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The Nazi Holocaust & Now the Palestinian Holocaust

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Jun 29, 2003, 3:27:47 AM6/29/03
Palestinian Holocaust

by Edna Yaghi

(Ms. Edna Yaghi wrote the following
article in response to a letter from
Dr. Andrew E. Mathis to the Editor)

Dr. Mathis’s letter to the editor raised
many points that I disagree with.

First of all, I think that John-Paul Leonard’s article,
"The Wholly Hoely and Holy" was very eloquent
to say the least.

It is Dr. Mathis who through his very lengthy
letter has distorted the truth or twisted it to
serve his own purposes.

The UN partition of 1947 gave to Jews
what it had no right to give in the first place.

You cannot give the land of one people
to another and call it international law.

In 1922, the Jews in Palestine constituted
only 11 % of the population but by 1947,
they had increased their number to 31 %.

This was a result of massive immigration.

I would love to see how accommodating
Dr. Mathis would be to some people who
decided to occupy his home,
take it away from him and evict
him simply on the grounds that
they felt they had the right to do so.

That is, if they did not think that murdering him
first would be a much better idea than to bother
with just evicting him and his family to some
desert place without food or shelter.

The Palestinians that fled their homes did so
because of the atrocities committed by Jewish
terrorist groups such as the Irgun and Stern gangs
when they massacred whole villages of Palestinian
civilians such as at Deir Yassin.

Official Zionist history describes which methods
of terrorism should be used to attack the Palestinians.

The objective was to inflict
physical harm or liquidate them.

Plan Dalet was such a plan
used by the Jewish Haganah.

It was very effective and the result
was nearly a million refugees in 1947.

The Jewish claim to Palestine has no historical basis.

Zionists claim the extent of the Kingdom of
David and Solomon which lasted for only
about 73 years.

Settled populations have inhabited
alestine for some 9000 years.

Much of the land that the Zionists claim as
exclusively theirs has been predominantly
populated by Jews for less than 1% of its history.

From AD 70,
when the Roman emperor Titus
destroyed the Jewish Temple,
the Jewish community in Palestine
practically ceased to exist until Saladin,
the Muslim conqueror,
retook Jerusalem in 1187
and allowed the Jews to return.

Modern anthropologists believe that today’s
Palestinians are descended from the Canaanites
who are the earliest recorded inhabitants of the
land and the Philistines.

The Palestinian people,
despite the infusion of other peoples,
have remained the natural inhabitants of the land.

Jews are no longer a race of people but
those who follow the religion of Judaism.

To prove this point, there are European Jews,
Russian Jews, Asian Jews, American Jews,
Ethiopian Jews, and yes, even Arab Jews.

It is ludicrous to think that all the Jews in the
world should have a country of their own and
that this country must be that of another people,
the indigenous population of Palestine.

Abraham was the father of the Arabs
through Ishmael and the Jews through Isaac.

Ishmael was the first-born son of Prophet Abraham.

Both Arabs and Jews were Semites.

The Semitic speaking people are chiefly Arabs
so the term Semite does not refer to Jews
specifically as Dr. Mathis suggests.

Thus, Arabs are not guilty of being
anti-Semitic as they are themselves

What the Arabs are against is the Israeli
occupation of Palestinian land and the
terrorist acts that have been constantly
carried out against the Palestinian people
even before the creation of this Jewish war state.

So, Mr. Leonard need not consult your Oxford
dictionary for the meaning of Semite Dr. Mathis
but I would suggest that you consult the Encarta
encyclopedia for a better interpretation.

That the Jews were persecuted throughout
history is no fault of the Palestinians.

The Jews that live in Palestine now and call
themselves Israelis have persecuted the
Palestinians as no people have ever been

I think it would be a grand idea if the Israelis did
indeed go inhabit an empty island and leave the
Palestinians alone and give them back their
rightful homes.

Though Yasser Arafat may never have a
democracy in the Occupied Territories,
the Palestinians have no democracy
under the Israeli occupation either.

The West Bank and Gaza are like two huge
concentration camps and whenever there is
a hint of trouble in either area, the Israelis
immediately cut them both off from the
outside world as well as from one another.

As for Jihad, Dr. Mathis,
I wonder where you do get your definitions from.

The meaning of Jihad is a struggle for the cause of God.

It is a revolution in the system of life to establish
a new system in conformity with the ideology of
Islam and to establish a just and equitable
social order among human beings.

One who goes for Jihad does so
without thought of worldly benefits.

Israel is the most oppressive of all societies.

That children are shot at point blank range is
proof of how low the Israelis have stooped in
their hate of those who are non-Jews.

