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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part O - Daryl Kabatoff

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Nov 3, 2023, 5:54:16 AM11/3/23
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part O - Daryl Kabatoff
November 2nd 2023 1:55 pm 233,914 words (272 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard posts continued:

The Ignored Psyop:

They were waving evergreen trees turned into decorated idols in front of your faces for the last 4 thousand years. In 2020 they waved a fake virus in your faces together with homosexuality and the blinkin' trees. Then in 2021 (and 2022) they waved the poison injections in your faces together with the homosexuality and the blinkin' fertility tree idols. Then in 2022 they waved the poison injections together with Ukraine, the homosexuality and the blinkin' trees in your faces. Then in 2023 they continued waving the entire shit show in front of your faces. And some people are upset that their churches are pushing the homosexual agenda, but they continue to embrace the pagan fertility tree idols. The reason why your churches are pushing the homosexual agenda is because you first supported them when they taught you to turn trees into decorated idols.

We live in a corrupt church-state, giving some people who call themselves Jews the power to print money out of thin air over a hundred years ago does not change the fact that we live in a corrupt church-state. The Catholic church co-opted the Protestant churches and now use the Protestant churches to assist them to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. The Catholic church co-opted the other institutions as well and use them to help teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. So you get the so-called "Protestant" Queen and now her son heading a supposedly “Protestant” church while teaching you to adopt the "Catholic" fertility rites, you get the media and the entertainment industry teaching you to adopt the Catholic fertility rites, you get the courts of law, the hospitals and the schools teaching you to adopt the Catholic fertility rites. You get psychiatrists torturing people to death when they complain that the churches are run by witches who teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. And you respond by decorating and bowing to the pagan idols while telling me to shut my mouth and take another pill.

Catholics desire that you go to a war cemetery and place decorative wreaths made from the branches of evergreen trees upon the grave stones of your war dead. They want you to bow down and place the pagan symbol of fertility not only upon the graves of your war dead, but at the base of the Egyptian obelisks (penises) that are erected to commemorate your war dead. They taught you to cap the very top of your blinkin' evergreen fertility idol with a miniature Egyptian penis or with a star (your sun god), they teach you to cap your fertility tree idol with another pagan symbol of fertility.

The Catholics teach you to ignore the victims of psychiatric horror and encourage you to speak out in defense of the J6 prisoners, who are all a bunch of Catholics. All the J6 prisoners want to return to their families and turn their homes into blinkin' Catholic temples of fertility. You do not have to pray to Mary, when you folks adopt the pomp and glitter of the Catholic fertility rites then you become Catholics. Decades of reports of people being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, all ignored, the only time people speak about psychiatry is when they tell me to shut my mouth and to take another pill.

They were waving evergreen trees turned into decorated idols in front of your faces for the last 4 thousand years, and you like it.

The General Pubic:

They incorporate pagan fertility symbols into the architecture of their Catholic churches, Sikh temples and Islamic mosques. The Catholic churches usually have windows shaped like penises together with sun-shaped windows. Often they cap their churches with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises). The Catholics co-opted the Protestant churches and did the same. The general pubic likes it all and attends church on Sunday. The Catholics killed off the Christians that kept His Sabbath and changed the Sabbath to Sunday. Jesus was crucified on the sixth day of the week, He rested in the tomb on the Seventh Day of the week (it was His custom and Commandment to rest on the Seventh Day), then He rose from the dead on the first day of the week to resume His ministry (His work). He rose from the dead on the first day of the week to "work", and the filthy churches teach you that by rising from the dead on Sunday, the first day, to "work", changes His day of "rest" to Sunday.

They (the general pubic) cannot tolerate criticisms of their filthy churches. They employ Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture to death those Christians who criticize their pagan fertility rites. When they hear these tortured individual complain about psychiatry and beg for assistance to flee the country, they only laugh at them and assault them further. You are not allowed to point out the sun-shaped windows, the phallic-shaped windows and phallic-shaped steeples on their filthy churches, nor point out Scripture that condemns turning trees into decorated idols, nor point out that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and if you do then you are sick and in need of a needle stuck into your arse.

Join with the Witches:

People post memes criticizing pedophilia while ignoring cannibalism, they join with the "supposedly former" Freemasons in publishing books exposing the evils of Freemasonry while censoring the cannibalism conducted by their covens. They join with the Christians who are upset with churches for pushing sodomy and same sex marriages while turning a blind eye to the blinkin' evergreen tree idols filling their churches. They are like the Americans who laugh at or ignore the victims of psychiatric horror (decades of reports of American service men and others being stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities), and now see themselves as absolute heroes because they only now start speaking up in defense of the Nuremberg code, and they do so while continuing to ignore psychiatry and the horror thereof. They write and post memes exposing pedophilia while at the same time are assisting the Catholic church to censor cannibalism. You people posting memes exposing pedophilia while remaining silent over the issues of psychiatric torture, evergreen tree whoreship, and cannibalism, join with the Freemasons and other witches in the censorship of these issues. Their delight is devour you people while society remains ignorant of their existence, they target the homeless as this way people can go missing without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14).

Join with the witches and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, the only time you acknowledge a victim of psychiatric horror is when the individual criticizes your pagan fertility rites and then you tell the person to shut up and take a pill. The person warning you to flee from the idolatry may have already faced years of brutal horrid torture simply for criticizing your church for pushing this crap, and you will tell him or her to stop judging you and to shut their mouth and take another pill.

I first spoke up about the issue of pedophilia (and cannibalism) in 1988. I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and added that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. The police drove me past the four Egyptian penises built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, and handed me over to a Hindu who said that I think too much about children, penises and cannibals. The torture was horrendous, it went on for years, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country. People laughed and laughed, said I was judging them and called me a pedophile for the following 35 years.

Such Tremendous Unity:

Pretty much everybody who is taking the death jabs are the same people who turn trees into decorated idols. Pretty much everybody who isn't taking the death jabs are also turning trees into decorated idols. The Catholic church teaches you to turn trees into decorated idols and has co-opted the other institutions to assist it to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. Everybody accepts the Catholic bullshit and turns trees into decorated idols. Now it has been revealed that the Vatican is directly responsible for developing the death jabs, with the intention to kill. People do not care and continue to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. They (people who embrace the Catholic fertility rites, which is everybody) laughed and laughed and laughed at me, and assaulted me further, when I begged for assistance to flee the country, they covered their blinkin' trees with copious quantities of tinfoil and said that I was wearing a tinfoil hat. My major criticism is not against the Catholic church (and their Protestant churches which they own), nor is my major criticism against psychiatry, my criticism is against you folks for being utterly compassionless to me and to the other victims of psychiatric horror. You reserve seats for Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists at our universities and train them there to become psychiatrists, while Trudeau allows them to "work" in Canada without being Canadian citizens, and not a peep about this from you, or from your friends, or from your neighbors. All you folks have done for me is slander me, libel me, rob me, assault me, torture me and laugh at me, I had enough of your bullshit, I cry out to God against you and am praying for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. Compassionless God-damned turds is all that you people are. You laugh at or ignore the victims of psychiatric horror and then suddenly you people think of yourselves as Nuremberg Code Heroes because you start speaking out against the bullshit Covid death jabs that you were coerced to take, while remaining silent about the victims of psychiatric horror who had and continue to have brutal psychiatric drugs forced upon them. Anthropologists in the future will call you "The People of The Jingle Bells," jingle all the way. Such tremendous unity, by abiding by the false Catholic Sunday Sabbath and by turning trees into decorated idols, you are united behind the Catholic church.

The Catholic church's role in the shit show:

You Are Off Your Meds, Take Another Pill:

People do not care that I cry out to God against them because of the way they treat me after I criticized their churches and their blinkin' trees, they annually and gleefully bow to decorated evergreen tree idols and claim their own prayers to be full of power while mine are of no effect. They cover their trees with copious quantities of tinfoil then claim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat and that I should take another pill. That is the only time they mention psychiatry, is when they defend the filth taught by their churches by telling me to take another pill. They have me repeatedly arrested for speaking, and tortured brutally, and then they say that I am judging them and that I should shut up, that I am off my meds, and I that I should take another pill. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all you could do is laugh at me, fly to tropical resorts and pose for photographs with the pagan idols there. Those who hear about it couldn’t care less, and they see themselves as Nuremberg Code Heroes for they speak up against the bullshit Covid death jabs that they were coerced to take, while remaining silent about the psychiatric drugs that others have forced upon them.

