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Arab Americans Step Up Protests of Israeli Stance

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Oct 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/11/00
Arab Americans Step Up Protests of Israeli Stance

By William Claiborne
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday , October 10, 2000 ; Page A20

CHICAGO, Oct. 9 末 From New York to Los Angeles, Arab Americans--and
particularly ethnic Palestinians--have been stepping up their protests
against Israel's military response to uprisings in the West Bank and

But any expectations that the protests will have an immediate effect on
what the Palestinians view as an acquiescent U.S. policy toward Israel
seemed submerged today in the anger and frustration that seethed at one
of the almost daily demonstrations that have been held here and in other
U.S. cities with large Arab American populations.

For the third time in a week, hundreds of protesters assembled in a sea
of red, green and black Palestine flags at Chicago's downtown Pioneer
Plaza to demand an immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces from
Palestinian lands and a U.S. condemnation of the killing of civilians.

The rally coincided with the end of Yom Kippur, the most sacred holiday
in the Jewish calendar, and with the expiration of Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Barak's 48-hour ultimatum to the Palestinians to end the
uprising or face a military crackdown. Protesters mocked Barak's
warning, saying the Israeli army already was waging the most aggressive
action against Palestinians since the bloody intifada of more than a
decade ago.

"Israel is treating Yasser Arafat like some village mayor," said one
protest organizer, Ali Alarabi of the Coalition for Justice in
Palestine. "We won't allow that."

The West Bank and Gaza violence, which has threatened to kill chances
for a Middle East peace agreement, began after the right-wing Israeli
politician Ariel Sharon made a provocative visit to the Jerusalem shrine
of the Temple Mount on Sept. 28. Both sides view the site as holy.

There was a kind of controlled rage among the demonstrators here today
that was summed up in the words of Hatem Abudayyeh, 29, a Palestinian
American and UCLA graduate.

In an interview, Abudayyeh recalled his reaction to television images of
a 12-year-old boy being shot to death by Israeli soldiers as his father
cringed against a wall and tried to protect his son from deadly

"Five or ten years ago, I would have said my reaction was sadness and
hurt," said Abudayyeh, a youth program director for the Arab American
Action Network. "Now . . . , it's anger that the international community
allows this to happen, anger that the United States' support for Israel,
financially and ideologically, ignores the Palestinians' human rights."

Abudayyeh, who said his brother-in-law died as a political prisoner in
an Israeli detention center in 1991, is typical of the kind of
first-generation Palestinian American who, as a distant observer of the
52-year-long Arab-Israeli conflict, nonetheless has become as
politically sensitized to events in the West Bank and Gaza as his

Abudayyeh said he has watched televised images of bitter fighting
between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers in his ancestral home in Beit
Hanina, a Jerusalem suburb, and been moved by the plight of his people
in a place dear to his parents.

"As an American, how can I watch this and not call on the United States
and President Bill Clinton to stop funding Israel's occupation of
Palestine," Abudayyeh said. "If it was happening anyplace else and
Israel wasn't involved, the U.S. government wouldn't be doing this."

There are an estimated 3 million to 4 million Arab Americans living in
the United States, most of them of Syrian, Lebanese or Palestinian
origin, according to Hussein Ibish, spokesman for the Washington-based
American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC). Ibish estimated there
are more than 500,000 Palestinians living in the United States and
possibly a million, although nobody knows for certain because the Census
does not count them separately.

More than 150,000 Arabs are believed to live in the Chicago area,
including 80,000 Palestinians, and more than 350,000 people of Arab
extraction live in southeastern Michigan, according to Imad Hamad,
Midwest regional director of the ADC.

He said that thousands of Arab protesters have turned out for four major
demonstrations in the Detroit area in the past week, many of them
expressing the same strong emotions evidenced in the Chicago rallies.

"There's real anger. Our office has been bombarded with calls from
people demanding that the United Nations take forceful action against
what Israel is doing in Palestine," Hamad said. "Palestinians are also
demanding that the U.S. taxes we pay not be used for U.S. aid to Israel
[or] to assist the aggression that is killing these children."

