few years ago suffered a dramatic change in personality and
IQ, after which he pronounced his admiration for Trump, opened threads like: "[Indians] don't know how to be human"
and THEN accused a critic of these views of being, wait for it, ...."homophobic toward Indians".]

-A. Strak: How would I know? From the following info, Mr Piotr. You never saw it before? Or your memory has collapsed recently? Too bad :-))

- PT: "So, you are presenting a _good_ thing: preparing additional resources to "bridge the gaps" in high-school education in biology by some students coming from different educational backgrounds - as something .... that is supposed to discredit those who do it ???"

- A Strak: showing no sign of self-reflection, quite the OPPOSITE - doubling ... insinuatiing that our efforts to even the playing
field for the students, was a ...sham:
"You never saw it before? Or your memory has collapsed recently? Too bad :-))
>Where can you find any report on this action, Mr. Piotr? After all, were you a member of this group? Is it a secret?"

- PT: "The outcome of what you derisively called "noble efforts" is ... a set of tutorials and self-evaluations quizzes that has
been made available to the students taking the Introductory Biology courses at Memorial University.
And it is "a secret" only to those for whom the ability to do a simple search on Google is beyond their comprehension:
Google Scholar, type a few words from the article, say: "Piotr Trela" + "Memorial University" and voila:
- the first hit: abstract from the presentation at a conference:
"Design, development and evaluation of first year biology open online tutorials"
- a few entries below - a paper in the Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
"The effectiveness of interactive online tutorials in first-year large biology course"

So how do you look now with your:
"You never saw it before? Or your memory has collapsed recently? Too bad :-))
Where can you find any report on this action, Mr. Piotr? After all, were you a member of this group? Is it a secret?"
Mr. Strak?
this and more in:

"You never saw it before? Or your memory has collapsed recently? Too bad :-))" , Mr. Strak ? ;-)

Piotr Trela

Russet Bulba

Sep 25, 2023, 4:11:21 PM9/25/23
This document is currently not available here.

Dworujesz sobie, Waszec.

Russet Bulba

Sep 25, 2023, 4:35:33 PM9/25/23
Following the analysis, the group will disseminate a report and communicate the results of the project. They will also share the resources they developed by making them available in an open format for others to use or repurpose.


Sep 25, 2023, 5:26:20 PM9/25/23
On Monday, September 25, 2023 at 5:41:21 PM UTC-2:30, Russet Bulba wrote:
> On Monday, September 25, 2023 at 3:07:41 PM UTC-3, Piotr wrote:

> This document is currently not available here.

Which document?

The rest of the portrait of Andrew Strak through is own words - as previously:

Russet Bulba

Sep 25, 2023, 5:41:10 PM9/25/23
Ten do ktorego czynil pan referencje rok temu. Widze, ze nie jest pan na biezaco.


Sep 25, 2023, 7:27:00 PM9/25/23
On Monday, September 25, 2023 at 7:11:10 PM UTC-2:30, Russet Bulba wrote:
> On Monday, September 25, 2023 at 6:26:20 PM UTC-3, Piotr wrote:
> > On Monday, September 25, 2023 at 5:41:21 PM UTC-2:30, Russet Bulba wrote:

> > > This document is currently not available here.
> > Which document?
> Ten do ktorego czynil pan referencje rok temu. Widze, ze nie jest pan na biezaco.

Links are exactly as they were last year:
>> PT: "The outcome of what you derisively called "noble efforts" is ... a set of tutorials and self-evaluations quizzes that has
> > been made available to the students taking the Introductory Biology courses at Memorial University.
> > And it is "a secret" only to those for whom the ability to do a simple search on Google is beyond their comprehension:
> > Google Scholar, type a few words from the article, say: "Piotr Trela" + "Memorial University" and voila:
-"Design, development and evaluation of first year biology open online tutorials"
- "The effectiveness of interactive online tutorials in first-year large biology course"

