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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part H - Daryl Kabatoff

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Squeaky Squeaky

Mar 21, 2023, 12:23:33 PM3/21/23
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part H - Daryl Kabatoff
March 19th 2023 4:08 pm 188,474 words (219 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

Instead of having a monetary system based upon banks printing “money” without being backed by anything, then borrowing this crap from the banks, and then paying compound interest on this bogus debt, Alberta and Saskatchewan can start a new monetary system backed by oil and coal reserves. The difference is between slavery and freedom. Consider that if Alberta and Saskatchewan break away from Canada and start their own monetary system, perhaps based upon oil, they will still employ psychiatrists to torture people to death in their psychiatric facilities (done to shut people up about your churches pushing evergreen tree idols and done to shut people up about your churches censoring the cannibalism of children). There is a great deal of money being raked in by the witches running the filthy counterfeit churches, that income is secure when opposing voices are arrested and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities. Conduct a survey and ask the homeless if they would be willing to live in a concrete house in the countryside that they have ownership of, and if they would be willing to heat that home with a fuel such as coal or oil that was trucked to their abode. If you are really so concerned about the environment, then stop spraying the forests to kill off the deciduous trees, and stop logging the old growth forests. Maybe consider reducing your use of both pesticides and herbicides, put more air in your tires, stop putting lead and other toxins in the gasoline, stop consuming fluoride and stop pouring this neurotoxin into the lakes and rivers. The banks print money into existence then fail to print the money required to pay the compound interest on this new money they created, then the environment suffers as people exploit it in an effort to pay off the money they borrowed (see The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics by Michael Rowbotham). If you really cared about the environment then you would risk your life to help force a change in our government and economic system, force the end of clear-cutting our forests, force the end of cutting down old-growth forests, and stop sending our forests to Asia. And stop purchasing and transporting Islamic oil, instead make use of our own oil and develop our own industries, and guard our oil pipelines from damage by environmental idiots such as David Suzuki who falsely claim the sky is falling. If we do not increase our consumption and fossil fuels, at least in order to defend our nation, then the Chinese will come and increase the extraction and use of our fossil fuels in order to secure Canada for themselves. And do note that the millions of Islamists that arrived here are using our fossil fuels to heat their many homes and to drive their many cars and to feed and clothe their many families.

In the news people are being fired for refusing to take the depopulation jab, and those that are being fired are not eligible for unemployment insurance. Most of the many millions of Islamists that are coming here are not employed nor are they employable, so of course they will not be fired, instead of being coerced to take the jab they receive huge amounts of money monthly to sustain their lives and their large families. And the many millions of Chinese that are here are also exempted from taking the depopulation jab, their lives matter.

In the news (not the mainstream news) the Islamists and other Third World immigrants (invaders) arriving to Britain who find employment are being paid 10 pounds per hour for their work, while most of the native white Brits are being paid somewhere between 3 to 8 pounds per hour for their work. The issue is that the white Europeans are the people who are most prone to embracing some form of Christianity, which is not tolerated by the Satanists ruling this world. The white Europeans who call Britain home will find their homes in graveyards. The Islamists will come later and remove the tombstones, and then use these stones for their front steps and garden walkways. Walking on your tombstones, living in your houses and raping your children all brings them great joy. They are commanded in the Koran to go to other countries and live in your houses and to rape, enslave and kill you and your children. Canada never enslaved blacks as did America, we do not owe the blacks reparations nor reserved seats in trade schools and universities, nor free houses. Islamists have a long history of enslaving all other races, similarly we do not owe Islamists reparations nor reserved seats in trade schools and universities, nor free houses, we owe them nothing. Canada is red and white, we should put resources into the red and the white.

On October 21st 2021 radio talk show host John Gormley announced on his CKOM 650 radio talk show that the “anti-vaxers” are like atheists who come to a church service only to provoke endless debate and sow division, and so those people who hold views critical of the jabs will no longer be allowed to phone in and comment on his talk show. First I was hated for being of Doukhobor background (dad’s side), then I was hated for being of Ukrainian background (mom’s side), and then I was hated for being eastern-European rather than western-European. I was greatly hated for being of Russian descent, and I was quite young and impressionable in the early 1960’s when Russia was particularly vilified. Then I was hated because my dad was a police officer. Then I was hated for becoming a Christian and attempting to uphold Christian values. Then I was hated for trying to show people that their names and lives (birthdays) were both gifts from God and in harmony with the numbers in Scripture, hated for saying that the churches were teaching pagan traditions in place of God’s Commandments, hated for saying that witches are eating your children. Then I was hated for complaining about being tortured in psychiatric facilities. Then I was hated for crying out to God against you and your ignorant family members. Then I was hated for being white, and especially hated for being a white male. Then I was hated for pointing out that when the blacks were hired into the meat packing industry in Brookes Alberta, the vicious African Mafia came along and established a foothold in Western Canada. Then I was hated for saying that the homosexuals were the ones largely responsible for raping children. Then I was hated for my refusal to take a depopulation jab and roll over and die. There I was, very hated and being tortured in psychiatric facilities, then the NDP came to power provincially and immediately (their first act of legislation) was to hand more power over to psychiatrists and removed more rights from me and from the other victims of psychiatric horror. And I became greatly hated after the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix repeated internet libel stemming from Freemason Don Ocean of South Dakota and James Takayama of Hawaii implying that I was a pedophile. Then immediately after the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix repeated the internet libel, preacher-teacher John Gormley came along and used his radio talk show to encourage people to beat me up, in an effort to shut me up for good. John Gormley was happy, Saskatoonians were happy, everybody in Saskatchewan was happy, people in Alberta and British Columbia then voted the NDP into power provincially and everybody there was happy too. Happy happy people, most of whom get their trees to blink. Nobody on earth is deserving of psychiatric horror, not even me. Over the years I’ve learned a great deal about traditions and psychiatry and am now thoroughly convinced that you should take your decorated evergreen tree idols and shove them high up into your God-damned arseholes. You folks uphold your versions of Christianity, paganism and atheism with brutal violence. Keep in mind that the atheists are really Catholics for they abide by the Catholic fertility rites (the blinkin’ trees), when you abide by Catholic fertility rites then you become a Catholic. And in spite of it all, I would still rather be me, tortured, libeled, robbed and beaten than be a compassionless and ignorant Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshipper like you.

In the news on October 28th 2021, the communist/satanists running USA announced they desire to provide the invaders with $450,000 US each, and an apology for daring to separate children from the adults who brought the children into the country illegally, these accompanying adults were frequently or usually strangers who used the children as pawns. In Canada Trudeau flies Africans to Canada and pays the airfare. In Canada Trudeau prepared for the arrival of the Islamists and was renting entire hotels and keeping them empty in preparation and gleeful anticipation of these invaders to arrive. Across Canada white children are denied seats in trade schools and in university programs that result in pay cheques, and are instead shunted to the College of Arts and Sciences where they were taught Marxism and sodomy. Trudeau gave up military bases and resources to the invading Islamist army. Like our many provincial governments in Canada, Trudeau and his Federal Liberal party allows (they legislate it into being) brutal psychiatric torture to be conducted in cities across the country, and since this latter point has never been an issue to you, you now let him force an injection upon you and your children that maims and kills. It used to be that the rich Americans would show up at the airport in Saskatoon in order to catch connecting fights up north so that they may hunt and fish, now it will be the rich Islamists coming here instead. The rich Americans used to arrive with shotguns costing many thousands of dollars, now the Islamists will arrive with the ornate and well manufactured shotguns. Now the rich Americans stay home to protect their properties, and instead it will be the wealthy Islamists arriving to Saskatoon to catch the connecting flights up north so they may hunt and fish. These shotguns work well, they are known to have wonderful balance, are easy to handle, are a joy to hold and use. Often these shotguns have gold inlay, some kind of design engraved in gold. If you got nothing to do, watch for these newly wealthy Islamists to arrive with expensive 12-gauge shotguns at Saskatoon’s airport, they will catch a connecting flight to some northern lake where they will hunt and fish and interact with the Big-Nosed Cree. If you ask them nicely maybe they will take the shotgun out of the carrying case and show it to you at the airport, there may be a verse from the Koran engraved in gold upon the receiver, or barrel, or elsewhere upon the shotgun.

