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Al-Kafi ( a Shia book full of Shirk and innovations )

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Nov 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/16/98

MaKTaBaT MinHaaJ AlSunnaH


Alkafi is the MOST reliable Shia Book, as the reliable Shia Scholars
said and declared . Its author is Thiqat al-Islam Muhamad Ibn Yaqoob
AlKileeni ( a VERY reliable Shia Scholar, died in 328 H ) . Alkafi is
a collection of Hadiths attributed to the prophet Muhamad p.b.u.h and
The Infallible Imams -according to Shia- and like AhlSunnah, who give
much importance to their Hadith book ( Saheeh AlBukhari ), Shia give
the same or maybe even more importance to their Book ( Alkafi ) .
Unlike AhlSunnah who call AlBukhari's Book as ( Saheeh AlBukhari ),
Shia do not call Alkafi as ( Saheeh AlKafi ), nevertheless, Shia treat
AlKafi as it is ( Saheeh ) and their most reliable scholars declare it
as a ( Saheeh ) .

* Here are some of the Shia most reliable Scholars' sayings about
AlKafi :

[1] AlHur Al'amily said " The authors of the Four Books of shia (
Alkafi , AlIstibsaar , AlTahzeeb , Mun La YahDuruHu Alfaqeeh ) have
testified that the Hadiths of their books are accurate (saheeh) , firm
and well conducted from the roots that all shia agreed on , and if you
consider those scholars ( the authors of the four books ) are reliable
then you must accept their sayings and their narrations . " [
Alwasa'el , volume 20 , page 104 ]

[2] Sharaf'Deen AbdulHussain Mosawy said : " Alkafi , AlIsTibSaar ,
AlTahzeeb and Mun La YahduRuHu Alfaqeeh are *MutawaTirah* and agreed
on the acuraty of its contents ( the Hadiths ) , and Alkafi is the
oldest , greatest , best and the most accurate one of them " . [ The
book of AlMuraja'aat , Muraj'ah number 110 ] ..... MutawaTirah =
accurate 100% because it was narrated by many narrators .

[3] Muhammad Sadiq AlSaDr said : " Although The Shia are on the
unanimity of that The four books ( Alkafi , AlIsTibSaar , AlTahzeeb
and Mun La YahduRuHu Alfaqeeh ) are accepted and *all* the narrations
in them are accurate ( Saheeh ), But they did not call them by the
name ( Sihaah ) like AhlSunnah did ." . [ The Book of shia "Kitab
alshia" page 127 ]

[4] AlTabRassy said : " Alkafi among the four shia books ( AlTahzeeb ,
Alkafi , AlIsTibSar , mun la YahDuruhu Alfaqeeh ) is like the sun
among the stars , and who looked fairly would not need to notice the
position of the men in the chain of hadiths in this Book , and if you
looked fairly you would feel satisfied and sure that the hadiths are
firm and accurate . " [ MusTaDrak AlWasa'el , volume 3 , page 532 ]

[5] AlKhomeini said : " Do you think it is enough for our religious
life to have its laws summed up in AlKafi and then placed upon a
shelf?" [ Al-Hukumah Al-Islamiyyah page 72 ]

Now, I think each and everyone of us is interested to know what this
Book ( Alkafi ) contains, the book that made all those Shia Scholars
praise it and recommend it, actually even blamed their followers for
not applying more effort of studying and research as AlKhomeini said
in his book ( Al-Hukumah Al-Islamiyyah page 72 ) !! .

* EXAMPLES of the CONTENTS of AlKafi :

[1] Chapter: The Imams have knowledge of All that was given to the
angels and the prophets. ( AlKafi vol.1 p.255 )

[2] Chapter: The Imams know when they will die, and they only die by
their choice. ( AlKafi vol.1 p.258 )

[3] Chapter: The Imams have knowledge of the past and future; and
nothing is hidden from them. ( AlKafi vol.1 p.260 )

COMMENT: No doubt that these words are clear Kufr (Disbelief) and
Shirk (Polytheism), because the knowledge of the unseen is only for
Allah alone .. These words with no doubt countradict what Allah said
in Surah Luqmaan "Verily, Allah With Him (Alone) is the knowledge of
the Hour, He sends down the rain, and knows that which is in the
wombs. No person knows what he will earn tommorow, and no person knows
in what land he will die. Verily, Allah is All-Knower, All-Aware (of
things)" [Quran 31:34]

[4] "Obedience to `Ali is true humility and disobedience to him is
disbelief in Allah" ( AlKafi vol.10 p.54 )

[5] "Whoever sets up another Imam besides `Ali and delays `Ali's
caliphate is a polytheist" ( AlKafi vol.10 p.55 )

COMMENT: These words declare all AhlSunnah as kufaar (Disbelievers)
and Mushrikeen (Polytheists), because we -AhlSunnah- do not believe in
the Shia Imamate of `Ali ( which is believing that `Ali is
Infallible,..etc ) also We -AhlSunnah- believe that Abubakr (r) is the
first caliphate, Omar (r) the second and Othman (r) the third, thus,
We delay `Ali's caliphate to be the 4th after Abubakr,Omar and Othman,
thus, Shia declare in their most reliable book that AhlSunnah are
Kufaar and Mushrikeen !!!

