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Why do white racists praise white criminal intellect?

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Skiff Islam

Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
When the subject is brought up about hacking they bitch, "You niggers
aren't smart enough to do that." Then you tell them that hackers can
make hell for whites too. They bitch, " It's our invention.
Blahhahahahaha, you niggers wish you could do that!" (I'm not justifying
that there are no black hackers, just making a point of cavemonkey think
it know-it-all-ism.) I bet they wouldn't say that when they get a
fucked-up credit report with about $45,000 on it.


Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
Sure there no Black hackers...last I checked it wasn't a "whites only club"


Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
That, and its a little too far from the niggers dick to his finger tips.

BrokenArrow <> wrote in article


Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
This same "You niggers aren't smart enough to do that." attitude is brought
up as a defense for the large proportion of the serial killers being white.
It is a strange belief system indeed.


Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00

5D <> wrote

> This same "You niggers aren't smart enough to do that." attitude is
> up as a defense for the large proportion of the serial killers being
> It is a strange belief system indeed.

Belief hell, it's fact. It's takes some brains to get away with the minimum
three or more separate murders to qualify for serial status. Most IQ-75
LOOTers are cuffed and stuffed after the first one. But you're right: It's
not an exclusively all-White club, not so much because there are shines out
there with some surplus grey matter, but because when most of the victims
are fellow fecal-faced bucks, ho's, and niglets, law enforcement generally
regards them as "misdemeanor murders"......
African American Serial Killers

Wayne Williams ( Kills: 28)
Suspected of being the Atlanta Child Murderer, Wayne killed mostly young,
black boys and dumped their bodies in the Chattahoochee River. He was caught
when he departed from his modus operandi and murdered a couple of adults.
After his arrest the killings ceased. Police say the evidence against him
was flawed and believe the case should be reopened. Williams' lawyer claimed
a Klansman named Charles Sanders confessed to helping the KKK kidnap and
murder twenty-one black youths. Allegedly, this evidence was suppressed to
avoid a race riot. *The suppression of evidence idea has come to carry less
weight as time has gone on. The physical evidence in the case continues to
support that Wayne Williams is the Atlanta Child Murderer.
*written by Amy Goldman

Gregory Clepper (20+)
Killing more than 20 persons, Gregor Clepper had moved to Chicago from
Minnesota where it is suspected that he may have killed others. Gregory was
arrested in May 1, 1996 in Chicago. He stabbed, gunned, and strangled his

William Ivory (7)
William Ivory, 31, killed 7 persons in East St. Louis. Several were
decapitated. His victims were black women.

Lawrence Fayen (6)
Killing 6 black children in St. Louis and the East Side, Larry, 26, was
arrested in 1991. His method was strangulation after he raped them.

Cleophus Prince, Jr. (6)
Cleophus raped and murdered 6 white women in San Diego. His favorite method
was to stalk women in health clubs, follow them home, enter the house, rape
them, then beat them and strangle them to death. Cleophus started killing in
1990 and was caught in 1991. Received the death penalty.

Craig Price (4)
In Providence, Rhode Island, Craig started killing at 14 years old. Raped
and stabbed and robbed the house of a 28 year old white woman when he was
13. One year later at 15, he entered a house, raped and stabbed a 30
year-old white woman 25 times, then stabbed her two white children 35 times
each; one was 7, the other was 10.

Timmy Spencer (7)
Timmy, 26, raped and murdered 7 white women between 1985 and 1988 in
Richmond, Virginia. Convicted in 1989, executed in 1994, first man convicted
using DNA evidence.

Vaughn Greenwood ( Kills: 11)
In 1974-75 the LAPD found six downtown derelicts with their throats slashed
and their bodies bearing signs of ritualistic abuse. They had cups of blood
next to them, salt sprinkled around the outlines of their heads and cryptic
marks around the slash wounds. When the cops announced that the killer was
probably "a blond, sexually impotent and cowardly homosexual," Greenwood, a
black man, was obviously not in their suspect list. Eventually he was
arrested after he axed someone next to Burt Reynold's house. The police
linked him to the skid row murders and four others. Surely he must have been
wearing a wig or something when he committed his crimes.

