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Czy bigos zastapi curry jako brytyjska potrawe narodowa...

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May 2, 2008, 2:27:23 AM5/2/08

Making Polish food from supermarket ingredients

By Denise Winterman and Megan Lane
BBC News Magazine

Many Polish immigrants are returning home, according to a report this week, but the big supermarkets have been stocking up on their native foods. Will classic dishes such as beetroot soup or pillowy dumplings, find their way into British kitchens?

It may be only adventurous British cooks who pause to peruse the mysterious jars of pickles and unfamiliar sausages that now appear in the world foods aisle of their local supermarket.

With labels printed in an unfamiliar language liberal in its use of the letters z, y and ch, these ingredients are staples of the Polish kitchen. While the bulk of sales will be to homesick Poles, some Brits are trying their hand at whipping up the comfort food that typifies Polish cuisine.

The sudden influx of Poles since their country joined the EU in 2004 has seen an explosion in Polish foods and drinks available - first in specialty shops selling to migrant workers, but now demand is so great that Sainsbury's, Asda and Tesco stock products such as pulpety (meatballs) and delicje (biscuits with chocolate and jam).

When Eva Michalik opened her Polish restaurant in west London 22 years ago, she had to travel home for certain ingredients. Now she can just pop to her local supermarket or cash and carry.

"For a long time it was hard for me to find the right ingredients and I had to improvise. But now I can get proper twarog cheese to make real Polish cheesecake."

Polish meats are popular with Brits too

Demand is such across the UK that Tesco has expanded its range in many stores nationwide from 250 products to 500.

"Our aim is to bring Poles – and other central Europeans – in the UK a true taste of home," says Kaskia Teofilak, the company's Polish food buyer manager. "Who knows, maybe Polish specialities will also become part of everybody's shopping.”




This warming, slow-cooked stew was once a staple of hunting parties, and used whatever meat was to hand. Sauerkraut and Polish meats are now widely stocked in the UK. This recipe to serve eight comes from Wally's Deli in Cardiff, which started selling to Polish coalminers 50 years ago.

1kg jar of sauerkraut
1kg mix of beef, veal, pork or lamb
250g boczek (Polish bacon)
600g mixed Polish sausage, such as wieska, tuchowska or kilometrova
20g dried mushrooms
10 stoned prunes
10 juniper berries
10 peppercorns
10 whole allspice
Four bay leaves
Two onions
Small can of tomato paste
2 tbsp honey
One litre vegetable or beef stock
Salt and pepper

Click here for method.


These mushroom-filled parcels are traditionally served atop bowls of steaming barszcz, the claret-red soup of beetroot and pickled cabbage, says Mrs Michalik.

For the dough you will need:
225g/½lb plain flour
An egg
water to mix

And for the filling:
450g/1lb of dried mushrooms, soaked
An onion
25-50g/1-2 oz butter
salt and pepper

Click here for the method.


May 3, 2008, 12:32:10 PM5/3/08
-;) wrote:

Gdy bylem ostatnim razem u HrMendewesza to jego kochanka, Chinka,
pokazala mi swoja polska ksiazke kucharska, po angielsku. Po czym nie
tylko zjadlem najlepszy bigos polsko-chinski w zyciu ale jeszcze
dostalem duzy
sloik do nakarmienia moich kobitek.
Dzisiaj na obiad podala moja pasierbica golabki z Pudliszek, tluczone
ziemniaki do tego, sos-pycha.
Ale szynki nastrzykiwanej woda z sola juz nie chce. Ostatnim razem
dostalem w prezencie od zony cala duza gomulke sera z Polski. Pysznosci
i nadal znacznie taniej niz nasz Stilton, najslynniejszy ser angielski.



May 3, 2008, 12:49:48 PM5/3/08

... z sola i zelatyma dla stezenia miesa. Metoda stosowana przy
"wzbogacaniu" miesa z drobiu...

Jadlem kiedys bigos robiony podobnie jak w tej , nizej , recepcie stoi.
Byl nie do jedzenia. Mieszanina mies do bigosu nie moze zawierac
wolowiny. Zapach i smak - nie pasuja wg mnie, do kapusty. Dziczyzna -
tak. Ale nie wolowina i nie baranina.



May 3, 2008, 6:17:21 PM5/3/08
Flicker wrote:

Bigos aka Hunters meal, jak sama nazwa wskazuje,
ma sluzyc pozywieniu mysliwych na mrozie bo wtedy sie poluje.
Mozna go wyprodukowac ze swiezo upolowanej zwierzyny ale
to zla metoda bo przeciez dziczyzna musi skruszec.
Przygotowuje sie go wiec wczesniej, nawet na tydzien wczesniej
mozna gotowac powoli z kapusta i ja taki bigos jadlem w knajpie
na Krupowkach w zakopanem za nieboszczki Komuny.
Wydaje mi sie, ze niezbedne ingrediencje to: kapusta, grzyby.
Miesa rozne ale sie zgodze, ze wolowina i baranina tutaj nie pasuja.
Kielbasy polskie to doskonaly dodatek. Oczywiscie wieprzowe bo ja juz
jadlem takie dziwo jak kabanosy koszerne, wolowe i one nie mogly sie
rownac z polskimi. Jalowiec itp dodatki moga smak dziki poprawic.
Co na to expert sciepowy- Panslavista?


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