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Re: What Say You BroJack?

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R. Steve Walz

Jun 23, 2004, 12:12:27 AM6/23/04
Tommy wrote:
> Jews Relentless In Pursuit of Internet Censorship
> An international assembly initiated by the OSCE (Organization for
> Security and Cooperation in Europe) met in Paris this week to plan a
> strategy for banning "anti-Semitic and xenophobic propaganda" from the
> Internet.
I like it.

> The two-day conference of 300 delegates from more than 60 states began
> with calls on OSCE members to take extreme measures to keep racist
> material off the Net.

> Suzette Bronkhost, a Dutch official of the International Network
> Against Cyber Hate (, said the US Constitution should
> not allow extreme statements by "holocaust deniers," for example.
It shouldn't.

> French Foreign Minister Mihel Barnier told delegates that preventive
> action against spreading hate propaganda online were not enough,
> adding that "we must act directly against the perpetrators." Delegates
> told reporters they hope to find ways to "track down the authors of
> racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic material on the web."

> "We must not leave the door open to abuse. Freedoms do not include a
> right to spread hatred, lies and abuse, which could destabilize our
> societies."

> "France and other European countries already have strong laws banning
> expressions of racism," he reminded the gathering.

> The alien, Jewish mentality
Nonsense, it's perfectly reasonable.

> "...the most efficacious way to control Internet content is through
> regulation of the ISPs or the principal access points for the
> Internet. To the extent the codes of conduct are memorialized in an
> ISP's terms of service, they become contractual undertakings,
> enforceable as a matter of law. In this way, the law does assume a
> role. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) based in the United States, as
> private actors, are not bound by the First Amendment."
They're the publisher, they have no obligation to provide any forum
to info-frauds like Nazi's and hate groups.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

R. Steve Walz

Jun 25, 2004, 2:19:42 PM6/25/04
Jane Doe wrote:
> "R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Though quite predictable, this is scary, scary stuff. Note the
> following: "To the extent the codes of conduct are memorialized in an
> ISP's terms of service..." What's effectively being said here is
> we're not only the "only game in town," but we now fully intend to run
> the town along WITH the game!
The rich Rightist shit have banned certain types of speech that told
the Truth about them and about sexuality for centuries by owning the
printing presses, it's time you Rightist shit got a taste of your own

> Indeed, when a small group runs the show from top to bottom, and that
> show is one everyone has to participate in (or live in a cave), then
> it's not surprising that free speech will be curtailed under the
> rubric of "hate speech" legislation. One need only look to that Gulag
> to the north of us to see how these things progress.
They work just fine, thanks. After the first flirtation with Dworkin
and McKinnon, that all changed, and now they do the right thing.

> Too, guess who runs that game and is now setting the House Rules,
> folks? Think Hollywood, most of radio and television, magazines,
> publishing houses and newspapers. But there IS one thing you can take
> to the bank. Anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-Catholic speech, no
> matter how inflammatory, will NEVER come under this type of
> legislation. Quelle surprise! Just reflect on how the ACLU, a largely
> Jewish legal enterprise, is now attacking every last vestige of
> Christianity in this country.
Because Xtianity, UNLIKE Judaism, is antihumane and antisexual and
wants everyone else to be forced to be that way, something that Judaism
doesn't do! Sensible non-Jews are ALSO in favor of it,in our DROVES!

> And these folks scratch their little beanies wondering why their
> antics engender such alarm. To even talk in these terms scares the
> living shit out of anyone with even half a brain in their mushy little
> skull.
You mean out of you who have no brains and promulgatre hate,
antisexuality and antihumanity.

> People like you are very dangerous people, Waltz.
> Very dangerous indeed.
It's Walz, you stupid fucking illiterate.
And yes, I'm dangerous to Rightism and to hateful shit like YOU!

> And it points up once again that tyranny always
> comes from the left, ALWAYS!
You're a fucking LIAR!

Like Hitler, like McCarthy, like the RC Church? Why gee, NO, those
are ALL RIGHTIST organs!! So what COULD you POSSIBLY MEAN?: You wish
to smear the Left and Communism by PRETENDING that Russia and China
were/are "communist", when they were techno-crypto-slave-state feudal
Capitalisms of the WEALTHY MINORITY!!

ACTUAL Communism, which has never been seen yet in modern societies
to a full extent, due to feudalism's grip on humanity for the last

So were Russia and China REEEEEALLY "communist"????????????
No, they both had large Plutocratic wealthy classes with immense
privilege over the vast majority of their populations, who were
relegated to uniform poverty, rather than unform entitlement via
Majority Democratic Communism!!

> And these days it's generally disguised
> as legislation respecting hate speech directed at very select and
> preferred groups, particularly blacks and Jews and homosexuals. Go
> back into your hole, sir!
Hitler warned you rightist shit that the Jews and homosexuals were
coming to get you, when actually the ones who came and got you were
the fucking rich and their Nazi dupes!

We had to sanitize Europe to get rid of vicious insane shit like you
60 years ago. So do we have to do it again now with YOU human shit???
God, I hope so!


Jun 25, 2004, 2:35:42 PM6/25/04
The best way to expose and control hate speech is by the flood light expose
from free speech. Any attempt at censorship merely results in the
distortions of information made by the censors.