Most everybody who was “treated” by the horrid psychiatric drugs died, so you do not have to hear from those people. Some survived and are now shells of their former selves, they get to live in Catholic owned Filipino group homes where they are fed an abundance of starches, most are unable to function well enough to attempt to inform you of the horrors of either the psychiatric treatments or of the group homes, or how they are treated by people when they walk on the street. Brutal horrid torture and then the “survivors” get to live in Filipino run group homes and are forced to continue on a regiment of psychiatric drugs. When they walk on the street they grimace in pain, they rarely smile, and are treated with contempt.

Anyway, just as you folks are utterly and entirely compassionless to me and to the other victims of psychiatric horror, and just as you laugh at me and other victims of the psychiatric horror, I think that your deaths and the deaths of your children is equally hilarious. The only time you acknowledge psychiatry is when you tell somebody to shut up and take another pill. I am begging God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children. Go to hell.

100% Horror Show:

See the little boy in the yellow shirt. His sisters all died in a supposed accident. The parents removed their children from school and homeschooled them, in order to instill into them Christian values. But the little girls had to return to school every winter in order to take part in the pagan winter fertility festivities and see the trees that blink.

I criticized their blinkin’ trees in 1988 and faced year after year after year of brutal horrid torture. In the late 1980’s people were openly talking about the sexual abuse being conducted by the Catholic priests and I decided that I would add to that discussion. I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and added that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and that they were pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments. The police drove me past the four Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and delivered me to a Hindu psychiatrist who proclaimed that I think too much about children, penises and cannibals. The years of torture were horrendous, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country, people libeled and slandered me, they called me a pedophile for the following 35 years and robbed and assaulted me further. It was not unlike Paris in The Terror, whenever some poor slob was led to the guillotine, people lined the street and cheered.

See the little boy in the yellow shirt. You people treated me with a 100% horror show, now I beg God to terminate this little boy’s life and treat their parents to a 100% loss of their children. I used to beg for assistance to flee the country, now I beg God to terminate the life of this last little Bott child, and to terminate your lives and the lives of your children. The only time you recognize the existence of psychiatry is when you mock the victims of psychiatric horror and tell them to shut their mouths and take another pill. To hell with you, to hell with your children. I am on my knees begging God to terminate this little child’s life, to terminate your lives, and to terminate the lives of your remaining children.

Parents annually teach their children to turn trees into decorated fertility idols and whoreship a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke this utter crap. When the children reach school age the parents send their children to school where they continue to learn how turn trees into decorated fertility idols. Then some parents think they can do a better job so they remove their children from school and homeschool them… and at home they continue to teach the children to turn trees into decorated idols. At school or at home, in the courts of law and in the police stations, at stores and in shopping malls, everyone gleefully adopts the Catholic fertility rites and turns trees into decorated fertility idols. They spent billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and they spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured in an effort to make me shut up about it, and they think it is funny. Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country, and you people are so cheap and ignorant that there isn’t a single one of you that has so much compassion for my arse that you would even think to offer me a cookie. Now I am begging God to terminate your lives and the lives of your children. I so desperately desire the death of the little boy in the yellow shirt.


In 1988 I spoke out against the churches, saying that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, the following years were a psychiatric horror show and all anybody could do is laugh at me, slander and libel me, and assault me further.

I spoke out against the cannibalism of your children in 1988 and they began to brutally torture me. It was a shock to people when I mentioned that the witches were eating your children, because up to then nobody thought about cannibals, they instead thought about ghosts, vampires, genies, good witches and space aliens, as they were systematically told to.

Then in 1991 Hollywood came out with a movie that featured a cannibal (Silence of the Lambs) and people started telling me to shut up as they heard all about it. I was being brutally tortured for six week periods and then given a depot drug injection on the very last day of the six weeks of horror, that depot drug was designed to remain in my body for months, so it was six weeks of pure horror followed by a couple of additional months of pure horror. It took some time after each six week torture session for me to feel good enough to venture outside (due to the six weeks of drugs administered to me plus the additional depot drugs injected into me on the final day of the six weeks of horror), and when I did manage to feel good enough that I could walk outside I continued to try to warn people that their churches and their media and their politicians were cannibals or were allied with cannibals, and that their churches were pushing fertility tree idols in place of God's Commandments (and that their names and birthdays are gifts from God and are in harmony with each other and also in harmony with the numbers in Scripture). The people I met told me they saw Silence of The Lambs, and that I should shut up because they saw the movie and now know all about it.

In 1991 Hollywood came out with Silence of The Lambs, featuring a cannibal in western society. It was at this point of time that Hollywood became more truthful than the churches, as the churches continued to censor Scriptural references to cannibalism. True, the churches did publish books praising themselves for eradicating cannibalism in the south-seas and in Africa, but they did so without quoting Scriptural references to cannibalism, and they did so without mentioning the cannibalism conducted by Freemasons and other witches in the west. I was being tortured for mentioning cannibals, people laughed at me, called me a pedophile and assaulted me further, and then spent millions of dollars to watch a movie featuring a cannibal, and by doink so, considered themselves educated. They were torturing me for mentioning cannibals, and laughing at me, and assaulting me further, and then were spending many millions of dollars to watch a movie about a cannibal. Between the torture episodes I was so fearful of the following arrest and round of torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country, and they laughed at me, brutally assaulted me further and spent millions of dollars on the God-damned movie, and called me a pedophile for the following 35 years, while proclaiming that I was judging them.

Now I am on, where people post their objections to pedophilia, most everyone here continues to ignore that witches are eating children (and adults) as they harp on and on and on about pedophilia and child trafficking instead. Don’t call them “pedophiles”, they are witches, they are cannibals, they not only rape the children, they torture, kill and eat them too!!! Portions of the children are eaten before the children are killed. People on deal with it by blocking me and continuing to laugh at me. True they are more upset at me for criticizing their blinkin’ evergreen tree fertility idols than for saying that their churches are run by cannibals, but they remain upset with me.

All I can do is cry, and I cry out against both you and your children. I pray for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. Hopefully so many of you will die that there will no longer be enough of you to staff your psychiatric wards. I urge you people to roll over and die. Let your blinkin’ evergreen tree idols save you.

A Message For The Teachers:

Brutal horrid torture... they rape the children, then they brutally torture the children, then they eat portions of the children, then they kill the children, then they eat more of the children. They rip the faces off of the children before they kill them and then you people come along and call them child traffickers or pedophiles. You are like the Freemasons who claim to be former Freemasons who write books exposing the Freemasons, without mentioning that Freemasons eat people. Maybe you are a Freemason, assisting the Freemasons and the rest of the Catholic church to censor acts of cannibalism. My best guess is that has a lot of Freemasons and other Catholics helping to censor acts of cannibalism by harping on and on about pedophilia, or flat earth, or space aliens...

Aleister Crowley was a 33rd degree Freemason, he wrote poetry about raping and killing children and then eating them. He wrote that he would get naked with a little boy and then enter together into the body cavity of a freshly killed bovine, where he would rape the child then eat his testicles and nipples. So then supposedly former Freemasons come along and write books exposing the evils of Freemasonry, while ignoring that they eat people.

And for me to mention that the University of Saskatchewan housed such a book (White Stains) in their main library resulted in years of brutal horrid torture at their psychiatric facilities. Their delight is to devour people without society being aware (Habakkuk 3:14), they did not appreciate me trying to make you aware. You are helping society to be not aware of cannibals by focusing on the lesser crimes of pedophilia and child trafficking. It is written that not many of you should strive to be teachers, as teachers will be judged more harshly. Good luck to you, pushing your pedophilia, or your child trafficking, or your flat earth, or your ghosts or your space aliens, or your Mary or whatever. I sure hope you win.


You ignore repeated Scriptural condemnations of your pagan fertility rites, you have many of those who point out your pagan filth brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities. You turn evergreen trees into decorated idols and then make decorative fertility wreaths out of the branches of these pagan idols... and then you bend down and place the pagan symbol of fertility at the base of an Egyptian penis that you have a statue of a soldier standing next to or directly on top of, and you bow to the grave stones of your war dead and decorate them too with your pagan symbols of fertility. People defend this pagan shit by telling me that I am in need of further treatment, that I am off my meds, that I am wearing a tinfoil hat and that I should take another pill. Indeed, the only time you folks acknowledge psychiatric torture is when you laugh at me and tell me to take another pill, and you say this because I criticize your churches for pushing evergreen tree idols in place of God’s Commandments.