Alton Coleman & Debra Brown ( Kills: 8)
Alton Coleman, a black man, thought other blacks were forcing him to kill
members of his race. He was diagnosed by a prison psychiatrist as having
pansexual propensities, that is, willingness "to have intercourse with any
object, women, men, children, whatever." In the summer of 1984, he teamed up
with twenty-one year old Debra Brown for a brutal rampage across the
midwest. They were arrested in Evanston, Illinois after a crime spree in
which they committed a new act of violence each day. Alton was sentenced to

Harrison Graham ( Kills: 7+)
This lethal junkie from hell lived in a fetid two-room apartment in North
Philadelphia that was covered with trash, dirty syringes and a sea of fleas.
In the summer of 1987, after numerous complaints from his neighbors, the
police pried his door open and found six female bodies in different states
of decomposition. On the roof they found a duffel bag full of legs and a
torso in the neighbor's basement. All the dead women were black junkies like
himself who he invited over for a fix and a little one-on-one.

Darnell McGee (31+)
Darnell McGee killed his victims through unprotected sex. Darnell
deliberately and knowingly killed black and white women by infecting them
with the AIDS virus in St. Louis and East St. Louis. So far, more than 31
women are known to have been infected with a total of 101 identified as
having sexual relations with him.

Eighth Street Killer ( Kills: 31)
It took fifteen deaths for Dade County authorities to acknowledge the
existence of an unidentified killer operating in the streets of Miami. He
preys after black prostitutes that he picks up and dumps in Miami's famous
Eighth Street. As of June, 1995, he is up to thirty-one hits and counting

Southside Slayer ( Kills: 12+)
The Southside Slayer has tallied at least twelve black women (mostly
crack-addicted prostitutes) in Los Angeles since 1984. After denying the
existence of a serial killer wiping out "strawberries" in South Central LA,
authorities arrested a black policemen in 1993 in connection to the
killings. The man proved to be innocent but the whole incident ruined his
career in the police department. The real killer is still at large and at
work in the streets of Los Angeles.


Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00
In article <>, "Byker" <> wrote:

> 5D <> wrote
> > This same "You niggers aren't smart enough to do that." attitude is
> brought
> > up as a defense for the large proportion of the serial killers being
> white.
> > It is a strange belief system indeed.
> Belief hell, it's fact. It's takes some brains to get away with the minimum
> three or more separate murders to qualify for serial status. Most IQ-75
> LOOTers are cuffed and stuffed after the first one. But you're right: It's
> not an exclusively all-White club, not so much because there are shines out
> there with some surplus grey matter, but because when most of the victims
> are fellow fecal-faced bucks, ho's, and niglets, law enforcement generally
> regards them as "misdemeanor murders"......
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


There are plenty of multiple 3+ gang and drug related murders made by
blacks, some are caught and some are not. What makes a serial killer a
serial killer is not a high IQ it is his reason or motive for killing.

Negroes usually kill for personal gain, crime of passion, revenge or
retaliation. The serial killer kills for neither of those reasons. They
have an urge to kill.
Generally, murder/homicide happens for a few very BASIC reasons.

First, which actually fits into category 1, is an outcome of an
event: a quarrel, rage, reaction to an insult, or jealousy (Holmes,
DeBurger, Serial Murder).

Category 2, is the "for gain" type of murder. Examples of this
would be: monetary gains, revenge, protection of ones self, or even
power. (Holmes, DeBurger, Serial Murder)

The above applies to gang bangers, white and black. Past & present.
The below applies to Serial Killers:

Once we step outside of these "normal" motives for murder, we step into
the far more serious-- such as serial murder. This is the type of murder
that has perplexed all of us since Jack the Ripper.

For the serial killer, the motivation is not one of money, or the
out-come of an event. The serial killer is simply motivated to kill; as
you or I need water, the serial killer needs to kill. Generally, their
need to kill is fueled by fantasies which have been building for some
time. Currently, the thought seems to be that the need for control,
power, and dominance is the major driving force behind the killings.

Motives for their killings are not as obvious as the for-gain or
reaction murderer. Their motives are generally internal, which is the
mystery which must be solved to figure out why one particular serial
killer is killing.

Criminal Profiling

Who is a Serial Killer?
Find out the differences between typical killers vs. serial killers

Bull Connor

Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00

Skiff Islam wrote in message <>...

>When the subject is brought up about hacking they bitch, "You niggers
>aren't smart enough to do that." Then you tell them that hackers can
>make hell for whites too. They bitch, " It's our invention.
>Blahhahahahaha, you niggers wish you could do that!" (I'm not justifying
>that there are no black hackers, just making a point of cavemonkey think
>it know-it-all-ism.) I bet they wouldn't say that when they get a
>fucked-up credit report with about $45,000 on it.

