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LETHAL WEAPON 4: Black people are OK, Chinese are NOT

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alex crouvier

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
Isn't that what essentially in the nutshell?

Isn't this film the embodiment of the hypocrisy of American political


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
"alex crouvier" <> wrote:

> Isn't that what essentially in the nutshell?

No. The entire LETHAL WEAPON series essentially says, in a
nutshell, that bad people suck, and good people don't. Yes, there
are the Chinese villains, but there was also the family that Riggs
and Murtaugh were trying to protect. Sure, there was just this one
family, and a shitload of villains, but then, what else do you
expect? R&M are cops. They go after bad guys. Bad guys come in
gangs. There are lots of bad guys in gangs. Do we need lots of
good families shoe-horned into the film in order to achieve some
sort of numerical parity?

Back when the film came out, a lot of people picked it apart
because of the racist attitudes, most notably from Riggs (Mel
Gibson) towards Uncle Benny (Kim Chan). What seemed to be lost
on people (maybe it's that they've never seen the previous films
in the series, only seeing this one because of Jet Li) was that
Riggs is like that with *everyone*. He's deliberately trying to
provoke the other guy, to get him to react. It may be unfortunate,
but with a minority, the easiest way to do that is with racist
remarks. Even so, there's a big difference between a film that
promotes a racist idea and one that portrays a racist character.

> Isn't this film the embodiment of the hypocrisy of American
> political system?

I don't know. Is it?

I think you give it too much credit. At worst, it's an embodiment
of the hypocrisy of the American criminal justice system. Riggs
and Murtaugh are bad cops -- they constantly circumvent the law,
or take it into their own hands (LW2, for example), and think
nothing of harrassing people who've done nothing wrong, or nothing
that's of any major consideration (LW3). But it's really just
supposed to be action-packed, dopey fun. No more, no less. It's
not THE KILLER, but why does it have to be?

--- jayembee (

"Is there a suspect in your family? Contact
the Ministry of Information. Ring 100 00 00.

Sent via
Before you buy.

Helen & Bob

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99

alex crouvier wrote:

> Isn't that what essentially in the nutshell?

> Isn't this film the embodiment of the hypocrisy of American political
> system?

And everybody knows that ONLY the American political system is
hypocritical, right Alex? If we could only get rid of that horrible USA
the world sould be so much better off. Hell, everybody knows that. Having
fun at Tienamen square, Alex?

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
In article <>,

"alex crouvier" <> wrote:
> Isn't that what essentially in the nutshell?
> Isn't this film the embodiment of the hypocrisy of American political
> system?

that's so true, alex, but you have to understand how the white man's
head works. in a poll taken among whites asking which racial group do
you feel closest to and to which do you feel most distant, whites said
they like blacks most and dislike asians most.

why is this? for one thing, it's because america is a sports culture
and masculinity matters. and blacks have now been accepted as the
superior race, faster, stronger, etc. though PC doesn't permit us to
say it so plainly; whereas asians are a bunch of geeky nerds. also,
whites have had a long guilt complex associated with blacks due to
slavery. also, this country has far more jigs than chinks and so
something constructive has to be done with the jiggerish kind whereas
chinks don't matter much.
furthermore, the jews who run hollywood know that blacks are gonna be
more powerful as this country goes on and jews also know blacks still
hold the most moral authority where victimology is concerned. jews
wanna be on the right side of history so pander to blacks.

so what do whites and jews in hollywood do? they need villains and
blondes are getting tiresome. blacks and hispanics can't be made
villains due to PC. but chinks? why, them slanty-eyed buggers not
only are growing in economic strength across the ocean but are a bunch
of quiet pushovers in this big country of ours. insult a nigger and
the nigger leaders will say burn down the city and this scares the
honkey. insult a chink and maybe some chink spokesman will say "that no
good, mister" which the honkey can chuckle off.

never mind lethal weapon. look at american science and research. there
have been many chinks but do chinks get any credit in sci-fi movies?
no, somehow the great genius is always some black dude which is like
making a chink the star basketball player in a movie about the nba.

also look at how the mainstream america accepts ice cube though his
song about killing koreans was as virulent as hitler's antisemitism.
but what do honkeys care about chinks or gooks or japs. anglo guilt is
fixated on nigs. that's why when kurds were being massacred in iraq
there was no movement among american leftists to boycott or sanction
iraq while there was much blah blah about apartheid which was mild
compared to hussein's antikurd campaign. american morality is narrow,
based on western sense of guilt. and that's why america and the western
world to this day tolerates israel's refusal to give palestinians the
vote though the west was all huffy puffy about blacks being denied the
vote in south africa. why? cuz western guilt regarding jews and jewish
influence in american media and government determine which people
deserve our sympathy and which people don't.

american leftism is a moral imperialism which determines evil solely
based on EUROCENTRIC guilt.

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
In article <7unu2b$k8s$>, (jayembee) wrote:
> "alex crouvier" <> wrote:
> > Isn't that what essentially in the nutshell?
> No. The entire LETHAL WEAPON series essentially says, in a
> nutshell, that bad people suck, and good people don't.

you are full of shit. okay, lethal weapon says bad people suck. then
how come bad people are only blonde aryans and chinks? huh? how come
there are no kike and nigger villains in lethal weapon series?

why is it that whenever they need a noble person, hollywood settles for
some bro? because white guilt has centered the black man as the moral
authority of the universe.
as for asians? small and quiet minority, but globally economic threat
to anglo and jewish power, right? so they give us rising sun. why is
it that jews go ballistic if someone even hints of a jewboy cabal while
jewish media and hollywood can give us endless yellow peril shit about
the japs taking over and eating raw fish off blonde american women?

the only time i saw a negative hebe was in carlito's way.

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
In article <>,
Helen & Bob <> wrote:

> alex crouvier wrote:
> > Isn't that what essentially in the nutshell?
> >
> > Isn't this film the embodiment of the hypocrisy of American
> > system?
> And everybody knows that ONLY the American political system is
> hypocritical, right Alex? If we could only get rid of that horrible
> the world sould be so much better off. Hell, everybody knows that.
> fun at Tienamen square, Alex?
> Bob

you misunderstand alex. alex thinks the chinks in commie china are
crazy and japs need to lighten up. but as a dago, i must say there is
a great deal of moral hypocrisy and fear among the liberal hollywood
types that figure they must asskiss and favor certain racial groups
while shitfacing others.

attacking lethal weapon to tienamen square?