Now they are stripping white people of their rights and torturing them in psychiatric facilities in England because they complain about the Islamic invasion or because they complain that the Covid shots are poison. Nobody cares to raise psychiatric torture as an issue. Decades of reports of American service men and others brutally tortured to death with the psychiatric drugs all ignored, and then you think of yourselves as Nuremberg Code Heroes because you start to complain about the bullshit Covid jabs, and this is while you continue to ignore the issue of the horrors of psychiatry. You spend billions of dollars annually turning your churches, schools, homes, police stations, courts of law, stores, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility and you don’t have even a kind word for those who complain about the psychiatric torture. Every single person who was stripped of their rights and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities begged for assistance to flee the country and you can’t find it in your hearts to even offer to buy one of these people a cookie!!! In Canada they reserve seats in medical schools to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists and then Trudeau allows them to “work” (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without becoming Canadian citizens, Canadians couldn’t be bothered to raise this as an issue. And in Canada they give these jobs to foreigners without even offering the positions to Canadians first.

You are Catholics, when you abide by Catholic fertility rites, then you become a Catholic. The Bible is packed full of examples of people abiding by the pagan fertility rites and losing their nations to members of alternative fertility cults. Let your blinkin’ trees save you.

Are You Having Difficulty With The Hadith???

Are you having difficulty finding a version of Hadith 2442 that discusses Mohammad wearing Aisha's undergarments while the undergarments dictated the Koran? It was nearly ten years ago that I first read the Hadith and back then what I found online differs from what is presently being offered. Try to find an old printed copy of the Hadith.

Similarly you will find Bibles that change The Word of God, Bibles will even alter His Ten Commandments, outright removing one of the Ten Commandments and then splitting another of the Commandments into two in order to retain the original number.

A woman approached Jesus and said "Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that you sucked," and Jesus responded by correcting her and saying "Blessed RATHER are those who hear the word of God and keep it!" (Luke 11:27-28 RSV). Some Bibles change this passage and have Jesus agreeing with the woman that His mother is blessed. One reason I do not like the NKJV is that it changes The Words of Jesus so that He agrees with the woman, He does not contradict and rebuke the woman but instead agrees with her and adds "More than that…". Other Bibles as well openly change His Words and have Him agreeing with the woman that His mother is blessed.

I believe the KJV, RSV and NASB versions of Bibles are more reputable than most others, although all Bibles suffer in one way or another. I prefer reading from the RSV, it is both accurate and eloquent, and it certainly more accurate and more eloquently worded than that NKJV. Too bad the RSV dothn’t capitalize Deity pronouns.

For Your Children:

I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and added that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and censoring Scripture condemning your blinkin' trees. I was arrested, driven past the four Egyptian obelisks (penises) built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan and delivered to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I thought too much about penises, children and cannibals. She tortured me for years. People laughed at me and assaulted me further, they called me a pedophile for the following 35 years.

The government decided to protect my health by brutally torturing me over and over and over year after year after year. The people thought it was funny and assaulted me further when I begged for assistance to flee the country. So the people allowed the government to take care of my health, and then they allowed the government to take care of their health as well. Now as you folks are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing from the bullshit Covid death jabs that was developed by the Vatican, your greatest desire is to continue to tithe to our executioners, while continuing to shit upon me for daring to speak out against your blinkin' evergreen trees and your phallic-capped churches.

There isn't a single God-damned one of you that has so much compassion for my ass that you would even think of offering me a cookie. Some of you think that your prayers are so precious, you offer me and the other victims of psychiatric horror empty prayers and then continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning your churches, schools, homes, police stations, courts of law, stores, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility.

You are the Jingle Bell People, jingle all the way. Different aspects of your winter fertility festival are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments, and then you lie to your own children about the affair and violate God’s Ninth Commandment as well. The Adventists abide by God’s Fourth Commandment but then violate Commandments One, Two, Three and Nine via their adoption of the Catholic fertility rituals. Even if you kept all of God’s Ten Commandments you can still treat me with contempt and be thoroughly compassionless to me and to the other surviving victims of psychiatric horror. Anyway, you honour the Catholic winter fertility festival and then lie about it to your children for the sake of your children. It was necessary to take me off the street and brutally torture me because of your children, you did it to me to protect your children. You did not view me as a child of God and brutally tortured me and laughed about it for 35 years because of your traditions and because of your children.

Dr. Gene Marcoux, a self-proclaimed expert in religious delusions, said that everybody does it (turn trees into blinkin’ fertility idols) before he resumed torturing me. He is right, as even the atheists abide by the teachings of the Catholic church and turn trees into decorated idols. When you abide by the Catholic fertility rites then you become a Catholic. Most of you even think that your dead children are up in heaven with Mary. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

America’s Elite 3% Waiting For Christmas and for Hunting Season To Open In Saskatchewan:

Decades of reports of American service men and others brutally tortured to death in psychiatric facilities and they do not rate a mention. The CIA funded the development of the horrid psychiatric drugs at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities... Americans spent billions of dollars developing the drugs, then the CIA spent billions more learning how to use the drugs to their maximum potential, they use the drugs to torture people, to provide people with the greatest degree of discomfort imaginable... the American people spent billions of dollars to determine torture techniques utilizing the drugs they already spent billions on developing. Then I criticized your Catholic churches, was stripped of my rights and millions of additional dollars were spent having just me alone repeatedly arrested, detained and tortured at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital.

So the Americans fly to Saskatoon in order to catch a connecting flight up north so they may hunt and fish, not a single one of them cares so much about their government funding the development of the horrid drugs that they would bother themselves to see the torture facilities that their money bought. Just like in Port Moresby, tourists fly in to the city and rather than venture into the heart of the city, they instead flee, they immediately catch a connecting flight in order to avoid seeing the poverty and avoid risking their lives. The Americans come with their 12-guage shotguns, costing in excess of $20,000, the shotguns are finely balanced and have gold inlay and engravings.

So Trump becomes president and doesn't mention psychiatry nor attempts to free those who have not yet perished from the brutal drugs. The only time they mention psychiatry is when they hear criticisms of their blinkin' trees, then they tell the individual that they are legalists, they are Pharisees, they are off their meds, they should shut their mouths and take another pill, that they are wearing tinfoil hats, and then they laugh and laugh and laugh. Then some other equally compassionless and equally ignorant asshole comes along and demands the release of the J6 prisoners, while remaining silent about the worst horror imaginable.

They defend their J6 prisoners because all the J6 prisoners are Catholics like them. The J6 prisoners want to return to their families and turn their homes into blinkin' Catholic temples of fertility. When you abide by the God-damned Catholic fertility rites, then you become a God-damned Catholic. Nobody cares to speak up in defense of those people who criticized the Catholic churches, everybody instead wants to get their trees to blink. Nobody cares what the reason is why the person was stripped of their rights and brutally tortured in the psychiatric facilities, best to just assume they criticized your blinkin' trees and leave them be. They will die soon and you will never have to hear any more criticisms of your Catholic fertility rites. People just do not want to hear that their church is capped with an Egyptian penis and that their priests or ministers can very well be cannibals.

But before I die from the brutal horror of the drugs, you folks will continue to laugh at me and assault me further, and I will continue to beg God to terminate your lives and the lives of your children. I so desperately desire your deaths. You people are compassionless turds, the God-damned shit of the earth. Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture, then subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, and all you God-damned pagan pricks can do about it is laugh, and continue to reserve seats at your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and you sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.

He Rose on a Sunday to Resume His Work:

Christians abide by the pagan fertility festivals (which generally includes Sunday, in reverence to the sun), or they are silent about it for fear of jeopardizing their positions in life. There is a great deal to be gained by keeping Sunday as His day of rest, employment may depend upon one attending a Sunday church, and employment may depend upon you being silent about the false Sunday Sabbath. But it is against all logic, the pre-incarnate Jesus commanded us to rest on the Seventh Day, then He abided by that Commandment in life, and when dead He rested in the tomb on the Seventh Day, then He rose on a Sunday to resume His work. He did not rise on a Sunday (in order to resume His work) to change the day of rest to Sunday.

