>On Tue, 08 Dec 1998 00:13:12 GMT, in soc.culture.singapore,
>aldra...@hotmail.com (aldragon1) the fuckwit barfed:
>>Shit, you cowdung dummkopf, why couldn't you just quietly produce
>>your facts if you wanted to refute what I had said intead of barking
>>wild like a rabid dog hor...? But I bet you can't lah. It is
>>quite apparent that you have nothing in your stupid 'kepala kosong'.
>>You were the only one making the stupid noises. And I believe there
>>was nothing there in your Encarta, Britannica and Comics Books to help
>>you and you were therefore totally blur hor...? Go and learn some
>>economics, politics and IT if you can and read more news more
>>carefully. Let's see again whether you will be able to make some
>>sense in ten years' time hor...? AHHH, Angg, Angg, Angg, Woof, Woof,
>>Woof....... :D :D;
>You are depriving your hometown village of an idiot. Go home. Cos
>the spiders there really miss you.
>keyBoArD cowBOY
Hey2 little ShitHead, if you don't have anything to refute what I
posted why can't you just shut up instead of continuing to talk
nonsense and bark wild like a rabid dog. Nuts! :C :C;
Why don't you all just prove that you have balls instead of barking
nonsense and empty threats to complain to my ISP, to phone Mr Chang
the Director of Singnet and to talk about legal action? What else...?
Can't you see that you just can't frighten me and you don't have
anything to stand on and if you have which I don't think you have,
that little intelligence you should know that I know you should be
pissing in your pants instead of continuing to bark nonsense? ??
Please note that if you want to make threats you are ball-less idiots
until you carry them out. And if you carry them out you may also find
out you are also idiots. But of course you don't have that little
intelligence to know or do you...?... So just shut up will you...?...
hoh hoh hoh ...... :D :D;
"Deranged netters should refrain from posting
if they do not first take their medication"
"There are two common elements
on the Internet - PCY's silly
multi masks and stupidity ..."
PS: PCY is code name for that
menacing cyber skunk 'who' hides
behind 'his' silly multi masks
to throw profanities and insults
and poke fun at others.
He is an expert impersonator,
female impersonator as well to peddle
his profanities and obscenities...
he even masqueraded a Scottish monk,
calling himself Brother Andrew MacLane,
to belittle the Church and poke fun at other
netters (just wonder what else he won't do and
when he will be thrown into the shithouse under
the relevant sg laws.)....
"He's infamous for foul language, personal attack,
dragging mother, father and family members in too"
"And for putting on multi stupid masks in his regular
little-Red-Indians-Merry-Go-Round-the-Wagon yakyakkok rituals
with his Gang of 4 also..."
Anyone cares to know more about
this shit-head may retrieve posts
from dejanews.com with the keywords:
Poon Chi Yeong, Phoon Chi Yeong, Poon
Chi Yong, Phoon Chi Yong, Very Nice Guy.
Fooky1, Toothless Tiger, Nelson Kuching,
Poetic Fiend, Toad, Toad Sr, Toad Jr, Mohd
Omar, Fat Boy, James Wong, Hitler, Cowboy,
Bhurak, 'Leong Siew Mei', little legal beagle,
jason3406, Gilbert Koh, Niao Shen, to name just
a few...
> <
>> to phone Mr Chang
>>the Director of Singnet and to talk about legal action? What else...?
>Erm no, I never did talk about legal action against you.
But I do think, writing to Mr Chang with a letter cc: to his
boss, a Mdm something to force SingNet to do something about the
Aiyotoilet is a necessary thing to do.
/\ndre\/\/ /\/\acLane
Q: Why did the Chicken cross the road?
A: What? I missed one? (Colonel Sanders, KFC)
>On Sun, 13 Dec 1998 00:15:55 GMT, in soc.culture.singapore,
>aldra...@hotmail.com (aldragon1) wrote:
>>Hey2 little ShitHead, if you don't have anything to refute what I
>>posted why can't you just shut up instead of continuing to talk
>>nonsense and bark wild like a rabid dog. Nuts! :C :C;
>Here's the refutation:
>>Or perhaps one may find the reason for
><insert whatever comes to mind such as:]
>the diapers you wear
>etc etc
>>in politics, globalization and information technology, a combination of all
>>but maybe the most important element of which is politics.