"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message


Jun 25, 2004, 3:37:02 PM6/25/04
On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 18:19:42 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

>ACTUAL Communism, which has never been seen yet in modern societies
>to a full extent, due to feudalism's grip on humanity for the last

You're going to run into a dilemma.

Your friends, the American nigaboo (homo negronus Americanus), love
the trappings of capitalism. They salivate at the thought of Michael
Jordan's 12 homes and pvt. planes, Reggie Jackson's 25 automobiles,
Whitney Houston's jewelry and fine threads.....

In that respect, they are normal and you'll never convince them to
accept anything less than the luxuries capitalism can provide. And
lord knows that fearful you of all people would do nothing to go
against them.

R. Steve Walz

Jun 25, 2004, 6:59:15 PM6/25/04
Tommy wrote:
> Jane Doe wrote

> >> ----------------------
> >> Nonsense, it's perfectly reasonable.
> >>
> >>
> >> > "...the most efficacious way to control Internet content is through
> >> > regulation of the ISPs or the principal access points for the
> >> > Internet. To the extent the codes of conduct are memorialized in an
> >> > ISP's terms of service, they become contractual undertakings,
> >> > enforceable as a matter of law. In this way, the law does assume a
> >> > role. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) based in the United States, as
> >> > private actors, are not bound by the First Amendment."
> >> --------------
> >> True.
> >> They're the publisher, they have no obligation to provide any forum
> >> to info-frauds like Nazi's and hate groups.
> >> Steve
> >
> > Though quite predictable, this is scary, scary stuff. Note the
> > following: "To the extent the codes of conduct are memorialized in an
> > ISP's terms of service..." What's effectively being said here is
> > we're not only the "only game in town," but we now fully intend to run
> > the town along WITH the game!
> >
> > Indeed, when a small group runs the show from top to bottom, and that
> > show is one everyone has to participate in (or live in a cave), then
> > it's not surprising that free speech will be curtailed under the
> > rubric of "hate speech" legislation. One need only look to that Gulag
> > to the north of us to see how these things progress.
> >
> > Too, guess who runs that game and is now setting the House Rules,
> > folks? Think Hollywood, most of radio and television, magazines,
> > publishing houses and newspapers. But there IS one thing you can take
> > to the bank. Anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-Catholic speech, no
> > matter how inflammatory, will NEVER come under this type of
> > legislation. Quelle surprise! Just reflect on how the ACLU, a largely
> > Jewish legal enterprise, is now attacking every last vestige of
> > Christianity in this country.
> >
> > And these folks scratch their little beanies wondering why their
> > antics engender such alarm. To even talk in these terms scares the
> > living shit out of anyone with even half a brain in their mushy little
> > skull. People like you are very dangerous people, Waltz. Very
> > dangerous indeed. And it points up once again that tyranny always
> > comes from the left, ALWAYS! And these days it's generally disguised

> > as legislation respecting hate speech directed at very select and
> > preferred groups, particularly blacks and Jews and homosexuals. Go
> > back into your hole, sir!
> Another good read here..
> Makow - The Hypocrisy
> Of Anti-Hate Laws
> By Henry Makow, PhD
> 6-20-4
> Around the world, legislatures are passing "anti-hate" laws while they
> themselves finance and promote hate.
> For example, Congress is set to pass a "hate crime" bill (S625) that could
> make it a crime to "hurt the feelings" of homosexuals. Canada has already
> passed similar legislation. (Bill C-250)

> At the same time, our politicians sponsor the denigration of
> heterosexuality, masculinity, femininity and the family in our schools and
> in the media.
What utterly ridiculous trash!

> I do not condone hatred or harm to homosexuals, Jews or anybody else. Most
> people just want to live and let live.
You only SAY that now that we've decided to come after YOU shit!
You fucking coward.

> The real purpose of hate laws is to criminalize opposition to a vile
> campaign against heterosexuals and society as a whole.
You need to count your negatives here.

> The London-based financial oligarchy that controls our politicians is
> promoting homosexual behavior in order to destroy the institution of
> marriage and the family.
Nonsense, more insane "royal family" conspriracy crap.
Nobody cares what QE and Charlie do!

And homosexual behavior destroys nothing whatsoever, it's a
harmless hobby.

> The intent is to destabilize and depopulate society and thereby undercut
> popular resistance to "world government."
Destabilize? You shit destabilize society, we're trying to STOP you!
Depopulate? Yes, the world is too fucking over-populated!!
And yes, a world government would be excellent.
Will homosexuality depopulate anything? Nope.

> Although homosexuals represent 1-3% of the population,
Gays are 6-8% of the male population. Lesbians slightly lower.
Males who have engaged in homosex number over 50%, females
somewhat higher. You don't have to be exclusively gay or
straight, and those who are so, are actually a quite small
percentage of humans.

>our politicians
> confound and offend heterosexuals by equating gay and straight marriage.
Ridiculous, the duty of govt is to give people whatever they want.

> (There are real differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals.
Yes, and no.

> Gays should be given a separate marital class with equal rights.
Nonsense, unneeded.

> Similarly the financial cabal portrays opposition to their tyranny as "anti
> Semitism."
There ain't any "Jewish economic cabal", you're insane.

