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2006年5月27日 下午1:18:532006/5/27

"AnonMoos" <> wrote in message
> You certainly seem to be nostalgic for the crackdowns on "beard-trimming",
> executions in soccer stadiums, and ban on female education of your beloved
> Taliban, StriderCabal!

Casualties in WW2
Not including the documented 5 million non Jewish in concentration camps
who far out numbered the suspected true number of Jewish victims. These are
figures any historian can examine and question for accuracy without fear of

Soviet Union 25,568,000
China 11,324,000
Germany 7,060,000
Poland 6,850,000
Japan 1,806,000
Yugoslavia 1,700,000
Rumania 985,000
France 810,000
Austria 525,000
Italy 410,000
Great Britain 388,000
USA 295,000
Holland 250,000
Belgium 85,000
Finland 79,000
Canada 42,000
India 36,000
Australia 29,000
Albania 28,000
Spain 22,000
Bulgaria 21,000
New Zealand 12,000
Norway 10,000
South Africa 9,000
Luxembourg 5,000
Denmark 4,000
TOTAL 58,353,000

<> wrote in message
> > > > Now why don't you type out a list of the muslime' s crimes
> > > > and post them here?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Islam psyops lies.
> read this one:

Israeli stats

Jews and Palestinians genetically similar.

War without end
Yes and you have no quarrel with the US?
They dont have to, they use their army to shoot, run over and mistreat
physically and sexually helpless children. What can a Palestinian do when
the mighty money contributing yanks cannot protect their citizens.
One guy gets 10 years, the other gets a raise and promotion??
American and Australian shot by Israelis
Chris McGreal talks to the relatives of three British and American victims,2763,1066817,00.html,2763,1066817,00.html,2763,916299,00.html
Torture in Israel
Christian homes being knocked down???

(Wanderer, Oct. 12, 1989, p. 7; National Review, March 16, 1992, p. S-5).

Israeli soldiers can beat up a priest on the West Bank, then shoot up his
church during Mass, and only the Catholic press takes note...If Christians
had done such a thing to a synagogue, anywhere, it would have been
front-page news, everywhere. (Wanderer, Oct. 12, 1989, p. 7; National
Review, March 16, 1992, p. S-5).

Farmers harassed and shot in israel

Zionist settler deliberately hits and kills Palestinian old man
In a letter to the conference host, UNESCO Director-General Koichiro
the protesters said the Wiesenthal center, "under the deceitful cover of the
struggle against anti-Semitism, is on the contrary encouraging intolerance
racism in our societies."

Jon and David Kimche
The SS was particularly enthusiastic in its support for Zionism. An internal
June 1934 SS position paper urged active and wide-ranging support for
Zionism by the government and the Party as the best way to encourage
emigration of Germany's Jews to Palestine.

The Israel Lobby John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt
The Real Issue Is Israel's Human Rights Record:
A statement by Norman G. Finkelstein upon publication of Beyond Chutzpah

Professor Alan Dershowitz of Harvard University is currently best known for
his advocacy of the "most excruciating" torture against terrorist suspects
such as a "needle being shoved under the fingernails." The alleged purpose
of this torture is to extract a truthful confession but its real
consequence, as human rights organizations have pointed out, is to produce
whatever statements are necessary to end the suffering. For 15 months
Dershowitz has applied a variant of this truth-seeking technique -- less
physically painful but no less excruciating -- to prospective publishers of
Beyond Chutzpah, which offers a critical examination of Israel's human
rights record and Dershowitz's defense of it. Enlisting one of the most
powerful law firms in the country after his personal initiatives proved
unsuccessful, Dershowitz has repeatedly threatened to bankrupt highly
respected publishers with litigation if they didn't cancel publication of my
book. He could then proclaim that the cancellation confirmed the "truth"
that Beyond Chutzpah didn't meet scholarly standards.