[6] The false verse "And We made `Ali your in-law" has been added to
Surah Al-InShirah . ( AlKafi p.289 )

[7] Alkileeni reported that Jabir asked AbuJa`far p.b.u.h : "Why `Ali
ibn Aby Talib was named Amir-ul-Mumineen?" AbuJa`far replied : "Allah
named him so, and He revealed in His Book " And (remember) when your
Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their
seed and made them testify as to themselves (saying): Am I not your
Lord, Muhammad my messenger and `Ali Amir-ul-Mumineen ?..." ( AlKafi
vol.1 p.412 )

COMMENT: We all know that "Muhammad my messenger and `Ali
Amir-ul-Mumineen" is not part of the Quranic verse [Quran 7:172], but
as you just read, AlKileeni narrated in his book AlKafi that the
Infallible Imam -according to Shia- ( AbuJa`far ) said that the verse
[Quran 7:172] was revealed by Allah with "Muhammad my messenger and
`Ali Amir-ul-Mumineen", This is a serious claim by Shia that the Quran
was changed and corrupted !!! This is a serious "Tahreef" of the Holy
Quran ... and please continue reading :

[8] "Abu Baseer reported that he said to Imam Ja'far, "O Abu
Abdullah(Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq) What is Mus-haf Fatimah?" He replied
"It is a Qur'an containing three times what is found in your copy of
the Qur'an; yet by Allah, it does not contain even a single letter
from your Qur'an. ( AlKafi vol.1 p.457 )

After, We have read some examples of what AlKafi ( The MOST reliable
Shia Book ) contains, I am sure that many of you will say to
themselves "If the MOST reliable book to Shia contains such extreme
kufr (Disbelief) and shirk (Polytheism) that it alone is sufficient to
push anyone who believes in it into the Hellfire for eternity, Then
-you may say- what about the other Shia books !!?", The other Shia
books are even WORSE !!!

Take for example their Tafseer Books !!! The Books that should have
put to explain Allah's words !!! The Shia Scholars filled it with
filthy interpretations that may and will make you feel sick !!!

The most known Tafseer books are 1.Tafseer AlQumy 2.Tafseer Al-Ayashi
3.Tafseer AlBurhan by Albahraani ( a Well known Shia Scholar ) !!!

I will quote few things from Tafseer AlAyashi and Tafseer AlBurhan,
and from the Shia Hadith encyclopedia called ( Bihaar Al-Anwaar )
which is -by Allah- a filthy and satanic work of one of the MOST
reliable and respected Shia Scholars ever existed, whom they call (
Sheikh al-Islam alHujah Mula Muhamad baqir alMajlisi ) !!!! may Allah
take revenge on them all ... ameen .. Now, lets start reading, and I
will try not to COMMENT, I will leave YOU comment on the following
quotations by YOURSELF :

* "It was narrated that [ Imam ] Abu Abdullah said : No infant is born
but a certain Satan is in his presence. If Allah knew that he would be
of our Shiia, He protects him from that Satan, if he wouldn't be of
our Shiia, Satan sticks his finger in his anus, thus becomes a
catamite, If it was [ the infant ] a female, he sticks his finger in
her vagina, thus becomes a whore. Allah then afterwards clear what He
desire or affirm, for with Him is the book of Knowledge."

Tafseer al-Ayyashi, p. 218

Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol.2 p. 1319

Tafseer al-Burhaan, vol. 2, p. 300

* "It was narrated that [ Imam ] Abu Abdullah said : When it is the
Judgement Day, Iblis will be brought forward in 70 chains and 70
cables. The FIRST [Abu Bakr] sees ZUFAR [Omar] in 120 chains and 120
cables [double of Satan], Iblis then say : Who is that , that Allah
doubled his punishment and it was I who mislead all of these people?
And an answer comes, This is ZUFAR [Omar] . Iblis then asks: Why
specifically this punishment? The answer comes: Because of his wrong
doing to Ali peace be upon him. Satan ZUFAR [Omar] then tells Satan
Iblis " It was you who ordered me to do so" Iblis then replies : Why
hast thou disobeyed your Lord and Obeyed me????"