Ian McDowell

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
In article <7unu2b$k8s$>,
(jayembee) wrote:

>Back when the film came out, a lot of people picked it apart
>because of the racist attitudes, most notably from Riggs (Mel
>Gibson) towards Uncle Benny (Kim Chan). What seemed to be lost
>on people (maybe it's that they've never seen the previous films
>in the series, only seeing this one because of Jet Li) was that
>Riggs is like that with *everyone*. He's deliberately trying to
>provoke the other guy, to get him to react. It may be unfortunate,
>but with a minority, the easiest way to do that is with racist
>remarks. Even so, there's a big difference between a film that
>promotes a racist idea and one that portrays a racist character.

Hmm, I'm of two minds about this. I didn't bristle at the film the way
some folks did, and there's no denying that Alex is, erm, Alex, but I can
also see why perfectly sane and reasonable non-Alex-like Asians might have
taken some small offense at the film.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the way LW4 portrays its
villains -- hell, Jet Li is probably the most charismatic and sympathetic
villain the series has had. Sure, he's a ruthless killer who is willing
to murder women and children, but he's not a bug-eyed sadist or raving
loon and his actions are at least partially motivated by love for his
brother. He's the only villain the series has had who's expressed grief
and family affection, the only one to be as handsome as Riggs was when he
was younger, and the only one who can kick Riggs' ass in a fair fight.

The problem isn't with how the film portrays its villains, but its
characterization of its heroes. Yes, Riggs is often obnoxious in previous
intallment in the series. However, it's simply inconceivable that the
character would have ever been written, directed or acted to behave
towards African-Americans the way he does towards Asians in LW4. Yes,
he's been portrayed as a loose cannon, but there's never been any
indication that he'd let fly with the kind of racial invectives that Gene
Hackman's character spouts in THE FRENCH CONNECTION, and I really _don't_
think we're supposed to see him as the equivalent of Popeye Doyle.

Are Asians the _only_ ethnic group that one easily imagine the producers
allowing Riggs to verbally assault in this way? No; I can envision them
letting him taunt, say, Italian-Americans or Southerners or members of the
Russian mob. And yes, Danny Glover's mockery of a South African accent in
LW2 was probably just as bad (indeed, the cartoonish SA villains in the
second installment were the real low point of the series -- the true
horror of Apartheid was that it was practiced by people otherwise much
like you and me, and turning Afrikaaners into comic book Nazis only
trivializes the issue). However, there _is_ a rational core to Alex's
typically overstated tirade. When he says that Richard Donner and Mel
Gibson would never dream of mocking black villains in the manner that
Riggs mocks Asian ones, he's entirely right.

Ian McDowell

Dan Helmick

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
to wrote:
: In article <>,

: "alex crouvier" <> wrote:
: > Isn't that what essentially in the nutshell?
: >
: > Isn't this film the embodiment of the hypocrisy of American political
: > system?

: that's so true, alex, but you have to understand how the white man's

: head works. in a poll taken among whites asking which racial group do
: you feel closest to and to which do you feel most distant, whites said
: they like blacks most and dislike asians most.

Oh boy, oh boy.

Everyone recall my warning regarding the recent incursion of "Gaza" from
rec.arts.anime.misc? This "noel kuriakos" is generally presumed over there to
be another Gaza nom de plume.

Even more interesting, Gaza posted a message there a day or two ago under
the name "Alex Groovier".

You are free to draw your own conclusions. I have.




Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
to wrote:

> (jayembee) wrote:

>> "alex crouvier" <> wrote:

>>> Isn't that what essentially in the nutshell?

>> No. The entire LETHAL WEAPON series essentially says, in a

>> nutshell, that bad people suck, and good people don't.

> you are full of shit.

Well, thank you for providing reasoned argument against points,
instead of descending to personal attacks.

> okay, lethal weapon says bad people suck. then how come bad
> people are only blonde aryans and chinks?

As opposed to, say, the black youth gang buying all the weapons
in LW3 (and which had recruited Murtaugh's son's friend)?

> huh? how come there are no kike and nigger villains in lethal
> weapon series?

So, what, are they supposed to keep a numerical tally to make sure
each group gets an equal share? Why no Hispanic villains? Why no
Amerind villains? Why no Arab terrorists? Why no Russian Mafia?

Gee, you think maybe because they haven't had the damn *space* to
fit them all in? Why did they have no Asian villains *until LW4*
if they wanted to be anti-Asian? Did it occur to you that *maybe*
it was the fact that they could get Jet Li for the film as an
opponent for Riggs that inspired them to tailor the script to
have Asian bad guys?

> why is it that whenever they need a noble person, hollywood
> settles for some bro? because white guilt has centered the
> black man as the moral authority of the universe.

Probably. Maybe. I don't know. But are you sure that that's the
reason, or just settling for a reason that promotes your theory?

> as for asians? small and quiet minority, but globally economic
> threat to anglo and jewish power, right? so they give us rising
> sun. why is it that jews go ballistic if someone even hints of
> a jewboy cabal while jewish media and hollywood can give us
> endless yellow peril shit about the japs taking over and eating
> raw fish off blonde american women?

I won't argue that Asians are not given their due in Hollywood.
And I won't argue that that's the result of thoughtless racism.
But I believe that it's *thoughtless* racism, not malicious
racism. Those are two very different things. Blacks have been
complaining for decades about a lack of representation, other
than as stereotypes, in Hollywood. Eventually, they started getting
it. But it had as much to do with the growing undercurrent of
Black Cinema starting with the "Blaxploitation" films of the
early 70s (like SHAFT, SUPERFLY, BLACK BELT JONES, etc.) and the
appearance of black filmmakers like Spike Lee, John Singleton,
and the Hughes Brothers (and a handful of black actors who lucked
into superstardom) as it does with "White Guilt". White Guilt is
too easy an answer for too complex a problem.