Dershowitz justified these blackmail tactics on the ground that Beyond
Chutzpah libels him. Yet, when I first began to expose his gross scholarly
misconduct, Dershowitz publicly declared at UCLA (on 21 October 2003) that
he wouldn't respond with a libel action because he believed "so strongly in
the First Amendment and full freedom of speech." Ironically, just as he was
threatening my publishers with expensive and time-consuming lawsuits,
Dershowitz denounced Holocaust denier David Irving, who had sued Deborah
Lipstadt for libel, with these words: "Before Irving lost his case [against
Lipstadt], several publishers had refused to issue books critical of Irving,
out of fear of his bringing expensive and time-consuming lawsuits. That was
a chilling of free speech" (Afterword to Lipstadt's History on Trial; his

My publisher, University of California Press, was understandably at great
pains to fend off a potential lawsuit by Dershowitz; for an academic
publisher the associated costs would have been ruinous, to the point of
making certain victory meaningless. On occasion our relationship became
strained and at one point it appeared as if we had reached an impasse.
However, through the skillful mediation of Nation magazine senior editor
Roane Carey (who was the freelance editor of Beyond Chutzpah) and others, a
satisfactory compromise was reached that protected the interests of both
publisher and author, and, most importantly, preserved the integrity of the
book. I would like personally to extend my heartfelt thanks to all who
supported me and the press during this difficult period.

Well if some people feel that is a fine way to live and all your leaders
after leading you from disaster to disaster over the millenium and manage to
pass the buck handily across to the persecutor I would say it is time to
examine their credentials.

Especially as in the WWII case they actually used the tragedy to filter out
the people they did not want while having the easy out of blaming it all on
the nazis.
I mean you are self proclaimed the brightest of us all, so what cant you
understand , hell it is like privatisation, you no longer have a beef with
the government you are bucking some private company who only has to show a
profit. So you no longer have a beef with the zionists and can waste your
spleen on the nazis.

This is fine with utilities, but using it to choose who you want and who you
dont want!!

But when you are imposing your false values on us by jailing our historians,
where ever you have influence in the government use it to bring in your
corrupted values of torture as a legitimate tool for a government. Where you
use the freedom and non discrimination in our countries to simply look after
yourselves and keeping wailing about WWII as a reason , and asking us to
accept the unsupportable lies of WWII and put ourselves in jail because of
your transparent and selfserving lies I am not going to give support.

What you are claiming might be true, but the enemy is within our gates, I do
not want torture and big brother listening at my door, opening my mail and
giving me all sorts of problems . You are right here alongside me, and if i
am not familiar with your views it is because you lie to me about what you
believe democracy is.You lie to me about what you consider a governments
limits should be.
You lie to me about anything i ask you and skid of into the lie about the 6m
which i cannot verify without a deal of research and then that research only
shows you are lying for sympathy and support for impositions i would
otherwise tell you to f off .

You are in the gates with your lies, your barbaric modes of government that
you feel comfortable with to suit your zionist leaders. I do not like any of
it and if you came out and told me well i am just following my zionist
leaders i would tell you to f off.

So i dont care at the present about astrocities by arabs, as long as i
retain cony\trol in my country and can work to keep their shit out of my
country and in theirs.

But you are sitting in my country because you all like the freedom and
democracy we practise, and should support it fully, not simply sit back and
enjoy it but use it for your nefarious purposes.
You were in exactly the same position in germany prewar as you are now in
the western countries.

If you do not think enough to support the status quo because you appreciate
that such as it is , it is the best system around compared to any other.
But if like in germany you join any bunch of worldwide jews that decide to
declare war on us, dont look to me for support, as far as i am concerned you
are either with us, if for no other reason than we have acheived a fairly
comfortable way of living.

And I do not want my male relatives, sons or daughters brought into a war
just for you because you want a pat on the head from your leaders such as
they are, and are not satisfied with what you always claim to be looking
for freedom and no discrimination.

The Jews declared war against Germany
On March 24, 1933, the Jewish World Congress, then under the leadership of
Chaim Weizman, declared war on Germany on behalf of the Jews of the world.
The Zionist Jewish Role In - Causing World War II
"In 1941, a Jewish writer, Theodor N. Kaufman, wrote Germany Must Perish.
Kaufman set out a plan for the total destruction of the German population by
a very simple method: the mass sterilisation of all German men and women
between the age of puberty and sixty years."

