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How long will the Jewish role in slavery be hidden?

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Auric Hellman

May 16, 2010, 1:22:07 AM5/16/10
The Jewish Role in the Slave Trade

By Jeff Davis

The "official" history of slavery seems to deviate little from "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" or the latest propaganda film from Steven Spielberg. People are left
to assume that White Christians were involved in the most evil part of
slavery, the shipping of slaves. The truth is that Christian nations were
repelled at the cruelty associated with the importation of slaves and that
was the first part of slavery outlawed by Christian nations. The one people
who controlled and profited the most from shipping Blacks as if they were
cattle, packing as many as possible onto slave ships were the Jews.

Now, of all people, a Jewish feminist historian named Natalie Zemon Davis
has written a book on a subject which has up until now been strictly off
limits to historians and scholars-Jews and their role in the slave trade and
in slave ownership. Davis uses as her starting point the life and times of
one Jewish physician who also made big bucks (or in his case, big guilders)
in the slave trade during the 18th century, David Isaac Cohen Nassy, a
resident and merchant prince of the Dutch colony in Surinam in South
America, where tens of thousands of black African slaves lived and toiled in
the sugar cane fields and the steaming, fever and snake-infested jungles
under conditions that made a plantation in Virginia or domestic service in
Massachusetts look like paradise.

According to an article in The Jewish Forward, the largest and most
prestigious Jewish newspaper in America, ".Nassy was not an anomaly. Of the
hundreds of Portuguese and Dutch settlers who traveled to the small plot of
land just north of Brazil, almost a third were Jewish. And almost all had
slaves. Surinam provided a choice example to exhibit this intermixing - if
not for the abundant paper trail that Nassy left behind, then for the sheer
exoticism of the place.Sephardic Jews from Portugal had lived on the land
and were some of the colony's first owners of slave-run sugar plantations.
By the early 18th century, when Nassy lived.Jews were also granted autonomy
and maintained their own legal system and militia, whose largest task
involved capturing runaway slaves called maroons." In other words, the Dutch
colonial authorities contracted the lucrative racket of "slave-catching" to
the Jews.

The connection between Jews and slavery was known even prior to the Civil
War, and it is interesting to note that the Jews, as always, were on the
side that could make them the quickest buck. One of the major advocates of
slavery in the South was "Major" Mordecai Manuel Noah (1785-1851.) He was
considered the most distinguished Jewish layman in his time. He was such a
prolific proponent of slavery, that the first negro periodical, The Freedom
Journal, was launched in response to Noah's activities, including "To
emancipate the slaves would be to jeopardize the safety of the whole
country." The Freedom Journal called Noah the black man's "bitterest enemy"
and William Lloyd Garrison, the leading White abolitionist, called him the
"lineal descendant of the monsters who nailed Jesus to the cross." (From the
banned book: The Secret History of Blacks and Jews)

The annual Report of the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society for the
year 1853 stated: The American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Report of
1853 "The Jews of the United States have never taken any steps whatever with
regard to the slavery question. As citizens, they deem it their policy to
have every one choose which ever side he may deem best to promote his own
interests and the welfare of his country. They have no organization of an
ecclesiastical body to represent their general views; no General Assembly,
or its equivalent. The American Jews have two newspapers, but they do not
interfere in any discussion which is not material to their religion. It
cannot be said that the Jews have formed any denominational opinion on the
subject of American slavery..The objects of so much mean prejudice and
unrighteous oppression as the Jews have been for ages, surely they, it would
seem, more than any other denomination, ought to be the enemies of caste,
and friends of universal freedom."

Jewish attorney and historian Seymour B. Liebman has written: "They came
with ships carrying African blacks to be sold as slaves. The traffic in
slaves was a royal monopoly, and the Jews were often appointed as agents for
the Crown in their sale..[They] were the largest ship chandlers in the
entire Caribbean region, where the shipping business was mainly a Jewish
enterprise..The ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned by Jewish
crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains." [New World Jewry
1493-1825: Requiem for the Forgotten (KTAV, New York, 1982), pp. 170, 183.]

Essentially, the infamous "Middle Passage" was largely a Jewish racket. The
Jews owned the ships and Liebman notwithstanding, it was assorted Gentiles
sailed in them and took all the risks from storms, African tribesmen, slave
revolts on board, and the terrible fevers of the disease-ridden West African
tropics. The Jews handled the sale once the negroes had arrived in the
Americas, usually the West Indies or Cuba or Surinam or Brazil. (The actual
importation of blacks right off the boat from Africa into the thirteen
British colonies was comparatively rare; most American slaves came from Cuba
or the West Indies and had already been slaves for several generations when
they arrived here. Importation of foreign slaves into the United States was
outlawed by Congress in 1808.)

The truth is out there about the origins of American slavery. The big
question is "How long will the Jewish role in slavery be hidden?"

