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The Trace: ‘The NRA’s Campaign of Cultural Warfare is Working’

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Michael Ejercito

Jul 21, 2017, 1:44:51 PM7/21/17

The Trace: ‘The NRA’s Campaign of Cultural Warfare is Working’

Robert Farago
July 20, 2017

Michael Bloomberg’s civilian disarmament propagandists at The Trace can’t
help but tell the truth about guns — on occasion. Guns Are Driving American
Voters Further Apart cites new research from Social Sciences Quarterly that
concludes . . .

Since the 1970s, possessing a firearm increases the likelihood of voting for
Republican candidates . . . we find that the impact of gun ownership on the
likelihood of voting for a Republican candidate increased across elections,
reaching a level in 2012 nearly 50 percent higher than in 1972.

For once, The Trace gets the analysis right.

As the authors note, guns carry an enormous amount of symbolism for
Americans of all stripes. To those who own them, firearms can stand for
freedom, security, vigor, and masculinity. To those who don’t, they can
signify violence, hierarchy, brute force, and indifference to society.

“We contend that the gun debate reflects a far broader conflict concerning
competing conceptions of ideology and culture,” the paper reads.

My takeaway: gun ownership is an inherently political act. In fact, it’s a
transformative political act. The more Americans who own guns, the safer our
Constitutional republic will be. Without a shot fired.

Needless to say, The Trace’s Alex Yablon isn’t paid to doesn’t see it that
way. He sees the study’s results as proof that the NRA’s flag-waving
sh*t-stirring is effective.

It’s a conflict that the National Rifle Association, the self-appointed
leader of gun culture, goes to great lengths to foment. The group’s
political messaging is rife with appeals to cultural solidarity, values, and
antipathy to those deemed enemies of freedom — the mainstream media,
academics, Women’s Marchers — even if those targets have little to do with
firearms. In this framework, Democratic candidates aren’t just gun-grabbers;
they’re existential threats.

The problem being? “Right wing” gun owners block “common sense gun control.”

The irony is that while Americans may be drifting further apart when it
comes to the politics of gun control, there’s a surprising amount of
consensus on many aspects of policy.

Last month, pollsters at Pew found high levels of support across party
lines, even among gun owners, for universal background checks on firearms
transfers, as well as preventing gun possession by the mentally ill and
those barred from flying under suspicion of terrorism.

Americans, gun-owning or otherwise, also broadly oppose allowing the
carrying of concealed weapons without a permit.

Citation for that last one?

Never mind. The battle lines (so to speak) couldn’t be any clearer. Gun
rights advocates must get the message out on civilian disarmament measures
posing as “sensible solutions” and convert as many gun muggles to firearms
ownership as possible.

jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew aliash)

Jul 22, 2017, 9:59:14 AM7/22/17
On Fri, 21 Jul 2017 10:50:05 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
<> wrote:

>The Trace: ‘The NRA’s Campaign of Cultural Warfare is Working’
>Robert Farago
>July 20, 2017
>Michael Bloomberg’s civilian disarmament propagandists at The Trace can’t
>help but tell the truth about guns — on occasion. Guns Are Driving American
>Voters Further Apart cites new research from Social Sciences Quarterly that
>concludes . . .

You got, a fucking PROBLEM with Michael Bloomberg, you slant eyed
jewloving mongoloid? You're supposed to ZSUCK his fat jew rectum not
criticise the subhuman semitic raghead!


RJ (preferred jew aliash)
- -

"We CAN hide forever."
- Klaun Shittinb'ricks (1940 - ), acknowledging that he will
NEVER prove where he infests or give his real jew name

"Die Juden sind unser Unglück!"
- Heinrich von Treitschke (1834 - 1896)

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out
because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade
Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade
Unionist. Then they came for the jews, and I did not speak out
because I did not give a shit. Then they came for me and there
wasn't a single commie bastard left to speak for me."
- Martin Niemöller (1892 - 1984)

Illuc nisi Dei gratia vadam.
- Revd Terence Fformby-Smythe (? - )

Sick old pedo Andrew Andrzej Baron

Jul 22, 2017, 11:21:11 AM7/22/17

In article <>,
A shiteating cowardly nazoid sub-louse PEDO named Andrew "Andrzej"
Baron (aka "Ron Jacobson"/etc") wrote:

> We CAN hide forever.

NO, shiteating pedo... you CAN'T!

Michael Ejercito

Jul 22, 2017, 12:48:12 PM7/22/17

"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
aliash)" wrote in message

>On Fri, 21 Jul 2017 10:50:05 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
><> wrote:

>>The Trace: ‘The NRA’s Campaign of Cultural Warfare is Working’
>>Robert Farago
>>July 20, 2017
>>Michael Bloomberg’s civilian disarmament propagandists at The Trace can’t
>>help but tell the truth about guns — on occasion. Guns Are Driving
>>Voters Further Apart cites new research from Social Sciences Quarterly
>>concludes . . .

>You got, a fucking PROBLEM with Michael Bloomberg, you slant eyed
>jewloving mongoloid?
Mangina, I do.

> You're supposed to ZSUCK his fat jew rectum not
>criticise the subhuman semitic raghead!

I suck no rectums; you fuck no vaginas.


jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew aliash)

Jul 24, 2017, 10:12:51 AM7/24/17
On Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:53:26 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
<> wrote:

>"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
>aliash)" wrote in message
>>On Fri, 21 Jul 2017 10:50:05 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
>><> wrote:
>>>The Trace: ‘The NRA’s Campaign of Cultural Warfare is Working’
>>>Robert Farago
>>>July 20, 2017
>>>Michael Bloomberg’s civilian disarmament propagandists at The Trace can’t
>>>help but tell the truth about guns — on occasion. Guns Are Driving
>>>Voters Further Apart cites new research from Social Sciences Quarterly
>>>concludes . . .
>>You got, a fucking PROBLEM with Michael Bloomberg, you slant eyed
>>jewloving mongoloid?
> Mangina, I do.

