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The mystery of disappearance of film director Zahir Raihan

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Jan 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/20/98

In article <>, (Shamim Khandekar) writes:

Shamim Khandekar wrote :

> Some of the incidences that occurred between 16th Dec'71 and the 15th
> Aug'75 that remained mysterious, the disappearence of film director Zahir
> Raihan was one of them. If I had remembered the scenerio correctly, this
> had happened before the arrival of SMR to BD. It means Tajuddin Ahmed was
> the PM, Syed Nazrul Islam was the President...and there were presence of
> Bharat or Indian soldiers on BD soil.
> The story that went around after the disappearence of film director Zahir
> Raihan was that, he filmed then the activities of the top brasses of the
> exile govt. of BD in Calcutta. He was eliminated for good when when he
> refused to hand over the film. His dead body was never found.

Shamim Khandekar is once again spreading a slanderous rumor
using the style,---'the story that went around' !
My question to him : As a good Muslim and a human being,
did you ever try to find the truth behind your 'story'--
which clearly indicates that the 'top brasses of the exiled govt.
of BD in Calcutta'---'eliminated' Zahir Raihan, because 'he refused
to hand over the film' ? --A film which supposedly contained
the 'activities' of these brasses !
Did you even pause for a moment before hitting the key-board
(in this Holy month of Ramadan) that you are about to accuse the
the leaders of our liberation war with the most heinous crime--
murder ?
Whom you do mean by the top brasses ? Tajuddin, Syed Nazrul, Mansur Ali,
Qamruzzaman, Kh Mustaque, Gen. Usmani ? Or some others ?
And what possibly be their 'activities'--which Zahir Raihan was
allowed to shoot with his camera ? Is this film--a movie or
a group of still photos ?
And what happened to the film when Zahir disappeared in Mirpur ?
Was he carrying the film with him ?

You are right,
many things happened between Dec, 1971 and Aug, 1975 --which
remained mysterious. The manufacturing of slanderous
rumors based on lies & half-truths--
is one of them. Now we know from where they came from !

As for facts, which you seem to care so little about, here
are a few :

(1) Zahir Raihan disappeared on the 30th of Jan, some 3 weeks AFTER
Bangabandhu arrived in Bangladesh ( 10th Jan).

(2) Zahir Raihan's brother's name is Shahidullah Kaiser,-- not
Shaidullah Kaiser as you wrote.

(3) Shahidullah Kaiser was not a teacher of Dhaka University--as
you wrote.

(4) And Zahir Raihan did make a film during 1971, the famous
documentary, STOP GENOCIDE.

Best wishes,
Bilayet Hossain.

> After a recieving an annonymous telephone call about the whereabouts of
> his missing brother, Shaidullah Kaiser, a Dhaka University teacher, he
> rushed to the Mirpur area which was cordoned off by the Bharat or Indian
> soldiers to protect the non-Bengalis residing there. He was last seen
> entering the Mirpur area. It may be mentioned that Shaidullah Kaiser was
> one of the unfortunate intellectuals who was picked up by the
> collaborators of the Pak army right before their surrender on the 16th
> Dec'71.
> Whatever may be the possibilities were for his death, if I had remembered
> correctly, the then Govt. never came out with a Press release regarding
> that incidence.

Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/20/98

Mr. Bilayet Hossain,

Who killed Zahir Raihan?
I am just interested to know.

##### #
##### #

Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/20/98

Attn: Dr. Bilayet Hossain:

Mr. Hannan was the first person to declare the independence of Bangladesh.
He died mysterioulsy shortly after the independence of Bangladesh.
I am not exactly sure the date and cause of his death.

Please provide me with the following information:

1. Did Mr. Hannan die in Dhaka few days after the arrival
of Sheikh Mujib in Bangladesh in 1971 ?

2. Did Mr. Hannan die in Dhaka after he had a meeting with Sk. Mujib?

3. How did Mr. Hannan die?

Jan 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/20/98

In article <>, "Sohel Q. Khan" <> writes:

> Sohel Q. Khan wrote :

> Mr. Bilayet Hossain,
> Who killed Zahir Raihan?
> I am just interested to know.
> Thanks.