From a pre-1993 edition of John Tyndall's Spearhead magazine
Immediately after Japan declared war on the United States of America, the
order was issued to round up all Americans of Japanese ancestry and imprison
them in large camps. A declaration of war entitles any nation to imprison
its enemy and their sympathizers.
On March 24, 1933, the Jewish World Congress, then under the leadership of
Chaim Weizman, declared war on Germany on behalf of the Jews of the world.
The basic question arises; what were the Germans supposed to do with their
large Jewish population?
That second war was later made certain, not by the intentions of Hitler but
by the determination of his eternal enemies to destroy the new Germany that
he had created.
By the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919 and the Treaty of St. Germain on
20 September of the same year, the German people were thoroughly humiliated.
The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, wrote:
'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and
jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of
absolute monarchs.'
Who has said, America and Israel? I'll pick Israel every time. That is a guy
who was educated, worked in intelligence in the air force in America
Is US like Germany of the '30s? Published on Friday, June 11, 2004 by the
Chicago Sun Times by Andrew Greeley

The Daily Mail reported on 10 July 1933:
'The German nation, moreover, was rapidly falling under the control of its
alien elements. In the last days of the pre-Hitler regime there were twenty
times as many Jewish government officials in Germany as had existed before
the war. Israelites of international attachments were insinuating themselves
into key positions in the German administrative machine.'
Resentment and resistance began to build up against the alien horde and in
the year before Adolf Hitler came to power Bernard Lecache, President of the
World Jewish League, stated:
'Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war
without mercy against her.'
On that same day, 24 March 1933, on the front page of the London Daily
Express appeared the main headlines: "Judaea declares war on Germany: Jews
of all the world unite", and followed with:
'The Israelite people of the entire world declare economic and financial war
on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany
revives the old war symbol of the Jews. Fourteen million Jews stand as one
body to declare war on Germany. The Jewish wholesale dealer leaves his
business, the banker his bank, the shopkeeper his shop, the beggar his
miserable hut in order to combine forces in the holy war against Hitler's
The German government was removing Jews from influential positions and
transferring power back to the German people. This declaration of war by the
Jews on Germany was repeated throughout the world. The first boycott of
Jewish business concerns came after this Jewish declaration of war in April
We implore and beseech our Jewish brethren to realize that the Zionists are
not the saviours of the Jewish People and guarantors of their safety, but
rather the instigators and original cause of Jewish suffering in the Holy
Land and worldwide.

The Zionist Federation of Germany (ZVfD), an organisation representing a
tiny minority of German Jews, was selected by the Nazis as the body to
represent the Jews of the Reich.
The best example of this was the 'Transfer Agreement' of 1934. Immediately
after the Nazi takeover in 1933, Jews all over the world supported or were
organising a world wide boycott of German goods. This campaign hurt the Nazi
regime and the German authorities searched frantically for a way disabling
the boycott. It was clear that if Jews and Jewish organisations were to pull
out, the campaign would collapse.
This problem was solved by the ZVfD. A letter sent to the Nazi party as
early as 21.6.33, outlined the degree of agreement that existed between the
two organisations on the questions of race, nation, and the nature of the
'Jewish problem', and it offered to collaborate with the new regime:

In their eagerness to gain credence and the backing of the new regime, the
Zionist organisation managed to undermine the boycott. The main public act
was the signature of the 'Transfer Agreement' with the Nazi authorities
during the Zionist Congress of 1934. In essence, the agreement was designed
to get Germany's Jews out of the country and into Mandate Palestine. It
provided a possibility for Jews to take a sizeable part of their property
out of the country, through a transfer of German goods to Palestine. This
right was denied to Jews leaving for any other destination (emphasis - ED).
The Zionist Organisation was the acting agent, through its financial
organisations. This agreement operated on a number of fronts 'helping' Jews
to leave the country, breaking the ring of the boycott, exporting German
goods in large quantities to Palestine, and last but not least, enabling the
regime to be seen as humane and reasonable even towards its avowed enemies,
the Jews. After all, they argued, the Jews do not belong in Europe and now
the Jews come and agree with them.

After news of the agreement broke, the boycott was doomed. If the Zionist
Organisation found it possible and necessary to deal with the Nazis, and
import their goods, who could argue for a boycott? This was not the first
time that the interests of both movements were presented to the German
public as complementary. Baron Von Mildenstein, the first head of the Jewish
Department of the SS, later followed by Eichmann, was invited to travel to
Palestine. This he did in early 1933, in the company of a Zionist leader,
Kurt Tuchler. Having spent six months in Palestine, he wrote a series of
favourable articles in Der Sturmer describing the 'new Jew' of Zionism, a
Jew Nazis could accept and understand.

