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Gaza girl, 6, who pleaded by phone to be rescued after an Israeli attack found dead along with paramedics sent to save her

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Feb 12, 2024, 1:16:59 AM2/12/24
Six-year-old Hind Rajab, who went missing in Gaza City last month, has
been found dead.

Hind was discovered along with two paramedics who had been attempting
to rescue her.

She had made contact with emergency services and begged them to save
her as she hid from IDF forces.

A six-year-old girl who disappeared in Gaza last month was found dead
alongside two paramedics who had attempted to rescue her, the
Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS), a humanitarian organization, said in
a post on X, formerly Twitter.

Hind had been traveling with several family members when their car
came under fire from Israeli forces.

The PRCS released audio of Hind's final moments as she lay trapped in
the car for three hours. In the recordings, she pleaded with emergency
services by phone to help find her and rescue her.
"Come take me," she said. "I'm so scared. Please come."

Two PRCS paramedics, Yusuf Al-Zeino and Ahmed Al-Madhou, were sent to
find Hind, but the agency lost contact with them.

They were later discovered dead in a burned-out ambulance, just meters
from the bullet-riddled car where Hind also lay.

The PRCS claimed that Israeli forces had "deliberately targeted the
ambulance" as it arrived at the scene "despite prior coordination to
allow the ambulance to reach the location."


Feb 12, 2024, 3:12:17 AM2/12/24
On Mon, 12 Feb 24 06:16:57 UTC, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married gay
neo-nazitard, IMPERSONATING his master NefeshBarYochai, whined again:

> Six-year-old Hind Rajab, who went missing in Gaza City last month, has
> been found dead.

You sick neo-nazi swine don't give a shit about that girl's death, just like
the Hamas definitely doesn't! Hamas scum and neo-nazi scum ONLY cares about
their heinous anti-Semitism!

Anti-virus firm AVG <> addressing Loose Sphincter on Usenet:

"Hello from AVG.

Please stop advertising us. We don't want to be associated with neo-Nazi
scum like you and RichA, no matter whether you use our product or not.

And fix your fucking sig separator!

Sincerely, AVG."

Michael Ejercito

Feb 12, 2024, 12:17:58 PM2/12/24
As if ZERO children in Germany and Japan were killed by Allied
bombs between 1939 and 1945!


Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 12, 2024, 3:44:51 PM2/12/24
On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 09:17:55 -0800, Michael Ejercito wrote:

> As if ZERO children in Germany and Japan were killed by Allied
> bombs between 1939 and 1945!

As the saying goes: “that was then, this is now”. Part of the
international order put in place after World War II was precisely to
prevent a repeat of that sort of earlier barbarity.


Feb 12, 2024, 4:15:52 PM2/12/24
The jew will never be civilized. The only way to deal with them is
with an iron fist. When facing an equal or stronger enemy, they will
cower into submission. That is when there will be peace.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 12, 2024, 4:21:51 PM2/12/24
On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 16:15:47 -0500, Peeler wrote:

> The jew will never be civilized.

That’s the kind of thinking that got us into this mess in the first place.
Europeans persecuted Jews for centuries, culminating in that horrendous
massacre perpetrated by the Nazis and their “official good Christian”

You’d think, after that, someone would say “enough discrimination and
persecution, let’s just accept them as fellow Europeans and human beings
and try and get along”. But no, they decided that they would “persuade”
the Jews to emigrate to their own “homeland”.

But that “homeland” already had people living in it. So a necessary step
in that new colonization was to demote the existing citizens of that land
to some kind of worthless, subhuman status -- the same kind of subhuman
status that Jews had been subjected to in Europe.

And so the stage is set for a new genocide.

Rod Speed

Feb 12, 2024, 4:46:32 PM2/12/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 07:44:49 +1100, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid>
Pity about what the rag heads tried to do to Israel, time after time after

Rod Speed

Feb 12, 2024, 4:49:13 PM2/12/24
The rag heads keep trying that and lose, every single time.

Rod Speed

Feb 12, 2024, 4:55:46 PM2/12/24
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
> Peeler wrote

>> The jew will never be civilized.

> That’s the kind of thinking that got us into this mess in the first
> place.