> Later, I will ask why don't they consider the Jewish Talmud to
> be hate literature.
Because most Jews have never read it and couldn't be bothered
to do so. Most American Jews are Reform don't consider it important.

> Is it because some of them are Talmudists?

> It appears that legitimate opposition to the Orwellian New World Order is
> stigmatized as "hate." Every day 2004 looks more like "1984".
Except with free sex and porn and lots better food, shelter, and
media entertainment. Meaning you're insane.


> In hundreds of Women's Studies courses, impressionable young women are
> taught contempt for men, marriage and family. In their book "Professing
> Feminism" former Women's' Studies professors Daphne Patai and Noretta
> Koetge expose these courses for what they are: Communist-inspired hate
> training seminars.
> 4/ref=sr_1_4/002-8776249-2483235?v=glance&s=books
Now if those weren't actually the ridiculous lies they actually are!

> Young women study such feminist pioneers as Andrea Dworkin who teaches,
> "Heterosexual sex is rape" and Marilyn French who believes, "All men are
> rapists."
Yes, and then they are taught to make fun of them.

> They learn that "female heterosexuality is not a biological drive" but " a
> set of social practices about the oppression and exploitation of
> women." (Marilyn Frye)
And how to make fun of that.

> They learn that lesbianism is the "means of liberation of all women from
> heterosexual tyranny." (Cheryl Clarke)
Sure. Your kind.

> The nuclear family is "a cornerstone of women's oppression: it enforces
> women's dependence on men, it enforces heterosexuality and it imposes the
> prevailing masculine and feminine character structures on the next
> generation." (Alison Jagger)
Yes, the nuclear family is an oppressive pile of shit, we need more
freely changable tribal groupsexual relationships that permit lifetime
affiliations but with gangbangs and sex parties.

> Our government sponsors this rot. Are you offended yet?
By porn and orgies? How could I be??

> It doesn't matter
> since our leaders believe heterosexuals are a legitimate target of hate.
No, only people who are limited to the antique rape dominance form
of oppressive nuclear familial heterosexuality.

> The above womyn (academics, writers) make big money to spew this hate.
The ones you mentioned are negative examples of Rightist Phony Fe+minism
gone wrong among YOU shit, not us!

> We must take the people that pay their salaries to court under > anti-hate laws.
I think their frauds and yours should be criminally actionable,
and most feminists do too!

> Jewish central bankers and Communist Jews played the leading role in setting
> up the USSR.
Nonsense, the Politburo families were not Jewish.

> Resistance to Communism was often expressed as anti-Semitism.
No. It is just that paranoid Rightists are also anti-semites.

> Therefore anti-Semitism was banned on pain of death in Bolshevik Russia.
No, it was just paranoid Rightist stupidity, as usual.

> Similarly, the same Jews play an important part in the New World Order. I am
> thinking of the bankers and their Neo Conservative, Marxist, feminist and
> liberal puppets. Like their Bolshevik forebears, they stigmatize political
> opposition as "hate."
Bankers are rightist control freaks. The very LASt thing they want
is a

> A bill requiring the State Department "to monitor incidents of anti-Semitism
> around the world" passed the U.S. Senate last week.
To monitor the inssne Rightist Church-State Al Qaeda, you shit!

> The State Department would also monitor each government's efforts to pass
> and enforce measures "to protect Jewish religious freedom as well as
> endeavors to promote anti bias and tolerance education."
Sure, why not?

> A strong court case can be made that the Talmud, considered the basis of
> modern Judaism, is hate literature. (Most secular Jews are unaware of the
> true character of the Talmud.)
As I said. Hell, MOST Jews have never read the Torah!!
Noe do they care about it.

> Is the Senate equally vigilant about anti-gentile hate by Talmudic Jews?
Ain't any.

> According to Israel Shahak, a Professor Emeritus at Hebrew University, the
> Talmud treats non-Jews as "sub human" and directs Jews to discriminate
All the rest of this is a mis-reading of an ignored portion of antique
text, since Jews don't regard the Torah as any "word of god". It's
revered as antique and "theirs", not divine.

R. Steve Walz

Jun 25, 2004, 7:00:00 PM6/25/04
Jane Doe wrote:
> (Jane Doe) wrote in message news:<>...
> Well, it would seem I shut up at least one little Motzah Ball,
> cocksucking Pink Nazi. Five bucks will get you ten thousand, at least
> with me, that this little bastard wears coke-bottle glasses and is
> affiliated with the ACLU. I never miss on these things, never. These
> political newsgroups stink with these Jewboy facilitators. They
> attempt to shape the debate and control the discussion. And their
> chief weapon is ridicule, confined, of course, to white Christians.
> Anything else goes. These little pricks know who not to fuck with, and
> I just so happen to be one of those types.
> Jane Doe
You're a ridiculous idiot.

R. Steve Walz

Jun 25, 2004, 9:00:54 PM6/25/04
Bill wrote:
> The best way to expose and control hate speech is by the flood light expose
> from free speech. Any attempt at censorship merely results in the
> distortions of information made by the censors.
> --
> Bill
Nonsense. No supporting rationale.

R. Steve Walz

Jun 25, 2004, 9:01:46 PM6/25/04
So do immature white whiggaboos like you. More reason to suppress
your immature evil.


