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Asian woman white male fettishizer comes clean

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charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/11/99
This sounds like someone with sour-grapes, Asian women should be able to
date whom they want. I lived in Hawaii for many years, these same "geeky"
Asian men, (your description not mine) were fascinated with White Blonde
hair, blue eyed women. As for Filipino women most cannot be classified as
"Asian". Most are Spanish mixed, and Negrito. A small percentage have Asian
in them from the lost fishermen or sailors that were swept down into the
Philippines Islands. Philippine language is based on Malay and Spanish
words. Nagasalita tagalog ka?

"C-GOD" <> wrote in message
> Thought this was interesting...
> Willing dehumanization
> Bye, Bye, Madame Butterfly
> Carmela Logroño Guerrero
> Asian fetishes. If you're an Asian American woman like me, you've probably
> been there: a non-Asian guy wants to date you because he thinks you're
> "exotic" or because he's "really into Buddhism." Maybe he assumes youUre
> some timid geisha girl, placed on this earth to fulfill his wildest
> fantasies. Even though many of us Asian women are born and raised in the
> U.S.A., we still carry with us the stigma of the passive, obedient,
> traditional "butterfly," popularized by American war stories, Asian sex
> tours, and a slew of myths about the "mysterious East."
> In spite of this, many of us Asian women continue to date non-Asian men,
> especially Whites. Economic and war-torn devastation are far removed from
> our daily lives. We don't ever think of submitting our photos to a Cherry
> Blossoms mail-order bride catalog. And a lot of us don't need a great
> hope to rescue us. But--even though we criticize White men for having
> fetishes--a significant number of us (often exclusively) date White men.
> don't date Asians," a lot of Asian women say. "I just don't find them
> attractive."
> Are we as Asian American women subconsciously rejecting our culture? Or
> we simply exercising our rights to date whomever we choose? Well, it
> depends. In America, where many of us live in White neighborhoods and go
> White schools, trying to fit into Western society plays a big role in our
> choices. Many Asian women who are brought up here are first-generation. My
> parents, for example, came from the Philippines believing in the American
> Dream. And it seemed like White people were the ones who set the standard
> for us to reach. In some ways, being American is synonymous with being
> White. In the midst of balancing two cultures, it's often Western ideals
> images which influence Asian women the most, including our dating
> Like everyone else, we learn to idolize the blond football captains, the
> Brandon Walshes, and the Robert Redfords.
> Compounding this is the fact that while Asian women are labeled as exotic,
> Asian men are portrayed as duds. They usually appear in popular culture as
> small-penised computer geeks, sheeplike Japanese tourists with cameras,
> servants in coolie hats, or helpless, hapless convenience store owners.
> of the most memorable Asian "icons" was Long Duck Dong from the movie
> Sixteen Candles, and that doesn't say much.
> White men, on the other hand, are portrayed as chiseled and virile. So
> women go for what we perceive to be a "catch," or what appears to be a
> up. (Tellingly, there seem to be more Asian women dating White men than
> Black men. To some of us, moving up the economic and social ladder often
> means distancing ourselves from Blackness, as well as from our own "color"
> with its minority associations).
> Also, there are hardly any images of Asian women in the media. Face it--it
> can be flattering when a White man finds you attractive, especially if you
> grew up stuck with a "quiet, studious, and undatable" reputation. All of a
> sudden, you are appreciated and made visible by the very group that has
> you invisible, and that may have once rejected you.
> Does this suggest that Asian women have a "Caucasian fascination?" In the
> Filipino community, there is an assumption that if you marry White, your
> children will be beautiful. With beliefs like these, I can't help but
> if there's a mutual fetishizing going on.
> Perhaps every interracial relationship has an element of the fetish in it.
> After all, how many couples are attracted to each other solely on the
> of personality? This doesn't take away from the destructiveness of being
> objectified and stereotyped. And this doesn't mean that sincere love and
> respect can't be formed between a White man and an Asian woman. But if
> going to study this complex phenomenon, we have to be realistic, and look
> it from both sides.
> As Asian women, we can't necessarily stop White men from having Asian
> fetishes. We can, however, examine our own motives when choosing a
> One thing that helped me was to trash my "White-men-only" dating criteria.
> Expanding our options to other cultures--including our own--can be one way
> of chipping away at the "White is right" mentality. Ultimately, the choice
> of whom to date is an individual one. Being loved for who you are beneath
> the surface is what really counts, no matter what race your man is. Just
> wary of the guy who asks you to lightly slap his ass with a silk fan, or
> anyone who is more intrigued by your Asianness than by your soul.
> anizations%2fhealthnet%2fWoC%2findex%2ehtml


Dec 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/11/99
I'm Not a geek for the record...

Douglas A. Yap

Dec 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/11/99

charley brown and Snoopy wrote:

 As for Filipino women most cannot be classified as
"Asian". Most are Spanish mixed, and Negrito. A small percentage have Asian
in them from the lost fishermen or sailors that were swept down into the
Philippines Islands.  Philippine language is based on Malay and Spanish

Majority of Filipinos still belong, genealogically speaking, to the South-east Asian group.   They are brown-skinned Malays whose language speak a distintly Malayo-Polynesian tongue.  Only a few Spanish loan words survived in their dialects.  For example, can you find a single Spanish word in "Nagsasalita ka na ba ng Tagalog?"  Of course not. I lived in RP for 23 years and that's a fact.  Only less than 1% are mesitzo Spanish and other Euro origins.    Unfortunately, I felt that most Filipinos, psychologically speaking, think of themselves as Westerners. 500 years of Spanish colonization is the culprit.  Filipinos were taught to be loyal subjects to "Mother Spain."  That's why ppl they always dream of marrying foreigners, regardless of the socio-economic background of these gweilo.

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/11/99
In the Bicol region I found a higher % of Spanish mixed Filipinos also the dialect in the province of Sorsogon was heavier in Spanish words (Albay too) Further north in Luzon you find more Maylay rootwords.  Of course this was the biggest sites of early Spanish settlements. Certain very old dialects were very heavy in Spanish syntax, but outside this provincial area unrecognizable. I found this very interesting, I learned Pilipine dialect of Tagalog as a Humanities credit. When I first traveled to these areas in Southern Luzon (Bicol) I found my Spanish to be more helpful in understanding certain dialects of Bicol. Jeez, that was years ago, I probably lost 90% of my bilinguals since then. I lived in the Philippines for awhile myself, it was a very beautiful place. Some day maybe I will go back.
"Douglas A. Yap" <> wrote in message

charley brown and Snoopy wrote:

 As for Filipino women most cannot be classified as
"Asian". Most are Spanish mixed, and Negrito. A small percentage have Asian
in them from the lost fishermen or sailors that were swept down into the
Philippines Islands.  Philippine language is based on Malay and Spanish

Majority of Filipinos still belong, genealogically speaking, to the South-east Asian group.   They are brown-skinned Malays whose language speak a distintly Malayo-Polynesian tongue.  Only a few Spanish loan words survived in their dialects.  For example, can you find a single Spanish word in "Nagsasalita ka na ba ng Tagalog?"  Of course not. I lived in RP for 23 years and that's a fact.  Only less than 1% are mesitzo Spanish and other Euro origins.    Unfortunately, I felt that most Filipinos, psychologically speaking, think of themselves as Westerners. 500 years of Spanish colonization is the culprit.  Filipinos were taught to be loyal subjects to "Mother Spain."  That's why ppl they always dream of marrying foreigners, regardless of the socio-economic background of these gweilo.

Douglas A. Yap

Dec 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/11/99
I don't know much Bicolano, but I've heard one person tallking. He's from Albay, and his dialect sounds like a combo of Tagalog, Waray (spoken in Samar-Leyte islands) and Cebuano.  Still I can pretty make sure that most sound Malayo-Polynesian.  Perhaps most of the mestizos you found in Sorsogon there are scions of hacienda (sugar plantation) owners.

The most Spanish of all Filipino dialects can be found in Zamboanga city, in the southern island of Mindanao.  They Spanish invented a creole language there to facilitate the building of a fort.  This fort was used as their base to conquer (but unfortunately didn't) the central regions of Mindanao which was in Muslim hands.

