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Spaces available on Gaelic course in London

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Craig Cockburn

Oct 23, 1991, 7:53:08 AM10/23/91

There are still a couple of vacancies left on the Scottish Gaelic course
at Wansfell College, Theydon Bois, Epping, Essex, CM16 7LF
Tel: (0992) 813027. The course will run from Fri 8th Nov to Sun 10th Nov.
The cost is about 55-60 pounds depending on whether you pay Essex Poll
Tax, or you want a single or twin room.

The course is a three levels, plus singing

The tutors will be:

Beginners: Dr Kenneth MacKinnon: Researcher in the sociology of Gaelic
and soon to take up a position at Edinburgh University Celtic dept

Intermediate: John Angus Macleod, winner of the Bardic Crown, chairman
of Gaidhlig Aig Deas, Vice President of the London Gaelic society,
adjudicator at the Mod. A fluent native speaker from Tarbert (Harris)

Advanced: Alasdair MacInnes, winner of the Bardic Crown, teacher
of "Gaelic in the Glen". Alasdair is a fluent native speaker of Glencoe
Gaelic and coincidentally was one of my teachers at High School in

Singing: This will be conducted by the well known Gaelic singer
Christine Primrose.

Please bring along any musical instruments you have for the Saturday
night ceilidh!

Craig Cockburn, Digital Equipment Co. Ltd, Reading, England.
ARPAnet: Suas leis
UUCP:..!decwrl!!cockburn a' Gha\idhlig!

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