If I had that kind of money ($450,000 US), I would get an Italian shotgun and have Hadith Number 2442 engraved in gold, together with an image of Mohammad wearing Aisha’s shit-stained panties while these panties were dictating the Koran (Hadith Number 2442). I’d have the image of six-year old Aisha engraved as well, I’d use the image to display the contents of this Hadith by depicting Aisha without wearing any panties, Mohammad wearing Aisha’s talking panties, while the panties dictated one of the many perversions of the Koran. This is not a joke. Hadith Number 2442 reveals that the Koran was dictated by Aisha’s shit-stained panties while Mohammad wore them. Mohammad tried on the shit-stained panties belonging to other little girls but those panties never spoke, so he resumed wearing Aisha’s panties and when doink so, the panties continued to dictate the Koran (Hadith Number 2442). If I would spend $20,000 US on a shotgun, I’d still have $430,000 US remaining and would use a portion of this to purchase clean underwear.

Seriously though, if I had $450,000 US, I’d be more likely to buy a cheap shotgun, maybe a Remington 1100 semi-auto shotgun. The Remington 1100 semi-auto shotgun is available in a range of gauges, including .410, I believe it is the only semi-auto .410 gauge shotgun ever made, if I had one I’d cut the barrel down so it would be more suitable to shoot rats in the old wooden granaries. If the Islamists had more shotguns it is unlikely they would be beheading so many people and would instead have fun shooting rats in the old wooden granaries on all the prairie farms they are inheriting. It is unlikely that the female Islamists stopping by at our airport are heading north to hunt and fish, more likely they would be brought along to cook and clean and would be carrying an expensive shotgun because they were ordered to do so. Nevertheless it would not hurt to ask, so if you see a female Islamist at the airport with her head covered and with her eyes peeking out of a narrow slit, you may still ask to see her shotgun. Likely she is just carrying it for her husband and if that is the case, it would be unlikely that she would have or get permission to show it to you, so you would have to ask her husband. Consider that over the decades the CIA spent many millions of dollars to fund torture research at the University of Saskatchewan, now these very same Americans are going to reward Islamists, Africans and Latin American Catholics that invaded their country and hand them each $450,000 US. Americans are upset about this, they want the $450,000 for themselves so they may buy bigger trees and decorate them to greater degrees, and perhaps so they may buy clean underwear for themselves. With $450,000 US in their pockets, Americans would feel empowered and would be more likely to tell me and other victims of psychiatric horror to shut up and take a pill. With $450,000 US in their pockets, the Americans would come to Saskatoon (to catch a connecting flight up north) and stop just long enough to tell the impoverished here that money talks while bullshit walks. “Money” printed out of thin air enables those who have it to lecture those without it.

In the news (not the mainstream news), the jabs contain a myriad of toxins designed to kill. And the Covid test involves sending chemical laden swabs deep into the nasal cavity to stroke a thin membrane protecting your brain and is again designed to kill. And the masks reduce your oxygen intake resulting in cancer, the masks are contaminated with extremely small particles that lodge into your lungs, people are continually touching everything imaginable under the sun while continually touching and adjusting their masks, the masks are contaminated with anything your enemies desire to contaminate them with, including herbs that make you infertile, and every used mask is growing a myriad of different species of molds… the masks cause cancer and lung infections, the masks prevent you from meeting, marrying and reproducing, the masks kill. All of the hand sanitizers are toxic and some are exceedingly toxic, people are dying as a direct result of rubbing these sanitizers into their hands, often an Islamist, Hindu or Sikh will insist that you apply their particular variety of hand sanitizer before you enter a building. And the 5G wireless network utterly destroys your organs and immune system, people get sick and then the media blames the resulting deaths on Covid-19 (a virus that isn’t proven to exist). Close to a thousand people die every single year in Saskatchewan after contracting a cold, shutting down the Canadian economy and forcing people to wear masks is an act of war being committed by China and by their appeaser politicians. Chinese spies stole western technology and are now in a position to kill all who survive the manipulated bat viruses, the purposely bad medicine in the hospitals and the 5G microwaves. Dr. Fauci directed that Americans who ended up in hospitals be given a drug that insured their deaths and refused to allow life-saving drugs and therapies be provided instead (see We Are Witnessing Intentional Medical Genocide by Dr. Bryan Ardis). While this is goink on, the witches are still eating you and your children, they sacrifice you and your children to Satan and then consume your testicles and nipples, heart, or your entire body. Witches shop for children on Facebook and other social media sites and then place an order on the child that is most attractive to him or her, the child is then kidnapped, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. People respond by getting an evergreen tree to blink. The trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off… it is really quite a show.

In the news (not the mainstream news), children are largely immune to the Fauci’s bat flu yet are forced to wear masks in the schools for hours on end, and are now forced to take the depopulation jab without their parent’s permission. The white children sit at school and are taught Marxism, sodomy and that they are racists, in America when the kids attempt to walk home are beaten by the black children. The black children learn the behavior from the black adults who go around beating white people, and they are joining Islam in the hopes that they can start enslaving and beheading the white people. In America the blacks are shooting other blacks at unprecedented rates. In Canada the black people were welcomed to Brookes Alberta to work in the meat processing industry, resulting in the brutal African Mafia getting a foothold into Western Canada. The black people have their rap music that encourages them to rob and kill, they embrace this belief with enthusiasm. White people have become full-blown slaves who are forced to wear the slave masks, and who are beaten and killed with impunity by the black slaves, who are over represented in prisons so are released by the Freemason judges if caught. And I am the racist for pointing out the racism. I was also accused of being a pedophile for pointing out the pedophilia in the churches.

In the news (not the mainstream news) Prince Charles (the Anti-Christ) announced that he will make use of an army to impose his green agenda (actually an Islamic agenda) upon the rest of the world. Canadians will make an attempt to push the Africans and Asians, and Trudeau out of Canada, Charles will come with jets and tanks to support them, of course because they are united under Islam… Prince Charles and Trudeau are both Islamists, Trudeau has Charles’s Islamic UN military for support. Obama is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, and who now whispers into Biden’s ear, they all utterly despise the Constitution of the United States of America and they also utterly despise Jesus and Christians. And they hate women so much that they would rather ram their penises up each other’s arseholes than have a sexual relationship with a real woman.

It is such a big mistake to allow Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus to work in the food and trucking industries, or let them near bodies of fresh water, or near forests, or near children, and a much bigger mistake for the red and white Canadians to take the jabs. Millions of Islamists live within just a few miles from Moscow, they will make their move on Moscow about the same time they make their move on Canadian cities. When the Islamists attack Moscow they will come as a rag tag affair and kill Caucasians and enslave a few women to sexual servitude, but when the Islamists attack Canadian cities, Charles will lead the way with his UN marked vehicles and show the Caucasians how to reduce their carbon footprint, soon you will be shivering as you sprinkle some crushed insects on your vegetarian meals. If not immediately beheaded then you will get powdered locusts from Africa and powdered cockroaches from Toronto and Montreal sprinkled over top of your tofu and corn (pig food), and then be told that you are wonderfully hungry, and you’ll also be told that you have nothing and yet you are happy. Canadians love the British Crown so very much, all the Catholic Canadians will line the streets and cheer and throw flowers and kisses to the invading UN Islamic army, then will go get another jab, then will tell me to shut up and take a pill. All the red and white in Canada who took the jab will soon die, we will lose more than half of our numbers because our people took the jab, those who remain will be of insufficient numbers to fight against the Islamist invaders, very few of whom took the poison death jabs. Soon all the women will have heavy chains on their feet and will spend their lives indoors in windowless rooms, nursing Islamic babies and picking maggots out of the grain.

After Prince Charles seizes control of Canada, most of the pine, spruce and fir trees will continue to be turned into lumber and will still be shipped overseas or to Islamists living in Canada and the USA (they all need new homes), while the mixed Canadian forests will continue to be sprayed with herbicides to eliminate the deciduous trees and provoke a mono-culture crop of the greatly desirable coniferous trees, some of which you get to blink. The mono-cultured coniferous forests burn in raging fires which would be prevented by leaving the deciduous trees in place, as God intended. Then idiots and Satanists teach others that the forest fires are a result of global warming or climate change rather than the truth, the truth is that the forest fires rage unchecked due to the lack of deciduous trees that hamper the spread of the forest fires. Then the Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests marched in solidarity with those who burned over 300 American cities and large areas of forested American lands. The Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests helped Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford and then went on to march in solidarity with the blacks, the Islamists, Anarchists and Marxists who burned over 300 American cities and large areas of forest lands. It seems that the Big-Nosed Cree tore up the Treaties and made “New Treaties” with the Blacks, with the Islamists, with the Anarchists and the Marxists, and with the Chinese, who together are murderers, rapists, pimps and sodomites. Instead of trading land for colourful beads, the Big-Nosed Cree (Protectors of The Forests) now trade away the entire nation for paper “money” and drugs, have learned to sexually enslave women in trade for paper “money”, and traded away their health and longevity for a free backpack and a death jab.

