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Re: Consciousness without borders

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Arya Raychaudhuri

Jul 19, 2015, 2:39:16 AM7/19/15
Yes, that's good news, I hope the guy can transform the
company in a positive direction. He should keep an eye on
the email communication between the employees - from there
you can detect negative spirited folks. They would be mostly
opposed towards forward looking developments, prone to find
fault with others, and in general, possess an extortional
mindset. By the way, some of the president's counter-meritocrats
are now saying that it is not their fault, because the law-
enforcers (FoE) were involved. But, the police has now found
that the FoE, although they had helped in their operations,
had not forced them to do it. For example, breaking into
Mr. Doball's residence with a duplicate key to steal his
documents and so on. And, that their negative enthusiasm had
far exceeded that alibi. Yes, that's a good point, if the FoE
had asked them to murder people, would they do that? Breaking
into someone's private residence should be a felony.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Jul 28, 2015, 1:15:13 AM7/28/15
Engineer, your idea has saved the life of a brilliant engineer
in the Ekballpore company with its new positive spirited CEO.
Through scanning emails between employees they found an evil
plan to cause a car crash involving this guy! The guy was so
good they kept him down for a long time, yet he continued to
excel in his work. Finally, a few negative spirited folks
hatched the plan. In fact, they had the blessings of the
ousted CEO also. Fortunately, the plan was debugged before its
execution. Good to hear that the guy got saved - the new CEO
should acknowledge his good work, and keep him motivated.
Sometimes, plans like that can demoralise you and make you lose
interest in work. Interestingly, my own spirits are convalescing
from a car accident last week. But, as you can see I am still
keeping my creative side going with the new telephone exchange
circuit and so on.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Aug 2, 2015, 6:32:44 PM8/2/15
Wow! I hope you were not injured. No, I wasn't injured, but, the
back side of my car got heavily damaged in what sounded like a
big thud. But, the collider took responsibility, and the car is now
repaired. By the way, your telephone exchange is looking good now -
also, the latest addition of the wire-tapping detection circuit has
been making waves in Ekballpore. Many think it's a first attempt
at a burglar alarm on a telephone line, and a much needed one.
Well, I won't say it's a perfect solution, but, hopefully, it will
pave the way for better solutions in the future. As you know I have
given a lot of thinking on information racism and such issues.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Aug 7, 2015, 1:38:02 AM8/7/15
Engineer, some painters in Ekballpore think of your situation
as some kind of information Guernica. As if the horse or Guernica
keeps drawing circuits to stop information burglary, while the
brazen burglars keep their rampage incessant. Unfortunately,
my friend, that's how the situation looks like. In Ekballpore,
we are taking strong steps to curb information burglary -
the new police will consider it a felony, equivalent to
stealing money. President Doball strongly endorses the
step, especially considering the fact how he himself had
fallen victim to a counter-competitive situation. The new
CEO of the Ekballpore company has unraveled another form of
counter-productive negative spirit. They would attach some
kind of a sexual connotation to certain technical documents -
sort of like calling the engine manual the bluebook, the
transmission manual the yellowbook, etc., and then not giving
access to some contractors and engineers who are actually
experts, and are trying to help fix issues. He has urged his
team to call a spade a spade, and totally avoid such restrictions
where it is not appropriate. Otherwise, it would lead to a
product recall scenario.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Aug 16, 2015, 11:33:57 PM8/16/15
Major scene in the Ekballpore company with angry protesters, employees,
lawyers, and members of the new police - it has come out that the ex-CEO
was sponsoring the FoE to secretly monitor bedroom activities of a large
number of employees, with a view to controlling their personal lives.
About 10,000 employees have come forward to demand compensation for
creating a situation that is 'murderous in their future' - they took
an idea from your earlier writings. Yeah, if you don't let folks lead
their lives freely, it cuts their life-span, so, if a guy would have
lived till 85, he will now die at 80, so basically, you are killing
a 80 year old man, now. The new CEO has agreed to a compensation of
1 million eksleafs to each of the 10,000 or so employees, costing
the company about 10 billion eklfs. Good, that he appreciated the

Arya Raychaudhuri

Sep 1, 2015, 8:36:05 PM9/1/15
Engineer, the new CEO likes the excerpt from the Tagore poem
on your tech website - Where tireless striving stretches its
arms towards perfection! He also likes the poem a lot - Where
the mind is without fear, and the head is held high ... Well,
that's one of Tagore's famous poems, although, in my view, not
on of his best. But, the english translation is very heart-
warming. In fact, the poem, although written a long time ago,
still retains an important criterial value, to judge situations.
Yes, that's true, in Ekball's time, folks with low creative
output, but engaged in various forms of burglary, trickery, and
thuggery flourished in the company - they would move around with
their head held high, and the mind without a fear! The new CEO
wants to change that.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Sep 12, 2015, 5:55:16 PM9/12/15
What is the ousted CEO doing? He has been jailed for two years for
intentionally violating the privacy of so many employees for so
many years, ultimately costing the company 10 billion eklfs. It was
deemed as a culpable offense in post-Ekball Ekballpore. Wow! Of course,
he had intentionally disregarded the merit and creativity of so many
hands-on professionals like the new CEO - that indicated he was a
dishonest person. Definitely! Sort of like you cannot trust a person
who doesn't call a beautiful flower beautiful! Yes, Engineer, the
new police thinks that way. In general, not all situations where a
person shows dishonesty are culpable, but, they would be more likely
to get into other culpable situations. By the way, what happened to
Mr. Ekball?

Arya Raychaudhuri

Sep 22, 2015, 8:53:02 PM9/22/15
Yes, Engineer, and when those 'worthless' employees went to positions
of power, they became veritable counter-meritocrats themselves, and
sex extortionists. Whenever, a brilliant candidate is looking for a
job, they would say I want to first do your wife, sister, sister-in-law,
and niece (figuratively speaking) before you can get in. In fact,
the FoE also helped in that by looking into the brilliant candidate's
household to see when a female relative or a friend visits him, and
informing the counter-meritocrats. Wow! Sounds like little nabobs who
want all the kabobs! I guess the FoE also got a share of the 'meats'.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Sep 27, 2015, 11:21:29 AM9/27/15
Engineer, Mr. Ekball is exiled to ekland island, where he lives in
a small home and makes a living through manual labor. At this point
he is helping build the tsunami barriers for the island - sets of
staggered pillar-like structures near the beaches. His royal assets
have been frozen, and we are building a sports stadium with it, so
that youngsters can train well. Because of his flagrant disregard for
the personal privacy of Ekballporeans, some had suggested he be given
recursive reality in his exile home, borrowing concepts from your
geno innu phenomenon, and recursive programming. But, the Court of
Ekballpore overruled it citing human rights abuse concerns. What is
recursive reality? Creating I see you see me see you see me ... type
mind-bogglers with multiple secret cameras and TV screens which he
cannot switch off - sort of like an intense psycho torture. At the end
he would start pulling his hair and scream out aloud - stop it! stop
it! I can't take it anymore.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 11, 2015, 2:00:37 AM10/11/15
Advisor, what is the reaction of the folks in Ekballpore to the
recent partial declassification of files on Netaji Subhash Bose?
Well, reactions are divided. Some see a vulture-like necromaniacal
obsession with a hero who had disappeared long ago, while living
stalwarts like yourself get snooped on and minimized as we speak,
with the geno innu like phenomenon. Others look at it as a welcome
step towards solving a long-standing mystery. What is your reaction,
Engineer? I definitely agree that there is a huge merchandise value
to the declassification, and, that the mystery aspect will keep
haunting generations if the declassification is not completed.
In my view, instead of whining for a thousand years, the declassification
should be quick and full. Apart from the mystery aspect of Netaji's
disappearance, the other important thing is to get a clearer glimpse
of the political realities around the time of Indian independence.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 13, 2015, 12:49:37 AM10/13/15
Engineer, we were finally successful in convicting the folks that
were involved in the gang intro of President Doball's daughter, and
the subsequent countermeritocracy on Mr. Doball. This followed a
startling revelation that the President's young daughter was administered
a hallucinatory substance to elicit negative descriptions of her father
- which they could later use for counter-meritocracy agsinst him!
The judge ruled that they be imprisoned for 5-year terms - each
one of them involved with the incidents. Also, the judge ordered that
half of their assets be taken away, and given to President Doball
and his daughter as compensation for their grievances. What is the
President's reaction to all this? He is, of course, happy with the
judgement, but he said he will donate most of the monies thus
collected to charities.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 27, 2015, 9:12:25 PM10/27/15
The new police showed me some escorts ads from California that
are openly discriminatory - proclaiming No black men welcome.
Is it that US is going back in time? Are those open declarations
even allowed by law? Well, we have the freedom of speech and
association, so probably, it is not illegal - but, it is definitely
not in good taste. In general, such ads cast a dark shadow on the
people (men) of color - making the situation look more unfavorable for
them. Indeed! For example, Ekballpore is imposing visa restrictions
on countries that are perceived as negative spirited, but we are totally
against ethnicity/color based discrimination.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 2, 2015, 10:12:29 PM11/2/15
In fact, we think there could be a deeper ethnic cleansing mindset
that could be driving even the racial profiling and geno innu on
you. As you had mentioned, you hear desi voices doing the geno innu,
desis keeping you 'small', and not acknowledging your high quality
tech endeavor, it could even be that they have fallen prey to a
deeper thinking, probably unknown to them, that first use them
to kill him or drive him away, and then drive them away for that
blasphemy. But, you have to keep in mind that any 'deeper thinking'
is not a crime unless it is fully enacted upon. On the other hand,
let's say, if someone is secretly watching my private life - I get up
from bed, go to the restroom, urinate, go to the kitchen, eat a cookie,
etc., and then continuously making a running commentary on it to act
as feeds to various other actors, now that would be a serious breach
of privacy and a constant disturbance, a crime by any country's laws.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 7, 2015, 1:00:16 AM11/7/15
Engineer, the ceo of the ekballpore company has come up with a new
idea to inspire hands-on creativity among the employees. He will
be dividing his days between working in his lab, and the meetings
to review the bar graphs and such, with his VPs. And, everyday,
part of the time he spends in the lab will be televised to the
entire company. This will help in two ways - one, it will inspire
the hard working hands-on spirit among the folks, and two, it will
keep him visible, and answer the question what does the ceo do when
he is not in meetings! After all, he makes a lot of money! Brilliant
idea! I cannot stop myself from daydreaming that I am working in my
lab, designing new circuits or writing codes on the computer, and
then measuring the behavior of the circuits using the equipment
on a workbench on the side! I won't mind being televised while
working - after all the vnc stealers and geno innu folks are
stealing my privacy anyway!