In Southern California, police last week estimated that one
demonstration in Anaheim drew 10,000 protesters, according to Michel
Shehadeh, West Coast regional director for the Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee. Other Palestinian protests were held at the Israeli Consulate
and a U.S. federal building in Los Angeles, Shehadeh said. He said there
are 1 million Arab Americans in California, including about 150,000

"Mostly, people are protesting the double standard of U.S. policy in
which the government comes out strongly for freedom in Yugoslavia but
not for the Palestinian people," Shehadeh said. "It is a one-sided
policy that is unacceptable to Arab Americans."

An estimated 8,000 protesters turned out for a rally in New York last
week, the third in that city since the clashes began. Demonstrations at
Israeli missions have also been held in San Francisco and Washington.


Sent via
Before you buy.

Oct 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/11/00


Oct 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/11/00
Its news to me, I didn't hear anything about Arab/Palestinian protests.
Didn't make the news. Instead of complaining and protesting our national
policy they can leave this country or show some gratitude for being allowed
to live here at all. If they want to live here, they can put their
nationalism on hold until they leave again. We do have other concerns and
interests here that are more important to us than their pointless feuds.

Oct 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/11/00
In article <>, keith hancock <> wrote:
>That's one way of putting it...
>Put simply, the USA supports Israel because the Israel lobby in the USA
>is so powerful, which in turn is because so many European Jews were
>forced to settle in the USA during the 30s and 40s when Europe was
>overrun by fascists.

Not the let facts get in the way, but the vast overwhelming majority of Jews
came much earler.


Oct 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/11/00
every israeli is complicit in the theft of palestine. by being israeli they
are an accessory to murder, rape and pillage, therefore they are a target
and must know as much, hence most of them fuck off to new york when the
intifada was on and will do the same now

R&T <> wrote in message
> Now I could see the "christian palestinians" peacefully protesting.
> I could see them in the military of a civil nation as well and fighting
> for that nation in case of war however not in such an unrighteous
> aggression where Israeli soldiers are being murdered all over the place
> and innocent shoppers are being bombed in the town square etc.
> In article <>,
> says...
> > In the U.S. people know how to protest peacefully and the U.S. doesn't
> > them. Debby S.<>

> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Arab Americans Step Up Protests of Israeli Stance
> > >
> > > By William Claiborne
> > > Washington Post Staff Writer
> > > Tuesday , October 10, 2000 ; Page A20
> > >
> > >

> > > CHICAGO, Oct. 9 -- From New York to Los Angeles, Arab Americans--and

> now


Oct 11, 2000, 10:27:34 PM10/11/00
who cares,
go home.

In article <8s2rq1$5ac$>, says...

keith hancock

Oct 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/12/00

That's one way of putting it...

Put simply, the USA supports Israel because the Israel lobby in the USA
is so powerful, which in turn is because so many European Jews were
forced to settle in the USA during the 30s and 40s when Europe was
overrun by fascists.

There is a further issue of the destabilization of the region, first by
Arab nationalists (fighting the imperial powers); second by Soviet
communist influence during the cold war; third by fundamentalist Islamic
influence mainly from Iran and Shiite moslems in the Lebanon (to
explain *that* you have to get into a whole other thread on the
regionalization of Arab politics, the influence of regional Great Powers
in the early 20thCentury (particularly Turkey, Russia, Britain and
France) and the differences between Sunni and Shiite moslems, the Druze
and Christian communities in the Lebanon, not to mention the various
strands of Jewry etc. etc.

All of which would take ages... but no single issue I've listed above
accounts for the level of US support. As I said, the main reason is
successful lobbying. And before you blame American Jews too much don't
forget that they - or their families - were the victims of the single
greatest crime in the documented history of the world. The bottom line
for Jews everywhere is that the Holocaust should never happen again -and
don't think for a second that the mass of politically active Egyptians ,
Palestinians, Iraqis, Syrians and Iranians , etc. wouldn't bomb the shit out of
Israel if they could get away with it.

Having said *that* it's unquestionably the case that Israel is, and has
been, done an enormous injustice to the Palestinian people and one day
must atone for it. There are Israeli politicians whose attitude towards
the Palestinians is scarcely different to the attitude of the Nazis
towards the Jews. The existence of anti-Semitic Jews is an irony the
world doesn't need.