Canadians should reduce their carbon footprint by sending the Asians, Africans and Latin Americans back to their home nations. Canadians never enslaved black people, we owe the black people (and the Asians and the Latin Americans) nothing, this is Aboriginal Indian lands that are being shared by white Europeans via Treaties, we never got permission from the Indians to give away the continent to Africans, Asians and Latin Americans. I am in favour of Africa prospering, in favour of conducting trade with Africa, in favour of assisting Africa to keep Africa as a black continent, in favour of assisting Africans to expel the Islamists and Chinese from Africa, I am not in favour of Africans (or Asians or Latin Americans) coming to Canada and giving them free houses and other favours that are being denied to our own people. American and Canadian multiculturalism just isn’t working, the more blacks that we bring into our countries, the more the blacks hate us. I see ever increasing black violence directed against the whites in America and Canada, and this is an institutionalized violence that is taught by the schools and the media, we should put an immediate halt to this in Canada by simply deporting the blacks back to their home nations and dealing justly with the schools and the media. If you are an Asian or African or Latin American “immigrant” and have crossed from America into Canada, you are advised to return to America before Canadians catch you and fly you back to your home nations, or worse. Not to worry, Prince Charles (the Anti-Christ) will come to your defense with his enormous United Nations Islamic Army and insure that you can stay in Canada in a new house, located near a mosque that he built. The Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests will support Prince Charles when he invades Canada, because Prince Charles says he is the Protector of Faith, as the Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests have faith. The Big-Nosed Cree have faith in the British Crown, in the blinkin’ Catholic fertility trees, and even in a jab that destroys their natural immunity and is designed to sterilize and to kill. No matter how many times the Catholic priests ram their penises up your aboriginal children’s arseholes, the Big-Nosed Cree will continue to have faith in the Catholic church and decorate their homes with Catholic fertility tree idols, for it is tradition. And they love their British (German) Protestant Queen, for she similarly adopts and actively teaches people to adopt Catholic fertility rites.

In the mainstream news the Islamic mayor of Edmonton is concerned about the homeless population in the city, the homeless population is largely white and are largely homeless because of mass Islamic immigration. So the homeless white people in Edmonton are now hoping for Islamists to assist them so they do not freeze to death this winter. And southern British Columbia is flooding, sewage has filled many homes. I complained to a psychiatric nurse that the psychiatric medications were making my skin hard and dry, that my jaw had locked open and my lips and tongue turned to hard leather, that I was nauseous and my brain pounded in pain, that my hair was dry and falling out, and she laughed and said it was my own fault for not drinking enough water. And so it is with the residents of British Columbia, God sees that they are not drinking enough water and so sends them water in great abundance. Canadians spent millions of dollars making me a home in a psychiatric ward and then annually spend billions more turning their homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility, having shit and sewage come percolate up into your houses is a just reward. Laugh at me when I complain of years of psychiatric horror (and libel, rob and brutally assault me further), it is simply wonderful that you can now experience similar with your depopulation jabs. Your Catholic church rules this world and employed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me with psychiatric drugs, now your Catholic church has you and your children inoculated with a concoction that will produce similar pain and horror, and you still desire to embrace the Catholic fertility rite of turning evergreen trees into blinkin’ decorated idols for it is tradition and tradition is the most important thing on planet earth and far exceeds the importance of God’s Commandments and exhibiting love and compassion. Embrace Catholic fertility rites with every ounce of your being and then complain that Jews rule the world, the situation is absolutely hilarious!!! And the Big-Nosed Cree, after having their children sodomized and brutalized in the Catholic residential schools and in the Catholic churches, continue to lobby and seek dialogue with these Satanists, rather than flee from that evil. You compassionless turds now have turds floating in your lavishly decorated kitchens, living rooms and bedrooms and you’ll blame it all on the Jews. Maybe get plungers that have handles shaped like the Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) that you have on the roofs of your filthy God-damned churches and on the very tops of your blinkin’ trees. Remember that the earth is God’s, including the sewer pipes, and He can do with them as He likes.

Satanists, communists, idiots and assholes in Saskatchewan voted the NDP into power in 1991 and their first act of legislation was to strip the psychiatric torture victims of their few remaining rights. The Saskatchewan torture victims were being forced drugs for 6 weeks at a time, given a brutal and horrid long lasting depot drug injection on the final day of the 6 weeks of horror, then released temporarily, then the newly elected Saskatchewan NDP decided to have drugs forced upon them without limitation, then the residents of Alberta and British Columbia voted the NDP communists into power as well. When Saskatchewan voted out the NDP, the newly arrived Saskatchewan Party kept the NDP’s 24/7 torture legislation on the books. Now many of the Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests in Saskatchewan are in full support of the NDP communist party, and are seeking audience with the pope, and all I can do is cry out to God against the entire God-damned lot of all of you. Alas, you are all busy singing Jingle Bells and turning trees into Catholic blinkin’ idols, while blaming the Jews for all your problems, and could not care less about anything other than your pagan traditions.

The white kids live in cardboard boxes without addresses and go missing, while the Big-Nosed Cree kids live in over-crowded houses, but at least the vast majority of the Big-Nosed Cree have addresses and it is known if and when they go missing, while the Islamists live in nice homes and are given many privileges and never go missing. Witches eat the homeless, and as it is never known that the homeless are missing there is no alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). My proposal is for the red and white get together and re-affirm their Treaties, and get addresses for all their people, and start growing gardens and building boats, vehicles, airplanes and such. Pay yourselves in gold coins. You can start a new economic system based on oil reserves and still circulate gold coins among yourselves. We are going to have to establish new mining laws, laws that do not require a team of lawyers to stake a claim, laws that do not allow foreigners to state claims, laws that do not allow corporations to stake massive claims and then be free to pollute lakes and streams, new mining laws that favour native people, and send the wealthy corporations and Chinese packing.

In the news (not the mainstream news) people are upset that the mainstream media is united in telling them to take the depopulation jab. That mainstream media is also united in telling you to turn trees into decorated idols, but virtually nobody is upset with that as they love their decorated Catholic idols. I repeatedly attempted to defend my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings by saying that the Bible repeatedly informs us not to turn trees into decorated idols, people laughed at me (and libeled and slandered me and assaulted me further) and then took the depopulation jabs, then had their children jabbed as well. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

In the news (not the mainstream news), children are being jabbed with the depopulation (death) shot in schools without their parent’s consent. The jab is over 100 times more likely to kill the children than Fauci’s modified Bat Flu while the booster shots are yet 10 times more deadly, the children have a greater chance of survival if you throw them into volcanoes. Obama whispers into Biden’s ear and tells Biden how to limit your freedoms. Obama runs the show, America is being ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who turns trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead. Obama uses your schools to teach your children to become Marxists, Islamists and sodomites, and to bow to blinkin’ trees. When you teach your children to bow to the Catholic blinkin’ tree idols then you are teaching your children to become Catholics as well, and so your children are best described as being Marxist-Catholic-Sodomite-Islamists, or perhaps Sodomite-Catholic-Marxist-Mooslems. The white girls and white women are regularly wearing headscarves and visiting mosques, then getting their trees to blink. The Koran dothn’t command women to cover their arms, legs, heads and faces, the Koran instead commands you to kill those who are not Islamic. People would be safer and more likely to have a future if they instead killed those who command them what and what not to wear.

In the news (not the mainstream news) Covid-19 is a huge fraud, assorted bat viruses exist but infection only results in a mild flu, the many deaths occurring are instead a result of vaccine injury (through jabs and nasal swabs) from bad medicine being administered in hospitals, and from the masks and hand sanitizers. Concentration camps are being set up around the world to incarcerate and kill those who refuse to take the poison jabs, and to kill those who never froze or starved to death this coming winter, and to kill those who were not killed by the blacks or by the Third World invaders flooding across our borders, or by the 5G microwaves, or by the contaminated foods, or by the nuclear fallout and overall widespread nuclear contamination. Not to worry, you will be wonderfully hungry and you will own nothing and you will be happy, you’ll be eating crushed locusts from Africa and powdered cockroaches from Toronto. And before you die, you will still be mocking and slandering and libeling and stealing from and viciously assaulting the people who were stripped of their rights and repeatedly (year after year after year) brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities. Once a person has been stripped of their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities they have a target printed on their back, you are now free to rob and assault them, for if they complain they will be arrested and tortured, again, for daring to cause problems in the community, again. Maybe you can profit from this, maybe borrow some more money from your children so you can build more psychiatric torture facilities. Remember that psychiatrists do not treat their victims equally, some psychiatric victims are treated with extreme brutality, those people who survive such treatment are the people you should target with continued brutality as the only right they have is to get a needle stuck into their arse. Rob them, libel them, assault them and laugh, you will not be prosecuted. They deserve it for daring to mock your Catholic traditions. They all died or were rendered incapable of raising alarm against the doctors and against psychiatry, and against the nurses and other hospital support staff, and against the church authorities that had them placed in psychiatric “care.” So Jesus and/or His Father decided to allow me to experience psychiatry and then prolonged my life so I can tell you about it.

