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Lao Girls' Inspiration?

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Bubba L. Namtha

Jan 13, 2001, 4:52:01 PM1/13/01

A survey done by a US TV news (perhaps the 'CBS 60 minutes' or
the 'dateline NBC') showed 25% of Russian highschool girls are inspired
to become prostitutes because of its glamorous lifestyle, freedom of
choice, inhebited sexual fantasies, and good money. Do Lao girls have
this very same inspiration as the Russian girls since they used to live
in the same system of government?



Sent via

Jan 13, 2001, 6:13:57 PM1/13/01
Bubba L. Namtha

where do you learn in the textbook that specifies Lao and Russia in
fact having the same system, nowsaday? Please, tell me, so I can go
back to school to relearn all over. Russia is in its transition to
democracy for quite sometimes now, but the change like always in human
history doesn't come as smooth as expected, particularly on the
economic side, people are struggling to make ends meet, perhaps it's
plausible according to your survey that young girls are attracted to
imitate life beyond the propaganda of Hollywood movie with all kind of
false pretenses, and glamor is one of them...
On the other hand, even Laos is a socialist state with its
dictatorial ambition from the governance. But Lao people is relatively
unchanged from all walk of life, except they have to watch their mouth
for what they say for not illegitimating their rulers.
And this part may interest you the most, Lao girls with traditionally
strong ethic are very reserved in nature, glamor could be one of their
attraction like your sister and mother, they're not all saints, maybe a
few are tempted to sell themselves occasionally for money just to keep
life going. It might be 0.001% still doubtful figure.
I find out that your question is very interesting in terms of dealing
with your own libido. You have 75% of american young girls with free
sex in or out of school daily, without making a dime. What do you want
more? Bubba, it's all free...they got all the glamor of Kmart and
Walmart in diner Jack in box...
I hope that I answer your question.


Jan 14, 2001, 5:59:29 PM1/14/01

I am amazed at the amount of shit coming out of peoples mouths in this forum to
respond to teenagers asking alot of innocent questions. You just made it sound
like there is not any prostitution in laos when we have read many times over of
the fast growth of prostitution in laos. please all of you stop bull shitting
the kids and tell the truth


Brad Velander

Jan 15, 2001, 2:14:54 AM1/15/01
But Daorathy, where did these stories originate? Is the source reliable?
I for one have been to Laos several times, while I have not been looking
for prostitution I have not seen any signs of any either. I have never
been propositioned in a bar or Hotel, nor by any police officers acting
as frontmen. Therefore I put little faith in the reports of its' rampant
openness. I am sure that it is there but is definitely not as flagrant
as in N.A. or Thailand.
I do not know which reports you refer to, several that I recall were
from Soumaly1 and therefore is suspect just as some of his other
reports. He has also reported rampant begging on the streets that
neither I nor a recent newspaper reporter had observed. I have seen
beggars in Vientiane, Laung Prabang, Savannakhet, Pakse and other main
cities, they are few and far between.

Brad Velander.

"Daorathy" <> wrote in message


Jan 15, 2001, 3:58:01 PM1/15/01
sabaidi Brad,
Prostitution exists in Laos. Not like in Thaïland I agree with you. The
prostitute observes your comportment: For example, it is a girl that sell
you cigarette: if you buy cigarettes and you already have it in your hand,
she known that you are gentle or ... you want another thing.

Jan 15, 2001, 9:29:11 PM1/15/01
Dear Debbie

You've violated the ethic code 7 of the American family value
act, by deliberately using the S* B* and the S* words to address the
innocent kids that you intended to protect. You shouldn't run your
mouth with those whorish languages. For Pete's sake, you can
harmoniously disagree with what I said by tendering your fact nothing
but your fact...That will do me quite a tender service about fact, but
more importantly a catering service to Bubba's libido, because that was
the premise of this quiproquo. BTW how is your baby?



Jan 15, 2001, 10:37:14 PM1/15/01

I concur with Dr. Souk that the oldest profession on earth is still
being practiced in Laos. Technically, it is illegal. Morally, it is
unacceptable. Yet it is still an ongoing way of life for a minority of
Laotians. Fortunately, Laos is still not attaining the meat market
status like her neighbor.

The next question to ask why should our young girls opt to make a
living this way? Is it because of choice or is it because of necessity
due to the economic hardship? I'm sure that the answers are lying in
between. I wonder what kind of psychological consequences that will
affect them in their later years if they survive the sexual disease
like HIV/AIDS? How about their dignity and their families dignity? When
once is hungry, once is willing to do anything...Sadly, as long there
are demands, there will be supplies.

The solution? Economic development and education. But where will the
government find the funding to accomplish them is another question. The
preferred method is arrest and arrest. Is the latter more effective and
less cost prohibited solution? Nobody knows. Personally, I doubt it...

Along the line of the commercialization of human flesh, how about Lao
nork men going to Laos and marrying girls younger than their own
daughter? Is it considered as an act of saving a human being from
poverty or a legal way of commercializing human flesh? Does anyone know
how many applications are being processed by various embassies (US,
France, Australia, Canada...) regarding this issue?