>>And the question may well be: May we survive this one?
>>Most probably and if so it will be when and not if it will happen again.
>The mother of Motherhood statements.
That's the most stupid statement I have ever come across, much worse
than your previous stupid sweeping statement which you just couldn't
substantiate anyway. You don't have independent thought of your own.
Just copycat a little here and a little there all the time. Look, you
can't even copycat properly from that famous President from the Middle
East. You have not said a single word on the points I raised in my
post and it shows very clearly you are just a menacing idiot who
knows nuts on the subject. And you are the only one who has made
stupid remarks on my post.
The concepts of politics, globalization and information technology in
the current Asia meltdown are ideas deep, serious and far reaching
and just can't be dismissed by your ridiculous stupid remarks. But
of course you just don't have the dun knowledge and experience to
know what it is all about. It is quite apparent that you have
nothing much up top. And it is quite clear that you just can't think
up anything as usual to argue against my statements as you appear to
be totally blur. And you have since been trying real hard fruitlessly
to wriggle out from your infamous stupid statement. But I don't think
you will succeed. You can try your usual dirty tricks, go yak2, talk
cock and bark wild but you are not going to get away so easily. So
just shut up will you...? Just drink your piss, swallow your shit and
go to sleep and save everybody's time...... :D :D;
>>Why don't you all just prove that you have balls instead of barking
>>nonsense and empty threats to complain to my ISP,
>That was no threat - I have done exactly that.
You are a bloody stupid liar. I know exactly what you have done and
what you have not done. It just seems to me you don't have balls to
carry out your threat. So just shut up will you... take your own
bitter medicine and go to sleep...? ........ :D :D;
>> to phone Mr Chang
>>the Director of Singnet and to talk about legal action? What else...?
>Erm no, I never did talk about legal action against you.
Just read my post properly you brainless toad....... :D :D;
>>Can't you see that you just can't frighten me and you don't have
>>anything to stand on and if you have which I don't think you have,
>>that little intelligence you should know that I know you should be
>>pissing in your pants instead of continuing to bark nonsense? ??
>Have you forgotten your daily enema?
Nope, I don't need it, you need it. Just put more into your stupid
shitHead again and see whether it may help stop your rabid wild
>>Please note that if you want to make threats you are ball-less idiots
>>until you carry them out. And if you carry them out you may also find
>>out you are also idiots. But of course you don't have that little
>>intelligence to know or do you...?... So just shut up will you...?...
>>hoh hoh hoh ...... :D :D;
>DO read the headers carefully.
Stop your rabid wild barking will you...? Just drink your piss,
swallow your shit and go to sleep.
>And close the toilet seat after you drink.
Hey2, just shut up you little Punie Al'shit-Doggie
just drink your piss
swallow your shit
and go to sleep
so that netters may have their peace.
>keyBoArD cowBOY
>-.- . -.-- -... --- .- .-. -.. -.-. --- .-- -... --- -.--
>"There are five sure things
>you can find on the Internet - aldragon's hypocrisy,
>lies, deceit, spams and lack of balls."
>PS: Aldragon* is the handle that irritating cyber dork
>uses together with any of several hotmail accounts,
>at least one of which is faked.
>Believe me, you wouldn't want to know more about this
>fuck-wit, so don't bother checking deja-news.
>But if you must, use search words such as the five above;
>or perfectly descriptive words such as:
>clueless, lifeless, brainless and balls-less.
>--. ..- -. ... .-.. .. -. --. . .-. .- - .--. .- -.-. .. ..-. .. -.-. .-.-.- -. . - .-.-.- ... --.
Hey you little ball-less dumb dumb, copycat and habitual liar don't
bark madly and aimlessly. Just produce proof of my 'several hotmail
accounts' and tell us which one is fake. Don't think other netters
will easily believe your lies now.
What is wrong with using one only genuine hotmail account compared to
your stupid multi masks and countless faked ids. Is your id your own
real name…? What cock are you, your masks, clones and your stupid
buddies talking…? And for all I know most of them are fakes.…no???
