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Let KOSOVA Live!

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Barry Marjanovich

Apr 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/10/99
Workers Aid for Kosova & 
The Kosova Crisis Committee
invite everyone who opposes ethnic cleansing  and wishes
to express solidarity with the Albanian Kosovars to a


Saturday - 10th April
March starts at 12 noon at Highbury Fields (Highbury & Islington tube) and
goes to Clerkenwell Green for a rally




To support the Workers Aid convoys please contact:
Tel: 0161 227 8184  Fax: 0161 226 0422 
Forward donations to: Trade unions for Kosova c/o Camden UNISON, 59 Phoenix
Road,  Brill Place, London NW1 1ES

Workers Aid for Kosova meets next at 7pm, Wednesday 14th April 
at the Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn, London

Barry Marjanovich

Apr 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/10/99

Here is Slobodan Milosevic's e-mail address: slobodan....@gov.yu

Stench Of Death Doesn't Shame The Servs
Servian Leaders Charged As War Criminals

The Srebrenica Justice Campaign now has a home page at:
This site describes the work of the UK-based SJC, and also includes
material on the Bosnia Solidarity Campaign, Workers Aid - Bosnia and

Updated Mon., Oct. 05, 1998 at: Lon 5:19 p.m. Prague 6:19 p.m. N.Y.
12:19 p.m.

(Special Section: Balkan News )

Ethnic Albanian Baby Survives Recent Massacre

PRISTINA, Serbia -- (Reuters) Kosovo Albanian villagers
have shown journalists a baby girl they said was the only
survivor of a massacre of women, children, old people
and men last month.

They said Diturie Delija, aged six weeks, had been
discovered by her father covered in her dead mother's
blood near Gornje Obrinje, central Kosovo, a journalist
from Sweden's Expressen newspaper said on Sunday.

"Her father told us he thought she was dead until he saw
an eye move," Johanne Hildebrandt told Reuters. "We
were told her brother and sister had also been killed in the

A Reuters journalist saw 16 bodies, at least 10 of them
children, women or old people, shot dead or with their
throats cut. The bodies included that of another baby
belonging to the Delija family called Valmira. Local people
said Serb troops had surrounded the village and killed
them after finding their hiding place.

The baby girl was being cared for by relatives in another
village not far away, Hildebrandt said. "They said they
were worried about the baby because they only had cow's
milk to give her now that her mother is dead."

Guide For Milosevic INDICTEMENT
Kosova Updates:
B o s N e t Web Page:
Arrest Karadzic/Mladic Petition:
For a comprehensive list of URLs dealing with Slobodan Milosevic's role
in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosova, Croatia, visit:
Please help indict Satan SLOBo (Slobodan Milosevic) for genocide and
crimes against humanity for his actions in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina
and now Kosova.

Please Sign the Petition for SLOBo's Indiction NOW at:

Help save humanity from Satan SLOBo!

Jadranko Mitrovic

Apr 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/10/99
please do not disturb American and other western nations with Kosovo crises.

They have their own homeless people in their backyard.
BTW if they care for them that much they wouldn't spend billions of dollars
to fight Mr. Milosevich.

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Yes, help Kosovars. BUT HELP THE KURDS TOO! Kurds have been suffering
every year for fifteen years what Kosovars experienced in the past year.

Hakan Basagaoglu

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
to wrote:
: Yes, help Kosovars. BUT HELP THE KURDS TOO! Kurds have been suffering
: every year for fifteen years what Kosovars experienced in the past year.

-- Kurds can live in any region they want to live in Turkey, and can have
any job in private and/or governmental agencies (based on their
qualifications) without facing any ethnic discrimination
-- 1/3rd of Turkish delagates are of Kurdish background in the Turkish
-- The former president of Turkey was half-Kurdish
-- The university entrance exam in Turkey is open to everybody,
and the ethnic heritage of the applicants is out of question in the
exam, therefore Kurds and Turks have the same status and equal
opportunity in education too,
etc. etc. etc.....

These are really what Kosovars have experienced??? Get a life!!!