The Palestinians do not put their children in
front of Israeli guns in order to gain world sympathy.

Those children are throwing stones
in the name of freedom and Jihad.

Truly no person who takes aim at a small child
could ever even be considered the follower of
any faith.

It is reported that more than 10,000 Palestinians
have been injured during the latest uprising and
more than 320 have died.

It is the Israelis who shoot these freedom fighters
down with live ammunition, with helicopter gunfire,
with tanks and with warships at sea.

This is no democracy we are witnessing here;
this is a holocaust and genocide against the
Palestinian people.

Mrs. Edna Yaghi is a free-lance writer and a
regular contributor to Media Monitors Network (MMN)


Jun 29, 2003, 4:08:44 AM6/29/03
If I ever read a bigger load of rubbish I will be highly surprised.
"torresD" <> wrote in message


Jun 29, 2003, 4:39:42 AM6/29/03
Sadly, it is not rubbish.
The oppressed became the oppressors with a vengance.
Palestinisn were made to pay for the sins of others.

"lev_bronstein" <

> If I ever read a bigger load of rubbish I will be highly surprised.


Jun 29, 2003, 4:42:39 AM6/29/03
There is no such thing as a Palestinian holocaust.If there was the so-called
Palestinians would have ceased to exist long ago.You're a fool to believe
that rubbish.

"torresD" <> wrote in message


Jun 29, 2003, 6:08:17 AM6/29/03

"lev_bronstein" <> wrote in message

> There is no such thing as a Palestinian holocaust.If there was the
> Palestinians would have ceased to exist long ago.You're a fool to believe
> that rubbish.

You're foolish to deny and ignore it.

Israel was suppose to be the Light Unto The World.
According to Shai (Israeli Internal intelligence)
commander Levy reported on April 12, 1948 that the occupation of DEIR YASSIN
went as follows:

"The occupation of the village was carried with great cruelty.

Whole families---women, old people,
children---were killed, and there were
piles of dead [in various places].

Some of the prisoners moved to places of
incarceration, including women and children,
were murdered viciously by their captors."

In a report the following day, Levy added:

"LHI [Stern Gang lead by Yitzhak Shamir]
members tell of the barbaric behavior
[Hitnahagut barbarit in Hebrew] of the IZL

[Irgun gang lead by Menachem Begin]
toward the prisoners and the dead.

They also relate that the IZL
men raped a number of [Palestinian] Arab girls
and murdered them afterward (we don't know if this is true)."

The Shai operative who visited
Deir Yassin hours after the massacre,
Mordechai Gichen, reported on
April 10, 1948:

Their [i.e., the IZL?] commander says that the order was:

to capture the adult males and to
send the women and children to Motza.

In the afternoon [of April 9, 1948],
the order was changed and became kill all prisoners. . . .

The adult males were taken to town in trucks
and paraded in the city, then taken back to the
[village] site and killed with rifle and machine-gun fire.

Before they were put on the trucks, the IZL
and LHI men searched the women, men, and
Children [and] took from them all the jewelry
and STOLE their money.

The behavior toward them was especially barbaric
[and included] kicks, shoves with rifle butts, spitting,
and cursing (people from [the Western Jerusalem
neighborhood of] Giv'at Shaul took part in the torture).

It must be emphasized that the Israeli
mainstream usually singles out LHI and IZL
with war crimes atrocities, yet the Haganah
had the lion's share of other suppressed war crimes.

For example, the Haganah made great
effort to hide its part in the attack
(like approving it on April 9, 1948,
supplying machine gun cover and two
Palmah squads in armored cars)
which occupied Deir Yassin, and
during the following decades,
Menachem Begin's Herut Party and its successor,
the Likud, were continually berated for Deir Yassin
in internal Israeli political squabbling.

(Righteous Victims, p. 205-206)


Jun 29, 2003, 6:24:18 AM6/29/03
And you're a bigger fool for believing that rubbish.

"torresD" <> wrote in message


Jun 29, 2003, 10:07:28 AM6/29/03

"lev_bronstein" <> wrote in message

> If I ever read a bigger load of rubbish I will be highly surprised.

Oh, don't worry, Lev, you will. TorresD just keeps up coming up with more
and more outlandish garbage all the time.


Jun 29, 2003, 10:28:14 PM6/29/03

"lev_bronstein" <> wrote in message

> And you're a bigger fool for believing that rubbish.


Jun 30, 2003, 5:10:56 AM6/30/03
"Strider" <> wrote in message news:<pEOLa.135$>...

