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Even though blacks made up only 12%....

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Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00
The Department of Defense has released figures on
the percentage of participation of various ethnic groups and the
percentage of casualties each group suffered. Blacks, who make
up 12 percent of the U.S. population, made up 24.5 percent of
military personnel deployed to the Gulf. Black personnel of all
branches who died in combat or non-combat situations represented
15 percent (182) of the total casualties in the war. Whites, who
made up 66 percent of the U.S. forces in the theater accounted
for 78 percent of the deaths. Hispanics, who were 5 percent of
the forces, accounted for 4 percent of the deaths, and Asian-
Americans, less than two percent of the force, made up less than
one percent of the deaths. (6)
6. Duke, Lynn. "Fewer blacks than expected died in war,
Pentagon figures show." Philadelphia Enquirer. March 22,
1991, p. 15A.
Blacks made up the highest rate of United States military personnel
fighting for our country.


Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00

> Blacks made up the highest rate of United States military personnel
> fighting for our country.


getting into the military is not particularly difficult, you know...what
does this supposedly prove?


Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00
What you missed was the fact that they ARE there serving as some of
America's best opposed to the 8.8% who commit crimes. The
bright side, learn to look on it....


Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00
Say that during our next war....

Oh also I didn't say that...ret. Senator John Glenn did...I copped it off of
him. He's one who knows and has known more people who put on the uniform and do
their duty than you ever will or ever have...

And your "right side" is the only one you choose see, if you put the blinders
on...I can't take them off for you, you'll have to want to see it .

There's your truth, you deal with it....

krossfader wrote:

> my dear friend,
> i have met plenty of military people, and i can only smirk sarcastically
> when you refer to them as the "best citizens"
> here is the fact YOU are missing: military people are no better (or worse)
> on the average than civilian folk...
> i will gladly look on the bright side, but if and only if it is the RIGHT
> side
> The truth, learn to deal with it....
> Broken_Arrow <> wrote in message


Feb 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/6/00


Feb 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/6/00

Broken_Arrow <> wrote in message

> Say that during our next war....

i said it during our last couple of wars, so i just might say it the this what i SHOULD say: "yes, thank goodness for the military,
or my house and family may have fallen to the Serbs / Somalis / Panamanians
/ etc..."?

the men and women who REALLY saved our ass came from all classes - military
and civilian - during the wars that mattered...the WW's...and many of them
were drafted or joined after the war had started (ie, non-professional
military) recent years, the military has "saved" me from Noriega,
Hussein, and whatever jerk ruled Grenada and the many jerks who claimed to
rule Somalia...yeah, i was REEEAAALLLL scared of those guys invading my
neighborhood...."thank god the glorious army saved me from the panamanian
military juggernaut!!!! god bless 'merica!!!!"

gimme a freakin' break...the military (recently) has done NOTHING for
me...when they do - and they might - THEN i will give them the credit they
EARN...people who join the military are pledging to follow certain orders
from certain people, and if they do, then they are ONLY DOING THEIR
JOB...nothing more

> Oh also I didn't say that...ret. Senator John Glenn did...I copped it off
> him. He's one who knows and has known more people who put on the uniform
and do
> their duty than you ever will or ever have...

oh, John Glenn said it, therefor it's true??? (as if a career military man
could say anything ELSE other than "the military is great") ...and he is
"right" because he's met more people in uniform than i have?? please, get
real....if i were to find someone who thinks Hitler was great, would you
have to believe him JUST because he actually MET Hitler?? of course not....

what about the marines who gang-raped the 12 year old okinawan girl?
...what about the army (?) man who was beaten to death because he was gay?
etc,etc... how can you say that military people are any better than the rest
of us? for every military hero you name, i can name a scumbag - just like in
the civilian population.

i'm not trying to insult the dad was an air force man and my
best friend is a navy man - but they will be the first to agree: military
people are no more moral / wise / kind / etc than civilian
fact, if you believe my navy friend, they are worse....sorry mr. glenn, but
not ALL military folk are exemplary, and anyone who cares to see the truth
will know that....

