California Ranks Public Schools
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- California ranked its nearly
7,000 public schools for the first time Tuesday as part of an
ambitious attempt to boost dismal test scores, and those with
high numbers of minority and poor children drew the lowest
The state also broke down student performance on
achievement tests by certain demographic factors. Black,
Hispanic and poor students scored well below the median
ranking, while white and Asian students were above it,
according to a computer-assisted analysis by The Associated
Press. [--snip--]
DAFNs Flunk the Course, Again....
ROTFLMWAO! In industry terms, that's called a no brainer.
Unlike the energizer bunny, the jungle bunny is going no where fast.
No igual al conejo energizer, el conejo de la jungla no va a ningun
lugar rapido.
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Talkway - - Talk more ways (sm)
> On Tue, 25 Jan 2000 16:48:19 -0800 Big Don <> wrote:
> >
> > (URL good for one day before AP dumps it)
> >
> > California Ranks Public Schools
> >
> > SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- California ranked its nearly
> > 7,000 public schools for the first time Tuesday as part of an
> > ambitious attempt to boost dismal test scores, and those with
> > high numbers of minority and poor children drew the lowest
> > marks.
> >
> > The state also broke down student performance on
> > achievement tests by certain demographic factors. Black,
> > Hispanic and poor students scored well below the median
> > ranking, while white and Asian students were above it,
> > according to a computer-assisted analysis by The Associated
> > Press. [--snip--]
> >
> >
> DAFNs Flunk the Course, Again....
> ROTFLMWAO! In industry terms, that's called a no brainer.
These Negroes didn't flunk the course:
Intelligence: Diversity
When Blacks Excel
Chicago has many predominantly black schools which score at state
average, Detroit has some largely black magnet schools that score at
the 85th percentile. There are very few instances of samples of
blacks who normally score at the 20th percentile scoring at the 85th,
but at least one example, the Barclay School in Baltimore does exist.
If you want my opinion, "intelligence" is the same as "smart" just
like there are persons with lots of money, and those with little.
- Shuey shows some tests were blacks are close, or
above 100
(4) Blacks in New York and Boston are equal to grade level in some
grades, equal to 100 IQ by definition. Some schools that are
mostly black in Chicago also perform at the 50th percentile.
(8) "A better idea" The Economist Dec 2, 1995 p. 23 Barclay public
school in Baltimore Md. emulates a tough private school to achieve 85
percentile math scores with 90% black students, 82% free lunch who
previously were scoring 20-30 percentile. Superintendent was fired
who had opposed "rich black man's curriculum" inappropriate for poor
>>f121495: \doc\95\14\barclay.txt "A better idea" The Economist Dec
2, 1995 p. 23 Barclay public school in Baltimore Md. emulates a
tough private school to achieve 85 percentile math, 80 reading scores
with 90% black students, 82% free lunch who previously were scoring
20-30 percentile. Superintendent was fired who had opposed "rich
black man's curriculum" inappropriate for poor students. It used lots
of homework, drilling, spelling tests, world history, literature, and
art, and must be adept at writing reports, creative essays and
letters by the age of 11. (85% is good enough to get into the
University of California system, or UC Berkeley with affirmative
action) , = 116 IQ
\doc\94\17\iqpercnt.wk1 - IQ vs. percentiles
Table 5.5 Equivalent Percentile Ranks WAIS Full Scale IQ
Scores (Ages 16 to 60)
IQ style scale is also often called as "standard score"
>From IQ Textbook (sorry, forgot to write down tthe title)
p. 125, 128
IQ Percentile
50 0.40
62 0.50
64 0.80
66 1.10
68 1.60
70 2.20
72 3
74 4
76 5
78 7
80 9
82 11
84 14
86 17
88 21
90 25
92 30
94 34
96 40
98 45
100 50
102 55
104 60
106 66
108 70
110 75
112 79
114 83
116 86
118 89
120 91
122 93
124 95
126 96
118 97
130 97.80
132 98.40
134 98.90
136 99.20
138 99.50
140 99.60
Classification IQ Limits Percentage
Retarded 65 and below 2.20
Borderline 70-79 6.70
Dull-normal 80-90 16.10
Average 91-110 50.00
Bright-normal. 111-119 16.10
Superior 120-127 6.70
Very Superior 128 and over 2.20
Table 5.3 Intelligence Classification of WAIS IQ's - Ages 16
to 75 (Actual)
Classification IQ Limits Percentage
Retarded 69 and below 2.20
Borderline 70-79 6.70
Dull-normal 80-89 16.10
Average 90-109 50.00
Bright-normal. 110-119 16.10
Superior 120-129 6.70
Very Superior 130 and above 2.20
Another throw-money-at-the-muds whiggerwhine....
