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Why do blacks murder, rape and steal so much

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Roy Bean

Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
I have yet to hear any reasoning that can account for this savage
behavior, other than genetics. If there are real reasons other than
the need to commit crime and be destructive, they are the best kept
secrets of humanity.

If you raise a wolf around dogs, it will act like a dog most of the
time. But when alone, or amongst others of it's own kind, it most
surely will act as a wolf. That behavior is controlled by genes. Not
by environment.

There are surely those blacks that do not have the urge to kill, rape,
and be destructive. Those will be the blacks that acheive success and
prosperity, and will be respected for what they represent. That they
do not harbor the need to be destructive, due to their genetics, will
account for their inability to understand the actions of their fellow
blacks, who do posess the destructive traits. And they will argue for
what they feel to be the truth, that the black race is not genetically
predisposed to violence and destruction, as they do not themselves
have these feelings.

All feelings aside, now we have the crime statistics maintained by the
FBI. Not fabricated, but real, hard evidence that suggests otherwise.

It indicates that the black population, that represent 13% of the
total population of the U.S., commits 56% of the total murders, 57% of
the robberies, and 40% of the forcible rapes in the U.S. These
statistics alone are enough evidence to prove there has to be some
deep motivational factor driving this type of behavior. Genes.

Of all the studies tracking the statistics available that can relate
both intelligence and race, it is always indicated, by varying
amounts, that the black population's average I.Q. is less than the
average I.Q. of the other races. These studies are always attacked as
being racist. But, to honestly look at all the evidence, would suggest
that there has to be something to these studies, as they always draw
the same conclusions.

There is something very different between whites and blacks, other
than skin color and name calling. When this is finally acknowleged by
the U.S. government, then some meaningful policies, based on
statistics and hard evidence, can be implemented. Progress can be made
if the information available to make an informed decision is correctly
interpeted. So far, by ignoring facts and replacing them with good
intentions, the government has failed. As it is said, the road to hell
was paved with good intentions. Welcome to hell.

Judge Roy


Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
Blah, blah, blah.....

Can't you fucks get the point across without writing a fucking
NOVEL!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!!

Here's two, 2, dos men for you to ponder your minute brain on.

Columbus: killed millions of indians. For the name sake of his queen.
Hitler: Killed millions for his so-called master race.

Those 2,two, dos white men killed more people alone than 10 black men

To sum this up:
FUCK YOU buddy!!!!

" I thought you were made of sterner stuff"
Optimus Prime

Sent via
Before you buy.


Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
In article
<>, (Roy Bean) wrote:

The below shows groups (group behavior not just individuals) of Negroes
being peaceful and with very low crime rate:
Pygmy Life

Knowing the pygmies has been an extraordinary experience for me; they
are the most peace- loving people I have ever met. Polite, very
dignified, and even humorous, they hate and avoid violence. When they disagree,
they argue and may hit each other - even husbands and wives - but they
rarely use weapons. Murder is extremely rare. If two people disagree,
they avoid each other, stop speaking for a while, and build their huts
so the entrances do not meet. If the dispute is more serious, one of
them will leave the village to join another group.

A fixed rule in pygmy ethics (possible only in large, sparsely populated
areas!) is that people who quarrel badly must separate. Their
companions, tired of hearing voices raised in anger, endeavor to silence
them. If the
arguers persist, they are sent outside the village. Pygmies hate those
who "make a noise" or "disturb the peace," to use their own words.
First, the British Virgin Islands are not the United States, nor are
they the US Virgin Islands. Crime is nearly non-existent, the people
more respectful of your person and possessions, but they have the
typical British reserve, no matter what their genetic heritage.

British Virgin Islands

Ethnic divisions: black 90%, white, Asian

Literacy: age 15 and over can read and write (1991 est.)
total population: 97.8%

Life expectancy at birth:
total population: 72.78 years
male: 70.93 years
female: 74.75 years (1996 est.)

Unemployment rate: NEGL% (1992)

Population: 13,195 (July 1996 est.)


Location: Caribbean, between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic
Ocean, east of Puerto Rico
Geographic coordinates: 18 30 N, 64 30 W
Map references: Central America and the Caribbean
total area: 150 sq km
land area: 150 sq km
comparative area: about 0.9 times the size of Washington, DC
note: includes the island of Anegada
In addition to Mali's great wealth, Ibn Batuta also observed that the
kingdom was virtually free of crime--an astonishing feat for any nation,
then as now. -The Arab traveler, Ibn Batuta, in his _Travels in Asia and
Africa_, 1325-1354.
From page xiv _Chronology of African American History_ by Alton Hornsby, Jr.
How many crimes committed by others go unsolved because of a
disproportionate focus on catching and jailing young black men?
Is there a gene or genes in whites that cause them to want to commit mass
killings and war?

Egypt was destroyed by NORTHERNERS, The Assryians (Caucasions) just like
Rome was destroyed by barbaric Germanic tribes and the Indus River
Valley Civilization was destroyed by Aryan Invaders from the North. The
War-like Aryan whites.