1. June 20, 2022, Andrew Strak, in his derision at the Biology Tutorials project aiming to help to level the playing
field for those into biology students who don't have a strong biology background from high- school.:
- "Mr. Piotr, could you recall the outcome of your noble efforts? Any hope? :-))"
- I have answered giving him the title of the publications on the Tutorials that anybody can easily find in Google Scholar
(see above)
A few months passes, our Mr Magoo, forgot about his humiliation and self-satisfied ...opens a new thread:

2. Oct. 18, 2022, Andrew Strak New thread : Gdzie ten report, panie Piotrze i jakie rezultaty?
i.e.: "Where is that report, Mr. Piotr, and what are the results?"
- to which I refer him to my answer in p.1

More months passes and Mr Strak ... forgets AGAIN - forgets about his two previous humiliations on the same subject
and starts again, with undiminished hutzpah:

3. Sept.25 , 2022 "You were supposed to 'bridge' the gap and how did it go? If it's successful, it's probably worth bragging
about, but if not, there is silence, when another funds went down the drain."

And this is the same Andrews Strak, who is certain that it is me who suffers of amnesia and ridicules me:
"You never saw it before? Or your memory has collapsed recently? Too bad :-))
Andrew Strak

Russet Bulba

Sep 25, 2023, 7:37:42 PM9/25/23
Jest jako drugie. Za CAD 37.00. To zgodnie z duchem tego oswiadczenia?


Sep 25, 2023, 11:26:20 PM9/25/23
> > 3. Sept.25 , 2023 "You were supposed to 'bridge' the gap and how did it go? If it's successful, it's probably worth bragging
> > about, but if not, there is silence, when another funds went down the drain."
> > And this is the same Andrews Strak, who is certain that it is me who suffers of amnesia and ridicules me:
> > "You never saw it before? Or your memory has collapsed recently? Too bad :-))
> > Andrew Strak
> Jest jako drugie. Za CAD 37.00. To zgodnie z duchem tego oswiadczenia?
> Following the analysis, the group will disseminate a report and communicate the results of the project. They will also share the resources they developed by making them available in an open format for others to use or repurpose.

Most scientific publications are paid, Mr. Strak, but because they addressed to academic community, the academics
can access them through their institutions. Moreover, in the link provided there is an Abstract and a short summary:
Purpose, Design/methodology/approach, Findings Originality/Value and Acknowledgements.

If this is still not enough for you, and you are really REALLY interested in the details of the calculations - then for a man who
crowed with delight about the greatness of America because of the height of his paycheque - $37 should not be a big barrier.
And if it is - perhaps take a bus and go to a nearby university and get a free read?

But that's all only a pathetic attempt of Mr. Strak to save your face - to distract from the fact that Strak's attempts to
discredit me backfired - unable to do even a simple search on Google Scholar - Mr. Strak assumed that these publication
don't exist - and based on that non-existence he insinuated that the project was an abject failure and defrauding of the
public money , and not for the first time: "ANOTHER funds went down the drain":

And Mr. Strak repeated the same insinuations, THRICE within the span of 1.5 year, with each repeat ...FORGETTING that
he has ALREADY MADE similar accusations and each time forgetting how this have ended up for him.
And n ot only he FORGOT his previous self-inflicted humiliations, with each repeat he became more aggressive and more
derisive in his insinuations.

- June 20, 2022: "Mr. Piotr, could you recall the outcome of your noble efforts? Any hope? :-))"
- Oct. 18, 2022 : "Where is that report, Mr. Piotr, and what are the results?"
- Sept.25 , 2023: "You were supposed to 'bridge' the gap and how did it go? If it's successful, it's probably worth bragging
about, but if not, there is silence, when another funds went down the drain."

Ladies and Gentlemen: Mr Andrew Strak!

Piotr Trela

Russet Bulba

Sep 26, 2023, 6:51:22 AM9/26/23
Mr Trela, arent’t you part of the group? If so, why cannot you live up to the promiss?


