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Mujahideen deny build-up in Kashmir

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Farhan Siddiqui

Jun 20, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/20/00
Mujahideen deny build-up

MUZAFFARABAD: The Hizbul Mujahideen, a leading Mujahideen group in Azad
Kashmir, on Monday rejected as "totally baseless" Indian allegations
that 2,500 Kashmiri freedom fighters were massing for an attack.

The group also denied it had any training camps in Pakistan or
neighbouring Afghanistan. "The reports regarding the 2,500 Mujahideen
gathering near the control line is totally baseless," a Hizbul
Mujahideen statement faxed to AFP said. "Every Kashmiri is a freedom
fighter and there is no need to gather near the Line of Control," it

Hindu terrorist army General Mukherjee on Sunday claimed that 2,500
armed freedom fighters were waiting to cross the de facto line of
control in the disputed Himalayan region to create mayhem on the
illegal Indian occupied Kashmir. Hindu terrorist Mukherjee also alleged
that they were trained in camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan and accused
the Pakistani army of helping them.

"We have no training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We are fighting
in Kashmir in faith and spirit," the Hizbul Mujahideen statement said.
Religious parties in Pakistan on Sunday also dismissed the allegation
of a militant build-up, saying that it was a common Hindu tactic to
justify attacks on Kashmiri Muslims in the Indian occupied Kashmir.

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Before you buy.


Jun 20, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/20/00
Farhan Cutdiqui wrote:
Islamic homosexual terrorists say they are faggots, not terrorists

FAGGOTABAD: The Hizbul Mujahideen, a leading homosexual
terrorist group in Pukistan occupied kashmir, on Monday rejected

as "totally baseless" Indian allegations that 2,500 Kashmiri

homosexual terrorists were engaged in homosexual activities.

The group also denied it had been caught salwar down in Pukistan or
neighbouring A-fags-anus-tan. "The reports regarding the 2,500 homosexuals

gathering near the control line is totally baseless," a Hizbul

Mujahideen statement faxed to AFP said. "Every Pukistani is a homosexual
terrorist and there is no need to gather near the Line of Control for
humping," it

Indian army General Mukherjee on Sunday claimed that 2,500
armed Islamic homosexual terrorists were waiting to cross the
de facto line of control in the disputed Himalayan region to dry
hump in the free Kashmir where the temperatures are cooler.
Mukherjee also alleged that they were trained in homosexual camps in
Pukistan and Afagsanustan and accused the Pukistani army of
video-taping the homosexual activities.

"We have no homosexusal camps in Afagsanustan and Pukistan.
We are humpimg ourselves in Kashmir in gusto," the Hizbul Mujahideen
statement said. Islamics parties in Pukistan on Sunday also dismissed the
of a terrorist build-up, saying that it was a common Islamic tactic to
gather during butt-lifts before the homosexual dry humping.

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