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Phil Hartman and his murder

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Luke the Drifter

May 29, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/29/98

The Devil's Advocate wrote in message

>Is this an example of what happens in a same race marraige?

I thought it was an example of what happens in a white marriage. See how
violent those whites are?

>You all come off like
>the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
>Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.

I would strongly advise anyone out there to seriously consider not getting
too involved with a white woman.
I mean, look how they are! They kill their husbands, then themselves. It's
pretty scary.

Crusty Balls

May 29, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/29/98

The Devil's Advocate wrote:
> Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example
> of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if
> you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an
> example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like

> the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
> Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.

OJ is alive and free, and to any reasonable person, guilty as hell.
Yet, a nigger jury set his murdering black ass free, just
because he is black. Case had *everything* to do with race.

Phil's wife is dead. She committed suicide after killing him.
She was her own judge, jury, and executioner. She had paid
the price for her crime. Case had *nothing* to do with race.

So, you stupid fuck, how are these two situations the same?

I would guess that if OJ had offed himself after killing
that niggerfuckingwhore Nicole, and that jewboythatdoesn't
mindfuckinganiggerfuckingwhore Ron, it would have just been
a flash-in-the-pan-story that died out after a few months.

Crusty Balls
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force!
Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
George Washington

"I've never heard a black man blame the white race."
thunderr <>
In Message <>

"Malcom X was a fucking puppet. Fuck him." (Jimmy Millens)
In Message-ID: <>

The Devil's Advocate

May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example
of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if
you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an
example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like
the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.

Remove NO-JUNK to email
"Your Warrant Is In Question"
-=The Devil's Advocate=-

ĄEl Brujo!

May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

In, <>, on Fri, 29 May 1998
22:58:36 -0700, Crusty Balls <>

#The Devil's Advocate wrote:
#> Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an
#>example of what happens to a white women that dates a black
#>man...let's see if you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by
#>his wife. Is this an example of what happens in a same race
#>marraige? You all come off like the idiots you are if you use an
#>extreme example such OJ and Nicole Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.
#OJ is alive and free, and to any reasonable person, guilty as hell.
#Yet, a nigger jury set his murdering black ass free, just
#because he is black. Case had *everything* to do with race.

Hey, Crusty: You do know that the jury took into consideration the
testimony of Mark "I never said the 'N' Word" Furman, don't you?

Does it piss you off that a rich black man can buy the same justice as
a rich white man?

#Phil's wife is dead. She committed suicide after killing him.
#She was her own judge, jury, and executioner. She had paid
#the price for her crime. Case had *nothing* to do with race.
#So, you stupid fuck, how are these two situations the same?

Go back and read the post, dipshit.

Better yet, get someone else to read it for you. You're obviously too
stupid to understand anything that doesn't use the word "nigger" in
every other sentence.

#I would guess that if OJ had offed himself after killing
#that niggerfuckingwhore Nicole, and that jewboythatdoesn't
#mindfuckinganiggerfuckingwhore Ron, it would have just been
#a flash-in-the-pan-story that died out after a few months.

Another theory is that had not the spectre of racism been introduced
to the case via Mark Furman, OJ might have been found guilty.

But I doubt a racist fuckhead like you wants to take that into

#Crusty Balls


ICQ: 12068702 AIM: BrujoLoco
Śa|f|k|-|m|n| |Ą|E|l| |B|r|u|j|o|!| |r|e|c|m|u|s|i|c|m|e|o|wŚ
"Your site sucks" - The Glenn Webb Seal of ApprovalŽ

Glenn Webb <> utters what may very well be the
most clueless thing ever said on usenet:

"C'mon and spam me asshole. Go ahead and forge posts. You'll
still be sub-human and I'll learn how to use a kill-file and
track you down." <6ba7i0$>

Ian McKinney

May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98
On Sat, 30 May 1998 03:34:43, soca...@earthlink.netNO-JUNK (The Devil's Advocate) wrote: > Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example > of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if > you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an > example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like > the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole > Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman. I haven't heard about this Hartman case. However, as far as OJ goes, his braindead, coke-addicted, slut of a wife would have probably drove any man insane. Also there was some poetic justice with OJ: 1. Deracinated, whimpish White father pimps his attractive blonde daughter to a Black football star and gets himself a full-time job as the Black's assistant. Then the Black football star murders the man's daughter and gets away with it. The father is out of a job. 2. The Black football star gets himself a trophy White wife only to find that she's a total degenerate and a slut. 3. Football star is openly admired by urban Blacks for denegrating and finally murdering the White woman. 4. Racemixing White slut is murdered by her husband, a Black thug football star. The thug gets off due to a politically correct non-white jury and is free to butcher other racemixing sluts. 5. The case polarizes Blacks and Whites. The OJ case was a vindication of all our warnings against racemixing, political correctness, and materialism, and in that sense was a total victory for the racialist side. It was a total and embarrassing defeat for the promoters of racemixing. Regards, Ian McKinney Western Imperative Network ---------------------------------------------------------- The Incomparable Dr. Revilo Oliver David Duke Celts and Saxons Homepage Aryan Dating Page National Vanguard Books Afrikaner Resistance Movement Stormfront White Nationalist Center Yggdrasil's White Nationalist Library Ernst Zundel - Free Speech Advocate

Jeff Yale

May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

Hash: SHA1

The Devil's Advocate <soca...@earthlink.netNO-JUNK> wrote in article

> Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an
> of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see
> you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this
> example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off
> the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
> Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.

Whoa, you got us there you smart guy!
Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.5.5



May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

If he was married to a NIGGER he would've probably killed HIMSELF!

The Devil's Advocate <soca...@earthlink.netNO-JUNK> wrote in article
> Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example
> of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if
> you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an
> example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like
> the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
> Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.

Earl Turner

May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

Tis all too true. We just like to point out for every white occurrence,
blacks have eight or nine. This is what the future holds because we
stopped seperate but equal education.
The fact is that we are all responsible, as individuals, for the morals and
the behavior of our race as a whole. There is no evading that
But it was in the year 1999, according to the Old Era that the dream of a
White world finally became a certainty.

Luke the Drifter <> wrote in article
> The Devil's Advocate wrote in message
> <>...

> >Is this an example of what happens in a same race marraige?

> I thought it was an example of what happens in a white marriage. See how
> violent those whites are?

> >You all come off like
> >the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
> >Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.


May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

The Devil's Advocate wrote:

> Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example
> of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if

> you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an
> example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like

> the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
> Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.

I'm afraid it wasn't the people's fault that OJ an Nicole made such
headlines, but the media's. If the media wans to make a big issue out of
Phil Hartman then that too will be an issue in every household.And
regardless of skin colour, if the wife wants to kill the husband and has
it in her, she will. What's the damn colour of the skin got to do with


The Devil's Advocate

May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

On Sat, 30 May 1998 06:57:41 GMT, i...@block.spam (Ian McKinney) wrote:

>I haven't heard about this Hartman case.

Why? did your satellite fall off your trailor :-D

>However, as far as OJ goes, his
>braindead, coke-addicted,

How the hell do you know she was coke addicted. Coke addiction never
stopped you from loving your chums Hitler and David Duke. Or the
scores of white nationalist that molest children because they can't
find a woman.

>slut of a wife would have probably drove any
>man insane. Also there was some poetic justice with OJ:
>1. Deracinated, whimpish White father pimps his attractive blonde
>daughter to a Black football star and gets himself a full-time job as
>the Black's assistant.

And tell me how many fathers regardless of color have "pimped" their
daughter to a wealthy man. Or at the least encouraged them.

>2. The Black football star gets himself a trophy White wife only to find
>that she's a total degenerate and a slut.

And tell me how many Hollywood white actresses are sluts as well that
gain their fame by scandals and screwing producers. Some of them have
to married to white men.

>3. Football star is openly admired by urban Blacks for denegrating and
>finally murdering the White woman.

This is a lie, Simpson was one of the most disliked black men.

>4. Racemixing White slut is murdered by her husband, a Black thug
>football star. The thug gets off due to a politically correct non-white
>jury and is free to butcher other racemixing sluts.

It's called justice to the highest bidder, this is nothing new, it's
just the first widely publicised case where a black man has done it.

>5. The case polarizes Blacks and Whites.

I haven't noticed any differences in the way whites treat me or I
treat them thus since. In fact, an hour after the verdict was
realeased, two white friends of mine picked me up and we went to the

>The OJ case was a vindication of all our warnings against racemixing,

What the hell does this have to do with race-mixing? There are
thousands of IR couples in the U.S. living peacefully and you single
out the one that murdered and act like it is representative. Do you
also single out the extreme cases where whites have domestic violence?
Hartman's wife killed him and then committed suicide. The bitch didn't
even have any consideration for the kids she left behind. Do you use
Tommy Lee who was sent to prison for battering his pregnant wife as an
example? They are same race.

>political correctness, and materialism, and in that sense was a total
>victory for the racialist side.

Hardly, as I said, there is no noticeable difference in black-white
relations, it's just something you racialist would hope happened, but
if it didn't, then you have to make it up so you feel good about your
useless selves.

>It was a total and embarrassing defeat
>for the promoters of racemixing.