Sep 26, 2023, 9:25:42 PM9/26/23
> > And not only he FORGOT his previous self-inflicted humiliations, with each repeat he became more aggressive and more
> > derisive in his insinuations.
> >
> > - June 20, 2022: "Mr. Piotr, could you recall the outcome of your noble efforts? Any hope? :-))"
> > - Oct. 18, 2022 : "Where is that report, Mr. Piotr, and what are the results?"
> > - Sept.25 , 2023: "You were supposed to 'bridge' the gap and how did it go? If it's successful, it's probably worth bragging
> > about, but if not, there is silence, when another funds went down the drain."
> > Ladies and Gentlemen: Mr Andrew Strak!
> >
> > ====
> > Piotr Trela
> Following the analysis, the group will disseminate a report and communicate the results of the project. They will also share the resources they developed by making them available in an open format for others to use or repurpose.
> Mr Trela, arent’t you part of the group? If so, why cannot you live up to the promiss?

Aren't we forgetting something, Mr. Strak? Weren't you supposed to ACCUSE the two listed authors of the paper of PLAGIARISM
and APPROPRIATION of the work of me and other members of the project by not putting me and them as- CO-AUTHORS, but "only" thanking me and others in the project in Acknowledgements?

After all, you are doing it ALL THE TIME toward me - trying to discredit me with your public accusations of scientific PLAGIARISM
and APPROPRIATION because that in short publication based on a part of my M.Sc. thesis, - I didn't include everybody who could have put a few hours of work into it as CO-AUTHORS but "only" thanked them in Acknowledgements?
After all - your case against those two people would have been MUCH stronger - after all
- in my MSc. research my work - analysis of the samples, and writing and defending the manuscript took many months - while the collection of these samples may have taken perhaps 10-20 hrs, so my work was perhaps 99% of the work. Furthermorem there was reciprocity - when I was in the field I would collect data for other people, and be perfectly satisfied with a general menition in the acknowledgements
- in case of this publication - my and other people contribution was MUCH larger - so if we wanted to be added to the authors we would have a MUCH stronger case, particularly that there was no reciprocity I mentioned above.

And yet you, Mr Strak, NOT only DON'T cry foul, DON'T condemn the two authors, of PLAGIARISM and straling my and other people's work, NO, you using the fact that I was included as authors as something that discredits ME!

A. Strak: " Mr Trela, arent’t you part of the group? If so, why cannot you live up to the promiss?"

Which is just the latest entry in your completely deliberate campaign of lies, manipulations, insinuations, fabrication of quotes
and innuendo that you have been employing in order to destroy my credibility. The practice that you yourself described as
"the typical Communist political police method". And in the naked illustration of your hypocrisy - of which you accused ... me:

""[Pan] najzupelniej swiadomie zdecydowal sie za sformulowanie zarzutu celem zniszczenia mojej osobistej wiarygodnosci.
I to jest wlasnie typowa sbecka metoda, panie Piotrze"

Ladies and Gentlemen - Mr. Andrew Strak, the man he really is.

Piotr Trela


Sep 26, 2023, 9:26:40 PM9/26/23
On Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 10:55:42 PM UTC-2:30, Piotr wrote:

And here is the subject of this discussion that Mr. Strak desperately tries to deflect the attention from:

Andrew Strak: June 20, 2022: "Mr. Piotr, could you recall the outcome of your noble efforts? Any hope? :-))"

- To which I gave him the link Google Scholar with the publications about the project to even-the-playing-field for the
first year biology students who come to the university with weaker high school background in biology - the project
that Mr. Strak derisively refers to as "your noble efforts", and tries to use to discredit ... me, my University and ...
the students the project aims to help.