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 11, 2015, 7:27:06 PM11/11/15
Unfortunately, my dear fellow, you will never be a ceo of any
large US company, it looks like. It is quite apparent from your
writing that America is not in favor of colored folks who tend
to rise purely on merit, getting to a position of power! So,
don't daydream. Even the global hit counts to your engineering
website is not given, denying you a basic and open engineering
method to succeed. But, if I feel too hopeless or cynical, I
cannot work ahead. By the way, how did the new ceo get the
idea of dividing his days between lab and bar-graph viewing,
I am curious. Interestingly, he got the idea from your 'low
tech spirit' slide that he received from some unknown vnc
stealer. Even I had a chance to look at it. He immediately
concluded that 'spirit' should flow downwards from the top.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 16, 2015, 7:07:08 PM11/16/15
We like the way you have colored the 'Cheat Customers' and
'Pressure Sex' nodes in reddish pink color and the 'Body, mind,
Property Damage' box in deeper red. Yes, in my view, those are
more serious consequences of a 'low tech spirit' situation.
The new ceo agrees with you - he said, as a kid he had felt
devastated to see his dad very sad when the boss came and did
his mom. The boss had threatened him if he did not agree he would
lose his job. He wants to elevate to management positions only
those that have creative ideas to keep the subordinates busy.
Otherwise, the whole place looks over-crowded. The boss did
mot have enough tasks to give to his dad, and at the end of
the year accused him of being not busy enough, so he should

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 18, 2015, 1:10:57 AM11/18/15
Congratulations on your new Consulting Services award that
you have displayed on your engineering website! You look
much younger than your previous photo. Yes, I dye my hair
black, and also try to keep my health age down through exercise
and walking, like you had earlier noted through satellite vision.
Now that my recent project got finished, I am walking five
miles a day. But, I am expecting fresh interests in my
engineering efforts, and not to have to walk on weekdays.
True, engineer, to think that a guy of your caliber is walking
on the street while the Raskol types make merry is not a good
idea - the guiding premise could be some kind of a treachery
that involves intentional identity confusion. Is treachery a
genetic trait?

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 19, 2015, 10:05:58 PM11/19/15
We are not sure of that - but, we don't think it is an ethnic trait.
Some families may carry the gene. We have noticed that treachery and
torture mindset are closely related. Some of President Doball's
counter-meritocrats had it running in their families. In fact, King
Ekball also showed the trait - he considered ekballpore citizens
somewhat sub-human whose privacy could be invaded at will, and their
life controlled in adverse ways, without their knowledge. Curiously,
who is funding the tsunami-barriers project in ekland island - is
it through the ekballpore citizens' tax ekleafs? Are you crazy -
nobody with a sane mind is going to pay for such a low probability
calamity! The new police has uncovered a huge repository of monies
that the FoE had collected through unethical means - we are funding
the tsunami barriers with that.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 23, 2015, 11:41:17 PM11/23/15
How is the new ceo dealing with counter-meritocracy in the ekballpore
company? Well, he has come up with an interesting strategy - he is
asking managers and engineers to write some code to solve some problems
in their respective areas. He has pointed to your code snippets page
as an example. Those who can will stay, those who cannot will be gone.
Some old-timers are pointing out they are so integrated to the sexual
framework of the company, how can they be removed! The ceo indicated
that the company is all about technical merit, and the idea is to
effectively integrate the folks to the technical framework. He gave
his own example, see that I am the ceo, still I spend half of my time
in the lab. He thinks that engineers and managers who cannot come up
with new procedures, circuits, or techniques to improve quality and/or
reduce cost, and write codes don't belong in the company. Wow! That
sounds like a reformer!
Message has been deleted

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 30, 2015, 1:12:48 AM11/30/15
Hello Mithu-da! Engineer, we gather that the geno innu folks are
targeting you by this name. Yes, I know, that's my nickname. It's
a bengali name that roughly means 'sweetie'! Wow! It seems that
their running commentary about your daily life is pretty accurate,
while the information they appear to give about others is misleading.
That's how I deciphered that the whole thing is being run to put
me in a position of disadvantage. In fact, all unlawful privacy
invasion and information collection will most likely have a criminal
side to it. I was watching the latest James Bond movie (Spectre) where
a violently criminal outfit was about to start 'a global surveillance
and intelligence co-operation initiative' involving several countries
(governments!), after creating the need for such an initiative through
clandestine terror attacks.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Dec 4, 2015, 2:28:24 PM12/4/15
Speaking of artificially and unethically creating the need for
an initiative, the new police have now found that the FoE used
to secretly arrange arsons on homes and apartment buildings to
increase the fire insurance rates, and requring electrical rewiring
- this way they could siphon out monies from the insurance companies
and the electrical contractors. Yes, that's a possibility. In fact,
I was watching an interesting film recently, Now You See Me, in which
four Robin Hood type magicians were 'magically' transferring money
from an unethical insurance magnate to the under-compensated victims
of Hurricane Katrina. But, more importantly, the James Bond movie
tells me another thing - whenever there is excessive surveillance
and privacy invasion you could possibly trace it back to some criminal

Arya Raychaudhuri

Dec 8, 2015, 2:17:11 PM12/8/15
Engineer, those in Ekballpore who have seen the two movies agree
with you! In fact, they think that the geno innu is some form
information bludgeoning directed at diminishing your creative merit
and output, masterminded by a Snow (of Hunger Games) type character.
This they concluded by comparing the misleading information spread
by the geno innu folks and the treacherous pods that Snow had
placed in Panem to destroy the rebels, as in MockingJay 2. You
mean to say, they are performing dual functions - one, to act as
informers on me, and two, to try to put me into trouble using the
information pods? Then these would be new additions to what we had
earlier discussed. How is the new ceo of the Ekballpore company
dealing with the company women?

