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Dec 12, 2005, 8:29:46 PM12/12/05

In the time of Bible history, there was a geographic area known as Judea.
Judea was a province of the Roman Empire. Now, a person who lived in Judea
was known as a Judean, and in Latin it was Judaeus; in Greek it was Judaius.
Those are the two words, in Greek and Latin, for a Judean.

Now, in Latin and Greek there is no such letter as 'j', and the first
syllable of Judaeus and Judaius starts 'ghu'. Now, when the Bible was
written, it was first written in Greek, Latin, Panantic, Syriac, Aramaic...
all those languages. Never Was the word Jew in any of them because the word
didn't exist. Judea was the country, and the people were Judeans, and Jesus
was referred to only as a Judean. I've seen those early... the earliest
scripts available.

In 1345, a man by the name of Wycliffe in England thought that it was
time to translate the Bible into English. There was no English edition of
the Bible because who the Devil could read? It was only the educated church
people who could read Latin and Greek, Syriac, Aramaic and the other
languages. Anyhow, Wycliffe translated the Bible into English. But in it,
he had to look around for some words for Judaeas and Judaius.

There was no English word because Judea had passed out of existence.
There was no Judea. People had long ago forgotten that. So in the first
translation he used the word, in referring to Jesus, as 'gyu', "jew". At
the time, there was no printing press.

Then, between 1345 and the 17th century, when the press came into use,
that word passed through so many changes... I have them all here. If you
want I can read them to you. I will. That word 'gyu' which was in the
Wycliffe Bible became. . . first it was ' gyu ', then ' giu ', then ' iu '
(because the ' i ' in Latin is pronounced like the ' j '. Julius Caesar
is ' Iul ' because there is no 'j' in Latin) then ' iuw ', then ' ieuu
', then ' ieuy ', then ' iwe ', then ' iow ', then ' iewe ', all in
Bibles as time went on. Then ' ieue ', then ' iue ', then ' ive ', and
then ' ivw ', and finally in the 18th century... ' jew '. Jew.

All the corrupt and contracted forms for Judaius, and Judaeas in Latin.
Now, there was no such thing as 'Jew', and any theologian -- I've lectured
in maybe 20 of the most prominent theological seminaries in this country,
and two in Europe -- there was no such word as Jew. There only was Judea,
and Jesus was a Judean and the first English use of a word in an English
bible to describe him was 'gyu' -- Jew. A contracted and shortened form of
Judaeus, just the same as we call a laboratory a 'lab', and gasoline
'gas'... a tendency to short up.

So, in England there were no public schools; people didn't know how to
read; it looked like a scrambled alphabet so they made a short word out of
it. Now for a theologian to say that you can't harm the Jews, is just
ridiculous. I'd like to know where in the scriptures it says that. I'd
like to know the text.

Look at what happened to Germany for touching Jews. What would you, as
a citizen of the United States, do to people who did to you what the
so-called Jews -- the Pollacks and Litvaks and Litzianers -- they weren't
Jews, as I just explained to you. They were Eastern Europeans who'd been
converted to Talmudism. There was no such thing as Judaism. Judaism was a
name given in recent years to this religion known in Bible history as Torah
[inaudible]. No Jew or no educated person ever heard of Judaism. It didn't
exist. They pulled it out of the air. . . a meaningless word.

Just like 'anti-Semitic'. The Arab is a Semite. And the Christians
talk about people who don't like Jews as anti-Semites, and they call all the
Arabs anti-Semites. The only Semites in the world are the Arabs. There
isn't one Jew who's a Semite. They're all Turkothean Mongoloids. The
Eastern european Jews. So, they brainwashed the public, and if you will
invite me to meet this reverend who told you these things, I'll convince him
and it'll be one step in the right direction. I'll go wherever I have to go
to meet him.