The declared enemy was now right in the middle of their country. Bankers,
industrialists, media moguls, movie producers, merchants, and others,
overnight became enemies of Germany.
No nation in the world would have allowed their declared enemies to freely
roam around the country. The Germans, however, never implemented measures
against the Jews as drastic as the United States did with their Japanese
On March 24, 1933, the Jewish World Congress, then under the leadership of
Chaim Weizman, declared war on Germany on behalf of the Jews of the world.

thousands of Jews were not bothered by the Nazis or by the fate of their
"convicted" co-religionists. They went on with their daily lives in Germany
while the world was running amok about the "harsh treatment of Jews in
Germany." To illustrate the true "fate of the Jews," one has to look at some
of the prominent Jewish leaders living in Germany at the time.
These are very important questions, because so many prominent Jews survived
the alleged Holocaust. Simon Wiesenthal, Eli Wiesel, Leo Baeck, Max
Nussbaum, and so many more like them. As a matter of fact, approximately 4.5
million Jews "survived."

Why did Rabbi Baeck never leave the Third Reich, the land of concentration
camps and "gas chambers," with all the other 300,000 German Jews who were
allowed to leave for more lucrative lands?

By all accounts, Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck must have had a very comfortable
existence under the National Socialist Government in Germany. Born in 1873
in Posen, he became a Rabbi in 1897 in Oppeln/Silesia. Interestingly, he was
a Rabbi in Berlin from 1912 until 1943, when he himself was interned at the
Theresienstadt camp, a camp where most of the prominent Jews and resistance
activists were housed. After the war Leo Baeck immigrated to England.

Why did Rabbi Baeck never leave the Third Reich, the land of concentration
camps and "gas chambers," with all the other 300,000 German Jews who were
allowed to leave for more lucrative lands?

Another question should be put to all those false Holocaust "experts" by
asking them how many Jews were gassed in Dachau? As a matter of fact, no one
was ever "gassed" in Germany, or in territories under German control, as has
been established in court

In Schuld und Schicksal (Guilt and Fate) Burg dealt with the Warsaw and Lodz
ghettos. When the German troops occupied Warsaw, they wanted to concentrate
the Jewish population. Real ghettos had been there for centuries but the
assimilated or emancipated Jews had lived far way from the ghettos. Now the
Germans wanted to have the Jews all together. In a practical sense, the
ghetto was also organized for the protection of the Jewish population.
(26-6885, 6886)
The Zionists were happy with this arrangement. An appointed Jewish Council
was the governing body of the ghetto. They had their own police, jails and
everything else. Naturally, there were some who were cruel. One of these was
the vice president of the police, who was later executed. In Burg's eyes,
this execution was evidence that Jews defended themselves against the
minority of Zionists who were using the majority of Jews for their own
purposes. (26-6886, 6887)

Then, when hundreds of thousands of civilians died in massive Allied bombing
raids against German civilians ... and only then ... Rabbi Baeck got out.
And where did he go? To Theresienstadt, because the concentration camp was
never bombed by the Allies, and was the safest place for a Jew to be.
Why did Rabbi Baeck never leave the Third Reich, the land of concentration
camps and "gas chambers," with all the other 300,000 German Jews who were
allowed to leave for more lucrative lands?
It must have been relatively easy to leave Germany. Max Nussbaum, Chief
Rabbi of Berlin until 1940 (who later became Chief Rabbi of Beverly Hills,
CA), immigrated to New York at the advice of Rabbi Stephen Wise. Did Rabbi
Wise already know of the coming war between the United States and Germany in
One must assume that Rabbi Baeck knew about Rabbi Nussbaum's plan to move to
New York, but again Baeck remained in Berlin. A riddle to be sure, unless
the horrors of Nazism were not that horrible for the Jews after all.
Ø > IS IT TRUE that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered
> > European Jews transit to Spain, if they would relinquish all their
> > in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that:
> > a) none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine;<

Under the guise of "love of Israel", the Zionist "statesmen" seduced many
Jews to replace devotion to the Torah and its Sages with devotion to the
scoundrel who founded Zionism
The Jewish Agency delegation headed by Golda Meir (Meirson) ignored a German
offer to allow Jews to emigrate to other countries for $250 a head, and the
other Jewish groups made no effort to influence the United States and the
32 other countries attending the conference to allow immigration of German
and Austrian Jews.

The Jewish ghetto police always had the option, she said, of "throwing off
their uniforms and joining the rest of us" - a point that Yitzak Zuckerman,
a leader of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, made in his memoir.