Jun 26, 2004, 5:58:03 AM6/26/04
On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 01:01:46 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

Yes, whigger, the fruits of capitalism are mighty tasty.

Message has been deleted

R. Steve Walz

Jun 26, 2004, 10:16:28 PM6/26/04
You're racist shit. You live in yo mammas basement. You couldn't know.

R. Steve Walz

Jun 26, 2004, 10:23:59 PM6/26/04
Jane Doe wrote:
> "R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> No, Motzah Boy, but I am someone who fully intends to settle your
> freakin' hash, and people just like you.
You can't.
You're nothing but an impotent little teenybopper piece of NetTrash.


Jun 27, 2004, 5:54:31 AM6/27/04
On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 02:16:28 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

I don't want that shareing the wealth shit. Fuck that scene where
everybody has about the same amount of material wealth. That kind of
society for losers. I want the finer things. You only go around once
and when you gone, that's it. Ain't no heaven afterwards.



Jun 27, 2004, 7:23:05 AM6/27/04
On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 02:16:28 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

>> >> >ACTUAL Communism, which has never been seen yet in modern societies

I wonder why. [snicker]

>> >> >to a full extent, due to feudalism's grip on humanity for the last

I suspect that your ACTUAL communism would be ideal for a small,
unambitious, backward society that has no aspirations beyond food,
clothing, and shelter, and has absolutely no knowledge of the modern

Reminds me of an old song: "How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm,
after they've seen Pareeeeee?"

R. Steve Walz

Jun 27, 2004, 5:54:53 PM6/27/04
Steal from us and you'll get nowhere even sooner, because we'll kill
your ass.

R. Steve Walz

Jun 27, 2004, 5:56:38 PM6/27/04
waybackjack wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 02:16:28 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
> wrote:
> >> >> >ACTUAL Communism, which has never been seen yet in modern societies
> I wonder why. [snicker]
> >> >> >to a full extent, due to feudalism's grip on humanity for the last
> >> >> >500 to 1000 years, HAS NO PLACE FOR THE WEALTHY, NO WEALTHY CLASS
> I suspect that your ACTUAL communism would be ideal for a small,
> unambitious, backward society that has no aspirations beyond food,
> clothing, and shelter, and has absolutely no knowledge of the modern
> world.
Absolutely unsupportable nonsense.

> Reminds me of an old song: "How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm,
> after they've seen Pareeeeee?"

Except!: Communism *IS* "Paris"!!


Jun 27, 2004, 6:05:03 PM6/27/04
On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 21:54:53 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

I don't plan to steal from nobody. That's the first point. Second
point is you kind of folks don't have nothing worth stealing, white



Jun 27, 2004, 6:27:34 PM6/27/04
On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 21:56:38 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

>waybackjack wrote:
>> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 02:16:28 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
>> wrote:
>> >> >> >ACTUAL Communism, which has never been seen yet in modern societies
>> I wonder why. [snicker]
>> >> >> >to a full extent, due to feudalism's grip on humanity for the last
>> >> >> >500 to 1000 years, HAS NO PLACE FOR THE WEALTHY, NO WEALTHY CLASS
>> I suspect that your ACTUAL communism would be ideal for a small,
>> unambitious, backward society that has no aspirations beyond food,
>> clothing, and shelter, and has absolutely no knowledge of the modern
>> world.
>Absolutely unsupportable nonsense.

No. I think it would work in the type of society I described above.

>> Reminds me of an old song: "How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm,
>> after they've seen Pareeeeee?"
>Except!: Communism *IS* "Paris"!!

Now *that's* unsupportable nonsense.


Jun 27, 2004, 6:43:30 PM6/27/04
On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 21:56:38 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

Two points: first, It cannot be "Paris" if wealthy aren't allowed to

Secondly, for the plan you envision to succeed, your society must
consist of gentle, easily-manipulated people such as these:

Down Syndrome is a genetic condition caused by extra genetic material
(genes) from the 21st chromosome. The extra genes cause certain
characteristics that we know as Down syndrome. Individuals with Down
Syndrome also have all the other genes given to them by their parents.
As a result, they have a combination of features typical of Down
Syndrome on top of the individual features from their parents. This
includes some degree of mental retardation, or cognitive disability
and other developmental delays. Some of the physical traits that are
common but not always present are epicanthal folds over the eyes,
flattened bridge of the nose, a single palmar crease and decreased
muscle tone.


R. Steve Walz

Jun 27, 2004, 6:49:27 PM6/27/04
Nope, we don't have any chulo hairnets or dekinking solution,
you kinky dingleberry head!

R. Steve Walz

Jun 27, 2004, 6:52:17 PM6/27/04
waybackjack wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 21:56:38 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
> wrote:
> >waybackjack wrote:
> >>
> >> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 02:16:28 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >> >> >ACTUAL Communism, which has never been seen yet in modern societies
> >>
> >> I wonder why. [snicker]
> >>
> >> >> >> >to a full extent, due to feudalism's grip on humanity for the last
> >> >> >> >500 to 1000 years, HAS NO PLACE FOR THE WEALTHY, NO WEALTHY CLASS
> >>
> >> I suspect that your ACTUAL communism would be ideal for a small,
> >> unambitious, backward society that has no aspirations beyond food,
> >> clothing, and shelter, and has absolutely no knowledge of the modern
> >> world.
> >---------------------
> >Absolutely unsupportable nonsense.
> No. I think it would work in the type of society I described above.
Draw a Venn diagram, you'll figure out your own lie.