A few months later - Mr Strak ...FORGETS all above the shot himself in the foot in June and ..... returns with the suggestion that the were not results, because the project was an utter failure:
- Oct. 18, 2022 : "Where is that report, Mr. Piotr, and what are the results?"
I responded reminding him of the above reply to his June 20 post

Less than a year later Mr. Strak FORGETS AGAIN, and actually brings UP the level of insinuations, now adding
an insinuation of REPEATED ("another") DEFRAUDING of the taxpayer:

- Sept.25 , 2023: "You were supposed to 'bridge' the gap and how did it go? If it's successful, it's probably worth bragging
about, but if not, there is silence, when another funds went down the drain."

The MIND (particularly the memory) and the ETHICS - of Mr. Andrew Strak, for everybody to see.
Mr Andrew Strak - everybody.
Piotr Trela

Russet Bulba

Sep 27, 2023, 7:10:04 AM9/27/23
You are visibly upset and discomfortable Mr Trela by reminding you the objective of your group project that was stated as follows in public:

“Following the analysis, the group will disseminate a report and communicate the results of the project. They will also share the resources they developed by making them available in an open format for others to use or repurpose”.

Mr Trela, arent’t you part of the group all the sudden? And for what reason you are trying to weasel out yourself from this obligation by putting so much resources into your lengthy yet evasive comments? Why can’t you live up to the promise? It is not binding on you anymore? Why the results have been buried in a commercial paid for usage journal? That’s your understanding of an ‘open format’? But at least you should be able to verbally provide the project results summary and its quantifiable results in reducing the drop- out rate at your institution that’s exactly what you have been so reluctant to do. But that was the primary practical objective of the study. Or not?


Sep 27, 2023, 10:13:41 AM9/27/23
On Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 8:40:04 AM UTC-2:30, Russet Bulba wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 10:26:40 PM UTC-3, Piotr wrote:
> > On Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 10:55:42 PM UTC-2:30, Piotr wrote:
> >
> > And here is the subject of this discussion that Mr. Strak desperately tries to deflect the attention from:
> >
> > Andrew Strak: June 20, 2022: "Mr. Piotr, could you recall the outcome of your noble efforts? Any hope? :-))"
> >
> > - To which I gave him the link Google Scholar with the publications about the project to even-the-playing-field for the
> > first year biology students who come to the university with weaker high school background in biology - the project
> > that Mr. Strak derisively refers to as "your noble efforts", and tries to use to discredit ... me, my University and ...
> > the students the project aims to help.
> >
> > A few months later - Mr Strak ...FORGETS all above the shot himself in the foot in June and ..... returns with the suggestion that the were not results, because the project was an utter failure:
> > - Oct. 18, 2022 : "Where is that report, Mr. Piotr, and what are the results?"
> > I responded reminding him of the above reply to his June 20 post
> >
> > Less than a year later Mr. Strak FORGETS AGAIN, and actually brings UP the level of insinuations, now adding
> > an insinuation of REPEATED ("another") DEFRAUDING of the taxpayer:
> > - Sept.25 , 2023: "You were supposed to 'bridge' the gap and how did it go? If it's successful, it's probably worth bragging
> > about, but if not, there is silence, when another funds went down the drain."
> > The MIND (particularly the memory) and the ETHICS - of Mr. Andrew Strak, for everybody to see.
> > Mr Andrew Strak - everybody.
> > ===
> > Piotr Trela
> You are visibly upset and discomfortable Mr Trela by reminding you the objective of your group project that was stated as follows in public:
> “Following the analysis, the group will disseminate a report and communicate the results of the project. They will also share the resources they developed by making them available in an open format for others to use or repurpose”.

And the analysis has been conducted, the effectiveness has been assessed, and the results have been communicated - both at an university education conference and in the scientific
journal. Which part of that you brilliant brain cannot comprehend. Of have you forgotten AGAIN* about what you are taking about :

1. Andrew Strak: June 20, 2022: "Mr. Piotr, could you recall the outcome of your noble efforts? Any hope? :-))"
- To which I gave him the link Google Scholar with the publications about the project to even-the-playing-field for the first year biology students who come to the university with weaker
high school background in biology - the project that Mr. Strak derisively refers to as: "your noble efforts", and think that it will discredit ... me, my University and ...
the students.