Dr. Auric D. Hellman

Honest truth

May 16, 2010, 3:48:49 AM5/16/10
On Sun, 16 May 2010 01:22:07 -0400, Auric Hellman wrote:

> The Jewish Role in the Slave Trade

Actually Auric Hellman does not think he is insulting anyone with these
comments, as he approves of black slavery.

Actually such slavery still exists today mainly in the Arab world.

Slavery today has five main forms. First, about 20 million people are
enslaved as bonded labourers around the world; most of whom are in South
Asia. This is the least known form of slavery today and yet is the most
widely used method of enslaving people. For example, these people may have
borrowed money for as little as the cost of medicine for a sick child, and
they are working to pay it off. Unfortunately they cannot read or write and
therefore have no idea when they have worked off the debt and so they are
just kept working. They receive basic food and shelter as ļæ½paymentļæ½ for
their work. But they may never pay off the loan, which can be passed down
through several generations. Thanks to organisations like Anti-Slavery
International, such work is now a criminal offence under international law.
But corrupt local governments and police officers have been slow to enforce
the rules or else just ignore them.

Second, there is child labour. Of course, some types of work can make a
useful contribution to a childļæ½s development. Work can help children learn
about responsibility and develop skills that will benefit them and society.
But the International Labour Organisation estimates that 179 million of the
worldļæ½s children, or 1 in every 8, aged between 5 and 17 are in the worst
forms of child labour. This is work that is hazardous to their mental and
physical health.

Third, there is early and forced marriage. This affects women and girls who
are married without choice and are forced into lives of servitude, which
are often accompanied by physical violence.

Fourth, there are about 300,000 child soldiers in over 30 areas of conflict
worldwide. Some are as young as 10-years old. Child soldiers may fight on
the front line and also work in support roles; girls are often obliged to
be ļæ½soldiersļæ½ wivesļæ½. Even if they are eventually freed from their military
roles, the children are psychologically scarred for life by what they have
seen and done.

Finally, human trafficking is the fastest growing means by which people are
enslaved today. Women, children and men are coerced and deceived by
traffickers who promise work with good pay and opportunities in areas far
from families and communities. Instead the reality is a harsh contrast,
they are forced through the threat or use of violence to work against their
will. At least 700,000 people are trafficked each year.

Slavery is not just a matter for the history books. It is still a
flourishing business that requires international action to combat it. What
is amazing is to people like Auric Hellman, slavery is okay in Muslim

About us

The Palestinian Zionist Organization is:
Against the lying and deceitfull activities of the terroristic Palestinian
Government led by Hamas and Fatah.
Against the lies that the Palestinians show the world media so the world
ALWAYS blames Israel!
Against the 'Land for Peace' policy forced by the USA and the UN. The only
thing that Israel receives in return for land are rockets send by Hamas and
Fatah. 'Land for Peace' is one big Palestinian lie!
Against a Palestinian State. This Palestinian State will become the most
terroristic state in the world! Official Hamas documents show that they
will only use every 'new inch of land' to destroy the nation of Israel.
Politics does not change the hearts of people!
Against the Palestinian child abuse by Hamas and Fatah who turn children
into suicide bombers.
Against the division of Jerusalem. The Palestinians will only use their
part of Jerusalem to terrorize the Jewish part of Jerusalem.

Sheik Quassam

May 16, 2010, 9:28:20 AM5/16/10
We don't. know.



a) Arabs
b) Africans themselves selling their own humans like cattly, to the white

By the way, how long will the role of Jews in creating Moral Codes and Law
be hidden?
Or maybe all Western & most of Eastern countries laws fell from the sky?
Wasn't it all copied from Torah & Moses gave you 10 most important rules?

I hope someone will put somethign between your eyes, one day fo rbeing a

Auric Hellman

May 16, 2010, 12:56:35 PM5/16/10

"Honest truth" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 16 May 2010 01:22:07 -0400, Auric Hellman wrote:
>> The Jewish Role in the Slave Trade
> Actually Auric Hellman does not think he is insulting anyone with these
> comments, as he approves of black slavery.
> Actually such slavery still exists today mainly in the Arab world.
> Slavery today has five main forms. First, about 20 million people are
> enslaved as bonded labourers around the world; most of whom are in South
> Asia. This is the least known form of slavery today and yet is the most
> widely used method of enslaving people. For example, these people may have
> borrowed money for as little as the cost of medicine for a sick child, and
> they are working to pay it off. Unfortunately they cannot read or write
> and
> therefore have no idea when they have worked off the debt and so they are
> just kept working. They receive basic food and shelter as �payment� for

> their work. But they may never pay off the loan, which can be passed down
> through several generations. Thanks to organisations like Anti-Slavery
> International, such work is now a criminal offence under international
> law.
> But corrupt local governments and police officers have been slow to
> enforce
> the rules or else just ignore them.
> Second, there is child labour. Of course, some types of work can make a
> useful contribution to a child�s development. Work can help children learn