Do we need more positive portrayals of Asians? Hell, yes! Do we
need more Asian actors in "general" roles? Hell, yes! Do we need
more Asian filmmakers making stories about just plain Asian folks?
Hell, yes! Several years back, it was thought/hoped that the
positive response to THE JOY LUCK CLUB would open the doors to
showing Asians in non-stereotypical roles. Didn't work out that
way. Why? Beats me. Why didn't Chow Yun-Fat being the hero of
Beats me.

I think it's too easy to point the finger at every film that has
an Asian villain and claim that it's malicious stereotyping. From
where I sit, the proliferation of films with Asian heroes who are
all martial artists does as much to stereotype Asians as films
them as triads.

And maybe that's part of the reason that as much as I like the
martial arts and/or swordplay films that come out of Hong Kong
and Japan, I prefer the straight dramas that portray Asians as
real people rather than superheroes or supervillains.

> the only time i saw a negative hebe was in carlito's way.

There have been any number of films that have portrayed the "Jewish
Mafia". Not to the same degree as the Italians, perhaps, but I
suspect that your statement has as much to do with your lack of
exposure to such films than the fact that they don't exist.

--- jayembee (

"Is there a suspect in your family? Contact
the Ministry of Information. Ring 100 00 00.


Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
Asians are considered the threats not African Americans.Read "The Bell
Curve"?Ever walked around the campuses of Harvard,MIT,Stanford,etc.?Ever
travelled in the Far East?Sorry but Asians regard Americans and whites
as Americans and whites regard blacks,latinos,etc.-with a superior

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Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
In article <7upjst$omv$>, (jayembee) wrote:

> > okay, lethal weapon says bad people suck. then how come bad
> > people are only blonde aryans and chinks?
> As opposed to, say, the black youth gang buying all the weapons
> in LW3 (and which had recruited Murtaugh's son's friend)?

ah, you miss the point, my turdhead friend. see, even when black
youths are being bad, they are victims of the system that feeds
innercity kids with guns to kill themselves with.
but when a chink is bad in lethal weapon, he is simply bad.
look, i have nothing against chinks as bad guys. what sickens me is
how certain groups like blacks are so fawned over by hollywood. i mean
we get more movies about blacks being wrongfully convicted than about
real black criminals and there are plenty of that.

i say give us more chink baddies but give us some bad niggers and
beaners. and why just vilify south africans and not israelis? i mean
since israelis have dispossessed and oppressed palestinians and have
denied the sandniggers the vote and basic rights, shouldn't hollywood
give us bad nasty jew fiends the lethal weapon duo can crush? but no,
hollywood has instead given us bad demented sandniggers time and time
again while only giving us driving ms daisy and schindler's list
regarding the jews. even self-critical stuff only amounts to woody
allen acting cutesy about his jewishness.

> > huh? how come there are no kike and nigger villains in lethal
> > weapon series?
> So, what, are they supposed to keep a numerical tally to make sure
> each group gets an equal share? Why no Hispanic villains? Why no
> Amerind villains? Why no Arab terrorists? Why no Russian Mafia?

i agree with you. there shouldn't be a numerical tally. but the left
in america--jigs, feminist bitches, beaners,fags etc-- has kept a tally
on everything. didn't queasy assfumei say "dannng, why there be no
brother on tv dis season? i be suing the networks, mannnnn!!!". don't
feminists and fruits always demand more bitches and fags to be shown
positively on tv? isn't it true that fags love to boycott movies if
they feel fags are being slighted. they protested against rob roy and
complained that the villain of lion king sounded queer.

in this climate, why is it wrong for chinks to also jump on the wagon
and go "why no chineee in movie? we chinee not just geek but know
kungfu and not all have small dickie".

> Gee, you think maybe because they haven't had the damn *space* to
> fit them all in? Why did they have no Asian villains *until LW4*
> if they wanted to be anti-Asian? Did it occur to you that *maybe*
> it was the fact that they could get Jet Li for the film as an
> opponent for Riggs that inspired them to tailor the script to
> have Asian bad guys?

aint you heard of rising sun? but let me say hollywood didn't even
deem asian as worthy as being in a movie. when they finally decided to
throw a chink in a movie, they said let's make him a baddie. which is
fine with me. i mean who says a chink has to be good. in fact, alot
of chinks are stupid barbaric dogeating savages.
i am just saying let's have jewboy villains and nigger villains for a
change. actually there have been nigger villains but then blacks
complain so much that whenever they show urban crime, we often see
criminal gangs that are more white than black. i mean take robocop. if
detroit is dark now, it must be superdark in the future but nearly all
the crooks are honkeys in that movie. even has a gook!

> I won't argue that Asians are not given their due in Hollywood.

who the fuck cares? i say tv and hollywood make fools out of
everyone. i mean whenever i see a greek, dago, nigger, kike, beaner,
or whatever on tv, i respect him much less. if hollywood uses more
chinks, chinks will only be smeared more than had they simply been
ignored. i mean joy luck club had been barfing whenever i thought of
chinks for a week.

> And I won't argue that that's the result of thoughtless racism.
> But I believe that it's *thoughtless* racism, not malicious
> racism.

there is no racism. it's just realpolitik and money. hollywood gets
all pompous about itself but it's all about dollars and cents. people
simply don't want to see geeky bowlegged asians in movies. that's why
asians are shut out. too bad, chinkaroos.

>Those are two very different things. Blacks have been
> complaining for decades about a lack of representation, other
> than as stereotypes, in Hollywood. Eventually, they started getting
> it. But it had as much to do with the growing undercurrent of
> Black Cinema starting with the "Blaxploitation" films of the
> early 70s (like SHAFT, SUPERFLY, BLACK BELT JONES, etc.) and the
> appearance of black filmmakers like Spike Lee, John Singleton,
> and the Hughes Brothers (and a handful of black actors who lucked
> into superstardom) as it does with "White Guilt". White Guilt is
> too easy an answer for too complex a problem.

yeah, and blacks now seem stupider, uglier, more idiotic than when they
were ignored. i mean do jigs really want to represented by eddie
murphy, chris rock, oprah, wesley snipes, and other dumb stupid niggers?