King Taharqa battled with the Assyrian King Esarhaddon for dominion of
Kemet (Egypt).

The negro Nefertem Khu Re Taharqa the Nubian (Kushite) king battled with
the mighty Assyrians for dominion of Kemet (Egypt) and held his own (one
victory and one defeat).
Assyrian Attack. In ca. 677 BC, during Taharqa's thirteenth regnal year,
the Assyrians, led by King Esarhaddon, attacked Egypt's eastern frontier
near Sile with the intent of invasion. Here they were defeated by the
army of Taharqa. Three years later, in 674 BC, they attacked again. This
time they defeated Taharqa and captured Memphis. While Taharqa withdrew
southward, probably to Nubia,....
Rome crumbled because of Barbaric Germanic tribes:

Germanic tribes hunting in the woods and at war with each other. Check
out the Germanic tribes at:

During the third and fourth centuries, there were large migrations of
land-hungry Germans southward and westward onto the Rhine-Danube
Frontier. The basic Germanic political structure was the tribe, headed
by a chief who was elected for his ability as a war leader. It was these
tribes that resulted in Rome's losing control of the great frontier. The
Roman and Germanic cultures greatly clashed. The Germanic religion was
polytheistic, their society was a warrior aristocracy, and finally their
societal structure was a mobile one. By 370 A.D., the tribe had become
nations led by a warrior king. It was at this time that the Huns swept
out of central Asia westward in which they encountered two Germanic
nations of Visigoths and Ostrogoths. This was the spark of many years of
invasions and warfare that provoked the downfall of the Roman controlled
frontier. The following information describes some of the Germanic
tribes such as Franks, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Huns, Burgundians, Angles,
Saxons, Ostrogoths, Vandals and Lombards.

The Visigoths, also known as the Goths, were a barbaric tribe.

The period between 406 and 572 saw the Germanic barbarians complete
their migrations into the West. It is undoubtedly one of history's most
hectic and confusing periods of time.

The Vandals were a Germanic tribe of Jutland (now in Denmark), who
migrated to the valley of the Odra (Oder) River about the 5th century
BC. During the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD they settled along the Danube
River. This is approximately when they began their conquests over Rome.
Today's usage of the word "vandal" reflects the dread and hostility the
tribe precipitated in other people, especially the Romans, by their
LOOTing and pillaging of the many villages they conquered.
Harappa civilization thrived until about 1500 BC, when the Indus valley
was overrun by Aryan invaders from Iranian plateau...Aryan religious
texts indicate that the Aryans viewed themselves as racially and
culturally superior and
despised the dasas. In north, the area of Aryan dominance, the name dasa
eventually came to mean "slave" or "bondsman".
The exact origins of the IVC people is disputed but appears to belong to
four ethnic types including the Protoaustioloids (Black-Brown people)...
They called themselves the "noble ones" or the "superior ones." Their
names are lost; their tribal names are lost. But when they found
themselves conquerors, they gave themselves the name "superior" or

They were a tribal and nomadic peoples living in the far reaches of
Euro-Asia in hostile steppe lands barely scratching out a living. They
were unquestionably a tough people, and they were fierce and war-like.
Their religion reflects it dominated as it is by a storm-god or sky-god
that enjoins warfare and conquest. This god was called something like
"Dyaus," a word related to "Zeus," "deus" (the Latin word for "god"),
"deva" (the Sanskrit word for "god"), and, of course, the English word
"divine." Their culture was oriented around warfare, and they were very
good at it. They were superior on horseback and rushed into battle in
chariots. They were a tribal people ruled over by a war-chief, or raja
(the Latin word "rex" (king) comes from the same root word, along with
the English "regal"). Somewhere in the early centuries of the second
millenium BC, they began to migrate southwards in waves of steady
conquest across the face of Persia and the lands of India.

There, they would take on the name "superior" or "noble" to distinguish
themselves from the people they conquered. Their name is derived from
the Indo-European root word, "ar," meaning "noble." In Sanskrit, they
were the "Aryas" ("Aryans");...This concept of nobility, in fact, seems
to lie at the heart of Indo-European consciousness, for it appears in
another country's name, "Ireland," or "Eire." You can bet, however, that
when a people go around calling themselves superior that it spells bad
news for other people.

And there is no question that they were bad news for the southern
Asians. They swept over Persia with lightening speed, and spread across
the northern river plains of India. Their nature as a warlike,
conquering people are still preserved in Vedic religion, the foundation
of Hinduism.

The Vedic period, then, is a period of cultural mixing, not of conquest.
Although the Aryans were a conquering people when they first spread into
India, the culture of the Aryans would gradually mix with indigenous
cultures, and the war-religion of the Aryans, still preserved in parts
of the Rig Veda, slowly became more ritualized and more meditative. By
200 BC, this process of mixing and transforming was more or less
complete and the culture we call "Indian" was fully formed.
Whites lead mass killing list in the past six decades.
6 million martyrs of the Nazi genocide.
Mass Killings

Record of Misery: mass killing in the past five decades
This table lists events involving 100,000 or more human deaths.

