Truth is "extremism" to our Zoggies, the Internet must go. But they
need a excuse to shut it down.
Here's a good one I just saw on Faux News:
"North Korea could use the Internet to activate our nuclear missiles
and launch them against US."
PS kids... before the Internet we had dial up BBS boards. those who
wanted to chat did so.
Thats what we would go back too... if the yids get their will imposed
on us.
It might get us down to using carrier pigeons, although the Zionists
could just as easily declare a sufficient bounty on dead pigeons.
After the entire species of pigeons is wiped off the face of Eden/
Earth, then what? (burn all the books and kill all the messengers?)
~ BG
Maybe they don't like pigeons too...
Angry? Use the Internet to vent? You're the new 'domestic terrorist'.
To our beloved "yids" the truth is the real enemy.
So people who want to know the truth become enemies...
Any natural ANGER is now seen as a weapon of mass destruction....
no different than the 60's when they photographed everyone at
protests... same ole same ole..... now they can sit at a desk and
collect IP addresses while drinking their cold coffee.... how is that
for progress??
Nazism on internet steroids, just the way Zionists like it.
As you know, it's perfectly faith-based approved to allow and/or
arrange for a false flag to take out anyone that's pissing you off.
Putting a certain nice guy on a stick comes to mind.
~ BG
BBC and Simon Wiesenthal centre team up: Censor the Internet!
I already noticing things running a bit slower then normal.
You guys are totally paranoid. They are not going to shut down the
Internet. The Internet IS the Beast. Or did you forget that www is
also 666 in Hebrew?
That's a good one, www = 666.
It would be rather easy for the 666 to become our own worse enemy.
Imagine how Hitler or his replacement would have taken advantage of
~ BG (that's Hebrew for Brad Guth)
You are wrong
BG in Hebrew is baag = a part of a meal
BG = baag, thanks so very much.
BG = British Government
BAAG = British Agencies Afghanistan Group (BAAG)
or perhaps BG = Bunge Limited
No, that's just a few more of your brain cells dying...
Leader of the nonexistent paid shills.
Non Jew Jew Club founding member.
Former number one Kook Magnet, title passed to Iarnrod.
Obama already has really should pay more attention, GuthBall.
BG = British Government
or perhaps BG? = Bunge Limited
Have you ever tried cordless Bungee Jumping, GuthBall ???
We've only tested that "cordless Bungee Jumping" theory using mindless
morons of the Zionist Nazi kind, and oddly thus far none have
survived, so it must be something they're doing wrong as a faith-based
group/cabal that's God chosen and otherwise next to immortal.
You certainly wouldn't expect us to use anyone that was acting
rational, caring of others and capable of deductive thinking plus
having remorse for whatever honest mistakes or policed corruption
within their ranks, would you?
~ BG
The only thing BHO has accomplished with the internet thus far is
having made it a little safer and a whole lot more user friendly with
regard to common folks communicating to our President and his staff of
advisers, and for otherwise giving us better access to public funded
science and ongoing research that you and others of your kind would
never have allowed (if anything you would have removed 90% of whatever
was already there).
~ BG
Don't forget it was HIS use of the Internet that helped get him
elected. He was cutting edge in that respect. I received e-mails every
day showing campaign events, progress, etc., etc. and of course
requests for donations. It landed him the White House.
Correct, whereas BHO is essentially the first President to make hardly
any usage of its potential. To think they haven't even scratched 1%
of what's possible via internet, and that just royally pisses off
those Republicans and especially of all those born-again and Zionist
Nazi puppet masters that thought they were going to be in charge
~ BG
they won't shut it down..they will censor it...
But surely the yids need to control the web if they're to truly
control the planet... Usenet would be boring without those of us
trying to expose the global Zionist conspiracy...which seeks to loot
the planet and reduce the population.
Without us, Usenet and WWW would collapse...
That's true. If only contributed to by the Zionist Nazis, there'd be
no good reason for allowing Google Groups and the Usenet/newsgroups to
exist outside of everything being 100% moderated to death, as well as
providing only mainstream infomercials and official disinformation.
