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Hidden globalist agenda behind Mandela’s ANC rise to power in South Africa

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Etienne Marais

Jun 15, 2012, 8:32:49 AM6/15/12
Hidden globalist agenda behind Mandela’s ANC rise to power in South

Hidden globalist agenda behind Mandela’s ANC rise to power in South

1.Poverty, unemployment, crime and disease in South Africa

While South Africa celebrates the 20th anniversary of the release from
prison of ex-president and ex-terrorist Nelson Mandela, international
news media are admitting that the conditions of most black South
Africans are now worse than they were during the Apartheid era. An
estimated 300 000 people were killed and far more maimed or
emotionally damaged in the civil war leading to the hand over of
government to the ANC [African National Congress] but the result has
been a bitter disappointment for most South Africans. Since the ANC
assumed power, a quarter of a million people in South Africa have been
murdered, a million have been raped, half a million have died from
AIDS, there have been two million high-jackings and armed robberies,
three million fatherless children and four million unemployed. THESE
ARE FACTS! Every year the nation celebrates it’s freedom from white
rule, but for most, freedom means only the fact that their rich rulers
are black rather than white and there’s more poverty, disease,
unemployment, violence and crime than ever before. (1) The ANC
government basks in the glories of political victory with monuments
for the war heroes, mansions with servants for their top brass and a
Nobel peace prize for their leader, while in the streets their people
rise in violent anger at the ANC’s broken promises and millions wander
and languish in poverty, disease and hopelessness. Yes, the black
people are free – free to be poor, free to be unemployed, free to be
mugged, robbed, raped or murdered, free to die of AIDS.

It’s time to reveal the inside story of what was really behind the
civil war, the story of how the ANC were used by foreign interests to
set the stage for globalist world domination. Globalist controlled
international news media continue to propagate the myth that the ANC
rise to power was a victory of oppressed people over their oppressors.
The reality is that it was a victory for the globalist’s in the first
stage of their quest for total world domination.

2. South Africa’s turbulent political history
Ever since the discovery of vast quantities of gold and diamonds in
South Africa in the 1860’s, British magnates have had their scheming
eyes on the country. From those times, the South African mines were
the world’s dominant diamond producers and until 1989 more than 40% of
all the gold that had ever been mined came from South Africa. Small
wonder that British forces attempted a take-over of the independent
South African states in which the gold and diamond reserves were
located. They failed in the first war of conquest 1880 to 1881 [so-
called “Boer war”]; also failed again in a secretly planned raid by
British forces in 1895, but finally succeeded in 1902 after a long and
bitter armed struggle by the Afrikaner “Boer” settlers to resist
British rule. From 1902 until 1961 the South African states were
united as a single protected colony of the British Empire while
exploration and mining continued to uncover even greater quantities
and types of valuable minerals. British magnates finally controlled
one of the greatest treasure houses of the world.