USSR: Stalin's terror, 1936-53 20 million plus [1,2,5]

W.W.II: noncombatant deaths
Russia/USSR:civilian deaths by Nazis 7-12 million [4,5]
Europe: The Holocaust, 1933-45 6 million [1,4]


1.Charny (1988) Genocide: a critical bibliographic review, vol.2.
2.Matthews (1994) Guiness Book of Records, pp. 184-85.
3.Masland (1994) "Will it be Peace or Punishment?," Newsweek
(August 1):37.
4.Clodfelter (1992) Warfare and Armed Conflicts, vol. 2.
5.Elliot (1972) Twentieth Century Book of the Dead.
Add to that:
The Crusades, the Inquisition, and since whites consider Arabs caucasions
lets include the Islamic Holy wars, the genocide of Native Americans,
World War I, World War II, the holocaust by itself, the Cold War, the
Soviet genocide, The massacre of Ghandi's people in India, and many


Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
Mr. Bean,

Were the actions of Hitler, Stalin,McVeigh and Dahmer also attributed to
inherent evil due to genetic make up? If genetics are the reason for
black sociopaths, please be forthcoming with scientific principles that
back your theory. Why is it you stupid bigots can never smell the crap in
your own race? Oh never mind, a lack of intelligence.....


Dutch Armstrong

Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
extreme-ly illit. minimal time spent in history section for chico nog
painfully obvious.


Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
On Fri, 24 Dec 1999 06:57:47 GMT Extreme1 <>

> Blah, blah, blah.....
> Can't you fucks get the point across without writing a fucking
> NOVEL!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!!
> Here's two, 2, dos men for you to ponder your minute brain on.
> Columbus: killed millions of indians. For the name sake of his queen.
> Hitler: Killed millions for his so-called master race.
> Those 2,two, dos white men killed more people alone than 10 black men
> together.
> To sum this up:
> FUCK YOU buddy!!!!

Uhm Ghauwa!

Sad story of African, White and Rwanda genocide

The Monitor (Kampala)
December 20, 1999

Kampala - One thousand years from now, historians will recall the 100
day slaughter of 800,000 Banyarwanda by fellow Banyarwanda in 1994 as
the worst documented act of genocide of the Second Millennium of the
Common Era.

Those historians, unencumbered by the biased analysis that informs some
of the current commentators on Rwanda, will also teach their students
that the ultimate guilt for the genocide lies squarely with the late
Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimaana and his angels of hate.

These angels of hate - the politicians, the religious leaders and other
opinion leaders throughout Rwanda and beyond - who sounded the clarion
call to genocide, were the enablers of the sub-humans who butchered
people as one would cut a forest underbrush.

However, one also hopes that those historians will remember to tell the
story of two men, one a powerful black African who could have prevented
the massacres but wouldn't, and the other a French-Canadian white man
who desperately tried to prevent the massacres but couldn't because he
was denied the means to do so by, among others, the African.

The African was Kofi Annan of Ghana, then UN Assistant Secretary
General for Peacekeeping Operations.

The white man was General Romeo Dellaire, Commander of the UN
Assistance Mission to Rwanda (UNAMIR).

Months before the killings began, General Dellaire received
intelligence reports that Bahutu extremists were stockpiling weapons
for the singular purpose of exterminating the Batutsi.

Since his orders in Rwanda were to clear mines, help refugees and
monitor a cease-fire "but not to act with force to prevent or stop
outbreaks of ethnic violence," Dellaire could not raid the arms cache
without authorization from his superiors.

He sent an urgent cable to his bosses in New York, among them Kofi
Annan, warning them of the impending catastrophe and seeking permission
to use force to capture the weapons and, hopefully, prevent the

Permission was denied, and Annan sat on the crucial report from

Once the massacres began, right in front of international television
cameras, the UN responded by reducing the already small UNAMIR force of
2,500 poorly armed troops to 270.

The rest is history.

In the aftermath of the genocide, the lives of the two men, Annan and
Dellaire, took opposite directions.

Haunted by the horrors and ghosts of Rwanda, Dellaire returned to his
native Canada a broken man. He became mentally ill and suicidal - what
the doctors call post-traumatic stress disorder.

However, though he became a silent victim of the Rwanda genocide,
Dellaire kept up the fight.

In November 1994, he wrote a scathing report about the UN which was, as
expected, put under lock and key by international politicians and
bureaucrats until it was unearthed and published on December 17, 1999
by the National Post, one of Canada's major English daily newspapers.

In his report, Gen. Dellaire wrote that the United Nations had learned
very little from its mistakes in its 40 years of peacekeeping.

"The absolute tragedy of [the Rwanda] situation is that these errors,
problems and bureaucratic impotence resulted in the deaths of hundreds
of thousands of innocent human beings and [some] blue berets [UN
soldiers]," he wrote.

Dellaire also blamed the United Nations, especially the permanent
members of the Security Council [the United States, Russia, China,
France and Britain], for their intolerable hypocrisy in the face of the
unfolding crisis in Rwanda.