Nobody knows. As far as I recall, the last persons to see
Zahir Raihan were the personnel of Mirpur Police Station.
Zahir Raihan's younger brother( Habib ?) recalled that he dropped
Zahir Raihan near the Mirpur Police Station. The police
officers reported later that Mr. Raihan asked them to
accompany him to a nearby Housing Sector--where he ( Zahir Raihan)
thought his elder brother Shahidullah Kaiser was held captive.
When the police refused on the ground that some Pakistani soldiers
were hiding in that Sector, a distraught Zahir Raihan walked out
of the Police Station. Nobody has seen him after that.

Several days after Zahir Raihan's disappearance, the said
Housing Sector was seiged by a joint forces of the
Indian army & Muktibahini and a company of Pak army was
flushed out. No trace of either Shahidullah Kaiser or
Zahir Raihan was found.

Best wishes,
Bilayet Hossain.

Jan 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/20/98

> Sohel Q. Khan wrote :

> Attn: Dr. Bilayet Hossain:

I do not know when and how Mr. Hannan, the AL leader from
Chittagong,( who read the declaration of independence
for the first time from Chittagong Radio Station)
died. If I find something I would let you know.

Best wishes,
Bilayet Hossain.

Jan 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/20/98

The question still remains, Who killed Jahir Raihan? I don't think month
of Ramadan or being a muslim has anything to do with any of it.

Let us know.


Jan 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/20/98

Mr. Hannan, who?


Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/20/98

Fazal Kader Chowdhury, a prominent Muslim Leaguer, opposed the creation of
Bangladesh and took part in oppression and killing of Bengalis
particularly Hindus during the time of liberation war in 1971. Shortly after the
independence of Bangladesh, he was arrested while running away to Burma.
Whatever his crime was, he was a prisoner of war and all rules of Geneva
convention applied to him for his safety in the prison. He mysteriously
died in the prison shortly after the independence of Bangladesh.
I donot exactly know the date and cause of his death in the prison.
If someone can provide me with the following information, I'll be obliged.

1. Did Fazal Kader Chowdhury die shortly after the arrival of SK Mujib
in Bangladesh.
2. The exact date of his death.
3. The cause of his death.


Mohammad Bari

Jan 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/21/98

Fazlul Kader Chowdhury was not a Prisoner of War and was not
entitled to the provisions of Geneva Convention.

Instrument of Surrender contained the following:

"Lieutenant-General JAGJIT SINGH AURORA gives a solemn assurance
that personnel who surrender shall be treated with dignity and
respect that soldiers are entitled to in accordance with the
provisions of the GENEVA Convention and guarantees the safety
and well-being of all PAKISTAN military and para-military forces
who surrender. Protection will be provided to foreign nationals,
ethnic minorities and personnel of WEST PAKISTAN origin by the
forces under the command of Lieutenant-General JAGJIT SINGH

Was Fazlul Kader Choudhury a member of Pakistan military or para-
military force? From your description it is clear that he didn't
surrender. So why ask for Geneva Convention, Sohel?

But in any case, it's intersting to know we have a Fa Ka Chowdhury
sympathizer in SCB! :-(

Mohammad Bari

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/21/98

Mr. Hannan was the first person to declare the independence of Bangladesh.
He died mysterioulsy shortly after the independence of Bangladesh.
I am not exactly sure the date and cause of his death.

Please provide me with the following information:

1. Did Mr. Hannan die in Dhaka few days after the arrival
of Sheikh Mujib in Bangladesh in 1971 ?

2. Did Mr. Hannan die in Dhaka after he had a meeting with Sk. Mujib?

3. How did Mr. Hannan die?


Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/21/98

Zahir Raihan disappeared during the time of Awami League regime after the
war of liberation. Nobody knew where he went and how he died.

As expected, the Awami Leuge version of story contained information
where Pakistani army/pro-Pakistanis (even after the independence of
Bangladesh) were involved in disappearance and killing of Zahir Raihan. As
also expected, anti-Awami Leuge version of story contained information
where Indian army, Rakki Bahini and Sk Mujib (even before the formation of
Rakki Bahini) were involved in disappearance and killing of Zahir Raihan.

Who killed Zahir Raihan and what was the motive behind it?
Perhaps someone knows the answer, but scared to come out and tell the
truth. Will someone come and tell the truth?

Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/21/98

Siraj Shikder was killed myseriously during the time of Awami League

As expected, anti-Awami Leaguer's made SK Mujib responsible for killing of
Siraj Shikder. As also expected, the Awami Leauger's deny such accusation.

Who killed Siraj Shikder?

Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/21/98

Fazal Kader Chowdhury mysteriously died in prison during the time of
Awami League regime.