You should also remember that when Saddam masaccred many Peshmerges in the
Northern Iraq using chemical weapons, Turkey was the only country who
opened her borders immediately and accepted more than 20,000 Kurdish
refugees right away. Tell us where were your so-called freedom fighters at
that time, (pkk and its criminal leader apo?)? Did they stand up against
the Saddam and his regime? No.. they were busy with killing babies in
their craddles, teachers, doctors, intern-students, also were tied up with
drug-trafficking, ruining woodlands and killing the civilians with both
Kurdish and Turkish ethnic heritage! Can you get the dissimilarities
between pkk and Kosovar freedom-fighters!

Just a advice dear canned propoganda machine, stop fooling yourself on the
net just for your own benefit!!!

Have a nice dream!


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Hakan Basagaoglu wrote:

> -- Kurds can live in any region they want to live in Turkey, and can have
> any job in private and/or governmental agencies (based on their
> qualifications) without facing any ethnic discrimination

Well, in fact, you forgot to mention that Kurds did not understand this right
(to live every region in Turkey) very well therefore, government had to burned
down approximately 3,500 Kurdish villages that they could live in the other
region of Turkey. Now, people can understand very well, the situation in

Ethnic discrimination? What dou you mean with that? Officially we don't have
any Kurd in the border of Turkey, how we can discriminate them? Why are you
trying to confuse the people here? Ladies and gentilmen, we don't have any
Kurd in the borders of our country.. There is any law or any written document
to prove their existence. Everybody is Turk who is living in the border of
Turkey, we are the most homogenous society in this world.

> -- 1/3rd of Turkish delagates are of Kurdish background in the Turkish
> Parliament

Who said that? Did they say that they are Kurdish? Are you crazy, in my
knowledge only Serafettin Elci said that and we put him into the jail for 2,5
years. And recently we shot down his party also due to same reason. Only HADEP
members say those of things, unfortunately we are afraid of to shut down them.
We would, but our big brother and friend America said "it is very crutial to
let them survive for your "democracy" make-up" therefore, we couldn't shot
down their party. Yesterday we took 15,000 people into custody who wanted to
attend HADEP election meeting, but still their party is open. Then it shows
that Turkey is a democratic country.

The people from the other Turkish parties, say 'they are Kurdish' when we
asked them to do. For example, Hikmet Cetin, he remembers his origin only when
he goes to visit other countries. Then he says "look I am Kurdish, I came to
this level. There is no discrimination to the Kurds". In fact, he was afraid
of saying these things first, because he was afraid of that he could be
arrested when he returned to Turkey, but our generals gave written warranty
him that he would not be arrested by declearing his identity.

> -- The former president of Turkey was half-Kurdish

Well, this was strange argument from you.. You know my father was Kurdish and
when I was saying that I am half Kurdish (I was meaning my 13 chromozom) you
were against that... Now our former dead president Turgut Ozal, never said he
was a Kurdish. One time, Turkish people were suspecting his Kurdish policy (it
was looking like anti-Turkish one) and accusing him being a Kurdish, in that
time he said "in their family tree, there might be mixed Kurdish blood from
his mother's family". I mean his mother was not Kurdish, now how he can be
'half Kurdish". Ohh I get it, it is the same tactic ha...You want to use
"his'mother's mixed Kurdish blood" for the benefits of us. Then why, half
Kurdish? ..Ladies and gentilmen, Turgut Ozal was pure, 100% Kurdish...

> -- The university entrance exam in Turkey is open to everybody,
> and the ethnic heritage of the applicants is out of question in the
> exam, therefore Kurds and Turks have the same status and equal
> opportunity in education too,
> etc. etc. etc.....