See above. Tigers Woods(the Cabilasian) is the future trend of
America, whites will still be a minority in a couple decades and
there's nothing you ranting white boy patiots can do about it. So
there's the poetic justice, hehheh :-D

The Devil's Advocate

May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

On Fri, 29 May 1998 22:58:36 -0700, Crusty Balls
<> wrote:

>OJ is alive and free, and to any reasonable person, guilty as hell.

>Yet, a nigger jury set his murdering black ass free, just

>because he is black. Case had *everything* to do with race.

It was race no doubt, but money was also 85% of it. "Justice" in this
country goes out to the highest bidder, it can be bought. Bill Gates
could probably assassinate the president and get away with it.

>Phil's wife is dead. She committed suicide after killing him.

So the fuck what? Because of this it's somehow less heinous an act???

>She was her own judge, jury, and executioner. She had paid

>the price for her crime.

As if she did this out of justice or guilt. She was probably a nut
case and a serious bitch. Besides even if she did kill herself out of
remorse, she had children and left them parentless, so it's still just
as bad.

>Case had *nothing* to do with race.

But if was a black person that killed their spouse and then committed
suicide you'd be sniveling about it being because of race-mixing.

>So, you stupid fuck, how are these two situations the same?

See above

>Crusty Balls

Maybe you need to wash those crusty balls and keep them out of the
asses of other racialist.


May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

On Sat, 30 May 1998, Ian McKinney wrote:

> On Sat, 30 May 1998 03:34:43, soca...@earthlink.netNO-JUNK (The Devil's

> Advocate) wrote:
> > Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example
> > of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if
> > you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an
> > example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like
> > the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
> > Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.

> I haven't heard about this Hartman case. However, as far as OJ goes, his
> braindead, coke-addicted, slut of a wife would have probably drove any

> man insane. Also there was some poetic justice with OJ:
> 1. Deracinated, whimpish White father pimps his attractive blonde
> daughter to a Black football star and gets himself a full-time job as

> the Black's assistant. Then the Black football star murders the man's
> daughter and gets away with it. The father is out of a job.

> 2. The Black football star gets himself a trophy White wife only to find
> that she's a total degenerate and a slut.

> 3. Football star is openly admired by urban Blacks for denegrating and
> finally murdering the White woman.

> 4. Racemixing White slut is murdered by her husband, a Black thug
> football star. The thug gets off due to a politically correct non-white
> jury and is free to butcher other racemixing sluts.

> 5. The case polarizes Blacks and Whites.

> The OJ case was a vindication of all our warnings against racemixing,

> political correctness, and materialism, and in that sense was a total

> victory for the racialist side. It was a total and embarrassing defeat

> for the promoters of racemixing.

> Regards,
> Ian McKinney
> Western Imperative Network

Ian McKinney...think about this guy next time you debate rather or not
to use a condom. If you get either drunk or high and engage in
intercourse without a condom you could very well sentence the world to pay
for your lack of judgement. An effectively used latex condom can prevent
future Ian McKinneys. Just something to think about from the people at
K-Bar (tm.)


Crusty Balls

May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

ĄEl Brujo! wrote:
> In, <>, on Fri, 29 May 1998

> 22:58:36 -0700, Crusty Balls <>
> wrote:
> #The Devil's Advocate wrote:
> #>
> #> Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an
> #>example of what happens to a white women that dates a black
> #>man...let's see if you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by
> #>his wife. Is this an example of what happens in a same race
> #>marraige? You all come off like the idiots you are if you use an
> #>extreme example such OJ and Nicole Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.
> #
> #
> #OJ is alive and free, and to any reasonable person, guilty as hell.
> #Yet, a nigger jury set his murdering black ass free, just
> #because he is black. Case had *everything* to do with race.
> Hey, Crusty: You do know that the jury took into consideration the
> testimony of Mark "I never said the 'N' Word" Furman, don't you?

Yeah, the n word was more of an issue than who killed Ron & Nicole.

Glad ol' Cock-ran never played the race card to the all-minority jury.

You know, OJ was supposed to be tried by a jury of his peers. Not
one person on that jury could be construed as such.

> Does it piss you off that a rich black man can buy the same justice as
> a rich white man?

That *anybody* can buy justice pisses me off. Don't get me started
on the fucked-up state of our "justice" system.

> #Phil's wife is dead. She committed suicide after killing him.
> #She was her own judge, jury, and executioner. She had paid
> #the price for her crime. Case had *nothing* to do with race.
> #
> #So, you stupid fuck, how are these two situations the same?
> Go back and read the post, dipshit.

No need, fuckstick.

> Better yet, get someone else to read it for you. You're obviously too
> stupid to understand anything that doesn't use the word "nigger" in
> every other sentence.

Hardly. The OJ case illustrated the way white women are treated by
nigger men. The Hartman case illustrated what happens when you
teach a woman how to use a gun. :)

> #
> #I would guess that if OJ had offed himself after killing
> #that niggerfuckingwhore Nicole, and that jewboythatdoesn't
> #mindfuckinganiggerfuckingwhore Ron, it would have just been
> #a flash-in-the-pan-story that died out after a few months.
> Another theory is that had not the spectre of racism been introduced
> to the case via Mark Furman, OJ might have been found guilty.

Not by that jury.

> But I doubt a racist fuckhead like you wants to take that into
> consideration.

fucKKKhead, dammit, fuc*KKK*head! Spell it right, or don't use it.

> #
> #Crusty Balls
> --
> ICQ: 12068702 AIM: BrujoLoco
> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
> Śa|f|k|-|m|n| |Ą|E|l| |B|r|u|j|o|!| |r|e|c|m|u|s|i|c|m|e|o|wŚ
> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
> URL:
> "Your site sucks" - The Glenn Webb Seal of ApprovalŽ
> Glenn Webb <> utters what may very well be the
> most clueless thing ever said on usenet:
> "C'mon and spam me asshole. Go ahead and forge posts. You'll
> still be sub-human and I'll learn how to use a kill-file and
> track you down." <6ba7i0$>

Crusty Balls

May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

The Devil's Advocate wrote:
> On Fri, 29 May 1998 22:58:36 -0700, Crusty Balls
> <> wrote:
> >OJ is alive and free, and to any reasonable person, guilty as hell.
> >Yet, a nigger jury set his murdering black ass free, just
> >because he is black. Case had *everything* to do with race.
> It was race no doubt, but money was also 85% of it. "Justice" in this
> country goes out to the highest bidder, it can be bought.

Agreed. Sad but true.

> Bill Gates
> could probably assassinate the president and get away with it.

We can only hope........

> >
> >Phil's wife is dead. She committed suicide after killing him.

> So the fuck what? Because of this it's somehow less heinous an act???

Hell, no!

But, she had paid for her crime. I say let the bitch's body
rot in a ditch somewhere. What the fuck do ~you~ suggest we
do *now* to punish her for what she did?

> >She was her own judge, jury, and executioner. She had paid

> >the price for her crime.
> As if she did this out of justice or guilt.

Who knows? She's dead, and she won't kill again.
Eye for an eye, and all that.

> She was probably a nut
> case and a serious bitch.

She *obiviously* was a nutcase.

> Besides even if she did kill herself out of
> remorse, she had children and left them parentless, so it's still just
> as bad.

Bad as what? As bad as killing your spouse, leaving the kids
orphans, and getting off scott free?

> >Case had *nothing* to do with race.

> But if was a black person that killed their spouse and then committed
> suicide you'd be sniveling about it being because of race-mixing.

Race mixing is a BIG mistake. White "trophy" wives
are frequently abused by their black husbands.

And, BTW:
If being black is so fucking great, then why the
hell do black men go after white women? Doesn't
that really piss off the black females? It should.

> >So, you stupid fuck, how are these two situations the same?

> See above

No need, you didn't address the issue.

> >Crusty Balls
> Maybe you need to wash those crusty balls and keep them out of the
> asses of other racialist.

Tell your skank daughter (or was that your wife, all you
darkies look the same to me, especially at night) to
wash her nasty yeast-infected clap-trap once in a while.

> Remove NO-JUNK to email
> <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>
> "Your Warrant Is In Question"
> -=The Devil's Advocate=-
> <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>

Crusty Balls


May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

The Devil's Advocate wrote:

> Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example
> of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if
> you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an
> example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like
> the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole

> Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.

Most racist kill their wives, then the children, and then go out on the
lawn and blow their own brains out.
m30w DMV (Department of Meowing & Violence) member m30w
DMV Homepage


May 30, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/30/98

Earl Turner wrote:

> Tis all too true. We just like to point out for every white occurrence,
> blacks have eight or nine.

Funny, you've only mentioned OJ. Not that you being a liar is anything new.


May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

K-Bar wrote:

> On Sat, 30 May 1998, Ian McKinney wrote:
> > On Sat, 30 May 1998 03:34:43, soca...@earthlink.netNO-JUNK (The Devil's

> > Advocate) wrote:
> >
> > > Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example
> > > of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if
> > > you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an
> > > example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like
> > > the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
> > > Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.
> >

I learnt a long time ago to ignore anything that comes out of this pathetic
little creature's mouth. Do yourself a favour and just ignore him. He's not
worth it.


