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Mathatir becomes Supreme Justice System of Malaysia

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Sep 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/24/98
After removing Anwar, Mathatir not only becomes PM, 1st Finance minister, home
affairs minister, he also assumes the role of the supreme justice system of

I am not a supporter of Anwar nor an anti-mathatir. I'm just too disgusted of
what is happening to Malaysia's justice system that i hv to make my views

Under what authority or power in Malaysia law does the PM of malaysia have
the right to access the police files and go around conducting private
investigations and interrogating witnesses and then 'political-conveniently'
come to a personal conclusion that Anwar is guilty cos 'there are enough
evidence to convict him' ? Does Malaysia law allows the Home Affairs minister
to do that ? Maybe? Effectively mathatir has made the judges and police
investigators of Malaysia redundant. Judges are supposed to be professionally
qualified people with the responsibility to convict a person on crimes based
on fair and open trial. Police investigators are highly trained personnel
that are tasked to conduct fair investigations to gather evidence to charge a
person suspected of committing any crimes. Before police investigators
finished or even started to investigate Anwar's crimes, and before the judges
got the chance to hear the evidence against Anwar, mathair announces to the
whole world that he has conducted his own private investigation and found
that in his own personal court, that he has enough evidence to convict Anwar
of all the crimes hurled against him. Effectively all the judges and police
investigators in Malaysia have become amateur, with the untrained and
unqualified mathatir doing their job for them.

Anwar might have committed the crimes he has been accused of, but the world
will never know if he is guilty cos mathatir has effectively (or maybe
accidentally) denied him a fair trial by announcing to the Malaysia judges
and all Malaysians that Anwar is guilty. On top of that, Anwar and a dozen of
his powerful supporters have been arrested under ISA. What chances are there
for Anwar to defend himself in an open and fair trial (if he ever got the
chance to be charged at all), when he is not even allowed to see his own
lawyers and family ?

Anwar has already been convicted and found guilty even before charges and
evidence are brought against him in court.
I find that the present justice system in Malaysia is no different to the
ancient chinese corrupt justice system practiced thousand of years ago.

Its a sad sad day for all Malaysians, and i believe even sadder for the
Malaysian judges and police investigators.

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Sep 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/24/98
Yup and he's modelling their economy after then too.. wrote in message <6ud6ta$r2c$>...


Sep 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/24/98
Put it simply, Mahthir has in a way declared that he is the Emperor of Malaysia!

Sep 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/24/98

>but have you also consider the point that Dr Mathathir
>is also the head of the goverment, the executive,
>(beside beign a legislature) highest law enforcement
>agency of M'sia (The Attorney General Chamber) is
>also working under the direction of the Government....
Mathatir is the head of government does not mean he is the head of the justice
system in Malaysia.

MPs are voted directly by the people of Malaysia to make up a parliament.
Parliament sets and approves law under which the whole of Malaysia must
abide. The Attorney General Chamber does not work under the direction of the
government, which is formed by the majority grp of MPs. Instead, like all the
other functions in Malaysia, the Attorney General Chamber works according to
the rules set by the parliament. Mathatir's job, amongst other, is to make
sure that all functions in Malaysia works and abides by those laws approved
by the parliament.

>If Dr M has assumed the role of the judiciary, Mr Anwar will not have a
>chance to go to the court at all.....

Indeed Anwar does not have a normal and fair path towards the court, like
every other criminals in Malaysia. He has been blindfolded, make deaf and
render mute with ISA and led blindly towards a court whose judges have
already passed sentence on him, taking cue from Malaysia PM's personal

steve goh

Sep 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/24/98
For these few weeks, newspapers headlines are always about
Anwar & the mighty Dr M...I can say that Anwar is gone forever.
Dr M has used whatever despicable means to run him down in
whatever languages however obscene & accused him of ruin the
economy etc etc..I thought being PM is responsible for the wellbeing
of its economy? so how can you blame yr deputy for its present state?
Hes also blamed Singapore for its ringgit crisis..There'll only be peace
if this old man is gone..hes hoping he'll live for 100 yrs old???

Sea Dayak

Sep 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/24/98
The Emperor is faultless, is perfect! You are utterly wrong if you are unable to see
his new clothes, which is so 'fascinating'!
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