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Jean Claude Roy

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David Dalton

Sep 21, 2022, 2:11:12 AM9/21/22
Jean Claude Roy is a painter who was born in France but now
spends some of his time in Newfoundland (Terre-Neuve). His
website is . There you can see that in almost
all of his paintings he has a distinctive distorted diamond shaped
sun. Not long ago, using my avatar type abilities, I facilitated
a soul alignment between all occurrences of that shape in
his past, current, and future paintings, prints, and other reproductions
(e.g. in The Newfoundland Quarterly, and I think in at least
one book, and of course on his website) with Sola (the someone
who is the sun). This alignment is similar to the one that
Jesus did between himself and the then and future (to then)
sacramental bread and wine at The Last Supper.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"You could lay down your head by a sweet river bed
But Sonny always remembers what it was his Mama said” (Ron Hynes)

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