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Nomen Nescio

May 3, 2009, 1:40:02 AM5/3/09
Words, definitions, and vocabulary for our ( white ) race:
( Some Jewish supremacist terms are included for educational purposes )

Afrogroidian - An African Negro
Naha - North American hairless ape

Anti-Gentilism - Hostility toward, or discrimination against non-Jews perpetrated by Jewish Supremacists

Anti-Semite - Label given by Jewish Supremacists to Gentiles they dislike or who oppose their Genocidal policies
Anti-Semitism - Telling the truth about Jews
Boat-Jacking - Phenomenom first appearing after hurricane Katrina, in which Negroes steal boats by violent threat of force while their occupants are still in it. ( Similar to car-jacking )
Crimes - Polite code word for non-whites, usually Negroes. Word used by both Jewish supremacists, and Pan Aryanists alike, but with slightly different meanings. Word adopted by Pan Aryans after learning of its meaning from Jewish supremacists in the media.
1) Example Of Jewish Supremacist Use - "A 'crime' was committed ( race of perpetrator not specified ) at the local 7-11." Translation - A holdup at the store by a non-white person.
2) Example Of Pan Aryan Use - "There are a lot of 'crimes' living in my neighborhood." Translation - Lots of non-whites living in neighborhood.

Caucagroid - A whigger

Whigger ( Sometimes spelled "Wigger" ) - A white person who acts like a Nigger

Jewish Supremacist - Person often of Jewish decent who wishes to rule over, control, and destroy other races by means of turnspeak, media control, forced integration, miscegenation, promotion of degeneracy, hijacking of traditional European institutions and values, etc.

Turnspeak - ( British variant of Doublespeak ) Jewish Supremacist tactic of speaking or writing in a manner so as to portray the perpetrator as the victim, or the victim the perpetrator

Anti-Defamation League - Turnspeak, should be called the "Defamation League," because their purpose is to defame people who oppose Jewish Supremacism

Charlie Chaplin - Secret code phrase used by white nationalists and Pan Aryanists to mean "Adolf Hitler"

Cohencidence - A Jewish coincidence

Hate Speech - Speech that Jewish Supremacists hate hearing, usually very truthful

Racist - Obsolete word sometimes still used by white nationalists but in recent times it has been defined by our enemies, to mean someone who wishes to cause harm to a person of another race. Therefore, suggestions are to replace the word with Anthropologist or white Civil rights activist, or white preservationalist

Ethnic Diversity - Condition achieved by maintaining homogeneous cultures through racial separation resulting in a variety of races and social groups throughout the world

Anthropologist - Person who studies the behavior and characteristics of races and cultures, and wishes to protect the heritage of all races through ethnic diversity as defined above
Fucking Up - Crude street term for what a non-white does when they have sex, or produce a mongrel with a white ( See "Gene Hi-Jacking" )
Fucking Down - Crude street term for what a white person does when they have sex, or produce a mongrel with a non-white

Holocaust - Jewish word for the industry they created for the purpose of extorting money, milking sympathy, and inflicting a guilt complex on societies over the suffering of Jews during World War II. No provisions are allowed for the benefit of other races of people who suffered
Holocaustianity - Religious belief unsupported by any forensic or scientific evidence pertaining to myths concerning the so-called "Holocaust" of Jews during World War II. The practitioner is expected to perpetuate these myths. One of the main tenets of Holocaustianity is to make the absurd claim that evidence to support their beliefs DO INDEED exist, although most just accept the existence of such evidence on faith, and the repetition of hearing it over and over again by other practitioners, although in reality none exists.

Hater - ( Word has been defined by our enemies ) Turnspeak for a white person who loves their own race, and wants to protect their culture, heritage, and traditions

Homosexual or Lesbian - Has been defined by Jewish Supremacists to mean very special person who, due to their sexual perversions, needs to be celebrated with large parades, and special privileges at the expense of the majority.

White Person - Defined by Jewish Supremacists as lowest class citizen whos' race needs to be destroyed. However, in the meantime, person who owes the rest of society a living, especially blacks due to slavery, and Jews due to the "Holocaust"

Postjudiced - ( Opposite of Prejudiced ) To "post-judge" as opposed to "pre-judge", or form an opinion about after careful observation over a long period of time.
So, the next time someone tells you you're prejudiced, tell them: "No, I'm postjudiced." And then explain the meaning to them

Tolerance - Medical term meaning the amount of poison one can withstand before succumbing to death. Also, mechanical term meaning how far something can deviate from the norm before breaking.

