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University anti-Semitism tsar to be appointed as Jewish students face death threats

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Loose Cannon

Feb 16, 2024, 9:05:28 PM2/16/24
A university anti-Semitism tsar is set to be appointed after Jewish
students faced death threats on campus.

The Government plans to tackle universities which “appease”
anti-Semitism following a string of incidents across the UK which left
Jewish students and chaplains fearing for their safety.

Robert Halfon, the higher education minister, said: “I am really
worried that some universities are not safe for Jewish students”.

He said that the Government would create a new post of Expert Adviser
on anti-Semitism in Higher Education because vice-chancellors are
failing to be “pro-active” in tackling hatred on campus.

The Government also plans to introduce a “seal of quality” awarded
only to universities that adhere to “the highest standards in dealing
with anti-Semitism”, where staff have been trained on how to tackle it
and where robust complaints processes are in place.

Have the Brits gone crazy? Fuck the jews!!! Try as they may, the
government is never going to force the youth to like or tolerate the
jews. While physical attacks should always be unlawful, nothing should
infringe on a students ability to express his/her thoughts or
feelings. If Muslims and Christians can be criticized openly, so too
should the jews.

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum

Feb 16, 2024, 9:22:17 PM2/16/24
On Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:05:24 -0500, Loose Cannon <>



Right on, all counts.


Is there, any doubt?

Beyond, debate.

It's so, fucking obvious.

Like, totally.

They sure, should.

Of, course.



Random, one-line drivel.

Me, too.

That is, right.

No doubt, about it.

You got, THAT right!


The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$hp7....@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$Qr2....@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$Nl5....@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$c5...@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."


Feb 16, 2024, 9:23:44 PM2/16/24
On Fri, 16 Feb 2024 21:22:15 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum", farted again:

> Yup.
> Indeed.

Yup, BOTH of you ridiculous neo-nazi shitheads are indeed VERY VERY sick
assholes ...and total laughing stocks! LOL

Retarded, anal, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident
psychopath, dumb serbian bitch G. Razovic (aka "The Rectum").


Feb 16, 2024, 9:26:32 PM2/16/24
On Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:05:24 -0500, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
gay neo-nazitard, whined again:

> A university anti-Semitism tsar is set to be appointed after Jewish
> students faced death threats on campus.

Forever unable to get your superiors ("the Jews") out of your sick gay
neo-nazi head, you abysmally stupid ridiculous gay neo-nazitard? LOL

Anti-virus firm AVG <> addressing Loose Sphincter on Usenet:

"Hello from AVG.

Please stop advertising us. We don't want to be associated with neo-Nazi
scum like you and RichA, no matter whether you use our product or not.

And fix your fucking sig separator!

Sincerely, AVG."

Michael Ejercito

Feb 20, 2024, 5:48:35 PM2/20/24
Peeler wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:05:24 -0500, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
> gay neo-nazitard, whined again:
>> A university anti-Semitism tsar is set to be appointed after Jewish
>> students faced death threats on campus.
> Forever unable to get your superiors ("the Jews") out of your sick gay
> neo-nazi head, you abysmally stupid ridiculous gay neo-nazitard? LOL
They all outearn him, outwit him, outsex him, and outclass him!


Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum

Feb 20, 2024, 7:52:06 PM2/20/24
On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 09:48:33 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
<> wrote:

>Foreskin Peeler spammed from (LOL):

WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the cowardly spineless
invertebrate Foreskin PEELER fairy first, as he LEAPS to the defence
of his slant-eyed gook fiancee! {{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}}!

Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!

<fluhs grik skata>


> They all outearn him, outwit him, outsex him, and outclass him!

All they CAN do is outshit, outfart and outperv Humans, gook!

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else


Feb 20, 2024, 8:53:57 PM2/20/24
On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 19:52:03 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum", farted again:

> WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the Foreskin PEELER fairy
> first, as he LEAPS to the defence of his slant-eyed gook fiancee!
> {{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}}!

You STILL can't get past me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL

> Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
> kick in the bum!

You WISH, you hilarious housebound impotent WIMP! LOL
> <fluhs grik skata>
>> They all outearn him, outwit him, outsex him, and outclass him!
> All they CAN do is outshit, outfart and outperv Humans, gook!

They all outearn, outwit, outsex and outclass you! And you and everyone who
knows you, KNOWS it!

> You are a gook.

He isn't. But YOU are a sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic
swine! And you KNOW it!

> As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else

As the sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic swine that you
are, NOBODY and NOTHING is below you! And you know THAT, too!
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