Before his descent into depression and near-obscurity on a desk job at
Defence Headquarters back in Canada, General Dellaire begged the world:
"The time for reform of the United Nations bureaucracy is now."

But barely two years after Dellaire's appeal for change at the UN, the
world body voted for "no change", and Kofi Annan became Secretary
General of the United Nations.

Annan went on to enjoy celebrity status partly because of his eloquence
aided by an enormously healthy intellect and debonair presence, and
partly because he was a black man on top of the world.

Hardly anybody seemed to care that even as Annan was globe-trotting in
search for peace in Iraq, Yugoslavia, East Timor and all the other
God-forsaken places, the restless spirits of nearly one million
Banyarwanda were wondering why of all people a black Ghanaian diplomat
had turned a deaf ear to a white man who was trying to save them from
their own kinsmen.

The only people who were not seduced by Annan's eloquence or the
excitement of a Negro African being at the top of the UN were the new
Batutsi rulers of Rwanda itself, who not only knew what had happened
but were not about to let diplomatic niceties cloud the fresh memories
of their fallen kinsmen.

Thus it was not surprising that when Annan showed up in Kigali and
refused to atone for his sins against Rwanda, the Batutsi threw him out
of their land.

As a sort of belated atonement, Annan appointed a commission of inquiry
five years after the genocide, to tell him what he and the rest of the
world already knew, namely that he (Annan), Boutros Boutros Ghali
(another African who was UN Secretary General at the time of the
genocide), the United States and the other permanent members of the UN
Security Council stood by as 800,000 Africans were murdered by fellow

The Commission of Inquiry released its report last week in which they
informed Annan that "the United Nations failed the people of Rwanda
during the genocide in 1994."

Did Annan really need the Commission to tell him this?

Did he not know that the moment he and his colleagues ignored the
urgent warnings and appeals for help from Gen. Dellaire the fate of the
Banyarwanda was sealed?

To his credit, Annan has at last publicly acknowledged the UN's
betrayal of the people of Rwanda.

"All of us must bitterly regret that we did not do more to prevent it,"
he wrote last week. "On behalf of the United Nations, I acknowledge
this failure and express my deep remorse."

I do not doubt Annan's sincerity. But what he is yet to do is to
apologize to the Banyarwanda, and to Africa, for betraying his own
people in 1994.

US President Bill Clinton, a white man, had the good sense to fly into
Kigali and apologize to the Banyarwanda, complete with tears.

The least that Annan, a black African, can do is to go to Rwanda and
ask for forgiveness from the survivors of the genocide for the UN's
failure to prevent the tragedy.

Africans, as Annan knows, are a very forgiving people.

But as the Commission of Inquiry said, "it is a failure for which the
United Nations as an organization but also its member states should
have apologized more clearly, more frankly and much earlier."

And when he goes to Rwanda, Annan should remember to invite Gen. Romeo
Dellaire to accompany him.

Once again, Uhm Ghauwa, motherfucker!

Unlike the energizer bunny, the jungle bunny is going no where fast.
No igual al conejo energizer, el conejo de la jungla no va a ningun
lugar rapido.
©1999 elfatvis

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Dutch Armstrong

Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
examples listed rare (can non-Technical-Noid say "%"?). further, some were
responses to zog, nog LOOT behavior. next you'll be telling me to ignore the
odds and bet the bears to win it all.


Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
Those rare instances accounted for the death and suffering of millions. What are
the odds when a head line reads "GUNMEN SHOOTS CLASSMATES" (not a rare
occurrence anymore) that the offender is a white male? And speaking of
percentages, since 99.8% of all serial killers (who have been caught) are white
males, can we assume that the odds are; most missing persons were killed by a
white male? A SMALL percentage of serial killers are caught.



Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99
In article <>,

Dutch Armstrong <> wrote:
> extreme-ly illit. minimal time spent in history section for chico nog
> painfully obvious.

100 nations: see it? no would be the reply.
It has facts on how many Indians that Columbus killed. It was millions.

WW2: doctumentary see it? NO, again.
Hitler gave the commands, his stormtroopers followed suit.

Fuck you.

Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99
Excuse my interjection, but American whites could learn a lot from
Stalin, if they have the BRAINS to get a clue and stop listening to war
enemies who wanted Soviet territory (Nazis) and rich Jews who got
pissed when Stalin ignored their Hebrew Messiah (Trotsky).

But consider this: Stalin purged WRECKERS, people whose behavior was
destructive to the good of society as a whole. Garbage people who
didn't work well, or sabotaged efforts to improve society. The kind of
jerks that deliberately got in the way of the greater good.... sound
familiar? The Soviets called them Enemies of the People. Stalin was NOT
a psycho (unlike McVeigh or Dahmer).

You can believe what you WANT about the Soviet Union (I absolutely
REFUSE to engage in an historical debate).... but consider this:

AMERICA has a LOT of "Enemies of the People" right now: destructive
GARBAGE who always manage to get in the way of progress and the greater
good. They contribute NOTHING positive to society. They are a drain on
the national economy. Imagine HOW FAR American COULD have gone if had
not been for these DESTRUCTIVE RUINATORS.