Fazal Kader Chowdhury, a prominent Muslim Leaguer, opposed the creation of

Bangladesh and took part in oppression and killing of Bengalis
particularly Hindus during the time of liberation war in 1971. Shortly after the
independence of Bangladesh, he was arrested while running away to Burma.
Whatever his crime was, he was a prisoner of war and all rules of Geneva
convention applied to him for his safety in the prison. He mysteriously

died in the prison shortly after the independence of Bangladesh.
If he was not a prisoner of war, still he was a prisoner. And all the
international law for his safety in the prison applied to him for his
safety in the prison. I donot exactly know the date and cause of his
death in the prison. If someone can provide me with the following

information, I'll be obliged.

1. Did Fazal Kader Chowdhury die shortly after the arrival of SK Mujib
in Bangladesh.
2. The exact date of his death.
3. The cause of his death.

Note, this informations are necessary to document infavor/against the
arguments that Awami League regime (1971-75) had violated the rights of
political prisoners.

Mohammad Bari

Jan 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/21/98

Here are some facts:

A statement by M A Hannan, dated August 27, 1973, has been included
in the Bangladesher ShadhinataJuddha: Dalilpatra, vol 15.

Independence of Bangladesh : March 26, 1971
Victory day (of the War of Independence) : December 16, 1971
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Home Coming Day : January 10, 1972

No. of days passed between Jan 10, 1972 and Aug 27, 1973: 595

I think this 'mysterious death' series will show everybody how
propaganda had been tried and is being attempted to influence our
thought processes. Those who will not go deep into our present day
history, will surely be victimized by this ignorant, arrogant and
outrageous assault on our history.

Here we see advancement of a 'conspiracy theory' without refering
to any fact, date, day, whatsoever. Can one do that?

Mohammad Bari


"It's a mystery to me, the game commences ..." - Dire Straits


Jan 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/21/98

Sohel Q. Khan wrote:
> Fazal Kader Chowdhury mysteriously died in prison during the time of
> Awami League regime.
> Fazal Kader Chowdhury, a prominent Muslim Leaguer, opposed the creation of
> Bangladesh and took part in oppression and killing of Bengalis
> particularly Hindus during the time of liberation war in 1971. Shortly after the
> independence of Bangladesh, he was arrested while running away to Burma.
> Whatever his crime was, he was a prisoner of war and all rules of Geneva
> convention applied to him for his safety in the prison. He mysteriously
> died in the prison shortly after the independence of Bangladesh.

1. Yes he died after Sheikh Mujib arrived in Dhaka.
2. He died at the end of 1972
3. His death is still a mystery.

Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/22/98

On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, famt@pentium wrote:

> Sohel Q. Khan wrote:
> >
> > Fazal Kader Chowdhury mysteriously died in prison during the time of
> > Awami League regime.
> >


> 1. Yes he died after Sheikh Mujib arrived in Dhaka.
> 2. He died at the end of 1972
> 3. His death is still a mystery.

1. Was he taken infront of any judge?
2. Was he tried infront of any court (civil/military/revolutionary)?
3. Was he given a chance to tell his version of the story?

Please note this information is necessary to support/counter arguments
that during the time of Awami League Regime (1972-75) the rights of the
political prisoners were violated.

Jan 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/22/98

In article <>, Mohammad Bari <> writes:
>> Sohel Q. Khan wrote:
>> Mr. Hannan was the first person to declare the independence of Bangladesh.
>> He died mysterioulsy shortly after the independence of Bangladesh.
>> I am not exactly sure the date and cause of his death.
>> Please provide me with the following information:
>> 1. Did Mr. Hannan die in Dhaka few days after the arrival
>> of Sheikh Mujib in Bangladesh in 1971 ?
>> 2. Did Mr. Hannan die in Dhaka after he had a meeting with Sk. Mujib?
>> 3. How did Mr. Hannan die?

> Mohammad Bari wrote :

> Here are some facts:
> A statement by M A Hannan, dated August 27, 1973, has been included
> in the Bangladesher ShadhinataJuddha: Dalilpatra, vol 15.
> Independence of Bangladesh : March 26, 1971
> Victory day (of the War of Independence) : December 16, 1971
> Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Home Coming Day : January 10, 1972
> No. of days passed between Jan 10, 1972 and Aug 27, 1973: 595
> I think this 'mysterious death' series will show everybody how
> propaganda had been tried and is being attempted to influence our
> thought processes. Those who will not go deep into our present day
> history, will surely be victimized by this ignorant, arrogant and
> outrageous assault on our history.
> Here we see advancement of a 'conspiracy theory' without refering
> to any fact, date, day, whatsoever. Can one do that?
> Mohammad Bari

In reply to Sohel Q. Khan's original post about Mr. Hannan's
death---where questions were pointed at me--I wrote that
I did not know anything about Mr. Hannan's death, and that
I would come back if I have any information.