> >> Reminds me of an old song: "How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm,
> >> after they've seen Pareeeeee?"
> >-----------------------
> >Except!: Communism *IS* "Paris"!!
> Now *that's* unsupportable nonsense.

Nope, been to France lately?

R. Steve Walz

Jun 27, 2004, 6:55:41 PM6/27/04
BroJack wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 21:56:38 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
> wrote:
> >waybackjack wrote:
> >>
> >> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 02:16:28 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >> >> >ACTUAL Communism, which has never been seen yet in modern societies
> >>
> >> I wonder why. [snicker]
> >>
> >> >> >> >to a full extent, due to feudalism's grip on humanity for the last
> >> >> >> >500 to 1000 years, HAS NO PLACE FOR THE WEALTHY, NO WEALTHY CLASS
> >>
> >> I suspect that your ACTUAL communism would be ideal for a small,
> >> unambitious, backward society that has no aspirations beyond food,
> >> clothing, and shelter, and has absolutely no knowledge of the modern
> >> world.
> >---------------------
> >Absolutely unsupportable nonsense.
> >
> >
> >> Reminds me of an old song: "How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm,
> >> after they've seen Pareeeeee?"
> >-----------------------
> >Except!: Communism *IS* "Paris"!!
> >Steve
> Two points: first, It cannot be "Paris" if wealthy aren't allowed to
> exist.
Depends what you want out of Paris!!

> Secondly, for the plan you envision to succeed, your society must
> consist of gentle, easily-manipulated people such as these:

You're too stupid to grasp what kind of people, JackAss.


Jun 27, 2004, 9:02:03 PM6/27/04
On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 22:55:41 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

Humans want the best that is available and will choose wealth over the
type of share-the-wealth society you envision.

>> Secondly, for the plan you envision to succeed, your society must
>> consist of gentle, easily-manipulated people such as these:
>You're too stupid to grasp what kind of people, JackAss.

Just picturing you in a society of gentle, easily-manipulated Down
children .... sort of like the fox in the henhouse.



Jun 27, 2004, 9:02:52 PM6/27/04
On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 22:52:17 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

>waybackjack wrote:
>> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 21:56:38 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
>> wrote:
>> >waybackjack wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 02:16:28 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >> >> >ACTUAL Communism, which has never been seen yet in modern societies
>> >>
>> >> I wonder why. [snicker]
>> >>
>> >> >> >> >to a full extent, due to feudalism's grip on humanity for the last
>> >> >> >> >500 to 1000 years, HAS NO PLACE FOR THE WEALTHY, NO WEALTHY CLASS
>> >>
>> >> I suspect that your ACTUAL communism would be ideal for a small,
>> >> unambitious, backward society that has no aspirations beyond food,
>> >> clothing, and shelter, and has absolutely no knowledge of the modern
>> >> world.
>> >---------------------
>> >Absolutely unsupportable nonsense.
>> No. I think it would work in the type of society I described above.
>Draw a Venn diagram, you'll figure out your own lie.

Inappropriate. There are no similarities between the ignorant
primitive society and the bulk of humanity other than the fact that
both are homo sapiens.

>> >> Reminds me of an old song: "How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm,
>> >> after they've seen Pareeeeee?"
>> >-----------------------
>> >Except!: Communism *IS* "Paris"!!
>> Now *that's* unsupportable nonsense.
>Nope, been to France lately?

Been to a logic class lately? Ever heard of abstract reasoning?

R. Steve Walz

Jun 28, 2004, 12:14:54 AM6/28/04
When they realize that the rich will steal all the wealth if they
don't organize to take it back and divide it fairly, then they will
want what I'm promoting!

> >> Secondly, for the plan you envision to succeed, your society must
> >> consist of gentle, easily-manipulated people such as these:
> >-------------------
> >You're too stupid to grasp what kind of people, JackAss.
> Just picturing you in a society of gentle, easily-manipulated Down
> children .... sort of like the fox in the henhouse.
> BroJack

Those would be the ideal stooges of the rich, like you!

Not the People united, with guns and ready to use them
to take back what's theirs!!

R. Steve Walz

Jun 28, 2004, 12:23:42 AM6/28/04
waybackjack wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 22:52:17 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
> wrote:
> >> >> I suspect that your ACTUAL communism would be ideal for a small,
> >> >> unambitious, backward society that has no aspirations beyond food,
> >> >> clothing, and shelter, and has absolutely no knowledge of the modern
> >> >> world.
> >> >---------------------
> >> >Absolutely unsupportable nonsense.
> >>
> >> No. I think it would work in the type of society I described above.
> >-----------------------------------
> >Draw a Venn diagram, you'll figure out your own lie.
> Inappropriate.
Venn diagram illustrating OR proposition.

Communism works NOT ONLY in older tribal societies, but in all modern
ones as well, there is no real reason it doesn't scale-up. What
intervened was the enslavement of Europe by a phony "nobility", gangs of
insecure psychopaths whom we should have killed instead of just turning
them out for anti-social behavior. We'll know better
next time!!