Are you crazy, you are destroying our prestige... We never asked those
heritage staff anywhere. In fact, some stupid people were counting in the
past, and we forbid it to ask the people their heritage and language. Who
wants know how many Kurds we have in our country? Only the our enemies... We
don't have any Kurds or other ethnic group in Turkey. The people who lives in
the border of Turkey are are all Turks.. When the situation like this, why we
would ask those questions in the university entrance. Ladies and gentilmen, we
don't ask anyones' identity when they are entering the university. Noo need
for them. Kurdish regions are the poorest regions in Turkey. They don't have
good schools they don't have good teachers. We sent the worst teachers to
those regions as an exile. For example, if they stole something from
government or do something really bad thing as a punishment we send them
there. They come back as rehabiliated men after living there for 3-4 years.
Those regions they don't have good schools, teachers, etc.. And also we have a
general exam to enter the Universities. The Kurdish youth has to compete with
us who had good education in the western part of the Turkey. As you guess,
they don't have any chance to compete with us... And still we can say, "they
have the opportunity with us" and we are right. They have the right to enter
the enterance exam and fail..Well, off course there are some exceptions..
Still some Kurds can enter to the universites and get education, but in that
time we use them to show our fair policy. We say "look there are Kurds having
education in the universities, it means that they have the same opportunity
with the Turks". It is cool ha?

> These are really what Kosovars have experienced??? Get a life!!!

You know, we have the problems due to stupid people like you. Stupid why are
you comparing the Albanians with the Kurds? The Kosovo was the "autonomous
Province" and Albanians had autonomy with every rights. They had their
parliament, banking system, police, courts, educational systems (Albanian
University, high schools, elementary schools) and cultural systems ("the
Institute of Albanology"). Also they had their own seat in the Federal
Parliament, the Constitutional Court and the Presidency...Soembody can easily
say to you 'get a life!". Ladies and gentilmen , we don't have any right
explaination for this comparison yet, our nation is working on that, hopefully
we will come up with good explaination. It seems the situation of Kurds worst
than the Albanians, but it only seems that way....See you then..


Hakan Basagaoglu

Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
Hanife ( wrote:

: Hakan Basagaoglu wrote:
: > -- Kurds can live in any region they want to live in Turkey, and can have
: > any job in private and/or governmental agencies (based on their
: > qualifications) without facing any ethnic discrimination
: Well, in fact, you forgot to mention that Kurds did not understand this right
: (to live every region in Turkey) very well therefore, government had to burned
: down approximately 3,500 Kurdish villages that they could live in the other
: region of Turkey. Now, people can understand very well, the situation in
: Turkey.

well, most of the villages in the eastern and southeatern Anatolia were
burned down by pkk militants, thats why this terrorist organization was
ranked among top 3 most criminal and brutal terrorist organizations in the
US. Turkish army hhave been fighting those crimals over the years. When
fighting with those bloody-handed terrorits, the Turkish army should
establish their security first to be able to save the civilian's life in
the region. Those guerillas have many hideouts in nearby villages around
the stragetically important locations in the region. The Turkish army can
move and fight with the murderers safely if those hideouts are eliminated.
Therefore some villages were emptied by the Turkish army, but none of
Kurds have been driven out of Turkey. They were moved to the other regions
for security reasons.

You are either confused or you are trying to confuse the reader. The
villages were burned down by the pkk militants, babies in craddles,
seniors, teachers, doctors were murdered your beloved terorist
organization not by the Turkish government. The Turkish government and
army emptied some villages only for security concerns.

I guess my first guess is right here. You must be totally confused. You
are the one who was claiming that FOX-TV does not consider the Sirbian
genocide as an ethnic cleansing. I had warned you before that, you should
watch the news not the messages between the news. Did you watch the news
on FOX-TV recently, tell us what did you hear about the Sirbian genocide?

: Ethnic discrimination? What dou you mean with that? Officially we don't have

: any Kurd in the border of Turkey, how we can discriminate them? Why are you
: trying to confuse the people here? Ladies and gentilmen, we don't have any
: Kurd in the borders of our country.. There is any law or any written document
: to prove their existence. Everybody is Turk who is living in the border of
: Turkey, we are the most homogenous society in this world.


You should have noted that the Turkish constitution does not deny the
existance of any minority in Turkey, different from the Greek
constitution. The Turkish constitution does not list all minorities
either. This does not mean that our constitution denies the existance of
Kurds and other minorities in Turkey. The lack of such a list in our
constitution does not necessarily imply the non-existance of the
minorities. If the existance of the Kurds were denied, then we must have
had a strict statement rejecting the existance of Kurds in Turkey as in
Greek constitution.

Then I will repeat my questions I asked you many times and you
always chickened out just for the ssake of clarification and to surface
out your tangled mind...