Tafseer al-Ayashi, p. 224

Tafseer al- Burhan, vol. 3, p. 310

Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 8, p. 220

* "Alhussain Bin Ali Bin Yakteen narrated, i asked [ Imam ] Alhassan
Bin Ali about the man doing it to the woman in her anus, he said [
Imam ] Alhassan it was made lawful in a verse of the Book of Allah,
when Prophet Lut said : " Here are my dughters, they are purer for
you" [Quran 11:78], and he knew it was not the vagina they sought but
the anus"

Tafseer al-Ayyashi, p. 157

Bihaar al-Anwar, vol. 21, p. 98

Tafseer al-Burhaan, vol. 2, p. 230

COMMENT: I KNOW I have promised that I will not comment , but -by
Allah- I couldnt stand it even though I have read it before, SEE how
filthy those Shia are !? In this fabricated Hadith attributed to their
Infallible Imam, it is clear that in Shiia's Religion, the act of
sodomy is permissible according to their interpretation to the said
verse and otheverses as well in this regard. What a sick mentality !!!

* "It was narrated that [ Imam ] Ja`far Ibn Muhamad p.b.u.h said : The
prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h used to put his face between the breasts of [
his daughter ] Fatima before going to sleep"

Bihaar al-Anwar, vol. 43, p. 78

* "Ali Ibn Abi Talib said that he once slept with the prophet Muhammad
p.b.u.h and his wife Ayesha in one bed, and under one cover, then the
prophet woke up to pray, and left them together [ Ali and Ayesha ] in
the same bed, under the same cover"

Bihaar al-Anwar vol. 40, p. 2

COMMENT: AstagfiruAllah !!!! EVEN Ali and Fatimah and the family of
the prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h whom Shia claim they love and follow,
were not excluded from the Shia's filth ... -by Allah- while I am
writting these fabricated narrations that Shia filled their books
with, my heart is feeling sick .. "O Allah, FORGIVE Me for typing
this" I only conduct What Shia Scholars put in their books TO EXPOSE
them to every muslim, every true muslim TO get angry FOR the sake of
Allah on this apostate group ( Shia ), please dear brothers and
sisters forgive me for making you read such filth about our beloved
prophet peace be upon him and his family, but, It is TIME we FACE it
and take s stance against it ....

Finally, I remind all MUSLIMS with the accurate Hadith "the prophet
said : May Allah curse those who insult my companions", also I remind
you to be CAREFULL when dealing with Shia, don't be tricked by their
"Taqiyah", They smile in our faces but their hearts burn with hatred
for us. Dear muslims, our duty toward those Mushrikeen "Shia" is to
fight them with ALL what We can get reach of .. We MUST Expose them,
and uncover their black face, LOOK at what they fill their Tafseer !!!
and Hadith !!! Books with ... May Allah GUIDE them to his pure true
path -or- destroy them and take revenge on them All .. AllaHumaa Ameen
.. AllaHumaa Ameen .. AllaHumaa Ameen

Abdalla Alothman

Nov 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/16/98
Al-NajDi wrote:

> MaKTaBaT MinHaaJ AlSunnaH
> AlKafi
> Alkafi is the MOST reliable Shia Book, as the reliable Shia Scholars
> said and declared . Its author is Thiqat al-Islam Muhamad Ibn Yaqoob
> AlKileeni ( a VERY reliable Shia Scholar, died in 328 H ) . Alkafi is
> a collection of Hadiths attributed to the prophet Muhamad p.b.u.h and
> The Infallible Imams -according to Shia- and like AhlSunnah,


I (a non-Shiai) talked in the past to some Shiais regarding
Al-Kafi. I think that it does not contain all Saheeh Hadiths.
In other words, it is only a compilation of some teachings.
Some are obligatory and some are not. So, they don't take
it as a strong source. It contains all types of Hadiths, just as
the Sunnis have "Hassan" and " Mawdhoo' " hadiths.

The difference is that it's all in one book. In fact, the Shiais don't
have anything as "Saheeh", they only take what suits them from
Al-Kafi and what does not contradicts the Quran. They do a lot
of research and analysis to validate their cases more than Sunnis.
They don't follow Hadith blindly or just by tracing its roots. They
go deep to the content. That's what I was told. I hope it makes
sense to you.

It would be nice if we can focus on how to get Sunnis and
Shiais together. Instead of advocating one's sect, one can
advocate Islam in its whole. We've seen a lot of differences
between Shiais and Sunnis in this newsgroup. Has anyone
thoughtful enough mentioned the similarities? Everytime you
would see some Shiai or Sunni advocate insisting that his sect
comes first. What happened to Islam? Shouldn't it come first?
Both sects are different, but that does not mean that they cannot
get a long. Both sects agree on the most major issues of
Islam. Only a few differences are left.

