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Missile Warning App

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Yisroel Markov

Mar 15, 2016, 4:46:37 PM3/15/16
As the saying goes, there's an app for that. Especially in Israel.

The army’s early warning app, iOref, is faster and smarter than the
competition’s, according to the director of the IDF Homefront
Command’s alerts division. “There are other apps that claim to warn
Israelis if a missile is coming in, or if there is information they
need in the event of a civil emergency, but none are as fast and
accurate as iOref [oref refers to the homefront], which we developed
with a private sector partner,” said Shlomo Maman. “Our notifications
come in about four seconds faster than the other leading app, and
because of the combined cell and GPS location tech we use, we are able
to much more accurately pinpoint where an impact is about to take

This is no meaningless boast. “When you have fifteen seconds to get to
a shelter in advance of an incoming rocket, as the residents of the
Gaza border area have, then every second counts,” said Maman.

Full article at
Yisroel "Godwrestler Warriorson" Markov - Boston, MA Member -- for a sober analysis of the world DNRC
"Judge, and be prepared to be judged" -- Ayn Rand
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