1) then how come you can chant your unforgattable slogan on the net
"Kurdistan belongs to Kurds". First where Kurdistan in Turkey is?
please refer to any world map so that I can checked from our library
here at Davis.
2) tell us why apo and pkk militants were in cooperation and close
relations with Greece. As you may now that Greek's constituion denies
existance of any minority in Greece. But, that was OK with you and your
the guerillas when you set your training camps in Greece and be
involved in cooperation in political arena? Isnt that a conflict?

: > -- 1/3rd of Turkish delagates are of Kurdish background in the Turkish

: > Parliament
: Who said that? Did they say that they are Kurdish? Are you crazy,

You must be crazy. Yes they expressed their ethnic identities freely
everywhere. Do you know who Hikmet Cetin, Husamaettin Cindoruk is?

: in my

: knowledge only Serafettin Elci said that and we put him into the jail for 2,5
: years. And recently we shot down his party also due to same reason. Only HADEP
: members say those of things, unfortunately we are afraid of to shut down them.

You are still confused dear. Kurds and pkk are two different things. The
former refers to a minority and the latter refers to a terrorist
organization. As you know that, not all Kurdish citizens of Turkey support
pkk and terrorism. You should also know that this terrorist organization
is a threat to Turkey's uniter structure, and our constituion clearly
states that Turkey has a uniter structure. Therefore, any political party
supporting any terrorist organization, threatening Turkey's uniter
structure, in the Turkish parliament would be acting againt the Turkish
constitution, therefore can not take a place in the parliament. HADEP
members (or clowns) have never denied (but also admitted) the strong ties
and coonnections with pkk and HADEP. HADEP wants to represent the pkk, a
terrorist organization, but not the Kurds. If you still claim that pkk and
Kurds are the same thing, you maust answer 5 questions I asked you last
time. Dont chicken out this time...

: The people from the other Turkish parties, say 'they are Kurdish' when we

: asked them to do. For example, Hikmet Cetin, he remembers his origin only when
: he goes to visit other countries. Then he says "look I am Kurdish, I came to
: this level. There is no discrimination to the Kurds". In fact, he was afraid
: of saying these things first, because he was afraid of that he could be
: arrested when he returned to Turkey, but our generals gave written warranty
: him that he would not be arrested by declearing his identity.

any solid proof? or your new fantasies? He said he is a Kurdish, right! so
he can express his ethnic heritage everywhere. On the other hand. if he
gives a speech in Europe with apo's picture and pkk's flag in the
bacground as many Hadep clowns did in the past, of course s(he) needs to
be arrested
because s(he) acts against our constitution.

: > -- The former president of Turkey was half-Kurdish

: Well, this was strange argument from you.. You know my father was Kurdish and
: when I was saying that I am half Kurdish (I was meaning my 13 chromozom) you
: were against that...

No, I was not against that. Your were saying, I am half-Kurdish,
half-Turkish, half-something else (I forget what it was). I was against
because more than two halves USUALLY summed up to a number greater than 1.

Now our former dead president Turgut Ozal, never said he
: was a Kurdish. One time, Turkish people were suspecting his Kurdish policy (it
: was looking like anti-Turkish one) and accusing him being a Kurdish, in that
: time he said "in their family tree, there might be mixed Kurdish blood from
: his mother's family".

Dont try to tiwst the facts, he had clearky said on TV that his mother is

: I mean his mother was not Kurdish,

Wooow! Turgut Ozal was lying on TV then, Hanife must know his life better
than him:-))

: now how he can be

: 'half Kurdish". Ohh I get it, it is the same tactic ha...You want to use
: "his'mother's mixed Kurdish blood" for the benefits of us. Then why, half
: Kurdish? ..Ladies and gentilmen, Turgut Ozal was pure, 100% Kurdish...

His mind must be tangled again, short-circuit! happens all the time
especially when she tries to compose a long reply:-))

: > -- The university entrance exam in Turkey is open to everybody,

: > and the ethnic heritage of the applicants is out of question in the
: > exam, therefore Kurds and Turks have the same status and equal
: > opportunity in education too,
: > etc. etc. etc.....
: Are you crazy, you are destroying our prestige...