What would you realize if the both united and unstressed
their differences? It would certainly be a start to unite this
nation. Something that many are afraid of, and a dream for
the rest of us. Please let these differences vanish, they
serve politics and not Islam.

If you would like to investigate on Shisim, then go to them
directly. Likewise, if you want to investigate about the Sunnis,
go to them directly. But, don't ask one about the other since both
are good at making big bubbles out of the other. Actually, this is
why Islam and Muslims is/are being kicked by all types of people.
We're like small pieces of a beautiful puzzle in the hands of the
people who hate us. All this is because we are not along as we
used to be in the past. God said: "Inn tansuru Allaha
yansurkum...", nowadays, we advocate our sects more than we
advocate Islam and God. That's why we are beneath Earth's lower


Nov 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/17/98

the post that you wrote below has been distributed quite frequently by
wahabbis. its obvious you have no knowledge of shi'ahs nor have you ever read
al-kafi because 99% of that stuff you wrote is b.s. the hadith that you
wrote are grossly misquoted. and please give more than just the page number.
al- kafi is centuries old there have been many editions printed how about
actually giving the tradition number. shi'ahs dont consider al-kafi to be
100% correct as many sunnis do of al-bukhari. its reliable but at the same
time it is open for discussion. in fact, allama muhammad husain al-Jalali
rated the traditions in al-kafi as follows:

Total traditions: 16,121 (including the reports and the stories)
Weak traditions: 9,485 (Da'eef)
Good traditions: 114 (Hasan)
Trusted traditions: 118 (Mawthooq)
Strong traditions: 302 (Qawi)
Authentic traditions: 5702 (Sahih)

look at how many traditions are rated sahih compared to weak. this is what
shaykh al-kulani (ra), the compiler of al-kafi, says in the introduction:

Brother, may God lead you to the right path. You ought to know that
it is impossible for anyone to distinguish the truth from the false
when Muslim scholars disagree upon statements attributed to the Imams.
There is only one way to separate the true from the untrue reports,
through the standard which was declared by the Imam: "Test the various
traditions by the Book of Allah; whatever agrees with it take it,
whatever disagrees with it reject it. ... Accept what is held in
common by ALL the narrators quoting us (i.e., `Ijma), since there can
be no doubt about what is unanimously held by all (the narrator of the
traditions)." But to our knowledge, the contradicting traditions are
few, which can be solved on the basis of the above mentioned criteria.
(Usul al-Kafi, Arabic-English version, Introduction by al-Kulaini,
part 1, pp 18-19)

oh and please do quote some of the traditions from al-bukhari which claim the
Qur'an is incomplete and slander the Prophet (SAW). lets see you try to
defend those.

In article <sK%32.32$>,

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Nov 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/17/98
Dear Salafi idiot Al najdi,

Thanks a lot for screwing up Sufis and Shias for me.

I was about to start a series called 'how to make Sufis look like Goofies' but
now you beat me to it...HAHAHA

note to you though : stop relying on hadith bullshit....return to the Quran


Nov 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/17/98
In article <>, Abdalla Alothman

<> wrote:
It would be nice if we can focus on how to get Sunnis and
Shiais together. Instead of advocating one's sect, one can
advocate Islam in its whole. We've seen a lot of differences
between Shiais and Sunnis in this newsgroup. Has anyone
thoughtful enough mentioned the similarities? Everytime you
would see some Shiai or Sunni advocate insisting that his sect
comes first. What happened to Islam? Shouldn't it come first?
Both sects are different, but that does not mean that they cannot
get a long. Both sects agree on the most major issues of
Islam. Only a few differences are left.

Comment :-
I agree with this entirely.
In fact there is a movement in Islam, to which I belong, which rejects all
sectarianism just as the Quran requires.

We are either Muslim or we are not. If we are Shias, Sunnis, Ahmadiyas etc
then we are something for which there is no warrant from Allah, and it would
not be surprising if Allah then rejects us on the Day of Resurection because
we have no excuses - the Quran clearly condemns such divisions. It is a form
of Idolatry. The Prophet (saw) certainly was none of these. To follow the
Prophet is to avoid such sects.

All are invited to this movement.
Note that this is not a sect, but a movement. All it requires is that people
should renew their oath of allegeance to Allah and His Messenger. That they
try to be good muslims by following the essentials of Islam which are common
to all muslims, and make the necessary efforts to increase their knowledge
about everything else; be humble enough to achnowledge their ignorance about
certain controversies and sincerely believe that it is Allah who knows best
and that He is and will be the Judge. It is a sin to attribute something to
Him which He has not revealed and try to usurp His Sovereignity.
Meditate upon Quran 17:36-37

There is nothing whatever here which the Quran does not teach.