> "lev_bronstein" <> wrote in message
> news:bdmeoh$ajr$
> > And you're a bigger fool for believing that rubbish.

did you come to announce russkies declared a return of the stolen islands to japan?


Jun 30, 2003, 5:52:30 AM6/30/03
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate (Muslims only), the Most Merciful
(Muslims only):

> The Jews that live in Palestine now and call
> themselves Israelis have persecuted the
> Palestinians as no people have ever been
> persecuted.
What tripe. You Arabs really should be taught a final, permanent lesson.


Jun 30, 2003, 5:54:31 AM6/30/03
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate (Muslims only), the Most Merciful
(Muslims only):
> > And you're a bigger fool for believing that rubbish.


Did you get Saddam through the border OK Strider?


Jun 30, 2003, 5:57:42 AM6/30/03
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate (Muslims only), the Most Merciful
(Muslims only):

> > There is no such thing as a Palestinian holocaust. If there was the
> > so-called

> > Palestinians would have ceased to exist long ago. You're a fool to believe

> > that rubbish.
> You're foolish to deny and ignore it.

Why, if it is a load of rubbish? For it to be a holocaust most of the
Palestinians should be dead. This in fact would not be a bad idea at this
point, and the Jewish ruling class/cabal here in the US will look into it.
After all we runs things here.


Jun 30, 2003, 9:24:57 AM6/30/03
You're the only scum around here.

"Strider" <> wrote in message

Susan Cohen

Jun 30, 2003, 10:43:08 AM6/30/03

"BTov" <> wrote in message

How can there be a Holocaust with no genocide and a growing "Palestinian"



Jun 30, 2003, 1:29:47 PM6/30/03
"lev_bronstein" <> wrote in message news:<bdpdn9$j0g$>...

> You're the only scum around here.

You're an optimist, Lev.
There are also TorresD, Revd, pentateuch, assorted arab trolls -
plenty of scum to go around.

One thing is right though in the name of this thread: how true that
Nazi have been replaced by Palestinian!!!

Exactly, Torres!


Deborah Sharavi

Jun 30, 2003, 6:41:34 PM6/30/03
"torresD" <<wrote:

<Palestinian Holocaust
<by Edna Yaghi

Were there actually a Pallie"holocaust", there would
be no Pallies.

<(Ms. Edna Yaghi wrote the following
<article in response to a letter from
<Dr. Andrew E. Mathis to the Editor)

Mrs. Edna Yaghi, a self-described "aspiring poet" –
yet again indulging her anti-Semitic obsession, and
showing herself as a pathetic, obsessed (or maybe
possessed) middle-aged American woman living in
Amman – has also written:

Farewell and Roses
By E Yaghi

Against the backdrop
Of the pallid sun
And drab gray houses,
He had told her
He no longer loved her.

It was as plain and simple
As that…stark, hard,
Smelling dank and foul.
The pink rose he neglected
To give her on her birthday
Lay crushed and broken
Against the gentle flakes
Of newly fallen snow.

She continued staring out
The large bay window
That separated her
From the cold white
Drifting down like
The flutter of a swan's wings.
Never before had she fully
Comprehended the futility
Or suddenness of the world.
Not until his final goodbye.
Not until the soft white flakes
Fell upon the sharp thorns
Of the pink rose she had never received.

And though she knew
Somewhere a rainbow
With blue, yellow, red and purple hues
Arched undulating, smelling like
Promises and deep velvet,
Boasting of the beauty of the moment,
She also knew rainbows
Were not meant for such as she.

Mrs. Edna Yaghi has also written that she tends to
"slip in and out of consciousness", which is here

<The UN partition of 1947 gave to Jews
<what it had no right to give in the first place.
<You cannot give the land of one people
<to another and call it international law.

The Arab leaders at the peace conferences of 1919
seemed to think you could. And the Jewish
connection to the Land of Israel has been undisputed
for thousands of years.

<In 1922, the Jews in Palestine constituted
<only 11 % of the population but by 1947,
<they had increased their number to 31 %.
<This was a result of massive immigration.

Population of Palestine:

1878 Ottoman census for the sanajek of Jerusalem, Nablus
and Acco (inclusive of parts of Syria and Lebanon):
403,795 - Muslim
43,659 - Xian
25,011 - Jews (including appx 10,000 Jews with foreign

1922 British census (including Transjordan:
589,177 Muslims
83,790 Jews
71,464 Xians
7,617 "Other"

1931 British census (without Transjordan)
759,700 Muslim
174,606 Jewish
88,907 Xians
10,101 "Other"

By 1914, as a direct result of Jewish settlement and the
economic opportunities it afforded Arabs, the Arab population
had doubled; significantly, Arab population concentrations
were in areas immediately adjacent to Jewish areas. During
WWI, Jews lost appx 35,000 to famine, disease, and the
oppressive restrictions imposed by the Ottomans; Arabs
lost almost three times that number.