Why do Americans put up with this kind of behavior? The Stalinists
certainly DID NOT.

People tell a lot of lies about that period in the Soviet Union during
that period (ever notice how almost NONE of them look Slavic, but
instead like inbred Jews?--e.g., Solzhenitsyn, Medvedev, Trotsky, David
King, Ayn Rand, and other sundry biological garbage). I won't go into a
neccessarily LONG , LABORED debate about this---feel free to believe
whoever the fuck you want. The past is IN THE PAST!

But present problems are RIGHT HERE AND NOW. They need to be DEALT WITH.


In article <>,

Dutch Armstrong <> wrote:
> examples listed rare (can non-Technical-Noid say "%"?). further, some
> responses to zog, nog LOOT behavior. next you'll be telling me to
ignore the
> odds and bet the bears to win it all.
> TekNoid wrote:
> > Mr. Bean,
> >
> > Were the actions of Hitler, Stalin,McVeigh and Dahmer also
attributed to
> > inherent evil due to genetic make up? If genetics are the reason
> > black sociopaths, please be forthcoming with scientific principles
> > back your theory. Why is it you stupid bigots can never smell the
crap in
> > your own race? Oh never mind, a lack of intelligence.....
> >
> > -TekNoid


Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99
See inside text.

In article
<>, (Roy Bean) wrote:
> I have yet to hear any reasoning that can account for this savage
> behavior, other than genetics. If there are real reasons other than
> the need to commit crime and be destructive, they are the best kept
> secrets of humanity.

How about rage being let loose due to pressures in a dog eat dog
society that NOONE should have to bear. What about going postal -
that's what some white folks do when they've had ENOUGH.

> If you raise a wolf around dogs, it will act like a dog most of the
> time. But when alone, or amongst others of it's own kind, it most
> surely will act as a wolf. That behavior is controlled by genes. Not
> by environment.

Rubbish. If you raise a CHIMP around humans it will be utterly inept
if put back into chimp society - it won't even know how to have sex!

> There are surely those blacks that do not have the urge to kill, rape,
> and be destructive. Those will be the blacks that acheive success and
> prosperity, and will be respected for what they represent. That they
> do not harbor the need to be destructive, due to their genetics, will
> account for their inability to understand the actions of their fellow
> blacks, who do posess the destructive traits. And they will argue for
> what they feel to be the truth, that the black race is not genetically
> predisposed to violence and destruction, as they do not themselves
> have these feelings.

They shouldn't side with destructive people, black OR white. That's
the folly in the black "thing" right there. Whites - whether they are
Italian or whatever, DO NOT side with others of their own ethnicity
when they are atrocious monsters in society. Blacks have to GET OVER
this "my brother" bullshit and understand that these people are not
ANYONE'S brothers.

> All feelings aside, now we have the crime statistics maintained by the
> FBI. Not fabricated, but real, hard evidence that suggests otherwise.
> It indicates that the black population, that represent 13% of the
> total population of the U.S., commits 56% of the total murders, 57% of
> the robberies, and 40% of the forcible rapes in the U.S. These
> statistics alone are enough evidence to prove there has to be some
> deep motivational factor driving this type of behavior. Genes.


> Of all the studies tracking the statistics available that can relate
> both intelligence and race, it is always indicated, by varying
> amounts, that the black population's average I.Q. is less than the
> average I.Q. of the other races. These studies are always attacked as
> being racist. But, to honestly look at all the evidence, would suggest
> that there has to be something to these studies, as they always draw
> the same conclusions.

IQ has nothing to do with crime. MOST stupid people DO NOT commit
crime, including most stupid black people!

> There is something very different between whites and blacks, other
> than skin color and name calling. When this is finally acknowleged by
> the U.S. government, then some meaningful policies, based on
> statistics and hard evidence, can be implemented.

There are differences acknowledged in epidemiology. The problem is
that you have one group (blacks) that wanted social integration in
their heart of hearts - and even gave up what they GAINED during Jim
Crow days, to achieve it. And most others DO NOT want social
integration with blacks. THAT is the problem. The second problem
which has exacerbated the first is that the MAJORITY never got to have
their say - they had social integration on ALL LEVELS, even private
clubs, even to bussing their kids miles to achieve integration, SHOVED
down their throats. The blacks were aware of this too - that people
were being forced to be with them when they did NOT WANT to be with

Progress can be made
> if the information available to make an informed decision is correctly
> interpeted. So far, by ignoring facts and replacing them with good
> intentions, the government has failed. As it is said, the road to hell
> was paved with good intentions. Welcome to hell.
> Judge Roy

I agree - the government fucked up royally and what you have now is a
boiling churning but as yet PENT UP reaction waiting to happen. When
and if this gets released? If I was black living in America - I'd be
smelling the gas!

TJ at SVsite.