> There are no similarities between the ignorant
> primitive society and the bulk of humanity other than the fact that
> both are homo sapiens.

It took more brains to live before slaves/petroleum.
The supposed "primitives" had larger brains, and to think:
We always wondered why.

People are much more ignorant now because they have petroleum.
And more venal because they can get away with defective
antisocial mentalities!

When oil goes away we'll experience a culling of shit like you!
Your mentality is defective and untenable for a social species!

> >> >> Reminds me of an old song: "How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm,
> >> >> after they've seen Pareeeeee?"
> >> >-----------------------
> >> >Except!: Communism *IS* "Paris"!!
> >>
> >> Now *that's* unsupportable nonsense.
> >---------------------------------
> >Nope, been to France lately?
> Been to a logic class lately? Ever heard of abstract reasoning?

Expert at it, you're the shitty little poseur!!

"MIDIcian" (tm)

Jun 28, 2004, 12:52:14 AM6/28/04
"Hit the broe, Jack
And don't come back KNOW more KNOW more" - Me!!!! (my latest parody idea)

+- +- +- +-
Brother Where You Bound (Davies) - Supertramp

There's a red cloud
Hanging over us
And it's so big
And it's gonna bust
Hiding people
With your heads, in the ground
Hey brother
Where you bound

And they're no good
And they're everywhere
Try to tell you
But you just don't care
Yes I hear you
But you don't make a sound
Hey brother
Where you bound
Say brother
Where you bound

And you don't know, what they're gonna do, and you don't know, how they feel
And you don't know, what they're telling you, is it a lie or, is it real
And the next thing, that you know is, that they walk out, on the deal

And then the message, that they're giving you, is the same old, alibi
If you don't quite, see their point of view, then they treat you, like a spy
And the phone rings, and you disappear, in the middle, of the night

Can't you see they're, on the move
Don't know what you're trying to prove
But you sit there oh so cool
Like I never broke no rule

(sax solo)

And the cat flies
And the crow walks
And the ghost dies
And the sow talks
And they tell us
That they'll be
As good as gold
Hey brother
Where's your soul
Believe nothing
That you're told

Make a move in one direction
Try to make some comprimise
But they greet you with rejection
Making out you're tellin' lies
Then they turn around and tell ya
Better get down from the sky

For the sake of all that's holy
Listen good to what I say
I can feel them all around me
They could be here any day
But you act like you don't know me
Why'd you look at me that way

If there's one thing that is clear
We gotta get away from here
We've gotta leave this place
It's just a hopeless case
Ain't no one else to blame
We're gonna lose this game

Hey brother
Get off my back
I gotta tell you
You're way off the track
They, got a hatred
Deep down inside
Ain't gonna let them
Take me alive
I'm gonna burn down
Just wait and see
I ain't gonna let them
Walk over me
You ain't got no heart and soul
And your mind is weak
And your blood's running cold
Yea, woo, woo

(feets marching, panning from one channel to the other)
(door knocks and siren's)

You better move
You better hide
They're getting in
They're getting inside
If you get caught
You better know
They're gonna reap
You're gonna sow
Don't be a fool
We gotta go
Ain't no place safe
For us to stay
We better move on
We better move on
We better move on
We better move on
+- +- +- +-


Jun 28, 2004, 6:02:25 AM6/28/04
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 04:23:42 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

>waybackjack wrote:
>> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 22:52:17 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
>> wrote:
>> >> >> I suspect that your ACTUAL communism would be ideal for a small,
>> >> >> unambitious, backward society that has no aspirations beyond food,
>> >> >> clothing, and shelter, and has absolutely no knowledge of the modern
>> >> >> world.
>> >> >---------------------
>> >> >Absolutely unsupportable nonsense.
>> >>
>> >> No. I think it would work in the type of society I described above.
>> >-----------------------------------
>> >Draw a Venn diagram, you'll figure out your own lie.
>> Inappropriate.
>Venn diagram illustrating OR proposition.
>Communism works NOT ONLY in older tribal societies, but in all modern
>ones as well, there is no real reason it doesn't scale-up. What
>intervened was the enslavement of Europe by a phony "nobility", gangs of
>insecure psychopaths whom we should have killed instead of just turning
>them out for anti-social behavior. We'll know better
>next time!!

Unsupported pipe dreams.

>> There are no similarities between the ignorant
>> primitive society and the bulk of humanity other than the fact that
>> both are homo sapiens.
>It took more brains to live before slaves/petroleum.
>The supposed "primitives" had larger brains, and to think:
>We always wondered why.

Yeah, you can tell by theway the bush boogies have advanced.

>People are much more ignorant now because they have petroleum.
>And more venal because they can get away with defective
>antisocial mentalities!
>When oil goes away we'll experience a culling of shit like you!
>Your mentality is defective and untenable for a social species!

When oil goes away and what passes for humanity is wearing pelts,
swinging from trees, and eating each other, no intelligent person
would want to be alive anyway.

>> >> >> Reminds me of an old song: "How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm,
>> >> >> after they've seen Pareeeeee?"
>> >> >-----------------------
>> >> >Except!: Communism *IS* "Paris"!!
>> >>
>> >> Now *that's* unsupportable nonsense.
>> >---------------------------------
>> >Nope, been to France lately?
>> Been to a logic class lately? Ever heard of abstract reasoning?
>Expert at it, you're the shitty little poseur!!