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/11/99
Yes, allot of Sugar cane (now rice) and coconuts were grown in this area. Also stone forts including old churches still stand in this region. I am most familiar with this area, Legaspi city was 6 hours away. Sorsogon was 2 hours and Matnog 1 hour away. I would love to take my metal detector back with me and search some of these areas. I bought land and a home in this area, (very cheap of course). One day maybe I will go back. I left in 1986 and never made it back. Cory Aquino was just put into office a few months before I left. I was there for the people power revolution, that was something else. This area of Bicol at the time became unsafe do to the activities of the NPA, I am not sure if this is still a problem.
"Douglas A. Yap" <> wrote in message
I don't know much Bicolano, but I've heard one person tallking. He's from Albay, and his dialect sounds like a combo of Tagalog, Waray (spoken in Samar-Leyte islands) and Cebuano.  Still I can pretty make sure that most sound Malayo-Polynesian.  Perhaps most of the mestizos you found in Sorsogon there are scions of hacienda (sugar plantation) owners.

The most Spanish of all Filipino dialects can be found in Zamboanga city, in the southern island of Mindanao.  They Spanish invented a creole language there to facilitate the building of a fort.  This fort was used as their base to conquer (but unfortunately didn't) the central regions of Mindanao which was in Muslim hands.

Jim Tsou

Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99

C-GOD wrote:

> Thought this was interesting...
> Willing dehumanization
> Bye, Bye, Madame Butterfly
> Carmela Logroño Guerrero
> Asian fetishes. If you're an Asian American woman like me, you've probably
> been there: a non-Asian guy wants to date you because he thinks you're
> "exotic" or because he's "really into Buddhism." Maybe he assumes youUre
> some timid geisha girl, placed on this earth to fulfill his wildest
> fantasies. Even though many of us Asian women are born and raised in the
> U.S.A., we still carry with us the stigma of the passive, obedient,
> traditional "butterfly," popularized by American war stories, Asian sex
> tours, and a slew of myths about the "mysterious East."
> In spite of this, many of us Asian women continue to date non-Asian men,
> especially Whites. Economic and war-torn devastation are far removed from
> our daily lives. We don't ever think of submitting our photos to a Cherry
> Blossoms mail-order bride catalog. And a lot of us don't need a great White
> hope to rescue us. But--even though we criticize White men for having Asian
> fetishes--a significant number of us (often exclusively) date White men. "I
> don't date Asians," a lot of Asian women say. "I just don't find them
> attractive."

The reason they don't want to date WMs with an AF fetish is that they
don't want to be constantly reminded they are Asian.

> Are we as Asian American women subconsciously rejecting our culture? Or are
> we simply exercising our rights to date whomever we choose? Well, it
> depends. In America, where many of us live in White neighborhoods and go to
> White schools, trying to fit into Western society plays a big role in our
> choices. Many Asian women who are brought up here are first-generation. My
> parents, for example, came from the Philippines believing in the American
> Dream. And it seemed like White people were the ones who set the standard
> for us to reach. In some ways, being American is synonymous with being
> White. In the midst of balancing two cultures, it's often Western ideals and
> images which influence Asian women the most, including our dating patterns.
> Like everyone else, we learn to idolize the blond football captains, the
> Brandon Walshes, and the Robert Redfords.

> Compounding this is the fact that while Asian women are labeled as exotic,
> Asian men are portrayed as duds. They usually appear in popular culture as
> small-penised computer geeks, sheeplike Japanese tourists with cameras,
> servants in coolie hats, or helpless, hapless convenience store owners. One
> of the most memorable Asian "icons" was Long Duck Dong from the movie
> Sixteen Candles, and that doesn't say much.
> White men, on the other hand, are portrayed as chiseled and virile. So Asian
> women go for what we perceive to be a "catch," or what appears to be a step
> up.

And yet in reality, you never see an AF with a "chiseled and virile" WM.
The typical WM the AFs date are pretty much the stereotypical AM. The
educated, dependable types... with the exception that he is white.

> (Tellingly, there seem to be more Asian women dating White men than
> Black men. To some of us, moving up the economic and social ladder often
> means distancing ourselves from Blackness, as well as from our own "color"
> with its minority associations).
> Also, there are hardly any images of Asian women in the media. Face it--it
> can be flattering when a White man finds you attractive, especially if you
> grew up stuck with a "quiet, studious, and undatable" reputation. All of a
> sudden, you are appreciated and made visible by the very group that has kept
> you invisible, and that may have once rejected you.
> Does this suggest that Asian women have a "Caucasian fascination?" In the
> Filipino community, there is an assumption that if you marry White, your
> children will be beautiful. With beliefs like these, I can't help but wonder
> if there's a mutual fetishizing going on.
> Perhaps every interracial relationship has an element of the fetish in it.
> After all, how many couples are attracted to each other solely on the basis
> of personality? This doesn't take away from the destructiveness of being
> objectified and stereotyped. And this doesn't mean that sincere love and
> respect can't be formed between a White man and an Asian woman. But if we're
> going to study this complex phenomenon, we have to be realistic, and look at
> it from both sides.
> As Asian women, we can't necessarily stop White men from having Asian
> fetishes.

Very few WM have AF fetishes. It is the AFs who have WM fetishes.


Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99

Jim Tsou

> The reason they don't want to date WMs with an AF fetish is that they
> don't want to be constantly reminded they are Asian.

The problem we are trying to solve is ourselves. White supremacy works only
because non-whites accept it. Historically they have been forced to accepted
by threat of violence. Once that fear of the violence was overcome ( as in
the UFW or the Civil Rights Movement) and mindset was correct...progress was

> And yet in reality, you never see an AF with a "chiseled and virile" WM.
> The typical WM the AFs date are pretty much the stereotypical AM. The
> educated, dependable types... with the exception that he is white.

I have seen AF with the chisle type...but these are the worst of the white
male fettishizers. The usually go all out with blue contact lenses and
*died* hair, like there stupid asses dont know they aint nordic. They look
like pathetically cheap porno queens. Needless to say the vast abyss that is
their innerself doesnt keep the interest of the chisled type. They usually
move on to the next screw and settle down with a nice Anglo girl for

> Very few WM have AF fetishes. It is the AFs who have WM fetishes.

Willing dehumanization...instead of the silence of the lambs...we have the
eagerness of the lambs...


Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99

charley brown and Snoopy

> This sounds like someone with sour-grapes, Asian women should be able to
> date whom they want.

Let me guess you are a white male that enjoys being on the receiving end of
the irrational fetish?

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99
I would not call it a fetish, since I own property in Hawaii, and spent most
of my life living there, lets see:
Hawaii=70% Asian
I have found many Asian women very nice and some not so nice.
The higher % of Asian's living in Hawaii equals a higher % of possible
potential partners. To let you in on a little secret. I was a martial arts
instructor and a certified personal trainer at Gold's Gym in Waikiki. I met
more Asian women in these facilities than you can shake a stick at. Most of
them grew up and were born in the USA, so any idea that they were of a
subservient, docile nature is false. I enjoyed the Asian women's sense of
family values, and their ambition to succeed in life. Those are the same
traits I have. Also the these same traits are found in Asian males, that is
also the major reason most of my friends were Asian males involved in
Martial arts or when I was in college, fellow Electronic Engineering

This Asian exotic fetish you talk about can be found in any K-bar or strip
joint found in Oahu. As for quality Asian women, health clubs or the beach
is a good place. I ran a Scuba-diving operation with my boat for awhile
which attracted hundreds of Japanese women (tourist) taking a vacation in
Hawaii.Thus, I still have a dozen pen-pals still in Japan.
I have lived in the Philippines, for years. (your parents country) I still
have land in the Bicol Province close to Matnog in Sorsogon.
I was always a member of the Fil-Am clubs, and we hosted many birthday
parties for Filipino children at my home. I am probably the Godfather of at
least 30 Filipino children and I helped build a new school and health center
in Irosin, Sorsogon. When a Typhoon wiped out allot of the rice crops in
1986 I bought sacks of rice for the poor farmers to feed their families.

I would hope my actions and continued support of Asian ideas, culture and my
Asian friendships all over this world would be classified as "friendships"
and not fetishes.

"C-GOD" <> wrote in message

> charley brown and Snoopy

> > This sounds like someone with sour-grapes, Asian women should be able to
> > date whom they want.


Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99
I believe the original post had the following to say:

"Ultimately, the choice
of whom to date is an individual one. Being loved for who you are beneath
the surface is what really counts, no matter what race your man is. Just be
wary of the guy who asks you to lightly slap his ass with a silk fan, or of
anyone who is more intrigued by your Asianness than by your soul."

She believes Asian women (or anyone for that matter) should date whom ever they want, and not what society deems what is attractive or a 'step up'.  She sounds like someone who has come to terms with her own views in the past about Asian men and she is opening up to Asian men.  It may sound sour to you, but it sounds sweet to me.