Resolving the issue really is down to the USA. It's not just a case of
government pressure; the worst offenders among the Jewish settlers on
Palestinian land, the ones who insist on creating 'facts on the ground'
for a Greater Israel, are invariably American. For a single wealthy
Florida family to fly first class to the third world in order to deprive
several families of dirt-poor farmers of their land, their homes, their
livelihoods - and then to shoot them when they try to fight back - is a
terrible crime.


Oct 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/12/00
In article <>, keith hancock
<> writes:

>normous injustice to the Palestinian people and one day
>must atone for it. There are Israeli politicians whose attitude towards

Another anti semite hits the group.
Oh where are the gas chambers in Israel
and don"t you think the foreign aid given by Isreal to the US in the form of
Arrow , when the us anti balistic missile failed, missiles had any thing to do
with the US attitude to Israel

To answere me address mail to

ASecret Wish

Oct 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/12/00
In article <8s3u6q$ube$>, wrote:

>In article <>, keith hancock

<> wrote:
>>Put simply, the USA supports Israel because the Israel lobby in the USA
>>is so powerful, which in turn is because so many European Jews were
>>forced to settle in the USA during the 30s and 40s when Europe was
>>overrun by fascists.

>Not the let facts get in the way, but the vast overwhelming majority of Jews
>came much earler.

Put simple, the USA supports Israel because it is the only sign of
intelligence in the Middle East.

Anyway, without Israel, the Arabs would just be killing each other.

Solder of God

Oct 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/12/00
In article <asecretwish-12...@>,
said in the Holy Bible about ishmaelis(arabs):
Genesis 16
The angel of the LORD also said to her(Hagar): "You are now with child
and you will have a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the LORD has
heard of your misery.
He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone
and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward
all his brothers."

With God in my Christian Zionist heart.


Oct 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/12/00
Meaningless. There are not enough voting arabs to effect the election.
Anyway, the amazing brain with two bodies willwin anyway.

Oct 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/12/00
In article <>, debby <> wrote:
>The U.S. backs the Jews because Isreal is the only democracy in the reigon. If
>"Palestine" promises to be a democracy and be a friend to Isreal I don't see
> why

Promises are worthless, unfortunately.

>there would be a problem. They must take the first step to elect a
> representitive
>that is not a terrorist like Anwar Sadat. I suggest Hanna Ashalwe, sorry, I
> know my
>spelling is not correct. If she were "Palestines" first president I know things
>could turn out alright. They should have a vote for a new leader. They don't
> need
>to be a formal country to do this. She could be the "Mother" of Palestine.
>Debby S.<>
>keith hancock wrote:

Oct 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/12/00
In article <>, keith hancock <> wrote:
>I truly think that you are absolutely right on that assumption about Hanan
> Ashraoui,
>but , unfortunately , it's Israel 's successive governments who CHOSE to deal
> with
>Arafat and his thugs , and elevated them to be "" Partners in Peace "" .
>Tragic Mistake......

Arafat and his thugs represent the Palastinian people. He is a murderer, but
a stupid one.


Oct 12, 2000, 8:08:23 PM10/12/00
In article <>,

> Having said *that* it's unquestionably the case that Israel is, and has
> been, done an enormous injustice to the Palestinian people and one day

> must atone for it. There are Israeli politicians whose attitude towards
> the Palestinians is scarcely different to the attitude of the Nazis
> towards the Jews. The existence of anti-Semitic Jews is an irony the
> world doesn't need.

this really shows when you consider all the terrorism that the
palestinians have shown towards Israelis. such as: funeral shootings,
bombings throughout the years, wars by nations that still believe they
should not exist, .....

i say, yea right.

it's amazing how palestinian supporters are so unwilling to view these
things in balance. They simply consider all the MURDER by the
palestinians as ok, since.


Oct 12, 2000, 8:08:51 PM10/12/00
> Resolving the issue really is down to the USA. It's not just a case of
> government pressure; the worst offenders among the Jewish settlers on
> Palestinian land, the ones who insist on creating 'facts on the ground'
> for a Greater Israel, are invariably American.

define American?


Oct 12, 2000, 8:10:12 PM10/12/00
> For a single wealthy
> Florida family to fly first class to the third world in order to deprive
> several families of dirt-poor farmers of their land, their homes, their
> livelihoods - and then to shoot them when they try to fight back - is a
> terrible crime.

oh, you mean when the palestinians murder you and your family, the
israelis fight back? crowd control? etc.?

guess you didn't see the sling that palestinian "children" 24 ~ 37 use to
shoot stones....