Andrew W Beckwith

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

Crusty Balls wrote:
> The Devil's Advocate wrote:
> >

You know, Crusty balls, you are one obsessed fuck. If I were
you I would ask my parole officer to read posts you send out to
heighten your awareness of how much schooling you need to obtain
the requisite literacy needed to get a REAL JOB!

Every time you go on a racial tirade, you make me wonder if
your Black blood you are so ashamed of is making you scream
after every self hating post you generate, or if or not you are
you are just plain fucking stupid!

I am a simple guy, unlike you, Mr. Psycho meat. I have simple
views of life. And, your entire posting career highlights the wisdom
of William Shakespeare who wrote in Macbeth " The lady does protest
too much! ". Get it, Crusty Balls ? Each time you scream about
'niggers' I am going to send a prayer to your Black mother who is
now undoubtedly rolling in her grave wondering in heaven if her
son has gone mad.

You know, Crusty Balls, no amount of self hate can remove the
fact that you are Black. It is just a shame that you are too screwed
up to accept the inevitable and to stop trying to act like a wannabe
tough guy when instead you need psychotheraphy desperately.

Andrew Beckwith

P.S. - You remind me of the Jewish Kapos who did the Nazis dirty
work for them in the death camps! You know, Chump, you simply cannot
run from your racial heritage forever!

Hi, buddy! Have a nice day!


The Devil's Advocate

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

On Sat, 30 May 1998 22:48:01 -0700, Crusty Balls
<> wrote:

>> Bill Gates
>> could probably assassinate the president and get away with it.
>We can only hope........

You hope the president gets assinatated?! What kind of sick asshole
are you?

>But, she had paid for her crime. I say let the bitch's body
>rot in a ditch somewhere. What the fuck do ~you~ suggest we
>do *now* to punish her for what she did?

I didn't suggest we do anything to her. My point was that if one of
them were black and the other white, you racialist would be yelling
this fact off the rooftop, but when whites do this to each other, you
don't want to make race an issue.

>> Besides even if she did kill herself out of
>> remorse, she had children and left them parentless, so it's still just
>> as bad.
>Bad as what? As bad as killing your spouse, leaving the kids
>orphans, and getting off scott free?

Yes it was just as bad.

>Race mixing is a BIG mistake.

It's no more a mistake than mixing with someone of a different eye

>White "trophy" wives
>are frequently abused by their black husbands.

And can you site any proof?

>And, BTW:
>If being black is so fucking great,

Those weren't my words, being black per se is not great nor bad, it
has nothing to do with my personality, accomplishments or failures.

>then why the
>hell do black men go after white women?

Something like 95% of black men married are married to black
women...go figure. I could also ask why are so many white men nuts
over Asian women.

>that really piss off the black females? It should.

Pisses some off, and some could care less.

>Tell your skank daughter (or was that your wife, all you
>darkies look the same to me, especially at night) to
>wash her nasty yeast-infected clap-trap once in a while.

I have neither a daughter nor a wife Mr. Crusty Balls. With a name
like that you sound like you could use a good shot of penecillin.

Earl Turner

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

thunderr <> wrote in article

> Most racist kill their wives, then the children, and then go out on the
> lawn and blow their own brains out.

If that were true it would be on the news more often. Most of us just wish
to be left to ourselves and allowed to be white without you or the
government butting in.

Earl Turner

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

Minden LA just this week nigger shot a store owner and his son in the head
Little Rock Arkansas two niggelts died several days after their dad bashed
their heads in with stones. The uncle watched but did nothing til the job
was done.
I mean really I could be here all day.

thunderr <> wrote in article


> Earl Turner wrote:
> > Tis all too true. We just like to point out for every white
> > blacks have eight or nine.
> Funny, you've only mentioned OJ. Not that you being a liar is anything


May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

Crusty Balls wrote:

> The Devil's Advocate wrote:
> >

> > On Fri, 29 May 1998 22:58:36 -0700, Crusty Balls
> > <> wrote:
> >
> > >OJ is alive and free, and to any reasonable person, guilty as hell.
> > >Yet, a nigger jury set his murdering black ass free, just
> > >because he is black. Case had *everything* to do with race.
> >
> > It was race no doubt, but money was also 85% of it. "Justice" in this
> > country goes out to the highest bidder, it can be bought.
> Agreed. Sad but true.

> > Bill Gates
> > could probably assassinate the president and get away with it.
> We can only hope........

You are one sick individual, aren't you? Why would you want to assassinate
the president? Hell, why would you want to assassinate anybody?

> > >Phil's wife is dead. She committed suicide after killing him.
> >
> > So the fuck what? Because of this it's somehow less heinous an act???
> Hell, no!

> But, she had paid for her crime. I say let the bitch's body
> rot in a ditch somewhere. What the fuck do ~you~ suggest we
> do *now* to punish her for what she did?
> >

> > >She was her own judge, jury, and executioner. She had paid
> > >the price for her crime.
> >
> > As if she did this out of justice or guilt.
> Who knows? She's dead, and she won't kill again.
> Eye for an eye, and all that.
> > She was probably a nut
> > case and a serious bitch.
> She *obiviously* was a nutcase.

> > Besides even if she did kill herself out of
> > remorse, she had children and left them parentless, so it's still just
> > as bad.
> Bad as what? As bad as killing your spouse, leaving the kids
> orphans, and getting off scott free?
> >

> > >Case had *nothing* to do with race.
> >
> > But if was a black person that killed their spouse and then committed
> > suicide you'd be sniveling about it being because of race-mixing.

> Race mixing is a BIG mistake. White "trophy" wives

> are frequently abused by their black husbands.

Race mixing is not a big mistake. However, siblings having offspring is, of
which you are a clear example of the outcome.


> And, BTW:
> If being black is so fucking great, then why the
> hell do black men go after white women? Doesn't

> that really piss off the black females? It should.
> >

> > >So, you stupid fuck, how are these two situations the same?
> >
> > See above
> No need, you didn't address the issue.
> >
> > >Crusty Balls
> >
> > Maybe you need to wash those crusty balls and keep them out of the
> > asses of other racialist.

> Tell your skank daughter (or was that your wife, all you
> darkies look the same to me, especially at night) to
> wash her nasty yeast-infected clap-trap once in a while.
> >

> > Remove NO-JUNK to email
> > <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>
> > "Your Warrant Is In Question"
> > -=The Devil's Advocate=-
> >
> > <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>


May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

Just that same week little ole gun toten white boy shoots up his school kilin
peers and parents, aint that a shame


May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

What i would like to know is how many blakc people have the money to buy their
way out of crimes. Whites committ them and somehow become glorified like those
bastards that did the bombing in Oaklahoma, Jeferry the canibal Dahlmer and the
Manson clan and we can go on and on with the heinous crimes committed by whites
that were not given the death penalty and somehow became victims

Phil Nation

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

In article <>,
Ian McKinney (i...@block.spam) wrote:
: 4. Racemixing White slut is murdered by her husband, a Black thug
: football star. The thug gets off due to a politically correct non-white
: jury and is free to butcher other racemixing sluts.

Hmmm... seems to me the prosecution butchered the case... if they really
had a "mountain of evidence", as they claimed...

: 5. The case polarizes Blacks and Whites.

You left out "further". Of course, it's folks like you who made sure
Blacks and Whites already were polarized.

: The OJ case was a vindication of all our warnings against racemixing,

: political correctness, and materialism, and in that sense was a total
: victory for the racialist side. It was a total and embarrassing defeat
: for the promoters of racemixing.

Unless you can prove that all 1.26 million interracial marriages go
like this one, you are wrong once again.

Phil "but then, I expect nothing else from you" Kasiecki

Philip T. Kasiecki

"Life is not important except in the impact it has on others' lives."
-Jackie Robinson

Ralph Moorely

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

El Brujo! <> wrote:
: Does it piss you off that a rich black man can buy the same justice as
: a rich white man?

Does it piss anyone off that the Jews are selling justice?

Ian McKinney

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

On Sat, 30 May 1998 05:22:52, (ĄEl Brujo!) wrote:

> Does it piss you off that a rich black man can buy the same justice as
> a rich white man?

Personally, I'm glad OJ got off. Every item in that case, all the way
from the Brown's degenerate father allowing his beautiful daughter to
mate with a negro to the the politically correct verdict from the
minority jury. The OJ case was a giant set-back for the racemixers.

Ian McKinney
Western Imperative Network

Jack Robbins,Sr.

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98


The Devil's Advocate <soca...@earthlink.netNO-JUNK> wrote in article

> Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example
> of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if
> you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an
> example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like
> the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
> Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.

Crusty Balls

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

Kathy wrote:
> Crusty Balls wrote:
> > The Devil's Advocate wrote:
> > >
> > > On Fri, 29 May 1998 22:58:36 -0700, Crusty Balls
> > > <> wrote:
> > >
> > > >OJ is alive and free, and to any reasonable person, guilty as hell.
> > > >Yet, a nigger jury set his murdering black ass free, just
> > > >because he is black. Case had *everything* to do with race.
> > >
> > > It was race no doubt, but money was also 85% of it. "Justice" in this
> > > country goes out to the highest bidder, it can be bought.
> >
> > Agreed. Sad but true.
> >
> > > Bill Gates
> > > could probably assassinate the president and get away with it.
> >
> > We can only hope........
> You are one sick individual, aren't you?