And let Filipinos define themselves.  Why are all these non-Filipinos always trying to tell them they are not Asian.  The Spanish and others have come to their country, taking it over, screwing up their identity and here these outsiders are still trying to tell them they are not Asian after these outsiders made it less Asian.

charley brown and Snoopy wrote:


Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99

charley brown and Snoopy <> wrote in message

> This Asian exotic fetish you talk about can be found in any K-bar or strip
> joint found in Oahu. As for quality Asian women, health clubs or the beach
> is a good place. I ran a Scuba-diving operation with my boat for awhile
> which attracted hundreds of Japanese women (tourist) taking a vacation in
> Hawaii.Thus, I still have a dozen pen-pals still in Japan.
> I have lived in the Philippines, for years. (your parents country) I still
> have land in the Bicol Province close to Matnog in Sorsogon.
> I was always a member of the Fil-Am clubs, and we hosted many birthday
> parties for Filipino children at my home. I am probably the Godfather of
> least 30 Filipino children and I helped build a new school and health
> in Irosin, Sorsogon. When a Typhoon wiped out allot of the rice crops in
> 1986 I bought sacks of rice for the poor farmers to feed their families

> I would hope my actions and continued support of Asian ideas, culture and

> Asian friendships all over this world would be classified as "friendships"
> and not fetishes.

How many of those relationships were sexual? (including the children)

BTW, I am not Filipino

A simple "Yes" would have done fine...

Douglas A. Yap

Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99

Santoki wrote:

> I believe the original post had the following to say:
> "Ultimately, the choice
> of whom to date is an individual one. Being loved for who you are
> beneath
> the surface is what really counts, no matter what race your man is.
> Just be
> wary of the guy who asks you to lightly slap his ass with a silk fan,
> or of
> anyone who is more intrigued by your Asianness than by your soul."

I agree.

> She believes Asian women (or anyone for that matter) should date whom
> ever they want, and not what society deems what is attractive or a
> 'step up'. She sounds like someone who has come to terms with her own
> views in the past about Asian men and she is opening up to Asian men.
> It may sound sour to you, but it sounds sweet to me.
> And let Filipinos define themselves. Why are all these non-Filipinos
> always trying to tell them they are not Asian. The Spanish and others
> have come to their country, taking it over, screwing up their identity
> and here these outsiders are still trying to tell them they are not
> Asian after these outsiders made it less Asian.

Very true indeed. I find that most Filipinos have an identitiy crises.
They don't know what or who they are. Geographically, they're in the
South China Sea, yet psychologically, most (especially the middle and
upper classes) think they're in the middle of the Altantic! That is, in
between the USA and "mother" Spain.

Perhaps this may be the reason why the Philippines hasn't prospered
economically much compared to their Asian neighbors. They're trying to
develop their country thru a Western point of view, yet their situation
calls for a more Asian approach.

Douglas A. Yap

Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99

Santoki wrote:

> I believe the original post had the following to say:
> "Ultimately, the choice
> of whom to date is an individual one. Being loved for who you are
> beneath
> the surface is what really counts, no matter what race your man is.
> Just be
> wary of the guy who asks you to lightly slap his ass with a silk fan,
> or of
> anyone who is more intrigued by your Asianness than by your soul."

I agree.

> She believes Asian women (or anyone for that matter) should date whom
> ever they want, and not what society deems what is attractive or a
> 'step up'. She sounds like someone who has come to terms with her own
> views in the past about Asian men and she is opening up to Asian men.
> It may sound sour to you, but it sounds sweet to me.
> And let Filipinos define themselves. Why are all these non-Filipinos
> always trying to tell them they are not Asian. The Spanish and others
> have come to their country, taking it over, screwing up their identity
> and here these outsiders are still trying to tell them they are not
> Asian after these outsiders made it less Asian.

Very true indeed. I find that most Filipinos have an identitiy crises.

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99
That is a pretty disgusting accusation,(pedophilia) and at the time I was
married. I guess you have allot of sour grapes. I did not become single
again until 1995. Most of the relationships I had were friendships. You must
have a pretty big chip on your shoulder to accuse everyone that is a
different race than yours, with accusations like this.

If Asian women/men choose non-Asian partners that is their business. I find
it amazing that I am the one called a racist here in USENET. I am waiting
for you to call me one, that is the usual Modus Operandi of certain
sour-grape individuals.

"C-GOD" <> wrote in message



Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99
I have a foot fetish...I only date women with two feet.

Thank you , thank you very much.......

Gary Glaenzer

Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99

stephen <> wrote in message

> I have a foot fetish...I only date women with two feet.
> Thank you , thank you very much.......

Now, ladies and gentlemen, take this 'Stephen'
guy.......................please, take him.


Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99
I think an accusation of racism would be lost on you so I wont bother. But I
do find it interesting that you can see the point this Asian women is trying
to make.

Also pedophilia is not an outrageous accusation. The child sex industry in
the Philippines was create by white males. The Philippines remains a hot
spot for pedophiles and other white losers who benefit from the colonized
attitudes of the native people.

No wonder you call the mere questioning of this harmful mindset "sour

charley brown and Snoopy <> wrote in message


> That is a pretty disgusting accusation,(pedophilia) and at the time I was
> married.

LOL...Like that has stopped pedophilies in the past. Some white men marry
Asian women with kids exclusively for pedophilic relationships.

>I guess you have allot of sour grapes. I did not become single
> again until 1995. Most of the relationships I had were friendships. You
> have a pretty big chip on your shoulder to accuse everyone that is a
> different race than yours, with accusations like this.
> If Asian women/men choose non-Asian partners that is their business. I
> it amazing that I am the one called a racist here in USENET. I am waiting
> for you to call me one, that is the usual Modus Operandi of certain
> sour-grape individuals.

> "C-GOD" <> wrote in message

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99
I saw allot of Japanese buisness men looking for 13 year old Lolita's in the
PI. Asian sex show tours are a hot tourist item in Japan. So what does that
indicate? Does this mean all Japanese buisnessmen are perverts and
The grapes are still there.

"C-GOD" <> wrote in message


> > "C-GOD" <> wrote in message

Stan Rothwell

Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
C-GOD <> wrote in message
> I think an accusation of racism would be lost on you so I wont bother. But
> do find it interesting that you can see the point this Asian women is
> to make.
> Also pedophilia is not an outrageous accusation. The child sex industry in
> the Philippines was create by white males. The Philippines remains a hot
> spot for pedophiles and other white losers who benefit from the colonized
> attitudes of the native people.

Hate to burst your bubble, but some of the natives
willingly cooperate and encourage such activity.
I have had 2 occasions in 5 years in Luzon where
grown adults came up and offered their "children" to me.
I think that the only time I ever physically threatened
anyone in the PI was to an old man who did this
with some 12 year old girl... What the 18 year olds
did in a bar was up to them; that was their business.
Pimping children that young is something I had trouble
imagining, but apparently it existed there...

> No wonder you call the mere questioning of this harmful mindset "sour
> grapes."
> charley brown and Snoopy <> wrote in message
> news:N_V44.930$
> > That is a pretty disgusting accusation,(pedophilia) and at the time I
> > married.
> LOL...Like that has stopped pedophilies in the past. Some white men marry
> Asian women with kids exclusively for pedophilic relationships.
> >I guess you have allot of sour grapes. I did not become single
> > again until 1995. Most of the relationships I had were friendships. You
> must
> > have a pretty big chip on your shoulder to accuse everyone that is a
> > different race than yours, with accusations like this.
> >
> > If Asian women/men choose non-Asian partners that is their business. I
> find
> > it amazing that I am the one called a racist here in USENET. I am
> > for you to call me one, that is the usual Modus Operandi of certain
> > sour-grape individuals.
> >

> > "C-GOD" <> wrote in message


Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
Why are you point the finger away from the source?

charley brown and Snoopy <> wrote in message


> I saw allot of Japanese buisness men looking for 13 year old Lolita's in
> PI. Asian sex show tours are a hot tourist item in Japan. So what does
> indicate? Does this mean all Japanese buisnessmen are perverts and
> Pedophiles?
> The grapes are still there.