It'd be nice if you'd demonstrate it.


Jun 28, 2004, 6:04:03 AM6/28/04
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 04:14:54 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

They don't want it divided fairly.

Just axt your neighborhood jigaboos whom you believe support you on
this pipe dream.

>> >> Secondly, for the plan you envision to succeed, your society must
>> >> consist of gentle, easily-manipulated people such as these:
>> >-------------------
>> >You're too stupid to grasp what kind of people, JackAss.
>> Just picturing you in a society of gentle, easily-manipulated Down
>> children .... sort of like the fox in the henhouse.
>> BroJack
>Those would be the ideal stooges of the rich, like you!
>Not the People united, with guns and ready to use them
>to take back what's theirs!!

Yeah, I can see your ilk attempying to manufacture guns.

R. Steve Walz

Jun 29, 2004, 12:18:05 AM6/29/04
Indefensible allegation.

> >> There are no similarities between the ignorant
> >> primitive society and the bulk of humanity other than the fact that
> >> both are homo sapiens.
> >------------------------
> >Bullshit.
> >It took more brains to live before slaves/petroleum.
> >The supposed "primitives" had larger brains, and to think:
> >We always wondered why.
> Yeah, you can tell by theway the bush boogies have advanced.

You're racist shit, BroJackOff.

Modern primitives are not the same as our ancestors.
They have peculiar histories that are not their fault.

> >People are much more ignorant now because they have petroleum.
> >And more venal because they can get away with defective
> >antisocial mentalities!
> >
> >When oil goes away we'll experience a culling of shit like you!
> >Your mentality is defective and untenable for a social species!
> When oil goes away and what passes for humanity is wearing pelts,
> swinging from trees, and eating each other, no intelligent person
> would want to be alive anyway.

You are just a privileged form of ignorant bush boogie, you know
nothing and live at all courtesy of this society's modern technical

You will be one of the first to eat your own shit because you don't
know any better.

Intelligent people can do just fine without petroleum, always have.

> >> Been to a logic class lately? Ever heard of abstract reasoning?
> >--------------------------------
> >Expert at it, you're the shitty little poseur!!
> >Steve
> It'd be nice if you'd demonstrate it.

You do that consistently.

I wouldn't do such shit.

R. Steve Walz

Jun 29, 2004, 12:20:29 AM6/29/04
waybackjack wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 04:14:54 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
> wrote:
> >> Humans want the best that is available and will choose wealth over the
> >> type of share-the-wealth society you envision.
> >-------------
> >When they realize that the rich will steal all the wealth if they
> >don't organize to take it back and divide it fairly, then they will
> >want what I'm promoting!
> They don't want it divided fairly.
They will see that they have to to take over from the rich shit.

> Just axt your neighborhood jigaboos whom you believe support you on
> this pipe dream.

You're nothing but racist filth.

> >> >> Secondly, for the plan you envision to succeed, your society must
> >> >> consist of gentle, easily-manipulated people such as these:
> >> >-------------------
> >> >You're too stupid to grasp what kind of people, JackAss.
> >>
> >> Just picturing you in a society of gentle, easily-manipulated Down
> >> children .... sort of like the fox in the henhouse.
> >>
> >> BroJack
> >------------------------------------
> >Those would be the ideal stooges of the rich, like you!
> >
> >Not the People united, with guns and ready to use them
> >to take back what's theirs!!
> Yeah, I can see your ilk attempying to manufacture guns.

I've refined iron, and I've rifled barrels, asswipe.


Jun 29, 2004, 6:42:24 AM6/29/04
On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 04:18:05 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

Yep, that too.

>> >> There are no similarities between the ignorant
>> >> primitive society and the bulk of humanity other than the fact that
>> >> both are homo sapiens.
>> >------------------------
>> >Bullshit.
>> >It took more brains to live before slaves/petroleum.
>> >The supposed "primitives" had larger brains, and to think:
>> >We always wondered why.
>> Yeah, you can tell by theway the bush boogies have advanced.
>You're racist shit, BroJackOff.
>Modern primitives are not the same as our ancestors.
>They have peculiar histories that are not their fault.

And you intend to keep them primitive.

>> >People are much more ignorant now because they have petroleum.
>> >And more venal because they can get away with defective
>> >antisocial mentalities!
>> >
>> >When oil goes away we'll experience a culling of shit like you!
>> >Your mentality is defective and untenable for a social species!
>> When oil goes away and what passes for humanity is wearing pelts,
>> swinging from trees, and eating each other, no intelligent person
>> would want to be alive anyway.
>You are just a privileged form of ignorant bush boogie, you know
>nothing and live at all courtesy of this society's modern technical
>You will be one of the first to eat your own shit because you don't
>know any better.
>Intelligent people can do just fine without petroleum, always have.

Yeah, I saw it demonstrated in National Geographic. Heh.

>> >> Been to a logic class lately? Ever heard of abstract reasoning?
>> >--------------------------------
>> >Expert at it, you're the shitty little poseur!!
>> >Steve
>> It'd be nice if you'd demonstrate it.
>You do that consistently.

Thank you.

>I wouldn't do such shit.

I know ... because you cannot.