3. Key to world domination
A key to world domination is control over the supply of oil and gas
as well as strategic minerals. Strategic minerals are those metal ores
that are essential to the manufacture of armaments and weaponry,
ships, submarines, aircraft, tanks and missiles. Iron and copper are
also needed but these are relatively plentiful and reserves are fairly
well distributed in numerous countries around the world. Strategic
minerals on the other hand are more rare and unevenly distributed.
These essential alloying elements – Manganese, Nickel, Chromium,
Vanadium, Cobalt and Molybdenum – when added to iron and copper almost
miraculously turn them into strong, ductile and robust alloys. Without
these alloying elements iron and copper are either soft or brittle or
offer no resistance to the high temperatures of engines, rockets and
explosives. What a blessing it was for Britain that nearly three
quarters of ALL KNOWN STRATEGIC MINERAL RESERVES were found in South
Africa!!!! South Africa has a natural competitive advantage thanks to
its immense concentrations of reserves of important minerals. It holds
the world’s largest reserves of ores of manganese (possessing 80
percent of the total world reserves), chromium (68 percent), PGMs (56
percent), vanadium (45 percent), gold (39 percent), and alumino-
silicates (37 percent). It is also the leading holder of reserves of
ores of vermiculite, andalusite, zirconium, titanium, antimony,
fluorspar, and phosphate rock. As a result of this large reserve base,
South Africa is the world’s leading producer of PGMs, vanadium, and
vermiculite, contributing about 50 percent of the world’s total of
these commodities. South Africa is also the largest world supplier of
alumino-silicates, chrome ore, ferrochromium, and gold, for which its
contribution ranges between 20 and 60 percent. (2)
Manganese is one of the most important ferrous metals and one of the
few for which the United States is totally reliant upon imports for
100 percent of its manganese needs since 1985. The leading sources of
manganese imports in 2000 through 2003 were South Africa. (3) Surging
demand for ferrochrome used in making ferroalloy, which in turn is
used in making stainless steel, has led to a severe shortage of
chromite. South Africa is the leading manufacturer of chromite
globally and a major supplier of ferrochrome. The major international
producers of chrome ore are: South Africa, producing 45% of world
production, Kazakhstan 17%, India 14% and Zimbabwe 6%. (4) (5)
Whoever controls these reserves controls the world. After gaining
independence from Britain by popular vote in 1961, South Africa was
fast becoming an independent African superstate, under the white
Afrikaner government, [descendents of the “Boer” settlers] with
control of almost all of the world’s STRATEGIC MINERALS. No wonder the
USSR supported the South African Communist Party’s [SACP] plans to
topple the independent white capitalist government in South Africa.
As pointed out by many political analysts, revolutionary movements do
not have the capability to over-throw or destabilize capitalist
goverments without funding and intelligence support either from inside
or outside the country. How did the ANC and South African Communist
party finance their operations? Both organizations received funding
from European patrons. It is now well known that in the 1970’s, Cuban,
East German and Russian millitia men provided black South Africans
with armaments and training in guerilla warfare. The training camps
were set up in Mozambique, Angola. Uganda and Zambia. It would have
been impossible for the ANC and SACP to fund these operations
themselves because most of the trainees were by no mean wealthy, but
inexperienced, relatively unskilled or poorly qualified sons and
daughters of the South African populace. In his book “Long road to
freedom” Nelson Mandela admits that the Russians used the ANC for
their own ends. South African intelligence revealed that from the
early 1960’s the USSR was funding the SACP in the hope of eventually
gaining control over South Africa’s strategic minerals.

That situation could not be tolerated by the British and American
owners of the mining corporations in South Africa. They resorted to
whatever sinister and secret means they could to ensure that any
government in South Africa would continue to support their control of
the mines and the mineral wealth. But the white Afrikaner government
had no intention of remaining under British and American control.
South Africa’s quest for new alliances and trade partners during the
60’s and 70’s as well as Soviet covert support for the ANC had the
international community all in a flurry. The Anglo-American alliance
was determined to prevent the the independent South African political
situation from threatening their position of world domination through
control over South Africa’s mineral wealth. Far worse, they could
never allow the Soviets to usurp their prime position.

Already in 1984 while South African police were trying to track down
Soviet sponsored ANC terrorists who were killing farmers and other
innocent civilians, a team led by Gavin Reddy, chairman of the Anglo-
American Mining Corporation, was negotiating behind the scenes with
exiled ANC leaders in Lusaka, Zambia.(6) It wasn’t long before Western
governments, corporations and institutions were being lobbied and
organized to take over the sponsorship of the ANC terrorists.