> And your "right side" is the only one you choose see, if you put the
> on...I can't take them off for you, you'll have to want to see it .

oh, i get it...i don't agree with you, therefor i wear "blinders"?????
grow up, man...

> There's your truth, you deal with it....

you gave me only OPINION, sir/ma'am...if you choose to paint the military
with a ridiculously broad brush, then that is your perrogative, but don't
expect me to accept your conclusions - i choose to deal with people on a
person by person basis - i give them no credit or blame according to what
"club" they belong to (race, gender, age, occupation, etc....), but deal
with them as individuals...and, in my experience, individuals who happen to
be in the military are NO DIFFERENT/BETTER/WORSE than the rest of us...



Feb 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/6/00
The below is a repost from a conversation I had with Rick D. Exalted
Cyclops; American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. He had asked me about a
South Carolina Klansman named BAMK, who use to frequent Usenet several
months ago. BAMK said the only blacks he had full respect for was the ones
he served with in Vietnam in the Marine Corps. Here is the repost:

In article <>, (Sir Mutt) wrote:

> Got a question for ya.... Do you remember a guy that use to use the nic
> BAMK ? (Big and Mean Kluxer) If so, have you seen him around in any of
> the NG's or anywhere ? I was offline for a few months & just now
> remembered him. I was kinda curious as to what ever happened to him.
> Rick D.
> American Knights
> of the
> Ku Klux Klan

Rick I know who you are talking about, but I haven't seen him around
anywhere in several months. He was in the Marine Corps, a Klansman and he
was intelligent.

I have a certain respect for BAMK (_Big And Mean Kluxer) because even
though he is a kluxer he was able to articulate his beliefs in an
intelligent manner. (Kluxer also said he had a certain respect for me).
Kluxer admitted their were some great black men who he served with in the
Marine Corps in Vietnam who proved themselves in battle to him. Kluxer
said he had FULL RESPECT for those black men and wouldn't even mind if
they had WHITE WOMEN.

The below was from BAMK:

From: (Big_and Mean_Kluxer)
Subject: Re: A word for McGill
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 09:21:30 -0400 (EDT)
Organization: WebTV Subscriber

I must admit a certain respect (albeit grudgingly given) for you as
well, McGill.

Most of those men I spoke of are dead, and knew well that they were
going to die as they performed their actions. Some of them, along with
myself, were lucky enough to survive. I speak, of course, of Viet Nam in
the last months. We were all fresh out of boot camp, and had been sent
into a hell that was already a lost cause.

Those were noble men, of many colors. If your people had alot more men
like them, their would be no need for what is wrongly called "racism".
Unfortunately for those like you, your kind is mostly made up of those
like "kixit". In other words, loud-mouthed, lazy, ignorant, criminal,
cowardly niggers whose place IS behind prison bars, or (even better)
dead. Of course, "kixit" might be some white-trash spouting off, but
he/she/it is typical of how niggers act.


Feb 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/6/00
interesting story...really!!

but, what's your point?

M.McGill <> wrote in message


Feb 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/7/00
In article <Ncbn4.4518$>,
"krossfader" <> wrote:

> interesting story...really!!
> but, what's your point?

Blacks in the Military impressed this die hard Klansman more than any
other Blacks he had met. According to him some of the best men in America
he had met were in the Military. Just one opinion. That was according to
him. According to my military experience generally speaking the quality of
people in the military are a little higher on average than the general
civilian population IMHO. But there are bad ones in the military just as
in the civilian population. Although you said getting in the military is
not particularly difficult there are standards that tend to weed out some
of the general civilian population. Such as:

1. They must pass MEPS full physical, medical, dental screening, and urinalysis.

2. Pass the ASVAB.

3. Pass a background check.

4. Make it through Boot Camp.

Military Boot Camp has been described as Survivial of the fittest. Some
recruits said that the regimen of the training seemed like a process of
weeding out, whereas the DIs see it as challenging people to rise to the
occasion and tough it out.

5. And once in they must conform to the UCMJ, or get discharged.

6. Also during time of War they must show courage in the face of danger.

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