Dec 12, 2005, 9:28:38 PM12/12/05
What a lot of rubbish you like to spread about,

Educate yourself. Jews in England in the eighth


Dec 12, 2005, 9:32:28 PM12/12/05

"Ariadne" <> wrote in message

> What a lot of rubbish you like to spread about,
> NaziCabal.
> Educate yourself. Jews in England in the eighth
> century:


Dec 12, 2005, 9:40:25 PM12/12/05

serwad wrote:
> In the time of Bible history,
Sit at Alex's knee and learn a bible story. Bring a dildo!

The Alex Seredin Home Page™:

Celebrating the life and times of Alex Seredin (,
purveyor of crude, pornographic anti-Semitism in the Julius Streicher
tradition, infesting Usenet newsgroups for ten years,proprietor of
Peter Pan Gifts
1731 N. Federal Highway
Delray Beach, Florida
Telephone: 561-276-6568

Home address:
2107 13th Street Southwest
Delray Beach, Florida 33445.
Spouse: Mona A. Wadoud


Dec 12, 2005, 9:42:35 PM12/12/05

According to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
Regugees, since the beginning of the current strife in 2000, 12,737
Palestinians have seen their homes demolished. A great many demolitions have
occurred near Gaza's border with Egypt where Israel is building what they
call a security fence.

On May 2 Israeli military with heavy vehicles and bulldozers moved into
a Gazan village and razed fifteen pieces of Palestinian land planted with
wheat, onions, wild figs, and olives. Iron-roofed rooms and irrigation
networks were also destroyed.

These occurrences of the past week are not unique. They happen day
after day in Palestine.

I do not need to point out, because you all know, that there are
suicide bombings in Israel. These are horrible, indiscriminate, illegal acts
of violence. Though there is no balance of power between the Israeli and
Palestinian people, the fear is very real on both sides. The violence,
however, inside Israel is a direct result of the 36 year occupation of
Palestine and of the ongoing abuse of Palestinian human rights.

There are no home demolitions in Israel, no gardens and orchards
destroyed there, no wells and cisterns damaged and water taken away, no land
taken away to create settlements, roads, and apartheid walls.

We in America see the horror of the suicide bombings. We seem to see
much less the ongoing, violence against the Palestinian people. Our
blindness is an enormous contributing factor to this problem. We need to
remember that as we have watched the deaths of some of the 773 Israelis who
have died since September 2000, that there have also been 2298 Palestinian

Robin Hood Zoro

Dec 13, 2005, 7:24:48 AM12/13/05
On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 20:29:46 -0500, "serwad" <>

Robin Hood Zoro

Dec 13, 2005, 7:25:08 AM12/13/05
On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 21:42:35 -0500, "serwad" <>

Salah Jafar

Dec 13, 2005, 9:48:19 AM12/13/05
Teddy my love
do you have anything smart to rebuttal his argument. You must need that
spanking you like before your anal hole enlarged for excitement.
Salah Jafar
"Ted" <> wrote in message

serwad wrote:
> In the time of Bible history,
Sit at Alex's knee and learn a bible story. Bring a dildo!

The Alex Seredin Home PageT:


Dec 13, 2005, 9:50:18 AM12/13/05

Salah Jafar wrote:
> Teddy my love
(gay love poem deleted)
So did your mother get her tail trimmed today?

Salah Jafar

Dec 13, 2005, 10:19:48 AM12/13/05
Good morning my Teddy
Matter of fact she did and asked me to take my teddy to get his done. You
know you are my Pee Wee and got to keep you polished.
Salah Jafar
"Ted" <> wrote in message


Dec 13, 2005, 11:08:31 AM12/13/05

serwad wrote:
> In the time of Bible history, there was a geographic area known as Judea. <

There was a POLITICAL STATE know as the Kingdom of Judah. When it was
as it repeatedly was, it was under occupation known as Judea until the
Romans finally
renamed it Palestina.

> Judea was a province of the Roman Empire. Now, a person who lived in Judea
> was known as a Judean, and in Latin it was Judaeus; in Greek it was Judaius.
> Those are the two words, in Greek and Latin, for a Judean.<

No, in Hebrew it is Yehuda, and even the Arabs used to call it the land
of Yehud.
Yehuda became Judea or Judah as the "Y" is not used much in English
just as the "J"
isn't used much in Spanish.