> Do we need more positive portrayals of Asians? Hell, yes! Do we
> need more Asian actors in "general" roles? Hell, yes! Do we need
> more Asian filmmakers making stories about just plain Asian folks?
> Hell, yes!

by now you probably know that noel kuriakos is me, gaza. let me
continue. do we need more positive portrayals? NO. we need more
honest portrayals. who wants chinks as saints when they are a bunch of
dogeating savages? do we need more chinks in general? NO. george
takei and other idiots are enough. no more stupid chinks please. do we
need more chink filmmakers? NO. wayne wang is shitty enough. i mean
who need more like him? yuck.

we don't need more this or that filmmaker. just great personal
filmmakers no matter what the ethnicity.

>Several years back, it was thought/hoped that the
> positive response to THE JOY LUCK CLUB would open the doors to
> showing Asians in non-stereotypical roles. Didn't work out that
> way. Why? Beats me. Why didn't Chow Yun-Fat being the hero of
> Beats me.

joy luck club was the dumbest movie about chinks ever made.

> I think it's too easy to point the finger at every film that has
> an Asian villain and claim that it's malicious stereotyping. From
> where I sit, the proliferation of films with Asian heroes who are
> all martial artists does as much to stereotype Asians as films
> like SHOWDOWN IN LITTLE TOKYO or LETHAL WEAPON 4, which portrays
> them as triads.

but i think chinks would rather see themselves as kungu masters or
gangsters than dogeating peddlers most of them tend to be in real

> And maybe that's part of the reason that as much as I like the
> martial arts and/or swordplay films that come out of Hong Kong
> and Japan, I prefer the straight dramas that portray Asians as
> real people rather than superheroes or supervillains.

i prefer a chopsocky chink to a boring dogeating chink.

> > the only time i saw a negative hebe was in carlito's way.
> There have been any number of films that have portrayed the "Jewish
> Mafia". Not to the same degree as the Italians, perhaps, but I
> suspect that your statement has as much to do with your lack of
> exposure to such films than the fact that they don't exist.

ah, but gangster movies romanticize and mythify a particular ethnic
group. do you really think once upon a time in america is antijewish?

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
In article <7uqg9i$oom$>,
"TheRuggedOne" <> wrote:
> wrote in message <7uok61
> I'll assume Kuriakos is a Greek name. And we all know what a great
> that is. Let's look at their contributions to the world: feta cheese,
> sex, and basukis.
> Their king is German, and they roll over play dead every time the
> invade. Very impressive.
> Doe bootso moo gavallo! Psololiftis!

hey rugged one, KOLO MUNI SOO.

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
In article <7uope5$o3m$>, (Dan Helmick) wrote:
> wrote:
> : In article <>,
> : "alex crouvier" <> wrote:
> : > Isn't that what essentially in the nutshell?
> : >
> : > Isn't this film the embodiment of the hypocrisy of American
> : > system?
> : that's so true, alex, but you have to understand how the white man's
> : head works. in a poll taken among whites asking which racial group
> : you feel closest to and to which do you feel most distant, whites
> : they like blacks most and dislike asians most.
> Oh boy, oh boy.
> Everyone recall my warning regarding the recent incursion of "Gaza"
> rec.arts.anime.misc? This "noel kuriakos" is generally presumed over
there to
> be another Gaza nom de plume.
> Even more interesting, Gaza posted a message there a day or two ago
> the name "Alex Groovier".
> You are free to draw your own conclusions. I have.
> Dan

look, alex is not me. the reason i used 'alex groovier' grew out of
alex once having been my main nemesis at rec.arts.movies.pastfilms. i
thought i'd prove to him that i was groovier than he and that is true.
but i've learned that alex is an honest asshole and if this world needs
anything it is more honest assholes.


Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
alex crouvier wrote:

> Isn't that what essentially in the nutshell?
> Isn't this film the embodiment of the hypocrisy of American political

Well the film sucked with or without the controversy.

If you ask me the "racism" in the movie was not out of hand. If you
think that is bad then try to watch real cops. When they get racist
then that's when you want to make a big deal about it.

Dan Helmick

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
to wrote:
: look, alex is not me.

I'm disappointed to say that I believe you. I had this wonderful vision of
Alex sitting at his keyboard cackling as his head slowly pivoted through 360
degrees, unleashing personality after personality...but alas, it seems that
the single-note, one-dimensional Alex that we see is all there *is* to see,
after all.



Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
In article <7ur9vi$jmh$>,

okay, then it's alright to make MOVIES making fun of minorities.

so a jew has no right complaining about nazi propagnda and only should
point cases of real life abuse.

Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
In article <7ut0go$2rv$>,

the great crouvier is too sophisticated and deep for most of you.


Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
to wrote:
: In article <7ur9vi$jmh$>,

: (headrush) wrote:
: > alex crouvier wrote:
: >
: > > Isn't that what essentially in the nutshell?
: > >
: > > Isn't this film the embodiment of the hypocrisy of American
: political
: >
: > Well the film sucked with or without the controversy.
: >
: > If you ask me the "racism" in the movie was not out of hand. If you
: > think that is bad then try to watch real cops. When they get racist
: > then that's when you want to make a big deal about it.
: >
: >

: okay, then it's alright to make MOVIES making fun of minorities.

Well it seems like it is alright in HK movies. Hollywood does not have
the monopoly on incorrect ethnic portrayals, racial slurs, or other
forms of race discrimination.

If you want zero tolerance then lets round up all films that may have
any type of racism as well as sexism, ageism, classism and every other
type of discrimination. There are so many to list and IMDB would be a
great database to work through.

: so a jew has no right complaining about nazi propagnda and only should

: point cases of real life abuse.

What's your point?

Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
Great Stuff! Anthony.....Like your logic.

In article <7urcqp$17u$>, wrote:
[stuffs deleted for bandwidth conservation]

Brian Damage

alex crouvier

Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99

Dan Helmick <> wrote in message
> Oh boy, oh boy.