...…… :D :D;
Those few buddies who are helping you should have their head
thoroughly examined and think hard whether they should continue to
associate with you and be labelled guilty by association and
eventually will go down the gutter with you. And how long they will
continue to look more stupid than you because they allow themselves to
be dragged by you by their nose into your shit...? Take for example
that 'highly qualified professional from sg' now at the University of
Queensland, Australia, who even resorted to female impersonating to
help you and now has to try so desperately so hard with stupid
unthinkable lame excuses and lies to wriggle off the hook ... to
pretend that he has won whereas he already has clearly lost so
miserably... what a dummy...? ... what for hah...?...... :D :D;
I am only one netter with only one hotmail account all hopelessly
alone here kicking your butt real hard you little shithead dummkopf.
Getting the heat and desperate hah...? Go on you brainless toad, see
whether you can bully me with your pack the way you have been bullying
other netters. See whether you can continue with your conspiracy of
'many bullying one' with your masks, clones and buddies and your
foreign connection.
You have met the wrong guy this time you little brainless asshole and
you won't be able to get away so easily. You can go on your regular
yakkoktok and paint your face more black but you just can't get away
so easily, not any more that's for sure. Netters know you and your
modus operandi better now...... :D :D;
Hey what's happening, you little shithead dummkopf, already scared
that netters will check dejanews.com and know more of your nonsense
and filth eh...? Do you really think you can fool netters so easily
now hah...? AHHH Angg, Angg,Angg, Woow, Woof, Woof...... :D :D;
Just shut up lah you little Ball-less ShitHead Cowboy
aka Punie Boy Al'shit-Doggie
just drink your piss
swallow your shit
and go to sleep
so that other netters may have their peace.
Btw, I bet you won't know that this very post of yours is another
confirmation that you are just a 'clone' of Punie Boy!
...... HohohoOO..........:D :D;
"Winners don't do different things,
they do things differently"
<massive machete !whack! to cut through the off-topic vendetta>
Move to relevance?What has your diatribe to do with the newsgroups to
which you posted?
alt.flame might be more appropriate.
As to the subject of your header: economic crises are more likely than
not to recur, but not necessarily similar crises.
>On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 12:06:38 GMT, gunsl...@pacific.net.sg
>(keyBoArD cowBOY) wrote:
>>> to phone Mr Chang
>>>the Director of Singnet and to talk about legal action? What else...?
>>Erm no, I never did talk about legal action against you.
>But I do think, writing to Mr Chang with a letter cc: to his
>boss, a Mdm something to force SingNet to do something about the
>Aiyotoilet is a necessary thing to do.
> /\ndre\/\/ /\/\acLane
Hey Little Yellow Banana F*ker 'Brother' Andrew MadLan aka Punys Boy
Al'shit-Doggie, don't make noise and don't bark empty threats, just
prove that you have balls to carry out the threats...? But first
let's see whether you have balls to phone Mr Chang to do whatever you
want him to do against me as you had threatened some time back. I am
still waiting for you to prove that you have balls...?
And in the meantime don't try to frighten me now with a new 'Mdm
something' because I have long considered you just a world first
class foul-mouthed fool, 'xiaochou' and if I may borrow from Uncle
Yap's recent most famous word, 'dregs'.
"Deranged netters should refrain from posting
if they do not first take their medication"
"There are two common elements
on the Internet - PCY's silly
multi masks and stupidity ..."
PS: PCY is code name for that
menacing cyber skunk 'who' hides
behind 'his' silly multi masks
to throw profanities and insults
and poke fun at others.
He is an expert impersonator,
female impersonator as well to peddle
his profanities and obscenities...
he even masqueraded a Scottish monk,
calling himself Brother Andrew MacLane,
to belittle the Church and poke fun at other
netters (just wonder what else he won't do and
when he will be thrown into the shithouse under
sg laws)
"He's infamous for foul language, personal attack,
dragging mother, father and family members in too"
"And for putting on multi stupid masks in his regular
little-Red-Indians-Merry-Go-Round-the-Wagon yakyakkok rituals
with his Gang of 4 also..."
