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12 de fev. de 2009, 14:22:5012/02/2009
Saudi Wahhabis are Unique Muslims
Dr. Sami Alrabaa
Family Security Matters
February 9, 2009

Unless you are an Arab, or someone who speaks Arabic very well and
have lived in Saudi Arabia for a while, you might not be aware of the
following facts and practices from Saudi Arabia and Wahhabi
communities across the globe.

Even the majority of expatriates who live in Saudi Arabia, some of
them for years, do not speak Arabic, have hardly any contact with the
local population, and consequently know very little about what is
really going on in Saudi Arabia.

Foreign reporters who want to report from Saudi Arabia are carefully
selected. Friendly reporters are preferred. After they arrive in Saudi
Arabia, they are accompanied by Saudi officials from the Ministry of
Information. These reporters are shown what the Saudis want them to

First of all, Saudi Arabia, the cradle of Islam, does not have a
codified criminal law and modern courts do not exist. Usually it is a
cleric or the police who pass verdicts against criminals. Besides, the
King and his clan are the law. They rule whimsically, supported by
Wahhabism, a stone-age Islamic version of Islam.

The daily Al Madeena reported on January 8, 2009, “The head of
Najran’s city council (unelected) issued the following verdicts: A man
who beat his wife until she died receives one and a half year prison
sentence and 200 flogs. Two young men who stole a sheep receive a
sentence of three years and 2,000 flogs.”

A Saudi practicing Muslim does not shake hands with a woman. Touching
her hand stirs his sexual lust and that is haram (sinful).

Also, a Saudi practicing Muslim never uses his left hand to eat,
drink, or give somebody something with it. It is unhygienic. He uses
it to wash his buttocks after defecating.

Women in Saudi Arabia must veil themselves from head to toe in public.
Also, a woman must be accompanied by a close relative in public,
otherwise she is branded as a prostitute and very often is snapped by
the Mutawas (Morality police) and detained. Saudi women are forced to
wear a niqab (face veil).

Further, a Saudi woman is not allowed to perform any public
transaction: economic, financial, or administrative, without the
approval of a male relative – husband, father, or brother.

The Saudi Sheikh Saleh Al-Lehadan, head of the Supreme Judiciary
Council, told Al Watan Daily, (December 2, 2008) “Women who are raped
by men are themselves to blame. They provoke men by the way they dress
or walk.”

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where men can marry
several women or divorce them in their absence. All a man needs to
marry a woman is the two witnesses of his choice. To divorce a woman,
he simply needs to go to the highest religious authority in his
district. For more details, check out the book Karin in Saudi Arabia.

Almost every Saudi household has at least one maid from the
Philippines, Sri Lanka, and India. The majority of them are cheap
labor and are often abused sexually by their male employers. They are
forced to work for 24 hours, seven days a week for meager $60-$70 a
month. Many of them never see any money for years. After that, or
after getting pregnant, they are deported to their home countries.

Prince Salman, the Governor of Riyadh, told Al Madeena Daily (November
20, 2008), “It is a minority that abuse housemaids.” This, however,
contradicts the latest report of the International Labor Organization
(ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland, (2008), which says that over 80% of
Saudi families abuse maids and treat them like slaves.

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that teaches hatred,
violence, and bigotry against non-Muslims at its schools. School
textbooks are filed with texts that are politically and socially
incorrect. Even mathematics books teach these things. Here is a Saudi
school quiz: 19 Muslims kill 2,979 infidels (with reference to 9/11).
How many did each of them kill? Check out “Saudi Textbooks Incite to
Hatred and Violence.”

The same books are printed and funded by Saudis for schools in
Pakistan, Indonesia, and madrassas in Deoband (in India) and

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that does not allow
followers of other faiths to have their own temples. Even wearing the
Christian cross in a necklace is forbidden. Its owner may be charged
with proselytizing and could face flogging or deportation. On the
other hand, Saudi Arabia has funded the erection of mosques all over
the world, and spends billion of dollars on Islamic centers across the

For example, King Fahd Academy, which was funded and opened in Bonn,
Germany in 1995 and cost $20 million, was recently closed because it
was teaching violence and hatred by staff from Saudi Arabia. However,
the “House of Islam” near Frankfurt, which is also funded by the
Saudis, is still teaching a Saudi curriculum.

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that obliges non-Muslim
women who marry a Muslim man to first convert to Islam. Muslim women
are not allowed at all to marry a non-Muslim, unless he also converts
to Islam.

Where on earth would the police prevent rescuing school girls who were
caught by fire because they were not covered by their own clothes from
head to toe? In Mecca, July 2002, the Saudi morality police blocked
rescuing girls whose school was in flames. And why? The girls could be
photographed “half-naked.”

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that enforces gender
apartheid in all walks of life.

Saudi TV teaches children to hate the Jews. On a program for children
(October 12, 2008), the presenter of the program asked a seven-year
old girl if she hates the Jews. The girl, veiled from head to toe,
said, “Yes, I do.” “Why?” The girl said, “Because the Jews fought our
prophet Muhammad. Even Allah hates them.”

