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Race of baby killers

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Feb 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/3/00

Bureau of Justice Statistics
Homicide trends in the United States

Homicide rates per 100,000 for children under age 5 by race

White Black Other
1976 2.3 10.3 3.0
1977 2.2 10.4 2.1
1978 2.4 10.6 2.6
1979 2.2 8.7 4.2
1980 2.3 9.3 2.3
1981 2.4 8.4 2.4
1982 2.5 9.5 3.1
1983 2.2 9.6 2.6
1984 2.3 8.1 2.0
1985 2.3 8.1 1.4
1986 2.5 11.5 2.3
1987 2.4 8.6 2.3
1988 2.4 10.2 1.3
1989 2.6 9.2 2.2
1990 2.5 9.3 2.0
1991 2.7 11.3 2.9
1992 2.4 9.8 1.7
1993 2.4 11.6 2.8
1994 2.6 10.6 2.1
1995 2.6 9.3 1.7
1996 2.8 10.4 2.4
1997 2.3 8.7 2.3

Source: FBI, Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-97.
See the methodology section in Additional Information About
the Data for weighting and imputation procedures used.

Unlike the energizer bunny, the jungle bunny is going no where fast.
No igual al conejo energizer, el conejo de la jungla no va a ningun
lugar rapido.
©2000 elfatvis

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Ron Drake

Feb 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/3/00
In article <fhmm4.3772$>,
elfatvis <> wrote:

Number of homcides of children under age 5 by race

Year White Black Other Total
1976 300 239 11 550
1977 286 242 8 536
1978 310 248 10 568
1979 293 208 17 518
1980 315 231 11 557
1981 328 213 13 554
1982 355 247 18 620
1983 311 254 16 581
1984 328 213 13 554
1985 330 216 10 556
1986 361 308 17 686
1987 350 234 17 601
1988 357 282 10 649
1989 386 263 18 667
1990 379 274 17 670
1991 409 343 26 778
1992 371 304 16 691
1993 371 362 28 761
1994 413 329 21 763
1995 404 287 18 709
1996 424 307 25 756
1997 351 255 25 631
1998 367 258 14 639


Feb 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/3/00
In article <fhmm4.3772$>,
"elfatvis" <> wrote:

> Bureau of Justice Statistics
> Homicide trends in the United States

> Homicide rates per 100,000 for children under age 5 by race
> White Black Other
> 1976 2.3 10.3 3.0
> 1977 2.2 10.4 2.1
> 1978 2.4 10.6 2.6
> 1979 2.2 8.7 4.2
> 1980 2.3 9.3 2.3
> 1981 2.4 8.4 2.4
> 1982 2.5 9.5 3.1
> 1983 2.2 9.6 2.6
> 1984 2.3 8.1 2.0
> 1985 2.3 8.1 1.4
> 1986 2.5 11.5 2.3
> 1987 2.4 8.6 2.3
> 1988 2.4 10.2 1.3
> 1989 2.6 9.2 2.2
> 1990 2.5 9.3 2.0
> 1991 2.7 11.3 2.9
> 1992 2.4 9.8 1.7
> 1993 2.4 11.6 2.8
> 1994 2.6 10.6 2.1
> 1995 2.6 9.3 1.7
> 1996 2.8 10.4 2.4
> 1997 2.3 8.7 2.3

> Source: FBI, Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-97.
> See the methodology section in Additional Information About
> the Data for weighting and imputation procedures used.

99.9% plus of Negroes in the United States were not among the 8.7 rate in 1997.


Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
On Thu, 03 Feb 2000 14:43:42 -0800 Ron Drake <>

Hey, that's pretty good for you niggers being less than 13% of the
population you commit murder almost as good as White people who
are 83% of the population. Thanks for pointing that out.


Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
On Thu, 03 Feb 2000 23:11:50 GMT (M.McGill) wrote:
> In article <fhmm4.3772$>,
> "elfatvis" <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Bureau of Justice Statistics
> > Homicide trends in the United States
> >
> >
> >
> > Homicide rates per 100,000 for children under age 5 by race
> >
> > White Black Other
> > 1976 2.3 10.3 3.0
> > 1977 2.2 10.4 2.1
> > 1978 2.4 10.6 2.6
> > 1979 2.2 8.7 4.2
> > 1980 2.3 9.3 2.3
> > 1981 2.4 8.4 2.4
> > 1982 2.5 9.5 3.1
> > 1983 2.2 9.6 2.6
> > 1984 2.3 8.1 2.0
> > 1985 2.3 8.1 1.4
> > 1986 2.5 11.5 2.3
> > 1987 2.4 8.6 2.3
> > 1988 2.4 10.2 1.3
> > 1989 2.6 9.2 2.2
> > 1990 2.5 9.3 2.0
> > 1991 2.7 11.3 2.9
> > 1992 2.4 9.8 1.7
> > 1993 2.4 11.6 2.8
> > 1994 2.6 10.6 2.1
> > 1995 2.6 9.3 1.7
> > 1996 2.8 10.4 2.4
> > 1997 2.3 8.7 2.3
> >
> > Source: FBI, Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-97.
> > See the methodology section in Additional Information About
> > the Data for weighting and imputation procedures used.
> >
> >
> 99.9% plus of Negroes in the United States were not among the 8.7 rate in 1997.

You niggers are good at finding excuses, but not near as good at
finding solutions. Look at the stats again McGilla, it's year after
fucking year after fucking year. It never fucking ends. Let's look at
the range why don't we?

Lowest White rate was 2.2 per 100,000 for years, '77, '79, and '83.
Highest White rate was 2.8 per 100,000 in '96.

Lowest Black rate was 8.1 per 100,000 in '84 and '85.
Highest Black rate was 11.6 in '93.

Lets look at the mode. Do you know what the mode is? It's the value
that occurs the most.

White mode is 2.4 per 100,000. It occures six times in the years '78,
'81, '87, '88, '92, '93.

Black mode is 9.3 per 100,000. It occured three times in the years '80,
'90, '95.

You're getting pretty lame, McGilla.

Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
Brother Fatelvis,

What seems to be your take on the cause(s) of the higher rates?

Is it genetic, environmental or socio-economical? What about the
ability of the defendent to mount a defense; does that play apart in the
higher rate?

If we were to include the number of abortions per race each year, what
would you estimate the rates would be?

Let's talk solutions.


Sent via
Before you buy.


Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 16:59:31 GMT wrote:
> Brother Fatelvis,
> What seems to be your take on the cause(s) of the higher rates?

I believe it is a lack of civilization, low IQ, inability to understand
the needs of infants and children, propensity towards violence, just to
name a few.

> Is it genetic, environmental or socio-economical? What about the
> ability of the defendent to mount a defense; does that play apart in the
> higher rate?

These are arrest rates, not conviction rates. Somewhere, somehow, a
child died, and someone, grand jury, police, doctors, etc. thought the
death suspicious.

> If we were to include the number of abortions per race each year, what
> would you estimate the rates would be?


52% of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than 25: Women aged
20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions, and teenagers obtain 20%.

2/3 of women having abortions intend to have children in the future.

While white women obtain 60% of all abortions, their abortion rate is
well below that of minority women. Black women are more than 3 times as
likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are
roughly 2 times as likely.

Women who report no religious affiliation are about 4 times as likely
as women who report some affiliation to have an abortion.

Catholic women are 29% more likely than Protestants to have an
abortion, but are about as likely as all women nationally to do so.

2/3 of all abortions are obtained by never-married women.

On average, women give at least 3 reasons for choosing abortion: 3/4
say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other
responsibilities; about 2/3 say they cannot afford a child; and 1/2 say
they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with
their husband or partner.

About 14,000 women have abortions each year because they became
pregnant after rape or incest.

> Let's talk solutions.

What solutions do you propose?

Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
You've made some thought provoking comments, but I cannot talk to you
further about this while you maintain that tagline about the "Jungle
Bunny" in your email.

If you have notice, I will strenously disagreeing with some of your
opinions, I have never disparaged you individually or the White race as
a group. If you are truly superior, show it! Drop the tagline and I will
talk to you more about solutions..

Hint: I squarely behind Shelby Steele and his thoughts on many of the
issues that confront the Black community.



Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 20:47:11 GMT wrote:
> You've made some thought provoking comments, but I cannot talk to you
> further about this while you maintain that tagline about the "Jungle
> Bunny" in your email.

Looks like it's going to be pretty quiet in here.

> If you have notice, I will strenously disagreeing with some of your
> opinions, I have never disparaged you individually or the White race as
> a group. If you are truly superior, show it! Drop the tagline and I will
> talk to you more about solutions..

Tag line stays as does the Confederate Battle Flag on the State House
in South Carolina.

> Hint: I squarely behind Shelby Steele and his thoughts on many of the
> issues that confront the Black community.

That's good Dratster. The community could use more like you.

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