Anyone cares to know more about
this shit-head may retrieve posts
from dejanews.com with the keywords:
Poon Chi Yeong, Phoon Chi Yeong, Poon
Chi Yong, Phoon Chi Yong, Very Nice Guy.
Fooky1, Toothless Tiger, Nelson Kuching,
Poetic Fiend, Toad, Toad Sr, Toad Jr, Mohd
Omar, Fat Boy, James Wong, Hitler, Cowboy,
Bhurak, 'Leong Siew Mei', little legal beagle,
jason3406, Gilbert Koh, Niao Shen, to name just
a few...
> <
Spoken like the usual fool and hereditary dreg that you are,
Aiyotoilet Alshitagon.
/\ndre\/\/ /\/\acLane
>On Wed, 16 Dec 1998 14:34:21 GMT, in soc.culture.singapore, the
>fuckhead who calls itself aldra...@hotmail.com (aldragon1) bafred
>yet again:
>>That's the most stupid statement I have ever come across, much worse
>>than your previous stupid sweeping statement which you just couldn't
>>substantiate anyway.
>I don't have to substantiate anything. Much less to a balls-less
>fuckwit like you.
How can you substantiate when you don't have much up top...? You are
just a menacing ball-less world first class fool! Know only how to
bark stupid ridiculous remarks, profanities and empty threats
lah...you don't have a clue on the subject wat... you have no ball, no
brain and no integrity lah...... :D :D;
>[incomprehensible blah snipped]
>>knows nuts on the subject. And you are the only one who has made
>>stupid remarks on my post.
>Actually, stupid posts like yours deserve to be trashed. And as
>always, you've once again proven your dirty habit of cross-posting to
>irrelevant newsgroups, having added tpt to your post.
Nope, it is your stupid shithead that should be trashed for only
producing brainless idiotic remarks.
It really hurts isn't it...? Good, the world now knows what a
menacing dirty useless shitHead you are. That's the whole idea. Just
carry on, enjoy your own bitter sweet medicine. I am beginning to
enjoy your squirming...... :D :D;
>>The concepts of politics, globalization and information technology in
>>the current Asia meltdown are ideas deep, serious and far reaching
>>and just can't be dismissed by your ridiculous stupid remarks.
>Of course it can. I can dismiss your insipid remarks as easily as
Yeah, you dirty ball-less idiot, you only know your ABC. Your ABC is
useless and just can't help you. And the rest are just useless empty
rabid barks!
>>You are a bloody stupid liar. I know exactly what you have done and
>>what you have not done. It just seems to me you don't have balls to
>>carry out your threat. So just shut up will you... take your own
>>bitter medicine and go to sleep...? ........ :D :D;
>Yeah well, FUCK YOU.
I don't think you can. You have no ball wat...no? ...... :D :D;
>>Just read my post properly you brainless toad....... :D :D;
>That applies to YOU, you insignificant FUCKHEAD. Your head's so full
>of your own shit, you have 40/40 vision. BP
You are a ball-less world first class fool. You have 20/20 but
couldn't even see when a female impersonator hit at you . Shame shame
on you little ball-less blind dummy. Why are you still talking
rot...? Or was it only you talking to yourself...?
>Catch you later, ALLSHITGONADS.
>keyBoArD cowBOY
Look for some balls first you dirty brainless Clone
of Punys Boy Al'shit-Doggie!
Just drink your piss
swallow your shit
and go to sleep
so that netters may have their peace.
Btw, I bet you won't know that this very post of yours is another
confirmation that you are just a 'clone' of Punys Boy Al'shit-Doggie!
...... HohohoOO..........:D :D;
"Deranged netters should refrain from posting
if they do not first take their medication"
"There are two common elements
on the Internet - PCY's silly
multi masks and stupidity ..."
PS: PCY is code name for that
menacing cyber skunk 'who' hides
behind 'his' silly multi masks
to throw profanities and insults
and poke fun at others.
He is an expert impersonator,
female impersonator as well to peddle
his profanities and obscenities...
he even masqueraded a Scottish monk,
calling himself 'Brother' Andrew MacLane,
to belittle the Church and poke fun at other
netters (just wonder what else he won't do and
when he will be thrown into the shithouse under
sg laws)
"He's infamous for foul language, personal attack,
dragging mother, father and family members in too"
"And for putting on multi stupid masks in his regular
little-Red-Indians-Merry-Go-Round-the-Wagon yakyakkok rituals
with his Gang of 4 also..."