But answer the question, monkey. Why are there no nigger hackers
vandalizing Web sites, breaking into Air Force defense computers, stealing
passwords from phone company computers, breaking DVD-encryption schemes,

I'll tell you why: you're too dumb. That's nothing new, of course, but it
does serve as another glaring example of jigaboo inferiority.

And the much more visible example of no nigger contestants on "Who Wants To
Be A Millionaire?" is telling: when you darkies are forced to compete
fairly, you *cannot* cut it.

Bull Connor

Nurse KAT

Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00
>(Bull Connor)
>Re: Why do white racists praise white
>criminal intellect?
>But answer the question, monkey. Why
>are there no nigger hackers vandalizing
>Web sites, breaking into Air Force defense
>computers, stealing passwords from
>phone company computers, breaking
>DVD-encryption schemes, etc?
>I'll tell you why: you're too dumb. That's
>nothing new, of course, but it does serve
>as another glaring example of jigaboo

Hmmm...I was always under the impression that crime is crime. Leave it
to a racist to *justify* a criminal act committed mainly by whites.

>And the much more visible example of no
>nigger contestants on "Who Wants To Be
>A Millionaire?" is telling: when you darkies
>are forced to compete fairly, you *cannot*
>cut it.

I watched that show (in it's entirety) for the first time last week.
It's rare, indeed, to find a TV show providing such intellectual
stimulation as:
<<>> <<>> <<>>
(paraphrasing) What color is a UPS truck?
a.) Gold
b.) Green
c.) Red
d.) Brown
<<>> <<>> <<>>
Look out, Jeopardy!

Nurse KAT says: So, really think the questions on "Who Wants
to be a Millionaire" can be used to measure intelligence? Is that your
final answer? LMAO! PEACE!

Skiff Islam

Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00

Byker wrote:

> 5D <> wrote
> > This same "You niggers aren't smart enough to do that." attitude is
> brought
> > up as a defense for the large proportion of the serial killers being
> white.
> > It is a strange belief system indeed.
> Belief hell, it's fact.  It's takes some brains to get away with the minimum
> three or more separate murders to qualify for serial status.  Most IQ-75
> LOOTers are cuffed and stuffed after the first one.  But you're right:  It's
> not an exclusively all-White club, not so much because there are shines out
> there with some surplus grey matter, but because when most of the victims
> are fellow fecal-faced bucks, ho's, and niglets, law enforcement generally
> regards them as "misdemeanor murders"......
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> African American Serial Killers

And they all have white blood in them...........

Skiff Islam

Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00

Bull Connor wrote:

> Skiff Islam wrote in message <>...
> >When the subject is brought up about hacking they bitch, "You niggers
> >aren't smart enough to do that." Then you tell them that hackers can
> >make hell for whites too. They bitch, " It's our invention.
> >Blahhahahahaha, you niggers wish you could do that!" (I'm not justifying
> >that there are no black hackers, just making a point of cavemonkey think
> >it know-it-all-ism.) I bet they wouldn't say that when they get a
> >fucked-up credit report with about $45,000 on it.

> But answer the question, monkey.  Why are there no nigger hackers
> vandalizing Web sites, breaking into Air Force defense computers, stealing
> passwords from phone company computers, breaking DVD-encryption schemes,
> etc?

Because they don't need to get blamed when your cavemonkey assed momma's
prescription gets fucked up. I doubt if it can survive on doses of rat

> I'll tell you why: you're too dumb.

Wow! Why praise these type of people you fucking cumskin?

> That's nothing new, of course, but it
> does serve as another glaring example of jigaboo inferiority.

Vomitskin, the latest white ape who just got realeased from prison hacked for
the fun of it. So when you go to the bank and find all kinds of negative
transactions, we'll see who's the jigboo, punk.

> And the much more visible example of no nigger contestants on "Who Wants To
> Be A Millionaire?" is telling: when you darkies are forced to compete
> fairly, you *cannot* cut it.

> Bull Connor

Explains the reason why you haven't been on the show yet, sun cricket. 

Bull Connor

Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00

Nurse KAT wrote in message

>Hmmm...I was always under the impression that crime is crime. Leave it
>to a racist to *justify* a criminal act committed mainly by whites.

I didn't justify any crime, and you know it. I pointed out that computer
hacking and cracking takes intelligence blacks do not, and never will,

But if you want to see someone justify crime, just wait until your little
crime-spree-niglets start breaking the law. You and your "husband" will
fall all over each other dismissing their brutal behavior as "kids will be
kids," or "it be a response to racism," or "dey didn't know what dey was

>Nurse KAT says: So, really think the questions on "Who Wants
>to be a Millionaire" can be used to measure intelligence? Is that your
>final answer? LMAO! PEACE!