A few months later - Mr Strak ...FORGETS all above the shot himself in the foot in June and ..... returns with the suggestion that the were not results, because the project was an utter failure:
2. Oct. 18, 2022 : "Where is that report, Mr. Piotr, and what are the results?"
I responded reminding him of the above reply to his June 20 post

Less than a year later Mr. Strak FORGETS AGAIN, and actually brings UP the level of insinuations, now adding an insinuation of REPEATED ("another") DEFRAUDING of the taxpayer:

3. Sept.25 , 2023: "You were supposed to 'bridge' the gap and how did it go? If it's successful, it's probably worth bragging about, but if not, there is silence, when another funds went down the drain."

You see the pattern, Mr. Strak. Or is it no longer possible in your current state*?

*"Again", because since the DRAMATIC change in his personality, IQ and reversal of the views and value system, several years ago, Mr. Strak has been struggling with symptoms of
old-age dementia:
- progressive loss of memory (examples above),
- aphasia (showing here as inability to comprehend even simple text; problems with expressing himself e.g. illogical trains of thought or even inability to find a right word - see Mr. Strak accusing
me of being "homophobic toward .... Indians" ...
- tangentiality - his brain regularly drifts away from the subject of a discussion onto a tangent, rarely if ever to return to the original subject
- increased irritability and aggression - which Mr. Strak criticized in others (Africans, Muslims, Indians (from India), Hispanic Americans) and with North American Indians who
"do not know how to be human"):
"less intelligent people are more predisposed to aggressive reactions and behaviors. The result of frustration when they are unable to find a way out of
difficult situations through the intellect" A. Strak
and yet failed to notice it, when the decline in IQ was his.

Russet Bulba

Sep 27, 2023, 10:44:59 AM9/27/23
So Mr Trela what is the drop-out improvement at your institution due to your diligent work on the project? If there is one I would congratulate you and close the subject on my side. You may have a good reason to boast your success and propagate your method to a broader audience instead of being so humble by burying the results of your efforts in obscurity of paid per use journals.


Sep 29, 2023, 1:30:09 PM9/29/23
I can see how it may be hard for you to understand - but not everybody is so self-centred like you or your admired Trump - this project was done with a goal to help the students, not to be an ego trip for the instructors - "Look at me - look how my "noble efforts"[sarcastic expression by A. Strak] helped the poor students".

Hence I haven't wasted time to quantify my contribution and isolate it from the effects of the work of others and all the analysis has been done on the performance of students: hence the conclusions in the published paper was:

"Results of the study show that the tutorials were an effective means of providing supplementary assistance to students as well as fostering a gain in students' levels of engagement with the course. Data analysis indicates that there was a significant increased gain in learning of core concepts in biology. Specifically, using formative online assessments resulted in measurable learning gains in students who participated voluntarily, in comparison to students who chose not to engage in self-paced quiz testing"

If you want details and methodology - check the full text. Then again - given your inability to understand even basic statistical concepts - in your attempts to "proving" the innate (biological) superiority of the White Race over Blacks, Muslims, Indians (from India), Latin Americans and N.American Indians - in knowing "how to be human" , I doubt
you would understand much. Let's be honest - science is not, and never was, "your thing".

Then again, we are not discussing here your ability to understand statistical reasoning, but much general qualitities
you memory, ability to comprehend texts you are commenting on, and your ethics :

1. Andrew Strak: June 20, 2022: "Mr. Piotr, could you recall the outcome of your noble efforts? Any hope? :-))"
- To which I gave him the link Google Scholar with the publications about the project to even-the-playing-field for the first year biology students who come to the university with weaker
high school background in biology - the project that Mr. Strak derisively refers to as: "your noble efforts", and think that it will discredit ... me, my University and ...
the students.