See the photograph, each and every one of these people in the photograph are just like you, they all abhor "Christmas" (not His Mass, is the use of God's Name in vain), they are gathered together for the meal and beer, it's not their fault that the blinkin' evergreen tree fertility idol is there. They are the American 3%, waiting there to save America from takeover, whether it be takeover from communist China (where the blinkin' decorations are made), or takeover from Islam, or the sodomites or even from the witches. Americans are relying upon you and upon your friends in the photograph, they are America's elite 3%. Sure the tree is blinkin', on and off, on and off, on and off... but they are just there for the meal and drinks. They are just like you, they all know that it is written in Scripture that God is ENRAGED when He sees these arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, but they have the freedom in Christ that allows them to attend the festivities and get the meal and beer (and a few presents from under the tree).

Everybody does it, everybody turns trees into decorated idols. That is what Dr. Marcoux said, everybody does it, before he resumed torturing me with the psychiatric drugs. The psychiatric abuse was brutal, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all people could do is laugh at me and assault me further. They tortured me for criticizing the pagan fertility rites in their Saturday and Sunday churches. I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and that they were pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments. The police drove me past the four Egyptian penises built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan and delivered me to a Hindu who said that I think too much about penises, children and cannibals.

There is nobody on earth deserving of psychiatric horror, not even me. You can keep all of God's Ten Commandments and still be 100% compassionless to me and to the other victims of psychiatric horror. Truly, about the only time you people ever mention psychiatry is when you defend your evergreen tree idols and tell me to shut my mouth and take another pill. You cover your pagan fertility tree idols with copious quantities of tinfoil and then proclaim that it is I that is wearing a tinfoil hat. Those who keep Saturday as a day of rest are united with those who keep Sunday as a day of rest, and they join together with the atheists, with the Chinese, with the sodomites and with the witches, they are all united in turning trees into decorated idols, or are silent about it for fear of jeopardizing their positions in life. Similarly the Saturday and Sunday keepers are united in capping the roofs of their churches with Egyptian penises and are united in silence over the issue.

And they are also all compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Those who keep all or most of God’s Commandments are united with those who keep few or none of God’s Commandments, and are together utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, together they allow psychiatry to multiply and thrive. And that is why I cry out to God against you and pray for your deaths. And every one of you thinks your prayers are powerful while mine are of no effect. I hope and pray that so many of you die that there will be nobody left to staff your psychiatric wards and your hospitals.

Together they spend billions of dollars annually turning their churches, schools, courts of law, police stations, stores, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility, then they spend millions having me repeatedly tortured and they laugh about it. Then the elite American 3% fly to Saskatoon with their $20,000 Italian shotguns in order to catch a connecting flight up north so they may hunt and fish. Let your blinkin’ trees save you.

A Kind Word:

So who is your most high? Zeus, Apollo, Jupiter, Poseidon, Athena and the rest do not want you to murder, lie, covet and such, nor to use their names in vain. Only the God of the Bible proclaims that you are to rest on the Seventh Day in honour of Him, who created the world in six days and the rested on the Seventh Day. Seventh-day Adventists proclaim to be God's remnant church because they honour His Sabbath day (it is not the Jewish Sabbath, it is God's Sabbath), yet they honour the Catholic fertility rites and get their trees to blink, and by doink so, violate God's First, Second and Third Commandments, then they lie to their children about the pagan nature of the affair, including the Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Adventist churches, and so violate God's Ninth Commandment as well. So who are you, what are you preaching? Are you one of those Nuremberg Code Heroes that is upset about the Covid jabs that people were and are coerced to take, while being silent about the psychiatric drugs that others had and have forced upon them? So you gave up your blinkin' tree a few seasons ago, when will you give up Sunday as His Sabbath Day of Rest, when will you begin to feel some degree of outrage over psychiatry, and then when will you speak out against the false Sunday Sabbath, when will you speak out against psychiatry, and then when will you act against psychiatry and bring it to an end?

The bullshit Covid death jabs that you all just faced are a direct result of you folks having zero compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, again, the only time you folks mention psychiatry is to tell me to shut up and take another pill, and this is always in response to you folks hearing my criticisms of your pagan winter festivities, or in response to me saying that you have Egyptian penises on the roofs of your filthy churches. You folks hear my criticisms of your winter fertility festival, so you cap your trees with copious quantities of tinfoil and tell me that I am wearing a tinfoil hat and that I should shut my mouth and take another pill. You Catholics have tradition, and you also have psychiatrists to enforce your Catholic traditions. You spend billions of dollars annually turning your churches, homes, schools, police stations, courts of law, stores, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility and spend billions of dollars developing and administering the horrid drugs to silence your foes, you either heard me beg for assistance to flee the country or you heard people laughing at me. And so you respond with silence and decide to speak out instead against the bullshit Covid death jabs that people were coerced to take rather than speak out against the psychiatric drugs that some were forced to take. And you speak out in defense of the J6 prisoners, while remaining silent about the decades of reports of American service men and others being stripped of their rights and brutally tortured to death with the psychiatric drugs. Those J6 prisoners are all Catholics like you, all of you want to turn your homes into blinkin’ Catholic temples of fertility, so you favour them over those who criticized your blinkin’ trees and phallic-capped churches and lost their lives as a result. There is a great deal of money at stake, the Catholic churches do not want their income jeopardized by people who are critical of any of their mainstream churches, they use the Protestant churches as well to push their Catholic fertility rites (it is called the counter-reformation). The Vatican doesn’t like it when you criticize their Seventh-day Adventist, Baptist and other supposedly Protestant churches.

You people are compassionless turds, I cry out to God against you and pray for your deaths. I'll be dead very soon, Jesus prolonged my life so I could give testimony of Him and give testimony against you and your churches. I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years to living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, and you people are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even find it in your hearts to offer me or any other victim of psychiatric horror a cookie, let alone a kind word. You do everything in your power to merge your pagan fertility festival with Christian worship, while Jesus wants absolutely NOTHING to do with this crap.

Warm Season’s Greetings:

America's CIA spent billions developing the horrid psychiatric drugs, then they spent billions more developing torture techniques while using these drugs, and did so at the University of Saskatchewan and at other Canadian and other western universities. So while Canadians are tortured to death at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, the Americans who have wealth fly to Saskatoon with their $20,000 engraved Italian shotguns and catch a connecting flight up north so they may hunt and fish.

Somebody has to step up and make an effort to end psychiatry. The Americans started it, and then rather than raise a finger to end it, they laugh at me when I beg for assistance to flee the country. They shit on me and tell me to shut my mouth and take another pill. In 1988 I spoke out against the pedophilia in their Catholic churches, said that it was no surprise that their priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and added that their churches were pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments, and were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. The church (which ran not only the churches but the government and the hospitals and the legal system) had the police repeatedly arrest and brutally torture me. They would repeatedly arrest me for speaking and then drive me past the four Egyptian obelisks (penises) built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan and deliver me to a Hindu psychiatrist who proclaimed that I thought too much about penises, children and cannibals, but it is not me who thinks so much about penises that I would cap the roof of a church with one, while the Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.

The only time anybody can find the time in their lives to mention the existence of psychiatry is when they hear me criticize their Catholic fertility idols, and then they tell me to shut my God-damned mouth and take another pill!!!

God cares little which particular pagan fertility cult rules over America or any other nation. I am on my knees begging God to terminate your compassionless lives and the lives of your ignorant Catholic children. Year after after year of brutal horrid torture and all you pagan Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers can do for me is laugh at me, call me a pedophile and assault me further. I so desperately desire your deaths and the deaths of your children. You people are pagans, you embrace the blinkin' fertility trees with every ounce of your souls, and at a cost of billions of dollars annually, while being so cheap and ignorant that you can't even find it in your hearts to buy me or any other victim of psychiatric horror so much as a cookie. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

Unending Filth:

People loved the Queen (a witch who professed to be a Protestant) because she posed for photographs beside the blinkin' Catholic idols. People voted for "Obama" (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal) because they assumed he shared their values when he posed for photographs while standing beside the Catholic fertility tree idols. Now the teachers are teaching your children to ram their penises up each other's arseholes, but you could have prevented that, you could have removed the children from school when you previously saw them teaching your kids to turn trees into decorated idols. Some of you did remove your children from school and homeschooled them, yet you continued to teach them to turn trees into decorated Catholic fertility idols. Let your blinkin' trees save you.