With a name like "Crusty Balls", you really have to ask?

> Why would you want to assassinate
> the president?

*I* wouldn't want to, personally. However, if Bill Gates hired it done,
I probably wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Hell, can you
imagine the media circus that would follow? LOL! Bill
wouldn't even be cold yet, and Hillary would be fighting Algore
for the presidency! LOL!

> Hell, why would you want to assassinate anybody?

Oh, there are lots of reasons that people kill people.
As I said above, ~I~ wouldn't want to assassinate
anybody myself, because I don't want to end up in jail
or dead, BUT, let's face it, some people just need
killing. (Castro, Farrikan, Saddam H., Don King,
that annoying little bastard Gilbert Godfrey, ect. ect. )


> Race mixing is not a big mistake.

Yes, it is.

> However, siblings having offspring is,

Yes, I agree.

(plus, it really fucks up the old "family tree chart" eh?)

> of
> which you are a clear example of the outcome.
> Kathy

Tisk, tisk, Kunty, is that tired old stereotype the
best you can do? Use your imagination, slutbitch,
and come up with something new, then get back to
me. That's a good girl.

Crusty Balls
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force!
Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
George Washington

"I've never heard a black man blame the white race."
thunderr <>
In Message <>

"I'll donate negative forty million dollars."
"The Big Kids Show" <>
In Message<01bd8c1d$1c7f7fe0$9aa1fecd@default>

Crusty Balls

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

The Devil's Advocate wrote:
> On Sat, 30 May 1998 22:48:01 -0700, Crusty Balls
> <> wrote:
> >> Bill Gates
> >> could probably assassinate the president and get away with it.
> >
> >
> >We can only hope........
> You hope the president gets assinatated?! What kind of sick asshole
> are you?

Gee, I don't many kinds *are* there?

(try some bran, you're WAAAAYYYY to tense)

In all seriousness, I do not want to see another
american president assassinated. Do I like BC
as a person? NO! However, he is the President,
(unfortunately), and as such should be protected.

Would I like to see his sorry ass impeached and
thrown in jail? MOST DEFINITELY!

> >But, she had paid for her crime. I say let the bitch's body
> >rot in a ditch somewhere. What the fuck do ~you~ suggest we
> >do *now* to punish her for what she did?

> I didn't suggest we do anything to her. My point was that if one of
> them were black and the other white, you racialist would be yelling
> this fact off the rooftop, but when whites do this to each other, you
> don't want to make race an issue.

Read what you wrote, asshole. Here ->> when whites do this to each

other, you
don't want to make race an issue.


If they were an interracial couple, you are damn right that
I would be saying "that's what you get when you marry a _____"
(fill in name of mudrace in blank)

When a white does it to another white, then I say:
"Let the punishment fit the crime. An eye for an
eye, a life for a life" Just because the perp was
white, don't think for a second that I would vote
not-guilty. That is the big difference between
white juries and black juries, we whites WILL
convice one of our own.

> >> Besides even if she did kill herself out of
> >> remorse, she had children and left them parentless, so it's still just
> >> as bad.
> >
> >
> >
> >Bad as what? As bad as killing your spouse, leaving the kids
> >orphans, and getting off scott free?

> Yes it was just as bad.

Bullshit. OJ is guilty and free, she is guilty and DEAD.
(which is what OJ needs to be)

> >Race mixing is a BIG mistake.

> It's no more a mistake than mixing with someone of a different eye
> color.

Bullshit. There are MAJOR cultural differences that cause
conflicts. I have seen it a thousand times with
servicemen marrying asian women. It just doesn't work.

> >White "trophy" wives
> >are frequently abused by their black husbands.

> And can you site any proof?

You mean ~besides~ OJ and Nicole?

> >
> >And, BTW:
> >If being black is so fucking great,

> Those weren't my words, being black per se is not great nor bad, it
> has nothing to do with my personality, accomplishments or failures.

You have got to be kidding me? Are you going to tell me that
if you were white, that your life would have been EXACTLY
the same up to this point?

> >then why the
> >hell do black men go after white women?

> Something like 95% of black men married are married to black
> women...go figure.

Where do you get that figure? (95%)
Post proof, or retract.

> I could also ask why are so many white men nuts
> over Asian women.

Because, asian women will date just about
any white man, and white guys that can't
get a real white woman will settle for a asian broad.
Seen it alot in the service. The LBFM's coudn't do enough for
you while you were over there, but fuck up and marry
one, and as soon as you get back to the states, the
honeymoon is OVER in a big way. She won't cook anymore,
she won't clean anymore, she won't fuck anymore (well,
she'll fuck all of your friends), and when you divorce
her sorry ass, she gets half of your check every month,
has her citizenship, then brings her whole fucking
family over. Sure, they look great at 18, but there
is nothing that gets ugly any faster than a gookbitch.
By 35, there so fucking fat and fugly, a goddamn
doberman wouldn't sniff their crotch!

ps. in case you don't know LBFM=little brown fucking machine

> >Doesn't
> >that really piss off the black females? It should.

> Pisses some off, and some could care less.

> >Tell your skank daughter (or was that your wife, all you
> >darkies look the same to me, especially at night) to
> >wash her nasty yeast-infected clap-trap once in a while.

> I have neither a daughter nor a wife Mr. Crusty Balls.

Oh, I ~am~ shocked! What's the matter, are you queer or have
you just not found the right white woman yet?

> With a name
> like that you sound like you could use a good shot of penecillin.


You sound like you could use a good spellchecker.

> Remove NO-JUNK to email
> <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>
> "Your Warrant Is In Question"
> -=The Devil's Advocate=-
> <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>

Crusty Balls

Crusty Balls

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

Andrew W Beckwith wrote:
> You know, Crusty balls, you are one obsessed fuck. If I were
> you I would ask my parole officer to read posts you send out to.....


Oh, shit man, for a minute there I thought you were actually ~serious~!

Crusty Balls
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force!
Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
George Washington

"I've never heard a black man blame the white race."
thunderr <>
In Message <>

"I'll donate negative forty million dollars."

The Devil's Advocate

Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

On Sun, 31 May 1998 21:49:04 GMT, i...@block.spam (Ian McKinney) wrote:

>On Sat, 30 May 1998 05:22:52, (ĄEl Brujo!) wrote:
>> Does it piss you off that a rich black man can buy the same justice as
>> a rich white man?
>Personally, I'm glad OJ got off.

There goes any credibility you might have had. You obviously don't
believe in justice if you think a murder should have got off. So then
why are you so pissed at blacks for freeing him?

>Every item in that case, all the way
>from the Brown's degenerate father allowing his beautiful daughter

She was no better looking than average by California standards, but I
guess compared to ugly white trash women you probably have in
Virginia, I could see why you might think this.

>mate with a negro to the the politically correct verdict from the
>minority jury. The OJ case was a giant set-back for the racemixers.

Hardly, check any stats and you'll see that "miscegenators" are on the
increase, you're fighting a losing battle McKKKinney.

The Devil's Advocate

Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

On 31 May 1998 21:44:47 GMT, "Jack Robbins,Sr."
<> wrote:


Noooooooooo shit lamebrain!!! Lay of that Jack Daniels! :-D

The Devil's Advocate

Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

On Sun, 31 May 1998 19:38:31 -0700, Crusty Balls
<> wrote:

>Read what you wrote, asshole. Here ->> when whites do this to each
>other, you
>don't want to make race an issue.

So why do hell do you differentiate a same race couple murdering a
spouse and a mixed race couple murdering their spouse? The crime is no
worse if it is mixed race. Simpson didn't murder Nicole because she
was white, he did it because he lost and temper and snapped, which I
suspect is the same reason that Hartman's wife killed him and herself.
So what the hell is the difference?

>If they were an interracial couple, you are damn right that
>I would be saying "that's what you get when you marry a _____"
>(fill in name of mudrace in blank)

Because your a lousy, sniveling, scapegoating piece of shit that can't
even pretend to be logically consistant.

>When a white does it to another white, then I say:
>"Let the punishment fit the crime. An eye for an
>eye, a life for a life" Just because the perp was
>white, don't think for a second that I would vote
>not-guilty. That is the big difference between
>white juries and black juries, we whites WILL
>convice one of our own.

If you really believed in fairness, you wouldn't differentiate between
Simpson's murder and the Hartman murder.

>> >Bad as what? As bad as killing your spouse, leaving the kids
>> >orphans, and getting off scott free?
>> Yes it was just as bad.
>Bullshit. OJ is guilty and free, she is guilty and DEAD.
>(which is what OJ needs to be)

I was speaking of the actual crime itself, not the acquittal.


>> >Race mixing is a BIG mistake.
>> It's no more a mistake than mixing with someone of a different eye
>> color.
>Bullshit. There are MAJOR cultural differences that cause

Why don't you buy a textbook on logic and look up the fallacy
"non-sequitor." You are among the ignorant majority of our society
that does not understand the difference between race and culture.
Cultural differences have nothing to do with race. A black living in
San Francisco has no more in common culturally with a Ghanian than a
white American does even though they are both of the African race, and
s/he will have more in common with a white Westerner in Paris.