> Now, in Latin and Greek there is no such letter as 'j', and the first
> syllable of Judaeus and Judaius starts 'ghu'. Now, when the Bible was
> written, it was first written in Greek, Latin, Panantic, Syriac, Aramaic... <

Asss-backwards again! :) The bible ("old testament") was written mostly
in HEBREW, and is still read by Jews in the synagogue in its original
language HEBREW. The Greek translation
came much later, and the Latin and vulgar language translations came
later still.

> all those languages. Never Was the word Jew in any of them because the word
> didn't exist. Judea was the country, and the people were Judeans, and Jesus
> was referred to only as a Judean. I've seen those early... the earliest
> scripts available.<

Yeshua, known as "Jesu" in Greek (again that Y/J thing) was from
Natzereth ("Nazareth") in the Galilee at a time that Galilee was
increasingly being populated by Greeks, Romans and other non-Jewish

Real nonsense, boy, I'll tell ya! "Jew" in GErman ist "Yuda." Like
"Yuden raus, " but of course
the J in Juden is pronounced like the English Y (Yuden). In
Hebrew,the word "Jew" is Yehudi. The word for Judah is Yehuda. One who
comes from Yehuda is a Yehudi.

> Just like 'anti-Semitic'. The Arab is a Semite. And the Christians
> talk about people who don't like Jews as anti-Semites, and they call all the
> Arabs anti-Semites. The only Semites in the world are the Arabs.<

Again, more backwards nonsense. ONe of Noah's sons in the bible is
called Shem and the
word semite was invented as an appelation for what was once considered
to be the
three races descendent from Noah: Japheth, Shem and Ham. Among many
others, the descendets of Shem in the bible include both Hebrews and
Arabs and others.

> There
> isn't one Jew who's a Semite. They're all Turkothean Mongoloids. The
> Eastern european Jews. So, they brainwashed the public, and if you will
> invite me to meet this reverend who told you these things, I'll convince him
> and it'll be one step in the right direction. I'll go wherever I have to go
> to meet him.<

Why not just bring your theory to the scientists doing DNA analysis of
various races and who have already established that most JEwish DNA is
closer to that of Kurds, Palestinians and other middle eastern peoples
than to that of Caucasians and other European people instead?
I'd let the scientists laugh you out of the room.


Dec 13, 2005, 11:37:39 AM12/13/05
Salah Jafar wrote:
(gay fantasy snipped)

> Matter of fact she did
She got her tail trimmed? Nice. Is she out in the red-light district of
Jenin again, prowling for nice big fat Arabs who enjoy fucking camels?
I sympathize, by the way. Must be tough being gay and a raghead.

Salah Jafar

Dec 13, 2005, 3:01:43 PM12/13/05
OH Teddy
The red district she work in Tel Aviv. She is retired but still run Jewish
Russians whores.

Salah Jafar
"Ted" <> wrote in message


Dec 13, 2005, 7:28:53 PM12/13/05

"jgarbuz" <> wrote in message

> serwad wrote:
>> In the time of Bible history, there was a geographic area known as Judea.
>> <
> There was a POLITICAL STATE know as the Kingdom of Judah.
You obviously do not know how to read, instaed you quote things out of your
own stupid head!


Dec 13, 2005, 8:02:26 PM12/13/05

Well, NaziCabal. You were all wrong on the etymologies and
even on the characters in the alphabets.

You are all wrong on the English history and Jack has shown that
you're all wrong on the rest of it.

In the few years I have been posting to these groups I have learned
an awful lot from a few people. Jack is a history superstar and you
are inferior to a baboon.


Dec 13, 2005, 8:13:12 PM12/13/05

Salah Jafar wrote:
> OH Teddy
> The red district she work in Tel Aviv. She is retired but still run Jewish
> Russians whores.
> Salah Jafar
A promotion! How nice. A madam now. But she'll always be a whore to me!