> about responsibility and develop skills that will benefit them and
> society.
> But the International Labour Organisation estimates that 179 million of
> the
> world�s children, or 1 in every 8, aged between 5 and 17 are in the worst

> forms of child labour. This is work that is hazardous to their mental and
> physical health.
> Third, there is early and forced marriage. This affects women and girls
> who
> are married without choice and are forced into lives of servitude, which
> are often accompanied by physical violence.
> Fourth, there are about 300,000 child soldiers in over 30 areas of
> conflict
> worldwide. Some are as young as 10-years old. Child soldiers may fight on
> the front line and also work in support roles; girls are often obliged to
> be �soldiers� wives�. Even if they are eventually freed from their
> military
> roles, the children are psychologically scarred for life by what they have
> seen and done.
> Finally, human trafficking is the fastest growing means by which people
> are
> enslaved today. Women, children and men are coerced and deceived by
> traffickers who promise work with good pay and opportunities in areas far
> from families and communities. Instead the reality is a harsh contrast,
> they are forced through the threat or use of violence to work against
> their
> will. At least 700,000 people are trafficked each year.
> Advertisement
> Slavery is not just a matter for the history books. It is still a
> flourishing business that requires international action to combat it. What
> is amazing is to people like Auric Hellman, slavery is okay in Muslim
> countries.

By no means do I 'approve' of the enslavement of any human being by anyone.
You are evading the single issue I am addressing here, the Jewish role in
the American slave trade. You cannot justify or excuse what happened to the
American black man because someone else is doing it or did it. The Holocaust
doesn't excuse what happened to the Armenians. The Jewish community owes
more than just an acknowledgement or an apology to the African-American


May 16, 2010, 4:32:57 PM5/16/10

"Auric Hellman" <> wrote in message
More Jew Hater bullshit

Auric Hellman

May 16, 2010, 8:38:55 PM5/16/10

"TheZ" <> wrote in message
> More Jew Hater bullshit

More racist anti-black bullshit by a Jew in denial. The healing process will
begin when you face the truth.


May 16, 2010, 8:54:14 PM5/16/10
You have no idea of any truth.
"You can't handle the truth"

"Auric Hellman" <> wrote in message

Honest truth

May 17, 2010, 8:49:07 AM5/17/10
> By no means do I 'approve' of the enslavement of any human being by anyone.

As I pointed out much of the slavery today is in Muslim countries. Your
silence is proof


May 17, 2010, 9:55:22 AM5/17/10

The schizophrenic k00k "J Young/Moishe Cohen" et al posted as "Auric
Hellman" <> in message

> "TheZ" <> wrote in message
> news:ODYHn.6425$gv4....@newsfe09.iad...

>> More Jew Hater bullshit

> More racist anti-black bullshit by a Jew in denial. The healing process
> will begin when you face the truth.

Speaking of "racist anti-black bullshit", here's a whopper:

"Problem with those negroes was that they were too slow, lazy, and
stupid. They were warned to go, just like the white people were. The
difference; the white man left. By the time the shines boardered the
transportation available, there was too many people at the same time
looking to leave. Who's fault is that?"
From: "Auric Hellman" <>
Subject: Re: KATRINA & USA Ethnic cleansing
Date: 28 Aug 2006 16:47:31 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Now, you were saying something, "Dr. Hellman"?


"If you had to live with his ("Auric/Moishe/J Young") personality, you'd
want to change identities a lot, too."
From: Don Martin <>
Subject: Re: Happy New Year 2010
Message-ID: <>


May 18, 2010, 10:01:29 AM5/18/10

"LC" <> wrote in message

> The schizophrenic k00k "J Young/Moishe Cohen" et al posted as "Auric
> Hellman" <> in message

>> "TheZ" <> wrote in message
>> news:ODYHn.6425$gv4....@newsfe09.iad...

>>> More Jew Hater bullshit

>> More racist anti-black bullshit by a Jew in denial. The healing process
>> will begin when you face the truth.

> Speaking of "racist anti-black bullshit", here's a whopper:

> "Problem with those negroes was that they were too slow, lazy, and
> stupid. They were warned to go, just like the white people were. The
> difference; the white man left. By the time the shines boardered the
> transportation available, there was too many people at the same time
> looking to leave. Who's fault is that?"
> From: "Auric Hellman" <>
> Newsgroups:
> seattle.politics,nyc.politics,wash.politics,tx.politics,ca.politics
> Subject: Re: KATRINA & USA Ethnic cleansing
> Date: 28 Aug 2006 16:47:31 -0700
> Message-ID: <>

> Now, you were saying something, "Dr. Hellman"?

Like like "Dr. Hellman/J/Moishe" et al has run away.


How...not surprising!

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