>> And can you site any proof?
>You mean ~besides~ OJ and Nicole?

Yes, besides. Give me some wife battery stats or something. You so
stupid that you can't even realise that using OJ and Nicole as an icon
of IR marriage is a straw man argument. I'd be just as logical using
wife battering Tommy Lee or Hartman and his wife as an example of what
happens in a same race marraige.

>> Those weren't my words, being black per se is not great nor bad, it
>> has nothing to do with my personality, accomplishments or failures.
>You have got to be kidding me? Are you going to tell me that
>if you were white, that your life would have been EXACTLY
>the same up to this point?

If it were different, it would only be an example of racism in
America. I can't see what would be so different in my life if I woke
up white tommorrow, that would be inherantly caused by whiteness.

>> Something like 95% of black men married are married to black
>> women...go figure.
>Where do you get that figure? (95%)
>Post proof, or retract.

This is based on what others have told me. Someone said this is from
the census bureau, but I have trouble finding it. I emailed the person
a few days ago asking for exactly where they found it and I'm waiting
for a return. Anyway you don't need stats. Walk around any black
neighborhood or church and you won't see to many IR couples. The IR
couples there tend to be highly concentrated in certain places such as
San Francisco or West L.A.

>Because, asian women will date just about
>any white man, and white guys that can't
>get a real white woman will settle for a asian broad.

Hah! I can walk around 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica and see
white men with Asian women everywhere. Most of them are affluent 30
something yuppie types. They even have a name for them, asiaphiles.

>ps. in case you don't know LBFM=little brown fucking machine

I suppose your referring to Phillipinas, well, most the white men I
see are with Japanese, Korean or Chinese.

>> I have neither a daughter nor a wife Mr. Crusty Balls.
>Oh, I ~am~ shocked! What's the matter, are you queer or have
>you just not found the right white woman yet?

I have no interest in men and having just turned 22 last week I'm
certainly not interested in marraige.

>> With a name
>> like that you sound like you could use a good shot of penecillin.
> ^^^^^^^^^^
>You sound like you could use a good spellchecker.

Spelling flames are the lamest.

The Devil's Advocate

Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

On Mon, 01 Jun 1998 04:12:43 GMT, i...@block.spam (Ian McKinney) wrote:

>What the hell! You liberal nitwits created the social climate where a
>Black man and a White woman can get married and think it's great. I'm
>just observing that the OJ case was a great boost for the racialist
>movement as it confirmed everything we have been warning about.

Aren't you really drawing straws here, surely you must have at least a
modicum of wit, McKKKinney.

>BTW, I'm not pissed at the Blacks for freeing him. Like I said, Nicole
>Brown was a drug-using, race-mixing slut. She was playing the
>politically correct game and she suffered the consequences.
>What I'm outraged over are the 120 White women who are attacked, raped,
>or murdered by Blacks EVERYDAY that get virtually no attention in the

And you also neglect the fact that something like 90% or more of rape
is within a race. With those supposed 120 white women raped by black
men, there are many hundreds more raped by white men. Why aren't you
addressing that??? Not only that, but you probably didn't know that
most rape is acquaintance rape. The stereotypical image of a man
jumping out of an alley and dragging a woman away is more the
exception than the rule. Rape is a serious issue and trying to infuse
the race card (to use a Simpson case allusion) into it doesn't help.

>The majority of them are clean-living, non-racemixers. Those are
>the only White women I care about.

Then you would be saying something about the hundreds of white women
raped who are date-raped in college, by boyfriends and husbands and
typically by white men. You seem to only care about rape when it's a
black perpetrator.

>If these racemixers are getting pounded, choked, and raped by their
>Black lovers, I'm sorry if I don't get all teared-up over it.

Of course you don't, you're a degenerate scoundrel.

ĄEl Brujo!

Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

In, <6ks53d$5ot$>, on 31 May 1998 17:47:25 GMT, Ralph
Moorely <rmoo...@NOSPAM.thanks> wrote:

#El Brujo! <> wrote:
#: Does it piss you off that a rich black man can buy the same justice
#:as a rich white man?
#Does it piss anyone off that the Jews are selling justice?

What the fuck?

Crusty Balls

Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

The Devil's Advocate wrote:
> On Mon, 01 Jun 1998 04:12:43 GMT, i...@block.spam (Ian McKinney) wrote:
> >What the hell! You liberal nitwits created the social climate where a
> >Black man and a White woman can get married and think it's great. I'm
> >just observing that the OJ case was a great boost for the racialist
> >movement as it confirmed everything we have been warning about.
> Aren't you really drawing straws here, surely you must have at least a
> modicum of wit, McKKKinney.

<psst!> Hey, DA, that's "grasping at straws", okay? That drawing
straws thing is for choosing who get to test out the homemade parachute,
and stuff like that. A "modicum of wit", indeed.

(the eXXXtra K's were really cute, too. Very Original)

> >
> >BTW, I'm not pissed at the Blacks for freeing him. Like I said, Nicole
> >Brown was a drug-using, race-mixing slut. She was playing the
> >politically correct game and she suffered the consequences.
> >
> >What I'm outraged over are the 120 White women who are attacked, raped,
> >or murdered by Blacks EVERYDAY that get virtually no attention in the
> >press.
> And you also neglect the fact that something like 90% or more of rape
> is within a race. With those supposed 120 white women raped by black
> men, there are many hundreds more raped by white men.

Post proof, or retract.

> Why aren't you
> addressing that??? Not only that, but you probably didn't know that
> most rape is acquaintance rape. The stereotypical image of a man
> jumping out of an alley and dragging a woman away is more the
> exception than the rule. Rape is a serious issue and trying to infuse
> the race card (to use a Simpson case allusion) into it doesn't help.
> >The majority of them are clean-living, non-racemixers. Those are
> >the only White women I care about.
> Then you would be saying something about the hundreds of white women
> raped who are date-raped in college, by boyfriends and husbands and
> typically by white men. You seem to only care about rape when it's a
> black perpetrator.

Hey, it's a white thing, you wouldn't understand.

> >
> >If these racemixers are getting pounded, choked, and raped by their
> >Black lovers, I'm sorry if I don't get all teared-up over it.
> Of course you don't, you're a degenerate scoundrel.

Hey, they are asking for that type of treatment, marrying
a savage, brutal, unevolved ape. Fuck 'em, let 'em die.

> Remove NO-JUNK to email
> <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>
> "Your Warrant Is In Question"
> -=The Devil's Advocate=-
> <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>

Crusty Balls

Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

The Devil's Advocate wrote:
> On Sun, 31 May 1998 19:38:31 -0700, Crusty Balls
> <> wrote:
> >Read what you wrote, asshole. Here ->> when whites do this to each
> >other, you
> >don't want to make race an issue.
> >
> So why do hell do you differentiate a same race couple murdering a
> spouse and a mixed race couple murdering their spouse? The crime is no
> worse if it is mixed race. Simpson didn't murder Nicole because she
> was white, he did it because he lost and temper and snapped, which I
> suspect is the same reason that Hartman's wife killed him and herself.
> So what the hell is the difference?

OJ had a history of abusive behavior towards Nicole, I don't
know about Hartman's wife, but I doubt she abused him. Who
knows, maybe Hartman was porking the maid, or had a gay lover
or some shit like that. Race comes into the mix when you start
talking about abusive behavior, and you know as well as I that
in the black community, white women that marry black men are
looked down upon by most black women, and are more likely to
be abused than their black female counterpart. If this comes from
insecurities on the part of the black man, or the friction
between clashing cultures\lifestyles\values\backgrounds
(whatever you want to call it) or family resentment, or
societal pressures, the fact remains: White women that
marry black men are more likely to be the victims of
domestic violence than white women that marry white men.
That's the difference. Nicole should have known better than
to get involved with a black man.

> >If they were an interracial couple, you are damn right that
> >I would be saying "that's what you get when you marry a _____"
> >(fill in name of mudrace in blank)
> Because your a lousy, sniveling, scapegoating piece of shit that can't
> even pretend to be logically consistant.

No, dickhead, I just don't blind myself to reality in the
name of political correctness, or multiculturalism, or what
ever the liberal buzzword is this month.

> >
> >When a white does it to another white, then I say:
> >"Let the punishment fit the crime. An eye for an
> >eye, a life for a life" Just because the perp was
> >white, don't think for a second that I would vote
> >not-guilty. That is the big difference between
> >white juries and black juries, we whites WILL
> >convice one of our own.
> If you really believed in fairness, you wouldn't differentiate between
> Simpson's murder and the Hartman murder.

But there is a difference...a BIG difference. An all minority
jury freed OJ in the face of overwheming evidence, turning a
blind eye to facts, and focusing on preceived racism. "Here
is our chance to show the LAPD, here is our chance to strike a
blow against racial injustice, here is our chance to help a
brother that is being percecuted by the MAN". I have seen it
in the local courts here, on jury duty. Blacks do not want to
convice other black, no matter what the evidence is, because they
are afraid of being called Uncle Tom's, traitors, and the like.
Deny it all you want, but I have seen it happen, and had to
deal with it myself. It happens, and if you think it doesn't you
are very, very ignorant. Remember the black woman that went
after rap artists about using "bitch" and "ho", ect.? Do you
remember how much support she got from the black community?
ZIP! Sorry I don't remember her name, but I remember her
being on a few talk shows, opposite several "gangsta-rappers".
She was treated like shit by her own people, for trying to
clean up the music that permeates black culture.