Dec 13, 2005, 8:15:31 PM12/13/05

Ariadne wrote:
> serwad wrote:
> > "jgarbuz" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >
> > > serwad wrote:
> > >> In the time of Bible history, there was a geographic area known as Judea.
> > >> <
> > >
> > > There was a POLITICAL STATE know as the Kingdom of Judah.
> > You obviously do not know how to read, instaed you quote things out of your
> > own stupid head!
> Well, NaziCabal. You were all wrong on the etymologies and
> even on the characters in the alphabets.

All the zillions of pieces of Hebrew archeology are all a lot of
misspelled Arabic. That's my Alex! Soldier, statesman, dildo
aficionado, Biblical archeologist!

The Alex Seredin Home Page™:

Celebrating the life and times of Alex Seredin (,
purveyor of crude, pornographic anti-Semitism in the Julius Streicher

tradition, infesting Usenet newsgroups for ten years, proprietor of

Mimi Cohen

Dec 13, 2005, 9:04:50 PM12/13/05


Dec 13, 2005, 11:29:25 PM12/13/05

When a Jew has gentile in his clutches another jew may go to the same
gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that gentile shall be
ruined. For the property of the gentile, according to our law, belongs to no
one, and the first jew that passes, has full right to seize it.

Talmud, Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156


Dec 13, 2005, 11:29:46 PM12/13/05

"I hope the time is not far off,when I shall be able to unite all the wise
and educated men of all the countries and establish auniform regime based on
the principles of Qu'ran, which alone are true.and which alone can lead,man
to happiness" (Napoleon Bonaparte)


Dec 14, 2005, 12:14:09 AM12/14/05

serwad wrote:
> --
> "I hope the time is not far off,when I shall be able to unite all the wise
> and educated men of all the countries and establish auniform regime based on
> the principles of Torah, which alone are true.and which alone can lead,man
> to happiness" (Osama Bin Laden)

The Alex Seredin Home Page™:

Celebrating the life and times of Alex Seredin (,
purveyor of crude, pornographic anti-Semitism in the Julius Streicher

tradition, infesting Usenet newsgroups for ten years, proprietor of


Dec 14, 2005, 7:44:48 AM12/14/05

"I hope the time is not far off,when I shall be able to unite all the wise
and educated men of all the countries and establish auniform regime based on
the principles of Qu'ran, which alone are true.and which alone can lead,man
to happiness" (Napoleon Bonaparte)


Dec 14, 2005, 7:45:29 AM12/14/05


Dec 14, 2005, 7:45:47 AM12/14/05


Dec 14, 2005, 7:46:08 AM12/14/05


Dec 15, 2005, 9:14:00 AM12/15/05
"serwad" <> wrote:

> In the time of Bible history, there was a geographic area known as
> Judea. Judea was a province of the Roman Empire.

You're already going astray there, StriderCabal -- "Bible history"
extends considerably back before the existence of the roman empire.

> Now, a person who lived in Judea was known as a Judean, and in Latin
> it was Judaeus; in Greek it was Judaius.

Your Greek transcription skills leave much to be dcesired; Ioudaios would
be the much more usual and correct transliteration of the Greek word.

> Those are the two words, in Greek and Latin, for a Judean. Now, in
> Latin and Greek there is no such letter as 'j',

Whatever -- there was no written letter J distinct from I, but Latin
still had a [y] phoneme sound in its sound system, and Greek still had
a [y] allophone in its pronunciation.

> and the first syllable of Judaeus and Judaius starts 'ghu'.

I have no idea what you're talking about -- both Latin Judaeus (or
IVDAEVS of you insist on absolute authenticity) and Greek Ioudaios
began with a [y] sound, as in yarn, yet, yellow, etc. etc.

> Now, when the Bible was written, it was first written in Greek,
> Latin, Panantic, Syriac, Aramaic... all those languages.

Actually, the Jewish Bible was written in Hebrew, with a small
admixture of Aramaic, while the Christian Bible was written in Greek
(with some Aramaic influences). Latin and Syriac were totally
irrelevant (Syriac was a form of Aramaic, but not one which was spoken
in 1st. century A.D. Judea), while I have no idea what the heck
"Panantic" is supposed to be.