In the news (not the mainstream news), people in Australia are being forcibly given the death jab and are being removed from their homes and placed into concentration camps. The aboriginal people in Australia are not pleased with this turn of events and will now have to modify their songs. In Canada the Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests lined up and took the death jabs in order to get free backpacks full of crap on Saskatoon’s 20th Street, and so they could work and play in the Big-Nosed Cree casinos and buy alcohol and marijuana. In Canada many of the Big-Nosed Cree took the death jab and are now being encouraged in the mainstream news by David Suzuki to blow up the oil pipelines. The Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests aspired to elect friends and family members to become chiefs that would freely hand over quarter sections (160 acres) of reserve farm lands to their friends and family members, so these friends and family members could have a guaranteed annual income by shipping the grain grown to China, so the privileged Indians could then buy new trucks, boats, ATV’s and snowmobiles for themselves, which require oil. The Big-Nosed Cree lined up to take the death jab because they educated themselves with news from the mainstream media, while the aboriginal Indians in Australia attempted to avoid the death jab because they did not. The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper has become the Big-Nosed Cree’s Holy Bible, which now suggests that they take death jabs and blow up oil pipelines. God’s real Holy Bible warned the Big-Nosed Cree that they were being eaten by cannibals and that they were to be exterminated but their churches instead told them to turn trees into decorated idols that blink, to import Islamists and to adopt a homosexual lifestyle.

The Canadian government stole the senior’s pension funds and through bad medicine is killing off the seniors, done so the government does not have to pay the seniors their pensions and because the seniors are mostly white, similarly the $46.89 annual payment to One Arrow First Nation band members for the diamonds under the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest may only have to be paid out for two or three years, or until all the band members perish from the death jabs. That Canadian pension fund was a very large pool of money, it was life insurance for the seniors, but the pot became so rich that Justin Trudeau (Castro’s son) decided not only to take it, but furthermore decided to kill off the rightful owners with bad medicine.

There is a spirit of evil that pervades our communities, it desires our sterility and our deaths. Both Obama (Obama is the ruler of America and tells Biden what to do) and Trudeau make you take the jab and then the additional booster jab because the first jab dothn’t work (dothn’t prevent a mild flu), then an additional booster because the first booster never worked either, all three jabs contain toxins designed to kill. How many toxins will you allow to be injected into you and your children so they can get free backpacks and so you can go to bars and gamble at the Big-Nosed casinos?!!! First you did not stand up and defend the rights of the victims of psychiatric horror, now you don’t stand up for your own right to travel or shop or drink a beer. Few stand up against the force of evil that strangles our entire nations, and removes our nations from us. Obama and Trudeau are both Islamists who demand that you take the death jab, they want your pensions, your lives, your houses, your country and its natural resources.

People will eventually come to an understanding that the jab is causing widespread deaths, it will take the deaths of their children and other family members before they are able to open their eyes and see that it is the jab, and not the bogus virus, that is responsible for the carnage. There will be those who never took the death jab and who are relatively healthy, and those who are perishing due to them taking the death jab… and together these two groups of people, the jabbed and the unjabbed, will unite around the blinkin’ Catholic trees and shit upon those who criticized the pagan nature of their so-called Christian traditions. This latter group doesn’t count as a third group of people, they are not people but are instead only irritants deserving of psychiatric needles jabbed into their arses, drugged senseless in order to make them shut up about your unquestionable Catholic traditions. The real third group of people are the unjabbed Islamists who are moving into your houses.

We live under a corrupt religious state that is endlessly encouraging you to turn trees into decorated idols. Different aspects of this pagan ritual are in direct violation of God’s First Three Commandments, and this is the reason why this pagan fertility rite is endlessly preached to you as this corrupted church has a great hatred of God and His Commandments. This corrupt church is the same one whose priests and ministers sexually abuse your children and then uses the media and schools to teach your children to engage in homosexuality and to sodomize one another, and encourages them to remove their testicles and ovaries.

Now this same corrupt church is using the media and schools to teach you and your children to take a death jab, and is using the medical system to administer the death jab. This same corrupt church also uses the legal system to insure you are not too vocal about the fertility rites they teach, and now to insure that you take the death jab. Some people are waking up to the lies taught by the media and see the error of the experimental injections, but are still tolerant of the media because it shows off many blinkin’ trees during their blinkin’ tree season, which they like. They get ideas from their television how to make their blinkin’ trees nicer, the telly tells them what to think and do, it is quite a tool.

Some people know lots, they will wake up to the media’s covid lies and also wake up to the blinkin’ tree festival as being an abomination to God, but then they would will still laugh at me and urge the police to arrest me under the Mental Health Act for daring to question some other of their strongly held beliefs. The jabbed and the unjabbed are united around their blinkin’ trees, and those that have learned to abhor the blinkin’ tree will still meet the relatives at the blinkin’ tree for a meal each year, for it is tradition. It’s the way things are done, you can’t question it, the television tells you so.

Then the more your family members perish from the false teachings taught by this corrupted church, the greater your desire to tithe to that church. People tithe to that church so that they may hear assurances that their smitten and poisoned family members are up in heaven, watching over them, squeak squeak. And they see the lavishly decorated evergreen trees placed in front of the church and placed inside the church lobby, and placed next to the pulpit, and figure they better give that church money to help pay for such beautiful blinkin’ idols. The trees smell so nice when you cut then down and bring them into the church to blink, having that fresh pine smell adds real credibility to the teaching of God’s Word.

In the news on December 1st 2021 Tucker Carlson reports that 82% of the American people abided by Biden’s (Obama, the homosexual Indonesian Islamist whispers in Biden’s ear and tells him what to do and say) insistence that they take the death jab. The death jab destroys people’s immune systems, destroys heart muscles, sterilizes and kills. The majority of the Islamists in America are not taking the death jab as they don’t have jobs to go to, they are looking forward to you abandoning your houses. They are going to rename your buildings, streets, hiways, cities, states and your entire nation, perhaps it will become The United Islamic States of Arabia, or Mohammadsland, or Unitedstan, or some damn thing like that. They will use your tombstones to build new mosques. And you will own nothing and you will be happy. Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) managed to kill 82% of the American people without even firing a shot, he is a military genius. And Trudeau, the Islamist leader of Canada who demands Canadians take the death jab, should also be henceforth considered as another military great, not a fool at all. Trudeau and Obama are the present rulers of Canada and the United States of America, both are Islamic and together they are killing off the majority of the citizens of these two countries, and this is while allowing Islamists to flood in and exempting them from taking the death jabs. Trudeau and Obama must be viewed as among the greatest mass murderers that ever existed in the history of planet earth, truly these two must be seen as being among the most successful military leaders that ever lived. Deploying Canadian and American soldiers to the other side of the world to defend one group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women in place of another group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women went a long way in advancing the cause of Islam in the west. It is simply amazing that the people in North America would abide by the dictates of Islamists who demand that their own children, who are immune to the manipulated bat viruses, be administered death jabs. In their defense, the Americans were happily taking the Islamic death jabs because they thought it was a senile 78-year-old white man who was demanding it. Even after Biden shat himself while visiting the pope, the Americans still abided by his dictates and took their boosters. Americans did not trust in God any more, they trusted in Biden, even after he shat himself. All people really care about is to get a tree that blinks. Stalin had the Russian kids build composite Yaks that outperformed the German fighters, while Obama and Trudeau had the American and the Canadian kids killed.