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| | |_ | |/\| | | | /... For more info Read "The Alternative Way"
_______________________/ ... on
______________________/ ...

Nov 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/17/98
walaykum asalaam bro

the Qur'an is our foremost authority but at the same time, it is neither a
fiqh book, nor a history book, nor a science textbook but it is used to
verify all of these and this is the miracle of the Qur'an. bro, if we were
to follow only Qur'an we would not know how to pray nor how to perform the
hajj because it is not described in the Qur'an. and as for the hadith, a
tradition rated weak doesn't mean that it is forged it means that the isnad
is weak (meaning an element in the chain of narration is missing). the
reason many tradition in al-kafi are rated weak is that during al-kulani's
time, when shi'ahs were being persecuted by the abbasids, kulani to protect
the narrator would leave out the last element in the chain of narration (ie
the person who reported it to him) to protect them because if the authories
had found out, they would have been killed them. these, al-kulani refers to
as "a group of associates." he codified the names of these narrators later
on. the reason al-kafi is held in high esteem by the shi'ah is because it
covers all the basics of fiqh, ethics, and all the brances of faith.

In article <>, (AAli929596) wrote:
> Salamun Aalaikum ali,

> >Total traditions: 16,121 (including the reports and the stories)
> > Weak traditions: 9,485 (Da'eef)
> > Good traditions: 114 (Hasan)
> > Trusted traditions: 118 (Mawthooq)
> > Strong traditions: 302 (Qawi)
> > Authentic traditions: 5702 (Sahih)
> >
> >look at how many traditions are rated sahih compared to weak. this is what
> >shaykh al-kulani (ra),

> Why do you take a book that has weak traditions(the majority) and not follow
> the book that has no weakness in it, the Quran.
> If it were from God or a book that God wanted us to follow there would be no
> weakness in it, like the Quran.
> Chapter 68
> 35. Shall We then treat the People of Faith like the People of Sin?
> 36. What is the matter with you? How judge ye?
> 37. Or have ye a BOOK through which ye learn-
> 38. That ye shall have, through it whatever ye choose?
> Chapter 3
> 94. If any, after this, invent a lie and attribute it to Allah, they are
> unjust wrong-doers.
> Chapter 6
> 112. Likewise did We make for every Messenger an enemy,- evil ones among men
> and Jinns, inspiring each other with flowery discourses(HADITH) by way of
> deception. If thy Lord had so willed, they would not have done it: so leave
> them and what they forge.
> 113. To such (deceit) let the hearts of those incline, who have no faith in
> hereafter: let them delight in it, and let them earn from it what they may.
> 114. Say: "Shall I seek for judge other than Allah? - when He it is Who hath
> sent unto you the BOOK, explained in detail." They know full well, to whom We
> have given the Book, that it hath been sent down from thy Lord in truth. Never
> be then of those who doubt.
> 115. The Word of thy Lord doth find its fulfillment in truth and in justice:
> None can change His Words: for He is the One who heareth and knoweth all.
> 116 Wert thou to follow the majority of those on earth, they will lead thee
> away from the way of Allah. They follow nothing but conjecture: they do
> but lie.
> Chapter 16
> 105 It is those who believe not in the Signs of Allah, that forge falsehood:
> is they who lie!
> Chapter 45
> 6. Such are the Signs of Allah, which We rehearse to thee in Truth; then in
> what exposition (HADITH) will they believe after Allah and His Signs?
> Peace,
> Abdulnasser


Nov 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/17/98
All I could add to this, Br. Aziz, is Ameen and Allahu Akbar!

Salaam and Best Regards ,

AltWay wrote in message ...

>try to be good muslims by following the essentials of Islam which are

Ali K. Pekkendir

Nov 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/17/98
hey you kufrsway !

We all are sick and tired of your filthy, muddy mouth !
You are either a psychopath or the most ignorant man on the earth !
You tell me your address... I will personally come to slap you with an
Ottoman blow!
This is what you need...a fist on your eye , not any replies....
You call The Ehadith Sharif of the Most Noble Messenger such words??
May Allah destroy your mouth!

Not for you to understand...but for a reasonable and conscientious man I
give herebelow some verses from The Quran al Majeed:

"Anyone who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah (Himself)"...Quran 4-80

"Accept anything the Messenger may give you, and keep away from anything He
forbids you..
Heed Allah alone; Allah is Stern in punishment."...Quran 59-7

"O Prophet! We have sent you as a witness, newsbearer and warner; and as
someone who invites people to God by His permission, and as a shining lamp.