Benefits of the .243 Winchester Calibrated Rifles:

I suggest .243 Winchester as the narrow and light rounds do not produce so much heat, overheating the barrel and thereby reducing accuracy. Many different rifle manufacturers manufacture rifles in .243 Winchester. You can get them with iron sites affixed to the barrel and still use a scope if you wanted, or get the rifle without them iron sites affixed to the barrel and be forced to use a scope. You can get a .243 Winchester calibrated rifle with different weights of barrels, different lengths of barrels, different metals of barrels, different shapes of barrels. And then there are the bolt action rifles that are either left or right handed, and semi-automatic rifles that are calibrated to .243 Winchester. There are single shot rifles that have different actions, and the .243 Winchester calibrated rifles are also available in pump action and lever action versions. There are rifles that have single stack magazines where the ammo in the cartridge is stacked directly above one another, resulting in narrower cartridges and a narrower and stronger receiver (see the Remington 788). Them .243 calibrated rifles are available with a myriad of stock options, could be metal, wood, fiberglass or carbon fiber, and different sizes of stocks to accommodate different sizes of shooters. Some manufacturers make expensive "Mountain Rifles", these are designed to have light barrels and be light overall, and short, the .243 Winchester is a popular round for these costly rifles, but they don't have the iron sites affixed. There are "Scout Rifles" that are also short and light, they may be available in .243 Winchester and will have them iron sites affixed. Consider getting a .243 Winchester calibrated rifle that has very long barrel and them iron sites affixed, with the rear site being one of them fancy kind that can be raised and lowered and moved left and right to compensate for wind and distance and such. Lighter weight rifles tend to kick hard, can fracture bones, while the .243 Winchester calibrated rifles require far less energy to propel the light weight bullets, making the .243 calibrated rifles ideal for smaller people, children, women and of course for the seniors who’s bones may be brittle. There is just enough substance (mass and energy) in a .243 Winchester calibrated round to be certain to penetrate the thick hair, skin and bones of large predatory animals, and to kill ungulates. The brass is easily available and may be loaded with different propellants and different shapes and weights of bullets, the rounds can be made to be subsonic if you wished. If I had a rifle calibrated to .243 Winchester, I’d have it engraved with Hadith 2442…

Crying Out To God Against You:

Billions of dollars spent annually turning trees into decorated idols. Billions spend by the CIA to develop the brutal psychiatric drugs. Billions more spent developing torture techniques using these drugs (and at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities). Millions spent having me brutally tortured in an attempt to make me shut up about your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and Scriptural references condemning your decorated evergreen tree idols. Millions spent on torturing to death every other person at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror and you people think it funny (and assault me further), and then you fly off to tropical resorts where you pose for photos with the pagan idols there. Assholes can’t even acknowledge the existence of psychiatry in your social media posts and likely anywhere else. The only time anybody ever refers to psychiatry is when they hear me speak out against their winter fertility festival and their blinkin’ evergreen tree fertility idols, and then they tell me to shut my mouth and take another pill. Some of you now speak out in defense of the Nuremberg Code, but you do so in reference to the recent bullshit Covid jabs that people were “coerced” to take and without mention of the existence of individuals who were stripped of their rights and have the brutal psychiatric drugs “forced” upon them. In Canada and other western nations they train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and in Canada allow these people to “work” (torture Canadians to death) without them becoming Canadian citizens. You people are compassionless and evil. I am crying out to God against you, I pray for your deaths and for the deaths of your children.

The Calming and Comforting Fresh Pine Smell:

So your priests and ministers led you and encouraged to turn trees into decorated fertility idols. Some Christians warned you not to but your priests and ministers reassured you that it was the proper course of action. You liked the fresh pine smell in your churches, it stills you, comforts you and calms you. Those who tried to inform you that Scripture repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated fertility idols you mocked, but mocking wasn’t sufficient to shut them up, so you laughed at them and expelled them from your churches, for they frightened you and confused you. Those who also tried to warn you that your priests and ministers were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism you assaulted and then phoned the police on them, who arrested the person who frightened you and delivered him or her to a psychiatrist who then tortured the individual to death. Those who survived the horror begged for assistance to flee the country but those words appeared rushed, you felt pushed, their words questioned your faith and discouraged you from spending billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated fertility idols. So you doubled down and got a bigger tree, and you decorated it to a greater degree, leaving those being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities behind, and justifiably so, for their voices confused you, frightened you and even condemned you. Those people who were “treated” to psychiatric horror discouraged you from spending the billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols. They were obsessed with the issue of you annually spending billions of dollars turning trees into decorated fertility idols, they were obsessed with the idea that you were tithing to cannibals, they were obsessed with the idea that they shouldn’t have to have psychiatric drugs forced into them. So when they got a day pass from the psychiatric institution and arrived at your church and mentioned that they were being tortured to death for criticizing your traditions, you justifiably and brutally assaulted them further. They were not enlightened adequately, assaulting them further showed them your guiding light.

So now you see yourselves as a Nuremberg Code Hero, speaking out in defense of the Nuremberg Code, but always in reference to the bullshit Covid death jabs that people were “coerced” to take, while remaining silent about the psychiatric jabs others are being “forced” to submit to.

And you now see yourself as a hero because you speak out against the churches who teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. It is just that if you first removed yourselves from the churches over the issue of them teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols, they would not now be teaching your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes.

A Message To A Mainstream Christian:

Ok, so you have a posting on GAB that quotes a Bible verse. This is not only a Spiritual posting, it is supportive of Christianity. Good for you.

But you also have several posting showing off churches. These latter postings are architectural rather than Spiritual. The churches generally have round windows (symbolizing the sun) and phallic-shaped windows (representing penises) built into them, while the steeples on the roofs of the churches are often miniature Egyptian obelisks which are representations of penises. Similarly the Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists integrate phallic-shaped structures into their temple and mosque architecture, and then often cover them in gold leaf. When you admire mainstream churches that integrate pagan idolatry into their architecture, you are not being supportive of Christianity, but are instead warring against it.

So you are at war against God, nothing new here under the sun. In 1988 I spoke out against this shit, I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. I could have added that they not only cap the roofs of their churches with Egyptian penises, but they also build sun-shaped and phallic-shaped windows into their church architecture.

The people calling themselves Christians (who are really people who admire architecture rather than the Word of God) laughed and laughed and laughed at me, they had me repeatedly arrested and brutally tortured for years, they called me a pedophile for the following 35 years and periodically brutally assaulted me further. When I complain of the treatment they say that I am judging them, that I am off my meds, that I should shut my God-damned mouth and take another pill. I do not need any more advice from people who admire architecture to the extent that they would dismiss God’s Word and then treat me to years of brutal horrid torture, and then dismiss my complaints about the entire affair by saying that I am judging them. All I can do is cry, and I cry out to God against you mainstream Christians with my entire soul. But you do not care, you do not think my prayers have power, for you see me as an irritant rather than a child of God. You patiently annually wait for your winter fertility festival while laughing at me and my loss of rights. I pray for your deaths, I pray that so many of you will drop dead that there will be nobody left to staff your psychiatric facilities. Go to hell.

The Six-Coloured Fag Flag:

The six-coloured rainbow is the new international fag flag, any police forces and any other people in Canada who display the fag flag are warring against Canada and against Canadians. Any police officers who are displaying the fag flag on their uniforms or on their police cars should be paid danger pay. I urge the police officers who are required to dress or drive with the fag flag quit their jobs and find other ways to feed your families, lest you be killed, and your wife and children learn to manage without you. No paycheck is big enough to defend the international fag flag. The Globalists have erased the American/Mexican and Canadian/American borders resulting in an influx of Islamists, Chinese and other bad actors, their new flag is the fag flag, and if you oppose it and Islam, then King Charles will utterly crush you with his massive Islamic United Nations Army. His tanks and other armoured vehicles are white, they come in peace to insure the Islamists are allowed to stay in North America, and they rape and kill in every country they bring peace to.

In 1988 I said that it is no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and Scriptural references condemning turning trees into decorated idols. I was repeatedly arrested and repeatedly tortured for years. The police officers repeatedly drove me past the four Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan and delivered me to a Hindu who proclaimed that I thought too much about penises, children and cannibals, but it is the Hindus who reach their spiritual bliss via orgasm. And it is not me who thinks so much about penises that I would cap the roof of a church with one. The police officers repeatedly arrested me for speaking, the psychiatrists repeatedly tortured me for speaking. People laughed and laughed and called me a pedophile for the following 35 years, resulting in further brutal assaults and resulting in additional horrors.