Without Jewish co operation through the zionists the Germans would never
have had the resources to herd the Jews into the various camps. And the
zionists made it impossible for the underground to trust the jews.
Like elsewhere, the only people who had the information and the ear of the
frightened Jewish population were the Judenrat. In this case the Judenrat
comprised mainly the Zionist Federation members. Without their help the SS,
with 19 officers and less than 90 men, plus a few hundred Hungarian police,
could not have collected and controlled a million Jews, when they did not
even know their whereabouts. Kastner and the others were left under no
illusions. Eichmann told Joel Brand, one of the members of Kastner's
committee, that he intended to send all Hungary's Jews to Auschwitz, before
he even started the expulsions! He told them clearly that all these Jews
will die, 12,000 a day, unless certain conditions were met.
Is The same authors also describe co-operation between Zionist leaders and
Eichmann. It is interesting to note that the extreme right-wing revisionists
only chose wealthy Jews for emigration, whereas other Zionists insisted on
taking only young and healthy Jews. Eichmann helped them to carry out these
plans, in return for which the Zionist Organization paid large sums to the
Nazis. As Kimche says about the Zionist delegates in Germany: They had not
come to Germany to save Jews. That was not their job. When the Nazis began
the systematic murder of Jews in 1941, the Zionists decided neither to
support Jewish resistance in Europe, nor to attack the Nazis, nor to say
anything about the mass liquidation of their fellow Jews. Their sole purpose
was to save certain selected Jews as future settlers in Palestine. They were
not interested in Jews who wished to stay in their home countries and fight
the Nazis.

>"Kastner must be brought to trial as a Nazi collaborator. And at this
>trial, Kastner should defend himself as a private citizen, and not be
>defended by the Israeli Government..." (14 July 1955).
>*Haboker*, the pro-Government General Zionist party paper stated:
>"The public wants to know the real facts about Kastner, and not about
>him alone. The only way to find out the truth is to put all the Rescue
>Committee people on trial and give them a chance to offer their
>defense." (23 June 1955)
>But public opinion was not quite unanimous. The problem with bringing
>Kastner and his associates to trial was that his associates were the
>Government of Israel.
>As the evening paper *Yedi'ot Aharonot* said:
>"If Kastner is brought to trial the entire government faces a total
>political and national collapse - as a result of what such a trial may
> disclose." (23 June 1955)
>Accordingly, the Government of Israel did not put Kastner on trial,
>instead it filed an appeal against the acquittal of Greenwald for criminal
>As Dr. Karlebach wrote in Israel's largest evening newspaper,
>"Kastner must be brought to trial as a Nazi collaborator. And at this
>trial, Kastner should defend himself as a private citizen, and not be
>defended by the Israeli Government..." (14 July 1955).
>*Haboker*, the pro-Government General Zionist party paper stated:
>"The public wants to know the real facts about Kastner, and not about
>him alone. The only way to find out the truth is to put all the Rescue
>Committee people on trial and give them a chance to offer their
>defense." (23 June 1955)
>But public opinion was not quite unanimous. The problem with bringing
>Kastner and his associates to trial was that his associates were the
>Government of Israel.
>As the evening paper *Yedi'ot Aharonot* said:
>"If Kastner is brought to trial the entire government faces a total
>political and national collapse - as a result of what such a trial may
> disclose." (23 June 1955)
>Accordingly, the Government of Israel did not put Kastner on trial,
>instead it filed an appeal against the acquittal of Greenwald for criminal

Read the Red Cross reports. Go to the Red Cross museum, headquarters
> in your city and pick up the records. Anyway theres a few independent
> witnesses.
> r=293321480
> Rassinier seems to wrap it up.
During World WarII, Rassinier was a highly decorated member of the French
Resistance. In October of 1943 he was arrested by the Gestapo for various
activities including the smuggling of Jewish refugees over the Franco-Swiss
> On July 13, 1994, a documentary on the life of Charles A. Lindbergh
> broadcast on the Public Broadcast System (PBS - KENW-TV) said that when
> Lindbergh visited one of these few camps in Germany following WW2, he was
> told that 25,000 died in 1-1/2 years
I, Raquel Baranow am a Grad Student of Holocaust Denial. There are persons
with PhD's in various fields who
also deny the 6 million canard. The best evidence is forensic. Until
recently, there was never a forensic
examination of the alleged murder weapon (gas chambers). Demographic figures
are incomplete. After the fall
of East Europe to communism, many of the millions of Jews who fled Poland
into the Soviet Union or ended up
behind the Iron Curtain changed their names to assimilate, many civilians
died in the war, many died in the
concentration camps of louse-born typhus. During World War One, two million
civilians in the Soviet Union died
of typhus. Many died in Stalin's gulags.
Yad Vashem,( Holocaust
Documentation Center in Israel has a database of 3,000,000 alleged victims
of Nazi
extermination. But as you can see HERE
( (my maiden name, Friedemann), nearly
every name is listed at least
twice, some as many as five times!