Anyone cares to know more about
this shit-head may retrieve posts
from dejanews.com with the keywords:
Poon Chi Yeong, Phoon Chi Yeong, Poon
Chi Yong, Phoon Chi Yong, Very Nice Guy.
Fooky1, Toothless Tiger, Nelson Kuching,
Poetic Fiend, Toad, Toad Sr, Toad Jr, Mohd
Omar, Fat Boy, James Wong, Hitler, Cowboy,
Bhurak, 'Leong Siew Mei', little legal beagle,
jason3406, Gilbert Koh, Niao Shen, to name just
a few...
> <
>aldragon1 wrote:
>> On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 12:06:38 GMT,
><massive machete !whack! to cut through the off-topic vendetta>
>Move to relevance?What has your diatribe to do with the newsgroups to
>which you posted?
>alt.flame might be more appropriate.
Why the hell you are talking rot?
Instead of anwering to my post and arguing against the points I raised
there that menacing ball-less idiot chose to talk nonsense and make
stupid irresponsible rubbish sweeping remarks apparenty because he
knows nuts on the subject. He only wanted to take his revenge because
I had exposed his stupidity in composing a stupid 'masterpiece'
against me. I have since been trying to pin him down and expose him
of his stupidity again and to shame him thoroughly for steadfastly
repeating his stupid sweeping remarks and for a lot of other rubbish.
His and his gang's only interest are flame war!
And what cock are you talking...? Why the hell you have picked only
on me? Why haven't you read his posts carefully and if you have
actually read his posts carefully why haven't you that little
intelligence to know what kind of netter he is and his postings and in
most instances I was only throwing back at him his filth and then I
must say you are just like him a menacing idiot for writing what you
have written in this very post of yours...?
I think I had misjudged you. I thought that you were slightly better
than the rest of the small gang in tpt. That was why I ignored you at
the very beginning. I thought you were also the one who later brought
up the issue of 'guilt by association'... no? Now you have to 'hit'
me and be 'guilty by association' just because I had to deal glenys a
heavy blow because of her stupidity to stir up her old problems again
even after my clear warning and you have to come to help her. And I
had explained quite clearly a few times before why I have to
cross-post. Go and read my relevant posts carefully. If you don't
like any of my posts you have the choice not to read it. Others may
read. So please don't talk cock. Just go and fly your kite for all I
>As to the subject of your header: economic crises are more likely than
>not to recur, but not necessarily similar crises.
Isn't that what I wrote...?
Good Day.
> Now you have to 'hit' me and be 'guilty by association' just because
> I had to deal glenys a heavy blow
Aldragon, try and deal with reality instead of living in your dream
world. What goes on in your mind, I don't know. But I do know
that you are imagining things, and then writing about them in your
I'm sure your response will be the usual one of "read my previous
posts", but perhaps you would be good enough to describe the "heavy
blow" you think you have delivered. Perhaps to such a lightweight
as yourself (... buzz, splat ...), it might have seemed like a blow,
but I'm afraid I didn't notice you even moved. So please repeat
what I missed the first time.
> because of her stupidity to stir up her old problems again
> even after my clear warning and you have to come to help her.
It's not *I* who have problems, Aldragon, it's *you*. You are a
bore, and a stupid one at that if you think that repeating your
lies will eventually cause them to be believed. I doubt that
most of your posts are even read - they are almost incomprehensible
with their ravings, and your reposts are endless.
However, if you don't like being called a liar, start all over
again if you like - but try not to cross-post too widely or make
your posts too long. There's no need to annoy quite so many
people with your stupidity.
His post certainly was not a high water mark of debate; the thread was
crossposted well into the game, so much of the precendent is occluded.
> His and his gang's only interest are flame war!
A look at his posts lend some credibility to what you've just said; but
I've detected your capability of transcending such pettiness.
> And what cock are you talking...? Why the hell you have picked only
> on me?