Gary Glaenzer

Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99

SVsite <> wrote in message
> Sorry, invalid comparison. Caesar said: I came, I saw, I CONQUERED!
> The actions of Columbus

Well, given that the most generous estimates of the entire
North/South/Central American population in the late 1400's was in the
mid-hundred-thousands range, it would have been impossible for Columbus to
'kill millions', now wouldn't it?


and Hitler were wholesale actions (genocide) on
> people they conquered, whose land they wanted for themselves.
> There was NOTHING random about it - and in fact there is nothing
> psychopathic about it either. If the natives had run away, they'd not
> have been killed! There was no innate rage or desire to do ASOCIAL
> acts. In fact, conquering was the norm of the time - EVERYWHERE.
> What is being referred to above is not the same thing at all.
> TJ at SVsite
> In article <83v5ch$o1s$>,

> Extreme1 <> wrote:
> > Blah, blah, blah.....
> >
> > Can't you fucks get the point across without writing a fucking
> > NOVEL!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!!
> >
> > Here's two, 2, dos men for you to ponder your minute brain on.
> >
> > Columbus: killed millions of indians. For the name sake of his queen.
> > Hitler: Killed millions for his so-called master race.
> >
> > Those 2,two, dos white men killed more people alone than 10 black men
> > together.
> >
> > To sum this up:
> > FUCK YOU buddy!!!!
> >

> > --
> > " I thought you were made of sterner stuff"
> > Optimus Prime
> >


Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
Sorry, invalid comparison. Caesar said: I came, I saw, I CONQUERED!

The actions of Columbus and Hitler were wholesale actions (genocide) on


Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
Ztrazvuytye tovarishch Shundenko!

It's "Vragi naroda" - indeed, Enemies of THE PEOPLE - specifically the

The blanket of lies that covers the entire Stalin period has been
slightly lifted by an article that can be seen at:

there is an article there by Phil Marsh "Stalin and Yezhov" that
J.ArchGetty liked - it surely gets to the bottom of things froman EXTRA
PARADIGMATIC VIEW! It has comparisons with other law enforcement
agencies and shows how the FBI, without ever reading Yezhov's
thesis,BELIEVED it and were allowed to go a lot farther than the NKVD
was ever allowed to go- Stalin stopped them (wrong move). It goes into
the famous British spies too like Reilly! VERY interesting article!

Wreckers. Wreckers of the PUBLIC goods - leeches, destroyers - in the
USA tax paying workers have to pay to have it all fixed up again FOR
these wreckers. Democracy is not BRUTALLY enforced here at all. In the
USA tax paying workers have to pay for litters of unwanted welfare
children only to have them grow up and do what? WRECK neighborhoods!

There is no democracy brutally enforced here. And if it were enforced?
Go check out previous post to this subject: the straight jackets would
come off. There'd be a war here.

But who BENEFITS from having classes and workers at war like this in
the USA? Who benefits from having the middle classes crunched in the
middle? What PHONY "socialist" type programs implemented here have
done is nothing but rot out neighborhoods. REAL socialism would be
another thing. And IN ONE COUNTRY - thank you.

TJ at SVsite

In article <843961$9fv$>,


Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
It's an expression. Just as "Columbus" refers not just to the man
Columbus, but the entire affair. You didn't get my POINT Glaezner.
Extreme1 said the same damned thing: "millions of Indians."
You and your fucking semantic quibbling. Stuff it.

Comparison is being made here between conquest/warfare and random acts
of social violence. INVALID COMPARISON. You should have gotten the
CLUE from the thread - and my first sentence about Caesar.

Let's get REAL then. Living in a nation where a seige is going on is
vastly different than having to DAILY lock up everything and fear going
to any major city when the country is NOT under seige or at war. GET
IT? Black crime in the USA can not be validly compared to ANY acts of
conquest/war. Even the mentality of those doing the violence is vastly
different - their motives are vastly different.

PSEUDO-Marxists or neo-Left Maoists would compare the two and say they
are the same. NO THEY ARE NOT. So why are you trying to DERAIL the
point? What - are you another one of those PSEUDO-Marxists that have
duped the Americdan TAX PAYING WORKERS so that they NEVER KNOW OR
REALIZE: that Marxism would really be a government OF, BY and FOR
the so-called dictators in such a system? Are you one of THOSE?

I saw. I came. I conquered. Habitat tracking - something all
organisms do - often they "replace" what's there. Nothing unnatural
about it. I'm not boo hooing anything. Who give a flying fuck about
Columbus. HERE is civilization and the potential for quality of life.
Blacks threaten that. DEAL with it.

TJ at SVsite

In article <>,

"Gary Glaenzer" <> wrote:
> SVsite <> wrote in message
> news:843ltv$h6t$

> > Sorry, invalid comparison. Caesar said: I came, I saw, I CONQUERED!
> >
> > The actions of Columbus

> Well, given that the most generous estimates of the entire
> North/South/Central American population in the late 1400's was in the
> mid-hundred-thousands range, it would have been impossible for
Columbus to
> 'kill millions', now wouldn't it?