Any comments?


Who wants to hate, keep on hating
Who wants to build, keep on building...

Brad Velander

Jan 16, 2001, 3:23:41 AM1/16/01
Sa bai dee Dr. Souk,
yes I know it is there, it is everywhere. My only point is that it
is not wide open and as rampant as some have posted. Even in North
America one can see much more of it right out in the open and even
residential areas.
Thailand is probably a poor example because it is at the extreme.
The stupid thing is, why would anybody wanting such services go to Laos
with the inherent risks when Thailand is so wide open. The only reason
that I can think of is they are fooling themselves about the risk of
AIDs being lower in Laos. As if it is safe anywhere without suitable
precautions and protection.

Brad Velander.

"drsouk" <> wrote in message


Jan 16, 2001, 3:32:29 AM1/16/01
Hi Brad,

That is exactly why people now talk of going to lao for prostitutes they
believe that it is cleaner or that the women are cleaner but that is just not
so for a women who is free with her body for money or free are all at risk for
contracting and giving AIDS or other diseases.
But i have to disagree with you on the point that it came from Soumaly because
it has been posted on numerous occasions here. not from soumaly.



Jan 16, 2001, 3:35:06 AM1/16/01
dear dear dear korakada,

point well taken i will watch my language from this point forward. But lets
try to be honest with the people who are asking seemingly innocent questions.
with real ligit answers. BTW my baby is great although he looks much to much
like his daddy.


Daorathy aka laobyheart

Brad Velander

Jan 16, 2001, 3:36:11 AM1/16/01
why do women anywhere enter such a hazardous degrading occupation?
Why is it that in N.A. prostitutes can earn double or quadruple what you
or I may earn? Simple, someone is willing to pay and they are willing to
pay well with respect to local economic conditions. While there are
those who practice this profession out of need or necessity, there are
also a lot who do it because they cannot do anything else that would
supply the same standard of living. To end the problem would take
exactly the same as the drug war, remove the demand. Unfortunately the
power mongers are usually part of the problem or they do not see the
problem, why would they want to deal with it effectively?

In our area I do not know of any Lao child brides but there are a
few Canadian-Lao child brides. Seems the practice is not that popular in
the Vancouver area. I don't know why that might be because Canada
definitely has immigration laws that you can drive several whole ships
of illegal Chinese immigrants through, let alone a young foreign bride.

Brad Velander.

"Omphien" <> wrote in message
> Sabaidi,

> The next question to ask why should our young girls opt to make a
> living this way? Is it because of choice or is it because of necessity
> due to the economic hardship? I'm sure that the answers are lying in
> between. I wonder what kind of psychological consequences that will
> affect them in their later years if they survive the sexual disease
> like HIV/AIDS? How about their dignity and their families dignity?
> once is hungry, once is willing to do anything...Sadly, as long there
> are demands, there will be supplies.


Jan 16, 2001, 8:10:34 AM1/16/01
Dear Omphien and all,

Yes prostituion is the most painful and shameful problem which could
exist in our territory. I fully agree with Omphien that Laos should, at
any cost, maintain prostituion outlaw, illegal and prohibited. As it
is, both parties Consumer and supplier (prostitue and customer) should
be arrested and punished by Laws. This is the only way to prevent our
country becoming "meat market" or "Sex destination" for the tourists.

If I may recall the first period of the Lao PDR, the suppression of
criminals, hoodlums and hooligans, drug addicts and prostitution was
such that all those involved in the above mentioned were deported
to "Done Ling" for re-education... This was too radical to work for the
long run... and people complained that the system was too repressive...

Soon after the liberalisation of the system along with the opening of
the country, despite a quite repressive Laws & Regulation with regards
to prostitution... The devil came back even much stronger than
before... And if I may recall one of those large-scale simultanous Raid
in all the guest houses and mini hotels in Vientiane and other major
cities, hundreds were caught red-handed and arrested... Big debats and
complains followed and few months later, the devil came back stronger
than ever before...

This is not only an economic problem. It also has a socio-cultural
dimension. We have to address the problem with ecomic measures and
socio-cultural approach... Something in the between a repressive
measure and economic and socio-cultural soft approach. And like the
illicit drug abuse, we also have to work on the demand reduction front
and try to educate our guys to opt for a healthier life-style and
reduce their high-risk behavious, especially now that HIV/AIDS appears
to affect the Lao people.

But definitely, economic solution such as income generation programme
should be the priority in order to help our young female from being
desperate and go for easy money. We, therefore, have to provide them
with skills training so that they could be better off in life.

Sok dee

In article <93vu2p$8rg$>,

Jan 16, 2001, 11:16:46 PM1/16/01
In article <93q13f$n4n$>,
> ----------------------------------------
POOR Lao GIRLS!!!!OR POOR LAO PEOPLE!!!!We did not get HELP from
That's WHY we still POOR!!!POOR!!!!NOW,IF we are POOR!!!WE CAN BE


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