Again, exactly as their puppet warlord Hitler would have had it,
whereas nothing would go through the WWW(666) without being fully
scrutinized by those in charge.
~ BG
I had a dog once that all he did all day was chasing his tail. We
tried to stop the animal as eventually all of us began to feel very
sorry for to watch it for hours to chase his tail and sometimes
catching it and bite really hard on it.
This is what tis poor Saul remind me in his assumptions it must be
very difficult for this low levels to actually see one self and
understand simple things about them.
As for example the damage actually they are doing to the ones who are
supposed to support them I believe this is on purpose unless they are
that STUPID that can not be ruled out as we all seen their performance
here that is from a poor to retard stage.
Then they have to bring their big gun into action "Tzeni from Planet
Sirius" with her stink bombs and they at least put shoe humor into the
equation. But what really is the most enjoyable of all their attempts
is their way of trying to associate every person that dont happen to
agree with them and say so with posters they have encounter in the
past and more likely treat them not much deferent I am treating them
here and now like animals.
The reason they do so is because probably they also do not like high
level minds who promote what is to happen on this earth. No they
support a bunch of fanatical idiots in their raging against the basic
freedoms of all humans must have.
They also do not police their own kind, nor have they any sense of
If rabbi Saul Levy were in charge, along with his trusty genetic
cloned army of brown-nosed minions and clowns of the Zionist Nazi
kind, as such they'd make Hitler look like a reliable daycare
~ BG
Warhol, you are over reacting. Jews constitute .25% of the world
population. That’s ¼ of 1%. Jewish population growth worldwide is
practically at zero percent. Now, I lived in New York for years. I
went to school with Jews, worked for Jews, one of my best friends was
a Jew for years until he tried to get into my wifes pants and all I
have to say, when viewed as a whole, is that they are some of the most
talented, industrious and motivated people I have known. Your Zionist
Nazi take over doesn't fly. They have all they can do just to keep
what they have.
What pisses most people off is how this small sector of the world
population has gained so much influence particularly in overall world
finance. The fact is, this money handling is what was given to the
Jews since the Middle Ages. It was the way they were allowed to fit
in. Didn't you read The Merchant of
Zionist Nazi take over..... ha! This is pure self-indulgence on your
You think there's no one group of any faith-based cabal in charge of
anything that's bad. Apparently denial is always such a wonderful
~ BG
Your fucking dreaming. History bears out a totally different story.
Are you really so fucking stupid as to believe 80 million Germans woke
up on morning and decided to eradicate the Jews. They have been kicked
out of just about every country in the world. Germany was damned near
destroyed economically by these people. With them gone that country
became one of the most powerful in the world. Do you really think that
Communism/Bolshevikism/Dual Nationality/Constant spying-stealing of
American and others secrets and industrial processes are the acts of
friends? The above has threatened every modern country. Read the damned
news and get a clue! Just pray that you never get on their
assassinations list. 60 years of genociding their Arab citizens and
neighbors should be a helluva eye opener.
VTcapo is either one of them or a lickspittle of those murderous thugs.
No, not one of THEM. Sicily and Naples is my heritage, just a lot of
Jew blood in the family. It's a little complicated so I'll spare you
the details. Only thugs I know are some Wise Guys from the old
neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Long Island.
Got to sign off. It’s Samurai Saturday on IFC. Now imagine if THESE
crazy fuckers won the war. Then you’d have something to complain
*Roll the red carpet and throw flowers to the skies for the Great
MAGNIFICENT, is soon to arrive*
The Great Principality descend to destroy Devil's Kingdom...
NO I am not over acting... I know what vermin they are... they are
thieves who emptied my home and sold me as slave to the Babylonians
The Merchant of Venice is my Gran'Da'Dy... Ahmad al-Mansur Al Dhabi
the most important figure in European, American and African scene...
Alchemist and Warrior King of the Sacred Kingdom...
The model for Shakespeare's prince of Morocco character in The
Merchant of Venice--the work that gave the famous line: "All that
glitters is not gold."