Arya Raychaudhuri

Dec 10, 2015, 8:25:24 PM12/10/15
Engineer, the president has given a big emphasis on reducing
our trade deficits with various countries. We imported heavily
in Ekball's time, but, exported little. Some of the core competencies
needed to develop the products we imported evaporated over time.
Of course, some countries invested back into Ekballpore, but that
gave a false sense of economic well-being. Most of those monies
went to invest bankers and ceos - who enjoyed their time, while
folks like you with new and innovative product ideas would be
walking on the streets. Poor work culture. Mr. Doball has asked
all ceos to reverse that spine-weakening scenario, and avoid
mixing business with pleasure as much as possible. The new ceo
is so busy that he rarely does anyone from the company, but he
does relax with women from outside the company, occasionally.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Dec 19, 2015, 10:03:02 PM12/19/15
Yes, I understand. If you get too sexually involved with the
employees/spouses, it becomes difficult to get rid of
under-performers, and counter-meritocracy sets in. In fact,
that's how the ex-ceo administered the company - he was like an
amorous 'apocalypto' king who would watch the ladies using
the ceiling cameras, and spot his favorite for the day!
Engineer, we are worried about seeing it happen all over america
now, from NewYork to LA, Chicago to Dallas, Atlanta to SanFrancisco,
that the backpage ladies refusing to see black/AfroAmeican men.
Is it that the CRM (Civil Rights Movement) is in reverse gear?
I have thought about it, it may be indicative of something deeper,
beyond what is seen as the face value of those ads. Just as the
geno innu indicated a deeper issue of intense profiling. But the
face value of those ads is offensive enough.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Dec 31, 2015, 10:18:05 PM12/31/15
Wishing Happy Newyear 2016 to all readers around the globe. Let the
new year bring happiness and prosperity through creative merit!

Arya Raychaudhuri

Jan 11, 2016, 2:02:41 AM1/11/16
Engineer, ladies of Ekballpore like the male/female nature of your
IPs that you explain on your Code Snippets page! Excellent! They
think it's a reaction to the incessant surreptitious watch and profiling
that you have undergone over the years, and its sterile making influence
on your life. Making it difficult for you to meet women, and so on.
Well, it was more of an after thought - and not a predetermination to
conceive male/female IPs. Interestingly, the sterile making influence
of surreptitious watch and the subsequent geno innu has not impacted my
technical creative spirit, but I do not rule out the negative spirited
attempt to create a 'brain-drain' situation. Indeed, there is a sterile
making content in all of racial profiling. The sterile makers are
the most negative folks on earth - they should be identified, hated,
and despised, and if possible punished.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Feb 18, 2016, 6:17:40 PM2/18/16
Engineer, interesting election news out of Ekballpore. Olympian
Mr. Twoballski successfully led his Fast Reform party to victory -
defeating the Slow Reform party. Slow party leader Ekball loyalist
Mr. Gulari had to withdraw his nomination at the last moment,
following allegations that he had surreptitiously tried to kill
pro democracy writer Ms. Laushi through some slow poisoning
method. Apparently, he had targeted for her death sometime before
the election. But, the new police uncovered the scheme before
it could fully enact. The replacement leading candidate Ms. Aalari
of the Slow party was fielded too late in the game, she couldn't
make it. Congratulations to Mr. Twoballski - hope he makes a good
PM for Ekballpore!

Arya Raychaudhuri

Feb 28, 2016, 2:01:59 PM2/28/16
Engineer, what's happening on your end? Ekballporeans want to know.
Well, I am on a vacation to Kolkata, India - my original home city.
Wow! they must be ecstatic about your new engineering work and writing.
No, not really, I have not received any acknowledgement yet, nor
did I hear anything about the geno innu phenomenon. Then, they may be
waiting for your death through the geno innu, before acknowledging -
somewhat vulture-like I must say. Sort of like Prof JC Bose getting
acknowledged in IEEE Proceedings after a hundred years of his radio
receiver work - when he is no longer sexually active, and can pose
any competition. I think the whole scenario is dominated by film
actors, cricketers, and politicians - engineering and such things
are of secondary importance.

Arindam Banerjee

Feb 29, 2016, 6:04:22 AM2/29/16
Well, I have made a working rail gun, hung it as a pendulum, fired it and found no recoil. Thus proving what I have been saying for the last 17 years.

Arindam Banerjee

Arya Raychaudhuri

Mar 4, 2016, 5:02:12 AM3/4/16
Probably the bullets were made of cotton wool :-)


Arya Raychaudhuri

Mar 4, 2016, 5:31:48 AM3/4/16
More and more we look upon your writing as a creative reaction
to the walllessness that you experience while in the US, and
now in India. I am referring to the 'a slave should have no walls'
type walllessness. The day your creative reaction wins over the
walllessness you win! We feel that the racism in the US resonates
with that in India, and in particular in Bengal, by looking at the
image of the lighter skinned goddess Durga who is about to kill the
dark skinned Asura who probably transgressed into the territory
of the light skinned folks. The latter might have congregated and
armed Durga to overwhelm the Asura. Just as the geno innu folks
are trying to overwhelm you. Ha ha! Interesting analysis - I have
never tried to deconstruct the ethos of the Durga puja, having
grown up with the culture. But, once you talk about your perception,
it is likely that the event might have started as a deterrent to
the darker skinned local peoples of Bengal from mixing with the
lighter skinned ladies migrating from elsewhere.

Arindam Banerjee

Mar 4, 2016, 5:42:52 AM3/4/16
On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 9:02:12 PM UTC+11, Arya Raychaudhuri wrote:
> Probably the bullets were made of cotton wool :-)


Arindam Banerjee

Mar 4, 2016, 5:44:44 AM3/4/16
On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 9:31:48 PM UTC+11, Arya Raychaudhuri wrote:
> More and more we look upon your writing as a creative reaction
> to the walllessness that you experience while in the US,

No, I live in Australia.

Arindam Banerjee

Mar 4, 2016, 2:35:28 PM3/4/16
In Australia good things are done to help humanity, unlike in the US where they bomb whoever they can. So it is, that the internal force engine was conceived in Australia. I am glad to say, that after three years of PhD work, I have managed to prove by experiment that the Heaviside-Lorenz formula for the electromagnetic induction force in the absence of an electric field, namely F=qv*B does not have a reaction component. This is the critical theoretical issue, in the design of a new class of electric motors to replace rockets and jet engines, and thus open the way for humanity to the stars.

The beauty of modern technology is, that the above can be shown to everyone by video - only takes six seconds!

I had told this ng many years ago (around 2000) of this new revolutionary theoretical approach, so I thought I should for the record make a note about how it is all going. By the grace of the Gods and Goddesses, I have been blessed with success. All my new ideas in physics are validated by experiment. It is only a matter of time before they will be repeated by all others. It is a matter of duty for every physics teacher to duplicate my experiment. It is not too costly, either.

Just some advance information. Believe it, or not.

Arindam Banerjee

Arindam Banerjee

Mar 4, 2016, 2:48:26 PM3/4/16
On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 9:42:52 PM UTC+11, Arindam Banerjee wrote:
> On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 9:02:12 PM UTC+11, Arya Raychaudhuri wrote:
> > Probably the bullets were made of cotton wool :-)
> Idiot.

It is frustrating to be taken as a joke by those who should know me better. After all, I have been posting here on and off for very many years.

Video evidence shows a bullet of weight 2.7 Kg ejected at a speed of 1.9 meters per second when the gun is fired with current and gravity, and 1.2 meters per second when the gun is fired with gravity alone. Those velocities generate enough momentum to swing a pendulum of weight 12 Kg. When fired with current, the swingback is less than when fired without current. The laws of conservation of momentum dictate otherwise. They are evidently violated by this experiment. This violation can happen only when as earlier suspected the Lorenz force accelerating the bullet has no reaction force. This is a great discovery, which will lead to a new class of electric motors just as I had written in my book 'To the Stars!".