Again, like the dishonest darkie you are, you're ignoring more proof about
lamebrain niggers and trying to put words in my mouth. Above, I never
justified White crime, and I never said that game show measured
intelligence. As a test of current and historical facts, and everyday
knowledge, the near total absence of darkies on the show is proof positive
of a lack of brain functioning amongst jigaboos.

In fact, since ABC holds the auditions for the show in big cities (where
more niggers are found - for instance, my city has a nigger population of
around 50%), more than 13% of the contestants should be black. But the
presence of fewer than three coons out of several hundred contestants says
this about niggers: you're stupid.

So you can ignore my statements all you want, or try to say I was justifying
White crime, but in the end, blacks will still be the dumb, lascivious
beasts they prove themselves to be, night after murdering, illegitimate

Bull Connor

Bull Connor

Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00

Skiff Islam wrote .......

>Because they don't need to get blamed when your cavemonkey assed >momma's
>prescription gets fucked up. I doubt if it can survive on doses of rat

What are you trying to say, slave-ape? Address the question: "Why aren't
there any nigger hackers/crackers?"

>Wow! Why praise these type of people you fucking cumskin?

Who praised anyone, boy? They're punk White kids committing acts of
vandalism and theft, but the crimes they commit require intelligence you
blackies don't have, and never will. Understand, negro? You're stupid.

>Vomitskin, the latest white ape who just got realeased from prison hacked
>the fun of it. So when you go to the bank and find all kinds of negative
>transactions, we'll see who's the jigboo, punk.

What's a "negative transaction", nigger?

>Explains the reason why you haven't been on the show yet, sun cricket.

How do you know I haven't, nigger?

Bull Connor


Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00

Nurse KAT <> wrote in message

I watched that show (in it's entirety) for the first time last week.
It's rare, indeed, to find a TV show providing such intellectual
stimulation as:
<<>> <<>> <<>>
(paraphrasing) What color is a UPS truck?
a.) Gold
b.) Green
c.) Red
d.) Brown
<<>> <<>> <<>>
Look out, Jeopardy!

If you watched the show in it's entirety,then why didn't you mention
some of the questions that were obviously not one of the first few
asked? If all of the questions are that easy,then why isn't everyone
walking away a millionaire.
BTW,I see you didn't answer the UPS truck question either. ;-)



Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00

Bull Connor wrote:

> But answer the question, monkey. Why are there no nigger hackers
> vandalizing Web sites, breaking into Air Force defense computers, stealing
> passwords from phone company computers, breaking DVD-encryption schemes,
> etc?

> I'll tell you why: you're too dumb. That's nothing new, of course, but it

> does serve as another glaring example of jigaboo inferiority.

> And the much more visible example of no nigger contestants on "Who Wants To
> Be A Millionaire?" is telling: when you darkies are forced to compete
> fairly, you *cannot* cut it.
> Bull Connor

Wrong BC, Enrollment by blacks at the UC system is up and climbing. This is
after the abolishment of racial set asides and AF. So your argument doesn't
hold water. This new crop of students is competeing on their own merits.


Feb 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/6/00

5D <> wrote

> Wrong BC, Enrollment by blacks at the UC system is up and climbing. This
> after the abolishment of racial set asides and AF. So your argument
> hold water. This new crop of students is competeing on their own merits.

That's because the curriculum has been dumbed down to accommodate them.
What is taught as "college-level" material these days was taught in high
schools and even junior highs forty years ago.....

Feb 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/6/00
Brother Byker,

Even if they have "dumbed down" the curriculum as you asserted, under
the current merit system you woould imagine that the number of Whites
and Asians would be climbing instead of the number of Blacks?

How do explain this?


Sent via
Before you buy.

Nurse KAT

Feb 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/6/00
>From: (Ruff-Cut)

>Re: Why do white racists praise white
>criminal intellect?
>      If you watched the show in it's
>entirety,then why didn't you mention some
>of the questions that were obviously not
>one of the first few asked? If all of the
>questions are that easy,then why isn't
>everyone walking away a millionaire.

