That being said I have two questions for elfatvis:
1. When good news does surface about blacks are you aware of it? Recently, information was published which showed that enrollment at the UC system for blacks was up. Now this is AFTER and WITHOUT affirmitive action or any other special help. Blacks are making it on their own merits. The UC system is world class. Why didn't you post about this bit of cheerful news?
2. If you had all the power needed to correct this situation you see concerning blacks, what would be your course of action. What would be your solution to this vexing problem blacks are under? Please go into detail and explain your solution.
Can skip............Peeeeeee playyyyyyyy?
elfatvis <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 03 Feb 2000 15:22:24 -0800 5D <> wrote:
> > As you know I generally agree with elfatvis regarding behavior of black
> > people. Attempting to point fingers at whites doesn't get the job done.
> > Black people must take greater responsibility for their behavior.
> >
> > That being said I have two questions for elfatvis:
> >
> > 1. When good news does surface about blacks are you aware of it?
> > Recently, information was published which showed that enrollment at the
> > UC system for blacks was up. Now this is AFTER and WITHOUT affirmitive
> > action or any other special help. Blacks are making it on their own
> > merits. The UC system is world class. Why didn't you post about this bit
> > of cheerful news?
> Spectre, it's your job to post the good news.
> > 2. If you had all the power needed to correct this situation you see
> > concerning blacks, what would be your course of action. What would be
> > your solution to this vexing problem blacks are under? Please go into
> > detail and explain your solution.
> >
> Well, if I had all the power needed to correct the negro problem, I
> would just wave my magic wand and turn all negroes into productive,
> intelligent, decent human beings.
> Of course, nobody has that much power. But if you had asked what could
> be done within the realm of what is possible, I'd say this.
> Use the resources available, the old tried and true, ie, the black
> church, and strive to make an impact. I see the 'old' black church as
> being the only source available for making a difference. We're talking
> tutoring children after school hours, and weekends. We're talking a
> command center for neighborhood watch groups. We're talking introducing
> young negro children to a moral and productive life (ten commandment
> stuff). Without the 'old' black church, you never would have won the
> civil rights battles you did, now use it to correct the social problems
> within the so called 'black community'.
> Unlike the energizer bunny, the jungle bunny is going no where fast.
> No igual al conejo energizer, el conejo de la jungla no va a ningun
> lugar rapido.
> ©2000 elfatvis
> --
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> Talkway - - Talk more ways (sm)
But I am still bothered by something. You seem to be a Godfearing
individual, but after giving such good advice, you disrespect us with
your final tagline. If you truly love and fear God, drop the line;
respect even the least of his creatures.
Sent via
Before you buy.
Don't make me out to be some Great White Savior of the negro race.
We need more of the below:
The best description of Black Wallstreet, or Little Africa, as it was also
known, could be likened to a mini-Beverly Hills. It was the golden door of
the Black community during the early 1900s, and it proved that
African-Americans had successful infrastructure... When the average
student went to school on Black Wallstreet, he wore a suit and tie because
of the morals and respect they were taught at a young ageŠ
Intelligence: Diversity
When Blacks Excel
>>f121495: \doc\95\14\barclay.txt "A better idea" The Economist Dec
2, 1995 p. 23 Barclay public school in Baltimore Md. emulates a
tough private school to achieve 85 percentile math, 80 reading scores
with 90% black students, 82% free lunch who previously were scoring
20-30 percentile. Superintendent was fired who had opposed "rich
black man's curriculum" inappropriate for poor students. It used lots
of homework, drilling, spelling tests, world history, literature, and
art, and must be adept at writing reports, creative essays and
letters by the age of 11. (85% is good enough to get into the
University of California system, or UC Berkeley with affirmative
action) , = 116 IQ
Published in Criminal Law Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 54-75, 1994
Mentoring can be an important component in reducing the juvenile crime
rate. A mentor teaches prosocial conduct and permissible ways of problem
solving, acts
as a role model and a resource in developing problem solving skills.
The presence or absence of a positive adult mentor is a principal element
in whether or not a teen is able to oppose criminal conduct.
One study discovered that 85 percent of the mentees from a high risk area
in Washington, D.C. had no court involvement.