Jun 29, 2004, 6:20:04 AM6/29/04
On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 04:20:29 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

>waybackjack wrote:
>> On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 04:14:54 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>
>> wrote:
>> >> Humans want the best that is available and will choose wealth over the
>> >> type of share-the-wealth society you envision.
>> >-------------
>> >When they realize that the rich will steal all the wealth if they
>> >don't organize to take it back and divide it fairly, then they will
>> >want what I'm promoting!
>> They don't want it divided fairly.
>They will see that they have to to take over from the rich shit.

They'll want to become rich shit.

It beez da nature of humanity.

>> Just axt your neighborhood jigaboos whom you believe support you on
>> this pipe dream.
>You're nothing but racist filth.

No share the wealth for those folks.

>> >> >> Secondly, for the plan you envision to succeed, your society must
>> >> >> consist of gentle, easily-manipulated people such as these:
>> >> >-------------------
>> >> >You're too stupid to grasp what kind of people, JackAss.
>> >>
>> >> Just picturing you in a society of gentle, easily-manipulated Down
>> >> children .... sort of like the fox in the henhouse.
>> >>
>> >> BroJack
>> >------------------------------------
>> >Those would be the ideal stooges of the rich, like you!
>> >
>> >Not the People united, with guns and ready to use them
>> >to take back what's theirs!!
>> Yeah, I can see your ilk attempying to manufacture guns.
>I've refined iron, and I've rifled barrels, asswipe.

Well, you better get on the stick. You got a whole lot of iron to
refine and you're getting long in the tooth. Even if some molested
child's daddy doesn't ice you, death from natural causes ain't too far

"MIDIcian" (tm)

Jun 30, 2004, 12:57:14 AM6/30/04
"waybackjack" - [SNIP!]

I really like your pseudo.

'What's A Meta U (and 'What's It 2 U?')'


Jun 30, 2004, 9:37:11 AM6/30/04
On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 23:57:14 -0500, "\"MIDIcian\" \(tm\)"
<> wrote:

>"waybackjack" - [SNIP!]
>I really like your pseudo.

That's nice, but I'm heterosexual.



"MIDIcian" (tm)

Jul 1, 2004, 12:00:37 AM7/1/04
"brojack" <> wrote in message

> >I really like your pseudo.
> That's nice, but I'm heterosexual.

So (explicitive not said ("Unspoken words were understood" (Red Hots)) what?

nl: Warren Haynes on Rockline!!!!


Jul 1, 2004, 6:26:49 AM7/1/04
On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 23:00:37 -0500, "\"MIDIcian\" \(tm\)"
<> wrote:

>"brojack" <> wrote in message
>> >I really like your pseudo.
>> That's nice, but I'm heterosexual.
>So (explicitive not said ("Unspoken words were understood" (Red Hots)) what?

If you're looking for a boyfriend and a little perversion, contact


"MIDIcian" (tm)

Jul 2, 2004, 1:41:52 AM7/2/04
"waybackjack" <> wrote in message

> On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 23:00:37 -0500, "\"MIDIcian\" \(tm\)"
> <> wrote:
> >"brojack" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> >I really like your pseudo.
> >>
> >> That's nice, but I'm heterosexual.
> >
> >So (explicitive not said ("Unspoken words were understood" (Red Hots))
> If you're looking for a boyfriend ...

Straw man.

> and a little perversion ...

Straw man.


Bro Jack

Jul 2, 2004, 1:45:46 PM7/2/04
On Fri, 2 Jul 2004 00:41:52 -0500, "\"MIDIcian\" \(tm\)"
<> wrote:

>"waybackjack" <> wrote in message
>> On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 23:00:37 -0500, "\"MIDIcian\" \(tm\)"
>> <> wrote:
>> >"brojack" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >> >I really like your pseudo.
>> >>
>> >> That's nice, but I'm heterosexual.
>> >
>> >So (explicitive not said ("Unspoken words were understood" (Red Hots))
>> If you're looking for a boyfriend ...
>Straw man.

You're looking for a skinny boy friend?

"MIDIcian" (tm)

Jul 2, 2004, 11:52:42 PM7/2/04
"Bro Jack" <> wrote in message

> You're looking for a skinny boy friend?

You're an asshole.

R. Steve Walz

Jul 3, 2004, 2:17:21 AM7/3/04
You're the only fucking pervert here.


Jul 3, 2004, 6:53:49 AM7/3/04

I know you're upset after learning that ol' BroJack is hetero, but
there's always Walz.

He's not skinny, but hey, he's better than nothing.


The Revd Terence Fformby-Smythe

Jul 4, 2004, 12:29:34 AM7/4/04
On Sat, 03 Jul 2004 06:17:21 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

>waybackjack wrote:

You're the victim of a sexual disorientation, Waltzman.
Enjpy already, you cocksucking asshole. LOL

"MIDIcian" (tm)

Jul 5, 2004, 3:56:24 AM7/5/04
"waybackjack" <> wrote in message
> ol' BroJack is hetero

So fucking what?


Jul 5, 2004, 6:24:57 AM7/5/04

So stop snifffing around him.

"MIDIcian" (tm)

Jul 6, 2004, 11:32:31 PM7/6/04
I thought you were "BroJack". "Who are you, who who, who who?" (the Who)

"waybackjack" <> wrote in message

0 new messages