Danny Boy sweating in denial

> Everyone recall my warning regarding the recent incursion of "Gaza" from
> rec.arts.anime.misc? This "noel kuriakos" is generally presumed over
there to
> be another Gaza nom de plume.

Read the thread. If you want to assasinate charcater go jump on the
hysterically solemn and self-righteous Derek Janssen

> Even more interesting, Gaza posted a message there a day or two ago under
> the name "Alex Groovier".

Dull, you are just dull. So dull Danny You used to be interesting. Gaza is
right, I am not an ass-kisser, I did grill that jerk once in a while but
when gaza is on a roll you should listen, OK, boy? <point finger>
Listen --sssh! Listen..OK? Just listen. Good.

alex crouvier

Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99

<> wrote in message

> you misunderstand alex. alex thinks the chinks in commie china are
> crazy and japs need to lighten up. but as a dago, i must say there is
> a great deal of moral hypocrisy and fear among the liberal hollywood
> types that figure they must asskiss and favor certain racial groups
> while shitfacing others.

There is nothing more painful than looking at Susan Sarandon screaming free
expression at the conservative's outrage at that shock art in Brooklyn
Museum (the one involving crap and Virgin Mary). Both liberals and
conervatives are monkeys, they seem to ignore the simple fact that the
stupid painting is a piece of shit.

alex crouvier

Oct 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/30/99

Arrakis <> wrote in message

> Asians are considered the threats not African Americans.Read "The Bell
> Curve"?Ever walked around the campuses of Harvard,MIT,Stanford,etc.?Ever
> travelled in the Far East?Sorry but Asians regard Americans and whites
> as Americans and whites regard blacks,latinos,etc.-with a superior
> attitude.

this is not abt chinese people worship. This is abt Hollywood selectionism
or whatever crap-ism you can come up to nail this triple-tongued hypocrisy.
chinese people have no manners because it is not important for them to be
polite. they use weaker people, swindle, despite American stereotype are
lazier, believe in the worst in people, and completely unpleasnat when they
have little Western education. But at least they are honest. The younger
generation girls prefer to be married to a life of IKEA comfort that FIGHT
CLUB is vaguely attacking and Ritz-Carlton luxury (read: comfortable
blandness -- for the slow ones), money, status, power, fame, all those good
stuff. These baby-faced cuites have nothing but insecurity as they think abt
their generations 5,000 years ahead. They have no faith in the human
spirit, therefore the lack of major inventions by the so-called
super-intelligent Chinese. They rather wait for Americans, nutcase
Frenchmen, brave Northern Europeans with vision and passion for the new
social, political and technological breakthroughs. Just my observations.
Derek, a fly went into your mouth. Do hee-hee

Ana B.

Oct 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/30/99
Dear film lovers,

Thanks for your continuing support! This week we have a few new bits for

The festival starts on November 3rd and FilmWorld will have the most
comprehensive coverage on the Web. From Friday 29th October reviews will
start to be posted on our site, starting with our tips on what's hot. Be
sure to checkout the site over the Festival period as there will be some
celebrity chats as well on news from behind the scenes!!!


1.BOWFINGER: UIP/Universal have kindly donated 10 goody bags, which include
a limited edition poster, a soundtrack CD a baseball cap and a T-shirt. The
format as you should all know is to answer this simple question.

Which Eddie Murphy film did Axel F produce the Soundtrack for?

A: 48 hours
B: Trading Places
C: Beverly Hills Cop

2.BLAIRWITCH: The Witch has finally arrived in the UK and Pathe have given
us exclusive merchandise to give away. These include Blair Witch shoulder
bags, T-shirts and emblem pins.

To enter the draw, answer the following simple question:

On what date in 1994 did the three student filmmakers in The Blair Witch
Project disappear?
A: 31st October
B: 21st October
C: 1st April

As of 11th November, all the James Bond films will be back on video ! The
price will be £12.99 and we are working on a pre-order section to the site
over the week-end, so make sure you check in with us soon.

Meanwhile, we have added over 250 videos and DVDs to our database over the
past week, so if you are thinking of buying a present . . . check out our

Kind Regards


Oct 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/30/99
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Sook, Sook, Sook, Sook, Sook. Why don't
you stop watching adult oriented movies and stick to watching Disney or
cartoons. Watch the movie for what it is and shut up your "oh my god
this is a racist movie attitude crap" You want redemption, go watch
American History X. This movie tells how truly bad the white man is
and how the black man and every other race was 'perverbally shit on' by
the white man. This ain't no complaint about American History X now
mind you, its just an example. In my opinion, and I'm sure you want to
hear it (if you don't stop reading now) the Lethal Weapon series is
probably the only series of 4 movies that had four GOOD movies.
American History X was one of the best damn films I have ever seen. I
am a 27 year old white male and I enjoy the finer things in life like
the comedy portrayed in the Lethal Weapon series (albeit, it was pointed
at minority groups) but I also enjoyed the seriousness of the X film.
And if I'm not mistaken, I do believe that dangerous minds was a film
that shit on the white man was it not. Its actually enlightening to see
that someone still has the guts to produce a film like Lethal Weapon. I
say 'nay' to the censorship. You knew what you were in for when you
watched it. You made your bed now lie in it.


Oct 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/30/99
In article <7veomu$fhb$>,




Oct 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/30/99
On Sat, 30 Oct 1999 12:35:42 GMT, wrote:
> Lethal Weapon series is
>probably the only series of 4 movies that had four GOOD movies.

That is, if good means bad. LW1 is fair, but after that they are
pointless cash ins on the success of the first.


Todd "I'm getting too old for this shit" McNeeley

email: mcneeley at donet dot com

Oct 31, 1999, 2:00:00 AM10/31/99
In article <>,

i say there is a simple solution to this. total free expression that
shitfaces everyone. but people like sarandon don't give a shit about
free expression if there was painting called 'dogdoo martin luther
king'. in fact, the museum would never even have considered displaying

i remember in the early 90s that the chicago art museum REMOVED a
painting of black mayor harold jiveass washington in women's garments
YET, BUT YET, BUT YETTY YETTY YET... the museum refused to remove an
artwork by some black guy that amounted to the American Flag being
placed on the floor to be walked on. In that incident, the president
of the art museum publicly cried and defended free expression at all
costs!! what a fucking hypocrite.

and at university of illinois in urbana champaign, they blocked off a
statue that showed a gorilla carrying a woman because blacks protested
against it.
so all this freedom of expression is total bullshit, a complete
hypocrisy. i say either remove or display all offending arts, but do
NOT play favoritism.