44 or 44's - Greetings or well-wishes among white nationalists or Pan Aryanists who agree with ideas expressed by David Duke ( D = 4th letter of alphabet, therefore David Duke or DD = 44 )

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. - In celebration of the black communist prostitute-patronizing plagiaristic drug-using race-mixer, by decree from our enemies this name must be given to at least one street in every city and town in America. Members of our race are advised to lock all their doors, and travel over this road as quickly as legally possible, as it is usually infested with criminal-prone people afflicted with the disease Negrosis

Negrosis - Illness afflicting certain animal species producing a humanoid type creature with dark skin and big lips

Spic Lickers - SPLC ( Southern Poverty Law Center )

Gene Hi-Jacking - miscegenation

( The ) Jewish Question ( S ) - Phrase used by white nationalists and Pan Aryanists when discussing what the Jews refer to as the "Holocaust," or other issues concerning Jewish supremacism.
Obamanation - Potential abominable situation created by electing Barack Hussein Obama to President Of The United States
Usual Suspects - Phrase used to describe wealthy and/or powerful Jewish supremacists who often commit mischievious acts against the white race
Goyim - Jewish term for non-Jews, translates to "cattle"
Shabbos Goyim - Ancient Jewish term meaning a non-Jew who was willing to work on the day of the Sabbath. In modern times has come to mean non-Jewish person, usually white, who will do the bidding of the Jews. In other words, a Jewish supremacist who is not a Jew from a technical standpoint, yet walks, talks, and acts like one. Related phrase: "Bought-And-Paid-For-Shabbos-Goyim"
Swartza ( S ) - Jewish term for nigger ( S )
Shiksa - Derogatory term used by Jews to describe a Gentile woman ( Almost always white ) to whom the Jewish male is usually attracted to, or less often can be attributed by Jews to any Gentile woman regardless of whether there is an attraction. Term also used by Jewesses to describe any Gentile woman
Shikselbes - Term used by Jews to falsely ( in almost all cases ) describe young Gentile girls, ( Almost always white ) translates to "little whores"


May 3, 2009, 4:09:44 AM5/3/09

"Nomen Nescio" <> wrote in message

> Words, definitions, and vocabulary for our
>( white ) race:

B.H. Cramer

May 3, 2009, 5:26:18 AM5/3/09

"Abraham" <> wrote in message

> "Nomen Nescio" <> wrote in message
>> Words, definitions, and vocabulary for our
> inferior

Snipping turd.

The following 14 questions will test how far you've come in understanding
how our world functions and the economic factors that influence that
functioning. After reading the article far below, answer the following:

(1) Is the western economic collapse a real problem for the masses of
humanity or is it just regional in nature and therefore not a problem for
the majority of people?

(2) Will this collapse only affect the lower classes?

(3) Will the economic collapse eventually have a profound effect on your
life and the lives of your children, or is this mostly happening to other
people and their families?

(4) True or False: Wealth can just "disappear."

(5) Is there a special ethnic group behind the purposeful draining of wealth
from America and the other western countries, or is this just the result of
a bunch of greedy white businessmen doing business as usual?

(6) True or False: Goldman-Sachs is typical of businesses owned and operated
by greedy white men.

(7) True or False: It was a combination of luck and pluck that allowed
Goldman Sachs to come out on top, it really could have been any company had
the circumstances been different.

(8) Was the massive movement of wealth planned or was it simply a big

(9) True or False: The type of person typically involved with these
financial operations is of a caliber of genius so far above the normal IQ
that the common man could never hope to understand the vast and intricate
world of finance.

(10) True or False: The reason for the Byzantine complexity of the world of
finance is that it must be this way for it to function effectively.

(11) True or False: The complexity of the financial world makes it
considerably more difficult for those not directly involved with it to
understand it.

(12) True or False: This economic collapse was nothing more than the work of
stupid, greedy people who were unaware of the effects of their greed and

(13) What might be the eventual outcome for white western culture if the
collapse continues?

(14) True or False: The economy will eventually self-correct, allowing
everything to return to the norm of the late twentieth century.

(Here is a bonus ethnic clue in case you need it: G-O-L-D-M-A-N S-A-C-H-S).


May 3, 2009, 2:03:16 PM5/3/09

"B.H. Cramer" <> wrote in message

> "Abraham" <> wrote in message
> news:gtj5e2$h6m$
>> "Nomen Nescio" <> wrote in message
>>> Words, definitions, and vocabulary for our
>> inferior
> Snipping turd.
> The following 14 questions will test how far you've come in
> understanding how our world functions and the economic factors that
> influence that functioning. After reading the article far below,
> answer the following:

Hahaha....You stupid fuck. You are better off playing with matches.

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