Walter Williams
Killing the messenger --
IN 1995, ONLY 465 BLACK HIGH-SCHOOL SENIORS, out of 103,872 taking the
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), scored 650 or higher on the
verbal portion.
On the math portion, 1,437 scored higher than 650. By comparison, out
of 674,343 white test-takers, 36,700 scored 650 or higher on the verbal
portion; 51,306 scored 650 or higher on the math part. Out of
81,514 Asian test takers, 2,513 scored 650 and higher on the verbal
portion; 9,454 scored 650 and higher on the math portion.
Upward of 75 percent of students admitted to the nation's 58 elite
colleges such as Harvard, Yale, MIT and Stanford have combined SAT
scores of 1200 or 1300 or higher. If black students were to be admitted
to these elite colleges, on the same academic terms as
white and Asian students, there'd be no more than 50 or so at each
Of course, there are many more. Harvard University, for example, hasn't
admitted fewer than 100 black students in any given year since 1970.
That means these colleges admit black students whose academic
achievement is lower than others who are admitted. That might partially
explain why, nationwide, 74 percent of black students haven't graduated
after five years.
The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has issued
the following dictum: "The use of any educational test which has
significant disparate impact on members of any particular race,
national origin, or sex is discriminatory, and a violation of Title
VI and/or Title IX respectively, unless it is educationally necessary
and there is no practical alternative form of assessment which meets
the education institution's needs and would have a less disparate
That means colleges and universities using the SAT (or ACT) as a part
of their admissions process, will be summoned to the Department of
Education and given the third-degree. The Department of Education
will strive to ultimately outlaw the use of SAT and the punishment at
their disposal is cutting off federal research grants and tuition aid.
That's just what we need -- more educational dumbing-down. And it's
being done by stealth, out of the sight of the American people. Black
people should raise hell about the U.S. Department of Education's
demeaning arrogance. Educational fraud has already made high-school
diplomas held by blacks virtually meaningless. Now Clinton's Department
of Education gang wants to begin a policy that undermines the
credibility of college degrees held by blacks.
SAT scores aren't meant to measure intelligence or whether one will
ultimately be successful in life. The SAT is designed to predict a
student's class standing at the end of his freshman year. So far as
blacks are concerned, the SAT tends to overpredict -- predicts a
standing higher than achieved. Low SAT scores are primarily the result
of fraudulent public-school education and lower family values placed on
education. The solution to the educational fraud is competition and
parental choice. But the U.S. Department of Education, in cahoots with
the education establishment, fights tooth and nail to maintain our
corrupt education monopoly.
As for choosing a college, what should a black parent, or any parent,
do? Don't allow your child to attend a college where the average
student SAT score is 200 points or more higher than his. It's
flattering to a parent to receive an acceptance letter from Harvard,
Yale or MIT, but graduating from a second tier college is better than
being academically mismatched and flunking out of a first-tier college.
You say, "Williams, but what's Harvard, Yale and MIT going to do about
racial diversity?" I say: "That's their problem. Black parents have no
duty to provide school mascots."
If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.
You are ONE DUMB blind fuck I tell you! Notice the terms POOR,
MINORITY. Don't you have enough BRAIN cells to realize that the only
reason Whites and Asians do better is because they have the MONEY to
PREPARE for these courses! Not only do they have the MONEY like $800
and $900 dollars to pay for PREP courses, they attend schools where
teachers are paid more, better curriculim materials, computers, and
courses that are added to the school curriclums that allow for the well
off kids to get PROPER preparation to take these tests and do well on
them. Name any LOW INCOME schools with all of these available resources
to them. the low income school can't even afford to pay the GOOOOD
teachers that are immedialtey shuffled to the well of schools and
neighborhoods. I;m telling you, is this the only way for you to feel
good about being a looser RACE cracker? Yep, paper tests is about all
the Cracker can feel good about since he has nothing else to but make
everything look good in his favor. And look at what you have to do to
do well on them -- take PREP courses. And don't give me that shit --
"we don't have to take prep courses" because if you didn't UTILIZE
them, they'd be out of business -- looks like the SAT and other prep
courses are still in business and making GOOD money yearly -- off who I
wonder? Not the LOW iNCOME POOR minorities who don;t do as well. Get
some REAL pride asshole!
> ROTFLMWAO! In industry terms, that's called a no brainer.
And its called NO BRAINER that this is all a Cracker has to rejoice
in. Stats that are made for him by him. Pluheese. Your people aren't
shit -- they can't even build a country by themselves (hence THE BLACK
SLAVES). And the only reason you let the Asians over here is because
they are smarter than you and they provide all the technology that your
race is unable to come up with yourselves, but rather MAKE White money
to buy them off. PA fucking THETIC! (spitt)
Sent via
Before you buy.