Interest earned on money is also haram (sinful) in Islam. It is riba
(usury). To bypass this, the so-called Islamic banks use the word
murabaha (shared profit). In practice, it is the same as ordinary
interests, but it is packed in a harmless Islamic term. Check out
“Conservative Muslims and Die Hard Socialists Feel Vindicated by the
International Financial Crisis.”

Saudi Arabia has the highest military expenditures in the Middle East.
According to United States' Central Intelligence Agency's World
Factbook, Saudi Arabia spent $ 31,050,000,000 on arms purchase in
2008. Israel, the mightiest military power in the Middle East, on the
other hand, spent $13,300,000,000.

Luckily, Saudi Arabia does not use its military arsenal to fight
Israel – not because it does not want to do so, but because it does
not have the qualified manpower. Military experts believe the weapons
remain unpacked and rust in the desert. With its generous military
purchases, the Saudi regime pleases the arms industry in the West,
which in return rallies support for the Saudi regime among influential
Western politicians.

As a corruption case was disclosed, related to an arms deal (of $20
billion) for Saudi Arabia in which Bandar, the son of the Saudi Crown
Prince Sultan was implicated, Tony Blair did everything possible to
cover up the case, namely, “for national interests.” Check out BBC for
more details.

Saudi Fatwas (religious edicts):

Ali Al Khudhair, a Saudi Imam in Riyadh approved of telling lies if
that helps advancing Islam in a Friday preach (April 4, 2008).

The imam of Mecca, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais said on June 6, 2008,
“Perfume is forbidden in Islam. Neither men nor women should use it.
Perfume attracts the devil that makes you commit sins.”

Abullah Al Najdi, another Saudi imam, told Al Riyadh Daily (July 14,
2008), “Football is haram, (sinful) in Islam. It is an infidels’ fad.
Fighting for a ball and later celebrating a victory is senseless.”

According to the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia, the voice of
a woman is also a sexual organ. She is not allowed to talk directly to
non-relative males. Therefore, when a woman calls the Saudi radio to
take part in a talk show, she is not dialogued by a man, but by a

Sheikh Saleh Al-Lehadan also promulgated that “learning a language
other than Arabic, the language of the holy Koran, is un-Islamic. It
is an insult to our religion. It is obvious that those children who
learn English, for example, grow up liking non-Muslims, and this is a
grave mistake. You know that we should minimize our contacts with non-
Muslims to the lowest limit possible. That is what our Prophet, peace
be upon him, and the holy Koran teach us.”

Sheikh Saleh Al Fozan, another Saudi influential cleric has said on
different occasions that it is haram (sinful) for a Muslim to visit an
infidel country, for any reason. “These countries are decadent and
filled with devils which seduce men and women.” He said this on Saudi
TV (June 6, 2008).

At any rate, some Saudi families spend their vacations in Arab
countries like Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Syria – especially in the
summer, fleeing the heat of their own country. Women usually go
shopping, and men sit down in cafes and gaze at women. Interest in
culture does not exist.

The majority of Saudi men who travel to the West spend most of their
time and money on chasing prostitutes.

According to the majority of Saudi clerics, music, dancing, and poetry
are haram (sinful). The only book Muslims must read is the Koran. And
the only “music” they must listen to is recitations of the Koran.

A hatred-inciting education system and lack of contact with the
secular world in terms of books and culture have generated a fanatic
population. The majority of Saudi dissidents are more fanatic than the
Al Saud regime. There are very few secular Saudi dissidents, like Ali
Alyami, Ali Al Ahemd, and Mai Al Yamani.

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that applies the Sharia
law – a combination of Koran and Hadeeth – as long as it suits the
regime. It must be stressed here that the Sharia law is a repressive,
hate- and violence-inciting, and discriminatory doctrine. For more
details, click here.

All that being said, we should not wonder that 15 of the 9/11
terrorists were Saudis. To add insult to injury, the Saudi regime
calls for interfaith dialogues with Christian and Jewish leaders.
Check out: “Saudis Call for Interfaith Dialogue is Hypocritical.”

Sadly, and despite all the above and because of oil and Saudi Arabia’s
geo-political significance during the Cold War and thereafter, the
West has supported this country and still supports it.

While the West does not miss any opportunity to blast the abysmal
human rights records of China, Russia, North Korea, and Zimbabwe, it
ignores the atrocious human rights record of Saudi Arabia.

If Saudi Arabia did no have so much oil, the world community would
perhaps ignore it like it ignores Somalia. But the regime in Riyadh
cannot be ignored. It is filthy rich and dangerous. The Al Saud clan,
for decades now, has funded and is still funding Islamic fanaticism
across the globe.

The war on terror does not make sense in its present state and will
remain futile unless the West combats the root causes of terrorism,
namely, Saudi Arabia. The West is fighting the tip of the iceberg.

FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor Dr. Sami Alrabaa, an ex-
Muslim, is a professor of Sociology and an Arab-Muslim culture
specialist. Before moving to Germany he taught at Kuwait University,
King Saud University, and Michigan State University.


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