Under the British, the Arab population – whose immigration,
Unlike Jewish immigration, was never subject to restrictions
mushroomed from some 400,000 immediately after WWI to
over half a million in 1922 to 840,000 in 1931. As Sachar
noted, it was not at all natural increase, but due rather
to the influx of Arabs from surrounding lands.

The British provided orderly government, in contrast to
the rest of the Arab world. Jews provided economic opportunities
for Arab immigrants. Moreover, the disproportionately higher
Jewish revenues to the Mandatory were used to benefit the
Arabs, on the grounds that the more advanced Jews were
more capable of self-sufficiency than the backwards Arabs.
Arab population growth in the 1930s was 37% in Jerusalem,
61% in Jaffa, and 87% in Haifa, for a total of 118 percent
-- highest in the Arab world.

In sum, the majority of Arabs, like the majority of Jews,
Were immigrants. This is not to say that there had not been
continuity of Arab residence; but the explosion of the
Arab population was not, as poor silly Edna would think,
if she thinks, to natural increase.

<I would love to see how accommodating
<Dr. Mathis would be to some people who
<decided to occupy his home,
<take it away from him and evict
<him simply on the grounds that
<they felt they had the right to do so.

It's what Arabs did to Jews.

<That is, if they did not think that murdering him
<first would be a much better idea than to bother
<with just evicting him and his family to some
<desert place without food or shelter.

It's what Arabs did to Jews.

<The Palestinians that fled their homes did so
<because of the atrocities committed by Jewish
<terrorist groups such as the Irgun and Stern gangs
<when they massacred whole villages of Palestinian
<civilians such as at Deir Yassin.

"Whole villages", huh? What "whole villages" were
massacred? And if the "whole village" of Deir Yassin
was massacred – why is it there were survivors who
testified that most of the stories about Deir Yassin
were the invention of Hussein al-Khalidi of the pro-
Nazi Arab Higher Committee?

<Official Zionist history describes which methods
<of terrorism should be used to attack the Palestinians.

Naturally, Edna is too stupid to specify this alleged
"official Zionist history".

<The objective was to inflict
<physical harm or liquidate them.

Like the Arabs swore to do to the Jews?

<Plan Dalet was such a plan
<used by the Jewish Haganah.
<It was very effective and the result
<was nearly a million refugees in 1947.

There were considerably more than a million refugees
in 1947: tens of millions of Europeans, 16 millions
from the partition of India, 2.5 million European Jews;
800,000 Jews from Arab lands.

<The Jewish claim to Palestine has no historical basis.

No historical basis?

Israel is laid waste, his seed is not
Khurru is become a widow for Egypt
- Merneptah victory hymn, 13thC BCE

Omri was king of Israel, and he oppressed Moab many
days...The people of Gad had dwelt in the land of
‘Ataroth from of old, and the king of Israel rebuilt
‘Ataroth for himself...Kemoš commanded me, "Go, seize
Nebo from Israel"...the king of Israel fortified Yahatz
and he remained there while preparing for his battle with
me... I dug trenches at Qeriho using Israelite prisoners
- Mesha stele, 10thC BCE

He brought along to assist him 2,000 chariots
and 10,000 soldiers of Ahab of Israel.
- Obelisk of Shalmaneser III, 9thC BCE

As to Hezekiah, the Jew, he did not submit to my yoke,
I laid siege to his strong cities, walled forts, and
countless small villages...I drove out 200,150 people,
...and considered them slaves. [Hezekiah] I made a
prisoner in Jerusalem, his royal residence
- Sennacherib prism, 6thC BCE

Peace upon Israel
- Ein Gedi inscription, 5thC BCE

Judaea is thickly studded with villages and the Jews
have towns as well. Their capital is Jerusalem.
- Tacitus, Histories c110 CE

O Children of Israel! call to mind the special favour
which We bestowed upon you, and that We preferred you
to all others nations.
- Sura 2.122

Moses said unto his people: Remember the good deeds that
Allah has done for you, who appointed and gave you prophets
and rulers, something he has not given to any nation in the
world; and now, my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah
has destined for you. Do not turn back because otherwise,
you might be doomed and come to ruin.
- Sura 5.20-21