We are going to have a war over this fag flag and over the issue of your fag police officers giving preferential treatment to Catholics, Islamists and other sodomites, and to other members of alternative fertility cults. In the mean time (before this war breaks out) I pray for you people to roll over and die, you are compassionless God-damned turds that do not even know how to blush.

Hitler’s Blinkin’ Dink-Capped Catholic Fertility Tree Idol:

Hitler saw the power of the decorated always green fertility tree, then he capped it with a miniature Egyptian obelisk, which is a representation of a penis, which is another symbol of fertility. In a stroke of genius Hitler took that magic from the fertility tree idol and magnified it by capping it with another symbol of fertility!!! Then Hitler further magnified the magical properties of the damn thing by getting the dink-capped tree to blink!!! Hitler’s dink-capped tree blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. But Hitler ultimately lost the war because Stalin had spies working in the blinkin’ dink Nazi top-secret underground laboratory and stole the technology, then Stalin magnified the magical power of the dink-capped blinkin’ tree even further by slapping a 6-sided star on top of the entire God-damned affair. Incredible story, couldn’t make it up if I tried.

Canadian and American Fertility Festivals:

In Canada the children can kill you and avoid any jail time, while the adults can kill you and receive less than a year penalty. And while Christians are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities as a reward for criticizing the pagan fertility rites taught by the mainstream churches (the mainstream Christians stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches and teach the sheep to turn trees into decorated idols, while the priests and ministers censor Scriptural references to cannibalism while they secretly eat people thinking that this will extend their lives), the sheep ignore those being tortured to death, or laugh at them and assault them further, for it is taboo to criticize the pagan winter fertility festival, and taboo to proclaim that witches are eating people.

Because it is taboo to criticize the pagan winter fertility festival, or witches eating people, and because people are being tortured to death as a reward for criticizing the churches for their censorship of Scripture that condemns turning trees into decorated idols and for their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism, you now get to lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults. And you deserve it. And because you are absolutely and utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror I beg God to terminate your lives and the lives of your children. The only time you pagan arseholes mention psychiatry is when you hear criticisms of your blinkin' idols and then you tell the individual to shut his or her mouth and take another pill.

Go to hell. I desperately desire your deaths, I cry out to God against you Canadians with all my soul. And I cry out to God against the Americans too, they funded the CIA who spent billions of dollars developing the horrid drugs, and spent billions more developing torture techniques using these drugs, and did so at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities. You are compassionless God-damned turds who have me gleefully tortured for years and then smugly tell me that I am judging you. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and you people are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even find it in your hearts to buy me, or any other victim of psychiatric horror, so much as a cookie!!!

Horrors of Psychiatry Not Recognized:

Jill Vaughn says on GAB “While I was working today and praying in the Spirit, the Lord brought all of the suspicious deaths associated with the Dems/Clintons/Obamas and the CIA, FBI, DOJ to pray about the exposures of everyone involved.... My position in prayer was agreement that the truth would be revealed and how the 3 letter agencies participated.... It should be interesting to see what the truth looks like when it is ALL uncovered.”

The CIA funded the development of the horrid psychiatric drugs, they spent billions of dollars developing these drugs. The CIA also spent billions of dollars developing torture techniques using these drugs and did so at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and at other western universities. Most everybody who was stripped of their rights and who was tortured from these drugs died from these drugs. You ignore psychiatry and the victims of psychiatric horror. You ignore that Trump strongly encouraged everyone to take the bullshit Covid death jabs, ignore that these bullshit Covid death jabs were ordered into existence by the Vatican, and ignore that Trump is a Catholic. Trump models the behaviour of turning trees into decorated idols, and he honours the war dead by offering them decorated wreaths made from the twisted branches of the decorated evergreen tree idols. Trump bends down to the base of an Egyptian penis that is erected to honour the American war dead, then he places his fertility tree wreath at the base of this dink. Then the rest of you Catholics will place a Catholic fertility tree wreath on each and every one the soldier's tombstones, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic fertility idolatry upon others.

Rather than expose the false Catholic sabbath and evergreen tree worship as evil, you embrace it or ignore the issue. My contention is that you will never be stripped of your rights and tortured to death in a psychiatric facility with the brutal drugs you ignore, because you are a Catholic, you embrace the Catholic fertility rites and the false Catholic sabbath. Or you ignore it so as not to upset your Catholic friends.

Decades of reports of American service men and other Americans stripped of their rights and brutally tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, all ignored. Jesus allowed me the privilege of experiencing the horror of psychiatry and then preserved my life, He did this in order to use me as a tool so that I may give testimony and share with you the absolute horror of what they do to people who criticize the pagan fertility rites taught by your Catholic church. What I discovered is that the horror of these drugs is NOTHING compared to the horror of having people totally ignore the issue of psychiatry and totally ignore the victims of psychiatric horror.

Psychiatrists are purposely killing people, especially targeted are those who speak out against your false Sunday whoreship and your other pagan fertility rites, as they work for the Catholic church. Nobody on earth is deserving of the brutal horrid torture resulting from the administration of the psychiatric drugs (that the CIA developed), and rather than end psychiatry, you allow your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists and then allow them to "work" in Canada and the USA.

Jesus thankfully allowed most everybody who was being tortured with these brutal drugs to die, but Jesus did not allow me to die, Jesus allowed me to be brutally tortured year after year after year, He preserved my life so that I can give testimony against psychiatry, against your church (which developed and benefits from psychiatry), and against people like you who are eager to expose "the suspicious deaths associated the likes of Dems/Clintons/Obama and the CIA, FBI, DOJ..." but close your eyes to this most brutal of horrors. I assure you that when people ignore psychiatry, it is more horrendous than psychiatry itself. All I can do is continue to cry out to Jesus. I’m so tired of this shit and eager to die, but He keeps me alive so that I may continue to give testimony against you and your churches.

The psychiatrists repeatedly tried so hard to kill me, all people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further, or smugly tell me to come to Jesus. The more I point out that you folks cap your church roofs with Egyptian penises and that you honour your war dead with Egyptian penises and decorated evergreen tree wreath idols, the more outraged people are against me. People merge their pagan idolatry in with their Christian worship and defend it with brutal psychiatric torture and then think it is funny or inconsequential. I assure you there are consequences of using psychiatry to defend your pagan idolatry and this includes the loss of your nations to members of alternative fertility cults.

Tradition Maintained Via Brutal Horrid Torture:

Americans spent billions developing the horrid psychiatric drugs then spent billions more developing torture techniques using these drugs, and did so at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities. Then the Americans fly to Saskatoon but only to catch a connecting flight up north (or to refuel their private planes) so they may hunt and fish with their $20,000+ Italian made shotguns and their state-of-the-art carbon fiber fishing rods, few venture into the city to see the torture facilities that their tax money built. While the CIA are spending billions of dollars having Canadians and others tortured to death (for criticizing their money-making Catholic churches), Americans themselves are spending billions of dollars annually turning their churches, schools, homes, stores, shopping malls, police stations, courts of law, fire halls, sewage pumping stations and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility. Not a single one of these God-damned arseholes has so much compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror that they would even think to offer any one of us a cookie, let alone a passing mention.

And then you ignore decades of reports of psychiatric torture against America military vets and against American citizens and instead speak in defense of the J6 prisoners who are all a bunch of Catholics like you, they hope to return to their families and turn their homes once again into blinkin’ temples of fertility. Hitler was a Catholic who turned trees into decorated idols, you are united with Hitler. Even the God-damned atheists adopt the Catholic fertility rituals and turn trees into blinkin’ idols, you don’t have to pray to Mary, when you adopt Catholic fertility rites then you become a Catholic. It is no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. They even have phallic-shaped windows built into many of their churches. If you removed yourselves from the churches over the issue of them teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols, they would not now be teaching your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes (and likely a lot fewer of your children would have gone missing).

