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First Hillary, now Bradley kiss Sharpton's ass, where's Gore?

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B9 Predator

Feb 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/7/00
So I see Bradley, the self admitted ex-NBA negrophile, made the pilgrimage to
kiss the feet of Al Sharpton. First Hillary, now Bradley........and the media
asks, how long before Gore swallows his pride and goes slinking off to worship
at the teat of nigger racism.
I can only imagine the media onslaught that would occur if all the GOP
candidates paid homage to the likes of David Duke and Tom Metzger. But liberal
Democretins seem to be born with immunity to accusations of racism, just like
niggers seem to be born with a Democrat voter registration card (sometimes
several, which they use often on election day).

Nobody is *really* fooled by guys like Sharpton judging by the comedy skit on
Mad TV where a nigger dressed up to look like Sharpton sings the Rolling Stones
song "Dancin' in the Streets" with a black choir. But the words go like this:

......"It means a free TV, for you and me, Riotin' in the Streets"
"In Philadelphia PA"
(Riot in the Streets)
"And in the Motor City"
(Riot in the Streets)
"I see devastation, across the nation, A chance for folks to get beat"
(Riot in the Streets)

Clark Magnuson

Feb 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/7/00
"I don't care about no Facts!" Al Sharpton on TV news.


Feb 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/7/00
In article <>, Clark Magnuson
<> wrote:

> "I don't care about no Facts!" Al Sharpton on TV news.

B9 Predator summed up his purpose on USENET below On Wed, 06 Oct 1999:

In article <>, B9 Predator wrote:

> On Wed, 06 Oct 1999 05:29:24 GMT, (M. McGill) wrote:
> >
> >**By your reasoning it sounds like you are saying tuberculosis is mostly
> >affecting the non-white population of Russia. Do you have any sources to
> >support that?
> >
> **Sources? Who gives a fuck! I'm here to ridicule not educate.

Clark Magnuson

Feb 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/7/00
Would you be surprised if Hillary and Bradley visited B9P?

"M.McGill" wrote:
> In article <>, Clark Magnuson
> <> wrote:
> > "I don't care about no Facts!" Al Sharpton on TV news.
> B9 Predator summed up his purpose on USENET below On Wed, 06 Oct 1999:

> > **Sources? Who gives a fuck! I'm here to ridicule not educate.


Feb 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/18/00
What. Does that mean that some people, why even some national politicians, are
still giving an ear to this piece o' black trash? much for the twits
who argue that nobody listens to Sharpton.


Feb 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/18/00
>>clockwft wrote:

[in response to discussion of the recent meetings between Gore and H. Clinton
w. the Fat Al and a person's claim that noone listens to him.]

>>What? Does that mean that some people,

>why even some national politicians, are still
>giving an ear to this piece o' black trash?

>Wayne wrote:

>Piece of "what" trash?
Here we go there a professional in the field of Remedial Reading in
the house?

>Are you saying that his ancestry has some-
>thing to do with it?

That his ethnicity/culture has something to do with the side-show of Moral Hot
Air he peddles around? Yep.....

That his "trashy-ness" is centered on his concept of his racial, ethnic and
cultural self? You betcha...

>> much for the twits who argue that
>>nobody listens to Sharpton.

>I see that you do.

Just enough to know that, as one watches his audience, P. T. Barnum's phrase is
alive and well.
>"I don't"

Some things you can't sell.

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