Then, We let the people [Israel], who were despised, inherit
the eastern and western parts of the land which we had
blessed. And the fair word of Allah was fulfilled for the
Children of Israel because of their endurance.
- Sura 7.137

Then We said to the children of Israel: Dwell in the land,
and when the promise of the hereafter will be fulfilled,
we shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various
- Sura 17.104

- The Quran, 8thC CE

In the Temple and porch of Solomon, men rode in blood up to
their knees and bridle reins. Indeed, it was a just and
splendid judgment of God that this place should be filled
with the blood of the unbelievers, since it had suffered
so long from their blasphemies.
- Raymond d'Aguiliers, 12thC CE

O daughters of Israel, weep for the thirty one souls
that were burnt for the sanctification of the Name,
and let your brothers, the entire house of Israel,
bewail the burning.
- Ephraim ben Jacob, Book of Historical Records, 12thC CE

Israel, the land of the Jews, will tolerate no foreign
ruler. She reserves herself only for her children.
- Maimonides, 12thC CE

<Zionists claim the extent of the Kingdom of
<David and Solomon which lasted for only
<about 73 years.

The Divided Kingdom lasted longer.

<Settled populations have inhabited
<Palestine for some 9000 years.


<Much of the land that the Zionists claim as
<exclusively theirs has been predominantly
<populated by Jews for less than 1% of its history.


<From AD 70,
<when the Roman emperor Titus
<destroyed the Jewish Temple,

Titus wasn't emperor when the Temple was destroyed
the second time.

<the Jewish community in Palestine
<practically ceased to exist until Saladin,
<the Muslim conqueror,
<retook Jerusalem in 1187
<and allowed the Jews to return.

There were enough Jews in "Palestine" to cause the Empire
a hell of a lot of trouble in 135 CE. After which time so-called
"Palestine" became "Palestine", and Jews were forbidden to
enter Jerusalem. A few years later, that was relaxed to allow
Jews to enter Jerusalem on Tisha bAv. Then it was forgotten

<Modern anthropologists believe that today's
<Palestinians are descended from the Canaanites
<who are the earliest recorded inhabitants of the
<land and the Philistines.

Er, no, modern anthropologists do NOT believe that, in
that most modern anthropologists know that the so-called
"Canaanites" were a mixed bag of populations.

<The Palestinian people,
<despite the infusion of other peoples,
<have remained the natural inhabitants of the land.

According to the Palestine National Covenant, Palestinians
are Arabs and are no different from any other Arabs.

<Jews are no longer a race of people but
<those who follow the religion of Judaism.

Excepting Jews who do NOT "follow the religion of

<To prove this point, there are European Jews,
<Russian Jews, Asian Jews, American Jews,
<Ethiopian Jews, and yes, even Arab Jews.

Yeah, right, go find an "Arab Jew."

<It is ludicrous to think that all the Jews in the
<world should have a country of their own

It's not ludicrous to think that all the Jews in the
world should be the only people who do NOT
have a country of their own?

<that this country must be that of another people,
<the indigenous population of Palestine.

The indigenous population of "Palestine" were the
Neandertals, and they're not making any claims on

<Abraham was the father of the Arabs
<through Ishmael and the Jews through Isaac.
<Ishmael was the first-born son of Prophet Abraham.
<Both Arabs and Jews were Semites.

The covenant – and the Land – passed from Abraham
to Isaac to Jacob. Ishmael was Abraham's bastard by
his wife's Eygptian slave.

<The Semitic speaking people are chiefly Arabs
<so the term Semite does not refer to Jews
<specifically as Dr. Mathis suggests.
<Thus, Arabs are not guilty of being
<anti-Semitic as they are themselves

<yawn> Poor silly Edna is certainly behind the times
on this piece of Palliebull.

1. A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near
East and northern Africa, including Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians,
Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.
2. A JEW.
3. Bible A descendant of Shem.
One who discriminates against or who is hostile toward
or prejudiced against JEWS.
- American Heritage Dictionary (2000)

Arabs cannot possibly be anti-Semitic as they are themselves

The term "anti-Semite" was coined in Germany in 1879 by Wilhelm
Marrih to refer to the anti-Jewish manifestations of the period
and to give Jew-hatred a more scientific sounding name. "Anti-
Semitism" has been accepted and understood to mean hatred of
the Jewish people. Dictionaries define the term as: "Theory,
action, or practice directed against the Jews" and "Hostility
towards Jews as a religious or racial minority group, often
accompanied by social, economic and political discrimination."