> >> >Bad as what? As bad as killing your spouse, leaving the kids
> >> >orphans, and getting off scott free?
> >>
> >> Yes it was just as bad.
> >
> >
> >
> >Bullshit. OJ is guilty and free, she is guilty and DEAD.
> >(which is what OJ needs to be)
> I was speaking of the actual crime itself, not the acquittal.

Hey, the acquittal ~is~ the final chapter in that crime. You can't
seperate the two. Hartman's wife won't be acquitted, she is
already serving her sentance, with no chance of parole.
Suicide = Mortal Sin. She is smoking turds in hell right now.

> >
> >> >Race mixing is a BIG mistake.
> >>
> >> It's no more a mistake than mixing with someone of a different eye
> >> color.
> >
> >Bullshit. There are MAJOR cultural differences that cause
> >conflicts.
> Why don't you buy a textbook on logic and look up the fallacy
> "non-sequitor." You are among the ignorant majority of our society
> that does not understand the difference between race and culture.
> Cultural differences have nothing to do with race. A black living in
> San Francisco has no more in common culturally with a Ghanian than a
> white American does even though they are both of the African race, and
> s/he will have more in common with a white Westerner in Paris.

I know what a non-sequitor is. And I perfectly understand the
difference between race and culture. You and I just have a different
definition of the terms, and will probably never agree on
this point. And, I disagree with your analogy.

> >> And can you site any proof?
> >
> >
> >You mean ~besides~ OJ and Nicole?
> Yes, besides. Give me some wife battery stats or something. You so
> stupid that you can't even realise that using OJ and Nicole as an icon
> of IR marriage is a straw man argument. I'd be just as logical using
> wife battering Tommy Lee or Hartman and his wife as an example of what
> happens in a same race marraige.

Check out the Dept. of Justice website. It has the national crime
stats broken down by age, race, sex, ect. ect.

I can find the URL for you, if you want it.

> >> Those weren't my words, being black per se is not great nor bad, it
> >> has nothing to do with my personality, accomplishments or failures.
> >
> >
> >You have got to be kidding me? Are you going to tell me that
> >if you were white, that your life would have been EXACTLY
> >the same up to this point?
> If it were different, it would only be an example of racism in
> America. I can't see what would be so different in my life if I woke
> up white tommorrow, that would be inherantly caused by whiteness.

It would be different, and you know it. Racism does exist, whether
overt or covert. You may not even know you are being descriminated
against, because a whole lot of decisions that affect your life
are made by people who ~may~ be prejudice. (Job interviews, loans,
new car prices, ect, ect.)

> >> Something like 95% of black men married are married to black
> >> women...go figure.
> >
> >
> >Where do you get that figure? (95%)
> >Post proof, or retract.
> This is based on what others have told me. Someone said this is from
> the census bureau, but I have trouble finding it. I emailed the person
> a few days ago asking for exactly where they found it and I'm waiting
> for a return.

Sure you did.

> Anyway you don't need stats.

Good thing, because you can't or won't supply them.

> Walk around any black
> neighborhood or church and you won't see to many IR couples.

I'll pass, thanks.

> The IR
> couples there tend to be highly concentrated in certain places such as
> San Francisco or West L.A.

Go figure, SF, where anything goes, and nothing is a sin.
Been to SF, won't waste my time going back. Never been to
LA, don't plan to go.

Two shithole cities that the US would be better off without.

(Hmmmm, guess we need to talk to some of those ex-USSR countries
that still have a few nukes, but low on cash, and maybe..........)

> >Because, asian women will date just about
> >any white man, and white guys that can't
> >get a real white woman will settle for a asian broad.
> Hah! I can walk around 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica and see
> white men with Asian women everywhere. Most of them are affluent 30
> something yuppie types. They even have a name for them, asiaphiles.

They are just out for a cheap thrill, an easy lay, and then
on to the next conquest. And, BTW, California can hardly be
held up as as example of the way things ought to be.

> >ps. in case you don't know LBFM=little brown fucking machine
> I suppose your referring to Phillipinas, well, most the white men I
> see are with Japanese, Korean or Chinese.

Yes, Fillipinas.

> >> I have neither a daughter nor a wife Mr. Crusty Balls.
> >
> >
> >Oh, I ~am~ shocked! What's the matter, are you queer or have
> >you just not found the right white woman yet?
> I have no interest in men and having just turned 22 last week I'm
> certainly not interested in marraige.
> >> With a name
> >> like that you sound like you could use a good shot of penecillin.
> > ^^^^^^^^^^
> >
> >You sound like you could use a good spellchecker.
> Spelling flames are the lamest.

As lame as a spending all of that money on college, and
not being able to spell?

Remove NO-JUNK to email
> <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>
> "Your Warrant Is In Question"
> -=The Devil's Advocate=-
> <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>

Crusty Balls

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force!
Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
George Washington

"I've never heard a black man blame the white race."
thunderr <>
In Message <>

"I'll donate negative forty million dollars."
"The Big Kids Show" <>
In Message<01bd8c1d$1c7f7fe0$9aa1fecd@default>

( space for Devil's Advocate Stupidity Line )


Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

Earl Turner wrote:

> thunderr <> wrote in article

> <>...
> > Most racist kill their wives, then the children, and then go out on the
> > lawn and blow their own brains out.
> If that were true it would be on the news more often.

All the time Bud!

> Most of us just wish
> to be left to ourselves and allowed to be white without you or the
> government butting in.

You wish you were white. Hey FucKKKnuts, you want to be left alone ? Go find
some island and you and your racist freinds go live on it . We PROMISE to
leave you alone. Truth is you know that this is the WEALTHIEST, FREE AND
EXCITING COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!!!! America is the greatest. Even
a lowlife racist like yourself has the right to speak there mind. Even you
know that the racists would make your life a HELL on earth. You would be
begging to come home. Crazy thing is, we would take you. That's what makes US


Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

Earl Turner wrote:

> Okay:
> Minden LA just this week nigger shot a store owner and his son in the head
> Little Rock Arkansas two niggelts died several days after their dad bashed
> their heads in with stones. The uncle watched but did nothing til the job
> was done.
> I mean really I could be here all day.

As could I with white crimes. Whats the point ? You know, you call children
"nigglets", it really makes you out to be a the lowest of all scumbags. You
degrade even the most innocent. You really are a bottom feeding
ASSHOLE!!!!!!! Lets hear you cry somemore when we call your daughter a
WHORE!!!!!!!!! You really are are a mental case.

> thunderr <> wrote in article

> <>...
> >
> >
> > Earl Turner wrote:
> >
> > > Tis all too true. We just like to point out for every white
> occurrence,
> > > blacks have eight or nine.
> >
> > Funny, you've only mentioned OJ. Not that you being a liar is anything
> new.


Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

Jack Robbins,Sr. wrote:


Kind of says something doesn't it FucKKKhead!

> The Devil's Advocate <soca...@earthlink.netNO-JUNK> wrote in article
> <>...
> > Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example
> > of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if
> > you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an
> > example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like
> > the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
> > Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.
> >
> >
> >

> > Remove NO-JUNK to email
> > <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>
> > "Your Warrant Is In Question"
> > -=The Devil's Advocate=-
> >
> > <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>
> >


Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

Crusty Balls wrote:

Oh come now!!!!!!! It hads nothing to do with being black you TWIT!!!!!!!
Hartmans wife had rage problems just like OJ. I guess Phil should have
known bettter than to marry a WHITE woman with PMS!!!!!!!

The Devil's Advocate

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

On Mon, 01 Jun 1998 18:22:06 -0700, Crusty Balls
<> wrote:

>> And you also neglect the fact that something like 90% or more of rape
>> is within a race. With those supposed 120 white women raped by black
>> men, there are many hundreds more raped by white men.
>Post proof, or retract.

It's somewhere at Although I'm waiting for an email I just
sent out a few minutes ago telling the exact URL. The actually data
was posted on soc.couples.intercultural.


>Hey, it's a white thing, you wouldn't understand.

Cute...VERY original...


Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

Crusty Balls wrote:

> > >Read what you wrote, asshole. Here ->> when whites do this to each
> > >other, you
> > >don't want to make race an issue.
> > >
> >
> > So why do hell do you differentiate a same race couple murdering a
> > spouse and a mixed race couple murdering their spouse? The crime is no
> > worse if it is mixed race. Simpson didn't murder Nicole because she
> > was white, he did it because he lost and temper and snapped, which I
> > suspect is the same reason that Hartman's wife killed him and herself.
> > So what the hell is the difference?
> OJ had a history of abusive behavior towards Nicole, I don't
> know about Hartman's wife, but I doubt she abused him. Who
> knows, maybe Hartman was porking the maid, or had a gay lover
> or some shit like that. Race comes into the mix when you start
> talking about abusive behavior,

So abusive behaviour is only based on race? What do you mean by that?

> and you know as well as I that
> in the black community, white women that marry black men are
> looked down upon by most black women, and are more likely to
> be abused than their black female counterpart.

