- Content Of Life Energy Particles - Mechanics of Deception
29 August 2001
{HRI 20010829-pi10-V2.3}
(part issue 10
Version 2.3
on 22 Oct 2006)
(Continued from {HRI 20010829-pi9-V3.0}
'Life Energy Particles - Perception At A Distance' *)
Content Of Life Energy Particles - Mechanics of Deception
Further you may like to know, that Life Energy Particles can contain
feelings, information, thoughts, three-dimensional pictures,
that is how you perceive things, including your connecting to
You can of course connect to more things, that you then perceive
something of.
The layman, having been told at school, the vicious lie, that
"perception is done by the eyes and ears," now has to use other
words for perception, and has to agree it is "un-explained,"
so the layman calls things 'Dimensions,' or dreams, or
'the other side,' or 'the other world,' or clairvoyance,
or premonitions, or deja-vues, or 'time-traveling,' or
'remote viewing,' 'dowsing,' 'intuition,' psychometry,
etc., etc.,
which is of course all very interesting,
but ...all it is, is just looking with and at, or feeling,
Life Energy Particles - seeing or hearing or feeling what's
in these.
To give you another example of people making things
extremely complex and "un-understandable" (and also quite
"un-reparable" - which they do not like to admit):
In the Medical Profession, they have more and more
They deny the VERY things, that make and keep a
person healthy or sick - (I) the soul, that creates
and directs Life Energy Particles; and (II) Life
Energy Particle structures themselves; and of course
(III) they deny those inimical individuals, who
destroy or harm the vital Life Energies in your
soul and of your body:
And when we see, how the Medical Trade treats
CARING and INTELLIGENT doctors, how these
- like the famous Mr. Semmelweiss
(1818-1865) -
are ruthlessly mowed down exactly by their OWN
then the Medical Profession will likely provide
us with two hundred MORE years of living part
of our lives in pain and incapacity,
and our lives NOT ending, as would be
NORMAL, in dignity with a natural death,
but with a suffering death, and heavily
drugged or even debilitated,
and vast amounts of money then
disappearing ...into the pockets
of the Medical Trade and of their
companion bottomless holes called
"Medical research" and "Medical
drugs" ...to achieve THAT.
So they are denying the very basics of Medicine itself,
since many thousands of years,
they - the Medical Trade - do not know, and they do
NOT WANT to know, what 'order' is,
and so there is a rapid development of all kind of
'Seasonal Affective Disorder,' 'Left Jerking Leg
Disorder' - all very serious and highly unpleasant
for those affected - but
ALL IT IS, is Life Energy Particles gone wrong - meaning:
messed up, not controlled, not restored, blocked, contaminated.
"Yes, but we can't SEE Life Energy Particles."
Come on, now - you can't see air either, or
bacteria, or electrons for that matter.
You use machines for it - if you can't see
these - isn't it. Now IF Mr. Siemens and Mr.
Phillips, not to mention Mr. Nobel, WERE
interested in actual medical science,
THEN they would of course pay for those
machines to be built and sold,
and they would award CARING, INTELLIGENT
medical doctors;
of which there are some, but none
ever supported by the three
big-money names mentioned above,
at first glance.
Thus I made the discovery of yet another 'Disorder,' which
is called 'Medical Disorder,' described above.
We saw earlier, that Life Energy Particles contain and convey
impressions of all the senses, which makes a correct representation
of the physical universe available to you, and we saw, that Life
Energy contains and keeps a memory of the past.
But other Life Energy Particles, projected by people at you, or as
created by yourself, can also contain illusions, deceptions, lies,
wrongly identified locations, false time, wrongly identified
persons, and
feelings of fear, feelings of pain, and unawareness and
These things, you probably can check easiest, when you look at dreams
you have had.
Also when some individuals make you experience with great certainty,
that "they really wanted and really did" things,
of which you later have to find out, that it was only their forceful
PRETENSE to you,
or when they make you feel and experience as "true," the very false
tales they tell about others,
also that is their deliberate use of Life Energy.