The claim that Arabs as "Semites" cannot possibly be anti-Semitic
is a semantic distortion that ignores the reality of Arab
discrimination and hostility toward Jews. Arabs, like any other
people, can indeed be anti-Semitic.
- Mitchell G. Bard, Myths & Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israel Conflict

<What the Arabs are against is the Israeli
<occupation of Palestinian land and the
<terrorist acts that have been constantly
<carried out against the Palestinian people
<even before the creation of this Jewish war state.

Like the Nebi Musa massacre, the Hebron massacre, the Arab
Riots, the massacre of the 35, the Hadassah Convoy massacre,
the Gush Etzion massacre….and so forth.

<So, Mr. Leonard need not consult your Oxford
<dictionary for the meaning of Semite Dr. Mathis
<but I would suggest that you consult the Encarta
<encyclopedia for a better interpretation.

Translation: Don't believe any facts you read if it
contradicts what silliness Edna is producing.

<That the Jews were persecuted throughout
<history is no fault of the Palestinians.

Except for those "Palestinians" who were pro-Nazi,
who worked for the Nazis beginning in the 1930s,
and who vowed to "finish Hitler's work".

<The Jews that live in Palestine now and call
<themselves Israelis have persecuted the
<Palestinians as no people have ever been

I think the Armenians and Kurdis and Rwandans
and Sudanese might tend to disagree.

<I think it would be a grand idea if the Israelis did
<indeed go inhabit an empty island and leave the
<Palestinians alone and give them back their
<rightful homes.

I have no problem with Israel giving the Pallies their
rightful homes in Jordan, or Syria, or Lebanon, or
Saudia, or Egypt.

<Though Yasser Arafat may never have a
<democracy in the Occupied Territories,
<the Palestinians have no democracy
<under the Israeli occupation either.
<The West Bank and Gaza are like two huge
<concentration camps and whenever there is
<a hint of trouble in either area, the Israelis
<immediately cut them both off from the
<outside world as well as from one another.
<As for Jihad, Dr. Mathis,
<I wonder where you do get your definitions from.
<The meaning of Jihad is a struggle for the cause of God.
<It is a revolution in the system of life to establish
<a new system in conformity with the ideology of
<Islam and to establish a just and equitable
<social order among human beings.
<One who goes for Jihad does so
<without thought of worldly benefits.

I can't begin to comment on the convoluted absurdities

<Israel is the most oppressive of all societies.

Armenians and Kurdis and Rwandans and Sudanese
might tend to disagree.

<That children are shot at point blank range is
<proof of how low the Israelis have stooped in
<their hate of those who are non-Jews.
<The Palestinians do not put their children in
<front of Israeli guns in order to gain world sympathy.

They did it to get $25,000 from Saddam.

<Those children are throwing stones
< in the name of freedom and Jihad.
<Truly no person who takes aim at a small child
<could ever even be considered the follower of
<any faith.

Well, that leaves out most of the Pallie "combatants".

<It is reported that more than 10,000 Palestinians
<have been injured during the latest uprising and
<more than 320 have died.

Who reported it? The Electronic Intifarta?

<It is the Israelis who shoot these freedom fighters
<down with live ammunition, with helicopter gunfire,
<with tanks and with warships at sea.
<This is no democracy we are witnessing here;
<this is a holocaust and genocide against the
<Palestinian people.

If it's such a fewken holocaust, why do the Pallie
population figures keep GROWING?

<Mrs. Edna Yaghi is a free-lance writer and a
<regular contributor to Media Monitors Network (MMN)

When Mrs. Edna Yaghi is not busy being Mrs. Edna
Yaghi, as Kim B noted, toda raba, she is lots of
other people:

"My name is Rafi. I am an American Israeli and
a former member of the >IDF or Israeli Defense
-Edna Yaghi

"I am the Palestinian child."
- Edna Yaghi

- "Palestinian Am I"
Edna Yaghi

"My name is Helmi Shousheh."
-Edna Yaghi

"My name is Ze'ev. I am an Israeli soldier stationed
in Gaza."
-Edna Yaghi

"I am a 10-year-old Iraqi street boy."
-Edna Yaghi

Poor, pathetic Edna! If she had a boyfriend, or, failing
that, a vibrator, would she sing a different tune? The
same holds true, of course, for TorresDumbAsABoxofRocks.


Deborah Sharavi

Jun 30, 2003, 6:44:52 PM6/30/03
"torresD" <> wrote:
>Sadly, it is not rubbish.

It is rubbish from beginning to end, because rubbish
is chiefly what poor, pathetic Edna Yaghi writes.

>Palestinisn were made to pay for the sins of others.