Frame by frame analysis of the video shows exactly what is happening. Had the reaction force been there, it can be shown that there would have been a matching swingback in the current case, as is for the non-current case.

Arindam Banerjee

Arya Raychaudhuri

Mar 5, 2016, 5:57:46 AM3/5/16
I have no interest in your research. But, I hope you succeed in your
experiments, publish your results in internationally recognized and
peer reviewed journals, and folks can reproduce the results in their


Arya Raychaudhuri

Mar 5, 2016, 5:59:16 AM3/5/16
What can I do about the fact that you live in Australia! I don't
write about you.


Arya Raychaudhuri

Mar 5, 2016, 6:04:38 AM3/5/16
In the US better and more fundamental things happen. All the modern
programming languages (perl, shell, c , c++), and computers are from the
US - with which the whole world, including Australia works! :-)


Arya Raychaudhuri

Mar 5, 2016, 6:08:22 AM3/5/16
You may want to communicate with various rocket science agencies about
your findings!


Arya Raychaudhuri

Mar 17, 2016, 11:50:14 PM3/17/16
Walllessness makes me also think of multi-storey farming to increase
agricultural production, proposed in 1999 by Dickson Despommier
of Columbia University in New York. In fact, this could be a way to
create space for engineering units in the midst of farm lands without
losing the total volume of the crops - more so than its large-scale use.
For example, one can conceive of two floors with very high ceilings,
made of concrete and stainless steel plates containing the ground soil
for farming. Near the ceiling would run a gear chain going back
and forth in alternate rows - and a long pole hung from the chain will
till the soil. In one corner of the structure a rotating pole with gears
meshing with the gear-chains will power the tilling. The rotating pole
could be spun by an electric motor, or by some other means. In fact, this
could be an interesting mechanism to design! There must also be a helical
staircase to go upstairs to do various things.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Apr 8, 2016, 1:49:02 AM4/8/16
Engineer, brilliant idea, this could mean the end of world food crises.
But, don't you think it will lead to a population boom in some countries?
That's none of my business. By the way, we are looking closely at the US
presidential race, and wondering who your favorite candidate would be.
Many in Ekballpore think that your main problem seems to remain unmitigated
information felony and vote rigging. Who among the several candidates
would have the courage to stand up and say that information felony is really
felony, and that vote rigging is counter-democratic. You have shown
tremendous intellectual contribution through your writing, and through
your engineering work that must be an inspiration to all the grad schools
in the country, so your opinion matters. Well, by looking at the profiles
of the various candidates, I think Mr. Sanders has the highest regard for
matters related to individual privacy. But, in a sense it should not
matter, because the US is a republic, where the people have rights
protected by the constitution. So, we don't expect to see a democratically
elected Ekball as a president.

Arya Raychaudhuri

May 14, 2016, 12:55:38 AM5/14/16
Some of our physicists point out the noncausal nature of some
of your designs, in particular the nanoDot optical gates, the
bicycle pawl based developments, the clock-to-Q circuits where
the application seems to precede the component/function, or more
appropriately, seeks out the component/function. In contrast to
the situation where the electronic transistor came first and then
the applications were built around it. Well, a long time ago, at the
tender age of sixteen, when I had attended the IIT for a short time,
a professor mentioned in the physics class that all the laws of
science were ranked in terms of their importance, or rather,
pervasiveness, and that the top ranking law was that of causality -
every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause, also
the cause must precede the effect. This has stuck in my mind ever
since. I have always wondered where and how it could be broken ...

Arya Raychaudhuri

May 26, 2016, 2:28:03 AM5/26/16
And probably, the same noncausal attitude keeps you from
going berserk from the incessant psychological trauma
inflicted by the geno innu phenomenon. You still remain
reasonably calm and focused on work. Sort of like the
cause is there, but the effect is missing. Of course, it
is heavily annoying at times, but my creative focus keeps
me from losing sanity. We now tend to think of it as an
act of minority male excellence trashing through forced
reality and excessive deconstruction. The desi involvement
in it reveals a treacherous side that may be the reason for
India's comparatively poorer olympics performance. As if
there is a reluctance to see a fellow desi on the podium.
Ha ha! I am not too sure of that, but, definitlely, some
efforts need to be spent at deconstructing the deconstructor.

Arindam Banerjee

May 26, 2016, 10:24:58 AM5/26/16
On Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 10:04:38 PM UTC+11, Arya Raychaudhuri wrote:
> In the US better and more fundamental things happen.

Nothing better than this, ever, in the field of motion. This is as fundamental as the wheel. Sooner or later people will understand.

The US was good for me once, in the 80s. They published my paper on partial match retrievals in 1987. That is the beginning of modern search engines used by everyone. That paper came from my M. Tech thesis work in Computer Science from IIT Delhi, "Information Systems based upon Partial Match Retrievals". It basically said that relational methods concentrating upon pointers to data would give very fast returns of relevant information. The whole world works upon this principle now. One major source for my work was a Chinese gentleman who published a work in an IEEE journal. In those days this was not a hot topic. Computers were slow, memory was expensive. PCs were in their infancy.

All the modern
> programming languages (perl, shell, c , c++), and computers are from the
> US - with which the whole world, including Australia works! :-)

No doubt. Without modern technology from the US my work could not have been done. But science is more fundamental than technology. One can do technology without full understanding of science. But when science is improved, technology progresses enormously.

Arindam Banerjee

Arindam Banerjee

May 26, 2016, 10:30:20 AM5/26/16
On Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 9:57:46 PM UTC+11, Arya Raychaudhuri wrote:
> I have no interest in your research. But, I hope you succeed in your
> experiments, publish your results in internationally recognized and
> peer reviewed journals, and folks can reproduce the results in their
> settings.

I hope to do a lot more than that. I could have done all that by now if there had been a better class of scientists around. I mean, real scientists with genuine curiosity and open mind. Well, given that no one was interested I had to do everything myself. I am glad I could. I am gladder that I don't have to depend upon anyone to continue my work.

Arindam Banerjee

May 26, 2016, 10:32:55 AM5/26/16
On Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 10:08:22 PM UTC+11, Arya Raychaudhuri wrote:
> You may want to communicate with various rocket science agencies about
> your findings!

I don't think so, seeing that my work will make rocket science obsolete.

Arya Raychaudhuri

May 29, 2016, 1:24:47 AM5/29/16
Engineer, we have some interesting development in Ekballpore.
The new police have uncovered an unethical link between the
FoE and the managers of some privately held condominium complex.
The managers had hiked the monthly water, cleaning, insurance and
repair related fees way beyond the reasonable limits in order to
save money for some private settlements with some residents.
Totally without the knowledge of the individual home-owners.
So, basically they were cheating the home-owners? Yes. And the
FoE was involved in mediating the secret private settlements
through an accounting firm. Apparently, the managers started
excessive sex policing of the complex, and arranged some car thefts
and break-ins. When the victims found out they secretly negotiated
private settlements using the common home-owners' money. Amazing!
Message has been deleted

Arya Raychaudhuri

May 30, 2016, 4:35:10 PM5/30/16
On Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 7:32:55 AM UTC-7, Arindam Banerjee wrote:
> On Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 10:08:22 PM UTC+11, Arya Raychaudhuri wrote:
> > You may want to communicate with various rocket science agencies about
> > your findings!
> I don't think so, seeing that my work will make rocket science obsolete.
> >
On Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 7:32:55 AM UTC-7, Arindam Banerjee wrote:
> On Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 10:08:22 PM UTC+11, Arya Raychaudhuri wrote:
> > You may want to communicate with various rocket science agencies about
> > your findings!
> I don't think so, seeing that my work will make rocket science obsolete.
> >
Rocket science's new focus should be to reduce the angular speed of the
earth around the sun - to combat global warming. I was recently reading
a New Scientist (7 May 2016 issue) article - "Last days of Earth: Timeline
to the end of everything". In the article, the author predicts a 800,000
years lifespan for the human species due to excessive heating of the sun.
Of course, in an earlier poem "Amra jara roddur valobashi" (those of us
who love the sunlight, published in a magazine) I had envisaged turning the
earth into a Rocket and move to a new sun, but it may be much simpler to
just increase the distance from the existing sun by decreasing the
linear speed - GM = Rv^2 ...


