Kathleen J. Frydl - historian** studying US state power, policies, and
the institutions that shape American life (starts at 3:25. I think
this means her part starts 3:25 into the whole show, and ends about 30
minutes in.)
on the Richard R J Eskow Zero Hour, DC
**historian, parents from Czechoslovakia. 3 serious books on Amazon
"Cosmopolitan" is a recently used code word for Jews, Eskow points
The rest gives a serious comparison of Trump to hitler
http://www.thisisthezerohour.com/ for a while. Easy to play here.
Older Episodes at the very bottom of the page. New shows every week.
Trump: American Fascism Originally published on Sat, 19 Mar 2016
Well, it seems it's also on Itunes.
Right now it's entry 2, March/19/2016 Free
Trump: American Fascism Kathleen J. Frydl - 3/19/2016 Free