Bullshit. This mess is due to the stupid UN
deciding that there should be a state of Israel.

> Europeans persecuted Jews for centuries, culminatingin that horrendous
> massacre perpetrated by the Nazisand their “official good Christian”
> leader.

Hitler was never that. You have forgotten about the night of the long

> You’d think, after that, someone would say “enough discriminationand
> persecution, let’s just accept them as fellow Europeans andhuman beings
> and try and get along”. But no, they decided thatthey would “persuade”
> the Jews to emigrate to their own “homeland”.

Nothing like that happened. The UN actually stupidly decided that Palestine
should be theirs and we get to wear the stupidity of that decision.

> But that “homeland” already had people living in it. So a necessarystep
> in that new colonization was to demote the existing citizensof that
> land to some kind of worthless, subhuman status -- the samekind of
> subhuman status that Jews had been subjected to in Europe.

Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.

> And so the stage is set for a new genocide.

There is no genocide.


Feb 12, 2024, 5:04:35 PM2/12/24
On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 16:15:47 -0500, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
gay neo-nazitard, IMPERSONATING his master Peeler, whined again:

> The jew will never be civilized.

Stop projecting, Loose Sphincter, you abysmally stupid gay neo-nazi whore!

Anti-virus firm AVG <> addressing Loose Sphincter on Usenet:

"Hello from AVG.

Please stop advertising us. We don't want to be associated with neo-Nazi
scum like you and RichA, no matter whether you use our product or not.

And fix your fucking sig separator!

Sincerely, AVG."

jdyoung about Loose Sphincter:
"Nary does a day pass that Nazi nutcase "Loose Cannon" isn't fantasizing
about bestiality. THIS is how his brain operates. ROFL!"
MID: <>


Feb 12, 2024, 5:05:17 PM2/12/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:55:39 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>

Richard addressing senile Rodent Speed:
"Shit you're thick/pathetic excuse for a troll."
MID: <ogoa38$pul$>


Feb 12, 2024, 5:05:59 PM2/12/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:49:06 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>

R Souls addressing the trolling senile Australian cretin:
"Your opinions are unwelcome and worthless. Now fuck off."
MID: <>


Feb 12, 2024, 5:06:43 PM2/12/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:46:25 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>

Tim+ about trolling Rodent Speed:
He is by far the most persistent troll who seems to be able to get under the
skin of folk who really should know better. Since when did arguing with a
troll ever achieve anything (beyond giving the troll pleasure)?
MID: <>

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 12, 2024, 5:06:52 PM2/12/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:46:25 +1100, Rod Speed wrote:

> Pity about what the rag heads tried to do to Israel, time after time
> after time.

Dehumanizing your enemy is the traditional prelude to committing genocide
on them.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 12, 2024, 5:08:55 PM2/12/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:55:39 +1100, Rod Speed wrote:

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>> their “official good Christian” leader.
> Hitler was never that.

He was. The Vatican even celebrated his birthday. If they don’t know who
“good Christians” are, who does?

Of course he was a sociopathic, genocidal maniac. But then, religion was
never about morality, was it?

>> And so the stage is set for a new genocide.
> There is no genocide.

The ICJ would beg to differ.


Feb 12, 2024, 5:54:39 PM2/12/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:55:39 +1100, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

>Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>> Peeler wrote
>>> The jew will never be civilized.
>> That’s the kind of thinking that got us into this mess in the first
>> place.
>Bullshit. This mess is due to the stupid UN
>deciding that there should be a state of Israel.
>> Europeans persecuted Jews for centuries, culminatingin that horrendous
>> massacre perpetrated by the Nazisand their “official good Christian”
>> leader.
>Hitler was never that. You have forgotten about the night of the long
Joe Biden is doing this now with Doanald Trump supporters
German history, purge of Nazi leaders by Adolf Hitler on June 30,
1934. Fearing that the paramilitary SA had become too powerful, Hitler
ordered his elite SS guards to murder the organization’s leaders,
including Ernst Röhm. Also killed that night were hundreds of other
perceived opponents of Hitler.
>> You’d think, after that, someone would say “enough discriminationand
>> persecution, let’s just accept them as fellow Europeans andhuman beings
>> and try and get along”. But no, they decided thatthey would “persuade”
>> the Jews to emigrate to their own “homeland”.
>Nothing like that happened. The UN actually stupidly decided that Palestine
>should be theirs and we get to wear the stupidity of that decision.
>> But that “homeland” already had people living in it. So a necessarystep
>> in that new colonization was to demote the existing citizensof that
>> land to some kind of worthless, subhuman status -- the samekind of
>> subhuman status that Jews had been subjected to in Europe.
>Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.
>> And so the stage is set for a new genocide.
>There is no genocide.
Every time I speak of the haters and losers
I do so with great love and affection.
They cannot help the fact that they were born fucked up!