Oct 12, 2000, 8:13:19 PM10/12/00
In article <asecretwish-12...@>, says...

> In article <8s3u6q$ube$>, wrote:
> >In article <>, keith hancock
> <> wrote:
> >>Put simply, the USA supports Israel because the Israel lobby in the USA
> >>is so powerful, which in turn is because so many European Jews were
> >>forced to settle in the USA during the 30s and 40s when Europe was
> >>overrun by fascists.
> >
> >Not the let facts get in the way, but the vast overwhelming majority of Jews
> >came much earler.
> Put simple, the USA supports Israel because it is the only sign of
> intelligence in the Middle East.
> Anyway, without Israel, the Arabs would just be killing each other.

The U.S. supports Israel because Israel is one of our allies.
Other nations there are not.
note: beiruit. <sp>
soooo, wanna be an allie of the U.S., Build that relationship.
Regardless as to why now, it would be STUPID for ANY nation to back out
on an Allie at the first sign of trouble. Guess that would mean that no
nation would really have them.

We don't support the PLO because they are ALL a bunch of murderers.


Oct 12, 2000, 8:13:53 PM10/12/00
In article <>, Besq*ns* says...

> Its news to me, I didn't hear anything about Arab/Palestinian protests.
> Didn't make the news. Instead of complaining and protesting our national
> policy they can leave this country or show some gratitude for being allowed
> to live here at all.



Oct 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/13/00
In the U.S. people know how to protest peacefully and the U.S. doesn't bomb
them. Debby S.<>


Oct 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/13/00
The U.S. backs the Jews because Isreal is the only democracy in the reigon. If
"Palestine" promises to be a democracy and be a friend to Isreal I don't see why
there would be a problem. They must take the first step to elect a representitive
that is not a terrorist like Anwar Sadat. I suggest Hanna Ashalwe, sorry, I know my
spelling is not correct. If she were "Palestines" first president I know things
could turn out alright. They should have a vote for a new leader. They don't need
to be a formal country to do this. She could be the "Mother" of Palestine.
Debby S.<>

keith hancock wrote:

> That's one way of putting it...

> Put simply, the USA supports Israel because the Israel lobby in the USA
> is so powerful, which in turn is because so many European Jews were
> forced to settle in the USA during the 30s and 40s when Europe was
> overrun by fascists.

> There is a further issue of the destabilization of the region, first by
> Arab nationalists (fighting the imperial powers); second by Soviet
> communist influence during the cold war; third by fundamentalist Islamic
> influence mainly from Iran and Shiite moslems in the Lebanon (to
> explain *that* you have to get into a whole other thread on the
> regionalization of Arab politics, the influence of regional Great Powers
> in the early 20thCentury (particularly Turkey, Russia, Britain and
> France) and the differences between Sunni and Shiite moslems, the Druze
> and Christian communities in the Lebanon, not to mention the various
> strands of Jewry etc. etc.
> All of which would take ages... but no single issue I've listed above
> accounts for the level of US support. As I said, the main reason is
> successful lobbying. And before you blame American Jews too much don't
> forget that they - or their families - were the victims of the single
> greatest crime in the documented history of the world. The bottom line
> for Jews everywhere is that the Holocaust should never happen again -and
> don't think for a second that the mass of politically active Egyptians ,
> Palestinians, Iraqis, Syrians and Iranians , etc. wouldn't bomb the shit out of
> Israel if they could get away with it.

> Having said *that* it's unquestionably the case that Israel is, and has
> been, done an enormous injustice to the Palestinian people and one day
> must atone for it. There are Israeli politicians whose attitude towards
> the Palestinians is scarcely different to the attitude of the Nazis
> towards the Jews. The existence of anti-Semitic Jews is an irony the
> world doesn't need.