Dreckgook, greek you then.

>> You're supposed to ZSUCK his fat jew rectum not
>>criticise the subhuman semitic raghead!
> I suck no rectums; you fuck no vaginas.

You zsuck ALL jew ani/recti including Bumberg's.
You are EXEMPT from vaginas.

Sick old pedo Andrew Andrzej Baron

Jul 24, 2017, 10:31:15 AM7/24/17

Leading US neo-Nazi jailed for child porn possession
Kevin Alfred Strom (born 1956 in Anchorage, Alaska) is the former
Managing Director of National Vanguard, a Charlottesville-based
organization that has been described as a racist, white separatist,
homophobic, and a Neo-Nazi hate group by the Southern Poverty Law
Center and the Anti-Defamation League.[1][2] Strom resigned from
National Vanguard in July 2006.[3] National Vanguard reportedly
disbanded on March 14, 2007, and its website has been dormant since
that time. In 2008 Strom pleaded guilty to possession of ten images
of child pornography and was sentenced to 23 months in prison.[4]

Michael Ejercito

Jul 24, 2017, 7:18:43 PM7/24/17

"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
aliash)" wrote in message

>On Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:53:26 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
><> wrote:

>>"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
>>aliash)" wrote in message
>>>On Fri, 21 Jul 2017 10:50:05 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
>>><> wrote:
>>>>The Trace: ‘The NRA’s Campaign of Cultural Warfare is Working’
>>>>Robert Farago
>>>>July 20, 2017
>>>>Michael Bloomberg’s civilian disarmament propagandists at The Trace can’t
>>>>help but tell the truth about guns — on occasion. Guns Are Driving
>>>>Voters Further Apart cites new research from Social Sciences Quarterly
>>>>concludes . . .
>>>You got, a fucking PROBLEM with Michael Bloomberg, you slant eyed
>>>jewloving mongoloid?
>> Mangina, I do.

>Dreckgook, greek you then.
Nithing, fuck your defamation of the Greek people.

>>> You're supposed to ZSUCK his fat jew rectum not
>>>criticise the subhuman semitic raghead!
>> I suck no rectums; you fuck no vaginas.

>You zsuck ALL jew ani/recti including Bumberg's.
Not that you can show.

>You are EXEMPT from vaginas.

Not that you can show.


jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew aliash)

Jul 25, 2017, 10:18:09 AM7/25/17
On Mon, 24 Jul 2017 16:24:00 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
<> wrote:

>>>>>Michael Bloomberg’s civilian disarmament propagandists at The Trace can’t
>>>>>help but tell the truth about guns — on occasion. Guns Are Driving
>>>>>Voters Further Apart cites new research from Social Sciences Quarterly
>>>>>concludes . . .
>>>>You got, a fucking PROBLEM with Michael Bloomberg, you slant eyed
>>>>jewloving mongoloid?
>>> Mangina, I do.
>>Dreckgook, greek you then.
> Nithing, fuck your defamation of the Greek people.

Dreckgook, greek your peverted love of the Grik subpeople and greek
you, asshole!

>>>> You're supposed to ZSUCK his fat jew rectum not
>>>>criticise the subhuman semitic raghead!
>>> I suck no rectums; you fuck no vaginas.
>>You zsuck ALL jew ani/recti including Bumberg's.
> Not that you can show.

YOU do the showing when WHITE people demand it, asshole!

>>You are EXEMPT from vaginas.
> Not that you can show.

ALL needledicked gooks are! That's why you 'procreate' by squirting
your minloads into each other's miniature ani!

Michael Ejercito

Jul 30, 2017, 8:56:45 AM7/30/17

"The Peeler" wrote in message

>On Tue, 25 Jul 2017 07:17:54 -0700, serbian bitch Razovic, the resident
>psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, making an ass
>of herself as "jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry'
>Shein's jew aliash)", farted again:

>>> Nithing, fuck your defamation of the Greek people.
>> Dreckgook, greek your peverted love of the Grik subpeople and greek
>> you, asshole!

>Instead, your OWN "life" keeps "greeking" YOU ...and obviously VERY hard!
>May it forever continue, until you croak! LOL
I wonder why he has such hostility towards Greeks.

>>> Not that you can show.
>> YOU do the showing when WHITE people demand it, asshole!

>YOU do the swallowing when people feel the need to piss and shit in your
>gob, shiteating Razovic! Capisci?
he readily volunteers.

>>>>You are EXEMPT from vaginas.
>>> Not that you can show.
>> ALL needledicked gooks are! That's why you 'procreate' by squirting
>> your minloads into each other's miniature ani!

><BG> Our resident sexual cripple, dumb anal Razovic, shows again what's the
>matter with her! LOL

He flunked sex ed.


jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew aliash)

Jul 30, 2017, 1:47:26 PM7/30/17
On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 06:25:58 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
<> wrote:

>"The Foreskin Peeler" wrote in message

[FLUHS Grik skata]

Watch, it anus!

> I wonder why he has such hostility towards Greeks.

I wonder why you have such affection towards Griks. Did a Grik
initiate you into sodomy? They do that, you know...ALL of them!

> he readily volunteers.

YOU readily spread you ass cheeks for niggers from Compton at the
Queen Mary parking lot.

> He flunked sex ed.

Sex ed would be totally WASTED on a dreckgook like you!
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