Arindam Banerjee

May 31, 2016, 5:45:36 AM5/31/16
Rubbish science is aided by irrelevancies, evidently, to ignore or trivialise real issues. The whole modern physics establishment being Einsteinian, is corrupt to the core. Just like the establishment politicians. Global warming is caused by jet engines loading the upper atmosphere with carbon dioxide on a continuous and expanding basis. No one in the establishment will talk about this. And why should they, jetting around gives status. Their only concern is that things stay the same in their own lifetimes.

Arindam Banerjee

May 31, 2016, 6:15:33 AM5/31/16
For just them, that is. All else is of no concern.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Jun 4, 2016, 1:50:20 AM6/4/16
Engineer, marvelous earth moving formula derived from equating
two well-known Newtonian concepts, GMm/R^2 = mv^2/R. But, your
interjector has a good point, the perception of increased temperatures
derives from jet-setting politicians turning a blind eye to
non-biodegradable burnt jet fuels clouding the atmosphere. I think,
he is taking a Tagorean position that emphasizes human perception
over scientific realities - for example, Tagore's famous debate with
Einstein, or his poem where he says, the emerald is green due to the
colors of my consciousness. In fact, for whatever reasons, if there
is a perception of global warming beyond livable limits, there should
be a way to correct it. Ha ha! Sort of like the geno innu givers
trying to give you a perception of "heat"!

Arindam Banerjee

Jun 4, 2016, 7:41:53 AM6/4/16
Equating lies with truth is the most appalling basis of Einsteinian thinking. The equation you write is basically flawed. Gravity is a real force, while centrifugal force is a virtual force. The maths is only for convenience, not reality. Like saying that the world is flat because the map is flat.

Arindam Banerjee

Jun 4, 2016, 8:00:13 AM6/4/16
To elaborate, it is only because of the Earth's tangential velocity that the Earth or any satellite does not fall into the Sun. Actually the gravitational force is always decreasing the distance between the Sun and Earth, but because of the tangential motion it is going away by the exact distance. So the gravitational force has nothing to do with that! It can be equated only to find out the velocity or mass or distance. Maths is not the reality - it is used to find more about reality.

Tagore is really saying that the our subjective perceptions define reality, but that is an unscientific approach. Objective perceptions are basic to science, but when the scientists around are all corrupt then the scientific method fails, and it is back to the individual trying to bring back the necessary order and scientific method to convince those who are still honest and open-minded. Ekla cholo. Such is my fate! An excellent one, of course, but it would have helped if people were not intellectually lazy and morally and spiritually dead.

Arindam Banerjee

Arindam Banerjee

Jun 4, 2016, 11:45:54 PM6/4/16
Centrifugal force, being a virtual force, is thus a matter of perception. Place a coin on a turntable and rotate the turntable. The coin after some time will fly off. It would look like there is a centrifugal force acting upon it making it fly off. And one could do much with simple formulas like mvv/r. But what is really happening?

If there is no friction, then the coin will stay put. The turntable will slide under it. If there is maximum friction, like the coin is stuck with honey say, then it will rotate with same angular speed as the turntable. But anything in between will make it fly off. Why? Because of inertia and the inter-molecular forces between the coin and the turntable. Because of inertia, it wants to stay put. But because of some friction, it has to take at every instant a tangential motion to its present position. This will cause an incremental increase in the radial distance. These changes to radial position add up, and from the start rest position for every other position there is an initial velocity as well. Ultimately, the radial distances increase so that the coin flies off.

It is much more easy to blindly apply some math formula, get valid results, and think that all is understood. To get into the fundamental details, takes a lot more thought and to prove same, enormous effort. When such effort goes against the current dogma, persecution is inevitable.
> Cheers,
> Arindam Banerjee

Message has been deleted

Arya Raychaudhuri

Jun 5, 2016, 12:34:24 PM6/5/16
If you look carefully, in summer, the sun's distance from the north pole
differs only by a couple of thousand miles from its distance from the tropic
of cancer, definitely less than the radius of earth (~4000 miles). So, one
needs to push out the earth's orbital radius only by a couple of thousand
miles, on top of the rough figure of about 93 million miles. In order to
do that, how much orbital speed reduction is necessary? My calculations
are showing that for an orbital speed of 67000 miles per hour, and a
push out of 4000 miles, the speed reduction needs to be about 1.44 miles
per hour. Since, 4000 miles would be an overkill (an overkill can freeze
the earthlings to death!), probably, less than a mile per hour reduction
would be enough. Naturally, the reduction will have to be done very
slowly to avoid tsunamis, earthquakes, and breakage of man-made structures,
probably, by about 0.0001 mph per instance of hurling a heavy mass at high
speeds into the sky. Ten thousand such instances will cool the earth down!
Engineer, how lucky the earthlings are, to be located at a perfect distance
from the sun - a couple of thousand miles in or out would kill everything.

Arindam Banerjee

Jun 5, 2016, 8:32:41 PM6/5/16
Space means just that, there is nothing in it. Nothing changes the average Earth's angular speed around the Sun. So things have been the same way for at least as long as the dinosaurs lived, which was 200 million years ago. The temperature did not vary much over so many years.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Jun 6, 2016, 12:40:52 AM6/6/16
Centrifugal force is real - it is experienced by objects in a rotating
frame of reference. Otherwise, the clothes would not be squeezed in the
final cycle of the washing machine. If the rate of water flowing out
of the machine is in fact a measure of it. Something which can be measured
is real.


Arindam Banerjee

Jun 6, 2016, 2:46:33 AM6/6/16
Centrifugal force is a virtual force. The four main forces according to physicists are gravitational, electromagnetic, interatomic and nuclear. It seems that these days they think that the interatomic forces are of an electromagnetic nature, so that way there are three forces only.

A virtual force is one that appears to exist, but is not. We also have a virtual image in optics. It can be measured, but it is not real.

Equating reality with what is virtual is the most major disease of our time. It gives ample scope to tricksters and liars to make money at the expense of honest people. The effect upon science is devastating. And the arts, too.

For they dryer, centrifuge, etc. as I wrote earlier the main force comes from whatever is driving the motor, and friction. That is, electromagnetic and interatomic forces.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Jun 6, 2016, 10:21:02 PM6/6/16
Centrifugal force is real whenever an object is in circular motion,
otherwise it has no existence. Just like friction , it only comes
into play when an object is about to move or moving on a surface.
So, for all calculations of the dynamics of objects they will come
into play - because they have real impact on dynamics or dynamic
equilibrium. Any book of engineering mechanics will tell you that.

Arindam Banerjee

Jun 7, 2016, 5:44:42 AM6/7/16
On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 12:21:02 PM UTC+10, Arya Raychaudhuri wrote:
> Centrifugal force is real whenever an object is in circular motion,
> otherwise it has no existence.

Quite, so it is not a fundamental force. It is a virtual force which does no work, consumes no energy. It just seems to be present.

> Just like friction , it only comes
> into play when an object is about to move or moving on a surface.

Friction is a manifestation of interatomic forces, so it is real as it relates to energy. You drag a body on a friction surface, you need energy to do that.

> So, for all calculations of the dynamics of objects they will come
> into play - because they have real impact on dynamics or dynamic
> equilibrium. Any book of engineering mechanics will tell you that.

Centrifugal force is a convenient concept, so we can make calculations simple with centrifugal force concept. But that does not make it a real force. A real force has to do work. Like gravity, electromagnetics, nuclear.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Jun 7, 2016, 9:41:35 AM6/7/16
Friction is no more real than the centrifugal force. In fact, it is just
a function of the mutual reaction between surfaces, that bring molecular
roughness into interplay. It is not an inter-atomic force that binds atoms
in a crystal lattice, for example. In fact, if you look closely into
washing machine, it is the centrifugal force that presses the clothes to the
inner wall of the rotating chamber, giving rise to the reaction, and hence
friction that sticks them to the wall. So, the centrifugal force is more

Yes, these are models that engineers use to solve problems. We don't want
to excessively worry about what is real and what is virtual!