> "C-GOD" <> wrote in message

> news:831m70$3n2$
> > I think an accusation of racism would be lost on you so I wont bother.
> I
> > do find it interesting that you can see the point this Asian women is
> trying
> > to make.
> >
> > Also pedophilia is not an outrageous accusation. The child sex industry
> > the Philippines was create by white males. The Philippines remains a hot
> > spot for pedophiles and other white losers who benefit from the
> > attitudes of the native people.
> >

> > No wonder you call the mere questioning of this harmful mindset "sour
> > grapes."
> >
> > charley brown and Snoopy <> wrote in message
> > news:N_V44.930$
> > > That is a pretty disgusting accusation,(pedophilia) and at the time I
> was
> > > married.
> >
> > LOL...Like that has stopped pedophilies in the past. Some white men
> > Asian women with kids exclusively for pedophilic relationships.
> >
> > >I guess you have allot of sour grapes. I did not become single
> > > again until 1995. Most of the relationships I had were friendships.
> > must
> > > have a pretty big chip on your shoulder to accuse everyone that is a
> > > different race than yours, with accusations like this.
> > >
> > > If Asian women/men choose non-Asian partners that is their business.
> > find
> > > it amazing that I am the one called a racist here in USENET. I am
> waiting
> > > for you to call me one, that is the usual Modus Operandi of certain
> > > sour-grape individuals.
> > >

> > > "C-GOD" <> wrote in message


Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
Read again

Stan Rothwell <> wrote in message

> C-GOD <> wrote in message

> news:831m70$3n2$
> > I think an accusation of racism would be lost on you so I wont bother.
> I
> > do find it interesting that you can see the point this Asian women is
> trying
> > to make.
> >
> > Also pedophilia is not an outrageous accusation. The child sex industry
> > the Philippines was create by white males. The Philippines remains a hot

> > spot for pedophiles and other********* white losers who benefit from the
> > attitudes of the native people.**********

> Hate to burst your bubble, but some of the natives
> willingly cooperate and encourage such activity.
> I have had 2 occasions in 5 years in Luzon where
> grown adults came up and offered their "children" to me.
> I think that the only time I ever physically threatened
> anyone in the PI was to an old man who did this
> with some 12 year old girl... What the 18 year olds
> did in a bar was up to them; that was their business.
> Pimping children that young is something I had trouble
> imagining, but apparently it existed there...
> >

> > No wonder you call the mere questioning of this harmful mindset "sour
> > grapes."
> >
> > charley brown and Snoopy <> wrote in message
> > news:N_V44.930$
> > > That is a pretty disgusting accusation,(pedophilia) and at the time I
> was
> > > married.
> >
> > LOL...Like that has stopped pedophilies in the past. Some white men
> > Asian women with kids exclusively for pedophilic relationships.
> >
> > >I guess you have allot of sour grapes. I did not become single
> > > again until 1995. Most of the relationships I had were friendships.
> > must
> > > have a pretty big chip on your shoulder to accuse everyone that is a
> > > different race than yours, with accusations like this.
> > >
> > > If Asian women/men choose non-Asian partners that is their business.
> > find
> > > it amazing that I am the one called a racist here in USENET. I am
> waiting
> > > for you to call me one, that is the usual Modus Operandi of certain
> > > sour-grape individuals.
> > >

> > > "C-GOD" <> wrote in message


Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99

Wild Rice <> wrote in message
> I liked the long answer.
> Wild Rice

An advocate of the child sex industry in Asia?

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
The child sex industry in Asia is horrible, disgusting, and hopefully those
involved will have to stand in front of a higher being to answer for their
sins. This explotation can be found from incidents like the Korean women
comfort girls of WW2, to the present strip clubs in Thailand. To place the
blame on "WHITE" males for this whole industry is ludicrous. Does these
perverted males have this much power in a foreign country? Do they run these
countries involved? I don't think so, what we have here is sour-grapes and
white male bashing.

"C-GOD" <> wrote in message


Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
The online Hawaii state record book reports that over 50% of the
population is white. So when you say Hawaii=70% asian, you mean that
is just _seemed_ like 70%, since all you were doing was ogling AFs to
satisfy your fetish. You fetishist. Facts like the real asian
population in Hawaii come back to reveal you for what you are.

In article <0VS44.316$>,

"charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> I would not call it a fetish, since I own property in Hawaii, and
spent most
> of my life living there, lets see:
> Hawaii=70% Asian
> I have found many Asian women very nice and some not so nice.
> The higher % of Asian's living in Hawaii equals a higher % of possible
> potential partners. To let you in on a little secret. I was a martial
> instructor and a certified personal trainer at Gold's Gym in Waikiki.
I met
> more Asian women in these facilities than you can shake a stick at.
Most of
> them grew up and were born in the USA, so any idea that they were of
> subservient, docile nature is false. I enjoyed the Asian women's
sense of
> family values, and their ambition to succeed in life. Those are the
> traits I have. Also the these same traits are found in Asian males,
that is
> also the major reason most of my friends were Asian males involved in
> Martial arts or when I was in college, fellow Electronic Engineering
> students.

> This Asian exotic fetish you talk about can be found in any K-bar or
> joint found in Oahu. As for quality Asian women, health clubs or the
> is a good place. I ran a Scuba-diving operation with my boat for
> which attracted hundreds of Japanese women (tourist) taking a
vacation in
> Hawaii.Thus, I still have a dozen pen-pals still in Japan.
> I have lived in the Philippines, for years. (your parents country) I
> have land in the Bicol Province close to Matnog in Sorsogon.
> I was always a member of the Fil-Am clubs, and we hosted many birthday
> parties for Filipino children at my home. I am probably the Godfather
of at
> least 30 Filipino children and I helped build a new school and health
> in Irosin, Sorsogon. When a Typhoon wiped out allot of the rice crops
> 1986 I bought sacks of rice for the poor farmers to feed their


> I would hope my actions and continued support of Asian ideas, culture
and my
> Asian friendships all over this world would be classified as
> and not fetishes.

> "C-GOD" <> wrote in message

> news:830o55$jud$
> >
> > charley brown and Snoopy

> > > This sounds like someone with sour-grapes, Asian women should be
able to
> > > date whom they want.
> >

> > Let me guess you are a white male that enjoys being on the
receiving end
> of
> > the irrational fetish?
> >
> >

Sent via
Before you buy.

Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
The child sex industry would not exist if not for the exploitation of
WMs, who take their money to impoverished countries to buy satisfaction
for their fetishes. Granted, not just American WMs but lots and lots
of European WMs too.

You think it's disgusting, lead the way for change by convincing your
WM brothers to stop fetishing over AFs. Who you just love because you
were originally attracted to them based on their individualality.

In article <%_954.83$>,

"charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> The child sex industry in Asia is horrible, disgusting, and hopefully
> involved will have to stand in front of a higher being to answer for
> sins. This explotation can be found from incidents like the Korean
> comfort girls of WW2, to the present strip clubs in Thailand. To
place the
> blame on "WHITE" males for this whole industry is ludicrous. Does
> perverted males have this much power in a foreign country? Do they
run these
> countries involved? I don't think so, what we have here is sour-
grapes and
> white male bashing.

> "C-GOD" <> wrote in message

> news:832ven$f55$
> >
> > Wild Rice <> wrote in message
> > > I liked the long answer.
> > >
> > > Wild Rice
> >
> > An advocate of the child sex industry in Asia?
> >
> >
> >


Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
>Subject: Asian woman white male fettishizer comes clean
>From: "C-GOD"
>Date: Sat, 11 December 1999 02:27 PM EST

>Thought this was interesting...
>Willing dehumanization

>Bye, Bye, Madame Butterfly
>Carmela Logroño Guerrero

I just got finished reading this entire thread, and I am coming to the same
conclusion about this topic that I did before I read the thread. White men are
attracted to Asian women mainly because of the way they treat them and respond
to them. And, I think that you don't have to be young or slim before they will
give you a second look either. Most men, white or not, are going to eat up this
kind of attention.

>of chipping away at the "White is right" mentality. Ultimately, the choice

>of whom to date is an individual one. Being loved for who you are beneath
>the surface is what really counts, no matter what race your man is. Just be
>wary of the guy who asks you to lightly slap his ass with a silk fan, or of
>anyone who is more intrigued by your Asianness than by your soul.


"Living well is the best revenge"

Jim Tsou

Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
to wrote:

> The child sex industry would not exist if not for the exploitation of
> WMs, who take their money to impoverished countries to buy satisfaction
> for their fetishes. Granted, not just American WMs but lots and lots
> of European WMs too.
> You think it's disgusting, lead the way for change by convincing your
> WM brothers to stop fetishing over AFs. Who you just love because you
> were originally attracted to them based on their individualality.
> Right.

I don't know any WM who would only date AFs. But we know plenty
of AFs who'd date WMs exclusively. This tells me it is not the WMs
who have this fetish for AFs, but AFs have a fetish for WMs.

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
This reply barely makes sense, but I will try to answer it. Hawaii is mostly
Asian, the only areas +50% white are the military bases on Oahu. Try looking
up the stats on the Big Island of Hawaii, not Oahu.