> Resolving the issue really is down to the USA. It's not just a case of
> government pressure; the worst offenders among the Jewish settlers on
> Palestinian land, the ones who insist on creating 'facts on the ground'

> for a Greater Israel, are invariably American. For a single wealthy

> Florida family to fly first class to the third world in order to deprive
> several families of dirt-poor farmers of their land, their homes, their
> livelihoods - and then to shoot them when they try to fight back - is a
> terrible crime.

keith hancock

Oct 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/13/00
I truly think that you are absolutely right on that assumption about Hanan Ashraoui,
but , unfortunately , it's Israel 's successive governments who CHOSE to deal with
Arafat and his thugs , and elevated them to be "" Partners in Peace "" .
Tragic Mistake......

debby wrote:


Oct 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/13/00
It is because the US are not Occupied territories!!!!
Do I need to say more?

In article <>,

Solder of God

Oct 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/13/00
In article <8s7v38$ba4$>,

Cathy <> wrote:
> It is because the US are not Occupied territories!!!!
> Do I need to say more?
No, true, US is not occupied by arab territory.


With God in my Christian Zionist heart.


Oct 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/13/00
Well, did you hear about the sighn on the bus in Southern California???? It
said "Welcome to Occupied Mexico". It's all in the eye of the beholder.
Debby S.<>


Oct 13, 2000, 11:27:36 AM10/13/00
Intelligence? Get real! I don't call any fuckwits, that includes you, who
choose to built some silly state in a desert area filled with enemies
intelligent. They could have taken the option of Cananda or Australia.

"ASecret Wish" <> Put simple, the USA supports Israel


Oct 13, 2000, 8:40:05 PM10/13/00
In article <8s80nv$akn$>,
> Promises are worthless, unfortunately.
the Palestinians?


Oct 13, 2000, 8:41:17 PM10/13/00
In article <>,
tha...@nowhere.not.valid says...
> In article <8s5i6g$d2j$>, Solder of God
> <> wrote:
> > With God in my Christian Zionist heart.
> so I take it you do not support the Christian Palestinians who are
> fighting for their rights and land?

If they are true christians, they will not be fighting for such a thing.

Christian means, Christ Follower. One who follows the Teachings of


Oct 13, 2000, 8:43:09 PM10/13/00
Now I could see the "christian palestinians" peacefully protesting.
I could see them in the military of a civil nation as well and fighting
for that nation in case of war however not in such an unrighteous
aggression where Israeli soldiers are being murdered all over the place
and innocent shoppers are being bombed in the town square etc.



Oct 14, 2000, 2:36:01 AM10/14/00
Of course America is occupied territories... Occupied Native-American

Heh Heh...

Cathy <> wrote in message

Norma Blankenfeld

Oct 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/14/00

Wrong!! Some stay and fight, but not for land. This is a religious war and
G-d may yet give some answers. BTW where do YOU LIVE? Is you body where
your mouth is? I'll bet not.... Cowards like you just TALK big. Norma

rehan wrote in message <8s9tvp$3m7$>...

>every israeli is complicit in the theft of palestine. by being israeli they
>are an accessory to murder, rape and pillage, therefore they are a target
>and must know as much, hence most of them fuck off to new york when the
>intifada was on and will do the same now



Oct 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/14/00
In article <8s9vqv$u0j$1...@Urvile.MSUS.EDU>,

"Norma Blankenfeld" <> wrote:
> Wrong!! Some stay and fight, but not for land.
> This is a religious war and G-d may yet give some
> answers. BTW where do YOU LIVE? Is you body where
> your mouth is? I'll bet not.... Cowards like you
> just TALK big. Norma

> >every israeli is complicit in the theft of
> >palestine.

I never read in history where Israel stole any land. They fought to
survive and those who had the power of the land GAVE half to Israel and
half to the Palestinians. The Israelis said "we'll take it" and the
Palestinians said, "We won't take any of it unless we can have it
all!" Translation, "We will never allow Israel to exist here."

You have a warpped sense of history, pal.

> > by being israeli they
> >are an accessory to murder, rape and pillage,

And by being so ignorant, you are guilty of propaganda and hate for a
people you haven't a clue about.

> > therefore they are a target
> >and must know as much, hence most of them
> > fuck off to new york when the
> >intifada was on and will do the same now
> populations.

Actually, since ISrael the nation was born in 1948, I believe history
demonstrates that Jews have steadily migrate TO Isreal, not away FROM
Israel. But again, you are just plain ignorant on this entire subject
to begin with.