You can be better than that; I wasn't trying to spank you. If you choose
to consider my post as a slap in the face: remember that such a slap
might be an encouragement for you to snap out of it.
> why haven't you read his posts carefully and if you have
> actually read his posts carefully why haven't you that little
> intelligence to know what kind of netter he
No interest, and no genuine communication between us.
If he wants to act like a school brat - following him there can hurt
your self-esteem far more than anything he can throw at you, if you take
it for other than a game.
is and his postings and in
> most instances I was only throwing back at him his filth
If you descend to his level: do so for a reason. You may have one or
several in overriding cause: but then the burden is on you not to let
the discourse degenerate. It's not easy, and may be thankless... but as
men we each have to look at ourselves in the mirror each day when we
I don't know, much less concern myself with, who started the flame war
in which you're embroiled. It intruded here... and I've understood you
to be sensible enough to see how little relevant it can be; of your
opponents: I don't know, nor care.
> Good Day.
Good day.
>His post certainly was not a high water mark of debate; the thread was
>crossposted well into the game, so much of the precendent is occluded.
- snipped -
You actually bothers to try and talk sense into and reason with
Aiyotoilet Alshitagon?
Oh come on.. it's not a worthwhile venture, and believe me, you
would be better off killfiling him, and keeping to your own more
worthy discussions.
{} Yong Wah GOH {}
{} (Organisational Psychology) {}
{} Psychology Department {}
I _am_ totally impressed.... Still got the courage to send season grettings
to your arch-enemies in SCS... Hmm, perhaps, the guys involved in the
Middle-East peace process should take a leaf from your books ;-) Not too
sure 'll Bill Clinton send his season greetings to Saddam Hussein or vice
versa ... ;-) Nah, the odds against it 're too overwhelming.....
May the Force be with you.... \8-p
Just yet another .0002 cents' worth....
Seasons Greeting....
Yong-Wah Goh wrote in message <75kmqt$4i$1...@bunyip.cc.uq.edu.au>...
>Just a side issue,
> Aldragon, as much as we have had fought so much in the past,
>nevertheless, here's wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
>don't worry, it's not a test trap or anything sinister, its just the way I
>see things, no matter what no matter who, there is always a place for well
>I'll be sending the same one to Toad too.
>yong wah
> {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
>{} Yong Wah GOH {}
>{} (Organisational Psychology) {}
>{} Psychology Department {}
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...
He he he ...... ;D ;D ;D;
"Winners don't do different things
they do things differently".
>aldragon1 wrote:
>> On Thu, 17 Dec 1998 00:52:39 -0800, Phipps <mrph...@slip.net> wrote:
>> >aldragon1 wrote:
>> >> On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 12:06:38 GMT,
>> ><massive machete !whack! to cut through the off-topic vendetta>
>> >Move to relevance?What has your diatribe to do with the newsgroups to
>> >which you posted?
>> >alt.flame might be more appropriate.
>> Why the hell you are talking rot?
>> Instead of anwering to my post and arguing against the points I raised
>> there that menacing ball-less idiot chose to talk nonsense and make
>> stupid irresponsible rubbish sweeping remarks apparenty because he
>> knows nuts on the subject.
>His post certainly was not a high water mark of debate; the thread was
>crossposted well into the game, so much of the precendent is occluded.
>> His and his gang's only interest are flame war!
>Good day.
Thanks a lot, Phipps. Please bear with me a little longer. Truth
will always prevail, I believe.
Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you and all with you.
Have a nice day.
That's not spamming you idiot. And how many times have I to tell you
that first, it is to pay back what you did to me and secondly, to
expose and shame you widely to the ngs where you are known...?
And only those like you who have nothing up top to answer specifically
to specific points raised in relevant posts will resort to
profanities, insults, lies and other irrelevant nonsense and rubbish.
And netters should know what you are notorious for... no?
>The word "integrity" is simply too much for a clueless bug like you.
>For example, the follow-up to my post should have been to alt.flame.
>Yet you have only displayed the natural chickenshitness in you by
>avoiding my challenge to continue this flame in that newsgroup. And
>continuing to spam into these newsgroups.