People are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, they don’t rate a mention from any of you. The only time people acknowledge the existence of psychiatry is when they are offended by me pointing out the pagan nature of their religious (Christian) worship, and they respond by telling me that I should shut my mouth and take another pill. They cover their blinkin’ trees with copious quantities of tinfoil and then have the audacity to say that I am wearing a tinfoil hat. The horror of psychiatry is only exceeded by the compassionlessness people show to its victims. All I can do is laugh at your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26).

Parental Assistance:

The parents help to brainwash their children to turn evergreen trees into decorated idols, they were worshipped for centuries as a symbol of fertility due to them remaining green throughout the year. The churches first taught you folks to turn trees into decorated idols, you liked it and supported these churches, they used every and all institutions to help them teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. Then later these churches began to teach your children to ram their penises up each other's arseholes. If you first removed yourselves and your family members from the Catholic institutions that are teaching you to bow to blinkin' trees, they would not now be teaching you folks to ram your penises up each other's arseholes.

So I criticized the blinkin' trees back in 1988, and criticized the churches that taught you to turn trees into decorated idols. I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and added that they were censoring Scripture that condemned turning trees into decorated idols, and were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. The resulting torture was horrendous, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all people could do for me is slander and libel me, rob me, laugh at me and assault me further. I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture and when I complain people tell me to shut my God-damned mouth and take another pill.

They laughed at me and had me brutally repeatedly tortured for criticizing their pagan fertility rites, then they had their children injected with the bullshit Covid death jabs and a myriad of other death jabs that the Vatican ordered into existence, which removed their fertility and their lives. There isn't a single one of these God-damned arseholes that have so much compassion for my arse that they would even attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture that they would even think to offer me so much as a cookie.

All they could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. All I can do now is cry out to God against you people, and laugh at your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26). You God-damned arseholes can burn in hell.

Make Sure To Laugh:

So what you need to do to avoid the collapse is to seek out people who criticize your churches for pushing pagan idolatry in place of God's Commandments. Arrest them under the Mental Health Act and hand them over to Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists working at your local university and city hospitals, have them injected with brutally horrid drugs in the hopes that they roll over and die. Those who do not die from the brutally horrid drugs you must assault further and laugh at them. They have no right to criticize your phallic-capped churches and your blinkin' fertility tree idols, these fertility tree idols will of course restore your fertility and save your nations!!! (Proverbs 1:24-26). Make sure to laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, assault them further, and continue to post photographs of yourselves on Facebook and other social media site of yourselves and your children posing with the pagan idols, even if one of your children is playing with his penis in the photograph.

That is the only way you are going to get out of this mess, you must spend billions of dollars having those who criticize your blinkin' trees brutally tortured to death, and then you have to laugh at them when they beg for assistance to flee the country, and then you must elect a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the Presidency of the United States of America when you see the photos of him posing with the pagan idols, for he obviously shares your values. Maybe hang some hypodermic needles on your blinkin' trees. The secret to salvation is to continue to tithe to the churches that censor Scriptural references that condemn the blinkin’ trees, to the churches that censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, and to be utterly and thoroughly compassionless to those who dared to criticize the churches and who then faced year after year after year of brutal horrid torture.

Remember to punch those irritating people in the head as hard as humanly possible, then have them returned to the psychiatric ward as a reward for being brutally assaulted, and then of course laugh at them some more. That should work.

Consider Fighting or Fleeing:

The climate in southern Magadan is quite nice, there are hot springs to swim in year around. If Canadians can't fight for their nation, they should consider fleeing to Magadan, or perhaps to Yakutia, where or near to where there are coal fields.

People are dying in Canada from the jabs, opportunities here are provide to Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs, who are not required to take the jabs. Trudeau's Carbon Tax is designed to be rebated back to the largest of the families, to the families that consume the most carbon (to the Islamists with the four wives and four houses). The Cree (the self proclaimed Protectors of the Forests) are marching with the Black Lives Matter crowd (people who burned over 300 American cities and huge amounts of forest lands), are fornicating with the blacks and bearing their children, the Cree and the blacks both are committing serious crimes against white people in Canada and are not being penalized with serious time (judges say that too many of their kind are in prisons and release them). Canadian universities are reserving seats for and training Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, who are allowed to "work" (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without becoming Canadian citizens. And the Canadian government allows good paying jobs to be handed out to non-Canadians without the positions first being offered to Canadians. Then Trudeau recently murdered the seniors and stole their pension funds. I think the white people in Canada have a better chance of survival on the moon than here in Canada.

Cree Grandmothers:
The Cree grandmothers get to decide upon the course of action, the Cree are the largest of the aboriginal tribes in Canada.

I hope the Cree grandmothers decide to ally themselves with “the Americans who are supporters of the American constitution,” and together with the long established Canadians, deport the invaders back to their home continents.

Some of our Canadian people are of Chinese descent, they trace their Canadian heritage back to even before the eastern Europeans started to arrive. I suggest we temporarily segregate these Canadians of Chinese ancestry, those who have a legitimate claim to stay in Canada, and provide them with territory, a new province that recognizes them just as Quebec recognizes the French, and provide them with Canadian citizenship, allowing them the right to travel across our nation during times of peace. The established Canadians of Chinese descent need to play a more active role in combating the invasion of the Chinese, many of whom are soldiers of the Chinese Communist Party, if they can’t do that then they should be temporarily segregated.

The Cree grandmothers know that many of their Canadian children and grandchildren have served and continue to serve in the American armed forces, and are already supporters of the American constitution. I believe that Canada owes NOTHING to the recently arrived Asians, Africans and Latin Americans. Canada is in need of a new constitution, similar to America’s, but instead one that does not grant citizenship to Africans, Asians nor Latin Americans… a new constitution that excludes the British Crown.

My concern is that the African, Asians and Latin Americans will not willingly be deported, my hope is that they may be returned to their home nations without loss of life. If the Cree grandmothers invite “the Americans who are supporters of the American constitution” to temporarily come to Canada, then we can start the deportation process. I think Canadians need to work together and first secure the airports, and recognize that some Americans are willing to come and assist in the process.

If the Cree grandmothers invite “the Americans who are supporters of the American constitution” to temporarily assist in our efforts to deport the Africans, Asians and Latin Americans back to their home nations, then we will survive these Islamic, African, Asian and Latin American invasions and start a new economic system based upon compassion and gold. Best of luck to you all, without Jesus you are in need of luck.

Church Meetings Online At VegasWorld:

A Christian church is not a building, instead it is two or more Christians united in the Name of Jesus, it is people who are united for that particular task. Many of the Christians have fled the structural mainstream church buildings knowing that they are the haunt of devils who teach the sheep to turn trees into decorated idols, who substitute pagan idolatry for God’s Commandments, who scorn God’s Fourth (and other Commandments) and adopt the false Sunday sabbath instead, and who rape and do yet worse to the children.

VegasWorld itself as a casino, yet it also operates as a multitude of churches. It is a true Christian church where two or more Christians unite in the Name of Jesus. It is a casino without a building that offers rooms where two or more Christians may unite in the Name of Jesus.

At a small cost some “players” will schedule “parties” that are then advertised to everybody on VegasWorld, people of any and all religious and non-religious backgrounds see the assorted “parties” being advertised. The “parties” have different themes, and some are advertised as being a Christian meeting. Here Christians represent themselves as cartoon characters, they dress up in the clothes that are offered, and then they host or they attend a church meeting hosted by another where they praise Jesus and share their understanding of Jesus with the other people who are present. People may not only sign up freely for VegasWorld, but the Christian meetings at VegasWorld are also free to enter.

At VegasWorld you will find preachers that assure you of your salvation while not addressing your adherence to pagan fertility rites, preachers that will praise the false Sunday sabbath, preachers that are eternally grateful for Christmas. If you speak up during their sermons and question their theology, the preacher will either expel you from the room or ask you to stay behind so that he may talk to you in private after the other sheep have departed, where he will admonish you for questioning their doctrine of assured salvation.

The preacher may do more than simply expel you from their church meeting, the preacher, together with some of his devoted followers, can click on a form, submit it to VegasWorld and have the offending voice muted. They can take away your voice so that you are mute and unable to talk at all about anything to anybody, ever.

It is quite a problem at VegasWorld… some players are abusive and gang up on other people and take away their voices, sometimes they have the other player’s character entirely cancelled. Gangs of people lobby VegasWorld to impose a chat ban upon an individual that irritates them, they have the person’s voice removed. After a week the person regains their voice, but the same gang will then repeat the process and mute the person and second and a third time, and when they do that VegasWorld imposes a permanent chat ban or simply cancels the player’s account. If the muted individual does manage to maintain his or her account, they will have a history of abuse that will prevent them from organizing their own parties or Christian meetings.