Oct 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/14/00

> It is because the US are not Occupied territories!!!!
> Do I need to say more?

In the US, there are states and then there are federal territories.
States are sovereign nations within the union. And they are superior
to the federal government (though just about all Americans have
forgotten that most important picking order). And territories have no
protection under the constitution because they are NOT party to the
constitution as the states are.

As for OCCUPIED, I suspect that the most compelling reason that the
West Bank was occupied in the first place ws the six day war and after
the war Israel was just not about to give up land that was promised to
Jacob. Israel did not want to give it up yet was pressured not to
annex it due to its overwhelming Palestinian populations.

But it does belong to Israel. I didn't say so, you don't have a say
either. GOD said so. Read the story about Jacob's ladder and see for
yourself. God told him right then and there that the land would be his
and that land was the West Bank. God's opinion, when you stop and
think about it, is the only one that counts. All we can do is decide
if we want to agree or not.

If I were a cop, I would refuse to go on any no knock raid.
But then, I am not a cop for basically the same reasons.


Oct 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/14/00
If God gave it to "them" forever, then why did he let other people live
there for much more time then the Jews???
Do you think God accept the killing the Jews are doing because of this
This is SICK…
He gave it to them, like he gave it to others before them and others
after them!!!

In article <8sa1s1$poq$>,

Greggy <> wrote:
> > It is because the US are not Occupied territories!!!!
> > Do I need to say more?

> In the US, there are states and then there are federal territories.
> States are sovereign nations within the union. And they are superior
> to the federal government (though just about all Americans have
> forgotten that most important picking order). And territories have no
> protection under the constitution because they are NOT party to the
> constitution as the states are.
> As for OCCUPIED, I suspect that the most compelling reason that the
> West Bank was occupied in the first place ws the six day war and after
> the war Israel was just not about to give up land that was promised to
> Jacob. Israel did not want to give it up yet was pressured not to
> annex it due to its overwhelming Palestinian populations.
> But it does belong to Israel. I didn't say so, you don't have a say
> either. GOD said so. Read the story about Jacob's ladder and see for
> yourself. God told him right then and there that the land would be
> and that land was the West Bank. God's opinion, when you stop and
> think about it, is the only one that counts. All we can do is decide
> if we want to agree or not.
> --
> If I were a cop, I would refuse to go on any no knock raid.
> But then, I am not a cop for basically the same reasons.


Oct 14, 2000, 10:21:37 PM10/14/00
this is B.S.

In article <8s9tvp$3m7$>,
> every israeli is complicit in the theft of palestine. by being israeli they
> are an accessory to murder, rape and pillage, therefore they are a target

> and must know as much, hence most of them fuck off to new york when the
> intifada was on and will do the same now

> rehan.
> R&T <> wrote in message

> > Now I could see the "christian palestinians" peacefully protesting.
> > I could see them in the military of a civil nation as well and fighting
> > for that nation in case of war however not in such an unrighteous
> > aggression where Israeli soldiers are being murdered all over the place
> > and innocent shoppers are being bombed in the town square etc.
> >
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> > > In the U.S. people know how to protest peacefully and the U.S. doesn't
> bomb
> > > them. Debby S.<>
> > >
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Arab Americans Step Up Protests of Israeli Stance
> > > >
> > > > By William Claiborne
> > > > Washington Post Staff Writer
> > > > Tuesday , October 10, 2000 ; Page A20
> > > >
> > > >

> > > > CHICAGO, Oct. 9 -- From New York to Los Angeles, Arab Americans--and


Oct 14, 2000, 10:23:38 PM10/14/00
In article <8sadmp$2t0$>,

> If God gave it to "them" forever, then why did he let other people live
> there for much more time then the Jews???

read the OT and you will see that going on and off...
it explains it very clearly.


Oct 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/15/00
Solder of God wrote:

> In article <8s7v38$ba4$>,
> Cathy <> wrote:
> > It is because the US are not Occupied territories!!!!
> > Do I need to say more?
> No, true, US is not occupied by arab territory.
> I=P

The states are occupied by the federal government. So far, we are still
free to study the information and make decisions, individually, and act or
not. The "fed" doesn't call us out to protest and demonstrate. Some groups
do but we are free to do or not to do based on our own judgement.

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