Now I have found the following about Mr. Hannan's death :
A passage from the book, " Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib-key Ghirey Kichchu
Ghotona O Bangladesh " by M. A. Wazed Mia [ Published by
University Press Limited, Dhaka 1994], page 204, where the author listed
the activities of the terrorists/miscreants against the government
during the YEAR 1974 [ note the year --1974].

[ translated into English]

" On the night of 12th June, on his way back to Chittagong, in an
accident caused by the trickery of a few miscreants, M. A. Hannan,
the President of Chittagong AL and Sramik League, was killed."
[ 12-oi June ratey Chattogramey ferar pothey kotipoy duskritikarir
karshajitey shorhak durghatanay nihoto hoi Chottogram Awami League
and Sramik League President M. A. Hannan."

So, if this is correct, Mr. Hannan was killed in the accident on
the night of 12th June, 1974 !

Let us now see, what Mr Sohel Q. Khan had to say :

" He died mysteriously SHORTLY after the independence--"

and then goes on to ask question, ---

" Did Mr. Hannan die A FEW DAYS after Sheikh Mujib return to
Bangladesh in 1971 (!) ? "
[ Does'nt this question sound like---" Did he stop beating his wife --
I want to know " ?]
According to our report--Mr Hannan died about 900 days after
Sheikh Mujib returned to Bangladesh !!
So much for Mr Sohel Q Khan's FEW DAYS !!!

Mr. Bari, you are right . This 'mysterious death' series by
Sohel Q. Khan which is mostly devoid of facts and full of
rumors, half-truths, innuendos & insinuations,-appears to be
an act of assault on our history. Let history judge its

Best wishes,
Bilayet Hossain.

Jan 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/22/98

No accusations, just questions. Asking questions are the only logical
and prudent starting point when searching for the truth.

Keep the questions coming. Who knows, someone may have an answer.


Jan 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/22/98

Sounds like a fair question to me. I don't have an answer though.



Shamim Khandekar

Jan 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/22/98

Assalamoalikum. Thank you for your input....


Jan 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/23/98

>Subject: Re: The mystery of Mr. Hannan's death
>Date: Tue, Jan 20, 1998 19:34 EST
>Message-id: <>
>In article <>,

>"Sohel Q. Khan" <> writes:
>> Sohel Q. Khan wrote :
>> Attn: Dr. Bilayet Hossain:

>> Mr. Hannan was the first person to declare the independence of Bangladesh.
>> He died mysterioulsy shortly after the independence of Bangladesh.
>> I am not exactly sure the date and cause of his death.
>> Please provide me with the following information:
>> 1. Did Mr. Hannan die in Dhaka few days after the arrival
>> of Sheikh Mujib in Bangladesh in 1971 ?
>> 2. Did Mr. Hannan die in Dhaka after he had a meeting with Sk. Mujib?
>> 3. How did Mr. Hannan die?
> I do not know when and how Mr. Hannan, the AL leader from
> Chittagong,( who read the declaration of independence
> for the first time from Chittagong Radio Station)
> died. If I find something I would let you know.
> Best wishes,
> Bilayet Hossain.
Who is this ''Hannan''? Is this Brigadier Hannan Shah of BNP ?
So far I know and most Bangladeshis remember it was Shahid Ziaur Rahman who
declared independence from Chittagong Radio Station .So far I remember, being a
Chittagonion, there was a peon by the name of Abdul Hannan of the Chittagong
Radio Station who was killed by the Pak Army after the declaration of
independence.Maybe Abdul Hannan declared independence outside the Radio Station

Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/23/98

On 23 Jan 1998, WPooh97587 wrote:

> >
> Who is this ''Hannan''? Is this Brigadier Hannan Shah of BNP ?
> So far I know and most Bangladeshis remember it was Shahid Ziaur Rahman who
> declared independence from Chittagong Radio Station .So far I remember, being a
> Chittagonion, there was a peon by the name of Abdul Hannan of the Chittagong
> Radio Station who was killed by the Pak Army after the declaration of
> independence.Maybe Abdul Hannan declared independence outside the Radio Station
> !