The loudest whiners on Trump's withdrawal
from Paris Climate Change
are those who profit the most (like Al Gore).

Donald Trump

Rod Speed

Feb 12, 2024, 6:01:01 PM2/12/24
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote

>> Pity about what the rag heads tried todo to Israel, time after time
>> after time.

> Dehumanizing your enemy

No one is doing that. Even you should have noticed that no
animal, plants or viruses actually wear rags on their heads.

> is the traditional prelude to committing genocide on them.

You wouldnt know what genocide was if it bit you on your lard arse.

Rod Speed

Feb 12, 2024, 6:05:46 PM2/12/24
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote

>>> their “official good Christian” leader.

>> Hitler was never that.

> He was.

Bullshit he was. He wasnt even a regular church goer.

> The Vatican even celebrated his birthday.

What a collection of child molesters and rapist do is irrelevant.

> If they don’t know who “good Christians” are, who does?

The protestants.

> Of course he was a sociopathic, genocidal maniac.

> But then, religion was never about morality, was it?

Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.

>>> And so the stage is set for a new genocide.

>> There is no genocide.

> The ICJ would beg to differ.

They are completely irrelevant. Words have meanings.

Rod Speed

Feb 12, 2024, 6:18:50 PM2/12/24
Petzl <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>>> Peeler wrote

>>>> The jew will never be civilized.

>>> That’s the kind of thinking that gotus into this mess in the first
>>> place.

>> Bullshit. This mess is due to the stupid UN
>> deciding that there should be a state of Israel.

>>> Europeans persecuted Jews for centuries, culminating
>>> in that horrendous massacre perpetrated by the Nazis
>>> and their “official good Christian” leader.

>> Hitler was never that. You have forgottenabout the night of the long
>> knives.

> Joe Biden is doing this now with Doanald Trump supporters
> <>


> German history, purge of Nazi leaders by Adolf Hitler on June 30,
> 1934. Fearing that the paramilitary SA had become too powerful,Hitler
> ordered his elite SS guards to murder the organization’sleaders,
> including Ernst Röhm. Also killed that night werehundreds of other
> perceived opponents of Hitler.

What a brilliant “official good Christian”

>>> You’d think, after that, someone would say “enough discrimination and
>>> persecution, let’s just accept them as fellow Europeans and human
>>> beings
>>> and try and get along”. But no, they decided that they would “persuade”


Feb 12, 2024, 6:35:07 PM2/12/24
On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 22:08:52 -0000 (UTC), Lawrence D'Oliveiro
<l...@nz.invalid> wrote:

>On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:55:39 +1100, Rod Speed wrote:
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>>> their “official good Christian” leader.
>> Hitler was never that.
>He was. The Vatican even celebrated his birthday. If they don’t know who
>“good Christians” are, who does?
At the same time the Vatican was using Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty
rescue Jews from Nazi death camps using the Vatican's contacts within
the German and American Army, to not only rescue Jews, bur downed
pilots, escaping prisoners.

SS Commander of Rome Colonel Kappler, was sure Monsignor Hugh
O'Flaherty was a dangerous Ali spy who had contacts throughout the
German military,

When Colonel Kapple was captured by the Americans he burst out
laughing that under violent questioning he found out the Americans
were sure Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty was a dangerous Nazi spy who was
rescuing Germans from Rome including Colonel Kappler's wife and son!

Colonel Kappler finally understood what the priesthood was doing
(non-political saving lives of those in need) and Monsignor Hugh
O'Flaherty was using his contacts both sides of the fence!

