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(Part 6) Opposing The Nature Of The Creation {HRI 20010829-pi6-V4.3.1} - (part issue 6, Version 4.3.1 on 27 Sept 2006)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Sep 28, 2006, 3:37:34 AM9/28/06
The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Opposing The Nature Of The

29 August 2001
{HRI 20010829-pi6-V4.3.1}

(part issue 6
Version 4.3.1
on 27 Sept 2006)


(Continued from
{HRI 20010829-pi5} 'The Nature Of The Physical Universe' *)


Opposing The Nature Of The Creation


The Creation is based on Life Energy that contains Love and Truth,
and Beauty and Expansion for all.

More poetically expressed:

'The Creation is an Ocean of Love and Truth and Beauty in
Expansion for all.'


That, of course, exposes those individuals who have NO love and
NO truth, and who have no own beauty, and who wish others to be
smaller and below them or dominated:

It 'puts THEM on the spot' (it shows them up, it exposes them)

in relation to others who DO have love and truth and
beauty and who DO enjoy others doing well.



Wanting not to be detected as individuals who create NO love, NO
beauty and NO desire of their own to hold truth, they instead keep

a FALSE "love" (they pretend love by means of Admiration) *(a)

a FALSE "truth" (they pretend truth, substituting it with
Intelligence, with the very intelligent pretense of truth) *(b)

and they enforce it, as if "THAT is how The Creation is,"

often while they tell you, that "each person has his 'own
Universe' and 'his own truth' and 'his own idea of beauty
and ugliness',"

and with it, they pretend, that "that is respecting

which is already in itself their lying, because what they
WANT, is, that 'you should "respect",'

meaning you must not at all respect, BUT

(respect means observation of someone's true
condition and actual position and intentions,

and respect definitely includes - truly
respectfully indeed - your choice NOT to
support things and intentions that you do
observe in them,

but that's not what THEY want)

you must (not at all respect, but you must) ACCEPT "their
'Universe'," and "THEIR 'truth'," and THEIR enforcement of
"what is 'beautiful' and what is 'ugly',"

and you must also accept THEIR - very
debilitating - admiration for you or for

and you must "respectfully 'act upon THEIR reality'" -

which MEANS, that you must 'follow and believe their
pretense' - you must spiritually become their slave -

which is not at all acting upon their true reality, of

When in fact they are treacherous, murderous thieves,
and are ENJOYING to be very ugly and mean, if only
in secret -

they would LIKE to be seen AND treated by you and by
others, as

"the most truthful and the most beautiful and most reliable
friends you have,"

in 'THEIR "reality",' in 'THEIR "Universe",'

a false "Creation:" *(1)



A system of Altered Life Energies, *(1)

wherein Criminal personalities are NOT DETECTED,

and - not being detected as the source of such
activities -

wherein they can overwhelm you and other decent people
more easily

into unawareness and into euphoria, or more

into conditioned and controlled 'awareness and
feelings and ideas and perceptions.' *(1)

You know this as 'the Cave,'

that I described for you, in my life time as



Pure, Un-altered Life Energy (usually called 'Prana' in India, or
'Chi' or 'Ki' or 'Qi' in China and Japan) brings about awareness and
strength and love and beauty and understanding, and increases memory,
and keeps the body healthy.


Altered Life Energies - deliberately mutilated, mis-shapen,
ALTERED Life Energy Particles -

are those that carry, that convey, that inflict, that
bring about, that are used in order to

for instance inflict the feeling of being hated, and project
bodily pain and sickness,

and other things most easily recognized, such as ringing
in the ears, blurring of vision, selective unawareness,
diminished hearing, lethargy, feeling ugly, being euphoric,

And that is easily seen and understood, because

ALL feelings and perceptions and all life functions, are brought
about and are kept up by means of Life Energy Particles:

And so any strange feelings and irrational emotions and
destructive ideas that you feel,

these ARE (these consist of, indeed) such Altered Life
Energy Particles ...that you experience.