Ahmad al-Mansur: Islamic Visionary. Smith, Richard L. New York, 2006
In fact, the memory of the great Invincible Warrior King/High Priest
of the sacred temple who was victorious at Alcazar and who built the
greatest palace in the Kingdom of FEZ has faded largely from view...
but his word is still holy today..
You wish.
I still can't hardly believe that the perverted mindset likes of such
well known bipolar ethnic and otherwise sadistic racial mutated folks
like "hanson", BDK, Art Deco and rabbi Saul Levy are even allowed
access to the internet. Does this mean Charles Manson and Ted
kaczynski have active blogs and otherwise can exercise unlimited chats
within Google Groups and Usenet with total immunity?
Apparently, as long as a given faith-based group is being directly or
indirectly defended by the actions of such perverted others, there's
no chance of any policing or moderation by those in charge. In other
words, sending in those mainstream brown-nosed clowns (no matters how
old and cranky) is always a good thing.
~ BG
Thank god those semi-crazy Russians finally kicked way more than their
fair share of those insane Zionist Nazi butts. Without their help,
those much crazier Germans and their vast cabal of Zionist expertise
in physics, science and in global banking via their Rothschild dynasty
would have had us either begging for mercy and/or becoming hard core
I still can't hardly believe that the perverted mindset likes of such
well known bipolar ethnic and otherwise sadistic racial mutated folks
like "hanson", BDK, Art Deco and rabbi Saul Levy are even allowed
access to the internet. Does this mean Charles Manson and Ted
kaczynski have active blogs and otherwise can exercise unlimited chats
within Google Groups and Usenet with total immunity?
Apparently, as long as a given faith-based group is being directly or
indirectly defended by the actions of such perverted others, there's
no chance of any policing or moderation by those in charge. In other
words, sending in those kinds of mainstream brown-nosed clowns (no
you think my wish?????? f ck the coffee boy's... we still need them to
win our war.
What war is that, the one you lost against insanity?
So, what are the "coffee boys"? Is it some sort of special club at the
local mental health center?
the coffee boy's are Kooktards of your kind...
You mean we need them in order to win their wars.
But our Kosher coffee boys are usually next to the last ones that'll
directly fight for anything short of their preferred Zionist form of
global domination. It's usually the disadvantaged poor and/or of
those folks trying for a quick way into becoming an American citizen
that get to spill their blood and guts. (obviously God agrees with
that policy)
~ BG
BDK stands proudly for kosher toilet paper, as his nose is every bit
as kosher butt-sucking brown as you can get, as well as born-again
republican to boot. Such coffee boys of a kosher feather always
fornicate together.
~ BG
BWHAHAHA! Even your bigoted rants are insane. I'm not even a republican.
And I'm not a jew either. But the real world doesn't matter much to you,
does it, Guthball?
You mean sane people?
I need Liars in order to let sheep see... Thats how I win the final
The only war you'll be fighting is, after your family stages an
intervention, with the nurses and attendants at the nearby hoo-hoo hotel
when they are strapping you down on the exam table and starting an IV
with your meds. You'll lose that war, just like the war you lost against
insanity a long time ago. You were totally defeated in that one, and the
enemy bombed your command base (a brain in a normal person) into rubble.
There are a just a few people, and a lot of diseased rats running around
there now.
Wait till your base shall be bombed by a great Leader whom you yids
dont like... Ha ha ha
After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were put
in camps, until Japan was defeated.
Jews did 911. Jews should should be put in camps untill the
perpetrators of 9-11 are under arrest.
That's a minor debate. The towers were brought down with nano thermite
in a controlled demolition. That's enough to arrest Larry Silverstein.
"proof" is a function of the mind. the evidence is there, ample
evidence, overwhelming evidence in fact. If you don't see it as
"proof," no more evidence is going to make any difference to you.