A resonable movie here about events in WWII
>Of course he was a sociopathic, genocidal maniac. But then, religion was
>never about morality, was it?
>>> And so the stage is set for a new genocide.
>> There is no genocide.
>The ICJ would beg to differ.
Think of Christianity as Australia's immune system.
The Christian belief and fact is Moslems are deceived.
Like Schizophrenics, they need therapy;
Not confirmation of their delusions.
The recognized place of worship in a Christian Nation is a Christian Church.
Mosques are the recognized place of worship only in Moslem countries
Australia's only legally defined God is our Christian God whose compound redemptive name is Lord Jesus Christ
Something as simple as denying Moslems a place to pray is all it takes to make them leave voluntarily and peacefully.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 12, 2024, 8:47:34 PM2/12/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 10:00:54 +1100, Rod Speed wrote:

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>> Rod Speed wrote
>>> Pity about what the rag heads tried todo to Israel, time after time
>>> after time.
>> Dehumanizing your enemy
> No one is doing that.

You used the racial slur, right there.

>> is the traditional prelude to committing genocide on them.
> You wouldnt know what genocide was if it bit you on your lard arse.

That kind of argument by Israel tends to get looked on poorly by the ICJ.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 12, 2024, 8:51:16 PM2/12/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 10:05:39 +1100, Rod Speed wrote:

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>> The Vatican even celebrated his birthday.
> What a collection of child molesters and rapist do is irrelevant.

Like I said, being a good religious follower has nothing do with morality.

>> If they don’t know who “good Christians” are, who does?
> The protestants.

But the Protestants can’t even agree which ones among them are “good” and
which ones are just worse “heretics”.

>> Of course he was a sociopathic, genocidal maniac.
>> But then, religion was never about morality, was it?
> Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.

That’s the typical knee-jerk reaction of the religious fanatic.

>> The ICJ would beg to differ.
> They are completely irrelevant. Words have meanings.

And the Court is charged, under the UN charter, with assessing the
evidence, and coming to a conclusion that is binding on all parties. A
charter that Israel has signed up to, in case you’ve forgotten.

Rod Speed

Feb 12, 2024, 9:24:55 PM2/12/24
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>>> Rod Speed wrote

>>>> Pity about what the rag heads tried to
>>>> do to Israel, time after time after time.

>>> Dehumanizing your enemy

>> No one is doing that.

> You used the racial slur, right there.

That's not dehumanizing, stupid.

>>> is the traditional prelude to committing genocide on them.

>> You wouldnt know what genocide was if it bit you on your lard arse.

> That kind of argument by Israel tends to get looked on poorly by the ICJ.

Isreal doesnt give a flying red fuck what the those fool look poorly on,

Rod Speed

Feb 12, 2024, 9:29:53 PM2/12/24
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote

>>> The Vatican even celebrated his birthday.

>> What a collection of child molesters and rapist do is irrelevant.

> Like I said, being a good religious follower

Hitler was never that. Pity about the night of the long knives.

> has nothing do with morality.

Wrong, as always.

>>> If they don’t know who “good Christians” are, who does?

>> The protestants.

> But the Protestants can’t even agree which ones among them are “good”

Neither can the child molesters and rapists.

> and which ones are just worse “heretics”.

Same with the child molesters and rapists.

>>> Of course he was a sociopathic, genocidal maniac.

>>> But then, religion was never about morality, was it?

>> Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.

> That’s the typical knee-jerk reaction of the religious fanatic.

You wouldnt know what a religioius fanatic was if one bit you on your lard

>>> The ICJ would beg to differ.

>> They are completely irrelevant. Words have meanings.

> And the Court is charged, under the UN charter, with assessing the
> evidence, and coming to a conclusion that is binding on all parties.

Not on what constitutes genocide they arent.

> A charter that Israel has signed up to, in case you’ve forgotten.

Hardly surprising that they signed up with the operation that created
them, fool.