> and Hitler were wholesale actions (genocide) on
> > people they conquered, whose land they wanted for themselves.
> >
> > There was NOTHING random about it - and in fact there is nothing
> > psychopathic about it either. If the natives had run away, they'd
> > have been killed! There was no innate rage or desire to do ASOCIAL
> > acts. In fact, conquering was the norm of the time - EVERYWHERE.
> >
> > What is being referred to above is not the same thing at all.
> >

> > TJ at SVsite
> >

> > In article <83v5ch$o1s$>,
> > Extreme1 <> wrote:
> > > Blah, blah, blah.....
> > >
> > > Can't you fucks get the point across without writing a fucking
> > > NOVEL!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!!
> > >
> > > Here's two, 2, dos men for you to ponder your minute brain on.
> > >
> > > Columbus: killed millions of indians. For the name sake of his
> > > Hitler: Killed millions for his so-called master race.
> > >
> > > Those 2,two, dos white men killed more people alone than 10 black
> > > together.
> > >
> > > To sum this up:
> > > FUCK YOU buddy!!!!
> > >
> > > --
> > > " I thought you were made of sterner stuff"
> > > Optimus Prime
> > >


Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
PS! I didn't even SAY "millions." Extreme1 did.

LEARN TO READ WHO POSTS WHAT. Before you plant heel print on chin.



Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99

Dutch Armstrong wrote:

> extreme-ly illit. minimal time spent in history section for chico nog
> painfully obvious.

Minimal time spent in the English language for you is even more obvious.


> Extreme1 wrote:
> > Blah, blah, blah.....
> >
> > Can't you fucks get the point across without writing a fucking
> > NOVEL!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!!
> >
> > Here's two, 2, dos men for you to ponder your minute brain on.
> >
> > Columbus: killed millions of indians. For the name sake of his queen.
> > Hitler: Killed millions for his so-called master race.
> >
> > Those 2,two, dos white men killed more people alone than 10 black men
> > together.
> >
> > To sum this up:
> > FUCK YOU buddy!!!!
> >
> > --
> > " I thought you were made of sterner stuff"
> > Optimus Prime
> >


Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99
Hi Gary, one of your many nightmares is back, but just out of curiosity how
can someone discover something that's already been discovered? Didn't
Columbus supposedly "discover" America? How is this possible if it's already
discovered by the natives? You just seem to have answers for everything, I'm
assuming you have an answer for this?


Gary Glaenzer wrote:

> SVsite <> wrote in message
> news:843ltv$h6t$
> > Sorry, invalid comparison. Caesar said: I came, I saw, I CONQUERED!
> >
> > The actions of Columbus
> Well, given that the most generous estimates of the entire
> North/South/Central American population in the late 1400's was in the
> mid-hundred-thousands range, it would have been impossible for Columbus to
> 'kill millions', now wouldn't it?
> and Hitler were wholesale actions (genocide) on
> > people they conquered, whose land they wanted for themselves.
> >
> > There was NOTHING random about it - and in fact there is nothing
> > psychopathic about it either. If the natives had run away, they'd not
> > have been killed! There was no innate rage or desire to do ASOCIAL
> > acts. In fact, conquering was the norm of the time - EVERYWHERE.
> >
> > What is being referred to above is not the same thing at all.
> >
> > TJ at SVsite
> >
> > In article <83v5ch$o1s$>,

Gary Glaenzer

Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99

It's so nice to see your inane ravings again! I see you have this aching
need to get your butt kicked one more time for the old year's sake.

How have things been over at the hidey-hole in SCAAM? Still letting the
moderators/censors shield you from any of those mean old 'racists' who ask
the really tough questions that you can't bear to answer?

Well, enough of this idle chit-chat:

May I be the first to point out that if the 'natives' were aleady living
here, they could not very well have 'discovered' America, now could they?

'Discover' in the exploratory sense generally is taken to mean setting out
via whatever transportation one uses, and finding other lands, islands,
continents, seas, whatever.
'Discover' implies finding something new. And the spot where the natives
were born, grew up, lived and died was certainly not 'new' to them.

Now that I've cleared that up, shall we discuss the propensity of blacks to
do the majority of drive-by's?

Or do you wish to go hide in the SCAAM hidey-hole for another 5-6 months?

Ass-kickingly yours,


PS:....... 'nightmares'.......(slaps knee)........hahaha.......that's a
good one........


Kathy <> wrote in message

Boss Tweed

Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99

Kathy <> wrote in message
> Hi Gary, one of your many nightmares is back, but just out of curiosity
> can someone discover something that's already been discovered? Didn't
> Columbus supposedly "discover" America? How is this possible if it's
> discovered by the natives?

Talk to McGill and he'll tell you that blacks discovered it first.


Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99
And it's so nice to see that you still have nothing better to do than throw your
inferiority complex around in an ng where you're most unwanted and merely
laughed and made to look like th fool you truly are.. Some things never change,
do they?
And unless someone else is using my name in SCAAM, I'm unaware of this but you
seem to have all the answers, Gary, don't you?
No, "discover" in the White man's world is "Hey, look at this land with all
these people on it. Let's kill a few, the ones we don't kill, let's treat like
shit, make out we're going to be nice to them and then claim it as ours because
after all, we "discovered" it, right?." Isn't that how it goes, Gary. History
doesn't lie.