"By the Star as it sets...Your Companion (Muhammad) has neither strayed nor
is he misguided. He does not speak from some whim. It is no less than an
inspiration that has been revealed to him..." Quran 53-1,4

"We have sent you (O Muhammad) only as a Mercy for (everybody in) the
Universe. 21-107

The Grandson of the Ottoman wrote in message

>Dear Salafi idiot Al najdi,
>Thanks a lot for screwing up Sufis and Shias for me.
>I was about to start a series called 'how to make Sufis look like Goofies'
>now you beat me to it...HAHAHA
>note to you though : stop relying on hadith bullshit....return to the Quran


Nov 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/17/98
Well, I probably wouldn't have phrased it in quite the manner Br. Ali has, but,
yes, would you either clean up your mouth or shut up! You are doing Islam no
favours by your blasphemous profanity. Al-Qur'an al-Kareem itself speaks
against your foul mouth. (You know it so well, you look it up.)

Your profanity is an assault; therefore, anyone you hope to reach with your
"message" tunes you out when they read your headers alone.

Give it a rest.

Regards anyway,

Nov 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/18/98
In article <#CGtQwmE#GA.305@upnetnews05>,

"Ali K. Pekkendir" <> wrote:
> hey you kufrsway !

my answer : nice one...kufsway...hehe

> We all are sick and tired of your filthy, muddy mouth !
> You are either a psychopath or the most ignorant man on the earth !
> You tell me your address... I will personally come to slap you with an
> Ottoman blow!

My asnswer : My address : 19, hadith-is-bullshit road , global village

> This is what you need...a fist on your eye , not any replies....
> You call The Ehadith Sharif of the Most Noble Messenger such words??
> May Allah destroy your mouth!

My answer : Hey idiot, Muhammad NEVER utttered such words...want proof ? Read
Quran 69.43-47....Allah says if muhammad were to invent sayings in God's name,
GOD WILL KILL HIM !,.....fool !

> Not for you to understand...but for a reasonable and conscientious man I
> give herebelow some verses from The Quran al Majeed:
> "Anyone who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah (Himself)"...Quran 4-80

My answer : Hey fuckwit, the word is know what
Messengers do ? Read 5.92.....idiiot !

> "Accept anything the Messenger may give you, and keep away from anything He
> forbids you..
> Heed Allah alone; Allah is Stern in punishment."...Quran 59-7

My answer : DOPE, read the ENTIRE verse ! This verses refers to WAR SPOILS !

> "O Prophet! We have sent you as a witness, newsbearer and warner; and as
> someone who invites people to God by His permission, and as a shining lamp.
> 33-45,46

My answer : Do you see WORD 'hadith' there ?

> "By the Star as it sets...Your Companion (Muhammad) has neither strayed nor
> is he misguided. He does not speak from some whim. It is no less than an
> inspiration that has been revealed to him..." Quran 53-1,4
> "We have sent you (O Muhammad) only as a Mercy for (everybody in) the
> Universe. 21-107

My answer : Quran 42.7 , wahi=Quran in arabic lose !

> Ali
> The Grandson of the Ottoman

My answer : Ali , grandson of a moron, more like

Nov 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/19/98
What a damn hypocrite?

AltWay wrote in message ...
;>In article <>, Abdalla ;Alothman
;><> wrote:

;>Comment :-

;>I agree with this entirely.
;>In fact there is a movement in Islam, to which I belong, which rejects
;>sectarianism just as the Quran requires.


NAVALI: THANKS FOR THE JOKE. This is the main thing about Islam and the
Holy Qur'an which you have vehemently rejected all along!

;It is a sin to attribute something to

;>Him which He has not revealed and try to usurp His Sovereignity.
;>Meditate upon Quran 17:36-37


NAVALI: What about the things He has revealed? Please dont act like the
disbeliever and hypocrite that you are.

;>There is nothing whatever here which the Quran does not teach.


Lakum Diinukum--Unto you your Religion
Kaafiruun--Disbelievers - Surah 109:6


Lakum Diinukum--Unto you your Religion

Nov 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/19/98
What a damn hypocrite?




-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------

Abdalla Alothman

Nov 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/19/98
to wrote:

> What a damn hypocrite?
> AltWay wrote in message ...
> ;>In article <>, Abdalla ;Alothman
> ;><> wrote:
> ;>Comment :-
> ;>I agree with this entirely.
> ;>In fact there is a movement in Islam, to which I belong, which rejects
> ;all
> ;>sectarianism just as the Quran requires.
> ;>
> ---
> NAVALI: THANKS FOR THE JOKE. This is the main thing about Islam and the
> Holy Qur'an which you have vehemently rejected all along!

What does "This" point at? Sectarianism?