Feb 13, 2024, 3:12:40 AM2/13/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 10:05:39 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>

Pomegranate Bastard addressing the trolling senile cretin from Oz:
"I repeat, you are a complete and utter imbecile."
MID: <>


Feb 13, 2024, 3:12:40 AM2/13/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 10:18:42 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent


Feb 13, 2024, 3:12:40 AM2/13/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 10:00:54 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>

David Plowman about senile Rodent Speed's trolling:
"Wodney is doing a lot of morphing these days. Must be even more desperate
than usual for attention."
MID: <>


Feb 13, 2024, 3:12:40 AM2/13/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:29:44 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>

Ed Pawlowski addressing Rodent Speed:
"You come across as a "know it all" and superior to the mere mortals. I bet
your farts don't stink either."
MID: <6UnrL.207334$8_id....@fx09.iad>


Feb 13, 2024, 3:12:40 AM2/13/24
"Who or What is Rod Speed?

Rod Speed is an entirely modern phenomenon. Essentially, Rod Speed
is an insecure and worthless individual who has discovered he can
enhance his own self-esteem in his own eyes by playing "the big, hard
man" on the InterNet."

John addressing the senile Australian pest:
"You are a complete idiot. But you make me larf. LOL"
MID: <>

Michael Ejercito

Feb 13, 2024, 1:38:44 PM2/13/24
Peeler wrote:
> "Who or What is Rod Speed?
> Rod Speed is an entirely modern phenomenon. Essentially, Rod Speed
> is an insecure and worthless individual who has discovered he can
> enhance his own self-esteem in his own eyes by playing "the big, hard
> man" on the InterNet."
Great post! Thank you for sharing!


Loose Cannon

Feb 13, 2024, 3:54:22 PM2/13/24
You should learn to show respect to your betters.

> Michael


Feb 13, 2024, 4:27:11 PM2/13/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 15:54:17 -0500, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
gay neo-nazitard, whined again:

>> Great post! Thank you for sharing!
> You should learn to show respect to your betters.

Is that what your environment and your fat wife, kept telling you, you
abysmally stupid, gay neo-nazi scum?


Feb 13, 2024, 5:02:11 PM2/13/24
Loose Cannon shot itself in its own arse

> You should learn to show respect to ...




The ever present and ever vigilant newsgroup devil at your service.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 13, 2024, 5:51:06 PM2/13/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:29:44 +1100, Rod Speed wrote:

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>> Like I said, being a good religious follower
> Hitler was never that.

He officially was, according to the arbiters of the concept.

>> has nothing do with morality.
> Wrong, as always.

Think about it: if morality depends on religion, then that has to mean
that different “gods” define different ideas of right and wrong.

>>>> If they don’t know who “good Christians” are, who does?
>>> The protestants.
>> But the Protestants can’t even agree which ones among them are “good”
>> and which ones are just worse “heretics”.
> Neither can the child molesters and rapists.

That’s not really denying my point though, is it? Conflating your devout
religious types with “child molesters and rapists” is, shall we say,
hardly ascribing a high moral stance to the former, is it?

>> That’s the typical knee-jerk reaction of the religious fanatic.
> You wouldnt know what a religioius fanatic was if one bit you on your
> lard arse.

Why, is that something you are in the habit of doing?

>> And the Court is charged, under the UN charter, with assessing the
>> evidence, and coming to a conclusion that is binding on all parties.
> Not on what constitutes genocide they arent.

Yes they are. It’s spelled out in the Genocide Convention, very plainly.

>> A charter that Israel has signed up to, in case you’ve forgotten.
> Hardly surprising that they signed up with the operation that created
> them, fool.

So how does that let them off the hook?

Rod Speed

Feb 13, 2024, 6:11:41 PM2/13/24
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote

>>> Like I said, being a good religious follower

>> Hitler was never that.

> He officially was,

No such animal.

> according to the arbiters of the concept.

No such animal.

>>> has nothing do with morality.

>> Wrong, as always.

> Think about it: if morality depends on religion,

No one ever said that.

> then that has to mean that different “gods”define different ideas of
> right and wrong.

>>>>> If they don’t know who “good Christians” are, who does?

>>>> The protestants.

>>> But the Protestants can’t even agree which ones amongthem are “good”
>>> and which ones are just worse “heretics”.

>> Neither can the child molesters and rapists.

> That’s not really denying my point though, is it?

Corse it is and you never had a point.