<> wrote in message

> The online Hawaii state record book reports that over 50% of the
> population is white. So when you say Hawaii=70% asian, you mean that
> is just _seemed_ like 70%, since all you were doing was ogling AFs to
> satisfy your fetish. You fetishist. Facts like the real asian
> population in Hawaii come back to reveal you for what you are.

> In article <0VS44.316$>,

> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> > "C-GOD" <> wrote in message

> > news:830o55$jud$
> > >
> > > charley brown and Snoopy
> > > > This sounds like someone with sour-grapes, Asian women should be
> able to
> > > > date whom they want.
> > >
> > > Let me guess you are a white male that enjoys being on the
> receiving end
> > of
> > > the irrational fetish?
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
Sour-grapes again?

<> wrote in message

> The child sex industry would not exist if not for the exploitation of
> WMs, who take their money to impoverished countries to buy satisfaction
> for their fetishes. Granted, not just American WMs but lots and lots
> of European WMs too.
> You think it's disgusting, lead the way for change by convincing your
> WM brothers to stop fetishing over AFs. Who you just love because you
> were originally attracted to them based on their individualality.
> Right.

> In article <%_954.83$>,

> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> > The child sex industry in Asia is horrible, disgusting, and hopefully
> those
> > involved will have to stand in front of a higher being to answer for
> their
> > sins. This explotation can be found from incidents like the Korean
> women
> > comfort girls of WW2, to the present strip clubs in Thailand. To
> place the
> > blame on "WHITE" males for this whole industry is ludicrous. Does
> these
> > perverted males have this much power in a foreign country? Do they
> run these
> > countries involved? I don't think so, what we have here is sour-
> grapes and
> > white male bashing.
> >

> > "C-GOD" <> wrote in message

> > news:832ven$f55$
> > >
> > > Wild Rice <> wrote in message
> > > > I liked the long answer.
> > > >
> > > > Wild Rice
> > >
> > > An advocate of the child sex industry in Asia?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
I also knew WF who only dated Local Hawaiian/Asian men (while living in
Hawaii) I think AF's are smart enough to figure out if the guy who is
interested in her is a jerk or not, regardless of race. Question_Authority
must think AF are pretty stupid and cannot figure out jerks with fetishes or
abusers exist in all races. Most of the AF I have met have a darn good sense
of values and intelligence to figure out who the jerks are, jerks usually
finish last regardless of race.

"Jim Tsou" <> wrote in message

> wrote:
> > The child sex industry would not exist if not for the exploitation of
> > WMs, who take their money to impoverished countries to buy satisfaction
> > for their fetishes. Granted, not just American WMs but lots and lots
> > of European WMs too.
> >
> > You think it's disgusting, lead the way for change by convincing your
> > WM brothers to stop fetishing over AFs. Who you just love because you
> > were originally attracted to them based on their individualality.
> > Right.


Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99

<> wrote in message

> The online Hawaii state record book reports that over 50% of the
> population is white. So when you say Hawaii=70% asian, you mean that
> is just _seemed_ like 70%, since all you were doing was ogling AFs to
> satisfy your fetish. You fetishist. Facts like the real asian
> population in Hawaii come back to reveal you for what you are.

> In article <0VS44.316$>,

> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> > "C-GOD" <> wrote in message

> > news:830o55$jud$
> > >
> > > charley brown and Snoopy
> > > > This sounds like someone with sour-grapes, Asian women should be
> able to
> > > > date whom they want.
> > >
> > > Let me guess you are a white male that enjoys being on the
> receiving end
> > of
> > > the irrational fetish?
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Dec 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/14/99
Defending not just the WM fetishist but pedophiles again?

Figures. You fetishist.

In article <7wg54.19$>,

"charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> Sour-grapes again?
> <> wrote in message
> news:833mhm$otn$

> > The child sex industry would not exist if not for the exploitation
> > WMs, who take their money to impoverished countries to buy
> > for their fetishes. Granted, not just American WMs but lots and
> > of European WMs too.
> >
> > You think it's disgusting, lead the way for change by convincing
> > WM brothers to stop fetishing over AFs. Who you just love because
> > were originally attracted to them based on their individualality.
> > Right.
> >

Dec 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/14/99
Because he is a WM fetishist that is also a pedophile apologist on the

In article <832ur0$ig0$>,
"C-GOD" <> wrote:
> Why are you point the finger away from the source?.

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/14/99
Not me pedophiles are scum, but I will defend the AF's right to chose who
they decide they wish to have a relationship with. Also I will give credit
where it is due, and that credit goes towards AF's common-sense and
intelligence. This intelligence allows them to make sound decisions on their
own, sorry if don't like it.


<> wrote in message

Michael Ejercito

Dec 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/14/99
In article <833mhm$otn$>, wrote:

> The child sex industry would not exist if not for the exploitation of
> WMs, who take their money to impoverished countries to buy satisfaction
> for their fetishes. Granted, not just American WMs but lots and lots
> of European WMs too.
> You think it's disgusting, lead the way for change by convincing your
> WM brothers to stop fetishing over AFs. Who you just love because you
> were originally attracted to them based on their individualality.
> Right.

Even if those countries sealed their borders,Asian males wil continue
to have sex with underage Asian girls.


Q: How do you castrate a Nazi?

A: Kick a little boy in the jaw.

Michael Ejercito

Dec 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/15/99
In article <839avp$>, (Jason
Finnegan) wrote:

> In article <mejercit-141...@>,
(Michael Ejercito) wrote:
> > Even if those countries sealed their borders,Michael Ejercito wil continue
> >to have sex with underage girls.
> >
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> > Q: How do you castrate a nigger?

> >
> > A: Kick a little boy in the jaw.

Hi Shawn. Forging quotes AGAIN?


Q: How do you separate the men from the boys in the National Alliance?

A: Use a crowbar.


Dec 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/15/99
Q: How do you separate the National Alliance from the GOP

A: You can't.

Michael Ejercito <> wrote in message


Dec 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/15/99
And your point is?????

That it is ok for white males to go to Asia in the hundreds of thousands and
use the collective force of hundreds of years of colonialism to rape Asian
children of 10 years and less?

You are a sick fuker.

Michael Ejercito <> wrote in message


> In article <833mhm$otn$>,
> > The child sex industry would not exist if not for the exploitation of
> > WMs, who take their money to impoverished countries to buy satisfaction
> > for their fetishes. Granted, not just American WMs but lots and lots
> > of European WMs too.
> >
> > You think it's disgusting, lead the way for change by convincing your
> > WM brothers to stop fetishing over AFs. Who you just love because you
> > were originally attracted to them based on their individualality.
> > Right.

> Even if those countries sealed their borders,Asian males wil continue
> to have sex with underage Asian girls.
> Michael
> Q: How do you castrate a Nazi?

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/15/99
No, you are paranoid delusional. I don't think anyone supports the rape of
10 year olds regardless of race. Your fixation with AF's being with White
males is the problem. You should introduce yourself to "Aviator", both of
you have allot in common.

"C-GOD" <> wrote in message


Jason Finnegan

Dec 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/16/99
In article <mejercit-141...@>, (Michael Ejercito) wrote:
> Even if those countries sealed their borders,Michael Ejercito wil continue
>to have sex with underage girls.
> Michael
> Q: How do you castrate a nigger?


Dec 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/16/99
Yeah, the Japanese _never_ go to third world countries for sex tourism. You need to
wake up to reality and quit blaming the "White Bogey Man" for everything. wrote in message <833mhm$otn$>...

The Pervert

Dec 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/16/99
C-GOD wrote:
> Q: How do you separate the National Alliance from the GOP
> A: You can't.

I've been a Republican for almost 30 years and I never even *heard* of
this National Alliance until I saw it in the newsgroups, and still have
no clue as to what they're about. I'm assuming they're an idiot racist

Either I'm not really a Republican, or you're full of shit.

Hint: Since I am a registered Republican, you can figure out the rest
on your own, can't you?.

Michael Ejercito

Dec 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/16/99
In article <839ii7$dqu$>, "C-GOD"
<> wrote:

> And your point is?????
> That it is ok for white males to go to Asia in the hundreds of thousands and
> use the collective force of hundreds of years of colonialism to rape Asian
> children of 10 years and less?
> You are a sick fuker.

No,I am just stating fact. it is wrong for men to have sexual relations
with underage girls.


Michael Ejercito

Dec 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/16/99

The National alliance is an idiot racist group. they are held in
cintempt by most,alkthough David Dahlman of Seabrook,Texas describes them
as POLITE and HONEST,and Jim Kennemur uses them as his IDEOLOGICAL SOURCE.


charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/16/99
C-God has a large vine of sour-grapes.