In the news (not the mainstream news) the (Islamic) United Nations (aka Prince Charles, the Islamic Anti-Christ) is censoring the internet, people who are questioning the mainstream media are having their websites blocked, and we can soon expect that people who are publishing stories questioning the existence of global warming are to soon to have their websites censored from the internet as well (see UN Taking Down Private Websites - Domain Level Censorship, by Wardo Rants). Also in the news (not the mainstream news) the (Islamic) United Nations (aka Prince Charles, The Islamic Anti-Christ) is deploying an elite militia that can be quickly deployed to trouble spots (places where people are demanding their human rights and demanding that the Islamic invasion ceases). It is imperative that the global warming narrative be pushed so that people in the western world cease using fossil fuels to defend their nations from foreign (Chinese and Islamic) invasion. Instead of just arresting people under the Mental Health Act and torturing them when they dare to point out the pagan fertility rites being taught by the mainstream churches, soon people will be arrested under the Mental Health Act and tortured by Islamic psychiatrists for daring to question the global warming narrative, for opposing the Islamic invasion, for opposing the poison death jabs, for speaking out against teaching children to become sodomites and forcing them to remove their breasts and sexual organs, and for speaking in defense of The Constitution of the United States of America. Most people don’t want to be tortured in psychiatric facilities and so will continue to defend the Catholic fertility rites and defend the Islamic and communist invasions of their nations, they do as they are told and will even willingly take poison death jabs. Prince Charles (the Islamic Anti-Christ) has a very large army that was built and is run by using fossil fuels, he is the defender of faith who has been using his fabulous wealth to fund the spread of Islam for decades. None (absolutely zero) of Charles’ tanks, planes, ships or guns run on or were built using lithium batteries, solar panels or windmills. With over 800 concentration camps in America, built and waiting for the Americans to enter, I imagine anybody on the outside who attempts to use the internet to complain will have their websites censored and their presence noted. And I believe that when the unjabbed Americans are forced into these 800+ concentration camps, they will continue to turn trees into blinkin’ idols, and will continue to ridicule, libel and assault those who dare to question this and other Catholic fertility rites.

Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedopile and a cannibal) turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead and Americans loved it, it became another way for them to honour their fertility tree idols. They turned trees into fertility idols then lost their fertility to Obama’s poison death jabs. Americans placed decorated wreaths made from evergreen tree branches upon the graves of the American war dead, they used the graves of the war dead to push their pagan fertility rites upon the rest of the nation, and then they loved it when they saw that Obama (the homosexual Indonesian Islamist) turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead. They laughed at me when I complained of the psychiatric horror and told me to take a pill, then they had their children, seniors and war vets drugged senseless, then they took the homosexual Indonesian Islamist’s poison death jab and continued laughing. The situation is just as hilarious as when you laughed at the victims of psychiatric horror and told them to take a pill. Now that you took Obama’s and Trudeau’s poison death jabs, maybe you should also take a pill. I suggest you take a pill that makes your hair fall out, makes your skin hard and dry, makes your jaw lock open, makes your tongue and lips turn into hard leather, and makes you more nauseas than you ever thought possible (just like those being tortured to death by the psychiatrists). Make sure that all the medication you take all has “death” as a known side effect. Then make sure to tithe to the clergy that rams their penises up your children’s arseholes, and only because their churches have really nice trees that blink (or is it because they give you assurances that your smitten children are up in heaven, looking down upon you?). And if you don’t find that funny, maybe we can get Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) to laugh at you and the other people being brutalized wherever and whenever, as she doths it very well. Somebody has to laugh, if you aren’t laughing then we should get somebody who will.

In the news 24-year-old Wahdan Yahia Ismaeil stabbed three people at a homosexual nightclub in downtown Saskatoon on December 4th 2021, he was in possession of cocaine, a knife, a large amount of cash, two cell phones and a handgun. Events such as this were unheard of in Saskatoon before the Islamists arrived. Also in the news 26-year-old Japjee Minhas, 26-year-old Ali Sarfraz, 28-year-old Rajandeep Singh, and 23-year-old Andrew Karamat were charged for dealing in Cocaine, Fentanyl, Meth, and Marijuana… police seized $226,000 in cash, 4177.96 grams of Cocaine, 166.99 grams of Fentanyl, 67.06 grams of Methamphetamine, 568.92 grams of Marijuana and 6 vehicles. People are dying in large numbers from Cocaine, Fentanyl and Meth, these people are sure to receive light sentences from the Freemason (Satanist) judges, nothing like the horror I faced as a reward for postering and criticizing the paganism in the churches. Also in the news the wealthy Sikh farmers in the Fraser Valley in British Columbia Canada are suffering from the recent flooding, it is evident that Sikhs are buying up Canadian land and properties with money they make from trafficking in drugs. In Canada only Sikh children can go to school armed, they are very special people. The little daggers they all conceal are far from toys, the Sikh children are trained to hit your femoral artery so you bleed out. Put them all on jets and ships and send them all back to the Punjab, let them fight for a homeland over there.

In the news on December 7th 2021 Tucker Carlson is questioning why The United States would want to go to war against Russia in the defense of Ukraine. I think the major reason is that Ukraine mines scandium, which when alloyed with aluminum makes the aluminum hard like steel and resistant to cracking when welded, making the aluminum more suitable for jets and spacecraft. The 13th element, aluminum, is made hard like steel when alloyed with scandium, the 21st element (the 13th number that is not prime). Scandium is mined in Russia, China and in Ukraine and not here. The Big-Nosed Cree enrolled into both the Canadian and American militaries and then defended one group of Islamists who treated their livestock better than “their” women in place of another group of Islamists who treated their livestock better than “their” women, when considering this it then makes sense that the Big-Nosed Cree would now want to enroll into the American military and go to war against the Christians in Russia. Big-Nosed Cree warriors care little that native women were stripped of their voices and power, and some headed off overseas to Islamlands to support some God-damned Islamists. Other Big-Nosed Cree cared little that people in Canada are stripped of their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities and joined with Graham Construction to build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford.

In the news (not the mainstream news) laws are being implemented in both Canada and the USA to make criticizing Islam a crime. For me it was a crime to criticize your Catholic fertility rites, and the penalty was years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture, I wonder what kind of penalties you people will now face for criticizing Islam. Whatever the penalty, somebody will be sure to laugh about it and laugh about your lack of human rights.

In the news (not the mainstream news) 14,000 Americans and $80 billion in arms were abandoned in Afghanistan by Obama, he is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist (pedophile and cannibal). Obama rules America and tells Biden what to say and do. Canada and America need to be turned into no-fly zones until the militaries of these two countries start to defend themselves from foreign invasion, my suggestion is that the kookums (the aboriginal grandmothers) and aboriginal warriors block the airports instead of the pipelines. The Canadian and American red and white can successfully work together to expel the African and Asian invaders, we should accomplish this immediately so that we can then use some of our resources to launch a rescue mission to Afghanistan for whatever number of the 14,000 Americans that are remaining. We can quickly take back our two nations in a coordinated affair and quickly launch a rescue mission.

In the news (not the mainstream news) the Taliban wants the flights leaving Afghanistan to be used to transport their fighters to western countries so they may work raising money for jihad in those countries, or to kill or freeload off the white people in western countries while collecting welfare and breeding prolifically. Perhaps Canadians can get a new form of government that guarantees our rights (a Republic), and perhaps we can obtain this quickly if we unite with Americans to overthrow our Islamic dictators at the same time. The Africans and Asians in Canada and the USA need to travel towards the shores in order to leave Canada and the USA and obtain passage on ships. Established multi-generational Chinese-Canadians and Chinese-Americans should be allowed to stay, multi-generational blacks who fled slavery in America and are now living in Canada can return to America as slavery was abolished there over 200 years ago. America has a form of Republic that grants citizenship to blacks, whereas Canada was established without natives and Europeans sharing resources with Africans, Asians and Latin Americans, and we are now in a position to start a Canadian republic that continues with that tradition. The Native Treaties in Canada are a two-sided affair that are shared between Native Indians and white Europeans, Africans, Asians and Latin Americans do not have a claim to this country. White Americans and white Canadians who do not desire to fight for their nations can return to Europe and fight against the Islamic, Chinese and Marxists invasions there. If the red and white in North America can’t unite and expel the African, Asian and Latin American invaders, then we will become slaves and get our heads cut off, I predict.

