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The Nature Of The Physical Universe {HRI 20010829-pi5-V3.2.1} - (part issue 5 Version 3.2.1 on 18 Sept 2006)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Sep 18, 2006, 7:22:25 AM9/18/06
The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - The Nature Of The Physical

29 August 2001
{HRI 20010829-pi5-V3.2.1}

(part issue 5
Version 3.2.1
on 18 Sept 2006)


(Continued from {HRI 20010829-pi4} 'Some Fine Particle Physics' *)


There is going on

- and there has been going on, through the ages -

the infliction of extremely forceful unawareness, and very
intelligent deception

- driven by an enormous hate and disrespect for life -

in order to prevent knowledge of this subject.


As you know, the effectiveness of the deception was made up
of denying and hiding the nature of unawareness itself,

much like the continuation of war was made possible by - and
was MADE UP of - denying and hiding The Nature of War itself,

both of which I remedied now.



The hate of people, and the contempt for people, ranged from
ridicule, to burning people alive at the stake

- to much more atrocious and lasting things which I won't
mention here -

inflicted on you BECAUSE you are loving, and inflicted on you BECAUSE
you are truthful and because you are perceptive of lies, and inflicted
on you BECAUSE you are genuinely beautiful:

The nature of The Creation IS love and truth and beauty.



The hate and contempt for people, is traced to particular individuals
who want to deny the existence and the nature of The Creation,

in order to get established, that "The Creation" "is" an entirely
different thing than it is:

They basically try to establish a reversal, they project lies
about everyone and everything - in particular, they vehemently
try to enforce, that

"Very good people are actually evil" and, that

"Very evil people are actually good" and they wish it seen
and believed so, that

"THEY are the 'normal' people," and not only that, but

"THEY should be worshiped as 'caring for people'."



Those peculiar individuals, who use all their talents and forces for
the purpose of DENYING AND DESTROYING The Creation,

either have freely and by themselves decided to try and oppose
The Creation

- "to be bigger than The Creation" (which is an
impossibility, as they are part of The Creation) -

or, which is quite different and utterly atrocious, but results in
the same:

Their soul has at some time or many times been captured

- by those who freely decided to deny The Creation,

by those who were mutilated into also 'wanting
to' deny and oppose The Creation -

and then their soul has Energetically (mechanically) been
mutilated by their captors - meaning:

They have been 'demolished' - brought into an irreparable state - so
that they are

unable to feel the love, the beauty and truth of others, and so
that they are blocked from feeling the Energy of The Creation.

And not unusually, their soul may have been FURTHER demolished and
mutilated into desiring

ALSO to actively deny, and actively to destroy the love, the
beauty and the truth that others - like you and me - do have and
represent that IS the nature of The Creation.



Not only were those conditions unknown by anyone - until I
discovered these, due to my tremendous love for people and my
very alive curiosity and intelligence - in the whole of The

it was ALSO unknown, that there did not and does not exist
a remedy for the mutilation inflicted,

and so no remedy was ever evolved

- which should not be taken as a promise that a
remedy will be evolved -

and only "remedies" were PRETENDED - and planted in India
several thousands of years ago - with the purpose,

to create the illusion for people, that "evil is
necessary" and "must not be opposed or even
discovered and exposed and understood,"

and "evil will eventually disappear in a
person - who 'has to be evil' 'until it runs
out'," "because 'he or she - maybe anyone,
even - has needed to acquire that experience'
in order to evolve."


Those 'teachings' are - you can imagine - highly
valued and revered as "Divine Law" by people of an
evil nature, and are spread with total conviction by
them "as a solution to evil" - by those

who, with an elaborate belief structure made up of
the most atrocious lies about life, thus like to
create, and be granted on Earth, what they would
consider a perfect place to stay and to live; and

who thus should be regarded by you as "being
perfectly normal and even as desirable to have, or
their desires for evil at least being tolerated - if
seen by anyone at all."


However, only one percent of Earth's
population it is, whose soul has been made - or
is by own choice - permanently, viciously evil.

Yet, this small portion is trying to bring
about, that the other ninety-nine percent

- which includes you and me, and our
children -

are under their control, and they do try,
with great intelligence, persistence and with
total determination and force of certainty,

as they like to feel it so, that

for THEM "a lie 'IS' the truth," and

for them "truth 'IS' a lie."


And thus I had to write The Rights of Criminal Minds,
for you to apply to them, to mutual benefit.


Back to the bigger picture:



The Creation consists of all people - plus - Life Energy Particles
- plus - life forms - plus - super-condensed Life Energy Particles
formed into matter.

The part of The Creation that is matter, is commonly called the
physical or material universe, which is a bit of a mis-nomer, a bad
choice of words, because

the 'material or physical universe' as you call it, consists
ENTIRELY of Life Energy Particles,

some of which are enormously concentrated in order to become
solid objects - including the molecules and electrons that are
now quite well described.


The 'physical universe' - which consists of the condensed objects - is
easily seen as a large collection of galaxies.



To make the picture complete, I have to mention light - because of
those who are trying to deny and to destroy The Creation:

They want, that you believe, that "light determines what you
think of as space,"

an "understanding" proven to be wrong by a blind person;

further, they want you convinced, that "light determines your

an "understanding" which is not satisfied either, by people
who feel love for each other

- and the vast majority of people do feel and thus do
perceive very many things definitely also without
light burning or shining -

you do not perceive love by means of light.


One step further, they want you to think, that "light determines
what you think," meaning, that "what exists, is determined by

For instance, they want, that you "define" as "being scientific"

'ONLY THOSE THINGS that can - directly or indirectly - be
perceived with light.'

I think you get the idea... they are trying to leave
out almost all of life itself,

leaving out your own nature, certainly

... and that is how THEY like to have "science"
"defined," isn't it.