"Michael Ejercito" <> wrote in message


Dec 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/16/99
Yeah, you take the minority of folks going and discount that the large
and overwhelming majority of sex tourists are white males. You are in
denial, fetishist. Figures.

No matter how much you deny it, you can't make the facts go away. The
overwhelming number of sex tourists and pedophiles are white males.
They also troll these asian boards, seeking AFs and shouting out hurt
proclamations that they only want AFs based on their individuality. Of
course, they don't know any individually until they begin their

A fetishist is still a fetishist.

In article <83a5l0$2cg$>,

"AS-AM Sam" <> wrote:
> Yeah, the Japanese _never_ go to third world countries for sex
tourism. You need to
> wake up to reality and quit blaming the "White Bogey Man" for

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/16/99
Sorry, I never met any of my Asian female friends on Asian boards or sex
tours. I met them at the beach, in college, in my martial arts class, or the
gym. Maybe if you get off your lazy fat ass, you might meet women too.

Keep posting and I will scan a few pictures of my Asian girlfriends and
really give you something to complain about.

Maybe the Asian women liked my athletic build, 235 lbs 6' 1" with a 400 lb
bench. Maybe it was my Surfer good looks? My real-estate portfolio? My
success? Humm, maybe I treated them with respect and love?

If I were you I would try to figure out why you cannot have a relationship
with an AF and correct the problem. It is easy to blame others for your
lack of attracting members of the opposite sex.

<> wrote in message


Dec 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/16/99
charley brown and Snoopy wrote:
> Maybe the Asian women liked my athletic build, 235 lbs 6' 1" with a 400 lb
> bench. Maybe it was my Surfer good looks? My real-estate portfolio? My
> success? Humm, maybe I treated them with respect and love?

Hahaha, charley brown is *very* funny today.

Normally, he exudes the personality of a 250lb bucket of lard
with as much love inside him as you can insert by injection.



Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
And people with fetishes concern you because .....?
Do you post with as much vigor on the bestiality newsgroups? wrote in message <83be65$ct6$>...

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Truth hurts? lol

"hc23hc" <> wrote in message


Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Ever hear of David Duke? What makes him feel comfortable within the
Republican party?

The Pervert <> wrote in message


Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Whether Japanese men go on Sex Tours or not is not the issue here. Start
another thread if you wish to discuss that. What we are talking about is the
undeniable fact that white males created and continue to support the child
sex industry in Asia. Stop dodging the issue by naming accomplices.

AS-AM Sam <> wrote in message

> Yeah, the Japanese _never_ go to third world countries for sex
tourism. You need to
> wake up to reality and quit blaming the "White Bogey Man" for everything.


Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Excuse me, but you do not illustrate that point by excluding white males
from responsibility for their disgusting behavior


Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Get a new line pedo-boy

charley brown and Snoopy <> wrote in message

> C-God has a large vine of sour-grapes.

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Why would I post in beastiality newsgroups just to see you express your
tastes for menstrating sheep?

You've stopped even being in denial of being a fetishist and now are
attacking me for pointing it out in you and your ilk.


In article <83bt1a$fug$>,

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
You don't know anything about truth, fetisher. You claim to be from
Hawaii where 70% of the population is Asian. Wrong. You tell me to
look up the Big Island of Hawaii, even though you claim to have worked
in Waikiki gym (not on the Big Island of Hawaii)...okay. I look up the
official Hawaii State Government databook online and for the Big Island
of Hawaii guess what the largest ethnic group is...white.

So your argument that you stalk AFs because they represent 70% of the
population is shot down again by the truth. Hard facts.

They point to a fetishist. And apparently an egocentic one at that. I
wonder what the AFs you stalk would think about you if they came here
and saw you for what you are: threatening to post their photos,
posting your "I love me" over-inflated self-assessments, and mistating
factual population figures to the point of comedy as a big
rationalization for your fetishism.

A fetishist is a fetishist. Aren't you tired of being in denial? Of
living a lie to those around you by hiding your inner fetishism from
everyone in your life? Must be difficult to be untrue in public to
your real self.


In article <JZk64.2333$>,

"charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> Truth hurts? lol

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
That statement doesn't seem to stop you from sex with underaged boys
and livestock.


In article <mejercit-161...@>, (Michael Ejercito) wrote:

> No,I am just stating fact. it is wrong for men to have sexual
> with underage girls.
> Michael


Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Many people seem jealous of ya Charlie Brown.
Did you ever kick sand in his face at the beach?

charley brown and Snoopy wrote in message ...

>C-God has a large vine of sour-grapes.
>"Michael Ejercito" <> wrote in message
>> In article <839ii7$dqu$>, "C-GOD"
>> <> wrote:
>> > And your point is?????
>> >
>> > That it is ok for white males to go to Asia in the hundreds of
>> > use the collective force of hundreds of years of colonialism to rape
>> > children of 10 years and less?
>> >
>> > You are a sick fuker.

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up the
Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its 70%
white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just to
prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but basically you
don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a life and
maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so overly
concerned about everyone else's business.


<> wrote in message

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Ok, hateful Troll


"C-GOD" <> wrote in message


> Get a new line pedo-boy
> charley brown and Snoopy <> wrote in message
> news:QW964.865$

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
How do you profit by the Asian sex tours? You seem quite knowledgeable
about this disgusting subject.

"C-GOD" <> wrote in message


charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
What the Hell are you posting from the FCC, Government computer BOY!

Subject: Re: Asian woman white male fettishizer comes clean
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 14:28:00 GMT
Organization: - Before you buy.
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <83dh9b$ov9$>
References: <82u8gf$ght$>
<%_954.83$> <833mhm$otn$>
<83a5l0$2cg$> <83be65$ct6$>
<Tqb64.972$> <>
X-Article-Creation-Date: Fri Dec 17 14:28:00 1999 GMT
X-Http-User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
X-Http-Proxy: 1.0 (Squid/1.1.22) for client
X-MyDeja-Info: XMYDJUIDquestion_authority
Xref: soc.culture.asian.american:126285
soc.culture.african.american:192843 alt.california:164535

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
thanks for this posting that does not make any sense, keep up the good
literary work.

"rrcrumb" <> wrote in message

> Many people seem jealous of ya Charlie Brown.
> Did you ever kick sand in his face at the beach?
> charley brown and Snoopy wrote in message ...

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
The lying fetishers lies. Look at the string arhived in deja. I defy
you. I never said white were 70 percent of Hawaii population. You
said Asians were 70% of the population. You said you met the women in
Waikiki where you worked in the gym. I said b.s. Then you said, look
for the Big Island of Hawaii. I did. Now you say look at Hilo,
Hawaii. You keep changing the target to suit you. These are facts.
Hell, why don't you tell me to look up the Tanaka, Chang, and Kim
households. Surely THEN I'll see that Hawaii is mostly asian, huh

You said Hawaii was 70% asian. This fact can be verified in deja
archives. I defy you to deny it.

Do a seach for Hawaii state databook. When you get it, you'll see
populations broken down by islands (which are counties). They don't
have it for cities (like Hilo), your target de jour.

But the facts are the facts, fetisher.

You are wrong.

And you are a fetisher. A sad and pitiful fetisher in denial of his
fetish and trolling asian american newsgroups without anything of value
to add about the asian american experience except whining protests
about how fetishers love AFs only as _individuals_, not because they
are asian. Of course, if you love women as individuals, not because of
ethnicity...what are you doing on an asian american newsgroup when most
women in america are white?

Fetisher exposed. And reduced to whining. You are sad.

In article <WWt64.2722$>,

"charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
basically you
> don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
life and
> maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> concerned about everyone else's business.
> LOL,

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Report me and you'll get my college buddy instead.

What the hell do you care, fetisher??


In article <75u64.2729$>,

"charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
This is the URL. It took some searching to find it.

In article <WWt64.2722$>,

"charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
basically you
> don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
life and
> maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> concerned about everyone else's business.
> LOL,

Michael Ejercito

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
In article <83be65$ct6$>, wrote:

> Yeah, you take the minority of folks going and discount that the large
> and overwhelming majority of sex tourists are white males. You are in
> denial, fetishist. Figures.

It does not matter if the majority of sex toursists are White males. It
is the pedophilia that matters.


Q: How do you separate the men from the boys in the National Alliance?

A: Use a crowbar.

Michael Ejercito

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
In article <83d1gq$5i$>, "C-GOD"
<> wrote:

> Excuse me, but you do not illustrate that point by excluding white males
> from responsibility for their disgusting behavior

It is not the fasct that they are White males which makes the behavior
disgusting,it is the fact that the girls are underage that makes the
behavioir disgusting.