In the news (not the mainstream news) Sweden suffered over 80 bombings in 2021, that is more than one every four days. I think that the Swedes who were born in Sweden and who are now living in Canada and United States should be arrested and flogged. Then put them into special camps and teach them how to shoot, then equip them with a rifle or machine gun or shotgun, and a handgun, a few grenades, and parachute them into Malmo and Stockholm. If you can’t defend Canada and United States from Islamic invasion, then go back to Sweden and defend your own country from Islamic invasion. Similarly the long established multi-generational Chinese living in Canada and the United States need to rise up against Islam, and if they can’t be bothered, then arrest them, flog them, train them to be soldiers and offer to parachute them into Sweden with the Swedes so they may battle Islamists there, or fly them to Hong Kong where they may battle against communism, there. Similarly the English, Irish and Scots can leave Canada and the United States and go defend their own nations from Islam and against their royal witches. And the Italians, even the Italian mafia, have allowed Islamic gangs to run rampant in Italy, they were unable to defend their nation from Islam and are here now, unable to defend either Canada or the United States from Islamic invasion. Moscow is surrounded by millions of Islamists, and the Russians flee to North America where they are unwilling to confront Islam either. The Hindus allowed the partitioning of their nation to Islam and are now in Canada and the USA helping the Islamists exploit us. Islam is spreading through Africa like a cancer, send the blacks in North America to Africa to fight against Islam there, as they sure as hell don’t fight against Islam here. Train these people to be soldiers, give them a parachute and a kick in the ass in order to eject them from the aircraft. All you have for me and other victims of psychiatric horror is laughter and scorn, consider yourselves fortunate that you will only face a flogging and deportation. Millions of you compassionless turds living in North America took Trudeau’s and Obama’s Islamic death jabs, millions have already died and many millions more of you are about to perish due to these injections, go accomplish something with your lives before you become a greater burden to us as you twitch and convulse and die here. If you are unwilling to confront the Islamic invasion here, then go die somewhere else. Every institution teaches you to embrace Catholic fertility rites, then you embrace Catholic fertility rites with every ounce of your being and then have the audacity to claim the Jews rule the world while you purchase Halal certified foods and thereby fund the spread of Islam, just shut your God-damned mouths for a little while. I’m trying to raise an army, and if we catch you and flog you, hopefully we will get Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) to laugh at you when you are being flogged and deported, as she doths it so very well.

In the news (not the mainstream news) Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) demands that farmers in America destroy their crops. Obama is paying the farmers 1.5 times the value of the crop and threatens to spray their land with Agent Orange if the farmers refuse to destroy their crops. Obama (via Biden and other traitors) is also demanding people dump any oil they have stored in storage containers. Incredibly the American farmers are destroying their crops and people are spreading their oil upon the dirt roads. When these people hear that I was tortured for years after criticizing their adoption of Catholic fertility rites, they will laugh at me and continue to destroy their crops and pollute the topsoil with oil, and then sing Jingle Bells and get their God-damned trees to blink, then continue to tithe to the churches that teaches them to do so. I’ll try to get Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) to go on tour in America and laugh at the farmers there, as she doths it very well. After she laughs at the farmers I’ll send her on a tour to the cities to laugh at the people starving to death there. Just as people thought it was absolutely hilarious that I faced years of brutal psychiatric horror, I think it absolutely hilarious that they now face famine. I used to teach people that the Bible encourages us to store up seven years of food supplies in anticipation of a period of adversity but my words were not appreciated in the least, perhaps they can reconsider their brutality, their compassionlessness and their tremendous ignorance while Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) laughs at them.

In the news the Canadian truckers are united and many are headed to Ottawa. Some of the truckers are Sikhs and Islamists who are not headed to Ottawa, instead they continue to transport goods to Canadian destinations (with guns and drugs mixed in with the legitimately transported goods). The truckers headed to Ottawa are concerned about being forced to take death jabs in order to cross the border and transport the goods, other issues are beyond the scope of their trip. For example, the truckers don’t mind that the politicians are forcing the people to take death jabs, the truckers are instead concerned that they are being prevented from crossing the border if they do not take the death jabs. And the truckers are concerned about inflation but not concerned that the government pays them in paper certificate of debt rather than in real money that is not inflationary. The truckers are concerned that the government desires to remove their guns and makes it difficult for them to obtain handguns and semi-automatic rifles, but on the other hand they smile when they hear that I and other victims of psychiatric horror have little chance of obtaining a gun license or enough money to buy a pot to piss in. They laugh that the victims of psychiatric horror especially at those who had the audacity to criticize their blinkin’ fertility tree idols. In the end the truckers will realize that they are all united, as even the Sikhs and Islamists will join with them and wish everybody a Merry Christmas (the use of God’s Name in vain, it is not His Mass but is a pagan mass commemorating the return of the sun from the south, by December 25th the sun is visibly rising from the south). The members of the alternative fertility cults hope to utterly destroy the white truckers and take their nations, they set aside their differences and wish that these white truckers continue to turn trees into decorated idols. Likely many of the Hindus, Sikhs and the Islamists (members of alternative fertility cults) read the Bible and see that God is enraged when He sees people turning trees into decorated idols, so they of course respond by encouraging the white truckers to bow to the blinkin’ trees and sing Jingle Bells. There is no better way for the members of the alternative fertility cults to take over Canada and the USA than to encourage the white Europeans and red Aboriginals to continue in their putrid Catholic fertility tree filth. The Canadian truckers are united in upholding different forms of pagan idolatry, and are united in their compassionlessness to the victims of psychiatric horror. The jabbed unite with the unjabbed and phone the police on me when I criticize their pagan fertility rites, they are far more tolerant of priests and ministers ramming their penises up their children’s arseholes.

In the news on February 2nd 2022 the mayor of Ottawa Jim Watson says that the truckers are costing the City of Ottawa over a million dollars a day in extra costs, “...$800,000 a day in policing costs, plus overtime costs for bylaw officers and public work employees who have had to use tractors and front end loaders to block off the streets.” So stop using taxpayer funds to block the streets and harass the truckers. The truckers want to stay in Ottawa as long as the “vaccine” mandates are in place. The truckers don’t seem to understand that what is being injected into them is not a vaccine designed to prevent illness but is instead a death shot, designed to kill. Some 90% of the truckers in Canada took the death shot and will soon be too sick to continue driving, many will be suddenly dropping dead from heart failure throughout the balance of 2022. The truckers don’t seem to understand that the federal politicians in Ottawa are using this bogus pandemic to fund the spread of Islam, and even if the “vaccine” mandates are lifted, the Islamists will continue to pour into Canada and will continue to receive huge amounts of cash to assist them to take over the nation. The truckers have only a limited time before they are too sick to continue their protest. There is no point for the mayor of Ottawa to complain about the truckers blocking streets, soon the truckers will be dead and your problem will go away. In Saskatchewan we pay over a million dollars a day to police the Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Latin Americans, and to pay for the damage they cause to our homes, and to pay for the medical and associated bills of those who were raped, beaten, robbed and killed by these invaders. We should start seizing the vehicles that enter Saskatchewan with Ontario plates and auction these vehicles off to help pay for the costs that Ottawa is imposing upon us. The politicians across the nation are funding psychiatry and psychiatric torture, the truckers and the mayor of Ottawa don’t consider this an issue. Note that the Hindu, Sikh and Islamic invaders are being trained in western universities to become brutal psychiatrists, and under Trudeau they may practice their “art” in Canada without even being Canadian citizens. I think the cost of psychiatry is very high, and it will ultimately destroy the people who are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, people like Jim Watson and people like the truckers.

In the news February 9th 2022, page one, upper fold of The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper, Kim Beaudin, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples national vice-chief, desires to revise the justice system, saying there is a disproportionate number of Indigenous people being incarcerated. Many of the native parents allow their children to roam around the reserve at all hours where they commit a myriad of different crimes against their own people, aboriginals living on reserves lock themselves in their homes at night to avoid the rampaging youth. It is reported that among the American criminals that are released early, 83% of them continue to commit crimes. So releasing 100 rapists results in 83 more women being raped, releasing 100 child abusers results in at least 83 more children being raped and abused, releasing 100 murderers results in 83 more people being murdered. Kim Beaudin cares little about the people who were stripped of their rights for daring to speak out against Catholic fertility rites taught by the Catholic and so-called Protestant churches, people who faced and continue to face brutal horrid torture in psychiatric facilities. Too bad 75% of the people locked up in jails are Indians, too bad you raise your children to be violent and vicious thugs. Evil gives Kim Beaudin a platform to spew forth his voice and evil publishes his voice in a prominent position. The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix convinced the majority of the people in Saskatchewan to take the Islamic death jab, most of the Big-Nosed Cree and the rest of the Indians including the brutal Indian thugs in the prisons, and the white boys and girls, including the white boys and girls that listened to their church leaders, will soon drop dead from their jabs, they will be released from prisons and churches and jobs and houses and sent to cemeteries. Kim Beaudin may get his way and have his brethren released, about 83% of them will re-offend but it will only be briefly as most took the Islamic death jab, there would be a brief spike in the increase of brutal crimes and then everything will slow down to a halt. Then the Islamists will start to venture out of the houses we bought for them and will get the surviving Christians to remove the dead bodies from homes and stores so that Islamists may reoccupy the buildings. If there is white resistance then Charles (the Anti-Christ) will come with his United Nations Islamic Army and get everything straightened out. Remember that we are ruled by a coalition of Sikhs (NDP) and Islamists (Liberals), both Sikhs and Islamists incorporate penises into their temple and mosque architecture, Canadians are being ruled by a Sikh/Islamic phallic-warrior-alliance (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix March 7th 2020, page NP3), which is continually reaching out for aboriginal support. I am confident that the Sikh/Islamic phallic-warrior-alliance will release the brutal Indians from prison and about 83% of them will re-offend.