Light - like sunlight - travels, unless it is stopped, from one end
to the other end of the physical universe, in more or less straight
lines, at a speed slow enough to take years to reach from one star
to the next.

That light follows the physical laws of matter.


It is entirely different from "Light" that some people describe when
they mean Life Energy Particles:

Beauty Life Energy Particles look to them like Silver or Diamond
sparks, and so this kind of Life Energy Particle seems like

and they call it "light," which might be confusing to you.

Other Particles can be transparent - or, broken and mis-shapen
particles can be black, or opaque white (white like milk or like
steam is white),

again other Particles seem to emit or consist of colors -
including those belonging to vibrant life, that look like gold,
and shades and intensities of blue and green and purple,

colors you probably have heard talked about as being
present in Auras and so on

- though these colors are talked about mostly with
highly erroneous 'explanations'

by those who can see them, and by those who write
books about these Particles.


Most important to know however

- much like a child has to learn or to know, which
chemicals in the kitchen are dangerous to the
skin or harmful to swallow - you have to know, what

are the harmful Life Energy Particles created by those who
want to destroy The Creation:

Their Destroyed, Mutilated, Harmful or Altered Life
Energies are described in a separate HRI (in a Human
Rights Issue)

to wit (you should know, these are):

euphoric and drugging milky White;

ugly and lying, repulsive Brown;

hatefully destructive and painful Dark Red; and

unaware, unconscious, disconnecting Black;

giving the basic varieties. And all Energies can
be made to combine and mix, and can be found attached
to good and healthy Energies too, in order to more
effectively carry out deception and intended effect.


These are actual, Physical Particles, that many
people can see at times, and that you certainly
can and do experience.

Here I have to point out, that seeing or not
being able to see - how much a person can
see, or how much a person is aware - bears no
relation to (it has nothing to do with) how
moral or how caring a person is, or is not:

Once again, ask or look at a blind

However, when you are seeing or feeling more
and understanding people more, you are then
MORE ABLE, of course, to be decent and caring,
and helping people, should you wish so - and
normal people do.



These normal, basic - truly Physical - Energy Particles,

that those individuals who deny The Creation, want to have
struck from what THEY want "defined" as science,

Life Energy Particles (LEPs, if you like to abbreviate)

are entirely different from 'physical universe' light such as
lamp light.


And certainly you can understand now, that time has
nothing at all to do with light, nor with location or

Neither would counting distance by 'days of marching
on foot,' make a country that is thirty days of
marching away,

be "thirty days in the future," counting from now,

"because that is the earliest time you can see
something of it" - in thirty days.

Those who oppose and deny and destroy the nature of The
Creation, and who wrote all manner of false ideas and
formulas "about time and space," (they) have to do their
arguing very intelligently, of course - and dispersing your
attention and perception much like stage magicians do - in
order to be believed by anyone at all.

But all you recognize, is that "they are very intelligent,"
and that they must be

(in the "art" of lying and deception and in desiring
to install deliberate evil, that is, they are indeed
very much)

"senior" to you.

Thus sanity is very easily defined as 'detecting and
looking through deceptions.'


(Continued in
{HRI 20010829-pi6} 'Opposing The Nature Of The Creation' **)

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(*) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- Some Fine Particle Physics' {HRI 20010829-pi4-V3.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 4 Version 3.0 on 14 Sept 2006)

(**) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- Opposing The Nature Of The Creation' {HRI 20010829-pi6-V2.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 6 Version 2.0 on 15 Aug 2005)

From: 'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth' (Version 1.0)
(29 August 2001 - Issued 4 Oct 2002)


Copyright 2001-2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)


Sep 27, 2006, 1:33:23 PM9/27/06

Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
> The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - The Nature Of The Physical
> Universe
> There is going on
> - and there has been going on, through the ages -
> the infliction of extremely forceful unawareness, and very
> intelligent deception
> - driven by an enormous hate and disrespect for life -
> in order to prevent knowledge of this subject.

You complain about intelligent evil people ruling the world and trying
to mislead people. Sure: some are evil and some try to mislead but
often ruling means answering the needs of the people, fitting
everything harmonically together in order to attain the best
functioning of the whole for the common good and so also the strongest
group for the purposes of defence - and that's just very much what
being moral means.

Science talks about only things which everybody, regardless of social
skills and sensitivity and skills, can observe the same way. So science
cannot describe things like auras for example which everybody cannot
see - which demand at least sensitivity to atmospheres and other social
and "psychological" things. So science cannot give room to your theory.
Taoism - this here is a Taoist discussion group, I do not know from
where your text came from - gives value to personal observation of
things. "Without opening your door to the world, you can get to know
the world." or something like that advices the Taoist classic
Tao-te-ching, meaning that we can get to understand things based on our
own experience. True naturality is universal and the principle of
functioning of even the biological things in the build environment, so
the language of our own heart gives us an understanding about the
But: I am not able to see auras etc., so I cannot support your theory
based on my own experience - but you can based on your own, I guess.
Maybe if you would rephrace it using simple everyday words like
atmosphere, social skill, emotion etc., you could get more easily
understood and consequently accepted. Remember though that often even
the big religions like Christianity are not accepted and valued in a
philosophical context which tends to be very atheistical and school
like, lacking personal view based on personal experience.

> They basically try to establish a reversal, they project lies
> about everyone and everything - in particular, they vehemently
> try to enforce, that
> "Very good people are actually evil" and, that
> "Very evil people are actually good" and they wish it seen
> and believed so, that
> "THEY are the 'normal' people," and not only that, but
> "THEY should be worshiped as 'caring for people'."

Naivety is not good for the good causes. But often it is the evil ones
who think shorter and are naive: everything is build on the healthy, it
is moral to safeguard health and evil to destroy it.

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