Michael Ejercito

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
In article <83d1lc$7t$>, "C-GOD"
<> wrote:

> Whether Japanese men go on Sex Tours or not is not the issue here. Start
> another thread if you wish to discuss that. What we are talking about is the
> undeniable fact that white males created and continue to support the child
> sex industry in Asia. Stop dodging the issue by naming accomplices.

The child sex industry was created by the locals. Foreigners are the

The Pervert

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
C-GOD wrote:
> Ever hear of David Duke? What makes him feel comfortable within the
> Republican party?

I don't believe for a minute that David Duke IS comfortable within the
Republican party (unless he completely oblivious) knowing that the vast
majority of Republicans are very uncomfortable with (read: totally
against) him.

Thus I reasonably conclude that since I am, in fact, a Republican, you
are full of shit.

The Pervert

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Michael Ejercito wrote:

> wrote:
> >
> > I've been a Republican for almost 30 years and I never even *heard* of
> > this National Alliance until I saw it in the newsgroups, and still have
> > no clue as to what they're about. I'm assuming they're an idiot racist
> > group.

> The National alliance is an idiot racist group.

Thanks for clarifying that for me, Mike. I couldn't have said it better
myself. :)


Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Then please explain why he is one of the top Republicans in Missisippi or
whatever the fuk that backwater is?

The Pervert <> wrote in message

> C-GOD wrote:
> >
> > Ever hear of David Duke? What makes him feel comfortable within the
> > Republican party?
> I don't believe for a minute that David Duke IS comfortable within the
> Republican party (unless he completely oblivious) knowing that the vast
> majority of Republicans are very uncomfortable with (read: totally
> against) him.
> Thus I reasonably conclude that since I am, in fact, a Republican, you
> are full of shit.
> > The Pervert <> wrote:
> > > C-GOD wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Q: How do you separate the National Alliance from the GOP
> > > >
> > > > A: You can't.
> > >

> > > I've been a Republican for almost 30 years and I never even *heard* of
> > > this National Alliance until I saw it in the newsgroups, and still
> > > no clue as to what they're about. I'm assuming they're an idiot
> > > group.
> > >


Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
Charlie Brown? He's a clown...that charlie brown

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
OK, Aviator clone, here go to this link this is for Hilo Hawaii GOVERNMENT
household stats from the US post office you boob.

That is HILO HAWAII Where I lived, the last 4 years in Hawaii. Notice 70%
are Asian 29% White?

You were wrong again!

<> wrote in message

> The lying fetishers lies. Look at the string arhived in deja. I defy
> you. I never said white were 70 percent of Hawaii population. You
> said Asians were 70% of the population. You said you met the women in
> Waikiki where you worked in the gym. I said b.s. Then you said, look
> for the Big Island of Hawaii. I did. Now you say look at Hilo,
> Hawaii. You keep changing the target to suit you. These are facts.
> Hell, why don't you tell me to look up the Tanaka, Chang, and Kim
> households. Surely THEN I'll see that Hawaii is mostly asian, huh
> fetisher.
> You said Hawaii was 70% asian. This fact can be verified in deja
> archives. I defy you to deny it.
> Do a seach for Hawaii state databook. When you get it, you'll see
> populations broken down by islands (which are counties). They don't
> have it for cities (like Hilo), your target de jour.
> But the facts are the facts, fetisher.
> You are wrong.
> And you are a fetisher. A sad and pitiful fetisher in denial of his
> fetish and trolling asian american newsgroups without anything of value
> to add about the asian american experience except whining protests
> about how fetishers love AFs only as _individuals_, not because they
> are asian. Of course, if you love women as individuals, not because of
> ethnicity...what are you doing on an asian american newsgroup when most
> women in america are white?
> Fetisher exposed. And reduced to whining. You are sad.

> In article <WWt64.2722$>,
> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> > Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> the
> > Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> 70%
> > white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> to
> > prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
> basically you
> > don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> > girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
> life and
> > maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> overly
> > concerned about everyone else's business.
> >
> > LOL,
> >

> > > In article <JZk64.2333$>,

> > > "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> > > > Truth hurts? lol

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Hey thanks for that link, on page
it states 30% of the population was white in 1990.
That is the average for the whole Island. Like I said Hilo was 70% Asian
verified by this post office zip code data link

The only reason Hawaii even registers 30% white is from the military bases.
Most are located on Oahu, only a few on the Big Island. When I worked at
Gold's (that was only mentioned because I met hundreds of Asian women there)
that was on Oahu. On the Big Island I used Spencer's Gym or Shipman's.

Maybe if you get off your butt, you will meet some women too. You are
jealous because you cannot meet ANY women of ANY race. Stop being a GEEK,
and maybe you will find someone. The best advice is to stop being the USENET
"AVIATOR" clone in training.

PS. My Japanese-Korean friend stopped by yesterday, she thinks you are
really a racist. I told her I would give you the message. She basically
laughed at your postings.

<> wrote in message

> This is the URL. It took some searching to find it.

> In article <WWt64.2722$>,
> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> > Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> the
> > Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> 70%
> > white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> to
> > prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
> basically you
> > don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> > girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
> life and
> > maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> overly
> > concerned about everyone else's business.
> >
> > LOL,
> >

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Why don't you go to this URL, race is broken down by area and zip code.

Living in high-rent districts, located primarily in California and Hawaii,
these residents are predominantly Asians and Pacific Islanders who are
slightly older, urban, and upscale. They love cars, old and new, and belong
to auto clubs. Over a third are foreign born, half speak a language other
than English at home, and most participate in civic activities and listen to
all news/talk/business radio.

General Statistics for 1999 ZIP 96720 National
Total Population: 48161 270 Million
Number of Households: 17095 101 Million

1999 Population by Race
White: 25.7% 78.0%
Black: 0.9% 12.5%
Asian Pacific Islander: 70.5% 3.8%
Other: 2.9% 5.7%

1999 Population by Gender
Male: 48.4% 49.0%
Female: 51.6% 51.0%

1999 Income Figures
Median Household Income: $ 41505 $ 38135
HH Income Under $50K: 59.4% 64.2%
HH Income $50K-$100K: 29.7% 27.3%
HH Income Over $100K: 10.9% 8.5%

1990 Housing Figures
Median Home Value: $ 110470 $ 79098
Median Rent: $ 369 $ 374

Back to Free Samples

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Hey thanks for that link, on page
it states 30% of the population was white in 1990.
That is the average for the whole Island. Like I said Hilo was 70% Asian
verified by this post office zip code data link

The only reason Hawaii even registers 30% white is from the military bases.
Most are located on Oahu, only a few on the Big Island. When I worked at
Gold's (that was only mentioned because I met hundreds of Asian women there)
that was on Oahu. On the Big Island I used Spencer's Gym or Shipman's.

Maybe if you get off your butt, you will meet some women too. You are
jealous because you cannot meet ANY women of ANY race. Stop being a GEEK,
and maybe you will find someone. The best advice is to stop being the USENET
"AVIATOR" clone in training.

PS. My Japanese-Korean friend stopped by yesterday, she thinks you are
really a racist. I told her I would give you the message. She basically
laughed at your postings.

<> wrote in message

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Back to Free Samples

<> wrote in message

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
OK, Aviator clone, here go to this link this is for Hilo Hawaii GOVERNMENT
household stats from the US post office you boob.

That is HILO HAWAII Where I lived, the last 4 years in Hawaii. Notice 70%
are Asian 29% White?

You were wrong again!

<> wrote in message

> In article <WWt64.2722$>,
> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> > Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> the
> > Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> 70%
> > white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> to
> > prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
> basically you
> > don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> > girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
> life and
> > maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> overly
> > concerned about everyone else's business.
> >
> > LOL,
> >

> > <> wrote in message

> > > In article <JZk64.2333$>,

> > > "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> > > > Truth hurts? lol

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Hey thanks for that link, on page
it states 30% of the population was white in 1990.
That is the average for the whole Island. Like I said Hilo was 70% Asian
verified by this post office zip code data link

The only reason Hawaii even registers 30% white is from the military bases.
Most are located on Oahu, only a few on the Big Island. When I worked at
Gold's (that was only mentioned because I met hundreds of Asian women there)
that was on Oahu. On the Big Island I used Spencer's Gym or Shipman's.

Maybe if you get off your butt, you will meet some women too. You are
jealous because you cannot meet ANY women of ANY race. Stop being a GEEK,
and maybe you will find someone. The best advice is to stop being the USENET
"AVIATOR" clone in training.

PS. My Japanese-Korean friend stopped by yesterday, she thinks you are
really a racist. I told her I would give you the message. She basically
laughed at your postings.