Something to know about Altered Life Energies, and
about the feelings created and transported with

These are, most likely, NOT YOUR OWN. Much like
when you encounter a bad smell,

it does not necessarily mean at all, that it
is you or your body that causes the bad smell.

If you feel bad in the morning, then you feel
the Altered Energies that have been inflicted
onto and into your body during your sleep, and

you may feel, or notice later in the day, that
many of the Energies that you had created the
day before, have been smashed away again

- in the spiritually very savage world
that we are living in.


The same applies to many compulsions that you
have felt at times, from harmless to very
serious ones,

which consist of INFLICTED, mutilated Life
Energies, created by those who wished and wish
such things upon you, and who wish horrible
ideas to plague your thoughts.

The proof is very simple:

If you (honestly) 'say No' to YOURSELF,
and the ideas or feelings do NOT stop -

but if you (honestly) 'say No' to a
possible external source, and they DO
stop, or suddenly become controllable -

then the cause is most likely external,
isn't it.


Part of the infliction is, however, while you
ARE indeed plagued, that you THINK, that it is
yourself or your body, that "does it to you,"

not knowing or falsely "knowing" the
actual source of it, these Harmful
Energies become that much more difficult
to remove,

so that you do not and can not remove the
inflicted, Altered Life Energies, but ARE
plagued by it indeed - by the bad, compulsive
feelings and horrible bodily sensations -

because - again - not knowing or falsely
"knowing" the actual source of it, these
Harmful Energies become that much more
difficult to remove,

as truth is absolute, and not at all a
matter of opinion:

When the most learned people were of
the opinion, that bacteria did not exist,
which is not very long ago, their
opinion did not prevent women from dying
of childbed fever,

because truth is absolute,

and not a matter of personal
opinion or belief at all, but you
of course have to desire to look,
in order to establish truth.


If those harmful Energies - and the way they are caused and
inflicted - are NOT looked at by you

- which you and anyone however quite naturally try to do
all the time,

because looking or sensing IS the way to repel and to
get rid of them

(also if you have never at all heard of Life Energies,
let alone of ALTERED Life Energies) -

but if NOT looked at - if you take drugs instead, for
instance, or otherwise deny what you feel or sense to be
present - then

these harmful, Altered Energies might even be used by someone
intending such, to bring about sufficient harm to result in your
body's sudden death, or indeed to divert your attention or your
command over your body sufficiently to allow or provoke an
accident to occur, to make you trip, or 'to not see that car
coming,' etc. *(c)

And as I love you very dearly, I try to protect you from
such things, and that is why I tell you about it.



Your defense - as in any warfare, and so also in the
spiritually very violent world that we live in - is

to look at (to feel, to sense) what is ACTUALLY happening,
of course, and, you could get some sense of who causes
these things to you, and what this person (be he or she
dead or alive, that makes really no difference, in what he
or she) intends to inflict and to bring about

- truth is absolute, and so it is for you to look
at -

to look BEHIND the effect created,

rather than at "what you experience." Rather than
have you attention - maybe in fear - fixated on
the effect only, on what is inflicted on you.


Let's say, someone - not at all uncommonly - wants you to
feel and

(with their FALSE "definition," that "truth is what
you experience," they want you)

to EXPERIENCE the idea

(the idea created in and inflicted onto you by means
of mutilated Life Energy)

that 'you should kill yourself;'


but what IS HAPPENING - if you look BEHIND the effect
created, and you see (or at least guess) something of what
IS happening

(with the ACTUAL definition of truth - and truth is
absolute, so what you THEN see)

is, that 'SOMEONE projects or projected:'

the Altered, harmful Life Energy containing,
and thus giving, relaying to you, those
FEELINGS and those IDEAS and that INTENTION,
and containing such emotions, that

'You feel like you should kill yourself.'