Big Don wrote:
> (URL good for one day before AP dumps it)
> California Ranks Public Schools
> SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- California ranked its nearly
> 7,000 public schools for the first time Tuesday as part of an
> ambitious attempt to boost dismal test scores, and those with
> high numbers of minority and poor children drew the lowest
> marks.
> The state also broke down student performance on
> achievement tests by certain demographic factors. Black,
> Hispanic and poor students scored well below the median
> ranking, while white and Asian students were above it,
> according to a computer-assisted analysis by The Associated
> Press. [--snip--]
Pretty well mirrors the state of affairs in th U.K. where our schools
have been ranked in 'league tables' for some years now.
You don't have to be a fucking genius to realise that kids from poorer
areas perform less well than wealthier kids.
The reason those poor white kids scored just as poorly is because
IQ is related to financial success and is inherited. It stands to reason
that those poor kids, black, white or green come from low IQ
parents. Read the Bell Curve.
Craig Anderson wrote:
> If this is a racial issue and not a social issue, then why did all the poor
> white kids score just as poorly as the minorities? Wake up, bigots -- the
> problem is environmental obstacles and a lack of hope!
> Big Don wrote in message <>...
When was the last time you took a college math or science course? The next
time you attend a college commencement service, look at the math/science
graduate section. You'll see Whites, Asians, and some Hispanics. See if
you can find even ONE black getting a math or science degree. They're not
worth a shit in those fields, and it doesn't matter whether they grew up
rich or poor.
Keep in mind that there are poor Whites in Appalachia and poor Hispanics in
the Southwest, and they don't commit crimes, especially murder, at anywhere
near the rate that blacks do, regardless of whether they grow up in a ghetto
or Bel Air......
> Craig Anderson <> wrote in message
> news:ozqm4.11960$
> > If this is a racial issue and not a social issue, then why did all the
> poor
> > white kids score just as poorly as the minorities? Wake up, bigots -- the
> > problem is environmental obstacles and a lack of hope!
> When was the last time you took a college math or science course? The next
> time you attend a college commencement service, look at the math/science
> graduate section. You'll see Whites, Asians, and some Hispanics. See if
> you can find even ONE black getting a math or science degree. They're not
> worth a shit in those fields, and it doesn't matter whether they grew up
> rich or poor.
> <snip>
David Blackwell (a negro)
born: April 24, 1919 in Centralia, Illinois.
In 1979 Blackwell won the von Neumann
Theory Prize (the Operations Research Society of America). Though most
(but not all) of Blackwell's work was in Statistics, his work exhibits a
strong "theoretical"mathematics background.
he one the von Neumann Theory Prize, a top prize for older mathematicians.
John von Neumann Theory Prize
A prize is awarded annually to a scholar (or scholars in the case of
joint work) who has made fundamental, sustained contributions to theory
in operations research and the management sciences. The award is given
each year at the Spring National Meeting if there is a suitable
recipient. Although the prize is normally given to a single individual,
in the case of accumulated joint work, the recipients can be multiple
The Prize is awarded for a body of work, typically published over a
period of several years. Although recent work should not be excluded,
the Prize typically reflects contributions that have stood the test of
time. The criteria for the prize are broad, and include significance,
innovation, depth, and scientific excellence.
The award is $5,000, a medallion and a citation.
1979 David Blackwell
The list of black mathematicians is short and it doesn't seem to be
growing very rapidly. Blackwell thinks that many people are just more
ambitious than he is. "Black people go in other directions. Black people
are going into the professions: law, medicine, and business. I sort of
understand that: there's more security. There's more certainty of having
a fair income in those areas than there is in mathematics. [There are a
number of examples of] black people who have had considerable
mathematical talent but went into law."
Intelligence: Diversity
When Blacks Excel
>>f121495: \doc\95\14\barclay.txt "A better idea" The Economist Dec
>Craig Anderson <> wrote in message
>> If this is a racial issue and not a social issue, then why did all the poor
>> white kids score just as poorly as the minorities? Wake up, bigots -- the
>> problem is environmental obstacles and a lack of hope!
>When was the last time you took a college math or science course? The next
>time you attend a college commencement service, look at the math/science
>graduate section. You'll see Whites, Asians, and some Hispanics. See if
>you can find even ONE black getting a math or science degree.
BTDT and, yes, there were black candidates.
>Keep in mind that there are poor Whites in Appalachia and poor Hispanics in
>the Southwest, and they don't commit crimes, especially murder, at anywhere
>near the rate that blacks do, regardless of whether they grow up in a ghetto
>or Bel Air......
Not true in S. Central LA, or in a lot of other cities.
Al - aklein at villagenet dot com