A few months later - Mr Strak ...FORGETS all above the shot himself in the foot in June and ..... returns with the suggestion that the were not results, because the project was an utter failure:
2. Oct. 18, 2022 : "Where is that report, Mr. Piotr, and what are the results?"
I responded reminding him of the above reply to his June 20 post

Less than a year later Mr. Strak FORGETS AGAIN, and actually brings UP the level of insinuations, now adding an insinuation of REPEATED ("another") DEFRAUDING of the taxpayer:

3. Sept.25 , 2023: "You were supposed to 'bridge' the gap and how did it go? If it's successful, it's probably worth bragging about, but if not, there is silence, when another funds went down the drain."

You see the pattern, Mr. Strak? Or is it no longer possible in your current state*?

[Note to the reader:] since Mr. Strak DRAMATIC change in his personality, IQ and reversal of the views and value system several years ago, he has been struggling with symptoms of old-age dementia:
- progressive loss of memory (examples above),
- aphasia (showing here as inability to comprehend even simple text; problems with expressing himself e.g. illogical trains of thought or even inability to find a right word - see Mr. Strak accusing me of being "homophobic toward .... Indians" ...
- tangentiality - his brain regularly drifts away from the subject of a discussion onto a tangent, rarely if ever to return to the original subject
- increased irritability and aggression - which Mr. Strak criticized in OTHERS (Africans, Muslims, people of India, Latin Americans etc...) - "less intelligent people are more predisposed to aggressive reactions and behaviors. The result of frustration when they are unable to find a way out of difficult situations through the intellect" A. Strak; yet failed to notice it, when the decline in IQ was his.

Russet Bulba

Sep 29, 2023, 7:15:06 PM9/29/23
In addition to your detailed analysis of my personality traits would you be also able to answer my simple question regarding how through your project any meaningful improvement have been attained in the dropout rate at your institution? That’s the initial starting point defined as follows for 2017:

“The result? Poor class attendance, attrition and concerning failure rates. Currently at Memorial, the average failure rate for the first semester large enrollment science courses is almost 18 per cent.”

According to some statistical sources the overall situation substantially deteriorated since that year and in 2021-2022 almost doubled with the reference to earlier periods. How the science courses would perform in this context vs other scademic subjects? I presume you could shed some light on it.


Sep 30, 2023, 12:08:05 PM9/30/23
You are welcome. Hopefully, you can learn something about yourself you have been so desperately trying not to learn. Although that's understandable, as you yourself said, albeit not as an insight about yourself, but as a way to disparage OTHERS:

"less intelligent people are more predisposed to aggressive reactions and behaviors. The result of frustration when they are unable to find a way out of difficult situations through the intellect"
Andrew Strak about Blacks, Muslims, Hindu, Latin Americans and American Indians

And if your mind is closed to introspection - perhaps it might help somebody who would be interested in what kind of person
Andrew Strak was.

> would you be also able to answer my simple question regarding how through your project any meaningful improvement

I have already done it SEVERAL times by giving you the link to the scientific paper you were apparently incapable to find
which you then REPEATEDLY ... forgot, because they countered your increasingly aggressive insinuations. Furthermore your newly
found "interest" in "meaningful improvement" is rather disingenious - since your brought this topic up in your attempt to deride the
stupidity of the students - who can't understand what is being explained to them.

And you have done it to defend your response in the thread: "Zwolan, Trela, narciasz perverts a security risk",

The title has been chosen your ally Andrew da Lancia, your fellow racist:
- A. Strak: "[Indians] don't know how to be human",
- A. daLancia: calling Trudeau: "jewstin" and telling Auschwitz "jokes" about various ways to exterminate Jews in Nazi death camps)
and your fellow LGBT-phobe:
- A.Strak, brilliant "jokes" how trans-women have "schlongs all the way to their knees",
- A. daLancia answering a gay opponent: - "Spit the dick out of your mouth and start thinking, you faggot"