VegasWorld follows real life, where people gang up on other people and take away their voices and their lives. Some people cry and cry after they are muted, and when they lose their characters, clothes, and all the friends. It is really quite sad, for some people VegasWorld is the only social life they have, and they can lose it in an instant. It is very difficult to make friends online when you are unable to speak to people at parties, and once voiceless you are unable to minister to fellow Christians. It is especially a problem for women, as other women can be quite jealous and vicious to other women. People get cancelled at “VegasWorld” and then go to “Zone” and cry about it there.

Recently VegasWorld also follows real life where some people at the parties and church meetings encourage the others to take the Covid injections. Some of those who dared to speak up against the Covid jabs were muted and even had their characters cancelled. Like Americans and Canadians in general, people at VegasWorld are vaccine injured, are now dying from assorted cancers and other diseases and are unable to link these cancers and other diseases to the Covid injections they took, they ignorantly praise the Covid injections while dying from the effects of the injections.

VegasWorld is a wonderful place for people to have their ears tickled, it is not a very good place to question medicine or theology. It is a place where one can easily meet up with people calling themselves Christians and then sharing in Christian dialogue, but with great restrictions… you are most likely to be assured of your salvation, and your pagan traditions will be both tolerated and applauded… just like at a normal church.

Waiting For The Witches:

They do not want you to have the gasoline propelled automobiles because then can be used to conceal a rifle and then used to transport that rifle great distances. They do not like the lead acid batteries used in the cars because the lead may be melted down to make bullets. And they do not like the oil filters, as people are using them to make silencers. They are forced to take away your cars over the issue of taking away your guns.

And your highly esteemed rulers do not want you to have a home, people are living in tents and cardboard boxes and under bridges because that is where the witches want them to live. The witches delite in eating people without society being aware (Habakkuk 3:14), and so the witches prey upon the homeless as nobody knows when a homeless person has gone missing. Witches will not be breaking into your homes to devour you, they will instead pass legislation that impoverishes you and forces you to become homeless, then they will wait for you to leave your tent or cardboard box (or automobile) in the middle of the night when you go out to take a piss. The only people who will break into your homes in the middle of the night are the Islamists who are there to cut your heads off.

A reminder that those who complain to the politicians of the corrupt electronic voting machines are actually lobbying witches. Those people who sit on their arses waiting for Christmas so that they may turn their homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility are abiding by the wishes of witches. Let your witches and your blinkin’ Catholic evergreen tree idols save you.

For Further Reading:

A History of Gold and Money: 1450-1920 - Pierre Vilar
A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States - Stephen Mihm
Arming and Disarming: A History of Gun Control In Canada - R. Blake Brown
Babylon Mystery Religion - Ralph Woodrow
Doukhobors At War - John P. Zubek and Patricia Anne Solberg
Flight Without Formula - A.C. Kermode
Frances Farmer Shadowland - William Arnold
Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third World - Mike Davis
Mosquito: A Pictorial History of the DH98 - Philip Birtles
Paris In The Terror - Stanley Loomis
Royal Babylon: The Alarming History of European Royalty - Karl Shaw
Spiritualism Today - LeRoy Edwin Froom
The Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea - Tim Cohen
The Girl Aviator’s Motor Butterfly - Margaret Burnham
The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics - Michael Rowbotham

Videos To Be Sure To Watch (maybe on or, or maybe on

Nice - Ann Barnhardt (11 minutes)
Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America (4 minutes)
They Killed Granny, Now They’re Going To Kill the Kids - Dr. Vernon Coleman (12 minutes)
Global Warming, The Fraud Behind the Covid Fraud - Dr. Vernon Coleman (23 minutes)
Finally! Medical Proof The Covid Jab is Murder - Dr. Vernon Coleman (4 minutes)
The Poison Death Shot - Vladimir Zelenko (30 minutes)
We Are Witnessing Intentional Medical Genocide - Dr. Bryan Ardis (55 minutes)
Understanding How Covid-19 Was Made Up - Dr. Sam Bailey (19 minutes)
Stop Saying That You Had It, Stop Saying You Know Someone Who Had It - Amandha Vollmer (13 minutes)
A Message To Killer Nurses - Dr. Jane Ruby (17 minutes)
They Only Managed To Kill 50 Million Last Time With A Vaccine - Vera Sharav (8 minutes)
Don’t Drink Tap Water - Dr. Bryan Ardis (8 minutes)
This Needs To Be Stopped Now! - Dr. Vernon Coleman (28 minutes)
It is governments not the Coronavirus which threaten our lives - Dr. Vernon Coleman (10 minutes)
They faked a pandemic, they faked a test, they faked a cure - Dr. Vernon Coleman (28 minutes)
This is a power grab - Tucker Carlson (15 minutes)
Ready For The Big Kill - Dr. Vernon Coleman (28 minutes)
Nothing’s Happening By Accident - Dr. Vernon Coleman (34 minutes)
Martial Law Worldwide - The Illuminati Puppets Sold Us To Their God: Satan (10 minutes)
Hospitals Medically Kidnapping Patients and Killing Them With Covid Protocols - Dr. Amandha Vollmer (13 minutes)
Infant and Toddler Deaths Are Up 700% Over Previous Year - Dr. Jane Ruby
There Were Never Any Safe Effective Or Valid Vaccines - Dr. Amandha Vollmer
Covid-19 Vaccinations are Weapons of Mass Destruction and Could Wipe Out The Human Race - Dr. Vernon Coleman (22 minutes)
This Should Be A Crime - It’s Dark and Horrifying - Tucker Carlson (17 minutes)
The Cold Hard Facts of Murder of the Elderly And Disabled And It Isn’t From The Shot! - Kate Shemirani (65 minutes)
WWII’s Forgotten First Battle - Czech Republic 1939 - Mark Felton Productions (15 minutes)
The 243 Winchester - Mild Mannered Accuracy For Varmint or Deer - GunBlue 490 (18 minutes)
The 25-06 Remington - Is This Accurate Rifle For You? - GunBlue 490 (36 minutes)
A Little Jive Is Good For You - Martha Tilton (3 minutes)
Soldier Speaks Out: F*CK Your Job They Are Coming For Your Kids!! (6 minutes)
Biden is the Most Destructive President In American History - Tucker Carlson (12 minutes)
Exposed: Government Euthanized The Elderly In 2020! - Blamed “COVID” For Deaths! - World Alternative Media
The Rape of Ukraine and the Rise of Heavenly Jerusalem - Christopher Jon Bjerknes (40 minutes)
The Vatican Is Behind Cull of Humanity - Dr. David Martin (49 minutes)
Urgent The Final Conflict For Australian’s - The White Rabbit (17 minutes)
How Ruthless Censorship Hid The Covid Censorship - Dr. Vernon Coleman (15 minutes)

Reviews To Be Sure To Read:

“Squeaky Eureaky!!!” - Professor Squeak Squeak, Scientific Journal of Squeaks
“Sweet Squeak” - Squeaky Squeaky Squeak, Squeak Beat
“Sneaky peeky Squeaky” - Ms. Squeak Squeaky, True Crime Squeaks
“Squishy squishy squeak squeak” - Squeaky Squeak Squeak, Teen Squeakers
“Simply squeaky” - Simon Squeaky Squeaker The Third, Important Squeakers Today
“Squeak squeak” - Poofy Squeak.
“SQUEEEEK!!! Squeaky squeaky SQUEEEEK!!! Squeaky squeaky sweety, squeak squeak squeak” - Olga Squeakoff (singing)
“Squawk squawk” - Inspector Squeakity Squawk, Royal Canadian Mounted Squeakers

Olga always wanted to become a famouse swimmer but will instead be remembered for her singing. Poofy’s desire was to become a famouse dancer but her life was cut short, and then Grandma Squeaky was blamed for Poofy’s passing. Then not just Poofy, but Grandma Squeaky disappeared as well. Just as in real life, few cared. Nobody suspected Lil Squeaky.

November 2nd 2023 1:55 pm 233,914 words (272 pages)

Dr. Amandha Vollmer - There is no Covid

There is no Covid, there never was Covid, nobody is infected with Covid, there is no such thing.
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