In the news (not the mainstream news) the nasal swab tests are maiming and killing people. If authorities demand some of your secretions and you desire to comply, then comply by spitting in a cup for them or blow into a device, or give them a urine sample instead. Even if the nasal swabs were not contaminated with cancer causing agents, damage is being done by the swab to the brain membrane resulting in infections and death (see Dr. Jane Ruby). The injections are designed by witches, are designed to kill, and contain a wide variety of lethal ingredients, those who refuse these injections are instead provided with nasal swabs that are similarly designed to kill. Those who took neither the deadly jabs nor the deadly nasal swabs are forced to wear masks that reduce oxygen intake and cause cancer and viral pneumonia. Those who retained their health have lost their income and are being heavily taxed, with that tax money funding the immigration of people who desire to cut our heads off. Almost everybody, whether they took the death jabs, the death nasal swabs, or who wears cancer-causing oxygen-depleting masks or not, are united in singing Jingle Bells and bowing to blinkin’ trees. People are upset that they lost their freedom in Canada yet still ignore the victims of psychiatric horror or simply continue to laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, and seek ways to make their lives even more miserable. The truckers are blocking American border crossings and set up camp in Ottawa, but are all prepared to leave when they are no longer required to get death jabs or show papers proving they have been jabbed, they will go home and start twitching and convulsing from the death jabs and death nasal swabs, and leave those who were stripped of their rights to face continued torture in the psychiatric facilities. When the truckers and other citizens of USA and Canada learn that the injections they took are causing cancer and AIDS, they will understand that their time is short and will desire to decorate their trees to greater degrees and will continue to laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror. First they blamed the spread of COVID (which doesn’t even exist) upon those who refused to take the death jabs, now perhaps they are posed to blame their loss of freedom of their speech upon, and blame the imposition of martial law in Canada, upon those who were stripped of their rights (and speech) and tortured for years in psychiatric facilities. Like the Indians who robbed, raped and murdered their own people on reserves and are now spending time in prisons, will blame their incarceration upon those who work and upon those who are trying to educate themselves and peacefully improve their position in life. Everybody is blameless except the victims of psychiatric horror, who you may still either ignore or laugh at, or assault further. You are free to assault the victims of psychiatric horror, for if they defend themselves and get into a fight with you, they will be arrested and returned to psychiatric horror for acting up again.

In the news Trudeau has imposed martial law in Canada, white people are no longer allowed to assemble in protest. This is absolutely hilarious!!! In 1988 I criticized the pagan fertility rites in their churches, including their censorship of cannibalism spoken of in Scripture. Eating people is a pagan fertility rite as the cannibals believe they can extend their health and longevity by eating young children, it is like killing and decorating an evergreen tree in the hopes the act would benefit you in some way. I was stripped of my rights and tortured for years at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all people could do for me was laugh at me, slander, libel, rob me and assault me further, and now these same compassionless turds, and their children, have been stripped of their rights to assemble. And Canadians are at risk of having their bank accounts frozen if they are Trump supporters. Also in the news wealthy Islamists are buying up houses in North America in order to provide housing for the Islamists that are moving here. The Islamists (and Chinese, foreign nationals) in Canada are receiving over $2000 each month for COVID relief funds as there isn’t enough jobs for them here, and then they get their housing and other needs paid for with other provincial and federal programs. The Islamists are allowed to keep the money they stole from the Christians they murdered before coming here and can now use the $2000 per month in COVID relief payments to buy a very nice rifle each month. Anyway, of course you are going to be stripped of your rights and be robbed of your savings when your response to me being stripped of my rights (and tortured brutally) is to laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further. It is a certainty. Turn your trees into blinkin’ idols and employ Hindu psychiatrists to torture me for saying so, then laugh at me and my lack of rights, put tinfoil on your blinkin’ tree and say I am wearing a tinfoil hat when I point out the pagan nature of your blinkin’ tree. Tell me to take a pill. Treat me with brutal horrid torture and then laugh and assault me further, it is certain that God will allow similar to happen to you. I worked for you since 1988 trying to show you the truth of Scripture and the lies of the churches and you respond with laughter and by treating me with brutal horrid torture, and by collectively spending billions of dollars annually getting your trees to blink. You are members of a pagan fertility cult that now lose your nation to members of an alternative fertility cult, and you deserve it.

In the news (not the mainstream news) United Nations aircraft have landed near Ottawa and the riot police that brutalized and arrested the truckers are said to be United Nations (foreign) soldiers who arrived on the flights. The United Nations is an Islamic organization headed by Prince Charles, who is an Islamist and is the Anti-Christ. The white Canadians who object to this country being handed over to Islamists are being arrested and beaten by Islamic soldiers, or by soldiers who do not understand that their army is Islamic. You turned trees into decorated fertility idols and lost your fertility to the jabs that Islamists Obama, Trudeau and Charles demanded that you take. You had me tortured for years and thought it funny, and not a single one of you can blush over the issue of employing Hindu psychiatrists to torture me, not a single one of you can even attempt to try to make up the loss of years of my life by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. Instead, you allow our western universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists. When you abide by Catholic fertility rites then you become God-damned Catholics, people who reserve their compassion for their pagan fertility traditions. Your pope is about to hand his authority over to Charles, the supposed defender of faith, so be ready to abide by the dictates of this Islamic ruler instead of Trudeau, your other Islamic ruler. It shouldn’t be too hard to do, you already collect a Carbon Tax and then rebate that back to the biggest families, to those who consume the most carbon (you rebate the Carbon Tax back to the Islamists with the four wives and four houses). You reserve seats in universities for Islamists and teach them to become brutal psychiatrists, and allow them to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. You provide all kinds of jobs to Islamists that are not Canadian citizens and you no longer have to advertise job openings to Canadians. Then you hand out over $2000 each month for Covid relief to non-Canadians, to people who are Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese, and even send them that money when they are not residing in Canada!!! Canadians are prepared to embrace Sharia Law and those who do not understand what Sharia Law is are not too concerned, they will learn to love it, just as they learned to love their evergreen trees turned into blinkin’ idols. Those who do not love Sharia Law and those who do not love the UN Islamic soldiers will die soon from the Islamic death jabs, or they will be too sick to care and will be twitching and convulsing from the Islamic death jabs, so they don’t matter, they are haters anyway.

In the news (not the mainstream news) the CIA staged a coup and overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine (the Russian homeland and breadbasket), and installed an unelected pro-American comedian. Then the Americans used existing Russian facilities and constructed other facilities in Ukraine to develop biological weapons. The Americans are involved, using biological weapons, in killing off their own population in The United States of America, including American fetuses, older American children, adults, seniors and American soldiers, and now we learn of many American-run laboratories in Ukraine and in other foreign nations are being used to develop biological weapons. Now the comedian-puppet running Ukraine wants NATO to come with jets and enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine. And now Facebook is allowing people to post messages encouraging that violence be done against Russian children and other Russian people. Sending American soldiers to prop up the Ukrainian regime and kill Russians, rather than protect their own southern American border, should prove to be the final blow to America. The Republicans blame the loss of America upon the Democrats who committed election fraud (treason) to win the presidency, but the real cause of the loss of America is the Republicans who talk the talk without walking the walk. Rather than fight against Christians in Russia, Americans would be better served by trying to save the lives of the thousands of Americans abandoned in Afghanistan. But Obama runs the show, he is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers into Biden’s ear and tells him what to say and do. Americans don’t seem to mind because Obama published photographs of himself posing with trees turned into blinkin’ idols, they think this Islamist shares their Catholic values. Americans are pagans who care little that Scripture condemns turning trees into decorated idols, care little that it is written in Scripture that it enrages God when He sees people turn trees into decorated idols… Americans have come to love their Queen of England who annually teaches the world to embrace the pagan fertility rite and get their trees to blink. Their compassion is for their traditions and are willing to use their universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, who then target the Christians who speak out against the paganism being taught by the churches. The Americans spent billions of dollars developing the psychiatric drugs which they use to torture individuals to death, and funded torture research at Canadian and other western universities, then they laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror and sing Jingle Bells. Together the Americans and Canadians subjected me to years of brutal horrid torture now consider themselves rich enough to import many millions of Islamists and to attack Russia. I worked for you since 1988 to try to inform you of the truth of Scripture, and you don’t have the decency to even offer to buy me a cookie, but you have multitudes of cash to cover the graves of the war dead with decorated branches from evergreen trees and to turn your churches, schools, homes, police stations, courts of law, and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility. All I can do is cry out to God against you, request that He honours assorted promises in Scripture, and terminate your lives. Assholes.