I was using an example of some of the easier,
"if-you've-ever-been-awake" kind of questions typical to that show.
Here's one that might be a little harder for some:

**What does a sphygmomanometer measure? a.) body temperature b.) heart
rhythm c.) air pressure d.) blood pressure?

For real, don't feel that this game is up to the
intellectual standards of Jeopardy, do you? I mean, a guy actually had
to use a "Lifeline" to figure out what the Schoolhouse Rock song, "I'm
Just a Bill" represented! Just the fact that it's multiple choice and
displays the right answer, as opposed to making you *produce* the
answer, is a major difference between the two shows.

>      BTW,I see you didn't answer the UPS
>truck question either. ;-)


Nurse KAT says: PEACE! ;-)

Wayne Johnson

Feb 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/7/00
On Sun, 6 Feb 2000 23:45:28 -0500 (EST), (Nurse
KAT) wrote:

>>From: (Ruff-Cut)
>>Re: Why do white racists praise white
>>criminal intellect?

>>=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0If you watched the show in it's

>>entirety,then why didn't you mention some
>>of the questions that were obviously not
>>one of the first few asked? If all of the
>>questions are that easy,then why isn't
>>everyone walking away a millionaire.
>I was using an example of some of the easier,
>"if-you've-ever-been-awake" kind of questions typical to that show.
>Here's one that might be a little harder for some:
>**What does a sphygmomanometer measure? a.) body temperature b.) heart
>rhythm c.) air pressure d.) blood pressure?

Blood pressure.

i hope

Wayne "Just send a truck with the cash to my'll be waiting
at the airport, warmed up and ready to go" Johnson

Wayne Johnson

Feb 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/7/00
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From: "Bull Connor" <>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.african.american,alt.flame.niggers
Subject: Re: Why do white racists praise white criminal intellect?
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Skiff Islam wrote .......

Bull Connor

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There has been a concerted attempt by neo-nazis to make this newsgroup
unusable, by filling it with this kind of hate speech. I ask that you
investigate this matter as soon as possible.

Following is a copy of the newsgroup charter for
soc.culture.african.american. adopted in April, 1992:

***********BEGIN CHARTER=============

>1) This shall be an unmoderated newsgroup to discusses issues and
> events of interest to people of African descent residing in the
> general vicinity of the United States of America, which would
> encompass the United States, Canada, and the islands of the
> Carribean.
>2) Anyone can post to this newsgroup.
>3) Articles posted to this group should be of interest to the readers
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>4) Articles related to other ethnic groups are welcome and encouraged,
> so long as the discussion does not get inflammatory (see 3) above).

***********END CHARTER*****************

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Wayne Johnson

Oloosi Ni Yin!

Feb 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/7/00

> But answer the question, monkey. Why are there no nigger hackers
> vandalizing Web sites, breaking into Air Force defense computers,
> passwords from phone company computers, breaking DVD-encryption
> etc?

> I'll tell you why: you're too dumb. That's nothing new, of course,
but it
> does serve as another glaring example of jigaboo inferiority.
> And the much more visible example of no nigger contestants on "Who
Wants To
> Be A Millionaire?" is telling: when you darkies are forced to compete
> fairly, you *cannot* cut it.
> Bull Connor

Sure, criminal connor, blacks are too dumb, just pray you never come in
contact with a Nigerian scammer because by the time he's done with you,
you won't have no trailer to even "inbred" in.

Bull Connor

Feb 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/7/00

Oloosi Ni Yin! wrote in message <87m1am$6ev$>...

>Sure, criminal connor, blacks are too dumb, just pray you never come in
>contact with a Nigerian scammer because by the time he's done with you,
>you won't have no trailer to even "inbred" in.

Sure, nigger, like a stupid, monkey-sounding Nigerian scammer will get to
say more than two words to me before I tell him I'm not interested in his
nigger activities.

Bull Connor

The Imperial Grand Wizard

Feb 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/13/00

Skiff Islam wrote:

> And they all have white blood in them...........

Actually Skiff, when a nigger goes to the plasma center, they are taking blood
not pumping it in, so the chances of any of these niggers having white blood in
them is remote at best, unless of course one preformed cunnilingus on a White
woman while she was menstruating . Really all that matters to the nigger is the
$20 it will recieve for its plasma donation, and the malt liquor it will soon buy
with it.

Remember, "Good Rail Road Tracks Make Good Neighbors!"

The Imperial Grand Wizard

Wayne Johnson

Feb 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/13/00
On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 14:09:52 -0600, The Imperial Grand Wizard
<K...@WhiteSupremacy.Com> wrote:

> Actually Skiff, when a nigger

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