Uh huh! And where did you dig up this interesting piece of trivia?

> If this comes from
> insecurities on the part of the black man, or the friction
> between clashing cultures\lifestyles\values\backgrounds
> (whatever you want to call it) or family resentment, or
> societal pressures, the fact remains: White women that
> marry black men are more likely to be the victims of
> domestic violence than white women that marry white men.
> That's the difference. Nicole should have known better than
> to get involved with a black man.

Of course. Every white woman i know who's married to a black guy is bashed
and abused every night. How silly of me not to notice. And all these times
I actually fell for the lines "I hit my eye on the door handle" or "I fell
down the stairs".Where the hell are you getting this crap from?

> > >If they were an interracial couple, you are damn right that
> > >I would be saying "that's what you get when you marry a _____"
> > >(fill in name of mudrace in blank)
> >
> > Because your a lousy, sniveling, scapegoating piece of shit that can't
> > even pretend to be logically consistant.
> No, dickhead, I just don't blind myself to reality in the
> name of political correctness, or multiculturalism, or what
> ever the liberal buzzword is this month.

"Reality"??? Do you know what the word even means? You, my friend, really
needs a reality check.

> > >When a white does it to another white, then I say:
> > >"Let the punishment fit the crime. An eye for an
> > >eye, a life for a life" Just because the perp was
> > >white, don't think for a second that I would vote
> > >not-guilty. That is the big difference between
> > >white juries and black juries, we whites WILL
> > >convice one of our own.
> >
> > If you really believed in fairness, you wouldn't differentiate between
> > Simpson's murder and the Hartman murder.
> But there is a difference...a BIG difference. An all minority
> jury freed OJ in the face of overwheming evidence, turning a
> blind eye to facts, and focusing on preceived racism.

I thought whites were the majority in this country? Explain how the whites
on the jury fell under the minority race?

> "Here
> is our chance to show the LAPD, here is our chance to strike a
> blow against racial injustice, here is our chance to help a
> brother that is being percecuted by the MAN". I have seen it
> in the local courts here, on jury duty. Blacks do not want to
> convice other black, no matter what the evidence is, because they
> are afraid of being called Uncle Tom's, traitors, and the like.
> Deny it all you want, but I have seen it happen, and had to
> deal with it myself. It happens, and if you think it doesn't you
> are very, very ignorant. Remember the black woman that went
> after rap artists about using "bitch" and "ho", ect.? Do you
> remember how much support she got from the black community?
> ZIP! Sorry I don't remember her name, but I remember her
> being on a few talk shows, opposite several "gangsta-rappers".
> She was treated like shit by her own people, for trying to
> clean up the music that permeates black culture.

Well, did someone die and make her God? Why should the rest of the black
community follow in what she believed?

As a black person in this country, I think he's aware that racism exists,
you think???


The Devil's Advocate

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

On Mon, 01 Jun 1998 22:55:47 -0700, Crusty Balls
<> wrote:

> Race comes into the mix when you start
>talking about abusive behavior, and you know as well as I that
>in the black community, white women that marry black men are
>looked down upon by most black women, and are more likely to
>be abused than their black female counterpart.

You have nothing more to back up this assertion than a hunch. If your
views of IR couples come from the Jerry Springer show(as it does for
many), then of course they will be warped as all the guest on such
shows are.

>If this comes from
>insecurities on the part of the black man, or the friction
>between clashing cultures\lifestyles\values\backgrounds
>(whatever you want to call it) or family resentment, or
>societal pressures, the fact remains: White women that
>marry black men are more likely to be the victims of
>domestic violence than white women that marry white men.

Give me some more substantial reasoning to believe this and I'll
change my mind.

>That's the difference. Nicole should have known better than
>to get involved with a black man.

It has nothing to do with race. I see this as an example of not
knowing a bad person from a good person. If you know how to look for
people, you can get a good idea of who's peaceful and who's
aggressive. Just stay away from jerks period is my advice, and they
come in all races, as well as nice guys such as myself.

>But there is a difference...a BIG difference. An all minority
>jury freed OJ in the face of overwheming evidence, turning a
>blind eye to facts, and focusing on preceived racism. "Here
>is our chance to show the LAPD, here is our chance to strike a
>blow against racial injustice, here is our chance to help a
>brother that is being percecuted by the MAN". I have seen it
>in the local courts here, on jury duty.

>Blacks do not want to
>convice other black, no matter what the evidence is, because they
>are afraid of being called Uncle Tom's, traitors, and the like.

Aren't you racialist always touting the fact that prisons are nearly
half black? Who do you think voted them in there?

> Remember the black woman that went
>after rap artists about using "bitch" and "ho", ect.? Do you
>remember how much support she got from the black community?
>ZIP! Sorry I don't remember her name, but I remember her
>being on a few talk shows, opposite several "gangsta-rappers".
>She was treated like shit by her own people, for trying to
>clean up the music that permeates black culture.

I'd certainly have no problem cleaning up lousy music, but if it was
fought through the court systems, I wouldn't support it either since
it takes away 1st amendment rights. And btw, bad lyrics don't
"permeate black culture" you idiot. That is simply one genre of
music(which is bought by whites mostly in case you didn't know). Have
you ever heard of gospel? jazz? blues? reggae? funk? ska? r&b? Do you
hear about bitches and hos in these music forms as well??? Of course
not, so you should retract your statement about it permeating, it's
only confined to one genre.

>> I was speaking of the actual crime itself, not the acquittal.
>Hey, the acquittal ~is~ the final chapter in that crime. You can't
>seperate the two.

No, the act of murdering was the same.

>I know what a non-sequitor is. And I perfectly understand the
>difference between race and culture. You and I just have a different
>definition of the terms, and will probably never agree on
>this point. And, I disagree with your analogy.

There's nothing to even disagree about in IMHO, it's fact.

>> >> And can you site any proof?
>> >
>> >
>> >You mean ~besides~ OJ and Nicole?
>> Yes, besides. Give me some wife battery stats or something. You so
>> stupid that you can't even realise that using OJ and Nicole as an icon
>> of IR marriage is a straw man argument. I'd be just as logical using
>> wife battering Tommy Lee or Hartman and his wife as an example of what
>> happens in a same race marraige.
>Check out the Dept. of Justice website. It has the national crime
>stats broken down by age, race, sex, ect. ect.
>I can find the URL for you, if you want it.

It has stats of IR battery vs. same race battery? Please post it.

>> If it were different, it would only be an example of racism in
>> America. I can't see what would be so different in my life if I woke
>> up white tommorrow, that would be inherantly caused by whiteness.
>It would be different, and you know it. Racism does exist, whether
>overt or covert. You may not even know you are being descriminated
>against, because a whole lot of decisions that affect your life
>are made by people who ~may~ be prejudice.

I know this all very well. So are you indicting white America of being
racist? Sure sounds like it. I hope you aren't one of those angry
white males that goes around saying, " I'm sick of these damn black
people yelling about racism all the time!" you'd be a hypocrite if you

>(Job interviews,

Possibly, I've gotten most jobs that I've interviewed for, in fact the
only job I can think of not getting after an interview, I was
interviewed by a black woman. I just got hired at a plantscaping
company where I'm the only non-white.


Haven't needed one yet

>new car prices, ect, ect.)

Bought a Saturn, no haggling :-D

>> This is based on what others have told me. Someone said this is from
>> the census bureau, but I have trouble finding it. I emailed the person
>> a few days ago asking for exactly where they found it and I'm waiting
>> for a return.
>Sure you did.
>> Anyway you don't need stats.
>Good thing, because you can't or won't supply them.

Someone on soc.couples.intercultural knows the location and posted the
data, I'm just waiting for them to send me the URL since the census'
data is so badly organised. People never want to be helpful when
you're asking for info.

>> The IR
>> couples there tend to be highly concentrated in certain places such as
>> San Francisco or West L.A.
>Go figure, SF, where anything goes, and nothing is a sin.

Then don't go to Amsterdam

>Been to SF, won't waste my time going back. Never been to
>LA, don't plan to go.
>Two shithole cities that the US would be better off without.

You are the tyical middle American scum which this country would be
best without. San Francisco is the about the prettiest, best planned,
most cosmopolitan city in the U.S. Probably about the closest thing
the U.S. has to a or Paris or Madrid unfortunately. People like you
don't realise just how fucked up and backwards your small town
American ideal is.

>(Hmmmm, guess we need to talk to some of those ex-USSR countries
>that still have a few nukes, but low on cash, and maybe..........)

And maybe pepper the vast wasteland between California and NYC,
excepting Colorado. That would improve the aggregate worth of this
country. We grow enough crops here in the San Joaquin Valley to not
need any of you :-D

>> >Because, asian women will date just about
>> >any white man, and white guys that can't
>> >get a real white woman will settle for a asian broad.
>> Hah! I can walk around 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica and see
>> white men with Asian women everywhere. Most of them are affluent 30
>> something yuppie types. They even have a name for them, asiaphiles.
>They are just out for a cheap thrill, an easy lay, and then
>on to the next conquest. And, BTW, California can hardly be
>held up as as example of the way things ought to be.