No, I am not Hanife...


We never asked those
: heritage staff anywhere. In fact, some stupid people were counting in the
: past, and we forbid it to ask the people their heritage and language. Who
: wants know how many Kurds we have in our country? Only the our enemies... We
: don't have any Kurds or other ethnic group in Turkey. The people who lives in
: the border of Turkey are are all Turks..

She must have come from Mars, Hanife in any part of the world, people
counts themselves, not only in Turkey.

: When the situation like this, why we

: would ask those questions in the university entrance. Ladies and gentilmen, we
: don't ask anyones' identity when they are entering the university. Noo need
: for them. Kurdish regions are the poorest regions in Turkey. They don't have
: good schools they don't have good teachers. We sent the worst teachers to
: those regions as an exile.

Really, that is the reason pkk militants are murdering those young
teachers and doctors in exile, and bombing and burning down the scholls
and hospitals in those poor regions, thats why you are considering a
herd of pkk militants as freedom fighters. Get a grip!

For example, if they stole something from
: government or do something really bad thing as a punishment we send them
: there.

Really, newly graduated medical students usually serve in the
hospitals in the eastern and southeastern Anatolia to help the people
there. I guess, they must be too young to steal something from the
government, what do you say?

They come back as rehabiliated men after living there for 3-4 years.
: Those regions they don't have good schools, teachers, etc.. And also we have a
: general exam to enter the Universities. The Kurdish youth has to compete with
: us who had good education in the western part of the Turkey. As you guess,
: they don't have any chance to compete with us...

Not always true,
First of all not all villages and cities in the western part of Turkey
have very good teachers and scholls. For example Kazan village or Kalecik,
only 60 km away from Ankara, have one of the worst high school and classes
I have ever seen. Besides, each universities has certain room for the
students who finish their high-schools with the highest degree.
When I studied my Bachelor at METU, 11 a students out of 52 were of
Kurdish. In the same year, most of the students in the computer
engineering were from rural areas in all over Turkey. They have always
have a chance to compete with the others. (ANY is not correct in your
sentence above, if you say less chance I may accept, but ANY is not the
correct term there).

: > These are really what Kosovars have experienced??? Get a life!!!

: You know, we have the problems due to stupid people like you.

You are the moron who claimed that ethnic albanian are not subject to
ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. You also claimed this referring to news in
FOX-TV. You are the real moron who could not understand what you heard.
If you are not moron, why did not you answer my question in that thread?
Go and answer my question first, if you are not a MORON.
Also you should answer what do you mean by "KURDISTAN belongs to KURDS?
while you are pretending an anti-faschist human-being.

: Stupid why are

: you comparing the Albanians with the Kurds?

Stupid Hanife,
Ask your buddy who threw out a stupid idea in the first post of this
thread. They can not be compared with each other because Kurds in Turkey
are not subject to an ethnic cleansing.
If you support the idea of auntonomous province, then why dont you support
Kosovars againtst the Sirbs? What made you think that Kosovar refugees do
not look like they are being driven out of their land, when you watch the
news on FOX-TV? If you guys are supporting the idea of autonomous province
and concern about human rights of minors, how come you guys are in close
relations with Greece who denies the existance of all minorities in Greece
mainland? Tell us what you really mean Kurds belongs to Kurds? More
questions will follow after your replies...
(I have been waiting replies to these questions more than 1.5 yrs, show us
that you are not stupid?)


Hakan Basagaoglu

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
Hey Hanife:
You did not have any comment on the following paragraph in your earlier
posting! Just for the sake of completeness!!!


You should also remember that when Saddam masaccred many Peshmerges in the
Northern Iraq using chemical weapons, Turkey was the only country who
opened her borders immediately and accepted more than 20,000 Kurdish
refugees right away. Tell us where were your so-called freedom fighters at
that time, (pkk and its criminal leader apo?)? Did they stand up against
the Saddam and his regime? No.. they were busy with killing babies in
their craddles, teachers, doctors, intern-students, also were tied up with
drug-trafficking, ruining woodlands and killing the civilians with both
Kurdish and Turkish ethnic heritage! Can you get the dissimilarities
between pkk and Kosovar freedom-fighters!


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