Nope, the word fits you just nicely. You have a loud foul-mouth, 0
brain and 0 integrity. You are not clueless; you are totally blank up
You are displaying the same stupidity again. When are you going to
learn to get it into your head that you don't make the rules here and
I don't care 2 hoots for your stupid challenge? So don't repeat your
stupid nonsense by repeating this again and again.
You horse-dung!
>But it does look like you're the one that's hurting.
Only those who have no integrity, no brain and who are hurt badly will
ever resort to profanities, nonsense and rubbish!
>Why, you've even resorted to the lowest of all tricks by using a fake id.
>Only balls-less scumbags do that sort of thing.
Only because you are a damned brainless liar who can't think straight.
You can't admit that no sensible netters will ever believe you!
You can only prove that you have balls by complaining to my ISP as you
have threatened or that you have no balls by running to and getting
your friends in high places in the ISPs, if you have any, to cancel my
Fyi, I don't care 2 hoots if I lose my account though I don't think
the right top ISP executives in their right mind would cancel my
account. I believe they must have read my posts if they are doing
their job. And I believe they know what my real intention and
objectives are.
I have already got too sick and tired of shits like yours on the Net.
I have already begun to think that if the ISPs, if the proper
authorities don't seem to care why should I. Why not save my time and
money and direct my attention elsewhere? Why continue to waste my
time and money on shitheads like you who to me are but stupid trolls
not realising the amount and kind of damage they may have caused if
the ISPs don't seem to care (of course I am fully aware that they have
some difficulty but in view of the potential damage and loss I
strongly believe there should be the courage to impose some minimum
amount of discipline, law and order in order that the system may work
for the benefit of the majority... freedom of speech yes, but freedom
with responsibility!)? I have done my little part... right you
But as for you, your clones and your gang, please rest assured I am
going to stick my focus for a long time yet unless you can prove you
have the power but no balls to have my account cancelled... right?
>What me squirm? In your dreams, spermbreath. Gads, it's flowing out
>your ears.
You are still squirming. Only a damned stupid liar will deny that!
>Hah. Apparently, you don't know yours. Your English is atrocious.
>You ought to get a refund for your school fees.
Your 'English' diversionary tactic again. Nice try but you just don't
know what you are talking and you know nuts.
Fyi you stupid young punk, I am very confident to say that if you have
gone as far with your English as I have with my English you will be
lucky judging from the stuff you have put on the Net. So don't come
to talk rubbish with me on my English. Come back again ten years'
time and maybe you can tell me if you have made it.
>Well, that was meant as a suggestion for you to go fuck YOURSELF, you
>androgynous lump of misguided protoplasmic chickenshit. Gee, can't
>you even understand a simple English sentence.
Ah, that 'English' diversionary tactic again you stupid young punk...?
Can't you see your stupid remark could apply only to you...?
>You mean, you're a female? I'm not surprised. After all, you don't
>seem to have balls at all. But no, one can only conclude that you're
>an androgynous hermaphrodite. Carry on, and you might just make it
>into the Guinness Book of Records as a balls-less hermaphrodite.
Twist and turn again...? Belittle the females again you idiotic
joker...? And you still have to prove that you have balls or you
don't have balls ...... :D :D;
The Guinness Book of Records? You are already there wat... no?
>>on you little ball-less blind dummy. Why are you still talking
>>rot...? Or was it only you talking to yourself...?
>Stop drooling. The muck's spilling onto your navel.
Yeah, just do that. Just look at your navel.
>Well, go fuck yourself some more. And stop sodomising spiders, you
>arachnidomizing bug.
Yeah, just do that quietly you stupid cut-and-paste computer bug.
Just don't make so much noise. Just do it quietly as we don't bother
to know.
>Actually, that has always been a trademark of your own pathetic
>self-denial - a refusal to see beyond that dick [sic] of yours that
>you've been chomping on.
Yeah, YOUR infamous 'trademark' is well known on the Net!
>>...... HohohoOO..........:D :D;
>What a Santa wannabe too?
Don't even have that little brain to understand that Santa is here and
is laughing and that's on you you goondu king... yeah? ...... :D :D;
>Just don't forget to close the toilet seat after that toast.