This is the best state in the country in nearly every regards. And if
that weren't the case, then the cost of living wouldn't be the highest
this side of Hawaii as the demand to live here would be less.
Shit...Nebraska and Kentucky are far from being the way thing ought to
be either. I've lived in middle America and the place is *dead* in
every way.

>> I suppose your referring to Phillipinas, well, most the white men I
>> see are with Japanese, Korean or Chinese.
>Yes, Fillipinas.

There's some quite pretty women from that country, but I am well aware
of their using American men to get into the country.


Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

Nigger tripped on his lipps. ochhh!!!!!
thunderr wrote in message <>...

>Earl Turner wrote:
>> thunderr <> wrote in article
>> <>...
>> > Most racist kill their wives, then the children, and then go out on the
>> > lawn and blow their own brains out.
>> If that were true it would be on the news more often.
>All the time Bud!
>> Most of us just wish
>> to be left to ourselves and allowed to be white without you or the
>> government butting in.
>You wish you were white. Hey FucKKKnuts, you want to be left alone ? Go
>some island and you and your racist freinds go live on it . We PROMISE to
>leave you alone. Truth is you know that this is the WEALTHIEST, FREE AND
>EXCITING COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!!!! America is the greatest.
>a lowlife racist like yourself has the right to speak there mind. Even you
>know that the racists would make your life a HELL on earth. You would be
>begging to come home. Crazy thing is, we would take you. That's what makes


Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

smokem wrote:

> Nigger tripped on his lipps. ochhh!!!!!

Racist tripped over his ignorance.

Michael Ejercito

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

In article <>, wrote:

> The Devil's Advocate wrote:
> >

> > On Mon, 01 Jun 1998 04:12:43 GMT, i...@block.spam (Ian McKinney) wrote:
> >
> > >What the hell! You liberal nitwits created the social climate where a
> > >Black man and a White woman can get married and think it's great. I'm
> > >just observing that the OJ case was a great boost for the racialist
> > >movement as it confirmed everything we have been warning about.
> >
> > Aren't you really drawing straws here, surely you must have at least a
> > modicum of wit, McKKKinney.
> <psst!> Hey, DA, that's "grasping at straws", okay? That drawing
> straws thing is for choosing who get to test out the homemade parachute,
> and stuff like that. A "modicum of wit", indeed.
> (the eXXXtra K's were really cute, too. Very Original)

Well,the extra K's were fitting,considering McKKinney's past posts.

> > >
> > >BTW, I'm not pissed at the Blacks for freeing him. Like I said, Nicole
> > >Brown was a drug-using, race-mixing slut. She was playing the
> > >politically correct game and she suffered the consequences.
> > >
> > >What I'm outraged over are the 120 White women who are attacked, raped,
> > >or murdered by Blacks EVERYDAY that get virtually no attention in the
> > >press.
> >

> > And you also neglect the fact that something like 90% or more of rape
> > is within a race. With those supposed 120 white women raped by black
> > men, there are many hundreds more raped by white men.
> Post proof, or retract.

The FBI statistics show that most white rape victims were raped by white

> > Why aren't you
> > addressing that??? Not only that, but you probably didn't know that
> > most rape is acquaintance rape. The stereotypical image of a man
> > jumping out of an alley and dragging a woman away is more the
> > exception than the rule. Rape is a serious issue and trying to infuse
> > the race card (to use a Simpson case allusion) into it doesn't help.
> >
> > >The majority of them are clean-living, non-racemixers. Those are
> > >the only White women I care about.
> >
> > Then you would be saying something about the hundreds of white women
> > raped who are date-raped in college, by boyfriends and husbands and
> > typically by white men. You seem to only care about rape when it's a
> > black perpetrator.

> Hey, it's a white thing, you wouldn't understand.

More precisely,it is an inbred white racist thing,and I do understand

> > >
> > >If these racemixers are getting pounded, choked, and raped by their
> > >Black lovers, I'm sorry if I don't get all teared-up over it.
> >
> > Of course you don't, you're a degenerate scoundrel.
> Hey, they are asking for that type of treatment, marrying
> a savage, brutal, unevolved ape. Fuck 'em, let 'em die.

Well,anyone who would marry a savage,brutal,inbred,unevolved ape such
as yourself would deserve what they get.


Elect Dan Lungren for Governor of California



Michael Ejercito

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

In article <01bd8b96$f4271840$6bc832ce@tonythed>, "Dickerweed"
<su...@it.good> wrote:

> If he was married to a NIGGER he would've probably killed HIMSELF!
Another white supremacist heard from.

Michael Ejercito

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

In article <>, wrote:

> The Devil's Advocate wrote:
> >

> > Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example
> > of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if
> > you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an
> > example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like
> > the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
> > Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.

> OJ is alive and free, and to any reasonable person, guilty as hell.
> Yet, a nigger jury set his murdering black ass free, just
> because he is black. Case had *everything* to do with race.

> Phil's wife is dead. She committed suicide after killing him.
> She was her own judge, jury, and executioner. She had paid
> the price for her crime. Case had *nothing* to do with race.
> So, you stupid fuck, how are these two situations the same?
> I would guess that if OJ had offed himself after killing
> that niggerfuckingwhore Nicole, and that jewboythatdoesn't
> mindfuckinganiggerfuckingwhore Ron, it would have just been
> a flash-in-the-pan-story that died out after a few months.
So if Nicole is a "niggerfuckingwhore" and Ron is a "jewboythatdoesn't
mindfuckinganiggerfuckingwhore",then why are you complaining that OJ was


Michael Ejercito

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

In article <>,
i...@block.spam wrote:

> On Sat, 30 May 1998 03:34:43, soca...@earthlink.netNO-JUNK (The Devil's
> Advocate) wrote:
> > Well, all you white racialist liked to use OJ and Nicole as an example
> > of what happens to a white women that dates a black man...let's see if
> > you all make an issue of Phil Hartman's murder by his wife. Is this an
> > example of what happens in a same race marraige? You all come off like
> > the idiots you are if you use an extreme example such OJ and Nicole
> > Simpson and ignore Phil Hartman.

> I haven't heard about this Hartman case. However, as far as OJ goes, his
> braindead, coke-addicted, slut of a wife would have probably drove any
> man insane. Also there was some poetic justice with OJ:
> 1. Deracinated, whimpish White father pimps his attractive blonde
> daughter to a Black football star and gets himself a full-time job as
> the Black's assistant. Then the Black football star murders the man's
> daughter and gets away with it. The father is out of a job.
Well,the Brown family is evidence that whites are not as superior as
white supremacists claim. Not that the white supremacists are not doing a
fine jopb of proving it themselves.
> 2. The Black football star gets himself a trophy White wife only to find
> that she's a total degenerate and a slut.
Well,Nicole IS a slut.
> 3. Football star is openly admired by urban Blacks for denegrating and
> finally murdering the White woman.
I do not hear any urban Blacks praising the murders. The only praise is
from white supremacists over the murders of a "nigger-loving slut" and a
"hook-nosed jew".
> 4. Racemixing White slut is murdered by her husband, a Black thug
> football star. The thug gets off due to a politically correct non-white
> jury and is free to butcher other racemixing sluts.
The prosecution dropped the ball on this one.
> 5. The case polarizes Blacks and Whites.
Blacks and Whites are already polarized,due to people like you.


Elect Dan Lungren for Governor of California



Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98

"smokem" <i...@you.ask> went apeshit and wrote:

>Nigger tripped on his lipps. ochhh!!!!!

>thunderr wrote in message <>...

Cute. But you are still an idiot. Now, what the hell does this drivel
have to do with a murdered two-timing has-been comedian?

Byte me.


Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98

Whitey wrote:

> "smokem" <i...@you.ask> went apeshit and wrote:
>> Nigger tripped on his lipps. ochhh!!!!!
>> thunderr wrote in message <>...
>> >
>> >

>> >Earl Turner wrote:
>> >
>> >> thunderr wrote in article

>> >> <>...
>> >> > Most racist kill their wives, then the children, and then go out on the
>> >> > lawn and blow their own brains out.
>> >>
>> >> If that were true it would be on the news more often.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >All the time Bud!
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> Most of us just wish
>> >> to be left to ourselves and allowed to be white without you or the
>> >> government butting in.
>> >
>> >You wish you were white. Hey FucKKKnuts, you want to be left alone ? Go
>> find
>> >some island and you and your racist freinds go live on it . We PROMISE to
>> >leave you alone. Truth is you know that this is the WEALTHIEST, FREE AND
>> >EXCITING COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!!!! America is the greatest.
>> Even
>> >a lowlife racist like yourself has the right to speak there mind. Even you
>> >know that the racists would make your life a HELL on earth. You would be
>> >begging to come home. Crazy thing is, we would take you. That's what makes
>> US
>> >great.

> Cute. But you are still an idiot. Now, what the hell does this drivel
> have to do with a murdered two-timing has-been comedian?

Think about it.


Jun 14, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/14/98

Luke the Drifter wrote:

> I would strongly advise anyone out there to seriously consider not getting
> too involved with a white woman.
> I mean, look how they are! They kill their husbands, then themselves. It's
> pretty scary.

Yes..out white women are doing this a t an alarming rate, aren't
they...almost one hundred thousand a day.....gimme a break, shit-log.

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-- Harlan Ellison

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