> Never Was the word Jew in any of them because the word didn't exist.
> Judea was the country, and the people were Judeans, and Jesus was
> referred to only as a Judean.

Whatever, dude -- all the relevant ancient languages only had one word
(Latin Judaeus, Greek Ioudaios, and Hebrew Yehudi) to cover THREE
separate concepts:

1) A member of the Israelite tribe of Judah by genealogical descent.

2) An inhabitant of the southern Israelite kingdom of Judah
(consisting mainly of the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah),
or an inhabitant of this same region (known in Latin as "Judea") after
the fall of the kingdom of Judah in 587-586 B.C.

3) A follower of the monotheistic religion developed and consolidated
during the reigns of Kings Hezekiah and Josiah of Judah (regardless of
ancestry or place of residence).

These three meanings shifted naturally into each other over the

> That word 'gyu' which was in the Wycliffe Bible became. . . first it
> was ' gyu ', then ' giu ', then ' iu ' (because the ' i ' in Latin

> is pronounced like the ' j '. then ' ieuu ', then ' ieuy ', then '

> iwe ', then ' iow ', then ' iewe ', all in Bibles as time went on.
> Then ' ieue ', then ' iue ', then ' ive ', and then ' ivw ', and
> finally in the 18th century... ' jew '. Jew.

Whatever -- it actually comes from Old French words resembling modern
French "juif" and "juive" (but with a lot of spelling variations
because I/J weren't distinguished from each other until the 17th
century, nor were U/V).

> All the corrupt and contracted forms for Judaius in Latin.

It's called "linguistic change" or development over centuries, dude --
"Jew" for "Judaeus" isn't any more "corrupted"[sic] than "judge" for
Latin "judex".

Some Qur'an quotes: 5:20 qaala muusaa 5:21 "yaa qawmi ´dkhuluu ´l-'arDa
´l-muqaddasata ´llatii kataba ´llaahu lakum" 17:104 waqulnaa ... libanii
'israa'iila "´skunuu ´l-'arDa" || In English: Moses said, "My people,
go into the Holy Land which God has assigned to you!" And we said to the
Children of Israel, "Inhabit the land!"


Dec 15, 2005, 9:25:20 AM12/15/05

Dec 15, 2005, 11:11:25 AM12/15/05

I appreciate the compliment, but I am HARDLY a history "superstar" but
just the "global overview" guy! The one with real detailed historical
contributing to this group is Deborah Sharavi. She really knows her
shit when
it comes to the historical details. But thanks anyway.

Dec 16, 2005, 3:03:17 PM12/16/05
> Ariadne wrote:
> > serwad wrote:
> > > "jgarbuz" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > >
> > > > serwad wrote:
> > > >> In the time of Bible history, there was a geographic area known as Judea.
> > > >> <
> > > >
> > > > There was a POLITICAL STATE know as the Kingdom of Judah.
> > > You obviously do not know how to read, instaed you quote things out of your
> > > own stupid head!
> >
> > Well, NaziCabal. You were all wrong on the etymologies and
> > even on the characters in the alphabets.
> >
> > You are all wrong on the English history and Jack has shown that
> > you're all wrong on the rest of it.
> >
> > In the few years I have been posting to these groups I have learned
> > an awful lot from a few people. Jack is a history superstar and you
> > are inferior to a baboon.< wrote:
> I appreciate the compliment, but I am HARDLY a history "superstar" but
> just the "global overview" guy! The one with real detailed historical
> knowledge
> contributing to this group is Deborah Sharavi. She really knows her
> shit when
> it comes to the historical details. But thanks anyway.

Thanks for the kudos, Jack. But I have detailed knowledge only in a few
areas; in the others, I simply know where to look (obeying the
commandment: "Know Thy Resources"). Given that, you have it all over me
in a lot of areas I know nothing about. One who really takes the cake
in historical knowledge is Hillel - he's over at the yahoo group now.


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