> Conflating your devout religious types with “child molesters and
> rapists”

I never did that. I JUST accurately described the roman catholic church.

> is, shall we say, hardly ascribing ahigh moral stance to the former, is
> it?

Try that again in english. Even google
translate doesnt do gobbledegook yet.

>>> That’s the typical knee-jerk reaction of the religious fanatic.

>> You wouldnt know what a religious fanaticwas if one bit you on your
>> lard arse.

> Why, is that something you are in the habit of doing?

You are pathetic.

>>> And the Court is charged, under the UN charter, with assessing the
>>> evidence, and coming to a conclusion that is binding on all parties.

>> Not on what constitutes genocide they arent.

> Yes they are.

No they are not.

> It’s spelled out in the Genocide Convention, very plainly.

That isnt what the current IJC sitting is about.

>>> A charter that Israel has signed up to, in case you’ve forgotten.

>> Hardly surprising that they signed up withthe operation that created
>> them, fool.

> So how does that let them off the hook?

There is no hook. Netanyahu is free to make and obscene gesture in the
general direction of the ICJ and there is NOTHING the ICJ can do about

Michael Ejercito

Feb 13, 2024, 7:20:18 PM2/13/24
You are not anyone's better.


Ras Mikaere

Feb 13, 2024, 10:31:27 PM2/13/24


"Michael Ejercito" wrote in message news:uqgcvh$2728p$

Ras Mikaere

Feb 13, 2024, 10:39:04 PM2/13/24



"Ördög" wrote in message news:AFRyN.8443379$ee1.4...@fx16.ams4...


Feb 14, 2024, 3:51:04 AM2/14/24
On Wed, 14 Feb 2024 10:11:35 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>

Sqwertz to Rodent Speed:
"This is just a hunch, but I'm betting you're kinda an argumentative
MID: <ev1p6ml7ywd5$>

Michael Ejercito

Feb 16, 2024, 12:07:34 PM2/16/24
Peeler wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:49:06 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
> Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:
> <FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>
And there is nothing left!


Michael Ejercito

Feb 18, 2024, 12:10:33 PM2/18/24
Peeler wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:29:44 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
> Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:
> <FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>
And nothing is left!


Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 18, 2024, 6:33:43 PM2/18/24
On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:24:48 +1100, Rod Speed wrote:

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>> That kind of argument by Israel tends to get looked on poorly by the
>> ICJ.
> Isreal doesnt give a flying red fuck what the those fool look poorly on,
> stupid.

But ICJ verdicts are binding on signatories to the UN charter. And Israel
is a signatory to the UN charter, is it not? If it has no intention of
paying attention to international law, why doesn’t it just leave the UN?

Rod Speed

Feb 18, 2024, 7:13:25 PM2/18/24
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote

>>> That kind of argument by Israel tends to get looked on poorly by the
>>> ICJ.

>> Isreal doesnt give a flying red fuck what the those fool look poorly on,
>> stupid.

> But ICJ verdicts are binding on signatories to the UN charter.

In theory. In reality...

> And Israel is a signatory to the UN charter, is it not?

So is Russia and Putin didnt hand himself in when the
ICJ ruled that he had no right to attack the Ukraine.

> If it has no intention of paying attention to international law,

There is no such animal as international law
and the UN isnt about international law anyway.

> why doesn’t it just leave the UN?

Because it was the UN that created Israel, stupid.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 19, 2024, 12:09:44 AM2/19/24
On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 11:13:14 +1100, Rod Speed wrote:

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>> And Israel is a signatory to the UN charter, is it not?
> So is Russia and Putin didnt hand himself in when the ICJ ruled that he
> had no right to attack the Ukraine.

I thought Israel prided itself on being better than the others: a “true
democracy” and all that. Yet here you are admitting it is no better than
these other countries with terrible human-rights records?

>> why doesn’t it just leave the UN?
> Because it was the UN that created Israel, stupid.

Why does Israel feel some legal obligation to be in the UN, when there is
no such law, yet it doesn’t feel obliged to follow the actual laws that it
signed up to?

Rod Speed

Feb 19, 2024, 12:42:47 AM2/19/24
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote

>>> And Israel is a signatory to the UN charter, is it not?