And then there are those individuals who impersonate others - by
using Life Energy Particles taken from and belonging to others
- a common 'sport' on Earth, by which they hide their own true
Identity (one would have to be very Ugly and without
Conscience, to even want to do such things) to get the
recognition and benefits that not they but that others worked
for -
they make you feel and "recognize" the person whose Energy Particles
they have taken and hold in front of their face, and maybe also around
and in their body.
This is very common, and friendships or marriages intended by
such an impersonation, are likely to fail, and should also not
be entertained, of course
- no matter how painful it is for the victim, to look
behind the impersonation.
Individuals of bad intention, create and throw mutilated Life Energy
Particles, that cause the perception of pain, of terror, of ugliness,
Individuals of bad intention LIKE to cause bad feelings in you,
they like to cause carelessness, and to carry out deception.
They intentionally create and project the Energy of Ugliness,
in order to make you withdraw from life, to spoil your joy of
connecting to life,
to block your feeling your desire to be alive and do the
things you normally would enjoy tremendously to do.
The repulsiveness makes you not want to perceive through
or behind the Ugliness Energy projected, and thus also
thereby they block your feeling of and connecting to life,
to people:
"All is Ugly and Suffering" - which they actually
make you experience - but THESE ARE JUST PARTICLES
THAT THEY HAVE PROJECTED AT YOU or around someone or
You can imagine, that these are very effective
means, for them to manipulate you, to 'steer' you
where they want you,
They also block perception in others, by means of the mutilated Life
Energy Particles that cause plain unawareness, these literally
- whether you like it or not - disconnect you from perceiving things,
like a black velvet curtain does.
So, they bring about and place 'blind spots' in you, and they
may even inflict spells of (complete, full) unconsciousness on
you, or cause you to fall asleep.
In this way, they attempt to manipulate and control you and others.
And they project these things "as if it is your own bad Life
Energy," or as if it is "bad Life Energy produced by your body"
- while in fact it was THEY who created such mutilated,
mutilating Energy Particles,
and it is THEY who project such harmful Energies, that
you feel inside or impinging onto your body,
or that you feel inside your soul, or hammering away at
your soul, or surrounding your soul.
These Particles also contain and relay thoughts, remember:
So certain individuals project a forceful intention with it,
that you think "what you feel, is something you did or caused
yourself or thought of yourself, or is something your body did."
As any hypnotist knows, the force to comply with the
projected intention, makes you then supply the
"right explanation:"
Then it becomes "something bad you ate," "a cold you
caught," "some feelings of discomfort or pain from your
body," and so on, to give you some extremely mild examples.
The individuals who do these things, have an enormous interest
in making this subject not known or not understood - or falsely
Without that you know anything about this, you usually manage to
remedy these things, especially if you are 'young at heart,' and with
it, 'young in action,'
by creating so much of your own Life Energy and so much of your
body's own Life Energy, that
much of the harmful external influences, is flushed away, is
flushed out of your body, and out of your soul.
This is especially effective, when you (have from an early age onwards
been allowed to) create your OWN Life Energy in abundance,
meaning, creating and feeling your OWN feelings,
creating your OWN perceptions of people and of life around you
(near and far) and
- rather than all the time doing (and seeing and thinking
and feeling) 'as you have been told,'
in particular having been told all the time, that
"you must go and sleep now," or, that "you need
sleep," or, that "you did not get enough sleep" -
rather than being alive as YOU desire, and
thus finding and making and following your OWN ideas and your
OWN true liking towards various activities and phenomena of
life, and towards other people.
(Continued in {HRI 20010829-pi11}
'Using Own Life Energy Particles - Certainty Of Perception' **)
Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet
'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'
1 Kings 4:29
(*) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Life Energy Particles
- Perception At A Distance' {HRI 20010829-pi9-V3.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 9 Version 3.0 on 11 Oct 2006)
(**) 'Using Own Life Energy Particles - Certainty Of Perception'
{HRI 20010829-pi11}
(to be issued)
(see further under 'From:' below)
From: 'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth' (Version 1.0)
(29 August 2001 - Issued 4 Oct 2002)
Copyright 2001-2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
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