Why is it even though the evidence for some things is overwhelming,
some people just never have enough "proof?"
is it because
1. They are incapable of digesting the evidence?
2. They don't want to admit what the evidence suggests?
3. They are stupid?
4. They do see it, just pretend they don't?
5. Or some other reason I haven't thought of?
It seems the same people believe the same lies - holocaust, 9/11, USS
Liberty attack was an "accident" J F K was a lone gunman job, the Jews
don't control many aspects of the US - the list goes on.
How is it some people see it and others don't?
Sorry, still just French, Irish, and Polish. No jews in the bunch, but
you don't care about reality anyway.
> After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were put
> in camps, until Japan was defeated.
Yeah, that was wrong, like you are.
> Jews did 911. Jews should should be put in camps untill the
> perpetrators of 9-11 are under arrest.
No, Arabs did 911. They're dead, and their leader will hopefully be too.
As dead as your brain is.
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH! What a loon. There's no signs of any controlled demo,
quite the opposite, actually.
> "proof" is a function of the mind. the evidence is there, ample
> evidence, overwhelming evidence in fact. If you don't see it as
> "proof," no more evidence is going to make any difference to you.
The real evidence proves otherwise.
> Why is it even though the evidence for some things is overwhelming,
> some people just never have enough "proof?"
> is it because
> 1. They are incapable of digesting the evidence?
> 2. They don't want to admit what the evidence suggests?
> 3. They are stupid?
> 4. They do see it, just pretend they don't?
> 5. Or some other reason I haven't thought of?
> It seems the same people believe the same lies - holocaust, 9/11, USS
> Liberty attack was an "accident" J F K was a lone gunman job, the Jews
> don't control many aspects of the US - the list goes on.
> How is it some people see it and others don't?
Because they are sane?
They (jew apologists of BDK's kind) see and know it. but just like
common criminals they deny culpability, in their case on the grounds
that any deceit is justified in time of war which Pisrael has been in
for the past half century, trying to protect the land it stole from
Palestinians. Until more critics expose this rationale the debate will
go on without any resolution of the Mid East and consequently world-
wide turmoil.
Heh heh, makes a lot of sense "Controlled opposition" try to make
people exposing the truth come across as the "anti-semitc" (freaking
laughable title nowdays) as anyone that exposes the Jews is from
Stormfront! The zioturds continually use the "Stormfront" thing to try
to dismiss people reporting the truth about the MUDERING THIEVING
Holodomar anyone?
BTW, why is it that the zioturds on here never call us anti semitic?
they know you're insane? Yes, they do.
> but just like
> common criminals they deny culpability, in their case on the grounds
> that any deceit is justified in time of war which Pisrael has been in
> for the past half century, trying to protect the land it stole from
> Palestinians.
Mindless babble. You must have caught it from Brad.
> Until more critics expose this rationale the debate will
> go on without any resolution of the Mid East and consequently world-
> wide turmoil.
If Israel wasn't there, the Arabs would just be fighting each other.
They need to figure out the jew hating isn't getting them anywhere as a
people, and actually try to work on the many many real problems they
have. Until they wake up, they will continue to suffer in general.
You are taking babbloonian lessons from Brad, aren't you?
> The zioturds continually use the "Stormfront" thing to try
> to dismiss people reporting the truth about the MUDERING THIEVING
How come I never see you whining about the other, non jew thieves and
murderers? Because you're obsessed with jews.
> Holodomar anyone?
What do the jews have to do with that? Lots of them died too, moron.
> BTW, why is it that the zioturds on here never call us anti semitic?
They're too busy laughing?
why you are so confused??
Those Zionist Nazis as faith-based minions and brown-nosed Kosher
clowns are not confused. It's their right-of-passage job, and they
dare not fail.
~ BG
9 Pisraelis suspected of scamming millions from U.S. pensioners
The Tel Aviv police fraud squad arrested on Sunday nine yids on
suspicion of netting millions of dollars from U.S. pensioners in a so-
called Nigerian scam.
Is anybody surprised by this news?
Do this: Keep a track of economic thievery, swindles, dishonesty,
graft, nepotism, crimes and lawbreakings in the non-Arab and non-Asian
countries. Find out the perpetrators' ethnicity.