Dragan Antulov

Oct 31, 1999, 2:00:00 AM10/31/99

TheRuggedOne wrote in message

>Was it Lethal Weapon 2 or 3 that had the evil South African plot? You
>the one where the South Africans were running drugs?

>What? You're not familiar with the infamous South African drug
>Well, if you've got to dig up some evil bad-guys, there was no more
PC group
>to pick on than white South Africans. And who cares what kind of
>scheme you attach to them? It's always going to be PC.

Actually, LW2 plot was inspired with the real life case of former
Yugoslav vice-consul who had been arrested and indicted for jewel
smuggling in late 1980s (unlike LW2 consul, he had been denied
diplomatic immunity, due to some clever legal shenanigans). The man
was released on bail and during the trial judge ordered the jury not
to watch LW2. It worked in defendant's favour - he was found not
guilty. Later he unsuccessfully tried to cash in his Dreyfuss-like by
running for Bosnian presidency in 1990.

Dragan Antulov a.k.a. Drax
Fido: 2:381/100


Nov 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/1/99
There are fairly extraordinary technological breakthroughs in medecine ( AIDS
research particularly ), computer technology, ...etc. etc. which are due to the
hard work, dedication and commitment by people of Chinese origin who work in the
U.S. or in U.S. funded labs. It is not lack of "human spirit" but opportunity
and facilities available, for example, in China that is probably responsible not
the people themselves. How can you expect major inventions to come from a land
where the people are repressed under an iron rule of Communism. Invention can
thrive only in an atmosphere of freedom, which is why most of the invention
takes place here, in the U.S. All other nations are incredibly backward or
repressed to a high degree. How can you invent anything in such places when your
daily struggle is for, you know food to eat, clothes to wear, etc. etc. - basic
necessities which people here take for granted. The same goes for Russia. What
great inventions have we seen from the Soviets. Sure, they put people in space.
However, I still doubt whether they could have landed people on the moon. Does
that make all Russians lack "human spirit". I don't see where you're going

alex crouvier

Nov 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/2/99

Karran <> wrote in message

> How can you invent anything in such places when your
> daily struggle is for, you know food to eat, clothes to wear, etc. etc. -
> necessities which people here take for granted. The same goes for Russia.
> great inventions have we seen from the Soviets. Sure, they put people in
> However, I still doubt whether they could have landed people on the moon.
> that make all Russians lack "human spirit". I don't see where you're going
> here..

Russians are generally as repressed as the greaseball chinese but look at
them, they could put people on space station (though i am not a big fan of
outer space buck rogers progress). If i have to pick one country to drop one
atom bomb it will be China. It is what, 2 billion people of no intention of
living a life, no human spirit, only greed and bad manners. OK, we will let
the best chefs from Canton and Northern area survive 'cos I couldn't live
with spring season crispy ducks, snake broth, and dim sum. The rest?
Exterminate. Highest consumption of coal. Highest illiteracy. Highest
numbers of gold-digging, intolerant, racist, close-minded, materialistic
"hard-up for silly American brands and husbands" self-righteous "We are the
superrace" squatters with no taste in fashion and other basic grooming. They
are ugly, flat-faced bunch with a sneer and insecurity and leering after
fine European women. Do you know there is a poodle of fluids in front of a
squatter whenever a European woman walk past him?

Nov 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/2/99
In article <>,

Karran <> wrote:
> There are fairly extraordinary technological breakthroughs in
medecine ( AIDS
> research particularly ), computer technology, ...etc. etc. which are
due to the
> hard work, dedication and commitment by people of Chinese origin who
work in the
> U.S. or in U.S. funded labs. It is not lack of "human spirit" but
> and facilities available, for example, in China that is probably
responsible not
> the people themselves. How can you expect major inventions to come
from a land
> where the people are repressed under an iron rule of Communism.
Invention can
> thrive only in an atmosphere of freedom, which is why most of the
> takes place here, in the U.S. All other nations are incredibly
backward or
> repressed to a high degree. How can you invent anything in such

places when your
> daily struggle is for, you know food to eat, clothes to wear, etc.
etc. - basic
> necessities which people here take for granted. The same goes for
Russia. What
> great inventions have we seen from the Soviets. Sure, they put people
in space.
> However, I still doubt whether they could have landed people on the
moon. Does
> that make all Russians lack "human spirit". I don't see where you're
> here..

you're very much right. but america has the advantage of being an
haven for jews, who can't be beat in the arena of wits and intellect.

i say if asia wants to have better scientists, every asian country
should invite 1000 jewish guys to boff asian women and create half
jewish kids who will then spread the einstein genes among the broader

Nov 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/2/99
In article <>,

"alex crouvier" <> wrote:
> Karran <> wrote in message
> > How can you invent anything in such places when your
> > daily struggle is for, you know food to eat, clothes to wear, etc.
etc. -
> basic
> > necessities which people here take for granted. The same goes for
> What
> > great inventions have we seen from the Soviets. Sure, they put
people in
> space.
> > However, I still doubt whether they could have landed people on the
> Does
> > that make all Russians lack "human spirit". I don't see where
you're going
> > here..

alex, why are you lampooning the great gaza? i thought i was reading
one of my deranged diatribes.

Helen & Bob

Nov 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/2/99

alex crouvier wrote:

> Russians are generally as repressed as the greaseball chinese but look at
> them, they could put people on space station (though i am not a big fan of
> outer space buck rogers progress). If i have to pick one country to drop one
> atom bomb it will be China. It is what, 2 billion people of no intention of
> living a life, no human spirit, only greed and bad manners. OK, we will let
> the best chefs from Canton and Northern area survive 'cos I couldn't live
> with spring season crispy ducks, snake broth, and dim sum. The rest?
> Exterminate. Highest consumption of coal. Highest illiteracy. Highest
> numbers of gold-digging, intolerant, racist, close-minded, materialistic
> "hard-up for silly American brands and husbands" self-righteous "We are the
> superrace" squatters with no taste in fashion and other basic grooming. They
> are ugly, flat-faced bunch with a sneer and insecurity and leering after
> fine European women. Do you know there is a poodle of fluids in front of a
> squatter whenever a European woman walk past him?