("Nobody loves you," "you have failed utterly,"
"you can never win against evil," and so on,
isn't it... which are merely projections at
you, to GET you to die or give up, or to GET
you not to care enough anymore to stay healthy,
and to GET you to stop caring for those you
love, "because you have failed utterly.")


So, I would say, it is of great importance,

to be able, or to train yourself to
again become able,

to tell apart the feelings that ANOTHER may
inflict on you, as being not necessarily at
all your OWN feelings for yourself; and,

to keep connected to YOUR OWN FEELINGS, by having
some good idea and some easily recalled memory of
what these - your OWN feelings - are,

especially in times, that your soul is under heavy
attack, when your need - to know what your OWN
feelings are - is greatest;

And, I would say, it is of great importance,

to be able, or to train yourself to
again become able,

to RESTORE any rupture or break in connecting
to and feeling your own nature (your own
feelings) as soon as possible; and

further, I would say, that it is of great importance,
that you avoid those (including lovers or family
members) who are too much preventing you from being
connected to yourself,

and that you avoid also those, who do not care
about your condition of being cut off from
feeling yourself, but who instead demand, then,
that "all is normal with you,"

rather than helping or allowing you to
feel your own feelings again.


Especially regarding those who always PREVENTED you
from being connected to many or even most of your
feelings in many aspects of life,

and who thus always PREVENTED you from expressing or
even feeling your true and OWN feelings,

THEY will vehemently protest when you do (again
or finally) connect to who you are,

and, of course, they will tell you, often in
very unpleasant ways and very meanly, that
'you are not being your "old self" anymore:'

They always lived on your Energy - by
keeping you NOT connected to yourself,

they automatically could take your
Energy away from you, as you were never
aware it was yours in the first place

- compare it to someone, you, who
works day and night, but who
never is told of the value of
his work; so others collect the
'money' created, meaning, the
aliveness you create -

but now you tend to break the 'Energy supply' that
you were for them,

that you were without your knowledge, and that
you were without your understanding that
anyone could, let alone would do that to you,

and that you were without even FEELING it

because you are not connected to

BECAUSE they kept you from being connected to
yourself, but

'now they have lost you' ...indeed.



Criminal personalities throw not only the basic harmful
Energies (Euphoria, Ugliness, Hate-Pain and
Unconsciousness Energies) at you, but in particular they
project combinations of these, and the combination can also
be with healthy Life Energies,

exactly the same as you know it from other,
material warfare too, as in camouflage, lure,
deception, mis-direction, poisoning, and the

but in normal life, the warfare is with

Altered Life Energy - which may be mixed with Pure
Life Energy Particles to strengthen the effect
intended by

their Altered Life Energy Particles

- by which they control and manipulate your feelings
and thoughts;

- by which they make their repulsive thought
creations, and ugly or painful sensations, or
unconsciousness or euphoria, felt and experienced
by you;


'cocktails' such as "The Beauty of Hate" ('Enjoy Being

or "The Bliss of Being Aware" - which is brought about by
being wholly UNAWARE OF WHAT OTHERS FEEL ('Be Spiritually

or "The Strength Derived from being made Unaware of
Ugliness and Hate" ('Be Irresponsible')

and so on. *(d)



They throw these Altered Life Energy Particles - these
FEELINGS and IDEAS and SENSATIONS - at others.

They very literally surround you with their Harmful, Altered

and they also immerse themselves in those Energies that
they create, in "their own Universe or in their own World
of Experience" - "their 'own Reality'."



