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In defense of Belarus imprisoned anarchists

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Li Eugene

Sep 23, 2011, 12:02:26 PM9/23/11
The last European dictator is now trading people's freedom for
loans from the west. He has now set 24 political prisoners free.
Please find below links to the petition to liberate Belorussian


The petition has also been signed by members of several political
parties and organisations in Belarus and abroad:

Nikolai Khalezin, Art Director at Belarus Free Theatre
Aleh Novikau, chairman of Belorussian "Green" party
Yury Glushakov, deputy chairman of Belorussian "Green" party
Ales Mihalevic, ex-candidate for the presidential post and
nowadays political emigrant
Alexey Shidlovsky, one of the first Belorussian political
prisoners, political emigrant
Irina Khalip, journalist and editor, wife of the ex-candidate
Andrey Sannikov

Alexandr Feduta, journalist
One of the first to sign was journalist Alexandr Feduta, former
cellmate of anarchist Igor Olinevich in KGB pre-trial detention
prison. I shared a cell for one month with Igor Olinevich and have
signed this petition with full conscience because I know: this guy has
received eight years in prison for nothing, just because he hasn't
surrendered and didn't admit fault", - admitted Alexandr Feduta in his

Anatoly Lebedko, Chairman of United Civil party (Belarus) said
"As to Igor and others, it is a case with underlying political
reason. Authorities needed to show a successful fight with "local
terrorism". It's very easy to show that in conditions of absence of an
independent judicial system. Besides I have spent more than a month
with Igor in one cell, and have concluded my own opinions about him,
as a person and a citizen. United Civil Party considers that in the
conditions of absence of an independent judicial system, in a
situation of ceaseless hunting for dissidents, the detainees of the
"arson case" could and should be considered political prisoners".

Sergey Martselev, former leader of Nikolay Statkievich's
electoral headquarters
"I have spent a month in one cell with Igor Olinevich. He is
courageous and person of principles, charges against of him are based
on false denunciations, therefore I want to join the petition in his
defence," - noted Sergey Martselev.

Igor Lyalkov, first deputy chairman of the party BNF
"Anarchists - political prisoners, without their liberation the
dialogue with Lukashenko is impossible. It is the position of Party
BNF and of all reasonable people," - considers the first deputy
chairman of the party BNF Igor Lyalkov.

Andrzej Pochobut, journalist of Polish newspaper GazetaWyborcza
"I've also signed this petition. After litigation and statements
of witnesses about the pressure upon them there was a steady
sensation that Nikolay Dedok, Alexandr Frantskevich and Igor
Olinevich were simply appointed guilty, and "the most humane court in
the world" has banally executed the order of special forces." -
journalist Andrzej Pochobut, political prisoner condemned in July 2011
for 3 years conditionally under the article 367 of Criminal Code
"Slander of the President".

Kiryll Atamanchik, coordinator of youth initiative StudAlliance
"It's insulting to see such situation in the country. People are
getting thrown into prison on forged cases, their friends and
relatives are threatened. Just like in a country with occupational
martial law. Horror ... With Nikolay Dedok I've been in correspondence
through LJ. It was interesting to always have constructive discussions
with him. It's very nice when young men in any country have such
civic consciousness and it's twice more pleasant that there are such
people in Belarus where it is so necessary. The student's community
of EHU from the very beginning consistently supported Nikolay Dedok's
liberation. Litigation which sentenced Nikolay for four and a half
years of prison was ridiculous. The Law in Belarus was soaked with mud
and thrown in the trash. I, my friends, and also my colleagues, we
will all make efforts to make it as soon as possible for Nikolay to
leave the cells of that establishment where there should be those who
judged it ", - the publicist and the coordinator of youth initiative
StudAlliance Cyril Atamanchik said.

Nikita Lihovid, ex-political prisoner
"They are condemned for political reasons. Personally for me, they
are political prisoners, therefore their liberation should be
demanded together with defendants of the December 19th case and on the
Lobov-Dashkevich case. All of them together are political prisoners,"
- says ex- political prisoner Nikita Lihovid who has spent 81 days in
a penal insulator of the Novopolotsk colony.

Pavel Vinogradov, ex-political prisoner
"With Alexander Frantskevich I have spent some months in a
pre-trial detention center, and then other 3 months in "The Wolf Holes
Prison". Where of course we were also in contact, though we were in
different groups. On 9th of September Mirzayanov and Lobov and I were
all suggested to sign the petition for pardon, but he has refused (as
well as all of us). I think that all of them should be set free
(anarchists - ed.), as I'm aware of the pressure upon them during the
investigation and how the court proceedings took place "," - the
former political prisoner Pavel Vinogradov admits.

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