Nov 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/20/98
In article <>,

Abdalla Alothman <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > What a damn hypocrite?
> >
> > AltWay wrote in message ...
> > ;>In article <>, Abdalla ;Alothman
> > ;><> wrote:
> > ;>Comment :-
> > ;>I agree with this entirely.
> > ;>In fact there is a movement in Islam, to which I belong, which rejects
> > ;all
> > ;>sectarianism just as the Quran requires.
> > ;>
> > ---
> >
> > NAVALI: THANKS FOR THE JOKE. This is the main thing about Islam and the
> > Holy Qur'an which you have vehemently rejected all along!
> What does "This" point at? Sectarianism?
> Salam,
> Abdalla.

NAVALI: "This" points to the truth and reality of Islam and the Holy Qur'an,
which, this disbeliever and hypocrite has REJECTED under the pretext of
Sectarianism. He has JUDGE what Islam is and must be according to his whims --
and, not according to what Allah says it should and must be. He is promoter of
of hate and Sectarianism. Please feel free to read any number of his rebuttals
on Islam and the Holy Qur'an in order to judge it for yourself.


Lakum Diinukum--Unto you your Religion

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------

Abdalla Alothman

Nov 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/20/98
Dear brother,
Salam alikum. wrote:

> NAVALI: "This" points to the truth and reality of Islam and the Holy Qur'an,
> which, this disbeliever and hypocrite has REJECTED under the pretext of
> Sectarianism. He has JUDGE what Islam is and must be according to his whims --
> and, not according to what Allah says it should and must be. He is promoter of
> of hate and Sectarianism.

I don't think he is supporting sects. I thought
he was trying to convey the idea that sectarianism
has no place in Islam. If he is supporting sects,
which sect is he promoting? I thought he just
mentioned a movement which aims at uniting
Muslims by freeing them from the sects which
they are loyal to.

I would be interested if you clarified a bit on
what brother Aziz rejected "under the pretext
of sectarianism".

If there is a movement, as AltWay concluded,
which will unite Muslims by freeing them from
their sects, what harm do you see in that? I'm
positively sure that each and every Islamic sect
has it's positive and negative points. But, the problems
with the followers of any sect is that they favor their sect
before Islam.

> Please feel free to read any number of his rebuttals
> on Islam and the Holy Qur'an in order to judge it for yourself.

I'm already doing that. I'm not sure I have right permissions
to copy/paste from his file. But, it is pretty clear that he
"abhors" sectarianism.

So, how do you think that he is spreading hate? In
fact, what evidence can you kindly show that prove
that AltWay is a "hypocrite"? In his concepts, Islam
depends on God, the Quran, and Sunna. So,
what is it that he is missing, and that is so
important that makes him a "hypocrite" in your
terminology? Perhaps you are pointing at some
historic incidents?

I only read the first ADD file he has. And I do agree
with his concepts in many ways. This does not mean
I wont respect your opinion as well, but I would like
to know what flaws do you find in Aziz's ideas.


Nov 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/22/98

Dear Brother,

Under NORMAL circumstances -- read again -- under NORMAL circumstances, I
would agree with you. But this is different. I know this person's attitude
and feelings towards the TRUE Islam, which Allah has revealed in the Holy
Qur'an ONLY.

I am not commenting on this one message only but rather, on his overall
belief and practice -- which he has portrayed on here for a long time now.

In article <>,
Abdalla Alothman <> wrote:
;> Dear brother,
Salam alikum. wrote:

;> NAVALI: "This" points to the truth and reality of Islam and the Holy
;> which, this disbeliever and hypocrite has REJECTED under the pretext
;> Sectarianism. He has JUDGE what Islam is and must be according to his
whims --
;> and, not according to what Allah says it should and must be. He is
promoter of
;> of hate and Sectarianism.


;> I don't think he is supporting sects.


NAVALI: This is your opinion.

:> [snip]

:> I thought he just

;> mentioned a movement which aims at uniting
;> Muslims by freeing them from the sects which
;> they are loyal to.


NAVALI: The very fact that he follows a _NEW MOVEMENT_ or a
movement that has high and admirable aspirations speaks for itself.
All leaders and founders of various sects in Islam, started out
with similar ambitions and what was the result? One more sect in
Islam? How many sects do we have today?

Regardless, how could he abhor all others sects without being
bias and/or adore only the one he follows -- which is way off
the base completely? I mean, it has a Qur'anic foundation from
his [disjointed] perspective only. I would label it as, *Altway's
Islam,* if I may. I have proved this many times in the past.

However, the truth of the matter is, he abhors everything that
differs from his personal belief right, wrong or otherwise.

;> In his concepts, Islam

;> depends on God, the Quran, and Sunna. So,
;> what is it that he is missing, and that is so
;> important that makes him a "hypocrite" in your
;> terminology? Perhaps you are pointing at some
;> historic incidents?