Yad Vashem's 3,000,000 "Holocaust victims" database lists nearly
everyone twice. Some as many at five times. Anyone, including
you can submit a "Page of Testimony".

And of course we have lists duplicated, unconfirmed, but 3m according to our
usual jewish/Zionist sources.
Put your name in, you might be missing out on reparations.
Has been improvements since this, numbers still very dicey.

Name Town District Region
Country Bday Source

Friedemann Adolf Berlin Berlin Berlin Germany
1879 list of victims from Germany
Friedemann Adolf Berlin Berlin Berlin Germany
1879 list of deportation from Berlin
Friedemann Adolf Berlin Berlin Berlin Germany
1905 list of deportation from Berlin

It is forensically impractical or impossible to exterminate millions with
louse disinfestant (hydrogen cyanide gas)
or diesel exhaust as alleged by malicious "witnesses" or tortured
confessors. There are no written orders for
extermination. Aerial reconnaissance photographs of the concentration camps
show no smoke and flames
belching from the crematoria and pyres as alleged. The photos and records
show there was not enough coke or
crematoria to cremate millions of corpses. The "witnesses" and confessors
lied about how many minutes it takes
to cremate a corpse. Diesel exhaust does not contain significant amount of
carbon monoxide to kill a human. If
the Nazis wanted to kill millions they could have driven the coal fired
train into a tunnel or quonset hut and gassed
'em with the exhaust from the locomotive or used the exhaust from the
crematoria. At Auschwitz, during a typhus
epidemic, up to 300 people died per day, hence the crematoria, shaving of
heads and requisitions for tons of
Zyklon B louse disinfestant. HCN is a very dangerous, impractical, messy
method for extermination.
The Holocaust Controversy A Case for open Debate
The Gas Chambers are a fraud, a tourist attraction, slander, demonizing,
impractical/impossible, malicious
atrocity propaganda spread by the communists, who hated Hitler and
perpetrated by Jews, who were always
looking for ways to get to the lands of milk and money. The Jews have
extorted billions from the US Treasury,
Germany, Swiss banks and insurance companies on account of the Holohoax
fraud. The Holohoax also makes
those who fought Hitler feel like they did something good fighting the
demon, Hitler instead of letting Hitler take
on Stalin alone.

A "liberal" person has an open mind. A bigot is irrational and obstinate.

> --
> &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1578;&#1576;&#1585;&#1580;&#1577;
> &#1605;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1573;&#1585;&#1607;&#1575;&#1576;&#1610;
> &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1606;&#1578;&#1581;&#1585;
> Murderers are not martyrs!

Loose Cannon

2022年9月15日 下午4:00:022022/9/15
>Ř > IS IT TRUE that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered
This should be taught to every high school student student in the
world. Special attention should be given to educating jewish children,
who have been force fed lies for years. It would be on par with the
post-war deNazification programs in Germany after WWII. The only
difference this time it will be the truth that is being taught

Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron

2022年9月15日 下午4:51:262022/9/15

In article <>,
FAKE Loose Cannon <> wrote:

> Fuck David Irving in the ass.



2022年9月15日 下午4:57:252022/9/15
On Thu, 15 Sep 2022 15:59:57 -0400, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
gay neo-nazitard, whined again:

> This should be taught to every high school student student in the
> world. Special attention should be given to educating jewish children,
> who have been force fed lies for years. It would be on par with the
> post-war deNazification programs in Germany after WWII. The only
> difference this time it will be the truth that is being taught

Kissing nazi arse again, Loose Sphincter, you abysmally stupid gay neo-nazi
whore? LOL

Loose Sphincter about his passion:
" I love eating the Shit out of Poor Helpless Dumb Goran Razovic! LOL"
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