You knowing the above, and seeing the title "Zwolan, Trela, narciasz perverts a security risk" - DID NOT call out da Lancia on
his title - but ...joined in to ridicule one of the people singled out in the title. When I challenged your response - first, you accused
me of ... abuse of alcohol and psychodelic mushrooms, and when this didn't pan out as hoped - tried to discredit me by ...attacking students of my university as too stupid to understand instruction - apparently hoping that by discrediting the students- you would
discredit by association my university, and by doing so discredit me- thus making my QUOTING of the racist and LGBT hating claims by him and his ally Andrew da Lancia - not credible. When the guilt by association didn't work out - you shifted to direct insinuations
- derision at the project aimed to level the playing field for the first year students and insinuation that the project was a failure and was ANOTHER defrauding of the taxpayer and its cover up ("there is silence, when another funds went down the drain")

1. Andrew Strak: June 20, 2022: "Mr. Piotr, could you recall the outcome of your noble efforts? Any hope? :-))"
- To which I gave him the link Google Scholar with the publications about the project to even-the-playing-field for the first year biology students who come to the university with weaker
high school background in biology - the project that Mr. Strak derisively refers to as: "your noble efforts", and think that it will discredit ... me, my University and ...
the students.

A few months later - Mr Strak ...FORGETS all above the shot himself in the foot in June and ..... returns with the suggestion that the were not results, because the project was an utter failure:
2. Oct. 18, 2022 : "Where is that report, Mr. Piotr, and what are the results?"
I responded reminding him of the above reply to his June 20 post

Less than a year later Mr. Strak FORGETS AGAIN, and actually brings UP the level of insinuations, now adding an insinuation of REPEATED ("another") DEFRAUDING of the taxpayer:

3. Sept.25 , 2023: "You were supposed to 'bridge' the gap and how did it go? If it's successful, it's probably worth bragging about, but if not, there is silence, when another funds went down the drain."

You see the pattern, Mr. Strak? Or is it no longer possible in your current state*?

[Note to the reader:] since Mr. Strak DRAMATIC change in his personality, IQ and reversal of the views and value system several years ago, he has been struggling with symptoms of old-age dementia:
- progressive loss of memory (examples above),
- aphasia (showing here as inability to comprehend even simple text; problems with expressing himself e.g. illogical trains of thought or even inability to find a right word - see Mr. Strak accusing me of being "homophobic toward .... Indians" ...
- tangentiality - his brain regularly drifts away from the subject of a discussion onto a tangent, rarely if ever to return to the original subject
- increased irritability and aggression - which Mr. Strak criticized in OTHERS (Africans, Muslims, people of India, Latin Americans etc...) - "less intelligent people are more predisposed to aggressive reactions and behaviors. The result of frustration when they are unable to find a way out of difficult situations through the intellect" A. Strak; yet failed to notice it, when the decline in IQ was his.

Russet Bulba

Sep 30, 2023, 12:28:26 PM9/30/23
So Mr Trela you have literally NOTHIING to answer my simple and straightforward question and resolving instead to those old communist propaganda methods of character assaults and personal smears if no reasonable argument could be produced anymore. Therefore it is only a little wonder to everybody here why is like that :-)).


Sep 30, 2023, 7:18:19 PM9/30/23
On Saturday, September 30, 2023 at 1:58:26 PM UTC-2:30, Russet Bulba wrote:
> On Saturday, September 30, 2023 at 1:08:05 PM UTC-3, Piotr wrote:

> So Mr Trela you have literally NOTHIING to answer my simple and straightforward question

Which part of the following you were UNABLE TO COMPREHEND:

"I have already [answered] it SEVERAL times by giving you the link to the scientific paper you were apparently incapable to find
on your own, which you then REPEATEDLY ... forgot, because it countered your increasingly aggressive insinuations.
Furthermore your newly found "interest" in "meaningful improvement" is rather disingenious - since your brought this topic
up in your attempt to deride the stupidity of the students - who according to you are so dumb that they can't understand
what is being explained to them. "

The rest as before:
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