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Bye Bye klan

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Sausage Fingaaz!

Dec 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/19/99

Impaling wrote:

> How about the latest in the series of klan flops...some local klan member
> wanted to hold some kind of cheerleading rally in Pittsburgh this past weekend
> (you know, like they tried in NY and other places).  At least in the other
> places they got 5 or 6 big tough klan assholes to show...this fucking loser in
> Pittsburgh couldn't even get ONE other sheet wearing pile of shit to join
> about a dying breed...can't say that they'll be missed...not by
> whites or blacks...good riddance to the slime of the earth...


Harry rhe Hardhat Sez

Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99

I'm glad that in your ignorance, you think the KU KLUX KLAN is dead.
It just shows how stupid you really are. If the KLAN is dying, then
how do you explain the fact that the feds and the jews are pouring
more money now than ever, into trying to supress what they are saying?
Could it be that instead of dying, groups like that are really
growing? If this weren't true, then the jew run media would not be
spending so much time, money and effort in the feeble attempt at
putting them down. If nothing else, the massive effort that these
assholes, (the feds and jews that is), are putting into it, just shows
me that the KLAN is stronger than all of you dimwitted niggers thinks.
But then, what do you expect from nogs ayway!!


Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99
Hmm, lets see the courts have gone against the klan cowards, the chapters are dying
out... maybe its me but something about kicking the enemy when they're down springs
to mind. Finally a good time to eradicate your kind from we True Americans. Oh btw,
you'll find we True American's will accept even you into our community so long as
you renounce your ways.

Harry rhe Hardhat Sez

Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99

I take it then, that you believe the first amendment is not for

On Wed, 29 Dec 1999 16:46:30 -0500, BrokenArrow <>


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
I've got to in God's name did you derive that?! I'm at a loss to see how you
made the jump from the kkk ( better know now as domestic terrorists) to 1st Amendment
freedoms. Which the people of your ilk don't support for everyone. The kkk aren't about
free speech and they historically never have been, I'm sure anyone who's seen the old
lynch mod pictures will tell you that....
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