On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 2:44:42 AM UTC-7, Arindam Banerjee wrote:
>Quite, so it is not a fundamental force. It is a virtual force which does no work, consumes no energy. It just seems to be present.
>Friction is a manifestation of interatomic forces, so it is real as it relates to energy. You drag a body on a friction surface, you need energy to do that.

Arindam Banerjee

Jun 7, 2016, 7:36:39 PM6/7/16
On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 11:41:35 PM UTC+10, Arya Raychaudhuri wrote:
> Friction is no more real than the centrifugal force.

Friction is not a virtual force. It directly relates to energy and work, unlike centrifugal force which is a virtual force doing no work.

See Resnick and Halliday Physics Vol 1. chapter 6-4 on Forces and Pseudo-Forces.

To quote the first para:
"All forces in nature can be classified under three headings, each with a different relative strength: 1. gravitational forces, which are relatively very weak, 2. electromagnetic forces, which are of intermediate strength, and 3. nuclear forces. Nuclear forces are of two types, those which bind neutrons and protons in the nucleus (very strong) and those responsible for beta decay (weak). These forces are "real" in the sense that we can associate them with specific objects in the environment. Such forces as the tension in the rope, the force of friction, the force that we exert on the wall by pushing on it, or the force exerted by a compressed string are electromagnetic forces; all are macroscopic manifestations of the (electromagnetic) attractions and repulsions between atoms."

It does not pay to forget first year physics! I read the above in 1973 and still retain that book from which I just copied.

Arindam Banerjee

In fact, it is just
> a function of the mutual reaction between surfaces, that bring molecular
> roughness into interplay.

True. It is about the interaction of atoms of one surface and the atoms of another. How they interact with each other.

> It is not an inter-atomic force that binds atoms
> in a crystal lattice, for example.

Yes, that is a stronger force than friction, but of the same electromagnetic nature.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Jun 10, 2016, 9:54:23 PM6/10/16
Engineer, the new CEO liked your comments on centrifugal force -
you showed a positive engineering spirit towards a possible
solution of an impending crisis. We didn't get much impressed
with the interjector's comments towards the end - he seemed
more inclined to do classification of various forces, rather than
looking at their impacts. Also, he talked about persecution.
You are not Copernicus or Galileo, the science involved is very
old. Well, I do not like him to interfere with my thread, but
he jumps in once in a while, and creates some heat.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Jul 18, 2016, 9:27:25 PM7/18/16
Speaking of the centrifugal force being a reactive entity only
in existence while an object is in a state of rotation, as per
the Newtonian mechanics, I also observed a corresponding term
being discussed in relation to the famous Raychaudhuri equation
of General Relativity (wikipedia). This means that even the
General Relativists consider its real impact on motion! Interestingly,
it is only experienced by the object in rotation, and it ceases
as soon as the rotation stops. Ha ha! In that sense, it's somewhat like
the geno innu I am experiencing - because the packets of information
being thrown appear to contain relevance to what I see or listen.
I think this personalization of the information packets is the reason
for the cognitive distraction. Cognitive distraction driven vehicular
genocide - does that sound like some kind of a terror plot!

Arya Raychaudhuri

Jul 23, 2016, 5:31:52 PM7/23/16
Engineer, also on the side, they may be shining light on your private
and sex life - to make it more difficult for a prominent minority male
person such as yourself. This happened in Ekballpore before we got
freedom from Ekball's rule. In fact, PM Twoballski likes your little
poem, and compares it to the situation of the independent athletes
of Ekballpore. He said he was very proud of the independent athletes
when they decided to run separately on the olympics arena - if we 'run'
separately in real life, why should we fake it here, that was their
stance. Yes, a very brave stance indeed. In fact, that riveted the world
attention on Ekballpore - hey, what's going on here! Good, that Ekballpore
got an ex-athlete as its PM, who understands the importance of
social competitiveness.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Aug 1, 2016, 8:27:14 PM8/1/16
Engineer, speaking of competitiveness, we see that your small
business got the same award as some of the major and well-known
businesses of America, including one of Mr. Trump's businesses.
But, they did it with a lot of man-power and money, while you are
a one-man show, with little money from your consulting work -
good effort! That too through a rather difficult process -
geno innu, vote rigging and all that. Yes, I am hoping that
my creative work on circuits and gears is met with warmth
from the engineering community, and my business receives some
funding to grow. Right now, I am just surviving. Of course, I
know that being a colored american, it's hard to establish
a good business, but, I haven't yet lost hope.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Aug 7, 2016, 12:43:39 AM8/7/16
Being a Santa Clara business Hall of Fame achiever, and an
individual with very high creative output, you getting disturbed
incessantly through the geno innu is very shameful. But, the new
police thinks that you should look at the issue of geno innu in a
more fundamental way, especially, when it is happening even when
you are in your private premises, working, or resting. Ha ha!
Or even when I am inside the bathroom! Yes, the basic problem
is information theft. There must be some electrical connections
in your home that are energizing the information theft mechanisms.
Maybe you don't care much if they see you naked, but, if a female
relative or a friend visits, their private parts may also be
voyeured! Yes, I thought about it, and in fact, I figured that
if I turn off the main switch that controls the bathroom lights
the level of privacy may be increasing.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Aug 9, 2016, 1:06:31 PM8/9/16
Engineer, your work is worth many gold medals at the Olympics,
yet, apparently, you have not been acknowledged and celebrated.
Semiconductor folks now think that your "concept of digital
circuit compaction with gate counts reduction is a brilliant idea -
much more intelligent than the brute force feature size scaling
into the domains of interface traps ridden finfets". Yet,
so far, you have been treated with indifference. PM Twoballski
thinks, even if they took you to the Olympics, and you won
gold medals, they would say don't talk to him, he is our slave
athlete - tasked to win medals for us! :-)

Arya Raychaudhuri

Aug 10, 2016, 12:47:03 PM8/10/16
PM Twoballski has asked to demolish the Wild Palmleaves Motel where
President Doball's daughter was gang introed - apparently, many other
pressure sex situations happened there, with the help of the FoE.
The building evoked bad memories among many Ekballporeans. That's
a good idea! They should build a freedom center or something in
its place.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Sep 3, 2016, 8:15:22 PM9/3/16
Engineer, now that the olympics are over, looking at the Track and Field
medals, it is quite clear that the Afro gene are the physically strongest,
while the desi gene of south asian origin are the weakest. No wonder desis
were involved in treachery towards you - non-acknowledgement of your work,
geno innu, and so on. After all, all people want to win, now, how would
the weak win, most likely through treachery - it makes sense to us. But,
the less likely scenario is yours, where a man with the weaker gene tries
to win through excellent creative work that tends to throw bright positive
light on the desi gene itself - but, the treachery tends to absorb it.
Advisor, your analysis is interesting, but the weakness of the desi gene
as depicted through the T&F medals is a global thing, whereas what has
happened to me is somewhat local. Also, do all treacheries always emerge
from the weak?

Arya Raychaudhuri

Sep 6, 2016, 7:44:13 PM9/6/16
Engineer, referring to your code snippets Item#142. the geno innu does
appear to be a complex multi-vertex (player) crime. Apart from the obvious
impact in creating cognitive distraction driven vehicular genocide,
the other impact is a continued arson of your spirit. Someone watching you,
stealing your communication, creating video feeds, some folks receiving
the feeds, some creating other information into a secret website with
access to a few people for information addition, reading and shouting.
Someone monitoring the shouts, and transmitting into channels to create
personalized noise and disturbance. See, all these things could not have
been done by the desi gene alone. The other interesting thing is that in
an APQJVT (expected to be much longer in this case) type path if some
vertices are less clearly defined than others, the path can look broken,
while it is not!

Arya Raychaudhuri

Sep 14, 2016, 2:40:22 PM9/14/16
Engineer, we see you walking on weekdays again - obviously, you are not
engaged in a project at this time. That's not a good sign, an engineer of
your experience, expertise, and ingenuity not getting continuous engagements
says something about the decline of positive work culture in america.
True, I feel like I am throwing balls at a membrane, expecting
the balls to return, but they collapse and fall to the bottom of the
membrane which has lost elasticity. Ideally, the work and its appreciation
should be a crisp response, but, it's not like that any more - so, I am
losing the enthusiasm to throw the balls like before. We think they are
intentionally keeping you 'small' by not adequately acknowledging your
work, and enabling treacheries such as geno innu, etc. Unfortunately, all
these things make america look like a super unlovable super power. Well,
I am not in a position to fully gauge as to how america is looking from
outside, but I did create a slide at one time to indicate the regenerative
nature of the 'low tech spirit' - obviously, when 'low tech spirit' folks
dominate the industry, tech merit is hard to sell!