Mr. Hannan, the Awami League leader, was the first person
to declare/read the independence of Bangladesh from Kalurghat radio
station in March 1971. Ziaur Rahman also declare/read, but, after
Mr. Hannan.
Mr. Hannan's speech was broadcasted through a 1 kw transmitter,
therfore, could not be heard by the audience covering large area.
Zia's speech was broadcasted through a 10 kw transmitter and was
heard by huge mass covering a larger area.

Mr. Hannan was killed mysterioulsy during the time of Awami League
regime *probably* after having an unhappy meeting with SK. Mujib
related to some issues which may provide us an another angle
of the true history our liberation war.

Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/25/98

On 22 Jan 1998 wrote:

> In reply to Sohel Q. Khan's original post about Mr. Hannan's
> death---where questions were pointed at me--I wrote that
> I did not know anything about Mr. Hannan's death, and that
> I would come back if I have any information.
> Now I have found the following about Mr. Hannan's death :
> A passage from the book, " Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib-key Ghirey Kichchu
> Ghotona O Bangladesh " by M. A. Wazed Mia [ Published by
> University Press Limited, Dhaka 1994], page 204, where the author listed
> the activities of the terrorists/miscreants against the government
> during the YEAR 1974 [ note the year --1974].
> [ translated into English]
> " On the night of 12th June, on his way back to Chittagong, in an
> accident caused by the trickery of a few miscreants, M. A. Hannan,
> the President of Chittagong AL and Sramik League, was killed."
> [ 12-oi June ratey Chattogramey ferar pothey kotipoy duskritikarir
> karshajitey shorhak durghatanay nihoto hoi Chottogram Awami League
> and Sramik League President M. A. Hannan."

According to the book referred by Dr. Bilayet Hossain Mr. Hannan
was killed by 'the trickery of a few miscreants'.

1. Is the author of the book, M. A. Wazed Mia, a pro-Awami Leaguer?
2. Did Mr. Hannan went to Dhaka to have a meeting with SK. Mujib
for a special reason?
3. Did Mr. Hannan had a meeting with SK Mujib before returning to
4. Who ordered the 'few miscreants' to kill Mr. Hannan by playing
'the trickery '?

Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/25/98

On 22 Jan 1998 wrote:


> Now I have found the following about Mr. Hannan's death :
> A passage from the book, " Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib-key Ghirey Kichchu
> Ghotona O Bangladesh " by M. A. Wazed Mia [ Published by
> University Press Limited, Dhaka 1994], page 204, where the author listed
> the activities of the terrorists/miscreants against the government
> during the YEAR 1974 [ note the year --1974].
> [ translated into English]
> " On the night of 12th June, on his way back to Chittagong, in an
> accident caused by the trickery of a few miscreants, M. A. Hannan,
> the President of Chittagong AL and Sramik League, was killed."
> [ 12-oi June ratey Chattogramey ferar pothey kotipoy duskritikarir
> karshajitey shorhak durghatanay nihoto hoi Chottogram Awami League
> and Sramik League President M. A. Hannan."

According to the book referred by Dr. Bilayet Hossain Mr. Hannan
was killed by 'the trickery of a few miscreants'.

1. Is the author of the book, M. A. Wazed Mia, a pro-Awami Leaguer?
2. Did Mr. Hannan went to Dhaka to have a meeting with SK. Mujib
for a special reason?
3. Did Mr. Hannan had a meeting with SK Mujib before departing for

Mohammad Bari

Jan 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/25/98

> "Sohel Q. Khan" <> wrote:

> According to the book referred by Dr. Bilayet Hossain Mr. Hannan
> was killed by 'the trickery of a few miscreants'.
> Questions:
> 1. Is the author of the book, M. A. Wazed Mia, a pro-Awami Leaguer?

Dr. M. A. Wazed Mia is the husband of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
He is the leading nuclear scientist of Bangladesh and has written two
highly acclaimed textbooks on Electromagnetics and Thermodynamics.

Such is his acceptance as able, fair and honest person in our
country that when he was appointed as Atomic Energy Commission
Chairman, recently by Awami League government, nobody raised any
question. How was that possible, in Bangladesh, where government
is constantly being criticised by God knows whomever not?