The simple, natural and vital knowledge and understanding of Life
Energy, is being very actively denied

by means of the enormous strength of hidden or camouflaged Hate,
by Hate Energy

that not only has been generated in the past and that is
maintained in the present, but that is also continuously
intended for the future by them

- most forcefully by about ONE percent of the population
anywhere on Earth, by the most intensely mutilated souls,
that is, and

regardless of race or gender or age or social status
or position, or wealth, and regardless of someone's
level of intelligence or education or abilities - and

by means of extremely forceful Unawareness - the 'blacking out'
or 'blanking out,' broken, disconnecting, perception-preventing,
blocking - Altered Life Energy,

that has been projected and that is being projected
continuously by harmful individuals so as to make and keep
you unaware of (unable to connect to, unable to sense or
perceive) things,

including the perception of their nature and of the
Energetic aspects of the very activities they are
engaged in day and night,

and they deny and prevent knowledge and
understanding further

by means of two other basic types of mutilated, perverted Life
Energies: Ugliness (Repulsiveness), and Euphoria (blind and
numb "happiness");

and so your natural and vital knowledge and understanding
of Life Energy (of Life itself) is being very actively


by those means and methods, which are used on you with tremendous
force and with compelling and overwhelming intensity - by such
dominating individuals -

with the purpose and effect of controlling, steering and
manipulating, what you feel "you do desire to be aware of,"

and even more importantly, they are controlling what you
feel "you do NOT desire to be aware of."

And very intelligent deception is added and brought into that,
for which of course the Altered Life Energy is used as well, by
them (as described above, with some general examples).



Thus it may have become obvious and understandable to you, why

the simple, natural and vital knowledge and understanding of
Life Energy

is being very actively denied, and

is very actively being prevented from being taught at
schools, and from being used in sciences,

as you know.


(Continued in
{HRI 20010829-pi7} 'Life Energy Particles And Your Body' **)


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


(*) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- The Nature Of The Physical Universe'
{HRI 20010829-pi5-V3.2.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 5 Version 3.2.1 on 18 Sept 2006)

(**) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- Life Energy Particles And Your Body'
{HRI 20010829-pi7-V2.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 7 Version 2.0 on 16 Aug 2005)

(1) 'The Feeling "When God Has Left You..."
- Introduction to 'What is Hell' '
{HRI 20031124-V3.2}
(24 November 2003 - Version 3.2 on 16 May 2005)
[check for newer version]


'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth' (Version 1.0)
(29 August 2001 - Issued 4 Oct 2002)


(a) Creating the feeling and illusion and sensation, that "there is
love," by replacing love with euphoric admiration, and admiration
has no relation to the absolute value or merit of something or
someone, while Love is a connecting Energy and thus strongly
perceives and judges what is there - but Criminal Minds (have)
REVERSE(D) these concepts in the mind of many: Criminal Minds
have everything in reverse.

(b) Truth is defined as 'that what happened and who caused it
with what intention'

- which results in certain effects,

the effects occur and are felt by you ALSO WITHOUT your
being aware of who was causing it and with what
intention it was caused - because also then

it results in certain effects that you DO feel or see.

Then, they (harmful individuals) want you to accept, that
THE EFFECT CREATED - an illusion for instance - "is the

You certainly would see or feel THE EFFECT, of what
is going on - the effect that is intended - but you
might not have a clue as to what actually IS going


They replace truth, by falsely defining "truth," as 'what you

And when ANOTHER intends the effect, that you experience,
then it comes to mean, of course - then the "definition"
gets even more false, as -

'"The truth is" what another wants you to

That is also the stage magician's "definition of Truth,"

with the difference, that he allows you to know,
THAT you are being deceived.

Again: They replace truth, by falsely defining it as 'what
you experience,' which in practice may mean, actually, 'what
another wants you to experience'

- often leaving you totally in the dark as to what is
really going on, and as to WHO wants to bring WHAT about.

Of course, truth is 'ALL of what actually happened, and WHO
really caused it with what actual INTENTION(s).'
It is absolute, it exists as it is, regardless of who knows it.

(c) The form of this particular Human Rights Issue is (to write it)
without describing actual, specific incidents.

(d) You find these extensively described in the Human Rights Issues,
usually without mentioning the Life Energetic viewpoint, but
in current, day-to-day language.


Copyright 2001-2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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