Oh yeah, telling yourself again?..... :D :D;
>"There are five sure things
>you can find on the Internet - aldragon's hypocrisy,
>lies, deceit, spams and lack of balls."
Yeah, all these are your infamous 'Trade Marks'!
>PS: Aldragon* is the handle that irritating cyber dork
>uses together with any of several hotmail accounts,
>at least one of which is faked.
Don't talk rot, just produce your proofs. I bet you can't.
I am not like you leh. Everything about you is faked....... :D :D;
>Believe me, you wouldn't want to know more about this
>fuck-wit, so don't bother checking deja-news.
>But if you must, use search words such as the five above;
>or perfectly descriptive words such as:
>clueless, lifeless, brainless and balls-less.
What's the matter...? Already scared stiff that netters will check
and learn what a filthy netter you are, your profanities and your
nonsense and rubbish...? In fact netters should kick you hard for
trying to mislead them and waste their time with those false keywords
of yours...... :D :D;
Btw, I bet you don't know that in this very post of yours you are
again exposing that you are just another clone of little Yellow Banana
F*ker 'Brother' Andrew MadLan aka Punys Boy...... :D :D;
"Deranged netters should refrain from posting
if they do not first take their medication"
"There are two common elements
on the Internet - PCY's silly
multi masks and stupidity ..."
PS: PCY is code name for that
menacing cyber skunk 'who' hides
behind 'his' silly multi masks
to throw profanities and insults
and poke fun at others.
He is an expert impersonator,
female impersonator as well to peddle
his profanities and obscenities...
he even masqueraded a Scottish monk,
calling himself 'Brother' Andrew MacLane,
to belittle the Church and poke fun at other
netters (just wonder what else he won't do and
when he will be thrown into the shithouse under
sg laws)
"He's infamous for foul language, personal attack,
dragging mother, father and family members in too"
"And for putting on multi stupid masks in his regular
little-Red-Indians-Merry-Go-Round-the-Wagon yakyakkok rituals
with his Gang of 4 also..."
Anyone cares to know more about
this shit-head may retrieve posts
from dejanews.com with the keywords:
Poon Chi Yeong, Phoon Chi Yeong, Poon
Chi Yong, Phoon Chi Yong, Very Nice Guy.
Fooky1, Toothless Tiger, Nelson Kuching,
Poetic Fiend, Toad, Toad Sr, Toad Jr, Mohd
Omar, Fat Boy, James Wong, Hitler, Cowboy,
Bhurak, 'Leong Siew Mei', little legal beagle,
jason3406, Gilbert Koh, Niao Shen, to name just
a few...
> <
>Follow-ups to reset.
>On Sat, 19 Dec 1998 01:45:06 GMT, in soc.culture.singapore,
>aldra...@hotmail.com (aldragon1) wrote:
>>Instead of anwering to my post and arguing against the points I raised
>>there that menacing ball-less idiot chose to talk nonsense and make
>Hah. Who died and made you a nonsensical judge?
Apparently it is not you... right stupid?
What nonsensical judge...? What stupid rubbish are you talking about
you idiot...?
>>stupid irresponsible rubbish sweeping remarks apparenty because he
>>knows nuts on the subject. He only wanted to take his revenge because
>It's amazing how this gutless wonder makes claim after bogus claims.
>But then again, what else can one expect from aldragon?
What bogus claims...? Your stupid sweeing remarks ARE IRRESPONSIBLE
You can argue until the cow comes home but your remarks are still
"Mig Warrior" <mickey_mouse_21_97*nospam*@nospam.yahoo.com> writes:
>I _am_ totally impressed.... Still got the courage to send season grettings
>to your arch-enemies in SCS... Hmm, perhaps, the guys involved in the
>Middle-East peace process should take a leaf from your books ;-) Not too
>sure 'll Bill Clinton send his season greetings to Saddam Hussein or vice
>versa ... ;-) Nah, the odds against it 're too overwhelming.....
>May the Force be with you.... \8-p
>Just yet another .0002 cents' worth....
>Seasons Greeting....
>Yong-Wah Goh wrote in message <75kmqt$4i$1...@bunyip.cc.uq.edu.au>...