You'll notice that a people of what: 14 -16 million?, do a vastly
disproportionate number of economic crimes to their numbers as
percentage of the general population.
Eventually it just becomes monotonous. You read the misdeed, and you
already KNOW. The rare surprise is when the perpetrator(s) is(are) not
of the kabal.
It simply downed on me just a few years ago; almost every time I heard
the news of such deed, the name(s) of the perp(s) were of that group.
Eventually, I made the connect, it way too much "coincidence". Also,
when I factored in their numbers as percentage of the population, it
was (is) simply horrendous.
Have the Zionists gone way too far with thier bullshit?
Aiiirabs are gonna kill all of us? let's invade them and steal thier
Bird flu is Gonna kill all of us? get the whole world to buy Tamiflu
Global warming is gonna kill all of us? Get the world to make Al Gore
Swine Flu is gonna kill all of us? Lets inject poison in every Gentile
in the world and call it a vaccine!
Anyone that believes this shit has too have a screw loose!
We all know that the swine flu was invented in a lab, if it gets out
of hand then we know who to go after.
We know Baxter deliberatly tainted vaccines with bird flu and tried to
start a pandemic.
Like most casinos are run by native American Indians because otherwise
honestly hard working (non-native) Americans are not usually permitted
to run such businesses in states where public gambling has been
against the law (except of course for those state run lotteries which
are at least ten fold more corrupt by not paying out 10% as much as a
typical native owned casino).
~ BG
BG, Yids are strange... Photo...
they are unmoralistic animals, nothing more.
I like that word "unmoralistic", as it goes nicely along with their
lack of remorse and total absence and/or failure at policing their own
~ BG
This Animals are not only "unmoralistic" but the most Corrupt pigs in
the world...
The latest international corruption report says that Zionazi state is
the most corrupt out-law state in the world...86% of pigsraeli thugs
themselves have that opinion of their own government...§ionid=351020202
I'm not. Why are you so insane?
BWHAHAHAHA! You think this is a job? I wish I had a job as fun as
goofing on you kooktards is. If I did, I would work until I dropped.
You, on the other hand, are a career whackjob.
BWHAHAHA! You're already near brain dead, so you're probably immune.
Have you sought counseling for your anger management issues? Or does
the I'D'F not allow that?
Big Dumb C u n t.
So you admit you ARE fu cked up. That's a good start. We get quite a
lot of fu cked up patients with Jewish mothers here, and there's no
need to be frightened of admitting it. I would recommend our "English
For Comically Aggressive Internet Nerds" course, which will address
several of your incapacities at once.
We accept shekels...
You on the other hand are one of a swarm of semi-literate zionist
troll who betray the culture to which you pretend to have contributed.
Who seek actively to encourage antisemitism, in the belief that this
will make the diaspora support your disgusting country's racist aims.
By "your" country, I do not of course mean the USA, but the Middle
Eastern terrorist state to which you have given or sold your
Your best course of action is to purchase "English for Comically
Aggressive Internet Nerds Module #1". We accept payment in illegally
enriched uranium, btw. After completing this successfully you may be
able to understand what the rest of the world is telling you.
It's worth a shot.
Big Dumb Kunt is anger counseling for those that wish to continually
piss everyone off. Hitler and those Zionist Nazis were actually one
of his/her favorite role models.
~ BG
A self inflected shot to the BDK head might do even better, but then
we'd have yet another toxic biohazardous mess to clean up.
~ BG
Anger? You kooks seem to have a problem telling the difference between
it and amusement. Oh well, I guess they both start with an "A", so it's
close enough that a kooktard can't tell the difference.
The IDF? BWHAHAHA! They have a branch here? Don't you have to be a jew
or at least an Israeli to join up? Leaves me out Wormhole, you'll need
to find some other delusion to beat off to.
So what do you huff on to have made yourself so damn crazy, Brad?
No, once again, you're imagining things. You can't even spell fucked
correctly. Kind of like the fucked up way you spell "Grand'Slappy" or
> That's a good start. We get quite a lot of fu cked up patients with Jewish mothers here, and there's no
> need to be frightened of admitting it.