<> wrote in message

> This is the URL. It took some searching to find it.

> In article <WWt64.2722$>,
> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> > Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> the
> > Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> 70%
> > white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> to
> > prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
> basically you
> > don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> > girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
> life and
> > maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> overly
> > concerned about everyone else's business.
> >
> > LOL,
> >

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Back to Free Samples

<> wrote in message

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
OK, Aviator clone, here go to this link this is for Hilo Hawaii GOVERNMENT
household stats from the US post office you boob.

That is HILO HAWAII Where I lived, the last 4 years in Hawaii. Notice 70%
are Asian 29% White?

You were wrong again!

<> wrote in message

> In article <WWt64.2722$>,
> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> > Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> the
> > Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> 70%
> > white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> to
> > prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
> basically you
> > don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> > girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
> life and
> > maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> overly
> > concerned about everyone else's business.
> >
> > LOL,
> >

> > <> wrote in message

> > > In article <JZk64.2333$>,

> > > "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> > > > Truth hurts? lol

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Hey thanks for that link, on page
it states 30% of the population was white in 1990.
That is the average for the whole Island. Like I said Hilo was 70% Asian
verified by this post office zip code data link

The only reason Hawaii even registers 30% white is from the military bases.
Most are located on Oahu, only a few on the Big Island. When I worked at
Gold's (that was only mentioned because I met hundreds of Asian women there)
that was on Oahu. On the Big Island I used Spencer's Gym or Shipman's.

Maybe if you get off your butt, you will meet some women too. You are
jealous because you cannot meet ANY women of ANY race. Stop being a GEEK,
and maybe you will find someone. The best advice is to stop being the USENET
"AVIATOR" clone in training.

PS. My Japanese-Korean friend stopped by yesterday, she thinks you are
really a racist. I told her I would give you the message. She basically
laughed at your postings.

<> wrote in message

> This is the URL. It took some searching to find it.

> In article <WWt64.2722$>,
> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> > Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> the
> > Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> 70%
> > white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> to
> > prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
> basically you
> > don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> > girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
> life and
> > maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> overly
> > concerned about everyone else's business.
> >
> > LOL,
> >

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Back to Free Samples

<> wrote in message

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
OK, Aviator clone, here go to this link this is for Hilo Hawaii GOVERNMENT
household stats from the US post office you boob.

That is HILO HAWAII Where I lived, the last 4 years in Hawaii. Notice 70%
are Asian 29% White?

You were wrong again!

<> wrote in message

> In article <WWt64.2722$>,
> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> > Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> the
> > Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> 70%
> > white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> to
> > prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
> basically you
> > don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> > girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
> life and
> > maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> overly
> > concerned about everyone else's business.
> >
> > LOL,
> >

> > <> wrote in message

> > > In article <JZk64.2333$>,

> > > "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> > > > Truth hurts? lol

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Hey thanks for that link, on page
it states 30% of the population was white in 1990.
That is the average for the whole Island. Like I said Hilo was 70% Asian
verified by this post office zip code data link

The only reason Hawaii even registers 30% white is from the military bases.
Most are located on Oahu, only a few on the Big Island. When I worked at
Gold's (that was only mentioned because I met hundreds of Asian women there)
that was on Oahu. On the Big Island I used Spencer's Gym or Shipman's.

Maybe if you get off your butt, you will meet some women too. You are
jealous because you cannot meet ANY women of ANY race. Stop being a GEEK,
and maybe you will find someone. The best advice is to stop being the USENET
"AVIATOR" clone in training.

PS. My Japanese-Korean friend stopped by yesterday, she thinks you are
really a racist. I told her I would give you the message. She basically
laughed at your postings.

<> wrote in message

> This is the URL. It took some searching to find it.

> In article <WWt64.2722$>,
> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> > Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> the
> > Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> 70%
> > white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> to
> > prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
> basically you
> > don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> > girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
> life and
> > maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> overly
> > concerned about everyone else's business.
> >
> > LOL,
> >

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Back to Free Samples

<> wrote in message

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
OK, Aviator clone, here go to this link this is for Hilo Hawaii GOVERNMENT
household stats from the US post office you boob.

That is HILO HAWAII Where I lived, the last 4 years in Hawaii. Notice 70%
are Asian 29% White?

You were wrong again!

<> wrote in message

> In article <WWt64.2722$>,
> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> > Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> the
> > Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> 70%
> > white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> to
> > prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
> basically you
> > don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> > girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
> life and
> > maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> overly
> > concerned about everyone else's business.
> >
> > LOL,
> >

> > <> wrote in message

> > > In article <JZk64.2333$>,

> > > "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> > > > Truth hurts? lol

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Hey thanks for that link, on page
it states 30% of the population was white in 1990.
That is the average for the whole Island. Like I said Hilo was 70% Asian
verified by this post office zip code data link

The only reason Hawaii even registers 30% white is from the military bases.
Most are located on Oahu, only a few on the Big Island. When I worked at
Gold's (that was only mentioned because I met hundreds of Asian women there)
that was on Oahu. On the Big Island I used Spencer's Gym or Shipman's.

Maybe if you get off your butt, you will meet some women too. You are
jealous because you cannot meet ANY women of ANY race. Stop being a GEEK,
and maybe you will find someone. The best advice is to stop being the USENET
"AVIATOR" clone in training.

PS. My Japanese-Korean friend stopped by yesterday, she thinks you are
really a racist. I told her I would give you the message. She basically
laughed at your postings.

<> wrote in message

> This is the URL. It took some searching to find it.

> In article <WWt64.2722$>,
> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> > Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> the
> > Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> 70%
> > white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> to
> > prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
> basically you
> > don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> > girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
> life and
> > maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> overly
> > concerned about everyone else's business.
> >
> > LOL,
> >

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99

Back to Free Samples

<> wrote in message

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/17/99
OK, Aviator clone, here go to this link this is for Hilo Hawaii GOVERNMENT
household stats from the US post office you boob.

That is HILO HAWAII Where I lived, the last 4 years in Hawaii. Notice 70%
are Asian 29% White?

You were wrong again!

<> wrote in message

> In article <WWt64.2722$>,
> "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:
> > Oh come on, I lived in Oahu and the Big Island, why don't you look up
> the
> > Stats for Hilo Hawaii. You are nuts if you are going to tell me its
> 70%
> > white. Where is the URL of your data? I am going to look this up just
> to
> > prove you wrong, I hate doing the footwork in such cases but
> basically you
> > don't know what you are talking about. Did someone like me take your
> > girlfriend away from you and now you hate everybody? Tough, get a
> life and
> > maybe you might find a girlfriend to keep you busy so you are not so
> overly
> > concerned about everyone else's business.
> >
> > LOL,
> >

> > <> wrote in message

> > > In article <JZk64.2333$>,

> > > "charley brown and Snoopy" <Snoopy Rules!> wrote:

> > > > Truth hurts? lol


Dec 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/18/99
Get real! You're the one "dodging issues" by confusing preference for adult Asian women
with preference for children.

Prove the "undeniable fact" that the WM created and continues to support child sex
industry in Asia.
You are another one of those who get on their soapboxes in newsgroups using phrases like,
"It's an undeniable fact..." then don't show any reference, quotation, source, or anything
approaching credibility. Your lack of documentation to support your outrageous statement
shows you to be another noisy special interest partisan who will only appeal to those
already holding the same beliefs as yourself. Show proof or prepare to be challenged,
ridiculed, or ignored.

C-GOD wrote in message <83d1lc$7t$>...
>Whether Japanese men go on Sex Tours or not is not the issue here. Start
>another thread if you wish to discuss that. What we are talking about is the
>undeniable fact that white males created and continue to support the child
>sex industry in Asia. Stop dodging the issue by naming accomplices.

The Pervert

Dec 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/18/99
C-GOD wrote:
> Then please explain why he is one of the top Republicans in Missisippi or
> whatever the fuk that backwater is?

Because that backwater is Louisiana which, if you had ever lived there
(as I did for a few years) explains a lot.

Historically, Democrats have had an ironclad hold in most (not all)
southern politics, especially in the deep south. Being a top Republican
in the South doesn't really say all that much. Kinda like being one of
the top Jews in the Vatican.

>From The Merriam Webster Dictionary, New Edition, (c) 1994, "backwater:
2., an isolated or backward place or condition."

Ergo, you kinda answered your own question with your "backwater"
reference, didn't you?

charley brown and Snoopy

Dec 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/18/99
Sorry, everyone my News provider had problems yesterday. That is why the
duplicate postings, I am not sure what happened.

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