The book in discussion had been first published in a vernacular
daily in Bangladesh as series. Nobody ever questioned Dr. Wazed
Mia's neutrality then. Even after prestigious University Press
Limited published the book I haven't heard any doubt in that

> 2. Did Mr. Hannan went to Dhaka to have a meeting with SK. Mujib
> for a special reason?

Did Mr. Hannan went to Dhaka to have a meeting with Ziaur Rahman
to reach an end to the controversy of who announced the declaration
of independence on Mujib's behalf, first, over Kalurghat Radio?

How does it sound?

> 3. Did Mr. Hannan had a meeting with SK Mujib before departing for
> Chittagong?

Did Mr. Hannan had a meeting with Ziaur Rahman before departing
for Chittagong?

How does this sound?

> 4. Who ordered the 'few miscreants' to kill Mr. Hannan by playing
> 'the trickery'?

If one wants to develop a 'conspiracy theory' one would love to analyze
this question. Who was the beneficiary of Mr. M. A. Hannan's death?
Who wanted to project himself as the one who proclaimed the independence
of Bangladesh? Who might have the most strong motive to resort to such
heinous crime?

M. A. Hannan never claimed that he declared independence. The subtle hint
that there might have been a competition between Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
and M. A. Hannan is not at all convincing, rather outrageous. If there
was any competition about who announced it first, then Ziaur Rahman should
have been a far more stronger candidate!

So, 'who ordered the 'few miscreants' to kill Mr. Hannan by playing 'the

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------

Shamim Khandekar

Jan 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/25/98

> According to the book referred by Dr. Bilayet Hossain Mr. Hannan
> was killed by 'the trickery of a few miscreants'.
> Questions:
> 1. Is the author of the book, M. A. Wazed Mia, a pro-Awami Leaguer?
> 2. Did Mr. Hannan went to Dhaka to have a meeting with SK. Mujib
> for a special reason?
> 3. Did Mr. Hannan had a meeting with SK Mujib before departing for
> Chittagong?
> 4. Who ordered the 'few miscreants' to kill Mr. Hannan by playing
> 'the trickery'?
> ##
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Assalamoalikum. I want to add another question to your list. What was
the police or the post mortem report ?

I will also take this opportunity to thank you for bringing up the name of
Mr. Hannan. The whole nation should apologize to Mr. Hannan's family for
not remembering him on every 26th of March, the Independence Day as he was
the liason between BB SMR and Shaheed ZR.

Shamim Khandekar

Jan 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/25/98

> Mr. Hannan was killed mysterioulsy during the time of Awami League
> regime *probably* after having an unhappy meeting with SK. Mujib
> related to some issues which may provide us an another angle
> of the true history our liberation war.

Assalamoalikum. I agree with your conclusion.

Mohammad Bari

Jan 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/26/98

> (Shamim Khandekar) wrote:

> The whole nation should apologize to Mr. Hannan's family for
> not remembering him on every 26th of March, the Independence
> Day as he was the liason between BB SMR and Shaheed ZR.

In recognition to the role the then Awami League District General
Secretary M A Hannan played during our war of independence, the
Awami League government has recently renamed the Chittagong
Airport as M A Hannan International Airport. You are right that
for the last 21 years nobody cared about M A Hannan. It was all
Ziaur Rahman. Now the history is talking ... what will you say?

In any case, tell us more about the 'liason' ... (with reference
of course)!

Mohammad Bari

Sohel Q. Khan

Jan 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/26/98

According to the book referred by Dr. Bilayet Hossain, Mr. Hannan
was killed by 'the trickery of a few miscreants' in 1974.

Hasan Jamil

Jan 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/27/98

Mohammad Bari wrote:

> In recognition to the role the then Awami League District General
> Secretary M A Hannan played during our war of independence, the
> Awami League government has recently renamed the Chittagong
> Airport as M A Hannan International Airport. You are right that
> for the last 21 years nobody cared about M A Hannan. It was all
> Ziaur Rahman. Now the history is talking ... what will you say?

How about renaming Zia International Airport as Hannan International
Airport and making Chittagong airport as Zia International Airport?
Note that Zia declared independence after Hannan, both declared it from
Chittagog, both killed in Chittagong, but Zia later sided with the
rajakars and tainted his records. So, Hannan deserves more respect than
Zia as the broadcaster of the declaration of independence of Bangladesh.
What do you think?

- Jamil.

Shahidur Rahman

Jul 26, 2023, 11:50:38 PM7/26/23
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