LOL, my mother is about as non jewish as they come. French and Irish, if
you really want to know, very few Jews in Kentucky back then, and even
fewer in Oklahoma.
> I would recommend our "English For Comically Aggressive Internet Nerds" course, which will address
> several of your incapacities at once.
Coming from you, that's hilarious.
> We accept shekels...
Never seen one. They don't work in Ohio. We have these things called
dollars in the US.
Is it even possible for you to get any crazier? I hope so, I need the
You are smarter than Wornhole. Jews are smarter than Wornhole. Ipso
Shill #2
I am so smart...S.M.R.T.
Homer J. Simpson
> Who seek actively to encourage antisemitism, in the belief that this
> will make the diaspora support your disgusting country's racist aims.
My country? The US?
> By "your" country, I do not of course mean the USA, but the Middle
> Eastern terrorist state to which you have given or sold your
> allegiance.
I only have allegiance to the USA, Wormhole. I just happen to not share
your insane jew hating bigotry. I don't hate blacks, Hispanics, Asians,
or even Muslims, at least the ones I know and work with, who all drink,
and eat Pork. Kind of like the jews I work with, they eat pork too.
I can find all kinds of individual assholes to hate, I don't need to
label people bad as a group. That's something weak minded people need to
do to make themselves feel better, and to blame for their own failures.
> Your best course of action is to purchase "English for Comically
> Aggressive Internet Nerds Module #1". We accept payment in illegally
> enriched uranium, btw.
Uranium exposure might explain what made you the way you are, but more
likely, you simply got conked on the head too many times when you were
little. That, and the drugs, really fucked you up.
> After completing this successfully you may be
> able to understand what the rest of the world is telling you.
You and a few other sad scumbags are hardly "the rest of the world".
> It's worth a shot.
That's what the doctor told your parents...he was wrong.
If you can arrange a time and place for the nutters from this forum to
meet in real life, I just hope someone will bring a video camera..
Since they're mostly Jewish or otherwise pretend-Atheists, a synagogue
should do the trick for the location of this friendly get together.
~ BG
You being one of the top nutters would have to arrange a meeting for you
and your fellow kooktards. I would buy a damn camera and pay one of you
to record your hijinks. It would kill on youtube.
"Kooktardic Summit meeting!"
I'm sure you and Brad would be able to set it up all by yourselves.
Summit meeting.... Consider me there. Ill be attending with a close
friend. A claw hammer.
I only hunt coyotes, because they prey upon young deer and house cats
and they can legally be hunted all year long.
In my Moorish lands many people do hunt for food, not simply for
sport, but I have a secure income and live outside my beloved Holy
Land, so I only hunt coyotes.
What about a meet up at Auschwitz to discuss the holocaust...
now what is funny!
some say you can hear the walls speak:
'you yids and supporters will all be taking a shower but you won't be
needing any soap'
They can bring also their unsatisfied wives.
It's too late to try to knock some sense into your fellow kooktards, or
even yourself. A dozen straightjackets would be a better choice.
> I only hunt coyotes, because they prey upon young deer and house cats
> and they can legally be hunted all year long.
LOL. You're dreaming again. If you even saw a Coyote, you would probably
scream like Dr. Smith on Lost in Space. Oh dear.
> In my Moorish lands many people do hunt for food, not simply for
> sport, but I have a secure income and live outside my beloved Holy
> Land, so I only hunt coyotes.
Belgian Coyotes?
> What about a meet up at Auschwitz to discuss the holocaust...
LOL, sorry, I don't do Europe.
> now what is funny!
> some say you can hear the walls speak:
> 'you yids and supporters will all be taking a shower but you won't be
> needing any soap'
I wonder when saying shit like the above is going to come back and haunt
I'll slap you up side your head no matter what law is bought and paid
BTW if your view of reality is constructed by some ancient
superstitions then i feel sorry for you.
WTF are you babbling about now? The only thing you=3Fll be slapping are
the invisible bugs you think are crawling on you.