But Alex, its better than being in AmeriKa, is it not???

Nov 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/2/99
In article <>,

yah, it much fun for chinee to pick up sledgy hammer and sing 'i being
working on railroad' for 5 cent a day.

alex crouvier

Nov 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/3/99
helen & bob may very well be our resident witch-hunters who encourage their
neighbors not to rent INVASION OF BODY SNATCHERS.

I am a citizen of the world. I don't see national boundary, racial boundary,
religious boundary or any kind of boundary. I only see the line that
separates the sheep from the progressives.

Helen & Bob <> wrote in message

Helen & Bob

Nov 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/3/99
Alex. Your response bears no relation to my question. I will count it among the
"non-response" section.
You seem to really enjoy living in Asia.

alex crouvier wrote:

> helen & bob may very well be our resident witch-hunters who encourage their
> neighbors not to rent INVASION OF BODY SNATCHERS.
> I am a citizen of the world. I don't see national boundary, racial boundary,
> religious boundary or any kind of boundary. I only see the line that
> separates the sheep from the progressives.

> Snip snip of a long post that bears no repeating.

Roland Lee

Nov 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/4/99
Dragan Antulov ( wrote:

: Actually, LW2 plot was inspired with the real life case of former

: Yugoslav vice-consul who had been arrested and indicted for jewel
: smuggling in late 1980s (unlike LW2 consul, he had been denied
: diplomatic immunity, due to some clever legal shenanigans). The man
: was released on bail and during the trial judge ordered the jury not
: to watch LW2. It worked in defendant's favour - he was found not
: guilty. Later he unsuccessfully tried to cash in his Dreyfuss-like by
: running for Bosnian presidency in 1990.

Are you sure about this? I thought that the original villains in LW2
were supposed to be Colombian drug dealers but Danny Glover complained
about how every film being made had Colombian drug dealers as villains
and suggested having South Africans as the villains.

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

Roland S. Lee
Materials Science and Engineering
University of Pennsylvania

simon leung

Nov 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/4/99
petty little 'man' with no self esteem.

take care. wrote:

> In article <>,

> > But Alex, its better than being in AmeriKa, is it not???
> > Bob
> >
> >

simon leung

Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
Petty little half-wit, with no self esteem.
Hey, it's ok. Being unintellingent is actually reversable.
You go to school and learn. It's that simple!

Take Care and God Bless.
Replying to this post will make you even more stupid.
Now, THAT should be interesting........... wrote:

> In article <>,

> wrote:
> > petty little 'man' with no self esteem.
> >
> > take care.
> >

> thanks. i am deeply moved when someone notices me for what i am--a
> loser with no self-esteem--but still cares about his fellow man enough
> to add 'take care'.
> well, take care simon linglongfong. but next time, me no likee too
> muchee bean sproutie on my flied lice.


Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
to wrote:
> In article <>,
> wrote:
> > petty little 'man' with no self esteem.
> >
> > take care.
> >
> thanks. i am deeply moved when someone notices me for what i am--a
> loser with no self-esteem--but still cares about his fellow man enough
> to add 'take care'.
> well, take care simon linglongfong. but next time, me no likee too
> muchee bean sproutie on my flied lice.
> Sent via
> Before you buy. is a loser: a stupid, retarded, lonely person in
the Chicago area who is starved for attention and feel a need to belong.
He turns to anime. But he can't deal with the fact that he is loser.
That's why he get all crabby and spew anti-asian racist insults. Gaza
starts acting nasty as a defense mechanims when he realizes ...
ohhh, nobody loves him.

Truly a despicable troll. Luckily this is all a virtual situation
and internet users dont have to clean his diaper. Its best to ignore
this stupid loser troll who blubber with his hate mongering.

Nov 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/6/99

Nov 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/6/99
In article <>, wrote:
> Petty little half-wit, with no self esteem.
> Hey, it's ok. Being unintellingent is actually reversable.
> You go to school and learn. It's that simple!
> Take Care and God Bless.
> Replying to this post will make you even more stupid.
> Now, THAT should be interesting...........

why did nixon go to china? to get his suit drycleaned.

Homer Simpson

Nov 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/6/99
simon leung <> wrote in message

> Petty little half-wit, with no self esteem.
> Hey, it's ok. Being unintellingent is actually reversable.
> You go to school and learn. It's that simple!

It's a little difficult for him to learn, he's had a lobotomy since birth.

> Take Care and God Bless.
> Replying to this post will make you even more stupid.
> Now, THAT should be interesting...........

Ad Astra Per Aspera
A Rough Road Leads To The Stars

Rob Kelk

Nov 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/6/99
noname wrote:
> wrote:


> is a loser: a stupid, retarded, lonely person in
> the Chicago area who is starved for attention and feel a need to belong.
> He turns to anime. But he can't deal with the fact that he is loser.
> That's why he get all crabby and spew anti-asian racist insults. Gaza
> starts acting nasty as a defense mechanims when he realizes ...
> ohhh, nobody loves him.
> Truly a despicable troll. Luckily this is all a virtual situation
> and internet users dont have to clean his diaper. Its best to ignore
> this stupid loser troll who blubber with his hate mongering.

And *why* was this cross-posted to rec.arts.anime.misc? Let me guess:
"gaza" claimed he's the representative of r.a.a.misc, and you actually
believed what a troll told you. (That's usually why replies to s/h/it's
messages get crossposted to r.a.a.misc.)

Many, if not most, of the "regulars" on r.a.a.misc want nothing at all
to do with "gaza". Please do NOT crosspost messages about this troll to
that newsgroup.

(r.a.a.misc removed from "Followup-To" line.)