But not made to pay for their own sins in backing the


Deborah Sharavi

Jun 30, 2003, 6:55:31 PM6/30/03
>"lev_bronstein" <> wrote:
>>There is no such thing as a Palestinian holocaust.If
>>there was the so-called Palestinians would have ceased
>>to exist long ago.You're a fool to believe that rubbish.>

In case you hadn't noticed, torres is not only an antisemitic
fool, she is also dumb as a box of rocks.

"torresD" <> wrote:
>You're foolish to deny and ignore it.

Hmmmmm. How does one "ignore" something which never

>Israel was suppose to be the Light Unto The World.

Compared to the rest of the ME, it is.

>According to Shai (Israeli Internal intelligence)
>commander Levy reported on April 12, 1948 that the occupation
>of DEIR YASSIN went as follows:

On 12 April 1948, Shai was not "Israeli Internal intelligence."
According to Chaim Herzog, it wasn't even particularly well run.

>In a report the following day, Levy added:
>"LHI [Stern Gang lead by Yitzhak Shamir]
>members tell of the barbaric behavior

Shamir led "Stern Gang" at Deir Yassin? Gee, was
his fellow member Yitzhak Rabin with him?

>[Irgun gang lead by Menachem Begin]
>toward the prisoners and the dead.

Begin did not lead Etzel at Deir Yassin.

>They also relate that the IZL
>men raped a number of [Palestinian] Arab girls
>and murdered them afterward (we don't know if this
>is true)."

According to the villagers of Deir Yassin, there was
no rape; it was nothing more than atrocities stories
fabricated by Hussein al-Khalidi of the Arab Higher

>The Shai operative who visited
>Deir Yassin hours after the massacre,
>Mordechai Gichen, reported on
>April 10, 1948:

"Gichen"? Not Mordechai Gihon?

[flush crap]


Deborah Sharavi

Jun 30, 2003, 7:01:42 PM6/30/03
>"lev_bronstein" <> wrote:
>>If I ever read a bigger load of rubbish I will be highly surprised.

"Ed" <> wrote:
>Oh, don't worry, Lev, you will. TorresD just keeps up coming
>up with more and more outlandish garbage all the time.

Probably roots through the rogerer's old posts. Even the
old rogerer, however, didn't come up with the whoppers
like torresDumbass. Of course, the rogerer wasn't as
stupid as torresDumbass, QED her latest post claiming
Begin led Etzel and Shamir led Lechi at Deir Yassin. What,
no Rabin?


Deborah Sharavi

Jun 30, 2003, 7:03:43 PM6/30/03
"$$$$DISCOUNT$$$$ <>" <$$$$DISCOUNT$$$$> wrote:
>In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate (Muslims only), the Most Merciful
>(Muslims only):
>torreD wrote:
>>The Jews that live in Palestine now and call
>>themselves Israelis have persecuted the
>>Palestinians as no people have ever been

>What tripe. You Arabs really should be taught a final,
>permanent lesson.

Aw, go easy on poor pathetic Edna Yaghi. Life can't
be easy for a menopausal American psychotic in Amman,
you know.


Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG

Susan Cohen

Jun 30, 2003, 7:11:36 PM6/30/03

"Deborah Sharavi" <> wrote in message

They are only being made to pay for their sins in being stupid enough to
listen to their Arab brethren when they said "Get out of the way so we can
kill all the Jews for you & give you all their stuff."

> Deborah


Jun 30, 2003, 7:41:16 PM6/30/03

"Deborah Sharavi" <> wrote in message

You think she printed all of Rogerer's postings and keeps them in a pretty
little scrapbook with hearts and flowers all over it?
Sort of like a "rogerer groupie", wouldn't you say?

Deborah Sharavi

Jul 1, 2003, 5:44:43 PM7/1/03
>>Probably roots through the rogerer's old posts. Even the
>>old rogerer, however, didn't come up with the whoppers
>>like torresDumbass. Of course, the rogerer wasn't as
>>stupid as torresDumbass, QED her latest post claiming
>>Begin led Etzel and Shamir led Lechi at Deir Yassin. What,
>>no Rabin?

"Ed" <> wrote:
>You think she printed all of Rogerer's postings and keeps them in a pretty
>little scrapbook with hearts and flowers all over it?

Nah, a lot of the rogerer's posts would be way over
torresDimbulb's dim bulb. Plus, printing his posts
would require a printer - and effort - and putting
them in a scrapbook would also require effort. torres
isn't even up to the effort of arguing.

>Sort of like a "rogerer groupie", wouldn't you say?

More like a einsatzgruppen groupie, I would say.