> BTW if your view of reality is constructed by some ancient
> superstitions then i feel sorry for you.
You=3Fre the one who believes in old books of bullshit, not me.
Notice that whenever the regular laws of physics and best available
science that's easily peer replicated supports an outside/independent
theory or deductive interpretation of anything, suddenly those exact
same laws of physics (including everything Newtonian) and whatever
science are systematically disqualified and/or simply can't apply.
It's like everything of Usenet/newsgroups and Google Groups turns
itself into a brown-nosed clown populated realm of bizarro land,
whereas up becomes down and black becomes white, or else we merely
slip into the 4th or 5th dimension (similar to falling off the edge of
Earth). Lord forbid we should maintain any kind of open mindset and
fairly exchange information, whereas instead purely subjective science
as based upon mainstream conditional physics gets front page and above
the fold coverage, along with nothing but the very best of
supercomputer simulations and artificial eyecandy, and of course all
of it at public funded expense none the less.
~ BG
In brief, this is elite jewry`s holocaust hate speech cycle:
1. jew elite tells the cosmic sized Big Lie of the Holocaust.
2. Gentiles say, "Wait! Let us investigate that!"
3. jewish elite protests, "What? You question jewish suffering and
eyewitness testimonies? You are engaging in hate speech."
4. The jewish controlled media then proceed to silence and defame the
hapless Gentile or jew who refuses to accept the holocaust blood
5. If the Gentile persists, jewish thugs like Rabbi Kahane`s JDL
jewish Defense League send him mail bombs or jewish assisted
lightening burns down his house. These jewish thugs are almost always
protected by their co tribalists in the judicial system and the
useless police never bother to seriously investigate the crime.
6. If the holocaust skeptic persists, jewdiciaries bankrupt, deport,
and imprison him.
These six stages of the hate speech cycle of the jewish elite can all
be seen in the life of the great human rights fighters Ernst Zundel,
Robert Faurisson, Germar Rudolf, Georges Thiel, et multi alii. The
basic assumption behind elite jewry`s thinking is that elite jews
themselves could never be guilty of anything in their relations with
all zog will soon be dead , you know that dont you...
BWHAHAHAHAA! You really are a fucking loon.
Then I'll be fine and dandy. I'm not in the government, and I'm not a
jew, so I'm not involved.
As if your delusional horseshit has any chance of happening.
Samuel Untermyer was one of many yids who helped convince people to
boycott Germany in the 1930s. Benjamin Freedman claims that he was
also involved with blackmailing President Wilson:
US Presidents, jewish Pawns
Just as you have the right to believe what you desire, so does the
other person, who believes in the unseen.
However you may hate this option, you cannot impose your right on
Dont make me Laugh yid...
Just more mindless jew hatin' BS.
> Just as you have the right to believe what you desire, so does the
> other person, who believes in the unseen.
That's right, you can't make someone sane.
> However you may hate this option, you cannot impose your right on
> others.
There comes a point where some sort of treatment will have to be forced
on you.
Why not? You sure as hell make me!!!
Yids do seems to have a way with words, and lucky for Hitler they also
knew their way around physics, science, biology and global banking
better than most anyone else. Good thing Stalin (better late than
never) didn't entirely fall for that kosher ruse.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Lollipop Brad, a rainbow lollipop!
Babble on, Brad..
Like a republican mafia cartel/cabal, it seems they do not police
their own kind. That by itself should be enough said.
If this latest run of kosher debauchery and their subsequent bad faith-
based luck keeps up, and we outside good guys or perhaps Karma keep
catching these silly yids red handed, as in literally blood red with
spare body parts that have no official providence, as well as for
hording public and private loot that clearly isn't theirs to behold,
and that's not to mention gross tax avoidance schemes, whereas such we
may have to convert some prisons into synagogues just so that they can
continue preying to their false gods, and otherwise for conspiring in
private for orchestrating their next 9/11 and subsequent false flag war
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Kosher farts are forming into another black hole singularity, so for
Christ's sake don't strike any match because she'll blow.
~ BG