>> So is Russia and Putin didnt hand himself in whenthe ICJ ruled that he
>> had no right to attack the Ukraine.

> I thought Israel prided itself on being better than the others:

And it is with the local rag heads trying to push them into the sea.
Done them over very comprehensively indeed ever time they have
tried it and are doing the same thing again with Hamas this time.

> a “true democracy” and all that.

Of course it is. That's why they have so much trouble
forming a govt due to their stupid voting system. They
even get real radical and let the palestinians in Israel vote.

> Yet here you are admitting it is no better than theseother countries
> with terrible human-rights records?

I did no such thing. They don't kill opposition party leaders.

>>> why doesn’t it just leave the UN?

>> Because it was the UN that created Israel, stupid.

> Why does Israel feel some legal obligation to be in the UN,

They don't.

> when there is no such law,

Having fun thrashing that straw man ?

> yet it doesn’t feel obliged to followthe actual laws that it signed up
> to?

There is no such LAW


Feb 19, 2024, 3:02:53 AM2/19/24
On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 16:42:35 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>

Bill Wright to Rodent Speed:
"That confirms my opinion that you are a despicable little shit."
MID: <pjqpo3$1la0$>


Feb 20, 2024, 3:23:22 AM2/20/24
On 19/02/2024 4:09 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 11:13:14 +1100, Rod Speed wrote:
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>>> And Israel is a signatory to the UN charter, is it not?
>> So is Russia and Putin didnt hand himself in when the ICJ ruled that he
>> had no right to attack the Ukraine.
> I thought Israel prided itself on being better than the others: a “true
> democracy” and all that. Yet here you are admitting it is no better than
> these other countries with terrible human-rights records?

He admitted no such thing. You just threw in two logical fallacies into
a single paragraph.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 21, 2024, 4:22:59 PM2/21/24
On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 19:23:20 +1100, Fran wrote:

> On 19/02/2024 4:09 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
>> On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 11:13:14 +1100, Rod Speed wrote:
>>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
>>>> And Israel is a signatory to the UN charter, is it not?
>>> So is Russia and Putin didnt hand himself in when the ICJ ruled that
>>> had no right to attack the Ukraine.
>> I thought Israel prided itself on being better than the others: a “true
>> democracy” and all that. Yet here you are admitting it is no better
>> than these other countries with terrible human-rights records?
> He admitted no such thing.

So why bring those countries into the discussion, if he was not trying to
draw some kind of comparison?

Rod Speed

Feb 21, 2024, 5:41:29 PM2/21/24
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote
> Flan wrote
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote
>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote

>>>>> And Israel is a signatory to the UN charter, is it not?

>>>> So is Russia and Putin didn't hand himself in when theICJ ruled that
>>>> he had no right to attack the Ukraine.

>>> I thought Israel prided itself on being better than the others: a “true
>>> democracy” and all that. Yet here you are admitting it is no better
>>> than these other countries with terrible human-rights records?

>> He admitted no such thing.

> So why bring those countries into the discussion, ifhe was not trying
> to draw some kind of comparison?

I was rubbing your stupid nose in the FACT that just because
a country has chosen to join the UN, that does not mean that
they agree with everything the UN does, fuckwit.


Feb 21, 2024, 6:34:00 PM2/21/24
It's obvious why he'd mention other countries.

All members of the UN are Charter signatories. Many countries have had
adverse finding by the ICJ and not left. Russia has been taken to the
ICJ by the Ukraine in exactly the same manner as Israel has been. That
case is ongoing an Russia hasn't left the UN and nor should it.

I repeat, Rod made no such admission that yu state he did.

Rod may be a silly old bugger who digs his heels in and says some really
stupid things sometimes but he usually know what is happening in current
affairs even if he's always to the extreme far right in how he views
current affairs. He makes enough silly claims of his own without you
claiming he's said something he hasn't.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 22, 2024, 12:04:57 AM2/22/24
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 10:33:55 +1100, Fran wrote:

> On 22/02/2024 8:22 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
>> So why bring those countries into the discussion, if he was not trying
>> to draw some kind of comparison?
> It's obvious why he'd mention other countries.
> All members of the UN are Charter signatories. Many countries have had