Don't forget the Christians who were tortured to death in western universities by Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists for daring to try to inform you that there are cannibals running the churches and governments and for daring to try to inform you that the churches are teaching Catholic fertility rites in place of God's Commandments. Don't forget what the mainstream Christians did while these Christians were tortured to death, they turned trees into decorated idols and sang Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. They rejoiced in their decorated tree idols, they posed for photographs beside their decorated tree idols, they had their children photographed beside the decorated tree idols, they voted for Islamists who posed beside the decorated tree idols. They posted these photographs of their children on Facebook, where almost all of the witches shopped for the children. The witches cruise Facebook, picked out their next meal and place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Don't forget the Christians being tortured in psychiatric facilities, the psychiatrists do not treat their victims equally, some people (the Christians) are targeted with the most horrid of the treatments, designed to silence and kill them. Don't forget that God allows you to be injected with horrid toxins in 2021 because all you could do is laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror and sing Jingle Bells. You embraced pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments and laughed at the victims of psychiatric horror, they tried to warn you that Scripture condemns turning trees into decorated idols but you mocked them, covered your trees with tinfoil and said they were wearing tinfoil hats. They said they were being tortured to death and asked for assistance to flee the country and you assaulted them further and laughed. They tried to warn you to cease turning trees into decorated idols and you shat on them and continued spending billions of dollars annually getting your trees to blink. Don’t forget the Christians who were tortured to death in psychiatric facilities in western nations who tried to inform you of the witches running the churches and governments. Don’t forget that you exchanged God’s Commandments for pagan traditions and now God permits your nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. Don’t forget that you are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror and you deserve the loss of your nations to Islam.

Presently you turn trees into blinkin’ idols while some of you advocate for those who criticize this and other of your pagan fertility rites be arrested and “treated”, I think you should be able to turn trees into blinkin’ idols and practice the rest of your Catholicism without advocating that those who disagree with your pagan fertility rites be tortured to death in psychiatric facilities. An equal problem are those who hear about the horrors of psychiatric torture and do nothing. They also hear that seats in our western universities are reserved for and used to train Hindus, Islamists and Sikhs to become brutal psychiatrists, and they do nothing. And they hear that Trudeau allows these people to “work” in Canada without being Canadian citizens, and they do nothing. And they hear that some people who are “anti-vaxers” were stripped of their rights and placed into psychiatric “care”, and they do nothing. Well, good for you, I sure hope you win.

In the news on March 30th 2022 the Saskatchewan Party (they have people being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities) announced their intention to build nuclear reactors. Most people in Saskatchewan are maimed and are about to die from their Covid bullshit jabs, not sure where you are going to find the people to build and staff these facilities, and beside, dead people do not use electricity. Make sure to laugh at and brutally assault the victims of psychiatric horror before you depart. There is a time for war (Ecclesiastes 3:08), put your papers in order, there is a really good chance of an armed assault against the politicians in Regina and Saskatoon, and in other cities where people are tortured with the drugs. Consider building secure fences around the Provincial Legislature in Regina, around your City Halls and hospitals.

In the news on March 31st 2022 the Islamic students at the University of Saskatchewan are upset that they have to write exams during Ramadan. Such suffering you folks are enduring, perhaps it will help to build your characters. There is certain to be an armed assault against the employees at the University of Saskatchewan (targeting the doctors, nurses, janitors, security guards, administration, secretaries, professors, food service personnel, electricians, pipe fitters, plumbers, couriers…), as they are employed at a business that tortures people to death. My hope is that the Islamic students are spared and just the employees are shot. There is a time for war (Ecclesiastes 3:08), but it may not be a wise move at this time as the Canadians are already at war against God. I suggest you put an end to your idolatry first, and show some true repentance before you shoot these arseholes. Not only do you people work at a facility that tortures people to death, you think it is funny. Please don’t kill any of the Moslem students, I think they will witness the impending horror and peacefully return to their home nations. Make sure that anybody and everybody that has a key for a room containing psychiatric drugs is both tortured and killed. I think it is goink to be a horrid mess that is about to play out at the University of Saskatchewan. How else do you put an end to psychiatry? Perhaps you think your prayers are oh so powerful and all you have to do is mutter a litany of crap while claiming that your smitten child is up in heaven, looking down upon you, working hard to protect you while you pray to the dead child. Likely the child is dead because you had him or her injected with the covid death serums or the psychiatric death serums, or both, and now you pray to the dead child while feeling smug and holy, believing your prayers are so full of power. There is a time for war, but you already war against God when you adopt Catholic fertility rites. The blinkin’ trees, easter bunnies, Egyptian penises capping church roofs, sun shaped church windows, sun shaped communion wafers, and even the sexual abuse and the cannibalism of children are all Catholic fertility rites. In public the priests wave some smoke beside their blinkin’ fertility tree idols, and then later in private ram their penises up the choir boy’s arseholes, then butcher the kids, cook and eat them.

Then on April 1st 2022 it became clear to me that there is no need to use violence to end psychiatry, as the universities, the institutions of ”higher learning”, will lose their employees due to the Islamic death jabs, they will cease to function. Similarly other psychiatric institutions will lose their employees, they will twitch and convulse and retire from their employment. They would go on holidays. Sure their positions will be filled by Islamists that never took the Islamic death jabs, but that is a different story, it is a different culture. It would be the end of white civilization and the beginning of an Islamic caliphate. That is if the white Europeans continue to sit back, that is what would be sure to happen. What could happen is you will get African immigrants fighting over the psychiatry positions at the universities and they will be even more liberal with their doses. The doses are quite horrible (to say the least), and an increasing number of people of white European descent will sure to be subjected to these doses. That would be a new book, “Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers Part Two Or Some Damn Thing Like That.” At the very beginning of that book I’d laugh at you and cry out to God against you, even as you are being tortured to death by these African Islamic psychiatrists. I’d try to get Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) to be involved in some way, maybe she would go town to town with a circus tent, and laugh. The Islamists would be sure to provide me and my circus with diplomatic immunity.

I suggest to the employees of the University of Saskatchewan and the employees of Saskatoon City Hall, that their time is short, they will soon perish from the jabs, they should quit their jobs and go on holidays. Get away from the masks, go fishing. Get a short and light weight “mountain rifle” in .243 Winchester, 7mm-08 or .308 and flee to the mountains, or get a similarly short and light “Scout Rifle” in .243, 7mm-08 or .308. Or get a semi-auto rifle, perhaps a Remington R-25, this is made in .243, 7mm-08 and in .308, grab whichever version of this rifle that makes itself available to you. Take your books with you and don’t come back. You would be foolish to go to the mountains unarmed. Maybe get a Browning, or a CZ, a Kimber, Remington or Ruger, or a Sako or a Tikka, or maybe even a Winchester, and bring along a cook. You’d be getting away from the Big-Nosed Cree but you’d be dealing with other Indians out there in the mountains who’s noses are not quite so big. Share the land, live in peace, laugh along with Edna, don’t go to a hospital when you start feeling ill from the jabs. Go fishing as long as you can until the twitching and convulsing becomes unbearable, then perhaps shoot yourself. By then there will be posters and billboards of Trudeau everywhere and his face will be the last thing you see. Always laugh. Your country will be proud of you. Yep, you will lose your houses, your jobs, your children, your lives and your nations all because you decided to adopt Catholic fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, and because you voted for the Satanists who modeled the behavior of turning trees into decorated idols, and because you never stood up for the victims of psychiatric horror and instead allowed psychiatry to multiply and thrive. And as you lose these things, you will be outraged against me, your messenger. Consider not assaulting me further, it wouldn’t do any real good at all (albeit the storms may cease if you kill me). And besides, it is my turn to laugh.

Restoring The American Republic:

“Fight or die… if you’ve been surfing the net and learning about the evil bastards, you’re flagged for death already. There is no escape except through the crucible of fire or the dishonor of meek surrender to the evil bastards, followed by execution. Even the forces of the oligarchs have contempt for cowards who refuse to fight and betray their people through inaction.” -Thomas Mick, October 13th 2016

The Doctor

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