The Revd Terence Fformby-Smythe

Jul 2, 2003, 1:11:46 AM7/2/03
On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 02:57:42 -0700, $$$$DISCOUNT$$$$ <> wrote:

>In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate (Muslims only), the Most Merciful
>(Muslims only):
>> > There is no such thing as a Palestinian holocaust. If there was the
>> > so-called
>> > Palestinians would have ceased to exist long ago. You're a fool to believe
>> > that rubbish.
>> You're foolish to deny and ignore it.
>Why, if it is a load of rubbish? For it to be a holocaust most of the
>Palestinians should be dead.

Why didn't this rule apply to the jew holocaust?

"I am Lord Rothschild. I do not eat pork. Bring
me a ham sandwich."
- Victor, 3rd Baron Rothschild


Jul 2, 2003, 12:17:05 PM7/2/03
to (The Revd Terence Fformby-Smythe) wrote in message news:<>...

> On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 02:57:42 -0700, $$$$DISCOUNT$$$$ <> wrote:
> >In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate (Muslims only), the Most Merciful
> >(Muslims only):
> >
> >> > There is no such thing as a Palestinian holocaust. If there was the
> >> > so-called
> >> > Palestinians would have ceased to exist long ago. You're a fool to believe
> >> > that rubbish.
> >>
> >> You're foolish to deny and ignore it.
> >>
> >Why, if it is a load of rubbish? For it to be a holocaust most of the
> >Palestinians should be dead.

> Why didn't this rule apply to the jew holocaust?

because there isn't such animal as a `palestinian'

Susan Cohen

Jul 2, 2003, 12:48:18 PM7/2/03

"BTov" <> wrote in message

> > >Why, if it is a load of rubbish? For it to be a holocaust most of the
> > >Palestinians should be dead.
> > Why didn't this rule apply to the jew holocaust?
> because there isn't such animal as a `palestinian'

Please! The fact is that the so-called Palestinian population has *grown*,
not decreased.

> lol

Deborah Sharavi

Jul 2, 2003, 1:33:31 PM7/2/03
>>>Palestinisn were made to pay for the sins of others.

>>But not made to pay for their own sins in backing the

"Susan Cohen" <> wrote:
>They are only being made to pay for their sins in being stupid enough to
>listen to their Arab brethren when they said "Get out of the way so we can
>kill all the Jews for you & give you all their stuff."

The Pal Arabs were backing the Nazis as early as 1935, well
before their major contributions to the pro-Nazi coup in
Iraq, and the Bosnian SS legions they created to slaughter
Xians as well as Jews. "Germany and Italy are the only true
democracies in the world today", stuff like that. Then
there was their parade through J'lem in the 1930s, with
swastika banners and portraits of their idol Abu Ali (Shtlr).
And Abu Ali's Mein Kampf is still one of their perennial

How quickly the world forgets.

Susan Cohen

Jan 11, 2024, 3:38:53 PMJan 11
There is only one true holocaust and it is happening right now in
Gaza. The jews took a beating in WWII but so did 55-60 million other
people. The jew asswhipping was payback for all the shit they pulled
over the years, the Palestinians haven't hurt anybody. The Gaza
military struck a a counter-offensive against the jew occupier and now
the kikes are all bent out of shape about it.


Jan 11, 2024, 4:22:59 PMJan 11
On Thu, 11 Jan 24 20:38:51 UTC, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married gay
neo-nazitard, STRUTTING around as Susan Cohen, whined again:

>>because there isn't such animal as a `palestinian'
> There is only one true holocaust and it is happening right now in
> Gaza. The jews took a beating in WWII but so did 55-60 million other
> people. The jew asswhipping was payback for all the shit they pulled
> over the years, the Palestinians haven't hurt anybody. The Gaza
> military struck a a counter-offensive against the jew occupier and now
> the kikes are all bent out of shape about it.

LOL ONLY in your retarded impotent neo-nazi dreams, Loose Sphincter! It's
the Hamas who are taking a beating (and more) and EVERYONE with a brain
(that excludes of course abysmally stupid gay neo-nazitards like you) knows
that Israel will win also this latest war started by the Jew-haters, you
abysmally stupid gay neo-nazi whore!

Anti-virus firm AVG <> addressing Loose Sphincter on Usenet:

"Hello from AVG.

Please stop advertising us. We don't want to be associated with neo-Nazi
scum like you and RichA, no matter whether you use our product or not.

And fix your fucking sig separator!

Sincerely, AVG."

Michael Ejercito

Jan 11, 2024, 8:17:08 PMJan 11
Forger, nothing that Israel is doing to Gaza is different than what
the United States of America did to Japan between 1941 and 1945.

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