Rob Kelk

Nov 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/6/99
In article <>, wrote:

> wrote:
> >
> > In article <>,
> > wrote:
> > > petty little 'man' with no self esteem.
> > >
> > > take care.
> > >
> >
> > thanks. i am deeply moved when someone notices me for what i am--a
> > loser with no self-esteem--but still cares about his fellow man
> > to add 'take care'.
> >
> > well, take care simon linglongfong. but next time, me no likee too
> > muchee bean sproutie on my flied lice.
> >
> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.
> is a loser: a stupid, retarded, lonely
person in
> the Chicago area who is starved for attention and feel a need to
> He turns to anime. But he can't deal with the fact that he is
> That's why he get all crabby and spew anti-asian racist insults. Gaza
> starts acting nasty as a defense mechanims when he realizes ...
> ohhh, nobody loves him.
> Truly a despicable troll. Luckily this is all a virtual situation
> and internet users dont have to clean his diaper. Its best to ignore
> this stupid loser troll who blubber with his hate mongering.

what i want to know is who crossposted my crazy rantings on the movie
ngs to the anime ng where my reputation has been spotless.

Nov 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/6/99
In article <>,

Rob Kelk <> wrote:
> noname wrote:
> >
> > wrote:
> <snip>
> > is a loser: a stupid, retarded, lonely
person in
> > the Chicago area who is starved for attention and feel a need to
> > He turns to anime. But he can't deal with the fact that he is
> > That's why he get all crabby and spew anti-asian racist insults.
> > starts acting nasty as a defense mechanims when he realizes ...
> > ohhh, nobody loves him.
> >
> > Truly a despicable troll. Luckily this is all a virtual situation
> > and internet users dont have to clean his diaper. Its best to
> > this stupid loser troll who blubber with his hate mongering.
> And *why* was this cross-posted to rec.arts.anime.misc? Let me
> "gaza" claimed he's the representative of r.a.a.misc, and you actually
> believed what a troll told you. (That's usually why replies to
> messages get crossposted to r.a.a.misc.)

hey kelk, shut up. i never mentioned r.a.a.m in this crazy asian
movies ng. i mean i want to maintain my sterling reputation among you

80-watt Hamster

Nov 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/6/99
Hatemongering which you are not helping by degenerating into near
mindless insults of your own. You don't have to like the guy, but
fighting fire with fire gets one nowwhere. Oh, and killfiles and
message filters are godsends for people who are easily incensed by
persistent trolls. Just a thought.

noname wrote:
> is a loser: a stupid, retarded, lonely person in
> the Chicago area who is starved for attention and feel a need to belong.
> He turns to anime. But he can't deal with the fact that he is loser.
> That's why he get all crabby and spew anti-asian racist insults. Gaza
> starts acting nasty as a defense mechanims when he realizes ...
> ohhh, nobody loves him.
> Truly a despicable troll. Luckily this is all a virtual situation
> and internet users dont have to clean his diaper. Its best to ignore
> this stupid loser troll who blubber with his hate mongering.


The 80-watt Hamster
Now flame-resistant!

80-watt Hamster

Nov 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/6/99
Spotless reputation on the anime newsgroup? That's a good one. Your
rep here is as bad or worse than probably anywhere else. Guessing, of
course. There's no real way I can back up that claim... wrote:
> what i want to know is who crossposted my crazy rantings on the movie
> ngs to the anime ng where my reputation has been spotless.


Dragan Antulov

Nov 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/7/99

Roland Lee wrote in message <7vsdgf$ipd$>...
>Dragan Antulov ( wrote:

>: Actually, LW2 plot was inspired with the real life case of former
>: Yugoslav vice-consul who had been arrested and indicted for jewel
>: smuggling in late 1980s (unlike LW2 consul, he had been denied
>: diplomatic immunity, due to some clever legal shenanigans). The man
>: was released on bail and during the trial judge ordered the jury
>: to watch LW2. It worked in defendant's favour - he was found not
>: guilty. Later he unsuccessfully tried to cash in his Dreyfuss-like
>: running for Bosnian presidency in 1990.

>Are you sure about this? I thought that the original villains in LW2
>were supposed to be Colombian drug dealers but Danny Glover
>about how every film being made had Colombian drug dealers as
>and suggested having South Africans as the villains.

Maybe. But I remember reading about the jury being instructed not to
watch the movie.

Nov 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/8/99
In article <7vfbk4$miq$>,
"TheRuggedOne" <> wrote:

> The white man is the devil.
If this is so then you'd better watch it cause the devil's 1000 year
reign is close at hand.


Nov 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/8/99
On Sat, 30 Oct 1999 14:01:04 -0400, "TheRuggedOne"

<> wrote:
>The white man is the devil.

Yes yes, I know...

But WHICH white man? There are several you know...


Todd "kept down by The Man" McNeeley

Turiyan gold

Nov 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/9/99
On Sat, 06 Nov 1999 07:55:54 GMT, wrote:

>> Petty little half-wit, with no self esteem.
>> Hey, it's ok. Being unintellingent is actually reversable.
>> You go to school and learn. It's that simple!

>> Take Care and God Bless.
>> Replying to this post will make you even more stupid.
>> Now, THAT should be interesting...........

>why did nixon go to china? to get his suit drycleaned.

Brings new meaning to "eat my shorts". A little extra starch on


"Popular religion can be summed up as respect for
ecclesiastics." -- Spinoza

"When you stop believing in me, you will become me" -- Buddha

"One man rules better than several that come close to being one"
-- Thomas aquinas

"There exist no class distinctions in education." -- Confucious Analects Verse 22

Nathanial kai-po

Nov 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/10/99
Actually, the devil might not be a man. Personally, my vote goes
to Kathy Lee Gifford. No explanation needed.
Bill Clinton comes a close second. How else can you explain him
getting voted into office and still remaining in office after possibly
committing every sin possible?
Othe possible candidates include Jesse, Jackson, Al Sharpton,
Barney the Dinosaur, Pokemon and judge Judy.

hassani youssouf&toko suzuki

Dec 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/18/99
Talking about bad manner just read the text below ,my friend
0 new messages