NAVALI: Lip-service and hypocrisy does not make one a Muslim. I
would request you to read his rebuttals with open mind. See how
he refutes the Holy Qur'an to promote his personal opinions?

4: 61. And when it is said to them,
1. `Come ye *TO -HE WHO--THAT*

2. WA ILAR RASUULI -- _AND TO THE Messenger_'
thou seest the hypocrites turn away from thee
with aversion.

9: 97. The Arabs of the desert are the worst in disbelief and
hypocrisy, and most apt not to know the ordinances of the
Revelation which ALLAH has sent down to HIS Messenger. And ALLAH
is All-Knowing, Wise.

9:101. And of the desert Arabs around you some are hypocrites; and
of the people of Medina also. They persist in hypocrisy. Thou
knowest them not; WE know them. WE will punish them twice; then
they shall be given over to a great punishment.

63:1. When the Hypocrites come to thee, they say, `We bear witness
that thou art the Messenger of ALLAH.' And ALLAH knows that thou
art HIS Messenger, but ALLAH also bears witness that the
Hypocrites certainly are liars. 63:2. They have made their oaths
a cloak; thus they hinder men from the way of ALLAH. Surely, evil
is that which they have been doing.


> Salam,
> Abdalla.

NAVALI: I am not interested in discussing this man any further.
Please read his rebuttals and form your own opinion, if you will.
This is my opinion about him.

Please treat this matter as closed.

Was Salaam,


Nov 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/25/98
You don't need Hadith if you can read Quran. wrote in message

Aboo Ibraheem

Dec 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/15/98
Bismillah ar Rahmaan ar-Raheem

Islaam is the Sunnaah and the Sunnaah is Islaam, to say you dont need
hadeeth then i ask you the question how many times a day do you pray,
and how many rakat in each salat and who relayed Quraan from Jibreel
from Allaah the Lord of all that exists. So if you are holding to your
statement then you are claiming a new deen. For Muhammad relayed Quraan
to us WITH his sunnaah which he learned also from Allaah via Jibreel,
which was recorded in the books of hadeeth to distinguish from Quraan
as the messenger said "Hold on to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the
rightly guided Leaders" the rather we take Muhammad as a messenger and
Islaam as our religion over your newly invented Deen. For Allah revealed
to his messenger on the day of of the farewell kutbah "This day I have
completed your religion for you, bestowed my favours upon you and have
choosen for you Islaam as your religion. (5.3) so keep your deen and
keep your manhaj for we are the people of the sunnaah as Allaah has said
"If you differ in anything refer it back to Allaah and the Messenger"
and the messenger during his lifetime was refered to directly, in our
time through the sunnaah. And if you have red the Quraan like your
statement would suggest then also u would know that Allah ta'ala has
said "If anyone contends with the messenger even after guidence has been
plainly conveyed to him and follows a path other than the beilevers (the
sahabi), we shall leave him in a path he has choosen and land him in
Hell, what an evil refuge!" (4:115) And "What word can be truer than
Allaah's" (4:122) So return to the path of the Anbiyyaah and the Sahabi
and the Salaf as Salih. May Allah guide us to that way.


Dec 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/16/98

1- How can you attest to the truth of the so-called hadiths? (Last I
looked, Mr.. Abu Hurrayreh, Ma'awiyeh running dog, was the author of a large
number of them.)
2- Aql (Reason) is given to Ensan for precisely the reason that the Shia
have been using it. (Aql would not be needed if we could use Sunni Sharia
and thus put our
mind on auto-pilot.)
3- Please refrain from Takabbor. (Takkabbor is the Almighty's alone.)
4- How do you know the Truth of your own Fiqh? (Do you happen to have a
direct line to The Most Merciful?)
5- Are you aware that the Holy Quran is not a set of Answers but rather it
is a set of Questions that require Aql?

May Allah guide the self-righteous, the Pharisees, the un-thinking, and the
bigoted to the
Right Path.


Dec 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/17/98
Aboo Ibraheem wrote:
> Bismillah ar Rahmaan ar-Raheem
> Islaam is the Sunnaah and the Sunnaah is Islaam,

Thank you brother,
But we must say,
Islam consists of
ijtihad of mujtehids.

Not only Qur'an,
Not only Sunnah,
But all of them.


Aboo Ibraheem

Dec 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/17/98
Indeed my articles never suggested otherwise for the ulamaa derive there
rulings from quraan and sunnah so indeed Islaam is the sunnah and the
Sunnah is Islaam as the imaam of ahlul sunnah al Barbaharee stated in
his book 'The Explanation of the creed' and a full explanation is
stated by the noble shaykh (rahimahullaah)
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