Arya Raychaudhuri

Sep 18, 2016, 8:35:57 PM9/18/16
The new ceo tells me that in Ekball's time, the Ekballpore company
got filled with such feudal-minded 'low tech spirit' folks. And, that
your slide helped him identify those situations and remove those
semi-feudals. By the way, the new police thinks that as a US taxpayer
you are a customer of the state, and as a result, it is the duty of the
state to ensure rights to privacy, etc. Obviously, your privacy has
been violated heavily over the last several years, as if you have lived
the life of a subhuman 'virtual slave', your 'walllessness' deriving from
"a slave should have no walls" doctrine. We think you should receive
major slavery reparations from the state. Yes, especially when my small
biz badly needs funding, that sounds like an interesting idea! Even otherwise.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Sep 21, 2016, 6:14:50 AM9/21/16
Apparently, the geno innu folks took advantage of your walllessness -
very despicable. Like those that stealthily get into broken departmental
stores right after a riot to remove merchandise, or get into a battlefield
in the middle of the night to remove the valuables from the bodies of the
dead and heavily wounded soldiers. Yes, that's the message of Michael
Madhusudan's famous poem describing the killing of Meghnad when he was
unarmed - never take advantage of someone in a position of disadvantage!
But, the geno innu folks are clever - they are trying to indicate that
they are being helpful in showing me the mind-boggling nature of the
walllessness. Engineer, folks from a strong race/gene pool would attack
the root problem, namely, your walllessness, if they really wanted to be

Arya Raychaudhuri

Sep 24, 2016, 7:02:16 AM9/24/16
Why are you stressing race/gene pool so much? It could just be that
"insiders" on the geno innu side had a nexus with the "insiders"
on the walllessness side. Ideally, I should not - but, we think
we are looking at a non-ideal situation there. For example, in "no
african-americans welcome" escort ads on, that we had
discussed earlier, we clearly see a reference to the gene pool!
Are all AAs "outsiders"? Also, in Ekballpore, we don't classify
by "insiders" and "outsiders" - that would undermine our constitution.
Any "insider" group tends to be a bunch of blackmail exchangers.
On the other hand, classifying by gene pool/race seems to be more
natural and scientific.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 2, 2016, 2:02:54 PM10/2/16
In Ekball's time, we had such definitions as "insiders" and "outsiders" -
mostly, the loyalists being the "insiders", and the independents the
"outsiders". The insiders' main claim to fame was that they had access
to certain 'secrets' through having sex between them, and, that way they
enjoyed higher privileges. This not only undermined the constitutuion, but
the best and the brightest in certain fields coming from the independents
were disregarded in favor of mediocre insiders, in selection of candidates
for jobs, and in similar practices. For example, if you imagine an
international olympiad being held in a technical field every couple of
years, the best & brightest independent would not be sent to represent
Ekballpore, but Mr LQX, a mediocre "insider" would be going! What are
you doing here - where is Mr. Smart? Well, he is not an "insider" - I lick
the "insider" ladies, so I am better, Mr. LQX would say! Wow! Well, in a
sense, this may explain why certain "gene pools" do not do so well in
track and field, they may not be searching for the best and the brightest
in a proper way!

Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 7, 2016, 10:05:25 PM10/7/16
Yes of course, it is possible that they are not properly locating the best
and the brightest. But, it is also the responsibility of a gene pool to
do that - no other gene pool is going to do that for you. The extra problem
with the desi gene pool is that they have so much tension and rivalry
between various sub-genes in terms of caste, religion, language, region etc.
That I agree, so if another "gene pool" wants to suppress a desi of a
particular sub-gene, they can use someone from another rival sub-gene.
Engineer, another important implication of your geno innu situation
is that much of the products you are using in the US are leaky and sabotage-
prone. Your condominium, your automobile, your computer, your cellphone,
and so on. Is this going to create a distrust in US exports? Well, I have
thought about it. In fact, if you look up my Item#s 143, and 214 in
You will notice my concern on these issues. We want to build products
that are free from the possibilities of leakiness and sabotage. I cannot
speak for all product designers.
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Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 9, 2016, 5:12:43 PM10/9/16
Engineer, good news for you! PM Twoballski has lifted the ban on
americans wanting to visit Ekballpore. He said that we have now
reformed our system to a very strong and robust level, and that no foreign
negative influence can bend it. Also, the ban meant that even americans
of high merit and positive spirit such as yourself would not be able
to visit here. Hopefully, we earn some tourism ekleafs from the new
arrangement. We will also import products from america, but will
thoroughly review their leakiness etc., before importing. Foreign entities
can now own non-voting shares in Ekballpore companies. Advisor, I welcome the
decision to open up. That's good news! President Doball, however, is little
more conservative - he said positive meritocratic spirit is very important
to us. So, he has advised all Ekballpore visa offices in foreign locations
to give a simple spirit test to all adult visa applicants who would stay
in Ekballpore for more than a month. They need to pass the test to receive
the visa.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 11, 2016, 3:09:43 PM10/11/16
I have never heard of something like a "spirit test" - some kind of a
psychoanalysis or what! With due respects to president Doball, I don't
think it is very practical. Soon there will be booklets coming out on
how to pass Ekballpore's "spirit test", special coaching classes and
so on. Spirit is something that you got to observe over a long period
of time, from a person's work ethic, interaction, expressions, etc.
It cannot be quickly tested. Also, if you create such hurdles to visiting
Ekballpore, nobody would like to visit there. Good points - we are not
yet firm on the spirit test. If we find it unimplementable we may drop
it. But of course, positive meritocratic spirit is very important for
Ekballpore. See that you are suffering from the counter-meritocracy in
US. By the way, we observed that someone took down your small biz award
website - did you notice? Yes, I noticed, but who cares, I already got the
award plaques. Interestingly, it happened about the same time that we
were discussing the geno innu as a multi-vertex crime (Item#142 of your
code snippets page). Do you think a "vertex" could be involved? Who knows,
it could be purely coincidental!
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Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 12, 2016, 10:30:29 PM10/12/16
Speaking of the vertices on the geno innu side, and those on the leakiness
side, the new police finds a contradiction-ridden relationship! In the
beginning, they were probably working together to do harm to you, but
interestingly, you would not be aware of the leakiness had the geno innu
side not shouted. So, in a sense, the geno innu side brought the leakiness
out! Probably, there are many other people for whom the leakiness exists
and have been exercised, but they don't know. Because one thing is clear
from your situation that the leakiness can be exercised. Probably, they
initially thought that I am hard of hearing, started the geno innu as some
kind of a management information system. But, they slowly increased the
pitch to get into the domains of cognitive distraction driven vehicular
genocide, and so on.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 18, 2016, 6:51:28 PM10/18/16
Speaking of leakiness, I just had a break-in on my carport storage
space here in the Woodsborough condominium complex at Santa Clara
where I live. Apparently, when I was driving to LA. Leaky security,
I must say. Second break-in within the space of a year - the last
one was in February-March when I was visiting India. At that time
my parked car was broken into. Engineer, some coward may be taking
advantage of the leakiness to monitor your absences, and creating
the appropriate windows of opportunity!

Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 19, 2016, 3:04:08 PM10/19/16
Engineer, president Doball wants your advice on implementing the
spirit test as I had mentioned before. As I said earlier, a "spirit
test" on an individual basis would be very difficult to enforce.
Instead, what you can do is to compare the current model of governance
in Ekballpore to the existing practices in various regions/countries
of the world - and if the mismatch is huge, remove the visa centers
from those places, or reduce their quota. As I now understand, Ekballpore
now represents a forward looking positive spirited meritocratic
nation. You should do surveys to find out which places have mostly
backward looking negative spirited counter-meritocratic folks; don't
let them in in large numbers.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 23, 2016, 7:18:15 PM10/23/16
Breaking news out of Ekballpore! New police crack down on some unethical
hotel owners who had been secretly watching live sex between the hotel
guests using close circuit television fed through security cameras placed
inside the hotel rooms. President Doball is astounded to see Ekball's legacy
still continuing in Ekballpore. PM Twoballski has praised the new police in
eliminating the scourge of privacy violation in Ekballpore. Wow! That's
interesting. I thought Ekballpore had completely stopped snooping into
private spaces! Obviuously, it still seems to be a work in progress.
They should only have alarms in the rooms that can be easily operated
by the guests themselves, for emergency situations. And, probably a
no-motion detector that alerts the hotel management that nothing was
moving in an occupied room for more than twenty-four hours or so.
Yes, we can never be too complacent about achieving our goal of zero
privacy violation, as the new incidents suggest!

Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 25, 2016, 12:28:53 PM10/25/16
In fact, ensuring security and safety without privacy violation is
the domain of logistics that the new ceo appreciates. He wants his
company to develop such systems that are in tune with the ethos
of new Ekballpore. He also pointed out your automatic shut-off car
seat warmer switch to the engineers as a small example that involves
logistics control, and also, of course, your male-female IP based
telephone exchange circuit. Yes, logistics control is an interesting
domain of engineering activity. In any system that intersects human
intervention, a fool-proof logistic is a must. True. In fact, some of
the sexual fire fighters from Ekball's time now tell us that they used
to distribute feeds from private residences to ceos and politicians
before president Doball came in - for their enjoyment. If they liked
some ladies from the feeds they used to target them with the help of
the FoE.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Oct 27, 2016, 2:04:04 PM10/27/16
Engineer, engineering students in Ekballpore are starting to appreciate
the usefulness of your linux shell based dynamic digital circuit emulation
method that you had first introduced in Item#38 of your code snippets page.
They said, we like Mithu-da's method because it helps us understand digital
circuits and shell/perl programming simultaneously, and in a hands-on way.
They also like the idea that you can run one or more circuits in the
background mode in each shell, and then hook them up as needed using the
little state files. Yes, the whole computer screen turns into a distributed
emulation environment with the shells running the circuit components.
You can view the result of the digital counter emulation at the bottom of
the code snippets page with an internet explorer browser.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 1, 2016, 3:10:38 PM11/1/16
The engineering students liking your engineering work and openly
acknowledging it marks the new positive spirit of Ekballpore - if
you like something, immediately acknowledge it! This is due to the
meritocracy drive of president Doball - a sharp departure from the
Ekball era, when the politics controlled everything. Folks who ran with
the public money subverted those that would help generate it. This
is something that we have had some success in dismantling. Yes, good
job! Unfortunately, I am still surrounded by elements of Ekball era
spirit here! Some physicians in Ekballpore think that the geno innu
you are experiencing at night could be geared to exacerbate the
propensity for cerebral hemorrhage if any, by continuously keeping
your brains under pressure.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 2, 2016, 10:09:01 PM11/2/16
Engineer, do you expect to receive the Nobel Prize for your writing or
engineering (applied physics) work? No, I don't. The Nobel Prize for writing
is given for books, and I don't write books. And, there is no Nobel Prize
for engineering work. Also, if you look closely, most Nobel winners are
white folks, and I am not white - so, it is unlikely they will make a
departure from usual norms for me. For example, here in america, some
ceos of major EE companies have been non-EE majors - but they are white
folks. But, your writing, and engineering work seem to have more impact
in the world than that of many Nobel laureates! Who reads, or even knows
of many of the Nobel winners?! Yes, I have thought about that, and in fact,
I am not particularly worried about any prize.

Arindam Banerjee

Nov 3, 2016, 11:55:22 PM11/3/16
Good idea. Nobel Prizes are not for you. It is wiser to seek life's prizes

Arindam Banerjee

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 4, 2016, 4:00:37 AM11/4/16
President Doball, a motorcycle enthusiast himself, is promoting two-wheelers
use in Ekballpore, considering their lower gasoline consumption and
air pollution, as well as much smaller size with respect to cars -
requiring much less space to park. We are also trying to train many
"independent" mechanics for motorcycles. Previously, you would find only
"loyalist" mechanics. The new police finds a dangerous link between the
FoE, and some of those "loyalist" mechanics who could be persuaded to
leave a tricky fault in the vehicles brought to them for repairs!
This way, the FoE organized a number of fatal motorcycle crashes
that would look like accidental, involving unsuspecting riders.
Is it the fact that the FoE found it easier to 'persuade' the "loyalists"
as opposed to the "independents", so that you seldom found an "independent"
motorcycle mechanic in Ekball's time? Somewhat like that..

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 5, 2016, 3:24:12 PM11/5/16
Engineer, the new ceo gets a pay raise of 25% and a special bonus of
10 million ekleafs upon making a successful innovation from his hands-on
work in the lab. Of course, his base salary was only about 200,000
ekleafs above that of the hands-on engineers of the company. In Ekballpore,
we have taken a position that we recognize innovation and creative output
(CO) first, and give less importance to the rank of an employee. In fact,
the 25& pay raise just indicates that he is a valuable employee of the
organization. Our motto is if you don't show substantial CO, you don't
get to become a CeO - as if the CeOs are made to constantly face the
question, where did you get the 'e' from! :-) President Doball said we
should reinterpret CeO as Creative excellence Output, for all Ekballpore
companies. Wow! Congratulations to the new CeO for his success.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 6, 2016, 2:54:26 PM11/6/16
I also appreciate the big emphasis that new Ekballpore is giving on
CO, the primacy of which is fundamental to development. For example,
during Sir Isaac Newton's time there were several kings and queens of
England, very rich businessmen, big professors at Cambridge and
Oxford - but very few would remember them, while Newton's CO in
science has endured. True. In fact, the reason that your own CO is
not being received with warmth and enthusiasm by local businesses
in California may be that some of the major EE company ceos are
nonEE major with lack of understanding and respect for creative
engineering work. Also, their salary differential with respect to
hands-on engineers is too high, sometimes >100X (wikipedia) - leading
to disrespect for the engineers, however creative. See that in Ekballpore
we have kept the differential to 2-3X, with additional massive incentives
for innovations.

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 7, 2016, 1:58:19 PM11/7/16
Yes, I like the idea because it addresses an age-old concern -
while folks with high CO have been remembered for generations
and often lived for centuries in the consciousness of the people,
they sometimes lived a rather impoverished life compared to others
with little CO, who somehow got rich. As if the latter ran the
100 meter dash starting from a 25 meter point, cheating the field!
In fact, this sports ethic once made me think of a new economic
theory based on pure meritocracy and no inheritance. Sort of like
cricket, you can score as many runs as you can starting from zero,
based on your merit, but you cannot get runs from another player.
I realize now that it may be impossible to perfectly implement that
model, but the new Ekballpore company pay structure goes in that

Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 8, 2016, 11:30:32 AM11/8/16
So, you are a "cricketer" in spirit, and they are mirroring light
into your eyes as you are going to strike the ball! Engineer, PM
Twoballski echoes your sentiment, he thinks that individuals with
creative output should be acknowledged right in their lifetime, and
as soon as possible. Being an ex-olympian he knows that the winners
immediately go to the podium. He said, we are making the system in
Ekballpore in such a way that we don't wait like vultures for the
death of a high CO individual, before celebrating his/her work.
We want to make them rich and famous right now! Yes, that's good
spirit. Because, if you are dead it doesn't matter to you whether
you are acknowledged or not.

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Arya Raychaudhuri

Nov 9, 2016, 3:27:28 PM11/9/16
We from Ekballpore congratulate the new president-elect Mr. Trump
on his stunning victory in the US general election. Both president
Doball and PM Twoballski hope for positive changes during his
administration. Yes, he definitely won a tough race, and deserves
my congratulations too. Although I myself voted for Mrs Clinton;
I got somewhat inclined to her candidacy after hearing the presidential
debates. Of course, neither candidate talked about privacy and conter-
meritocracy issues impacting me and others in my situation. After all
the US is a republic, and the president needs to protect these rights
for the citizens. Otherwise, it becomes counter-competitive and business
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