Gary Glaenzer wrote:

> Kathy,
> It's so nice to see your inane ravings again! I see you have this aching
> need to get your butt kicked one more time for the old year's sake.
> How have things been over at the hidey-hole in SCAAM? Still letting the
> moderators/censors shield you from any of those mean old 'racists' who ask
> the really tough questions that you can't bear to answer?
> Well, enough of this idle chit-chat:
> May I be the first to point out that if the 'natives' were aleady living
> here, they could not very well have 'discovered' America, now could they?
> 'Discover' in the exploratory sense generally is taken to mean setting out
> via whatever transportation one uses, and finding other lands, islands,
> continents, seas, whatever.
> 'Discover' implies finding something new. And the spot where the natives
> were born, grew up, lived and died was certainly not 'new' to them.
> Now that I've cleared that up, shall we discuss the propensity of blacks to
> do the majority of drive-by's?
> Or do you wish to go hide in the SCAAM hidey-hole for another 5-6 months?
> Ass-kickingly yours,
> G
> PS:....... 'nightmares'.......(slaps knee)........hahaha.......that's a
> good one........
> //////////////////////////////////////

> Kathy <> wrote in message
> > Hi Gary, one of your many nightmares is back, but just out of curiosity
> how
> > can someone discover something that's already been discovered? Didn't
> > Columbus supposedly "discover" America? How is this possible if it's
> already

Gary Glaenzer

Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99

Kathy <> wrote in message

> No, "discover" in the White man's world is "Hey, look at this land with
> these people on it. Let's kill a few, the ones we don't kill, let's treat
> shit, make out we're going to be nice to them and then claim it as ours
> after all, we "discovered" it, right?." Isn't that how it goes, Gary.
> doesn't lie.


Nice to see you get your racism out in the open. Must have been a bitch
keeping it bottled up there in SCAAM, eh? Not to mention keeping it bottled
up in front of your hubby.

Gary Glaenzer

Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99

TekNoid <> wrote in message
> The Klu Klux Klan was doing drive bys when names like the Bloods and Crips
> titles for horror movies.
> -TekNoid

Obviously, you weren't around these parts last March when Kathy displayed
her profound ignorance about mutually exclusivity in groups.

It was a classic case of a knee-jerk reaction, one that bit her in the butt
big-time,..........or haven't you noticed the deafening silence on her part
since I brought the subject up?


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
The Klu Klux Klan was doing drive bys when names like the Bloods and Crips were
titles for horror movies.


Gary Glaenzer wrote:

> Kathy,
> It's so nice to see your inane ravings again! I see you have this aching
> need to get your butt kicked one more time for the old year's sake.
> How have things been over at the hidey-hole in SCAAM? Still letting the
> moderators/censors shield you from any of those mean old 'racists' who ask
> the really tough questions that you can't bear to answer?
> Well, enough of this idle chit-chat:
> May I be the first to point out that if the 'natives' were aleady living
> here, they could not very well have 'discovered' America, now could they?
> 'Discover' in the exploratory sense generally is taken to mean setting out
> via whatever transportation one uses, and finding other lands, islands,
> continents, seas, whatever.
> 'Discover' implies finding something new. And the spot where the natives
> were born, grew up, lived and died was certainly not 'new' to them.
> Now that I've cleared that up, shall we discuss the propensity of blacks to
> do the majority of drive-by's?
> Or do you wish to go hide in the SCAAM hidey-hole for another 5-6 months?
> Ass-kickingly yours,
> G
> PS:....... 'nightmares'.......(slaps knee)........hahaha.......that's a
> good one........
> //////////////////////////////////////

> Kathy <> wrote in message

Johnny Chong Gong Wong

Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
Hey NigNoid, too bad your ass wasn't one of their drive by victims!!


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
Pull out one post of mine from SCAAM in the last 4 or 5 months. Go ahead!
And, pray tell, what's my husband got to do with my attitude towards the
"founders" of this country?


Gary Glaenzer wrote:

> Kathy <> wrote in message


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
No if I recall you wanted me to answer all these stupid assed repeated questions
and you weren't giving up.
And what deafening silence are you talking about, idiot?
I'm sorry but I don't have all day to sit on this ng to answer your questions.
After all, I have a job to go to every day. Now can you spell that word, little
boy, much less know what it means?


Gary Glaenzer wrote:

> TekNoid <> wrote in message

> > The Klu Klux Klan was doing drive bys when names like the Bloods and Crips
> were
> > titles for horror movies.
> >
> > -TekNoid
> >


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
well,shit! Ins't that calling the kekkle black? Your bitchass IS
racist. Don't deny the charges, you knuckle draggin',low brow, gruntin'

If you want some of me.............


Leave Kathy alone.

T-netz 4 life.
The one and only t-nnnnnnnnnnnnnetz!
One of the founding members.


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
well,shit! Ins't that calling the kettle black? Your bitchass IS

racist. Don't deny the charges, you knuckle draggin',low brow, gruntin'

If you want some of me.............


Leave Kathy alone.

fuck you anyway

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