4. ANC victory and political about-face
As soon as the ANC revolutionaries were set up in government, their
obligations to their patrons and sponsors were called. Most telling of
all was the complete turn-around that occurred in the policies of the
ANC upon being sworn into government. While they were being supported
by the Soviets their policies and slogans were closer to communism
than to any other political ideology. But the policies they practice
today are almost the exact same blend of capitalism and socialism that
the British and Afrikaner governments practised. As soon as the new
ANC cabinet was formed, all the foreign companies that had lost out on
business deals and investment opprtunities during the Afrikaner era
came running with treade offers and plans. Not only that but foreign
aid came flooding in – Britain and the USA especially eager to sell
themselves and become involved in the country’s affairs again. The
problem for the Anglo-American alliance during the sanction years was
not that they were starved of essential strategic minerals. They had
stock-piled in advance. The problem was that as stock-piles dimished
they were being forced to buy these key metals from third parties and
intermediaries at up to twice or treble the price that they ought to
have been paying under normal circumstances and secondly, their
enemies in Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe were finding easy
access to these precious commodities as well. Strategic minerals are
the key to world domination and the key was once again in their hands.
In fact they had almost always been in their hands because they owned
most of the mines and factories in South Africa and payed high taxes
to operate them. The problem was that they could not use the keys to
their strategic advantage the way they did before 1961.

5. International Trade: South Africa and the USA/Britain
After Afrikaner independence in 1961 trade between South Afrcia and
the USA/ Britain began to decline at a rate of about 10% per decade.
(7) At that rate, there would have been virtually no trade with the
USA and Britain by today. But with the ANC now in government
everything has been reversed again. The UK is now South Africa’s
largest trade and investment partner with over £7 billion in two-way
trade in goods and services and £24 billion of UK investment in South
Africa. Metals and minerals comprise 31% of British imports from South
Africa. (8) The United States is the second largest investor in South
Africa after the United Kingdom. Since the ANC assumed power, the
United States has become the second largest source of foreign direct
investment in South Africa. Many U.S. companies in South Africa are
now members of the American Chamber of Commerce. The United States is
the largest bilateral donor to South Africa in terms of Development
Assistance donating $98 million in 2003-03, $160 million in 2004 and
$185 million in 2005. No surprise – approximately 28 U.S. agencies
manage cooperative programs in South Africa including the Department
of Defence and PRECIOUS METALS and stones account for over 30% of
total imports to the U.S. from South Africa. (9) Hillary Clinton
described as “extremely helpful” a recent meeting in Durban with South
African president Jacob Zuma. The president said: “The two countries
have always had good relations and we are taking that relationship
higher.” (10)
The ANC government has been in power in South Africe for seventeen
years, international sanctions against the country were lifted twenty
years ago and since then literally billions of dollars worth of
foreign aid has been pouring into the country. No surprise that
business with the USA and Britain is booming as never before, but the
lives of the common people remain much the same if not worse than
during the so-called years of oppression under white rule. Why doesn’t
the international community do or say anything about this? Because no
one with big business interests in Sout Africa is listening anymore.
The globalists have regained control of South Africa’s STRATEGIC
MINERALS so they have no need to intervene in the affairs of South
Africa anymore.


1. These are not obscure or confidential facts but can be checked on
dozens of official websites, e.g. CIA World fact book, or by touring
South Africa.
2. National Economies Encyclopedia,
3.SOURCE: Lisa Corathers, the Manganese Commodity Specialist for the
U.S. Geological Survey, has compiled the following information about
manganese, an extremely versatile mineral with many applications in
the manufacturing of iron, steel, aluminum alloys, batteries and
4. SOURCE: Ferrochrome Facts 2007 Copyright © 2007 Elsevier
Engineering Information. Source: Financial Times Limited. 06/29/2007
Posted 7/12/2007
5. Kermas South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Samancor Ltd (22/LM/Mar05)
[2005] ZACT 41 (14 June 2005)
6. Frederick Van Zyl Slabbert, The Other Side of History [ 2006]
Jonathan Ball Publishers

7. R. W Johnson [1977] How Long will South Africa survive? The
Macmillan Press Ltd
8. According to the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office website [21
May 2007],
9. According to the Diplomatic Mission of the United States in South
Africa [website August 6, 2007]
10. According to the Guardian, 9 August 2009.
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