>> i don't like cruz either. he panders to the religious right and i have heard he i ruthless as well. i agree with cindy s. on this. i however don't think he was referring to jews when he made that statement i think he was referring to liberals.
Even though there are plenty of conservatives in the media, liberals
are associated in many minds with the media, but money is a lot more
associated with conservatives. They've got money and they want to
keep it.
Did you read the article too quickly? It does NOT call the comments
anything. It just comments on another article in the feminist blog
Jezebel, apparently by someone named Rothkopf. Timpf doesn't give
her first name.
The NR article ends "Hm. Is she maybe — just maybe – reading just a
little too much into this? She doesn’t think so. In fact, she went so
far as to call his comments “FCC-condoned slurs.” Yes, she actually
said “slurs.” Of course she did! Because after all, just when I start
to think that people couldn’t possibly get any more ridiculous,
somebody always proves me wrong.l"
Well, sort of: "I believe in fairness, and so I cited the full
transcript above, rather than shape it to serve my point with cuts and
omissions. And for the record I don’t believe Senator Ted Cruz is an
anti-Semite. He’s a loyal friend of Israel and has enough Jewish
following to suggest he isn’t. But when he used the New York values
quote he did it in the very same vein as that character on the West
Wing, as a short form for people like me." That's very close.
But whether these two did or not, plenty of others though as Cindy
"And the part that disturbed me the most was not so much what Cruz
said, but the laughter and the applause of the audience. As in, “But I
promise you, in the state of South Carolina, they do. (Applause)”
What can I tell you, as a New York Jew, when people down in South
Carolina laugh at and applaud an insult at my expense — I get
nervous." So whether Cruz is antisemitic or not, he's promoting it,
because he's up there like a leader and some really support him and
he's said such a thing. Whether Dod gets it or not, plenty of the
people in SCarolina do.
"And his [Trump's] explanation [for expressing liberal views in an
interview with Tim Russert "not too many years ago] — he said, “look,
I’m from New York, that’s what we believe in New York. Those aren’t
Iowa values, but this is what we believe in New York.”"
Cruz's problem is that he hasnt' noticed Trump thinks he's the center
of the universe, so of course Trump thinks anything he thinks is "what
we believe in New York".
>Now, I don't believe that Cruz is anti Israel and may not even be anti semitic,
>but he was using anti semitism as a weapon. I wonder what 20th century
>politician he might have learned that from?
Off topic items:
From this article, from a transcript of what Crus said: "my friend
Donald has taken to it as (ph) advance playing Bruce Springsteen’s
“Born in the USA,”" What does "(ph)" mean?
As an aside, the woman asking the question was "Host Maria Bartiromo".
I don't know what that means but the Italians have so many good
surnames, like the Sephardim. And btw, Italians in NYC and NYS tend
to be Republicans. I've posted here before about how, in the
goverrnor's race between Lou Lehrman and Mario Cuomo, the Jews voted
for the Italian because he was liberal and the Italians voted for the
Jew because he was conservative. Cuomo squeaked to a victory.
Cruz ended saying "And — and I guess I can — can frame it another way.
Not a lot of conservatives come out of Manhattan. I’m just saying."
And Trump rebutted about William F. Buckley "and others", and Cruz let
that die, which was a shame. Because Cruz was trying to make fun of,
rather than whine about, Trump's stupid insulting statement that "not
a lot of evangelicals come out of Cuba" which might be true, but has
nothing to with Cruz, whose father became evan. when Cruz was little,
and Cruz got it from him. So Trump is insinuating that Cruz is
insincere, just because he was born in Cuba, no it was Canada.
Basically another one of Trump's lies, though this is from the 25% of
his lies where he doesn't say anything literally false. I would not
allow my children to play with his children.